rv: aaax". - II - . y 1 it . V----. I . -A .. . II II - . f i.ti ?l I viv II ,T .IT.. W.-KX',T :. n -v 'inr'Jn.r;. '.. 1 i 2 PRICE .5 CENTS." it 1 k r ! i; 1 i ' r .. ' - 4. h 'k I t. t r i' r $" ; r i , LOCAL :NEVS.! 9 I - " H- -" -L'J t . Naw Berne, latitude, 15 f North. J 0un riaae.SS I Length f day," r ) . -un mi, :1 1 19 honzij IS atiauta. i . Moon eu m 1830 a.m. - wbo hu oooidertle ,ezperiei)e M - ttenuil itmxrti m iftufin la a dry toad atr. williB2 to, work for Man apply M Jouma.l offioo. ' adTMtIt SCSI Ri J- AUeadowt r.B"riiilMp!k',.Ufl, t tfa4 Boo oB 7Uroy l.W of iho Cht lotto fffwai,jrllaliinfcBdo4 rer . ii i : I to May ot lUooowa. - - - -' Boa. 8. Disarm n Bolfcitor J. H ' OoUIao ' Mkodio the Twplr st Jamoi and Whito 111 follow fat due time, ;ir fco)o oToottooufiom PiU ooonty were aobt jb )Bf chungo yostorday by K; W. Wv Bmallwood, and one frofli JOaaMir ounty by ureen, Foy JYlioae wUhlngto ailbacrlU for Be v. Mr; Vaoa'fortbpootDg took on the re . Ugiouii ' kiatory of New' Berne and thii aeoUoa oaadoaobr applying to Mr. T. A. Henry, M Patteraon't ehoe atore. Mr. S. L. Keelet, of Northwest Point, UgwjhowM U Papalloo onnd. wr.itee thalhU aUtoo wee Tiolentlr ahaken on the lktM Angoat. The houe rpokeA MtU Mr wife became aksk aa of ten aieknex. Three diatlnot ahooka were felt. . JO.' Wrfl B4 d Wenie1 aceeu for the aaU of the "The Ue Book," which con tain the aneaaolni of Oen. Robert E. LMnetfrlUtorykiatoty andcampaigna Krery wriviacaoMiet ot the Army ot Northern VMntl wiir-fMibUe teel aa bterMJifcJI fc nJ tbiiild have 1 onaaiftttri AcohelUioo ticket for Craves cwiBjyqUl pp the cam; peisink Tajkeboib aeii aWatdey , Septi l9aiiHotk.jmC;CkUlL-WPK Ust. Eaq., O. Dokba. t). ftthnaon and others wifl Adflreet at (hattjme end will, fully -oxoUiav-to them why nTuC "fhalow, wCo 'ta, mi fCaUMtq seateMaj. ohoonae- a 4 ia aaakiaf pi .i jB lie here aiaUloiAe tteimy.VW r6ttUMV aH fn erew. eeu tk4eaeahttieae tl eyste alMr. XW fiWm 4Wk W ; JaVWCrawfaad auid: feebly hate Ool. - oe. K. VkHrord end .fainJJy 1.JI II I l ll lV - ,kiiUi - a4led jri la itwaa T " ilx fJI? J!!jms7a!!i!! Tsw ttrrn- Daily and weekly The Pre fra PmW, Trw! r?s'yMP oil ';af fte '!atati?;M i A tTJfatmB auilTUraln Bx ,' paetori btuf'Ti. Wffi drrTed pLU Ld.'iSdXlrne of , , - ' v jrrAi, tiat was plaoei "V 'fiiVai:iieamlot the U .u -Iv alsaalr; aaaf'lteS . , i , ""j tte heen-actU t taxee - r t Is ttv' (Vr county by the -4." ' " rjii...'i.diMih3Ceeper ,,... . - eanta while the -' for e'- fl ' , to r.'ii a? t-.-oirwUng - ,v u.xrver or de cottetr ' txr vers or lie Mttety ' ami ot-' H ort til I IT j t t r. y vry yewt for a ' 9i Caa theeouaty a'tf lL kroperty r f e t Ti3 and e?ty r tv e J If not, ,.4 I 4 ( .1 i,4 Vti ! s rf-e iviti .... . v - t t i. The t7&io Cam Metin it Barring ton) Wood to now open. Owing to the frequent ahowera for everl,daja the prepentiona were not complete, bat the maeetlng , waa formally opened yester day by electing Ber. J. W. Telfair fyhnlnria , who tend J. portkm of the acripiarea ana waa loiiowea witn prayer ReV.1 W. Hi Thtirber. Serrieea' will be held todtry at 11 a m., i p. aaand 8 p. n. Bey. J C Price, of Saliabury. arrived Uat night and will attend today. There la an auditorium well covered which will aeet -eotnfvtally on thons and persona and tweleet or fifteen hun dred oaa get la good, hearing range of the preacher's stand. A aepaiite arbor is arranged for white ytsitora onder which 'several hundred may be accommodated and hear the discourse and ainging. The undergrowth has been cut out aAd beautiful