A L . fa . 1 .. . y. fcA.i y ; , ai ' " . tUUUibt, l' VfclVMl a ft ' -v ft . . UiUiii . I Jwt cSAL. a Jul I uu 1 every In. u ts.i. (llA. i.4?-r btd of tl. V ! Art But i Lot lor t . l :.: iifcUd fcf .j L.cU An..! S ccult ulluaertioo. ,., ,.! feUlbeluaUM between y pi me, - , . Br r Iia'na ntt toezreed tea 1 . . . .. - - - t.jterted fue. A J additloUAl Kitcr win ba cuied S Mini pec line. -Paym! t fur inmaietttadvertineinenu Boat BK, jkivi not. hulaxaTerUBeroaU 111 (- v ,.iect promptly at the eat of ek lttlfcil. ' i , i .- ivii.uiui: i u en. t,.u ue or a die. d . n i juatM.iw are eouoited.. fe um - ..n uiual be expected to be puo- ii " laiua obtoeuonebla pereiMiBJ- i... maie-of u euuiun or i male mora luu in oniuma at Uua fMlluK ajf&Aeved t any eaony atuu MUMtiuiHia can obtain u name of vut uin.- tjj t tttiukuoa at tula omoe im auowiu wbaml, uurManoaajio.. ; ( M, UJlPK.,- Baaliaoa IUaaar. . .J .-. .g..-"-'-, - - ; ?-.,a,v u i n "l" " " "fca- .r M ertmt. ' :. It must b'dmU&d that when " the two grst captiins met face to, faoe.OoQi.hel UUpidanjR.JMij,! . " 1864, Lee'a reputation .rested ! upon moro battle fought, 1ood y, terrible batf ', jand Tictortee woq-agaiMtf for Grant. " Fjt three long yearf tUo , who oftiie IVktaloverament, withlts 0BlimitJrw50uTce, -ha4 aof been able to reach' the capital of the Con federcyf fad when Grant took : , eommand of alfthe Northern arm tea, Eichmondiaeemed to be really V leaa in danger, than Washington. The" maxiaii'better la' the place . - of the defendant,' is aa true in war aa if lfna u especially; aypito . ' able in1 country lite that between the-Pspidan and the Jaaies. More. I ttvnr. tiiodent earthworks: defended V by modern artillerr and repeating rideare,n)tu;h. more . difligilt. of aaeccMrarassanu man were Jtou r Iro. Badajeay r&i JJboera, where i vveiUBgion -iron- aaynurcp. Jfyyw" leaGrantcroaised UelUiiidaa ' ha f au(T ke. Jiad a difCareat armr; " aader much bler leader, to con-1 7 v ,r .r J I: te 1 with tab'aat be laa metbe-lTLtL ate repeated ,attackiv,',in wlillfl'Btofcroopleil.by-lUe ablest eorpe and dltrlsiob coniAbd r displayed, prodjgie otjteroic. aUuboTw1- Valor. and'WTerBd: th4 groonq for mi;eavwiui xue ueau oi a . ! a?a a 1- J ' ' m defeatc&jtarimii&led: ta tetreat, and leara the leld ia poeaeseion of the enemy ;i44W f illd winded, M I ! -J Al TT 1 and missing' pi the Union .armi ; larerelr utnnrnberel the Opnfe . ii4o8..siJ4l ,Grin,wafl , tetrntiwdi 6 waS OQiirfed o defeat! rear, be propose .kojglifiU t:orXhat lia. If it, ioohj all somwerAregard-i learaelBglyr4b feaifal eoak' Vor the first tirse hr'hia iiie. bow- , e?er, be