IO 4 j I BiO lltai 0 J . - J "A A " B A O J ,.ll,lltl I ........ - avr,4: -tH 1 I It I j- VT I , JATC .vt9i l&yte'rn f.t.iv.r.'ibi. I iOl .r. J V.eti to . ) T ,1 iiliU t i i : fiVoLrafaa ,W?erH1 iirpDAY, sIber miM, :mcej cents. r .5 i r, , V, n y ; t f J r .i .1. ift .1 1 .1. ' "V Jfw Bern, latitude, bom r norm. frW"1?! V1HfllA fir Hit voimUu il mill ha heM f-'T ta "'l"r ehudtaal i TinHOii 'v nu viti. 'rji: VUl';1e m' feood M new AtargUBf b tor otton drops in yttf:&f 'n two." A'-.'w'a pretty nrmrtaiy tinf up iincamiuppiroiiGhM tnot will be beld at Pot- TWA MfcA i 7 AmUM A i4A - - A SeuiOoruLT d tatrtot offered qb the night of the etvrtbou&kel Tfiruqunnmn dm not js inh b&arJShVkhftk 'wi.l'eit.-' ftTrt1t8aHl whtdlWilie,tokeiaro. "The oice ef A WFWfsl .rtf,' " f AM 4 hk aUtoe. n; weniet e'e the tela tape tewne., t lndimn Oommienoner Atkina ii m&k- . wJW l.lMi mitt)HuK lUBAAtr A'1ittWWiWl, lt wfy.' One ot the reeulu of the erthqAke -J US !iJ4 'tM4 the ehocl clone hiaj reported to etv An ML kid: femed. nUJjtfaMfalM)AAtt tiifii i(Mw aM In Aia haste U Rt oAt Of th kom ftor got Ui oraU4M) Ad Aaa noi aaWed tuna. , AnAvwAi iiliia ar, aoAnH whioAt njtioaw kiA irapan uataAtA oom juat wore tta bieton . aba hurt." , '' - V5j-t r, L f bm pITOrs? Ho told ner to THXI US 7Un nrTiir beift an3 Sooi etn r4 ThChnrlen BaAnrars. briokMAJhaan oaawlnee; iWfl hope to John' Randolpl m if Aita IMfM ftakua'rtv 1 1 Beceipta of John Dunn'i soda foun CottK imeHnft. nnder. abAiAlex. Millar., 5.00 anrotofea he. MjO. A. this weninK I Haj. Graham Daves 5.00 .l1UaXL"J: Vk -ni Nd, JrT.Uatt Bro.: .60 i. 1-1 ' - - - - OMUIWU U.UU "tWMH A. y?T l -J . o fOaah 60 Today to keMnaaeIkar"Meuee E. B. Hackburn 2.50 Union Cawft UteUng An addrMa will Tm ; - kw ... .... . ,.i t o vv. Diewarl Prloe.ldVrTwbUa H Cash TtoWefterrkSentimel ropeal the story ljrcl1 J thatatwtttttefrAMfetA'iA R 7 ."''"ZZiM Berne during the moatA of Aacust. If I ...y.... 1.00 the SaaJamP 4uU AlifalMIteAtAiSwo hundred and twelve dollars and - f- T Ar.fUAl ArM.1 ftuV i t-tr-ii . - have anna far heen it wUf i)flnc((NH and will be forwarded by ex BSded P"" mornina;. AbUUl UilM' Bar. J. a rikJB piBALjJW A illj yle-J wTne Democrat hare appointed their KhtDB VtJ 4A AWrfarire l Cou nty executrve wmiriittee, Vfnteh is Audiei tha nil mawW M X.I r ) J(. qpreparing lor the campaign. A new Tk (reded eoboel t4 -vesterdav I registration baw 1 1een eVdered by the anornt WitCbP3nj pOcI'An tfnt7 oommiaeioners, and it becomes ,teJrnP5TO rTCPfikSrjaW Iineet in this city on Baturdaj. the i ttoperanoe eanaer wAmi Mr. Price 1 85th', for1ArTTpafl 5f !IKAlAt aJAd Mnrunt thr vbfS , Wmtriittee inaug flfty If AUendABfle. 