TTTO u 4 x: WO' " ..." ' T .. . , - - .. " '' ' i I 'J 'a & 4 1 1: asf ' f" L.I 1 i Eat affiance to ratal v.i ISIlSt Of J.'' ( It ,1IKMtll U' ''' 1 IK V r"T9 i....? .l.i.'l 1! , .awi .7.1 i. l 'V J 1"J, , Eead what we can or IBTftW P Kill VU ST A.Nioe Figured Lawn at 5c. Best of Calicoes at A Xot of Pitrk Prints at 4o. A Splendid Gingham ; at 8c. 4.1 J UH.W t IXtHM ."'' .. 1 i'j'i'U.f '.jU.. lj3 CEINKLpI) mm .I-ij- ,IU4 f :J1 .' .fiaUaj.-ii. ! Bj.-e-lM,)! PIGUBED 1 Ml" AllTKtl .1.1 1 T7ft have -lust-taken '.'til.'iM to C : u. , . ".Lucreioxu u:ti i i 1 : I'r.iait fih.i'l It f ' ?f , ouaht1 ld-buy:;g)odi;Goods cheap,; call Oil V . .it ! ila Jli Ceo our Worsted -Dress Goods,r marked. way rutted rdndrKitigcslclieaper '.11.1 .''a ...l 'n ! ie-.ttlKN-l'T - icrr. naridkercluefo?Iaiid Parasols f r.t,tilncst ycur, own prices. ,flrf. -vl I !.". :in-.t ",' ..ith your a .,a.ia 4., 1 " 11 ( ?HiTI7FiilCE$ BARGAINS, :0DS CHEAP ! t . t. i. I offer you: 5c. INDILAWlT, X; '. "J 01 LINEN" EAWNS.-Etcv Etc. ' 77: an inventory, ana 0' 7l.tU nee-' k i.Xt V'! I MlMu'ri n be 1 ... , .. ; '.T V ... r Buy A 1 . t. . . I. 1 1 1 - orders ana weymaye j5 r- kwd c and ( WW) - YTiwrrciiit c J!. j;ir V.' 1 rf- 541. THE JOUIffljj. ZXZW besnx. w. a. oc.i. use II II I I ., f 1 - 'i J jii.i.liyg . j BpllUc a Ua&ldftte't ttuu. The brothers Egbert Alfred TajUrr opposiAjj e&ndidatea for Grernor of Teaaenee, the ant named being a Democrat, the other a Republican. Thej belong to one of the belt familiea io Tennessee, and 'both hae'a natural gift of oratory. Daring the last few days Alf.'s Toice has failed ' him, and realizing that Bob was gaining ground on the Ktaap ' 1a. conse- qaence, he hit upon a plan to check-1 mate him. The idea was epggee tied by an experience o((f30l.T Dick Menefee, of Kemtncky.iB.S Gi& C regional race many years ago. Col, Jkleuefee had 8erved; pne (erjn in Congress, and having fiad a ftaste of Washington political lite his heart craved for more. He was a very popular man in his district, a part of which lay in the mountain regions, and was oonadent of suc cess. His rival. Judge Hogan, was a shrewd man, however, and, when early in the last. day s,of the can-! vasaenefa -visited the mountains on horse bade, he found that all of bis old mends ra that' reeioa W6 pledged to vote for Hogan. He could not understand it, but he saw that unless be could do something to stem the tide his defeat was cer tain, lie soon learned that 'he secret of Judge Uogan's popularity was that he played the violin at parties. Menefee was for a time at his wit's end, but one night be found a largo party gathered in a country school house with his rival playing away as hard as he knew how. Galling one of the most influential men in the room to one side, Mene fee said quietly: "Judge Ilogan plays very well." "Yes," was the reply, "we like a man nho is not above coming around and furnish ing music for us." "1 notico that the Judge plays