, . . . 1 .: - . . . . ' . " ' . ' " ' -, . .. .Daily pfl.QTT lilM M-t '! "V,i VOL;;Vr-NO.a.60, NEW BERNE. N. C, TUESDAY, OOTOBEIi 5, 1886. PRICE 5 CENTS. LOCAL NEWS. '" ' fanraal Mllttir ilim. ; v Now Eerns, latftnda,- 85 ' North. -r : , longituda, TIr Wrt. ' Sua rises, 6M I Lentrth of dayV ' . Sub hU, 6:44 1 11 boon, 50 minutes. looo U at 8:44 P-ra. .. " Gi?6 tha Orphans full houaa tongbk . The board of city council will bs in session tonight -t Tbe-steamer JTi(o ' anied from J Kinaton with ootton sad passengers. . " ffhe steamer Elm City left yesterday r " for Nof fojk.wlth a full cargo of cotton. ;.r-v- The tloiaef" "Florence arrived from Yaaoeboro with cotton and other freight. The city tax collector giyes notice that the list is in his hands and request all persons assessed to .come forward ana setae. r Jter.j Mr. Need ham is .conducting a .series of interesting meetings at the ' Baptist Church. 8errices avery evening and at 'night ," : Tickets to the Orphan's Conoertto- , night, 85c. Resorted seats for sale at , Meadows 4: Co. V drug store without axtra charge. ; The y M. p. A., postponed their regu lar se IT lose Sunday in order not to oon - fliotiWith preaching at the Baptist ' Cburoh, .Whiob took place at the same hoor.f ,. The candidates on the People's Ticket will address the citizens of James City tonight., We trust the people in that community will turn out and hear them. the ' weather during the month of September was remarkable for mildness ajid absence of high winds. The past few days, though a little cool, have been pleasant. The regular Tuesday night cottage prayer meeting of the Y. M. C. A. will be held tonight at 7:80 o'clock st the residence of Cant. Anson Wallace, on the east side of East Front street, v The Wilmington Star says the mer cury at JJew Berne stood at 96 lsst Tuesday September 88th. Unless it wss a typographical error we cannot see how it Wat so misinformed. : The street sprinkler was out yester day a4 ' wasn't we glad" as well as many of the clerks who were in some what of a doubt as to whether the amount of exercise required in dusting was necessary for their health. (,,4. reorganization of the operations of the Methodist Bundsy School bat been fleeted whereby it is thought that the good work ( being dona there may be still further improved upon. The Sun , day schools of New Bern take deep in . Wrest la the duties for whioh they are intended, and it is wall tbey may, for It s . is bare that the foundation is laid upon which the religious and moral training of ths character of children is butlded, ? and where so much depends upon their IB tore life. The Sunday school lesson ' thoroughly! Implanted. In, ths mind of ", ths youth may at times' be disregarded, ; but scaroely ever forgotten. , BpeakJac at Yaeeare. There will ' be publlo speaking at VaBcaboro on Saturday the 9th Inst., at 2 o'clock. '.James A. Bryan, Esq.; WO ddress. the people on the issues of the day, and particularly issues concerning (he people of Craven county., . - ' r A Ukerai DtsatUa, ' ' Mr.. J. Harass has presented the New - Berne . Improrement Association with 600 copies Of his work oa the Pamlico , These books will be distributed by ; ; thst body, it tba State Fair and at other ' gatherings where it may be desirable to - inrrnoe aft Interest to this part of the ;-'6uie.-. 1 ,',; ' , ; ' - : Pea rails Cavvktlea la Jeaws.' . At the Democratio convention of . Jones county held at Trenton yester dy, the following ticket was nomi- . , ,-m. -r- . V- .' a. t . . Tor ITonse o EepreeeBtatirea, Lewis CTr.urn. i r clerk of ths Superior court, Thos. J. Whiuker. . . - , Tor register of deeds, Joseph A. Smith. ' ' 1 or treasorer, A. O. Barms. . . Tor beri2T, S. E. Koonee.f f . Y or coroner, Dr. C B. Woodley. . , , . r r firrryor, W. A. Jones.' - t , , , - n ""V nv IIIaaSMak Hars. v. ,'e are gratiSed to ahnounce Ihii p- - " - est James A. Brystt," Esq., ' ' i the people at Vanceboro on 1 1 ii tie iatereet of the ' . T '.9 commutes should I e : .-. Trysa si Jres . t I'-.ia city st so early day. - 5 1 h-.i j 'ipu more 5 ; ' i -f cf Craven "r f I'r. Trj-an, j - ' ve r -f-f.t Vf'; r. t T r- I S.l .;. "I Tme Orvfcems Te-nicatt -, Mr. L. Thomas, Manager, is expected here today with a class from the Oxford Orphan Asylum and will give an enter tainment at the Theatre., The -, follow ing is the program for the evening: I Will Sing Thy Praise Song. Clsss. , Kind Words Song. Mamie and Julia Gabriel. - . Recitation. Plato Durham. Grandmother's Birth-Dar 8onsr. Uiaae. . The Clock Calisthenics. Class. Recitation. Julia Gabriel. Bo-Peep Song. Virginia Lee. Mother Bests Beneath the Daisies- Song. Class. Keeitation. lola Fowler. Ocean Spray Song. Class. Where the Warblinar Waters Soca lola Fowler and Bettie Peden. Recitation. Plato Durham. The Broken Pitcher Sone. Julia Gabriel. Day-Break Song. Class. Recitation. W. Fowler. Lead Me Song. Class. School Song Calisthenics. Class. Jesus Lover of my Soul Souk- Class Recitation. Julia Gabriel and Willie Fowler. In Yonder Land so Bright and Fair Song. Class. Recitation. Plato Durham. Matches Song. Mamie and Julia Gabriel. Valedictory. John Gibson. Good-Night Song. Class. Fir Near Flv Points. The sounding of the fire bell Sunday night at a