6teoeetAx Watpon wee alttd eitbraarf AwAng tft&er ""Atf steps aopce to see that every l llUfli sliMlflilli jajAil Altttfi An ftQi I Democrat ia regUtereo'. We desire to left for Im Urange yeateraay, wnerenei" r7:rTT'''j-'i IU ' " tteDarTe nooL!JMeMit- aaa, tbe eieflAipa A A pUry n..-TT njwJ!sTtaatWtaa t I New ..... . -..J i Ptfi Sflalia .aua jmUW" tne mnw . ,,MV IcUimam a -V;- V- ;tke V em' " na, by J er i A' : X beta tbert ' TV tifn I. r t t tit i e following adAMierjAi contribu tiona have been banded to Mayor E. Ii Meadows since our last report: lira. P. A. Uaakins W. p. BatrtAatonA -l .( OlHuleaWeVef I......'..:.'..:. ...... VT. H. Oliver W. Q. Bryan E. S. Taubenapeck .aI.OO .10.00 ...8.00 ...1.00 ...1.00 ...1.00 ,..5.00 .,1.00 2.00 ..1.00 -1A0 .1.00 The fnfl cnoon of tne' Wx tnat-im and, is considered, to ba Jive moat, beau tiful of all the OUJof fOecuH arltieo .fair lunA At Uia jffltipviff seaaosi at net, daring the louf eveming prevAMsa tetate (aepaaceber fall there b arl ettorage difference in her tffiitgof oa) thirty-two1 minutes. Husbandmen of oei ooniedered this a providential inter position aa it prolonged the day and gave them more time for harvesting Jheir crops. Thus originated the "Har vest Mpom , .leatdes other engineering skiH. that of locWnotlve buildJB it naakistg wean, daiful rogjcee In the United SteteeV Probably there is no part ef the wwrW where there are mora powerful ateam engine4,AnAtbae f4(l. ifmsAiag l long runs at a high rate of speed, as those constructed here among na. Aa sd frbm tneUnlted States to the ntoetl i.jj.''J at., .i!..'Jl1 delpnia and ReedWff BejAMwy new just been supplied with ten of these latest and .most improved engines for passen ger service. 0 AMATItCaU' trip the a mile in ,42 Aeeafde with a leaded taeino or at the rate of 80 miles an hour. It ia believed that in case of emergency they could be drivqspfetatf .eeenflda, or Krhe by OHae didAtAA m .At .iAVt A-A.- . A - . jrTrirmTV toe nomination" Tot ICongre aval WssoawwoTsw a-awaVLi' Jie' .laaiiai, .eeVtt-l 1 ff.TSrT. !.VT track 7 mjnv:.iVJLaL: l2ffifM6 it t"- ."".y -- nwn nuiy su nil sup- iatanlU llul l au No ir i i ill ntLwiMint I to tne noUa aaA 6aaA Aia ballot for Musi-v i"""-. . . . " . . r ! J : , ..j..,!agnaee. in nwv Uft te'LeOivAn rMv, where hel" ?r'T' 1 ,7 men, teas law eieonosi important eai nude by tbe I ftHbie eoanfr And AceeMed SB SB ise i if - ' i- - "J Ps'tet wni bar son ner- b0.00 'AiUiAry PaaaoowU. Every , n .i , hWtt'faW" "J" M to elect the Joint . kviWL, e'onea'iJaBniAr. I ticket pat in the field by the two, parties left te-l4WlP&hrm yrT?F7T!fifpp0i'tion to ticket. It ' i 4 -i Mrfl.OvBobertaM of ine Irm .ei s BnberUABr Hoftii, r . '. fABtU4A MeaavAVSCyrAAt IIS UWejllliAlMWAOAX r-ewmief-i L. - ' . . . s "AeAte InjmgnrthcmgB. And nearly IMS. j TitrdA Afterajbei paan,' Hbotr Oo. lt1 JPei Ps ebasa-t nvmu .tw!