with his left hand up here," said Menefee. ilogan was left-handed. "YVuv, ' Baid the influential citi zen, "what do you meant" "Nothing much," replied Mene fee, indifferently, "only be always uses his right hand when in Lex ington.'' This story went over the district very rapidly. The veil-known jealousy existing between the city and county helped it along, and Judge Ilogan was overwhelmingly defeated. Vtntinnati Tm Mar A CARD. To all who are rafferluK from the er rora and indiscretion of youth, nenroua weak neat, early decay, loaa of manhood, oto., I will Mud a reoipe that will cur you, FEE OF CJIAKOK. ThtoM remedy u disooveretl by t miasionary in South Amerios. 8entrlf-ftddrened enTBiope to th RbttJoSWH 3 WAVi Station J iy? jk f,n1njdiy WANTED pleaMnt Balary or ooininhalbd keU Addreap as m ono. lUUu m. brMniad nutM.nii.tln. " ' - j r " . . a w.v ' n, TT HJ.i viw n V . J -2 r-1 i.if..i,j.Li-.i''r- r " i -f a&d Acclisnt Luvsac. ; Tetal CapiUl orar Forty Millions os E. II. fi'J.-MlC23tirts, GlirVEXlLi Gpmmissipit;lIeXe 1000 Tons. Kainit' and 1 "5 M U4U1U r,r.Doi : su a'J For Track and Ootfoii lrdiri! c. ppeclal atteatkm tlSren to ale of OOTTOM aai-OBAtV.Vl ?5 I. Itlberal afjvaneu viSd bn CoMllfimenU. Offtoea at naUek-aad U1MW atTMti U.frAkalmlMaM'llAfrMfUJPl'i atntet, tw4oort west Of Orwnf OT 4 Co.'f Bank.' "i :l.rfc ,dui.t uo.SIIft. pt'aWAWSlVii Coiuuxand 01 r-.i ) aau i mm'f ' .. t-f ti hli.liy,' Mttra: Fcr Fell Flih.;: ' Cabbafte. Kale Bpiaaoh 'and- Tsnirf 'I'fK. H. MEADOWS CO. augSl :.3, Yc j -1 r.C..n - C.J r I Lt 1 Pornlah rrm with the fceet made a ad fiiiMt Clgra to le fomid la Uie Vilr of htm Benei 1 -, Jiocklt-i. rry, .o-irrn .1 Tbnrdw.He.ftJ'Sta.ii'J1-" " Pnmble be, i. j' iL i 4i.c.i,6'.eJ! S t Jiortc) Heev.A vv .l , 6 r !!- 1 J. C. (.'5. L Hp- Af - very Cne and (rotvl. Also ma&7 otri'- unfit, all a od If Mt n t ao fne. Ar i I lave vij fine iJC 1 HOC, and :, 1 1. tp ) ii?r. 1 r i...... piKikn j, fuel?' ft tti (nr. Wb.-T. t I "Jar t i.t ( vp - , fi nitii y 'i - Civ. A.n t , ,-tvE. ' , IiO j nolo, fJOTTON niTOKER. rr jt'hj:- 'jt.. The Bergner & Engel I KEEP ON 11 AND A Fl'LL LINE OF WINES AND LIQUORS AT WHOLESALE, Which will be sold by the Barrel or Gallon at VLKV LOW FIGURES lor OASU. Ginger Ale equal to Best Imported, and superior to any procurable in North Carolina. uk raw retaUer for the Original 93 Bh. Beware at ImluoTon. JAMES WIEANa 83 SHOE. Hadtii Button,Congre Laoa. ig cur 01, unexoeiMMt w ZtrtUHtUy,Oomfort and Ap- hj will bring you lutornua- uon now vo gi uua wwo 1 Jimiun d. Thla (hoe taad bluber In ttie elmtlori of ITeafwr than any other to Cue world. Tbouaands rbomartt wul tell you tbsreaaualljroa oak them. Howard & Jonee, Sole Agents for New Berne, N. C. uglj dw Just Received .BARGAINS.. 50 bbls. lilackerels 3C50jer;lbaiTelv 1 lotijis 10c. lb. 2 Chandeliers (two lamt) $1.70. 