grounds lakt out for the comfort and eonvenienoeof all. Drive wells were betas? placed and a supply of good water wul be obtained. A large attendance is expected today and tomorrow, and ample arrangements are made at the ferry to transport per sons each way at the moderate cost of ten oence for the round trip. Who Owns the Properljil the property of the following persons in James City was sold for taxes by Sheriff Hahn for 1885, and he has made deeds to the county for the said prop erty: Daniel Keys, Either Bpellman, KobU Spivey, Lolly Keys. Gilbert Bpruill, Henry Bpruill, Anthony Kinsey, 8am l I Btallinga, sr., Willis Stanly, Hester Latham, Hasty Taylor, Thomas Vail, Wm. Latham, Hardy Walker, Edward White, Mosea Latham, Mary A. White head, Whltehurst, Armstead Leery, Hardy Willie ma, Eliza Campball, John R. Mordeoai, Mraes Campbell, Henry Cannon, Mourning Moore. Peter Claghon, Susan Copes, Wm. Henry Moore, Frank Commander, Patsey Cut ler, David Marsh, Sylvester Cordon, Daniel Cutler. Jim Madison. Oden Craw ford, Jaa. Baprett, Delia Melton, Chaney Urawfora, Hobt. Bryan, Riley Moore, Sophia Barnes, Prince Bryan, Ueorge Moore, PiU Bryan, Joseph Bryan, John MeHeal, Hetty Braddy, Baker Boyd, Nathaniel M. Porter, Lewis Borden , Jaa. H. Bland, Kelly Speight, Thos. Ulan go, Riley , Blaeao, rJoka 1 1 Sanders, John Blasefe, loaephlBehsan, Hester Simp eon, Wm. Bern be ry, Jordan Jenkens, Martha Simpson, Rich Havens, Fers. Jones, Alfred Small, Mathew and Chloe Jones, Robert Long, Sanders Smidick, heirs Jacob Griffin, Redmond Jones, heirs Lucinda Eborn, Moses Little, Maria Lewie. Edw. W. Bembery, Esther Ballard, Anthony Eskelt, Willis Elliott, sr.. Deny Eborn, Isaac rerebee, Elizabeth Hints. Luke Jones, Mark Nicholas, Olive Williams, Geo. Willis, Paul Williaau, jr., Paul Williams, sr., Luke Williams, Lewis Williams. There la also a large number of deeds for taaea 18W and 1884. The average tax due by the above pereons i about fifteen cents: the cost paid by the county on each deed was two dollar aed sixty-five eente. ' ' Tax Pay bk. ' " rewas ! Star , .; t, , HotanKft,Tea.-Febv 1836. Koesaaav yearr my wife has been af Dieted with a large eating ulcer ot the lag, which has had the attention of sev eral doctors, and the use of all kinds of anedieine, without benefit. , aw waa oM that li. V. B. .would cure her. i Baa baa aead two hostlaa, and the ntoers improved rapidly tmtU entirely "iwea ila Irm aad only medicine rth.. AiA M rnftA ' , thai ever did ear rood. . sou in New Barae by B. N. Duffy and E. H. Meadows. The Xjateet Trona Char Us ton. Chaxxxstost, S. C, Sept. 9. The city iequ tat today, though a dream of abso- aMtiamsmity from danger wae rudely lapel lea by a smart .but la nocuous shock of aa . eartbqoake between one ft ad two o'clock this moramg.. Shelter has beea pretty' well provided for all Aha kocorieee. but' etxpaeled ralne will ae Bvucb nflerwgt&atloBa are be llng laeued to all persona who are reooat (meaaedtrf any, clergymen 6r aoy re- putaxae aensena . xao wnr to via rauei oommltl , Charleston wiil alee fur nish rationa la eowe way to destitute perseas at 8ummefvin ana Ju. Pleaa-ant.