tried tolvpicLthe enemy, and, by, flank movement teeach 8BoUrj4vattto)ii4Mraf 'Bat when be arrived Itrefspd was pre uarea so assault, lyee was reaay. aanlf,..whiqV was a,ieroiQ, -as pr aisMQav.iaafleaajyavtnMitO'uaDe w uaerness; na as anBaooeesTUT. At the expense of brer" fi fty tiou aand men Grant' learned (hat fh ' thatkindor warjareiliee ;waa: in : rinciWi .The battle at Cold Har bor, f yaght jrlthin a month, ended t-a L.oodiest camgajgn (a .history, amf i VaAaA 4nrt AtdAAmt inr,tbp.ttenrpft to, UrHchmond - by kasabli 4rltMfeittrthe -iotth ot the James,! aat itegab the long uffgn wsipije ad,tarratiOB. liealdare-laced'hiranny eooth of the Jamoslhree months , oonef than be "did, and ' without the irm c the aiityi thousand men who fongtit their last battle between , the apidn(iuid,UJC Jamfts,ind that, too, without danger to Wash After the siege ot . liichmond be gaai. the , repeated and naTiling . assanlti of the Union amy vpon . ahe Uehfederate lines, -exteudiog as : they 'id- for distaacr of over thirty mues, and'deiended by less tbr? Enyf thousand menj -areihe lc: : evidence of the akilltif their cor -ider, as well as the valor of the wtdged. - Not until the fuliow to g year, and Jntil bU base of snp- r'.-a was threatened by other coa vergicg Union,, armies, was Lee fjom polled to evacuate the city. ' I : i it not -been for the approach rt I man from .the .South, and t' i -liaaf itiJfeIecCirecdaipaip c f . -Han, .in rwtich he ..easily r ' . v force Beat by Lee to pro- t ' -imunir-'f 5on with Lyncb t i Sa no u;;;Egho. Icng f 1 rat?faitalmiha have L . : ; ' .or. , "iclitnond w5!i r 'It .ia J ry as ore cf . T -mI?:' Jo . militarj ar' . a,Gj,:3. - 1; . ? ; -t Graat's men l:nd i Lis y. ...ilLoJ.i, j i.u 1 L, ' s.tt.i.u!iitut. I,. , ..1 1 l..c, I i- on tie contrary, Lau -Le - pre! jj t sympathy, i of his tven t! e I aiuc s: -utn. TLt j wol' ' .(v t ' - n for ' iio fclU- bodied theu ode!, betftof manhood . j TLe on federate :cflaW V&s -foil of- v riesrue.'-. welf as ,fa'?e, prcr.: '. tfs t' personal .'Igjrjj'piLy nis ciaitexiy.iipriorHy .a a gen erai.- 'xws eFtth'1 - .tstie eonF ' nee in a rjesure sc. ; ::el t e i e 'of numbers "'and ' itLu;Vt.-4; TU.jiit8 where on!? defeat, itemed inevit- aHflJnj . jtiia highest", .hailiUryl qnaHtyTthaB iBsptres tbeua5nfe8' tiDm'pjjf -devotion-of' hia solaiers r i - i .