21 And ttlt'pher acods at ROOK GEQITCE ALLEI1 & CO. .Dealers in' k General Hardware .cultural -tiA p re A e t s. yy Jlrbyrst;Ctiltivato-s . :. Biflam jvbcuiw FertUtsni. UnU rtakwr, Kainle Mocaanun tuuu auanarawure, uairJfaint, iiauomine, var nish, Oil, Glass, Putty and Hair. 0 FNMen; ' ltefrl iterators, Oil OQrkWvPP Pureka Burglar Prtof SaflXoeks, mirranted to fflvo security and satisfaction. P BICES VEUY low.: Crab'Orch ard af. win ar A 0YSfEP81A.-' tale. loenaine Caa OacaAan H. llaamO-l m rdpa Ipaaaae a.oai Metu 1 nn- Ik. . 1 J i ftrah Dreaaftf Water Ca Preera. wai S. N. ONI Si.' MMur, ImMK, T- K!7Hrra 6il TK'THIS"'" ' . . i . i ti . . ... .,,..1, inmSE' L TRENT WVEB ;'. n . . i . -. ... c . . ... I : . . i .' . c Jt Mil ran Uae Mlowtaf, Bebednl o Bna-aftM aE'.' LLt '.we '. - : HelwMUae nn txurraa-T girt t . .-rubAUJtrUJLAU3JJi .s .H gteaner Cutler ga.T vin WmlnaaUhX al al ia.i ! rfcJBJ afth Uie arrival ot lheteamr boenand(b; retnni. int. wut ieaTei7nton every inuraoay and inrdaj'. 'MraeblBt at all- -po'jile.aionc Uie r- ' . . . n.r,'.M :-i:'-l V 'f J iiiilf.;';i Bteamer, jEinaton.:j 1 Oa and after Jnae WUi. 188A. the Btemmer Klnston wi l hira Klrwtna tor hew Hers ewry MrnilTandTL - yatQ'lock i.m; rMurnlnu, w '1 reave -w nie every Tna dev and rV'r. eorKe at Joll lild Field aD l toonrn f a a i au iho-i 'i .f no r"eoae rrver. tni'TO'i'im maittth i'merfrien aadoab oi DuiuuUonWafuaUy Cu. . J ; : - iCH5 H. FELL, at 5ewbrtu ; W. r. fta sit, teuton.., D. B. Esrs, I'(i'.ktirvn;. 3V 3 !l L T. TrrLP05.ArottTTr,toii.;:;', J. P. QrnyiRLT, Jolly Old field. ' 1 ll lLTMr;kroMaCH.'ll rar.wnFin.ri. at. i.. St AND IN CONNECTION WITH THE AG?:NCY FOR Brewing Company's Lager Beer, Porter, &c, For HardTir.V)S. (She Daily Jou::ali DEMO REST'S" ILLUSTRATED MONTH 1 Y MAGAZINE W'th Twelve Cut Papr Patterns of your own election and of iny me. Both Publications, One Year, (Six Kn' i y). FWOREST'S iTl THEBES Of all the Magazines. -JONTAININQ Storie. Poem. nd otKer, Heuiehold matler. Illustrated with Ortyinnl Sterl h'nyrarm 4nfll, i'kaUMraJvttTrl, Oil i'tetur and ln HVwrfeaita, making it Uir Mlortii Mafaxitie of Amrrica. tff Ilacli Majfiitliie nftnuiiis n COl I'CN )llElt, uiitttlliiK the holdi r tt the Hrlo.ilni 1 1 1HY FATTKHN tlluptrttUii in tliut In j I)EM(J i Woi 1 In ANY H1ZE iMOHEST MOKTlfl.V if Justly rntillM rld'8 Modd) Mftifitzifti Tho l,arrit-t in Fdrin. tht Lurtrrat In Cirt-uhtlion. hik! iIh- lu nt Xf. () Dollar Kiuully Matfitzin. ibkii. i) lm n il) bd tho Iwouty-atiuiiuil yuar ( Ita ullic4iin , ttjn oontlnually Imiiniviil anil t i iiitoih ly M to platio It In the front nmk of Kiuully ir'erlodleals. and (Hjnal U any iiiitKt7.i'ii 11 Ditalna 72 pairra. larre quarto, H xll '-. iik Ih k. BlairaDtl pruiUMl and. fully illiuttmud. I'ul Udied by W. Jcnnlntr Uomonst, New York, 'AN0 ry SPECIAL AGREEMENT COMBINED 6 WITH THE DAILY JOURNAL at $6.50 Per Tear prt3E STAR VewaaipbT war Aejpi T- e aXemocraUo Admrnlatratluu. T5R, -THE WEEKLY STAR, 1 Sixteen-page HewtpaDer, leaue. ! ease Newspaper, wiuea IfJSwa, every