"Si ' ,v. . --b , ri- ij1 I' ? - ? - i I ' J . ut-tl -la tit. :tii: .F.uuoi . .-..' .i -. . . J til !rf m VOLVfrN0.4m : NEWBERNE, N. C.; THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 1886. PRICE 5 CENTS. LC CAINEWSV . Hw Beroe, Utitnda, 85P 6' North. Hum rti.5i ILenrth of dy,.' Sbxjshtessixocals. T Con t f ore tbt 1 . w UT mU. job Fkirbank'i btandard Scales imwii rkctar- y Uid delirer Uni here A I i j 1 of fetor Trucks - jnB re ( Ol paper loi nle at thi office. Oc ton receipt yenterday , ten bale. Tbfr wjeMi ir Addte' geiwy h on Uow ardV (or ropaiim.. PnbUo MMkiM-at MoUarUiy e, o Pollock etreei tMiirht: ' Majftt bordok'oi Eypt farm u in the city yesterday looking for cotton ChnJta.'lM' yeara and uadei, &ie oeota ti1 and from BarrlnRton camp fcronad. v A few kaetty watermelon! were in market yesterday. Tbey appeared to be the jast of the season. All wh desire to attend the public upeaktp at; 'Tanoeboro by steamer Florence on Saturday should notify W. M. Watson. K Thf prioa or children ten years and under, will be Ave cents both ways on the ferry to the camp meeting, for the balance of the term. The county finance committee has been sworn in and went to work yestefdt to examine the condition of the finances, beginning - in the clerk 's , 'office. A new postoffloe has been established in Pamlico county named Arapahoe. It startecotwkh four bran bew subscrib srs to the Weekly Jockif al. We are (lad to air the office but think a bet ter mum mtgftr. be been selected. -Tmim - The Usttoar Caaap 'slsetlac, Yestacdaf was ohiidrsn ' day at the camp BMeting. - A large crowd was prasenl aadf interesting addresses were delivered by Bct, Mr. 'Vass, and Rev. Mr. Ails'. iRer. Mr. Crawford will preach today at 8 p. rn. " The crowds are daWlncraasigad:inuchloterest Umanjeated ?y N Blsstri Liakta ; z 0 Mr., geltf, agent f of the j'omsoa Houstoa 'taaotrio Oa, reqneets'lo state tlkai behaa withdrawn his propo sition f rani the board, of city ccmncfl or the franchise -to -tol noiee and' run . eleoti' light wifee as he flndsi .after canvasaiag. Uiavcity that b people hare an Ides that eleotrie lighte can be fnrriahed ftr j leaatha . ten . dollan per UghitV; HVaUbM that' Raleigh M paying : flftoen 1 Wilmington twelve Vnd Darnam Vsri. "ThrfUWot place uaea thetweHe hondr4 andln light whil the former ae. lh iWKthoaaand. He goes frfttf BeWto'SUnton,'"?;., where he to natting lights, Iorth city, , The Thorn psonTonston . GoJ. is ' represented . In two httndred "and twenty-five towns and cftl"! V th TJdited plate; and npt one of 1 wsa fernlBhad fo lees than oa&dU nd tvelrf ft P. ,nn wnil t( ;,r . t. W.; - .I'-c!' ' euau "g-;","," - J " y, W hare a copy, of neat little pam- phlet of iwf, s:repard; .by Mr. . Geo. Alieo, glTlng t deecrjptton, "pf, tie eoaatry satern forth garbling ' ,: ipsoktllr bt thi yloiaiiy e Mow BertfB .' and alio "tfteeif Men owf e ttolgratiaK toNorth'rarolhi.-Ift' is' pamphlet ' Mr. AUfln djeplAjV heamn fcyg.ot ooiideffnUoirtingalgreai 'deaP ot ' nlnaUe inf onaatioar in a lew.: word, ; that to so prominent la hie "Forty Lee-J . . eon on Doable Entry . Book-keeping." ; . Under, the head of 'Truck i Fana,? "speaking of the double oropystemr we - nndtLi.paragrrh f. "At-"-" r de byOeOkftXDen on ma acre, .it, : w rrere me capacui ' of one' i and ahine-Oo,Spt. " isth. 1, r wau rlssted in ti ' tank- t -v.ru s,id dnrfngTeb-l rwy, l-ar-a the gum Dd was plants i 11 I rc.h or snap kestiai e-Iho crop of 1 ' 1 ' Tel Nx were gf fc ereddw. ; , ,t haif of une. The ' land w" ' 1 'i"nwithUermah millet which ct i cy t. 1, and, weighed ' after b well cured 9,000 pounds, giving t fror.tatle crops witMn ' twelves .Increased aitettion. ie being r 1 to growing bay, and to cat - tlersu -- Alr7!' number, of these pamphloii haveb a v.l l-fi and forwarded to V the Er -InF?" ; an5" pbl that t our ..r J cutty isrieu.lural fair, ') l now la "fro v f i.