---i 1 & i ' WU tUUWJlJ l Uflj HIO rimaf table generals of anyjage. , 4 1 In comparing the military career oi inose two men,4 the Historian oi another generation "wilt Bay that f characteristic that ,lifc at the' foun dation of military BQccess, In quiet tnnaence, iq that combination of oral and physical courace, that heroic peraistence-'-which no calam- 1 ty can defeat TrMcfc wis the sH etrauce or nctor in ihe.terj 6nn oi aasier. u-, liiiso say Aua i mental powers in the capaeily ii Mention, which, is 'seen in Hh5 s iltful disposition of Jils troops ba f rej an In iale;'.n; iheenlos ): iar enables '.4 ge$eral,Ft!iinfertoi n imbers to gain the 'fitroneer pofli,-" tjon. and to bare. more. nnL the Mitical point and mooiMtRdh especially in the power of person ally inspiring .hia Jn-to ndore and achieve, Lee was beyond rjaes tlon the greater" oommande'r. A JTortkern SoUHer, -' in October Bivouac. - , - 8U to Begmlatfoa fr fraetlM f Xei- Clio. ,''V1 . kditoe JocKKixi-we are glad to eee the position you take in jour cbmments on MThe, $tate Eegula- tlon of the Practice of Medicine in orth Carolina." You, like all the hers of the opposite- aide. fail to ve one solitary idea or your posi tion. You sorely failed to read article, beiore yon jabiisbed it. you did not see why ther should back and reoolre examinatidns ora the year 1889:; nfl atJtUfit, 4Jf Jn reaa tb &rtlolfla pub- t. 4n...i . .li.i. Mil Had it clearly delineated nrfar lie bottom x( th' Jrt and,WCin ing of the aebaofumiiKwhifih' e law workaaMatJT-faiihBiora ibtemttn hef ManrntWtemred eir grwnd ir4-,Be'w'.MW'fatJW ilnV, the-wriW.lyTinls: ken as td-li uup , louuYVk, wnicn prompted the jiirpdactionana' paa- saee of the act brrM sGeneral ";iAaaenibly; !' ,'a .1 .t .:i r This . is what jonWsW.bot iinie r,Brauf .to demon-1 strata whv or jra?ilUkiirtU Ctrl Hint an slips op in JiU Adatioa ofj the problem. AH ft -r iroy rf reply is thtt-ir,eJ thjht -'Bdl&r' aa thintlng iaconcerfled'wa" have aiso inougnc ana ejipresfeat ouri t.hnnhfa nn popup fr Qljtffri Und doctors, honinff.lhafc -imm of vnn oald explain -tneWIJ. peaning Ib this yooalliiarai nade a sigaal fiilan. . thoa 'iar.ij WfJl'moSt toft- C add. thai roiv- ana juJiaiufHl io ae. want Mibe protected by iegtalation whctbct souittef ititf or not wi !1 know' that are- bava MprMiwno abU:bfUiren;uat,M,.avery othet '.CalHpe 'tow.'.'Wt .1t.J Jtbe pbopie'a plaoe ta.' &ad . this out and bbt U'tbrpi jpf 'fetelndicad eiajnlti era. i Jlow won too cemmonveopie fllt ntlt a nuad ' analrnAiia I. all caflingi to InlljAtllttstrated by the retired lawyerai mechaaios and -p : n auaaavM atw. atit doctors. .mow. Mr. Heritor. trlte nssome broal and ComttioTi sende Mewsof ' uur, matter; 'jtaa ; .let na see .he bright tide si this1 aing, jIU hM oha any .brightaViUuuk the joae 5ra have chosen fcr tharlgh bet u f - km ta bom snaHavf KTC "Uarias raceiTad ao mack