- There ara rumora that oouatry aee-roea will flock in here In hone of hiving m Idrenrsa, and (hat cotton fields and track farms will be desertea, nut thie to not likely to last, if tt begins, a mat reine are takes to prevent loafer from taking ad vaatage of the diatribu. P tioa "of food by the relist committee, A bnard of eegfaeere are at work. They (ndvtMt t' s. parapet of, the western aonioaat U euetoaa bomaa to eermualy damaged aad' Its;' rrpafr will inrolve eotenderakle expense, but the building ki safe and baa enstained no other in iuriee. The rtnftoe to laraaged and Mr. Spier would adytoe a change were there any available build lags procura ble. It will be propped up temporarily utd rendered asie. - The old olub bouse an ltig atre4 to an entire wreck and wi'l be pulled down. They find the bull Jin? of the" Ctarieatoa cotton factory but liUle dam?ed and entirely mtm,- with the exwr' n of ' the sooth I of t.e fourth e'ry, Which, they Ok! . e &uU be dra In with toon roda i The nsdve chLnrvy to severely cracked at a point about two-thirds of e fy tr-s T e com r-:t tee reoom--- 1 t it uiJ be fu.ied down as ihtaatheerecka. r- -: ; .':-Xr.' ? if Tea wuu a Cd Artlci: Ji ' T" iC" : j-" t-'nf for - ' 4 ; - till -WU i Oea. B.T, Butlay aaye hi is net awing into polities any more. fj Large schools of whales are raported off the banks of Mew Foaadlaad .-jr The Kiatiasippi river to said to have been lower this summer than tot years. Mayor Couxtenay estlaatea the earn age to bniidiagtr to iCharleetpa h ajx millioa dollar, r, . . . , ,., .. f Mrs. Gen:, W, fi. Hancock has about completed writing the reminiscence ot her late husband. They are to be pub liehed this winter. A visitor to the cemetery at Mobile Ala., bits that the grave of Father Ryan, the poet priest of the South, scarcely recognizable for the grass and weeds. Hon. 8. S. Cox is credited with hav ing written home to a friend that he ex peeled to returned from Constanatinople early in October and announce hisaeelf as a candidate for the Democratic nom ination for Congr Great Britain is closely watching the movements of Russia, Germany and Austria with regard to their move ments concerning the Bulgarian criaU In a word, John Bull will not be ignored when the tick man's effects are to be distributed. A Los Angeles (Cel.) paper having ao appreciation for the beautiful, com plains: Tli ere are too many artists here, and not enough tillers of the soil too many people trying to paint sunsets and picturesque scenes, and too few ho are willing to set out vines and plant fruit trees. A Dakota farmer, grumbling at the poor outlook for wheat in the early summer, offered to Rive to bis wife all tbe wheat he would hav over 1,500 bushels. He has just housed some over ,000 bushels, and his better-half memoranda begins, one black silk dress, two new bonnets, etc., etc, The surrender of Geronimo, the noted Apache chief, and hi blood-thirsty fol lowers, will bring a feeling of great re lief to the inhabitants of Arizona and New Mexico. These savages have been the terror of that region for year, and have successfully defied the combined pursuit of United States and Mexican troops, crossing and recreating the frontier with wonderful adroitness, and oa every occasion they would hie from their hidden recesses in tb moun tain gorges and murder inoffensive in habitants, burn their home and carry away all movable property. Upon this surrender may be termed the close of the Apache campaign. Treasurer's Report for Month of Aug. Tiiomab Daniels. 7VtMwrr, in account with the CStv of New Berne, 18Hfl. Aug. 7. To balance. 83J.74 7. Tocaahf'rnTaxColleoV 86. 00 14. . B. W. Morris. back tax, 18S 14. " Tax Collector 17.51 150.00 " 2i. onr'Q 7!t 'wf00 " 2N. . V' i I " i I .400 Sept. 4. " " " 60.00 " 7. " City Marshal 19.47 8. " from L. II. Cutler t75.00 I7W.72 Meadows $80.00 Danieto 18.66 Sep t 7, 1886. By c p 'd E. II . Thos. John M, Herget M.00 JobaW.Bowdoa 80.00 " B.F. Ketchum 80.00 " Geo. C. Broadatreet... 