-.T'.h 'Carolina has k t f 'r, F.-i these rsrn ,. j. i., aid tbe ; peojle of -1 n f facts atoat r-ry Fore-so!-' cure. r-rsia. e c-kavka wnrir rounca.- wnt 5Tha following communication ant la a day or two ago: . : UCeavm Oocbtt. 8eot. 14. 1888. Editor. Jousjul: Wo have seen in year paper an article showing how a gooa iMosoaru 0001a vota lor tne eoa utlon ticket, and think yon gave a very plain explanation, especially wben you showed that ihero waa a preliminary caucus, an endorsement of the execu tive committee, and finally and eonclu- siiely the endorsement of the conven tion of the Democratic, party of the county. . Mow, air, we people in the oountrr generally look to your town people to aid us in gathering what knowledge we can on politioaJ matters. Will you please tell ni how any good Democrat can rettte to vote a ticket thut placed before . We cant figure it out. MlIT VOTKBS. Ia order that our correspondent and other Democrats of the county may know how far the party is oommitted to this ticket, wo reproduce the resolution adopted by the county convention held in this oity on the ISth day of August last, and be it remembered that it was adopted without a single dissenting voice: Resolved further. That we endorse the action of the Democratio Executive Committee of Craven county requesting Messrs, Uharies U. Ulark and William B. Lane to allow their name to be sub mitted to the mass convention held July 13th, 1888, as candidates for the General Assembly upon the People's Ticket, and that we therefore deem it inexpedient to make any nominations, believing that the material and industrial interests of Craven county will be wholly repre sented by said ticket, Now the JovknaL will not undertake to read any man out of the party for not voting the ticket, but if the Demo cratic party of Craven county is not thoroughly committed to the "People's Ticket," then we confess our inability to understand the above language. It is not only oommitted by the language used in the resolution, but the action of the party leaders and executive com mittee before the oonyention, commit ted it to the "People's Ticket." Dut if the convention had not said one word and nad tailed to nominate a ticket, we would have felt it to be the duty of every Democrat to support this ticket, because we honestly believe it U to the interest of Craven county to vote it Can any Democrat doubt that Clark will make an abler representative than Oreeni1 What Democrat prefers Hub sey as a representative to our farmer candidate, Wm, D. Lane? Who can doubt that Uie county ticket headed by Stknson ia more acceptable, better men In many respects, than the one headed by Hahn? .Tho people of Crsven county have more at stake in this election than they are) probably aware of. There U a dis position in certain quarters,, outside of tho county, to. 1 prevent Democratic rep resentation" from Craven. From re peated misrepresentations made by outside parties,' In regard to our moye- ment,,' eome of Which, appeared to be wilful, e cannot but: think that there is some sinister design in this opposition to what we conceive to be for the inter' est or Craven county. One paper has gone so far aa(to advise the Demo crats of Graven county to stay home on the day of election, and this advice from a paper that claims to be Demo- IWIIblU, U VOtU lUUIUVIIUUDi UUUiaK7U Tby the rankest , eiyil rights radicals of the JIahn crowd. This pretended Dem ocratic paper, if we understand it, would have the whole Democratic State ticket,. Supremo and, Superior oonrt Judges, our candidate for Con