banafit w . i uwvuv iiarrawaiiar. uia from Elactric Pftter, Ifselit my dutfi had a rannios aoronn i or ieht rartl Xc j doctors told sue t vauld hay to hare li.ti bD.oTaM4 ampu-4 tatftd. II ui,ij3tW,ilira Jalfla o( J utwuK ti.uen ana Myea boii.ea Huolt- lea vAmica JSalre, -and my lj if aow ootid anl eltw ElcUi f.p, fcre old at ttlf cenU a LotUe, ajidJBck- ib a Arnica tmire io.Yfr box by Hancock Broa.,jXCJt la X TAWTTWLafi !a. loeaJnr'trawa'riri. I f onrterrnl anura'y new mrin for ladiaa oai. adonv wl'r maaee aoiBota. arrJC;n j ' v...-Kra."j e t-x and KM ii j I y M. iJ. 1 -'g-booao - l 1 J I. . . . iM-t:'i S J ft" - I P If (runk kmitht -ud (Miwnwimi Mara 7t Owye BfeT'TantsaA'iikrT! D oiaiipi iiHl aromary Kinaa,min aaaw liov ! 1 Jji earn paUuon wlLh ua nuii.uoa of! lo n-t; vhon wburbt. lum or ofacwuhaia bowaafv olrt only la oaaa Kotal BajiiM iinimimfiiTanti ni,tiiyiii'vni ilnaa flfYottrLfifitCk)thesr'Ifi(isi Ula Jt inn4tti U tt, dipnoi xruiKKm I'tui'jiJ af'lssuiti BUYVTHEMEARL k fWe ha a"'n2dVfiJ:xJifffire itjlwi cW Urgafitn'i -ft'1 f"-iftrf-i HeaTT All .Wool Satinet and 9flm boa efj la otdl fawi;il3i n5 oely made nto'Hat thpyr heat II f yoo wkBt-to) gel "thl'itcet o( ' 1 '' W ataHa ' 1 9 Tl ef brought io,lbi citn look qvr' onr Sock,'n4 ,you will ,Mknowlwls:ttbat Single Cottti arid Vests sell I OvercoaU ,and 'i TTLsWrtf v in . Too W6ol Re tfehiMe! Wtf, cfaata from'S5.Cttjim'iu .'fi t Shoo Departments n .X-TT r jl . I yvtw, uauB- l"iup, i tP i?1 ropbir and, tctr th afertnith. fibbut'OTr gfjodB,. levenvi e Vhen arrai aayafltagfora aw pyofinal'I kYOWM riVctr-Tat Mi rr-fT-ait .'Vint V .i-4 vt.tisf f,i ri..,i..,i tZSjji'ti T ""J-Y"" Ykf aV V fj-Trrm" iWUtali eaW dbk Trw prriTminfj ietnrr aisi iB6aorpKifN i -j. - li i i ...,.! i . . . . i lO MOBlJiJ (iii j: JJ lOMOBikrm a:U- ni -ik.noo e;Wll roods'. -Jvia4 if w14a' i :. 'Mi inlKi lesDur HbWi8tHin: CbfetlUi-lldbi iA"rMI.'alMM-' .aiuiiYlOBaUaT; f'ii wa.i.i.iau . JACilXTS aa4 CLOAKS at LOW PRICKS. 7, ! 9T1 1H-lTTJ4t- ..w,'iit 6iU ) oanoot taleteellefl tf brfif,ani tJVial Bargains) Jargas! bargains 'Ladlca and Gents'. ITose P'"r- - Also ior HAKDRTCT- vmui) ana ui cwaX iXUiXUXS. 1 M rrouTiratatato 'inrfftK'Thii.'Wti 'iX10f)li ': I J v1.il f 'f lliw haled : Jt.iJvli C U 9 ,,ulljLl . is aXMiriebalr .aew. an4 kr ku! iJ.. m' with av Tary iiBiiend rmtlv ivertpr ta njiute rfoaa carnalif arriyl? ; rdddai t i ,j vcm wokCDiTokia.r t i:ijfr i.'i:t awn ' rycfclo shirts. S5o.tl ?-, rr i Wnen Bbirta, 3.1 .a i-'U.i.j r X. Drawers, 85c.- ; . -v.,k - . '3 t all a.sii r-ii ' HOertt-Kcdtwear;-.- .v.vr:: '-v; Eatltet CoodK i'- .