little after two o'clock called the department out. A big light in the direction of Five Points gave the loca tion. It was found to be houses occu pied by colored people, and the burn ing had made considerable headway, the buildings being so far up town. Two buildings with all their contents, oeionging to bnade towards, col., were burned, he barely escaping with his life. Another building belonging to Frank Young was also burned, and a fourth one, occupied by an old colored woman, was so badly damaged that it had to be pulled down. The cause is attributed to the explc&ion of a lamp. Simmons at Vanceboro. F. M. Simmons addressed s large, in telligent and highly appreciative au dience at Vanoeboro on Saturday. The effects of his efforts were best evidenced by the wrapt attention paid, during this entire discourse, for the space of two hours. He was introduced by that indefatigable and zealoua Democrat, A. Conn, in his usual happy style. After the conclusion of Mr. Simmons' speech, Riohard Clave, Esq., made a few re marks complimentary to Mr. Simmons and asked the full vote of the township in his behalf. O. H. Guion, Esq., be ing called upon, made a short speech of rally, and as chairman of the Demo cratic Executive Committee of the county, called upon the Democrats of the preoinot to resolve themselves into a Democratio club to aid him in palling the full strength or the party vote in the first township. Bis call was flatter ingly responded to and resulted in a complete organisation, with the follow ing offloers: A. Oohn, President; . J. White, 1st Vice-President: Major Ed. Whitford, 2d Vloe-President; Macon Bryan, Esq., Secretary. This club extends a eordlai invitation to the Democrats of the county to ad dress them on each and every Saturday until the 8d of November, when they pledge the largest vote old Craven has yet called forth from the Democrats of the nrst township. Vamckboko Democrat. ADVICE TO MOTHERS. Mas. WrmLOWs Boothino Syuw should always be used for .children teething. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colio, and is the best remedy for diar- bosa. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Jan24dtuthsatw v Ilf HBMOBIAB, Thou hast been faithful over a few things I will make thee ruler over many things." - Entered into rest, on Tuesday night. October 8d, A. D. 1886, Miss Ella Kaox, in the fiftieth year of her age. Tis finished: yes the work Is none. The battle fought, ths victory won." She was unceasing in her personal at tention to the sick, the poor, and the afflicted. She was faithful to her people, faith ful to her church, faithful to her God, faithful over a few things, and will be made the ruler over many things. Enterthou into the Joy of thy Lord." Be roe by the hands of the vestry and other members of Christ Church, her remains wrre taken to that holy sano tuary where it was her delight to worship. - ;".!" , ..... The funeral services war read dv the Rev. Mr. Shields, and her remains placed in the family burial- ground of Ms J. John Hughes. .; . , : It is no death to diet Mm ' " Ta leave this wears road. , y--k' And midst the brotherhood on nigh. To be at home with God. At the hour of midnight the bride groom came, and she was ready. ' , Newborn, . v., ' . v-. . ; , X ---i v. . , It has been reported that i was deai but I era not. For four years I hsvs ben sfaicted with a severe casa of Llood Poiwn, Rheumatism and Neural- ria. My feh shrank -away, my mus c) iferoed to dry up and form into Ltile knots, joints were swollen and ju,T,(al and all concluded I must die. 1 1 are ud five bottles of B. B. B. and I tars gained SO pounds of -flesh, sod ta d"w ss enind as any woman. I ;:.i k Dcffwat, At'mta, Gs. f'lh Isms ty.R., Duffy BBIJCFS. deraat&ting Floods India. are portions of Under the new charter the mayor of Philadelphia gets 113,000 per year, The United States Naval Academy at Annapolis has opened with 260 cadets. Wilson Barrett, the distinguished English actor, hss arrived at New York President and Mrs. Cleveland have accepted the invitation to attend the Richmond fair. It is rumored that James Gordon Ben nett hss sold his interest in the Com mercial Cable Company. The laboring olaasee of New- York City are endeavoring to make Mr. Henry George the next mayor ef that oity. The disease among the cattle in por lions of Virginia is said to be Texss fever and not pleuro-pneumonia, as for merly reported. It is announced that 4,000 colored people will leave Nashville, Tenn., April 15, for Liberia under the auspices of the Liberian Colonization Company A proof copy of a manifesto to be issued by the Scottish Liberal Federa tion, advocating home rule for both Scotland and Ireland , has been sent Mr. Gladstone. A bl. Petersburg paper publishes a telegram from Moscow which says: The Bulgarian crisis has paralyzed trade and checked the revival of busi ness, which good harvests had incited. Moscow is prepared for any event. The present condition is about as bad, if not worse, than war. A dispatch from New York to the Baltimore Sun Bays: Gen. W. T. Sher- iu, who is stopping at the Fifth Ave nuo Ilotf I, was asked today whether he desired to reply to the vigorous attack on him by Jefferson Davis in the Balti- jie Sun of this