gress, F. M. Simmons, lose the Demo- cranio vote of. Craven county rather than soe. Democratic ; Wpwfeentative elected to the Oeneral Assembly. Such advice may be distinctively"" Demo cratio, but it sounds more like being distinottvelr hear . kin to radioal- isot , Why such opposition; why such ; , , intemperate . ' seal in opposing a j cause which the Democrats of this county haje deemed bert for their party and best for the In terest of tbe county ? ; not such oppo sition enough :td aroune every Demo crat jn the conity f le it Hot enough to arouse the whole people " Have we no'epunty pride T"' Shalt little newspa pers published" In "other sections of the State dictate 'to us who we shall tend, to the General , Assembly H We believe thef ia something behind the curtain. The real cause of this outside opposition has not .been brought ' to' light; We want pur candidates to tell the people of the county about thta strange move ment by outsiders, and tell them what It meant if they can, and then let Dem ocrats, and Republicans, iUxC Any whether or not they can votjthe Pe plow Ticket; 1 ; M" '-J', !-! fr'i i : ri w a . Gnest things have ever hinered on tri "p. The first family difficulty " on re" ri was caused by an spple core; the lfi-t wa r-nM of was the Bpr!iiTr of a I hrr u ip p tho bv ply Of Dr. I Cor-h f rrnpv, Vn all bands had j a 'COl J, ' n 5 j ' 1 -, : .:.H-f ,j ' ' . -l ' ! ;1 TIM Old Halls tka A. If. O. B B. The Atlantic North Carolina E&Q road will, within the next sixty days, have a lot of old iron rails for sale. This iron is of the Try beet quality and of English make.. There .is scarcely any iron of the same quality to be had in America today, as nearly all roads originally laid with English iron have already taken op their old rails and substituted steel. This is about the last opportunity, in this section of country at any rate, that will be offered buyers to secure Buch metal in any quantity, and there will probably be a pretty good price obtained, for the lasting qualities of tho English iron on tbe At lantic road hare become proverbial, and now tl.ut a beginning in relaying the track with steel has been made good deal of this iron will be for sale at different intervals of time. Knowing the value of the metal the management or the road propose to hold it indefinite. ly unless a very satisfactory price can be had for it, being confident that its value will necessarily appreciate. A Slifriff For Pamlico. Editob Joduhal: Among the many candidates announced lor the lKruo cratio nomination for sheriff of Pamlico county, permit me to ay that none are more competent or will make a better sheriff than K. M. Daniels. If the Democrats will nominate him at their convention next Saturday, tbey will do the right thing and will Lnve us a good and edicient sheriff. Pamlico. Notice. The Jones county Democratic conven tion for the purpone of nominalinir can didaU'H for county olliccrs and fur HoiiHeof Uepresentutiyei will convene at Trenton Monday, tho 4th lay of Oc tober, at one o'clock. The Bevenil townships and voting precincts wll hold their primaries Saturday, the 2d of October, in the afternoon. A full representation from each township is oarneetly requested. Hy order of the Executive Committee. Ham'l Hl ISON, Chm'n Deiu. Kx. t'oni. Sept. lfilh, 15tfl. ADVICE TO MOTHERS. ME8. WlNStiOW's BOOTIHNU SVKL'P should always be used for children teething. It soothes tbe child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the beet remedy for diar hcea. Twenty-five cents a bottle. jan24d tuthsat w 1 v Cyclone in Virginia. Onaoock, Vs., Sept. 13.The most lerriilo cyclone that ever visited the Eastern shore of Virginia within the memory of living men swept through this town