Wed need ay; uxm MJTelaaa, par, krisht and lntereatlnc FAMILY PAPER flit aontalrti & lateal oewi, don to the boat Agricultural,1 ff Market, A i Fash Ion T A ft nwyooiiwiu) rtSl Political m rpanelal and Ceromercl(,VrS tA i ,HOeHaJ fMfnwrwM. jTArOallata f the Wl abUI W. Ito ajitem !rea will e fonad ciowded with px& feSfSSS- qW! AWrian i' Jarelga writer of Siiben. j THE' DAILY STAR, VTbi DUff TAt aeiitalM all the news ot the day 4ai itUacfite form. Ita apicUl ,Pde; W cable kea lBa, Parta, Berlin, Ytama apd Efklra w i aoBMoaadaWa featlre. jr, if ".tj1 Tai Wathington) A) bain aad other nawi eenteri, SnSTAB, fnndalt tba latest newt bTtdesnpo.. Ilta literar f eatarca are Bnenrpaaied. Vxbe rmancial and Katket Bcykwi an untaallr Special terms aad ertraordlnary Udaee ents to aceata ui eeTaeexa. Kraaaa. ran tf 'SAT afttt tejeJelasMM) WTlUIIlT UaT Half 'TT VI sTAVIf W"sT ' oae extra to orgalaar. Jtrarr dir tar ent Tear (toehdhii Strnday) . -17 w. ..,. - v Si III )v wiihMtRnntlA.a4xaMmtlll..4 W The Southern Cultivator " .'. --: at embrace In ita'cooatlfneney the lntelli- rant, proftresalve and anbatantlally au ful farmers of thia section, and aa an adver Heine medlnra for the U erohatit, Mannfactu rer. Block Balser and ProfeaslonaA Man, Is r-peejndiciousiy era ployed In IV) column B always remanerauva. --. s ... . j , aaveri.iperfieDui, per una, ' gubecription, per aanaaa : , . i' SO: I l.e0.-r A.oore-a. i - ' . err fATc r-. . i P. O. Crawar S. - . - a ,t twaa wt New Ben 'WeeAIy Janrnal a sad CsilU I . . a. .'5 tr- MANUFACTUEEE Of Ginger Ale, Sarsaparilla Lemon Sod Bdfialo Head. California Pear Cide Etc, Etc. liOTTLING Ml i. )i l' l ANI.ll.M M M r t Tl'li fctt BHADSTKEET'S, i . ! I.N U Trddr, Public Economy llIUKt aD A I. Till: UKADSTKMT COMl'ANY, h n. ks I .fill I ! iMicd IM" lirorKHUU'il I'!.. ( :. I :i 1 ti 1 ill - n r iUN 1 1. IlKI.IM). Kctti!it- Mioi-B. '7v, I, llrtiddaay, Nw York. Ml'irliHIilr.. I ' I AH h I 1 Ac'iry lit re k I C'li lutiikiiu, MitnufarttirbrH and 1 11 it. id 'lion iii our Mi r uuUle tin m t- nit- nw puliMhhiiiK h uiit-iclul bin riiiiiiicittl ut HI inn nuii.u ol "HUADSTUKliTa." hi-r vi i if? htiHiness nirn, fftrtirulari mti chaiils, Imiikt iH Hint iiiaDuIarturerM. 11 doeit not l'l wiili rruditH or furutoli ruling. , bui ra ports, nit"v hii.1 CUttr . irfcoit; inalUrn. donienitlc HD1 fureiu, that have an y betuiug upon Uie t.iisiiu-fcat of Lhli country. KeiKrtluK Uie croi.i In dt lull, InventlgaUng iuiineroust Hiduitifft, eri(ioi7.lnK various lnveutnent a, cm iUoh unit rvvit'w lug Hi markem are pe dal fealurfH, while the tariff, moDeUkry. tiiinhporlttlion. lial. liankruplcy, partner ship ami huiulrtdh of other topics are ably trou !!, noi in the Intfieet of poUtloaJ partlea or Ki-ouraphiral nertlont, htit In Uie belt ln UirMl oltiitt litiHiiiH iiicu of the whole coun try. II Is cmphnth ally the hukluen i man n uevt i pHpt'l . HV('ii'lli,is. mil bulu-rl()tUu fur out' jem al cry truly