-j j;It T:s'i,jf-iii r t7brllai. '-:n .rfr-r ,t f Acrdiona. ;c;,-'E;e-7 G-rrt't Kid '.- f 1 ; ;-"r'-, i 0t l,;K.n, Jones'. 1) :e. , . w tue c.ui . . . JuL-i ll KELSON. if-ni TT A JC IS'. O. It. It. STOCK. K Cartfflcate of Btr. k oi ti e Atlantic A N C. IuuUuhU uo.v No. iuuv tma been luot. ami uie uui tiOcaU) Uie uudermgDed ha upphc i dr a lit wit r- Ail ooucerm d win Uke uutita. r Wewbern.eAuB .lfse. ikJ t Gjfcbue-:''! AGENTS KUJ ; J ttuiil i QOm ate. iMuraiae ( onf Dwellhiga '.ahd Mereaatife BlakaV'??1' " rEB-ViLLEY KUfflL' LIFE IKS. CO. (if o aod reliable. or pajmenta." abou,Aumira f ma . Uu it, t.A.i.l jiit" " p f tone's Knttil Life Issm&t Fluid. ifi payable aVintervaU pf 'from tevea jearg during lifetime. , T yaucq on riciea,t .. I Oppoalte City Hall and Ui Post Office. ' fflfa But('laM of thaaooM torn pkiU Hi Ita aDOotntmanla awl furnlui ra ol- AB Y lOtSK In Hew York City and Ii oondoelad. , xiuropeam Plan. Kooau only On Dollar oar da. UaJf tsa- hala'a walk S:om Brooklyn Diidira and Jla- B90U.IM A.M' Imea Off- fM fMuai XuO HOOT. oouvaulaut' Uotal la Maw. -York ; Merchami to atop at. Dtnlng Kooma, Ca d bunch tanter repleta Willi all tha lux- riea ai mouaraie prioaa, , , t JjTWJy, , j bv&BAIH AND COTTON. U COMMISSION ' 1EEECHANTS, NEW BEItNE. ifa WitJrw ,viii( ) .k ..i NS 0 RT A L'ir A R T I ST: iaonilry-rn attWdnt) atnlnaiTdraiilnf aaa eqavina; natoon ia4 uia; uaaioai iixiuaa MUi tti a beat vorkman and near furniture. tafaaMa4aaaaaraaM tbvaairha patron klin ' - . t .... . " - lonilaTGiiic: af aifinoo b4Ji l'I aa hardly aeliwt lngl.fja ' " jo a nanr ao iom i i . nava and,..!: lfataal.f aM auaried. art f .Ji Xmaaaaait hay aTraa-aofd. fend aKlnav Jnd.: ft lha htmt Mm1v 1' aM Mb-In YStiBAVMAri:1 M Orlaudo.VlA. W) jiaoil 3y Orlando, yia," "! 4 ' t9ala CalM.fM-Ca'ttwrW'.i;'-' nTTFIII flESiTiODIICEi' i)(D TpSIC. . n IXl Otli rtiaj 14 tUOl Mill I 4 Hutaa aVl Bloal Hi Skin Oladaaaa, &faMvt ifm, fiorofulA, Old apref. A nerfeet Hnrltia .;. uji,i PI not In yonr market It will ba forwarded . r,; : . fit Vanalht AT nHM . Um.ll hnlllM 1 lyu i.m. on Blood lnd kin 'tiaeaae1 inaUnd raar H.7 a - J? aJsk?'h'oie5ale' Vn'd "retail,'tytt. N.JDrjVtTr, WfywTJetn ,'Na 't " I akrxrS ft faale - . . r' . , artel MfW.'tfiiaisrq iiiV.f.lfJ iosX wot ot BjjualfKtEa u l)oai 4 . fcaj Tc.'jh cnA. :i aii.l w.''"1 hliir.Oilh i i: i :Sa. 'V-'.1 . v 'a-1f lie r.TT h 5nt3l:Tc :nt i.;r J W (l It 1 ' I St V' 'I 1 H- jltijl al) klndi Grave and BuUdlrm work la- I -l ; r iv: : 1 1- T.l l ,- c iys i royyt 'a .' c! i-.:i B8rau: f4. . f.fit-. 0SrK.7ILTJ3, TrorHctor (8ocporto Owpe W.Claj-poole) i 3 is rr f If -: tfta"?t? TT is k:-. i. r f 'A U.U Ii , ' a J J:.i --, ...j,;..'