Kunday night, overturning houses, blowing down trees and leaving destruction in its track. The storm ap proached from a southwestern direc tion, and was preceded by a long and vivid display of lightning. Just before the cyclone burst upon the town a funnel-shaped cloud was eeen approaching, with a loud, roaring noise that awak ened those who had retired to sleep. Onancock is situated between two deep estuary of the Ghesemake bay. I f l. -v- 1 il. 4 L I .m bjviuuD ku w)oiuk vver Mia wuhi' em arm of the oreek took up a huge mass of water, and forming a water spout poured it down with destructive violonoe on that part of the town through which it passed. The track ot the: cyclono was about seventy-five yards wide, and lay through the west ern or lower end of tbe town, where the buildings are not close together. Otherwise the destruction would have been much greater. Nearly all the trees in that part of the town were blown down, many great oaks that had withstood the storms of a century being torn ep by the roots or twisted off a few feet above the ground. CapU John II. L. Hopkins had his meat-house blown over a high fence and landed in the street, fifty feet er more from where it stood. The stables and other outhouses of Mr, Robert L. Hopkins were blown down, and utterly destroyed . The steeple of the Northern Methodist Church, containing a bell weighing, more than 'five hundred pounds, was blown over and set fifteen or twenty yards away In the middle of the street. Cant. Thomas Johnson, the eldest inhabitant of the town, had the front porch and all the chimneys of his dwelling-house blown down, and his bam, stables and other outhouses blown entirely away, though the horses in the stables were left unhurt. T" '..:'-' As the cyolone approached the north ern branch ot the creek it seemed to gather fresh strength, and swept every thing . before) iU The house Id which Shepperd Horsey, a worthy colored man, L uvea was corn wo iragmenis ana, wiw all the contents, blown across the or sec. Some of the heavy timbers of the bouse were blown nearly a miierand airitcMr and a piece of ice weighing fiye er six pounds were, carried, several hundred pvuuuD viwu, vaaa7va botpim uuuutcw i a. ir tta. w I everything whet had inoiudlng - about Bfty collars m money, ana if be ana his wife had not been out at tbe time they would hardly have escaped death. In crossing tbe southern arm ot the r great column of water, which it poured down on tne land,.' cutting Doles in me earth. As the storm passed through the family burying ground on the farm of Mrs. Catherine Poulson the wind blew some of the largest tombstone oyer, while it broke others off like reeds close to the ground.- J --t.. J . BekU' Arnlea Salve tj"! 1 - Tmt Best Balv. in the orld lot iuis, cruises, oores, -, uicers, i cmu A . - . . n . r-i Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter- Chapped Handn, Chilblains, Corns, and. all fckia Eruptions, and positively cures pi!eg. It is guaranteed to give perfect satis!" ac tion, or money refunded. Price 25cetts per box. For sale by Hancock Bros, ly BBIKF. Chesapeake Bay has been visited by a number of water -epouta recently. Lee, an American oarsman, defeated Matterson, an Australian Jn a race on the Thames. It is probable that the Mayor ef the city of Philadelphia will be Impeached for mal administration in office. "It's a wife's duty to be pleasant," remaiks an exchange. Yes, and it's the husband's duty to make her duty easy. Beginning with the November num ber, tbe Century magasine will com mence a serial of tbe authorised life of Abraham Lincoln. Lieut. Henn says he is anxious to sail the Galatea against the Mayflower in a gale. Can't some kind of a race be gotten up whereby the