80.00 " JohnC-Qreen 28.00 " R. H.Hilton 28.00 " W. N.Baa,... 20.00 44 Robert William 20.00 J.R. Wynat 2.00 il Wm. H. OMver 10.00 " Nswberu Aead amy ... 8.00 " W.a Ftolde,L 28.00 " New Berne Journal... 8.00 " Atlaatio Eng. Co...... . 10.00 " Newbera Eng. Co 10.00 " street ft pomp 184.08 HaaoookBroa. 4.8S ' Oawmaa, Thompson Co 9.92 " Newbera Oa Lt Co. 15,80 " W. R. Barrtngton 85 " Newbera Eng. Co 80.11 44 Atlantic Eng. Co. 9.00 " N. 8. Richardson et Bon. 7.75 " Jonas McDaaiei 7.60 44 A.L.Fellett, . . book : 12.50 41 J. A. Meadow 47.40 44 J. a Whitty .... 88.76 Balance , 28.50 ! -Ml ft! 1 , ' .1 I - , . -j . ..$712.72 The - following te an Itemized state ment of the 8184,03 eharged to streets and pumps: Geo. Hill, polio la place otBow- I - den while sick-...-... t 100 Fred Lewie, driver Atlantic Eo- gine Oou... .4.nr i,r John Btanrpa, drive New Berne Willie Rose, pump tnpeotor. Rodman Squire, work on atreeto Moeee Roberta, work oa atrset. Samuel Cook, boring well for . Rnt af ma : $0.00i 20.00 80.00 2L75 2L75 85.00 awwa r.xprsw ut cnarKea on tax nook........ -........... ; ",40 Edward, BroughtCHt 4k Co., Bal- - - sigh tax book 7.60 . H. Holton, one-half repairing-, j : . brid ge ......i..w ., tm -. 1.68' "i 1 . ':--' . .T i "' " Nf:... -:;. ' : flW.08 : V", Trob. Dairigu, i ' Sworn to "t tufxr'Ned before zee the 8th day of t -t., V i. , . J. Ik, li. t T AWAT, "-'Jn: i . 1? . . Alexander Leavt Bulgaria. Sofia, Sept 8-Prinoe Alexander has signed the deed at abdication, and ha departed from. bona. A panpaei mass of people witnessed Alexaa&r depart ure from the -palace," and thousand lined the route taken, by him-' through the town. The Ptiiee Jlod in hie car riage, bo w In g, atvj -esjmg i "Good-bye, my b roth ren.iS' populace were much affectedrXeaxs fptang to many eyes, and heartKw(hevrer express! for the Prince' fcpeedyjeturn. Prince Alexander will go fins to Lom-Palanka. A manifesto was issued by Alexander prior to hi departure. It says: "We, Alexander, Prince of Buhraria. being convinced that our departure will con- triDute to Bulgaria's liberation, having received assurance from the Czar that the independence, liberty and rights of our country snail remain intact and that nobody shall interfere with its in ternal affairs, inform our beloved peo ple that we renounce the throne, wish ing to prove how dear to us are the in- tercets of BuUraria, for which we are willing to sacrifice that which is more preaious to u than life." AXtet expressing his erection for his subject and his heartfelt gratitude for tneir nevotion, ne aay no wui paty foa to shield and prosper the country. He concludes by asking the people to obey toe regency and the ministry, to the end that order and peace may be pre served. Prince Alexander is accompanied by M. Stambouloff. The Prince will go direct to Darmstadt. London, Sept. C -On the definite ab dication of Prince Alexander Turkioli and Russian commissioners will b ap pointed to form provisional govern ment to conduct Bulgarian affairs pend ing the electron by the general assembly of a new ruler. The Porte has formally declared thai Turkey will never consent to any proposal. oontinKimt or other, thatRuetiia shall occ upy Bulgaria, Hast- ern Koumalia or any pari of lurkey, and the Porte has sent a note to the powers pray ins: them to pievent a for eign military occupation of Bulgaria. Diplomats at Constaalinople believe that the Bulgarian national assembly ill re-elect l'rince Alexander. The Vienna 1'reie Presse av