-lf .rwmATOsiwsjsiewvs In Addition to the faeta given lAAicoearalt&ae, caUed AAe VUhA -prfltf j -i ,.. in se-AitsrikstlTM "m-t"rM,-A'' toact aaasc- 7' T' WMCZ?r ?1 Thi ioW6nAWAWAil ttel wiog". ,blefiauoM I tnaale:Si S ' ir ,HOtaitio: rr7 hat Msj:inpleted from . Fer tveir mWWUeW aeif ryi OsJUta AAsy entaenaaw AJaaw Aipw arsera. m - ..w...t ,.j -: - . ! . . -"V! TTl now oocnpieai iw nenri ii ied..x1c:wijJi: neA eajAefft.t' Shehtt BJ'jnyiet?, b , l, - . r v,.r-ir ysvAno(T oarf tjul, nut. Artuur. copied wnnot't)b J'errible afiiWIie jaTBMBff3 luef ! r-fioQM r (iwroiiBkVrtii: tndT, gepLi10. . i. e als,....ireaj ia4 LjircreMXCCiAitiAatlf mUtah nsionin a gsa halloon fDosn the fait J kWli"I WIT f"5 of LiasmH lke Amr , i tf t ' c"tt:'tT-1 rrf Ada UdsF-,V be naif as lie abere j Aej err e tnewptea' to doroena. Ljf arx wb loh aarrie.i ateri aoimisx swntn """her- .ivnf Wftom. Tcerocti -' t f 'n'sr. i iVe iluA p three rt aJ V a basket daecetaded ' Tike I'-btMfg. Bhe- bed thr ptewuueon l to'-")r"w:'f frmly.Aapnirlt,)J i.'fMotAi'ii.?w'i..l thM.&eA Lea! allraev BUeeUluianina envt An aAtTlJiWy an AxotiiaAUsMl viasbsfe Weoe-aaT work iJnra baa been for a ions tune one of th ammyirtsAa Mot Aaa beennoW aaA someinfrtwa ea l by snasMTJ Alor. ' Bet now, ttwoa 1be R,, save. Abet Aeastd been bad! bneipsse by the ''HAfWtf .aaa . with AitW nannlafn fan AAsvAfs W Wm pre-etnwefiee km, Ah aTjjem an wttb.eca fi tnrae years-, at timea couii tbein aince " Another b pra ,Jce, ia, probable. Tka PtttiUn, 'esbieb ibeat the Oeneata Out MMM it) VBdoifOittC chalDJaW make it more aeawftripjq A fc VtMfsMl that it iaprepariog to aeosft) hA.AAk Ikrj B. F. Nunn, for. tbreef leu re IssAed bV tKrf (AlaalAfAaA aooLaP Mr. Jamea WAtera naA ralk and had tried rithasjbi femedioa no an abundant supply of pure, I F'-tiriwlFttAf At aril tniWAewa; batbanibi ta I water. Jmd taetmith JnakJene. ArnAmftsaeeJ rrssiaaireneweu uis lease wiui me uwucr, i ana Be Mforjrlf reoommeOds' KJe(riC Bitleta-w'All wfao 'ebffer wttA' kidnev oomsaabata; ei :Aeedf A Uoo mmm(. Seme'Ku; teen Inflnet ' v n been wiitieeafiii Had, en Uyoe w- eetr 1 iATtMf, f tape, Aa At teat je Aniw4 vision r Mayor SlAtlOCfclS adbentlltkl t II K. ,t fe Ull I M ung line of BarUtUf Mi the toeohea ware given, the water ff4t!,,, way of sanitary arrangementa. DTjia numb croft m wlfoxcA JftorV eeyptts4atAjouMUMkiWue 'ears. witnarawn J'Afr. OeorgA.rHrr0. f4lf9fb ty, hay)aftt'rMriibn ffdrdlfftlne m&Aths aojoiirn in the far resiona of WaaklBKObI TerrltbYW B vea"fc1 say nig that anakea