handsome cutter may win a prize to take back? Senator Jones, of Florida, has given as bis excuBe for remaining in Detroit so long, that it was such a pretty city ffhe public were under the impression that a pretty lady had something to do with it. Among the letters received at the Geological Survey at Washington offer ing suggestions and advice for tbe pre vention of earthquakes, was one pro posing to bore holes in the earth's crust to give the explosive gasses an outlet. Acting Secretary of the Treasury has made the following permanent appoint ments in the lighthouse service fur the State of North Carolina: Thomas Spires, North river-. Geo. W.Lyon, at Wades Point, and L.(i. Ilinnant keeper at Brant Island. Tbe unbecoming manner in which a portion of the press treat Secretary Bayard will lead to a revulsion of sentiment in his 'favor if it is kept up. Mr. Bayard holds a high position and has to deal with many questions of great imiorlance. If be has made mistakes in some of his rulings, it is no more than what others have done. Tbe Sec retary is mortal and does not deserve the steady stream of harsh criticism that has been heaped upon him. BThougb considered an inland city. yet there is being constructed in Pitts burg, Pa., a boat of a most marvelous invention, and one, should it prove suc cessful, that will work a revolution in team boat navigation. Tbe builder says he will be able to make the distance from Pittsburg to New Orleans in as short a time as it now takes to go to Cincinnati. It is to be 165 feet ions. 83 feet wide, and with 250 passengers on board, will draw less than 8 inches of of water. An ocean 'ship on the same plan would be able to cross the Atlantio in two days, that is, bv the shortest route between Halifs and Southern p ton. l Ten Wis a Article Of Plcq Tobaooo, ask your dealer for "OK HIP." A wfbn lOK Hip. A Yisltto the Camp MeeUsg, The moon being -almost full, and weather more than bl secant, we took the opportunity to visit she oamp meet ing at Barringtoa's Woods Tuesday night. Boarding the 'Cleopatra at Foster's wharf, with a party of friends, a fifteen minutes sail brought as to the landing at Barrington'e ferry. After a walk of half a mile through the scrub oak and pine thioksfc, we arrived at the scene of religious exercises we were in search Of. The grounds are ample for the accom modation of as many people as might wish to attend, and the pavilion would oomfortably seat from 3,000 to 3,000 people. There is a great deal of taste exhibited m the arrangement of the buildings and the large fires kept bum. ing brightly so that the whole plaoe may be illuminated, gives the scene an ap pearance that is very striking. The at tendance was small as the major part of the crowd had been over to the lec ture in the afternoon,, but there was the utmost good order and the services were oonduoted in a manner that does great credit) to the divine In' charged There was a1 very fair sprinkling of white peo ple, a)thouga the majority of the orowd were colored.' There will be a eontl uanoe, o( tbe meeting until and Includ ing Sent.' 30th. ; Every one should go st least once before the meeting comes to an end. W. , i . . i . . . . Tethe Democrats ef the 9tn Senatorial """"A-, , i - - - IT! -I ' ' The Democratic! Convention of the 9th Senatorial District1 (Jones, Onslow and Carteret) will be held a PolloksviUe, Jones county, N.C,iea TueedSy,' Sep tember 81st, 188o for, the purpose of nominating. Senator Jot- said District a a. , k... andftther business-j , 10-. V- TnnrHn To . COT C'NH.8mmT.- D. J. Saxdkrs, ,. . J. U. BTAJTLT, VjDiato Ex. Com. ateet KxesUeatV' j.di Aaams, uniei ot x-euoe. xaox vilLe,' Term,; write.'