that Prince Alexander yesterday, when de livering his farewell address to bis offi cers and Informing; them of the urgent necessity be was under to leave Bul garia, said: "If tny departure is not forever, it is luitil the natioaal assembly of Bulgaria decideetthCaaaAiog.' The ot. reteroburg Novoe Vremya urges Russia to secure a good under standing with Turkey, and urges Tur key not to abandon its traditional policy of adapting itself to existing circum stances. A Kusso-Turklsh alliance, adda tbe Novoe Vremya, would solve the Bulgarian question. Russia should concern herself lee about Western Europe in order to obtain a freer hand In the East. Turkey has' authorized the Ottoman Bank to issue a loan of 500,000 Turkish pound, half payable liireetry knd the remainder In Installments. The popuaUud $IBwrt alt almost in a state of lnltjrrfecTIon Because of the active effort of Turkey to force Syrian recruits Into the Turkish army. The Syrian reserves have been called out and a general consoription , is being en forced . Several thousand recruit have been sent to Damascus. The people generally are much 'excited. Trade is stagnant. Moftt of the 'people' are very poor and the recruit woo are sent away from their homes as a rule leave their ive and fhmilios destitute." Pajub, 8ept.J8. The- Soir say it is probable that Baiwo Mohrenheim, the present Russian ' ambassador to France, Will succeed M. de Crier a Russian minister of foreign affair, the Oar being dissatisfied with the ooureeef M. de Giers in the Bulgalrim ff air. A continual drooDinz on a very rainy day and a contention woman are alike. ' No wonder, poor ols, they are such slave to headache.' One twenty-five cent spent for a bottle of Salvation Oil will restore harmony in the, household. A Villhg Inundated ' Havanha, Sept. 8.-Tbe springs which recently appeartdi Maritbe Vil lage of Ceibadelagua continue to flow hi undiminished volume, and in. aoite Or effort to deviate the water from its oourse the inundation, is increasing. A portion of the village to now more than three feet under water. The inhabi tant are panio stricken, and are leav ing the locality in increasing numbers! ADVICE TO MOTHER. Mas. Wwslow's Sooth iNa Syrup should always be need for children teething. It soothes the child, soften the gum, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is tbe best remedy for diar- hcea. Twenty-Dve cents a bottle. janMdtuthsatwlv Lively Work with Pistol in Texas. Kin ned y Station, Tex.. Sept. 7. An affray occurred bet weu two Mexican ana its L annoara tm' one- aiae ana officers on the other af paleyville, theeeJ mite from ker. at a e iAk vesteraav. in the course tx tbe;vrrf oh;ahe trjoatf option quecuon; in, wtuo.tja erra Tata Elder, his hrothe, 1: at'teriff B. KU. tlt lfr. TnlU m Wlll ontrightr telfatlAherifI JaokTitatoy and anotfiey. member rbT-Jha.Fuliaa family were dangerously j wounded, and County 'Attorney Grave, Deputy Sheriff Blair; Charfe" Dalley, and W. u. Botier were uigauy iniured. -THe two Pulleci were old men, and were not engaged in- the affray. rTbey were hit by try bullets. '.The Mexican en gaged in . the thpoling have- escaped. County Attorney: Grave has tele graphed to Gov. .Ireland for four ran gers to aid. in .capturing ue .Mexioaaa and- ethers . aagaged ia tbe ebooting . The row grew out of.tbe election, iu mij vjiiu wm.i turn aivBuaitns and lever of earty morning walk will Cad tin is "a true maxim.-' If we wfer penriittel to make a uirE lionr we should whisper, .VTJte Dr. bull Cougl 1 " ? M. 3 11 J 1 I Tha Preaident'a Loaf Oarrtoge Driva Baxaxac inn,, Sep. .T.