your. TlIK llKAIiMKk.II (Ml ANl. r Hunt hk now roK EKADSTIiEET'S. TH: CENTURY FOR 1885-86. Tim ri iniirkuble Interest In Uie War I'apora and In tbe manj timely arttclea and atroug serial Ii'alnrcH puimalied recently In The Cwti'rv baKlven inal magaxlne a rrnlar circulation or More than '400,000 CoiiUa Meathlj, Among the featnrei for tlie oomlnK volum whloU DCKloa wtttt alie hovel brr mmUwr srre: llu War Papens By Kacral Oianl and Other. These will lie continued (moat of llwan iMUe. t rated (until the chief events of tbeOivllWar have been deBorilied by lending participant on both aides Ueneral Graal s papers Id- uitw uescripiimiaoi tee oatviea 01 utiatti uoogaaua im lata wui-write BaetrW'r4iri a4ato'rolrsP'ei Naval combats, including the flght between the Kearaarge and the Alabama, by offloera of both ships, will be described . The BoeolkyUooa of Prl vatel'aad special War 5)pei of an anfeedotal x bamorous chancier will be features of the year. Serial Stories br W. D- Howells Man ty Ilalloeh Feel. And Ueora; W. CakuW, - Mr. Howell's serial will be in licnter vin ' than "The Klae of 811aa tham.'i Mrs Koote s Is a asorjy of rnnnlnc lt;ra) Mr.' Oatrie'e a novelette of the Acadlans bt Louis iana. Mr. Cable will also on tribute a aerie . of pa person Slave soogs a 4 -dano lnernfa I lng negro serpent-worship, eto, . Special Feataures Incluile "A Tricycle Pilgrimage to Home,' illustrated by Pennell; Ulatotsoal Paper by Edward Eegleston, ana eU era; Paper on 'iJ lately 0. 8 dtiaVaset, with nuaatoual lUnatrattons; A, tronomlcal Article, practical and popular , on "Sidereal Astronomy"; Paper on Chrts- iihu noiy ii reprtweniauve or Tannai re- ti llgioqa rteBorniliktlon;; pa pefs tmx Ufcnaitll. Gdncatlon, by variooaexperta, eta., eto. M 1')iu!ftr1T?f 'VflIlO Ey Frank R. Stockton, Mrs. Helen Jaekaon Julian Uawtborne, Klchard k. Johnston. and others; and poems by leading poeta. Tba Departments. "OoenLett" RVtM.Rn. n Wlsderueasv UeneratMal lOdaiSH Run aX .atXJ etc, will b fully sustaLned. . - ' Ta niwaCrattaaa v Will be kept up to tho standard which has mad Thi Cbmtvbt snarrBTinss tenrH,. ik, )x PHeni A apscla! lfAr. '. , Befrfala bnbaerlptbrav artoV H.fJS. a yen. , JV aaSle ".",rirU . ail u f-1 iW,' wltn eontrlbritlon from General iraatl' "Wallace, Admfc-al PtirM nd . i , , sena ta w oaek nnmeera, Homnim. m. to October, 1S85, with a year's oheoriptlon r ginning. 1884, for S6.09 for the who.e. Am.' soripvion, wn in ii an rubers bound lniwo bandsoaib volme,t7A0 far the whole, a. k orabers aabyannplied at the prices B wi suberriptiona. J A free specimen orrpy (back Tirtmhr)wi;i he senton request. Mention this rwi-r All daaler and postmasters tt tkrna and supply number accoi speo b ctler.orremiitanc may be i rali U ' TB CKVTTPT 'fir i . CItT teasrcll 1 r . ' J. B. BawM. Qoaer Brldee, J. ai. f&7K, Gerc'l Manarr, b7dW - Muevou.N.0 is. 'i I TTTI.K, , Ciiifro, IIU water year fa nit, I ,T9 d.:t I New Bertie, N. C.