. C My. family and I are beneficiaries of your most excellent medicine, Dr.Kinirv TJssoovery foe eonaumption; bm-ins I mni it to be ail thai you can claim for it, desire to -era- tirr to its virtue: --sly friends to whom t. Lavs recommended' it, praise it si every opportusirvj?- - i Dr. KorjgV Ne Discovery for con BQraption to ftiftrs.tei to csfcocp;, colds, bronchitisr -sthnsa,crotrp, and every mf action ef throat,- crnww and lungs.) Trial bottl-a free at llanoock Bros, sjrug store. Large sise IU0O, . , Ghsranimo's Tut. yfABBBKTKOI. Sent. 18. Gen. Phil Sheridan has returned from New York, wnere ne has been for a week, laa few days he will go to Leavenworth, Kansas, to attend the annual shooting oomeeuaon between teams of the regn lar army. The reporter asked the Oen eral about the fate of Oeiooimo. I do not yet know," said he, "whether any conditions are attached to his sur render. Thereto no doubt what ought to be done with him. He to entitled to no mercy or consideration. If he can not be dealt with summarily he will probably be removed east of the Missis sippi to Florida, perhaps the very place where he doeso 't want to go. The Dry Tortugas would be a good reserva tion for him." Two Crutches. 1 have only a few words to say which are to state that I have been confined to my bed for two months with what was called nervous rheumatism, or sciatica. I was only enabled to hobble about oc casionally by the use of crutches, and in this condition I commenced the use of B. B. B., four bottles of which enabled me to discard the use of my crutches and attend to business. I had previous ly used all well recommended medi cines without relief. It has been over two months since using B. B. B., and I consider myself a permanently cured man. J. P. Davis, Atlanta, (ia. (West End.) Hold in New Berne by K. N. Duffy and E. 11. Meadows. M anted at Oiicc, Kive hundred white bojs and girls from 14 to 21 years of age to learn cigar ette making. The work is light and very profitable to those who are w illing to apply themselves diligentlv. Address W. Di kb, Sons & C., auO 2sw4w w4t Durham, N. C. DIED, Sept. l.'itli, Carolina Windley, axed ysars, (5 months, 13 days. The funeral will take place from tin Episoocal church at 5 o'clock this after noon. Friends ami acquaintances re spectfully invited. COMMERCIAL. JocasAL Ornox, Sept. 15, t P. M OOTTOH. Niw Yoke, Sept. 14. Futuies closed firm. Sales of 5 1 ,000 bales. September, October. November, December, January, February, 0.14 March. 0 45 .1 April, 0.53 9.19 May, 9 81 9.22 June, 0.09 .W July, 0.77 0.37 August, Spots tlrm , Middling 8 8 4 Middling 0 14 Ixw ; Uood Ordinary H l 4. Market steady. Salos of New Berne 0 bales at 81 to 81. Middling 8 5-18; Low Middling " 1 If. Good Ordinary 7 Ho. l SHiHKs-rio masiBinT. 8kxd oottob xa.so. Ctyrroa Scbd 410,00. ToarnsTMB Hard, 11.00; dip, 11.70 Taa-75o.Ul.85. Oats New, 35c. in bulk Cowr ftoaSOc. BiCBrWTSaSO. Banawjix 16c. pet In. Bear On foot, 8cte to. Oqsjstbt Dams 10c. per lb. j u Lahd 10c. per lb, Eooe 18o. per dosen. Fnasn Fork 448o. per pound. Paujnrrs 50c. per bushel. Foddub 75c.aJ1.00 per hundred. Onions 50o. per barrel. FlBLD PXAA Wi70c. Hmasi Dry, 10c.; green 5c. Atplxs 25a50o. per bushel. PXABS 75o.aSl.S5 per bushel. Honxy 35o. per gal. Taliow 5c per lb. Cmoxurs Grown, 30a35c spring anasOc sUAX-7Uo. per buabeL Oats 50 ots. per bushel. Tuaam 60o. per bushel. HUBB Pot ATons $3.75 per bbl. Wool lOalSc per pound. Potato Bahamas, SSaSOc. ; yams, 40a 50c KxBoezNi 04 e. Shtmous West India, dull and nom inal; not wanted. Building. S iach hearts, 98 00; saps.1 1.60 per M. r wnxuaAxa PBTonsv , Haw Mass) Poax tlS.00. j BaoyuxB Mxat-- 7To. I a E,'s, F. B's, B.'s and L. 0.