. -" r.wlV,J..l)i.M -. . cwciKKiix;! rr.hJ :Vfall': yuCuCIS,- lie. 9 ' 'mJ a V 1 AHBala fl for A. A. BATTLES' AM Bala Arnt fur A. A. BATTLES' MEN'S AND n f 4 l ALr fcf-WtU i. fcH'.t--,, TliaoDiyfeuoaa In ttata oily in Mare Vi Ah KA h itii; by me K anulad 1 TU at k A N U HY l-s'io ky ULaWmt y a ; " UI1 auld In I urerl tvery pa,ir la W AHKaN i r it; siiould any of way alUiln any reaauuHr.ta iiu vooul, I mm upon i tnrn of daniRt-t-d pair and alalrment ai baleen ill of . iUTHli.RHli.KUNUl'HKktONtl.y or OI VK AMJTHkH N IW PAIR IV HrHIXCK ?i ff! 'wtlra-i.i(;Uao;B... MAX'1 '3CHWEBIN ' J ' y r .5nriia VBloa' Alley, HTuetrr oppoalU Bapnrt Chnrrh.' ' . -,.- ., - . - ; -. ; , . - HOM OK r'LAO." i ;. 1 L ZZ1 i i '"rr' " ' .. ill i . ...iiKi - l ., f j;4Twg STdREs; south of.their fobmer stakd And keep of J iTLOtJlt; ' MEAT8 CJOPFEE."1 8UOAU,v8 YtttP8' everytltlnc In. tlie OltOCEItT ITT , J.1 HcSORLEY; FASHJOKABLE BOOT MgllB jUIEB, . rUldjvft 8T lE y?BE5H, jr. a!i :! CAtaianni Lams, Onslow obi it. rj. . , This Ist oertifr thai J. McSorley haa raade me bwo. pair of boots oi fine qual itT. ezoelumt fit and Terr dur&hla. T xaae pleasure in patroniticg and reoom- aianamg ro ail wbo may call On him in aiauaaof bannees, boinn worthy--of coaaaMceciifcU (-.j cnaaDDnTr8Bii -1 Mr. MoSorler wishes bo . Inform tha bhbliOjthat hf has soir two flrtt-cla Itniakpra, wnployd, bas, a. atock .f tha .verr witenai. and.joan put np naae po wv, ujortwa,, SQViafVi ana gflaiy Ptei a fit , Your ordar ia xasTjeotiullv aAlioil -' ' J.,' : '"""t,n5:,. biilt. ovtfM C: p. it hUiHu ;quion PELLETOi,: toriurtw laata r Phoir St drr.fiAMarf Aotms, M Whera aerrloiN! in dnalmd. W 91: j-r-ovioa wnera aemoM are dealrad. " " (i vPraeUoa la tha mimim Annvir i- J 4 federal ttoiirt at awBerna.T . r a p..r ,S n W1U al way be at WfcV lowlnc a-laeea attlma.anaii h.i. . . -J..' bine asoimiraBBKrW aol'-y. the flnt laV 31 day In aach mom v . . , tl!,ff,,r 'Hif?:.fUirT. HA 3IUU0H3 a nAriLr. ObBlow, -Carvtrat, Pmmllcfj, lnoiy and' Hyde 41ftUaAjirwA'rBa. .Vj.f;, f.oif;- it .; w-itM ln'Bimf.tT 4 tm--m m. a jt- : .vjn n' . 1 1 ill ura'I jfatiiinali: ii'f 1 -iiA75&f if Ml .'.rtHitfcVr -."ii aahi:fi; JqtO P(a uraa traetC; bat wee rollock ;Tllfi:ith;;i iv;i)i-rftt,tT L t After tkl dau will ratelye fnjtHIn Hew To Sr. . iwr a w jaeraa at . ; . v 'li.i.v ..... 4.-J .TTiCMl.ifirtiN, X)Soto Kee' )t0rTi and Battimot . i Kwrthkataahoflld remember tkat (hLkui. the beat Steam Llneeentof Kew York, makuuti ? dMly eonaactloa with Baltimore lor u. . 