-rbesx iarae days' carriage drive eaded when the President' party drove up to the log caoia once more at uooa today. A pack ot hoaaaa la -falfJparaurt of a 'deer cnMsed theiRpathiaka dktanoe. TJpaa auerijig 6aywn)Q -tllkege' Am party dtov to the workshop 4 ,Taxkdesait siiner. nd'jr.. vteveiasa ana. r, Ward left dhtMr fbr fhe'rooo1nta)g waaenuQe: neaau'wrien y' aecurea la the hunt ot la week. 'ft Jhnnta bad iuat left for mounting tbe akin of a black bear that had bean shot aear Paul smith'. Although tbe party bae trav elled ninety-four mile since leaving here last Saturday. Dr. Ward will re turn to Albany on Friday. President Cleveland may remain a week longer Itwl Iixcllnl. J. J. Adtuns. Chief of Police, Knox ville, Tenn., writes: "My family and 1 are beneficiaries of your most excellent medicine, Dr. King's New Discovery for consumption , having found it to be all that you can claim for it, desire to tes tify to its virtue. My friends to whom i nave recommended it, praise it at every opportunity." Dr. King's New Discovery for con sumption is guaranteed to cure coughs, colds, bronchitis, asthma, croup, and every affection of throat, chest and lungs. Trial bottles free at Banooek Bros, drug store. Large sir.e $1. 00. COMMERCIAL. Jouxkal Ornoi. Sept 10. I P. U. OOTTOH. Niw Yum. bept. 9.- Fuliuee cl.nwd dull but steady. Sales of S4.20O balm. September, 9.03 March. V a 7 October. U 0!? April, 'J 41 November, W .10 May. J 53 December. June, U.81 January, U.21 July, V 60 February, 8.2V August, Spots quiet. Middling U a ltt low Middling 8 1-16, Good Ordinary 3 16 New Berne Market iuiel. Sulce of three bales at Middling 8 Ixw Middling H 1 16 Good Ordinary 7 Ml. MIU1IC HII1IT Sxxo OOTTOH 93.90. OOTTOR SXXD $16.00. Toarxirmra Hard, 61.00, dip, $1.75. Tax 75o.a61.9B. Oats New, 85c. in bulk OORH 55ftOc. Rica 75a85. Bxkswax 15c. per lb. Bxaf On foot.' lie. to be. OoOTTBT HaMB 10c. per lb. 44 UaUD 10c. per lb. Kooe lie. par doaea. Faasa Poax 4ia6c per pound, PXAHUT8 50o. per bushel. FODDKH 75o.a6l.00 per hundred. Onoita OOci per barrel. ftJILD Pbab 670c. Hnsa Dry, loo. ; green to. Apples 25a50c. per bushel. Pear 75o.a6l.25 per bushel. Honey 85c. per gal. Tallow 5c. per lb. Oanoxam Grown, 80&35 .; spring 2oaS5c. Mxal 70o. par bushel. Oats 50 ct. per bushel. TuaMfiPB 60c. per bushel. iRtsn Potato St.75 per bbl. WOOL l0al6c. perDOund. POTATOBB Bahamas. 95ad0c . yams, 40a0o. KxaoaxKa 8ic ShWOLXS West India, dull and n jm lnal; not wanted. Building. 6 inch hearts, aa.oo; sapa.axoo per M. waoLxaAL rwoaa. Krw Mast Poaat 619 00. 8hotjukb Meat 7fe. C. R.'s, F. B, a and L. 0 -7io. Furjm-8.99a.00. LaaD 8o. by the tierce. Nail Basis 10's.62 50. So QAa Granulated, 6jo Corra Velio. Salt 83a90c. per sack. Molasses Ajn Stbot 90a46o Powdeu 6J6.00. Shot Drop, 61.76, buck, 12.00. FIoticejDf Sale. ON TUESDAY, The 21st Day of September, 1888, 1 will cell at Public Auction, at the Storehouse west of the Storehouse for merly occupied by Wm. Colligan, Sr., the Personal Effects belonging to the estate of Wm. Colligan, deceased. Terms Cash. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, a. m. WM. COLLIUAN, Collector Estate of Wm. Colligan, deed. oep. iuin, ioco. n at a E. II. fi J. A. Uca Jons, , GrENEliAL Commission llerchants 1000 Ton$ Kainit and Guano Far Truck and Cotton Crons. ppecial attention given to ths sale of OOTTOIf sat OKAI1T.