men .TOm'LHi. :rir:;Lr.:"3TJ.;jLLTf.r:i"".;3 ! 6"r .1 -T-I31 it J- r . i ? s ; W4. awr,T. t4i . ' i ::;fflLCi7oniGuS I-J4..t. 1 t ..,.-1 WSJ- J 'I- A r (.'." i ; ,. . Mltiu - . i X U'J U U U Wsj - , J fill ( v-.- liSSe to ' ...f.;; -it U - i .:iin..i:.'.Ji : FIME-- COOPS i 3 ' unaiK! ntn-iTW 4 -1 il J : ,.mjn UsT hoe Csl J i: PEICES ! n i - Read what we can otter you: A Nice Figured Lawn at 5o. Best of Calicoes at 5c. A Lot of Dark Prints at" 4c. A Splendid Gingham at 8c. natnjHxn . C.bfca GINGHAMS, b f :ciiOTiS seersuckers. H O x- o SI'C. tt2JA3Z.MAi1 b PIGUBED INDIA LAWN, ,.. ' 4 .-.Tt; fT ....... flflf r; LINES LAWNS, Etc, Etc. (9 r cU, Therefore -J(f Eft .l ! rtfw't'tt-lray-'good Goods cheap, caU C3 H3, v.i. 1. t 1 .. 11 I ;a ;j tJ.. 'I'll U.J wm ii 1 1 1 . nil .IK Ji-.'w J i. " : Coo our Worsted Dressv;;G66ds, marked way Buttons ?ahd;T ever. i ' cro refcftt' clnbstTOlIVjOTTprlecs::,, " r J r "-rrr r z Vrltli .'your" irdew and we will5 save c tVct' Corbet wo scU-theyc'clcbrated -f. "7cil r.nd Tall Ghoe, for ladies and -::-r; every air. -7anantcd. v -, r a"-, r. .( H tbe onioBB - areTlpe "end flit is- an easy:, matter -to keep th6 innwga tine - wnrter if tbey ' ere no ripe, or ii taey fiav been rip, bat wing to being kit ia r pa the dmp soil they nave commenced to grow,. you have a difflcnlt,3f tot hopeless, task before yotUe Erery year we hare many i letters, aaiing us br some . method x of J:eeniac seed onions. la root -osra ssa ws shoald not try to keep thfeoi, alem it irere'a: few boshels-foffKHy' use. tseu luem lot sraat yoa can get aud pocket ttte8.Uneiewr. when onions eresaroe' Wo.had. neighbor who pot bf93BcattkmsM) tne oarn; ana cear'stiwadtnjt then!; oat as' much, m-, powihlato dry, aad every timet he i was going to market he crot readv a lew hnBh- els of these onions, or CRtting off me cops ana removing tne outage skid, so as to maka them took Ires u and nice, lis foaad caStomera for them at a coed fotlce.3 BnB what- ever the price Jet them. go.. It Is no nse trying to keep them. law will never make good, sottndt.mac- Ketabie onions. - :'r " : mi co There are many wava of keeuttte gwm. Bouna. ripe, ory oawns. The great point is toiJbees them ury. itnt yoa most reeoueot that even a ripe, dry onion contains StJ leasi eiguiy per oenc. oi water, ana wnen a large mass ot tnem are kept together they are liable to "sweat," and the skins and tojps become damp; and if the tempera ture is above -freezing they will throw out roots and eommence to grow, just as they would in the damp Boil. If it is necessary to Keep tnem in a large mass, pat them in a dry place, such as a shed or barn; then they will freeze solid, and stay frozen till wanted in spring. They must be well covered to keep them from thawing, and you should avoid putting them in a barn with a basement underneath where horses, cattle, sheep or hogs are kept, as the warmth from the animals might thaw then oat. We have kept them perfectly on the east side of a north and south wall, where the snow drifts several feet high and remains till spring, They were simply covered with corn stalks and leaves. They can be placed three or lour inches deep on shelve! In a dry cellar, or in slat-boxea holdisg about a bushel each. The lower, boxes should be placed on boards. and not on the cellar floors The boxes may be piled nf one: atyft another, but in such aray as to "break joints" and admit of a cir culation of air alt ronad ' And through every box.:; In oi other words, do not place the-e $d sides of the boxes elose tah other. Leaye a space OlE WSr; three inohes ' between tae-'MM. A little Ingeautty may aareqniMd to stack them op, atfdartt1feto think out the methftd hleraTFe commence,-so as to' knoleMwtlf what yoa are going t evaX. iwy rate, see that the owm era dry before storing them 1 the oellar or house, and do not papkrithe boxee too close, and give frequent Venti lation and change of air by opening the doors and. windows, Keep as near the freezing point as possible, and see that the cellar ts clean ana that there is no -damp organic mat ter f any where.A'm'wa 'Agricul twist. M !j.tO:k-jj, BacklW AfaU ' ' ' Tux Bnr SalvS ta the wrWI-fci Outa, 'BruUeB, "Sores, Uloeri, Salt. Rheum, Farer Sores, Tetter, Chapped atatat, cbUbtams, uoras, im au eua Emotion, and poeitiTelr. emres bilea It is gnaranteed to give perfect iatkf ac tion, or money nfunded. Prios M cents per box. For sale by Hanoock Bros. j .a S -Vf -m --!