abound. iHe-eaw' and! oonveraed with many of the "noble rAdimen" and brought back an Indian pbbfograph albumBontAibtog liAssawnax of'tnany famous chiefs. George, evi dently, either enjoyed btsetay eut there or baa TXtootn a "Wnner ' ' for OU14. oontaji that k graie to abat bUaaed'eK.oai A weft? tog mti "tM.',wcgr Ira4on and cart manufactory, oeturr ay revealed the great esnocyst. e-f energy, faithful work and sallied taberf thai he ia putting Jiito his f and vWelfa, Thejtiiber, nek andvhanborn all oeaaea orbv Yea MAA'epekMfbf'AJa .beftar tbs f ailed Btatee ana at aa a iwwacrniwrfi iny where. Mrl 4JbJrkWiV aVS Urge AfUflWaVriTeuitfi1 ; frot racio exwuDty.l CWIfcge, jnftreare,SM we SHfaapn was rrSonT&f JBMv'dLCTPifAv . .Mti.d AM A.vaoikUi any bedtdr Uti'nvfnWwith what W7f ibtwaA i sl AaeiAiiUf aeArJAlAl v4wAf 4ttte4 WltteM evkjMMl if, msBlLlnef7 by waicb tfan fw; nals and gates for a lotur 4 the -tafcS) VreitawiiSl. i?ba TnseriiecuM IxwlBtsAAa)e.isU'is'itjaaa .sxur.i.. the -flM WAtfrned. "be the lajknAAlall vaaA an tM nab itiMAH'Ant itrf.fsl aiff rterT isne) iatanoe alotiE opareAarof wea oe '' Aj aU' Amus4 esieA Mi. Jw L Horns, AA 'cM'teeideAt ftfl badly A citt oMnijurcx Sept. lOtsiv lKsfc, no psmesf w pevKsat snaii u pennmea so erect any nnuaixir within the nie ttleuim mUluMZ Brat nli- AtMUi be deemed guilty of A Ktade pnor and upon oooTictipsi sWle. -, so stand or remain in coarse of erection labatl Tea a violartoarot tbi oVdrtait sb.i - t. 11. ACAUUW3, "piW ,., Uyor, .'. .iikhwiiu i . COmiERCIAL. ef oUaUi il OrnoE, 8s i. 18, IP. M. Vcaaa, Ssei. Itruteiot eteetd let, , aiswof- 21,A0 badea. ptember, 0.08 March. , Octcbei. ItUB Anril. 9UAi .1 . h. . . A.fl n ft . f novemoer, f.ju na j , v. a DeoetHber: III June. V.03 Januaryv July, i.Tl Ketnay ! V V ; Aaqraat, horn 9 9-11 Kbw Berne Macaet quiet. Sales ef three b&tea at SI to 8f . Middling 8 6-11; Low kTiddllng 8 lf Uocp Ordinary 7 tt-10. flnlinnl TTnflum Miss MAAnVriaeaWAAka4d-I4i and Voudi Ladles, In this rltjr, pn QCTOBKlt Ate. fMllM sar sssnsk) AtAOU te tfliaj.' Pmy sbls quarterly in advance. , aaytdl .1. . . . . ,. : i; . - Ifiss Marv C. Ho Will reman bar KlnderrAflea SrWool oi siso eouunoe ner class ana Aeagutos, " . .0', faVML 10.00. I aHHAMAaTf I. , StAPlffOjrTQAT I . rrvWTH fl epT Im OjAM OoaftOo. 1 ; aa. . r; 1 AmnaBBBBTH-VBl A nABHABa. HAr4,l.