- Ubatat eassies ataa oa OmUrammts. Offlee at earner PMInek and Middle streets and TJakm Point. . KpldwU Kotice! Notice! Hotice! "L; -irtl iM tnaaawwskjaadhavmt eaeasd Gonand Locnnith VtafcWrttwant. a at- V tt THhfc.HT'a MA- lKiM( Hura,t siana toeeaUelaasss f wora on bans, Lmks,ete. cflnt-eiaas wert rnarmntoed. - - Very tisiiiitfallr.. f - aaM dwu t i vc:c. CLAEK. it. Great Uiziir A Large Lin of India TJi,., cataek K4a sooks. Torchon. Medici, 7ptiaa aad flrtoa ta.1 Laces, will be olTersd at llarvutoasiy Law' Pflees at t- Little Store '"Eoniid", Corner, I J. F. 1713, Middle Street, - uaedooriiompiBtsaaa. THE LEE BOOK. M JbllVlOIXIN OF ROBERT E. LEE, MILITARY HISTORY UB ClWiini. 'V r . U FN Kit A I, A. J,. LOKO," Military Secretary to Okkxjui. ,gj Aseuu WkUUxl in IU toUuwla It-naltM liouroii. Cmveu, Uuuwat, kmtm. Uiue. Ude. Luo, Uuini, Flit,! I.IUcrul Terms to Agent. AddrM IS. BOYD, Uaneral NEW BEKNE, N. C. W A went. TUr Kiuuu Krm Preaa, tbe WaabiBcum Kvliie. UriH-ce (o.uty t.iilrprl ir Meaufi.rt Krcord uid Oivenvllle luaeeauc ,-o, Uiree timeesnd nnd Mil to this olTl- rprudwif CITY ORDINANCE- lit it ordained. That on and. mJUtr ia! 10th, 1S6, no person or parsons "ball be permitted to erect any buEdiag within the fire district without first ohr tainiog permission of the board to doao. Any person violattng this ordinance all be deemed guilty ot a mlede- meanor, and uoon oonviotina akall k fined fifty dollars or lmDiiawad thirtv days, and each day said baiMuigahail so BUnd or remain in oonrae of rmntirk ohall ht a violation of this ordmaace.7 -'lu dli .. Mayor. Notice. ' l't buc Dkavmxh am) CAJere: All public dravs or oarU faiuU nnnn the streets after tbe 20th day Of SeMem- uw, iiwi, wiuoui nnairr tneeeoa, tae parties in charge of said dray or carts w-ill be arrested for violating fUn t chap. 13, of the Ctty Ordlaaaeee. The fine it) 810 or imnriaonrf tKirt. . " F ays. J M HABOET, spl0d5i City Marshal. School Notice. MANLY will open School for Girl, aixl Vouor ldm la tlila city, i ODTOnUat . r im Ion peranuuw. fjtmto K&O Pav Sllile iurlrly In ivaii. Sspildt Miss Mary C. Roberts will reopen ber KlnlnrarleB8nboel ea Met clf aireet MONDAY, BKPT. U. Bhe will aleu eonunue htT rlaa. of Higher KRKltah ajul InKua.Mi sesTfiw Mrs. A. T. Jerkins Will reaumr Ihe ilntlr. of her SCHOOL on MONDAY. HUT. Ulh. I WW. Lost. V. K.K A. & S. STOCK. will take noUes. New hern. An, IfM. J. V. JOADAM. INSURE AGAIN8J ACCICIJIT. Guaranty Mutual Acci dent Asscjtfiii' PoUcy Carried for about tt TWly. Pay weekly 'bwnefra, tJ Loss of Life, $5,000. Loss of both feel or both hoat3 OOOV Loss of ott foot or one, hand-tj ,000 WATSON V6TRkET.r ser'dwtf AgenU School Notice. Mies Leah Jonea will open a School on Monday, Sept. 87th. " Mia Marks will teach Frenok and El ooution. Papils who would be in the 6th. 7th end 8th grades will be received. Terms 12 00 per month. 5 43 w School Notice. MIHH EMILY yEREBEI wul resows htr School (on Broad street) 8gPr. lj, WS epS did Music BchooL '.m . Mas FAHnia a. arrmjok r MaiireaU ' boro. H.O- wuiotwa a Mugrc txrmxyt ' New Rsra early m srtemhsr.1 WpaV tlcalars apply at tbs resldenei of at!" iiitv"' H HELU aia4Ut -J(. -1 win Open a Cuss for tea i: ths fijuij r , Mtwwn li and 1 a-eiock. U . ev; " H'ld Do.. Bo. SH. has benl aid be underslKned hu applied for a aew mr llflrate All ooBOT,rf irtll tak. ; . i -rwaixtor ea-' .t a,..j T jujt 'TTfltffi :,V.tW UVve-v b;-e ,.t J Of-order. Board AnaMcn if'ii Craven County therTwul r V taaetratloa of the vr of t " "' aogUtOd tioBiil -t-l tcL,trj3?i-1 i . -1 f. 1 I If 1 1 ' 1 -. i! I t e-it t..r : '.'a :.!. H .-JM-l-fi-Xl ' fit Y.9i its 3i V n . T. . ! "OB ..IB -1 1 ' ,1 .., I ..,... 1