- - .. -Hi; iTE.'W iT 'i .V-DMS'-'S'C'HtfOL I. Superintendent'! Xegidemn-1 and Mew Hall. II Bustuen oeioc. USRANGE, LENOIR CO., . C A MilTtary Boarding School. COL. A C. DAVIS, Superuitendent. ii: lulU.k I ( o in mn i . ( 'flu V Ma:;. Bui!.l-.K He<ky Location. Fever a Death in ScheoL Eicellent New Building. Fine Society Hails. Cadet Cowt laoi ' ' ' ' !. Resident Physician. In case of sickness no charge for Medical attention. Fall 'Course Of Stndy. Chdets complete their education here, or a thorough preparation in fives" Mr -any', College or Ufliversity or Government Schools at Annapolis aud West Point. 1 Praotical Buafnesa Dtartment. BookKeenine. Bankinir. fcc. advantage as any Northern1 Business College. .iaui,i.l'n.... i-. l i j j. i . t, . . t. "pvi" ii rcuiusuiiup unuer a .rroiessioiiai l euman. rirai rst Class Department of Art. Drawine. Architectural Draftint;. ()i No Extra Charge. ' Full Course in Telegraphy and m Short Hand. Our Rates are very Low, and we hiive no "Extras." .mi! Water Golorn. t3P Session always botrins first Thursday in September. address July . W8ti. dw im For I i e 1 1 1 j 1 1 ' i ' ! 1 1 . i . j 1 1 1 1 lull parti.culai'8, , COL. A. C. DAVIS, Sup't. JAMES BE'DMO GEOuOH LLEI1 & GO. General Hardware AcrricaUttval.Ci HpYIijTk t a. , Plows; lUrrows,-Cultli4tora, J .' Uees t and r H WoodX Mowers and mspeVs, team Engines jt - Cotton Hns aa Presses, Fertilisers. lndrfaMeH tCsonit Heonisios itooUUdllaidware, l.lmft: IlrlnlcL-OmtMlAl I Plantar nish, Oil, Glass. FUttyaitd llair. " FrererStItefraKeajtorSry-Oll Cook Stoves 'Eureka Bdrglar Proof Sash Xibeki,1 warranted to give security affd sattsfWMisri.'T --; o- QEOi, AIXET 't-.-COl CornnicdonTIcrchants 1000 Tcf.ruldiiiit'crd J. X JL ... J W V 'W For Truck V'l Cotton Crops. -- prwifcl !.! i. ,(in gira to the of COXTo' una C AI.V, j'.V. ...,' ' LI(Mrl aJvaiK. ini. .e on ftK -)mnts. T oiliceiat corner Pdllock ladM iulenreeta fir V i ' . ' ' .i . i "-It- in ftmir ''"" '"" r LJ rv - - . . : ;. 'Jis - H. ,5jl.n,ir fcMil IiUtiu,J'igi -JU.' .... , ... J - ii - it i ii- Mi' i tf T'MTr'f 1 ' ' 1 -- -ft ' ' - - ia cjanTEOx NEWBERN, N. C, WHOLESALE LIQUOR DEALER AND 'M AN !'!M I I I; 1 i; Ginger Ale, Sarsaparilla Lemon Soda! BuffaloMea'd. California A Cdl I'rEtC., Etc. IOIJ ' WITJS THE AQEXCy FO., BOTTLING AA Tho Dcr'CnSel Brewing Company's Lager: Beer, Porter, &c. vi .. . " i 1 ' KpBP n ttAD A FULL line of 0vi;;es: and LiQuons at wholesale, '" .'cJii'l'Tiytlie barrel or QaUon at VEET LOW 'FIGURES for CASU. tns Alo'SWtl tfel and tnfrettor to asy procurable in North Carolina. ''! yiijiim ,','ni'rj rii ,'. 1 W "t w M m asr asslBW . as m m WW -' tii. 1 mi. mii Haa 'returned'. 'fifm ew York, and is now opening his CLOTHING, ijoofs and Shoes, k Styles Hit and Neckwear, flllpn rlldies Jackets, Paiits'ClotltsVtc., Etc. .1 AMSoETXyotit for-AA. BATTlia'-Jlf ABD , i 1 V SOT'S VAtir- UWW S9SO 8HOKS.iIBBiyBnpr Vt4ll VkWejV AKltAMJl.i. by W Mantlftw V kry pMr la WARBAHTEIV; ahoaM any af Uam tat Say n, wKhln anv raaaonabl timavlvacai). 1 amaa ra- mm nfiunuMi nairana KAumcni aavo lenaui oi wear KITH KB K8.PDND TUB MONET OTOIVB AXOTHKB A KW AU l UUSBANOK. beat, Boeat and cheapest ghoe IB the Worli tor lha ax nay. '!lf,.:iT1tBe4' aayTtJnion Aie.waUippjioaeaprt Caurcb. EASTERN N0RTI1 CAIflLIJU UARBLE WORKS, NEW BERNE, I. C. Ja 1." i. 'i. sinj uo .!: i f Ii "a fc. .ti ; v iiiOi.ii A 3 11 V ii IS oa9toM laaal . W .(MuJsl ITlaalUn.Wl.ll Clothing -Dry . Goods, Shoes, .IlaiKotions, f i Jnriikii Valises, If mVrellai.Vv;' ..'UfJ : Jf.'WaaatJi mill l ... lMWII.lttMMIW- ,-ss j mw;t.i(!ilrKli!'!.'t l! ii: i ' . " CHAI I Pipii" CLOTmN(j;STOREi Monuments; Tombs. no-' ' AndaH kinda Orart and BnUdlnc work.l ' ' ' ' c v. ; , i ITAUANi AMERICAN MARBLE Orders will receive prompt attentior satisfaction guaranteed. , JOE E. WILLI 3, Proprietor i.A l.i ' (Snooessur iv Uoorgw W.UiaypOottfy: (3 E. Millkb is my anthorized aireb in Kins ton. taagO-lfdw ; .OTONPJLT w rrctoeln the Hnpreme Oinrt. actfi t'''' Federal Goart at KpBert.eV-' aTVtth Krwlnf! places at tlmos ap.tfl4 Ni.-. T andrBka Pot at. t tpa twit