()P,aif;5, tibnlk. K tAo. ttbtwWil.' I itetl-lAcJeawae. ' )M, .. I 'iket hundred. irav-oXM-per'Aerrel. - VjAiev,.., afAbJi !' tatiemtl HaMsftavHOlBrelf avNVaai fcrS4w CARLKaremi;iaViAAr MjwUVilsJ PtiTif. arwfiflr.nrif'nf'aMt tbVal'r A atPtretl reoommended meVP1 were three or four alI2ht a hooka of ootaafder aareelf g-pwmaneliTiy oared quAkexTArlM . VAf i nlhki AW AalAvaaA e as, r. u serious ana lew persona .were aware of their ocenrrence. Taa aaaVwaAAAeA oeAt' mittee haa ohaaged the plea of opera tiona and appointed, him te eaeb weed, to aoeruin oiaea of dietreaa, all blcn wtu do snpnuaa. AA lAev The board nf -engineera Uetlll auirtfirM-. taOelMAJaAA bon- tSanea to ooavtlesaav iboae who are on. safe. The latest rfporU froin, points along the Sooth CfeKWaT4d lndi CAta that reports ot diatreaa At Linoolne- v4bere d land I PAEM.WfEiThlW.1 TJuinS neen maaaasan ansj ioswx siibbiis bunied itt Wff 1WCft3. W that, 8, 009 eiUe. KrilgAlaTilUara1 ,TtaWh gwAtly eiAXKerated. WhateTer ia ne A AonYenttom thn laipablteaAAi oflW Qranvllle oonnt-.-waa,held. baee toear t appoint dAAAgaisa lo Ike Brora jadl eial oooTentioa at aP. HeiierC. M. i andiirr S7 Daniel taCt-rbAyw del rote rhthASM sro, W. t. Suit or Edwin Q. Seade for chief jot- ajyqTiSTO 'roaibitioniata At ChreenAboro. tik&kb&M 3rpcW. 3 fcu taj iL -17 pranibUion oooTennon Aet to; aef hoantnateS A fun ootmiyiokefe lurthe senate. Nerut.MendenhaUi for the ikobae! Jf. 8. ' WlAlo' And J. VT.' Ueody; torn eketAveflsmpBrier eanrimoei Wsrtin Uude: for wJrter or deeds. W. AoBenbow, for aneruT, A.U. hurt man. It ie Aoknowledged to be a etronc Uokei. WoiofFAYiaiec ocsnins' fast into reneral nee. JOil il m m Km a . . it... ii' af ' "T.r.x -wm in w : Dakvu-u,. Va. eeee. ll-A-nre Aeve lent night detoer UM4tfc f caV twr factory, lose r factory, loea i5,000, no loan ranee; noinnaranoe; Worn ham V be factory. loaall,0,iM-!rMfov) t3,K4; t-4lt ractory, inset T Mny. lnnrr.-' A i '-ic, . : :;jiet""h;cf r 'o- ni e em P. D At ISA iWukIS'' iBbiw.etAtlBt a 'AtaAAg WW JASJtA, I I K$acaenBetttl 'iio', " u mi cnci i -oit hunfer. advk e AxyritaAt Mis. wrBi6y1l vfiooTBraa Bxkvt ascrAieri ttf.adc Uttf tbiaBtnee1 .,.li M eai :Jfml0mKt jansMtntnaAt w ir Mr. sMfftrfc tit Paae det erU Sr.IAfmSeajt. 10. A eeeoW fretnl El rbax) aayt: "Special nvoy seag QarAaAl fteicham hes-an aba invfiatio-atioa oVlbi locAlrdasei 3ifiE44A . aVAi Bt b l4W.,,i - , rtbe, tleree. -BaAUltf'a. 12.50. rnAwrvJMiAtedr: tfc ruowuAsjaa A4bTr8o,J ua-iit. CcATK Vallo. Satv- Ml0a': tofrftBWirltall' P t ABBBBent 'TlU aeparlar iHpittiTi Oetmr ll lw, M X vt-wioikrjrJ'i AtAo AAA aerarAAaetAlemy.Aiiii itAJaoaal eK esehp AeAiiwdi Aa,f z Be Malaga. 