-7Jo. FLOrjn f9.S9a6.00. Lako 8. by tbe tierce. Nah Baaia 10 's, 13.5a SuaAt-Ora&ulated, o Oonxa Sallo. Salt 8500c. per sack, .'j Molabos in Sracra Na46e .. Pownna f8.00. ' ' ,8ho Drop, tl.78 baekyta.00. 'H6Iof,:Vcnsei:fo. Saturday, &sp'ii$.6. 0KAD OPKKiao she COA LITIOS i 'oaarpAien aT - Res. t' C. aarl.ok. OrUat Hbb. i j and ether Candidate. " , ; The suumt rtOaxitCK nr tMir w' dwik, fob Miedle strW at nUB, aktl Sbarsv retumlDf at EKViN, pjs-.f,. 41'J f iio" wiannif w aiws wHUvpon atasnsv' T . J " unm nasADsr sea ee.acoaaisao- own. . ..r ' 1 -V , A at. WATWK,- t? t j (WtUcmplaCom: (Bare tsncdfcrlnvcctcieiit, A D.wefcing Ui will rent jsasCy lot 10 mrwru ciear on cxt - 1 i:r SlSdlW P.O.Box No. 578.- E. W. SI1LLW00D. SEO. KLtTEl. Smallirocd 6 Slovcr, DEALEES IN GEIIERAL IIrRDWARE rinware, Glassware," W00DENWARE, CBOCKEBT SASH, DOORS, BLX2IDS, GLASS, PAINTS, OILS AID STOVES, l NSI KPASSED AS TO PRICE Al'D QUALITY. Middle Street, Next Ioor U Central Hotel, selOdwly NEW BERNE, N. C. For Fall Planting. Cabbage. Kale, Hpinach and Turnip Heed. K 11. MEADOWS Co. HUK-1 Jw INSURE AGAINST ACCIDENT. Guaranty Mutual Acci dent Association. l'utirv ('HrTm.l fur about ?12 Yearly. I'liyn H,.kly bcuclitH. 82"). Iwe of Life rVl'lin. Ls of boil, fe,-i r bolb bands, 85,000. I!, of tint- fool or one band, 82,000. WATSON STREKT, 'p'ltf Agent School Notice. MirtS MANL will (. ii Hc-hoitl for ()lrb mid on i in Ijidlfh In 1 1 1 lb ih uu (k 'ToBIlH llli. I uUWin annum. fc.'(0) to fl!6 (W Jny uhtf iuhi L r l in lulvanrt sM(ik Ulf For Sale! For Sale! Valnible Property on Craven Strwt ! Iirsuftiit Vo a judgment of Uif Haperkaf tlourt of Craven couniy, 1 will eaponw U luU lit- Halt. t i th uurt Houm IHxir. In Ntw bf rn. Saturday, October 10, 1886, al TWKI.VK o rliK k M.. tbe lioiue aod Lot on Craven ilren In Mill oily. ImtVMu Broad ud Neune, fuiuit-ily ilio rculileni- of Anu Hebtiooa Hoit Terms One half null lalanoe In Six luiiullia. 'J'llle r,-Mrveil uutll full payment N. s KH'IIAKIIHON. Adm r. H, pl. IS, 1 .. 11W4W Noliceof Sale. ON TUESDAY, The 21st Day of September, 1880, 1 will sell at Public Auction, at the Storobovso went ot the Storehouse for merly occupied bj Wm. Cblligan, Sr., the Personal Effects belonging to the estate of Wm. Colligan, deceased. Terms Cash. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, a. m. WM. COLLIOAN, Collector relate of Wm. Colllgma, deod. Heiit. 10th, lt6. Uetd School Notice. Miss Leah Jones will open a School on Monday. Sept. 27th. Miss Marks will teach French and El ocution. Pupils who would be in the ftlh. 7th and 8th grades will be received. Terms 82.00 per month. 5d?w THE LEE BOOK. MJbilMOIHH OsV - - ROBERT E. LEE. fe rns -3: MILIMY HISTORY AKB CiMPA18I.,i BY GEttEltAL. A. IA?il&,,: . Military Secretary to GmrfffcVL Ls'k. ' ' Af-nU waotci! in (lie followlus Oounllae llenufhrt, (Hn, Chrteret, Jones, Qree&s. n.riie. Lenoir, Onslow, Pitt, Pamllso. - L.ileral Terms to Aprrnts. Aildreu W. K. BOYD, Unernl Ajrent. SEW BERNE, N. C. ,,. ; The K.lstnn Free Prem, tbe Washlsrlon Reveille. Greene County Entarsrlaw. u " Bnfort Rerord and DnenvUl Heftnetor PJ"e copy three timet and tend blUtotUM office. pivairtr .- Notice! Notice! Notice The SDdaisUjnsd, hevtes sysussl ''ICjl itjLutd 'Gun and LoftkRimlri BMakltshmmf I chimc eHOPa of work ttm Qnn Tlreb lass wm mm m n nn uuiu..l'T! ii w mjmj 4 urj MBtMm K rv SSI JS. m oftrorkOaQnn. LocklVuC 7.. . rtrl slaas work gwntoea, ! xa Ml3 I tonf lU'"l '"J-j 1, J '" 'Ii n ,-stvl Notice t'",r:-'"1 ci M !w' T9': l iH- t JU..T i.V) mf Trin; "' ATI tMlKflA'n',. tas st r--ts af tr t s i K: ber. 18--3. wi.oct m. ... r - ranlet ia c! '-- 1 1 r;if Will fc 1 ' r t chn. 1 "!, r ' , a ( r ( lie i i s . r days, i - , - -11...,. V.J, J,:. ; seplOdSt (. JK r.J . 1.1 li u.. .7

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