1 an inaaiv. ana oDienacaance. ' ' . . :.; bTi nrWErsj.T- st je a m e b a V ; , j ' (TouchlnratHorfolk) .1 , ; ! W- l-w Perne for FiHimora TtTA Y ' . 1 n.uAY ' t 1 p m. Lmtl Rlhlinn.. t.' Rew hme V LuNjLowATS and 6A1 li.uAV j e.p.at. jireau are aa follewaj . , ,- .',n,i El'BKN rOSTrn.aenl'jraaater', ' fc' ()- , ' tUht "t.,BM''t. U ', "A3. W.McCAKKICS, A't Norfolk, Va.' -r W. T. ryda a '., Pbl!5.! :i bla, it gout'. ' a rT, m Fl" T"n -r Wb Haar T. k. M. ) p.o. ; , b . . i 1 . . " i,l ror .-,1- n .-- W 'i ..! I K. 1. broii -to p , lnu.r f f ti t ; ; F laaet i i -3 - ? .it-. v uul rt3 cloths. -r';.. rtft. MEN'S AND iiiru la ai-y n SICK HEADACHE, I I coatnpTiOaV I j ' A Bflwrfli ill I1 n i.iil " d fe. ci I sW c-tsw r-i.ii ff -s uum au 4 im I- I Ca m. Jl T. A 1 - T 4 tC'u-Aiii T.v'xj4!j..5'Wi ' wrri t. qt-A '..i i a24b ' ' i " ' 11 "' '' ' H ,' ir, a TIME' TABLE; twH. t.;;vr.ii.Ts1. Atlantic & n. C. Railroad ' i 3.u. .' mvu;iitrj yi.i jiiv .hi la Effect 7 r:5tip:M:ioHdyl;pt.i8 ft kai. k ai' -a , r EASTiU'i!r.r It. 'aj is ni.-waST,.i'n; ' n ii..i it;; (' Wa,S' Paaabogat "ft 'WattoiW I ? I.":;'? Ara.;; Vaaq, 9. 4 Al M S IK; a n uuruit tlKlnatoaTi 10 at Matt law . XllKlnetoa... ' f tl Haw Mara till I IM 9' natlr-aanartatahtori i 1EA8.'"1 v- -.J.J 1 STATldKS:1- MUadt (ta . Paaa. Traia eoiIiotaLJZ. r. m. 4 I.a flrtn(t,. VilliiiOraok..j K I, 4.awaiLMa. a.Jmu ' M i 1 9U- is 1 tf lee1 flora Creak JZIHf 1J l tl U i?ar' Torarai4twJ sal viarae-a ii & lawaant! w.imJ.vjj lbvo 1 l aa i . . ,i .1., .... in! i tfooday, Wedtia day and krtOaj;..'! 3in'1 -luauBT. i nnratiaranti KatnnTuv radayand iJr rtiw , frtaln DOormnodu with Wllmlnii un A ali rala bttinil Knnh ituma. tin -.36 a id-aud wlLh Kw.l..i.it..i a i. Train WeaWloaVlua Ooi,i-hxra ill.'. . j.in.uut cuupmu fin liv.Mnon4 a ll- . a Traa,au iaf . t Ooluilwa Aje ejja,,au a . i. ! Train 61 connect wuh Kiunnoim jili. bill UraiB ironriniHiU witk 4 W.TY.In KfMlnal 5Sih.,Jevln llltoroel,:6l and 7 1(1 p m i n With Wi a W. -Train. bound JSlonh, Jeavlue! if, f OiildBboro at 6:15 p.m., and wltii H. A Ij. train IcaylDf (joldauoro at S:0U p ) J t(Mlftiia ediaAii IBtilmM.ir . .ftJIoilo i nil a Ju .!.'. x;'l wit U pfft.io VjJbi.'aa alol.'.lilr.r.j v.j. i-i - Fot- Now 'rorjaf,"lfaltli vie; i (iff ' ...",: I i'...,. i .: j i .i i. ;.V IOIJC, lioUoii, niirabctb Cltj, rbiladeiphla, Provf 'IM f. oTf.t 'r Rnd t!ier..,tT..;i.j . . . . ' .r.lr i. !?; : ' -, ?. jUimqji akdattes: .i i , : i IV, -.. f,i . r :, - tl n tx l- r u n t ii r p. -- - 1 ct.-.; .. , Vitl leare, lor L, ..... ,., r-r. I Ko. ixadfct. Wai. TralB. ihuV '':r.1',T w fi m 4 10 10 10W 10 t Wan 10 rVi "U rs n ii M li w Dlf IS It 1361 i of ri ar, t Jr. M. L I .iff.-