8a1: per hpz. ' For aaM by X f&ocl ttMTAcnE . FAaJtcfsrj8bdtrr?.yt,? w- E. PWWrtftf'.M'ftS.rlteA of boDTjerbvt ther rAomo Jn Baaralowlr J t . M Kt yeiAi. In thi.AreUWboV'bJM aoteifttaaieTiw rtwqonb, AtiA Dr. Ball n Cough 8yrnp ia the beet remedy Jorlwofha. Ad: OOlAAi Afcait'tl I" - - - ... .t .... .... ai- i .a.i: i.A.imrrs ".Tn,-." .r. iiiiiii t n t at k at .at ltSiTiOteedtajrveprfrUsfI., -191 triSlvJ', Jr " ' ' .,. , fl. ,.,, ,r I!,. ..,m ki MKii(Mf'nVIvM4S-4kmUi ii-"" nKNkRi a r iurn W5,f?3 T!ieltlnejTAAiii AJAO weet CT:-t im ea t 4.. di nmf eBoUooka J,baaUuU aea AU.i tt..ratuessawBrerreM AoAtlf Af "Beat i louf I moll e7r sual tO BOOR. QMS IPWISW 1PIS II V Wl :W I ). .no ptwwWi . ,t 94 MSU l Tba rVaartosiat CeeattoH AwftM eov Uee of Caiteret, Cuwow end, will bo haul ta fwt tew r rwaoeKSTUia V i,f A a 1. O . I - 1 maaAa. W OeBBaBTIBS vl"UUIIM UI per eefX-ciAeA ea odbAj u I( .Tin - lM U Ura l.nn MkjAliOeA7a MrAelBsitTIslBtlloiaBiCii Wetsi 11 r knallah MsepiSMas. Sotido! dtice! ITU Tbe naalaeaes . rviTit swea 1 KstablUliiuaiit st U. CirXHBlCKT'B MA ChiNn HWiTmAs Trmtanld iAiw, J -las amAiruaraesscd. ira C. ClAIUt'lar.' Guaranty Mutual, deat aUsociatioiL Polloy Oerrted for about ri Tearry.' . . . H- . ! : y. . PAys weekly benefit, t2i?, ( ; . . , pff-ifaOOO , , L ' - both, feet or both handa, , Lpea of , one loot ox one haAf). ' WATtiQU Jt ffSRmi r MUsa fai jfobee will open a IScbool on loadayv See. P7thi. ' ' . J-, Wrk w m ieaf Fvaaeh aiisJ Kw onition, Pupils who would be in the U.7Abaa8U1wbeTeBiVed. rtiTWWM) asoatb. moA-www . m (1 till)' fl'lV r : filial. i LregtJtrattone tM Tceere ef AbweeuoAy. 1 .'IT VjgJJ 'l 'I1 1 " i lit Cemcitte, Goat Hair 1 M l) . :u n:.!l uav ;.jou'l- oT .U il:! ill if '' V j , . f .-tl " I . . . . IT. j T CV .II K j; ; f U J 3.. BTt a 1 k... a-afk ia'KlT-W""'W,,'):j lgMlTw I'HA iTii liliiiri ffilrf LEElBOOK. nit .ii. il);w euioiiii'i IAS; UT.B1UJB T vr- axiT !JU,riaTVtry"''v.M) vr w 'v rvi StswebcWe fd otffia?)5SoSffl XS-8,1 Wl AAslAATAhAVA toAAaallAwlihV Ubf Wm.CWl'eW. aoee .J:" V MTefAOaaBa leJe iiriiMlAlBli leAH o'clock, a. ba. .nwoni jd 4 wi . Wit. .. fTWlefctof Rotate of deed. A-AMloa A,Ar.wlfJ as-sM,.,AWW7rio fAAnA. aA,a.,n pyeiJi0eaiewVrt4laW" I trva-) v.( XleAATtToMsl'UirkAtel. .nh lliw ! "iri AA0rAaoai) nil kJ ilneuiiil amiif - - f-yejsjpai lBeteisBsa aan tatu., -a, . . .9TAfl "twrfl rr. n! VMIWT..M Wt.elC3.lA ddlB B3tl To 19Uoa9A4T3n.kes Crrrr-n?0T titd A .in ?!1AI)B jjAH vti)aeMuor oaf s tiJ 4 Wa poet-at-ttbrfMix ?cf i-waa " jtne waa.baily.y w;Ii, . i . SAIM -- j-..-. tOTV. l" A ta. uu a.bul 1 k In i . . . f I ' .lli! T5f1vO bandred .w " vva. and, air la A Sea .With a r-4-A , m :I I :. .... t Nkt All 14 to Sly id lefci A Viar- v ; I a . y '-t1 fr "ti ' in. e . t tiir..0i-. xlie . . ? ..-A,oi tmit tar- --. ". ' " -i-H5i ' ' f f ; , ' I ..V-1 .e r' r. 7-i " to light ana I .Cat 4 x.'e.-t . ' 1 . 1 . ill err ' to a v tsm j. iiBoarewuiingi-. - - - , t it ft-aJT v ! . nww Inf.-. - - ' KeiJ EUte t. ap4 Dam fori w. baIo At the softm! ouice. Att2W 2W4wAfc "AaiW4a, CitykAranal.