morning. lie was told that The Sun would be pleased to publish any statement that he might care to make relative to the controversy, but the General politely, but firmly, de clined to talk. "I do not care to revive this controversy," he said. "It hi already been thoroughly disouseed. When asked if he would have anything to say later on, he replied that he did not think so. The Davis letter was widely read here, all the principal morning papers printing liberal extracts from the letter, as published in full in The Sun. While local sentiment here is by no means partial to the Southern leader, the general opinion seems to be thst Mr. Day is has made a very con clusive reply to Qen. Sherman's charges. In putting out trees, the pecan is well worthy of consideration, owing to the many advantages it offers. They grow wild in the South and West and yield a nut that is of much value for a wins. Cultivation makes them much more prolific and wonderfully Improves the quality of the fruit, and besides it be ing a very hardy tree and capable of withstanding most any storm that ever visits North Carolina, it is a tree of handsome form and beautiful foliage. The pecan tree lives to a great age and continues long in bearing. It is well adapted to almost any kind of soil, do. ing well even on rocky hills and waste land. There is no nut or fruit tree more valuable and requiring so little attention. Every farmer, in our opin ion, should hsvs his nut orchard, and cultivate especially the pecan for home use or sale. The nuts always find ready sale at fancy prices. In planting the trees, the only object is to obtain good fresh nuts, and of a good early variety, of large size, from which to grow the trees. If it is preferred to set out the plants, get healthy trees of a good variety one to two years old. Baeklea'a Aral B&lv. Tarn Ban- Salt in. the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, TJloers, Salt Rheum Fever norea, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Bun Emotions, and DomtrralT -euros niles. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac tion, or money refunded. Price Mounts per box. For sals by Hancock Bros, ly Sipatnena, The difficulty of adnoatintr the nubile into the belief of the necessity of auar- antiaittg the sufferers from this disises is beyond oomprebension, .We nave seen children playing in tha street suf fering from a mild attack of diphtheria, who were as capable or infecting others with tha disease as though they had it In the most virulent form, in deed. We witnessed one death nroduoed fey contact with these children, and yet their parents could not be persuaded to keep them from contact with others. It to thus that tha disease la often dif fused from house to house and kept alive where it ought to be diligently extirpated. Every person having it ought to be isolated, and every house In which it is ought to be quarantined and a colored flag placed in a conspicuous position upon the dwelling to mark ths location of the enemy. Local authori ties ought to compel such precautions to be taken ; as there is no question of ths disease being wholly under the ormtrol of efficient sanitary measures, Dr. O. O. lyrrWI, SacramentQ. . ,. ; - t Tern Wbk a deed Article ' I Of PLro Tobaooo, ask your dealer for Western X C Pontics. Editob .JotJKHAt: Politics up here are getting pretty lively. Candidates are even mora numerous than in Cra ven. For clerk of superior court of Burke county there are four candidates, three Independents and ona Democratio. ins lMmoorano candidate will be ever whelmingly elected. In almost; every county adjoining this there is an Inde pendent movement, but they all amount to nothing ss tin Independents are but Mott Republicans seising on to the In dependent movement in hopes of beat mg toe straigns Democratic candidates. Some of the counties have made their Democratio nominations by primary lection, something unknown hereto fore among them. This expedient is highly favored. In' fact, take it all in all, the Democrats are better united, more sanguine, and their chances are far superior than has been since the war, notwithstanding the disgruntled. Independent and Republican elements. In this Senatorial district, the 36th. Dr. John Tull, a New Berne boy, is one or tne candidates. JJr. Tull was born in New Berne, May 1st, 1849, and is therefore 87 years of see. He left New Berne in 1863 for school at Princeton, N. J. In June, 1864, his father, the late Dr. J. Graham Tull, and family moved to Philadelphia where they have since lived and where Dr. John Tull studied pharmacy and graduated at the Phila delphia College of Pharmacy. lie moved back to North Carolina in 1879 and settled here in Morganton, where be has won the confidence of the people ss an able and competent pharmacist and their respect' and admiration as a gentleman of irreproachable character and conduct. Dr. Tull 's ability, ener gy and influence was at once recognized by his near friends, as he was three times successfully elected Mayor of Morganton, giving such entire satisfac lion inat ne was earnestly solicited by a number of our prominent citizens to be come a candidate for a fourth term He was at one time elected a member of the board of county commissioners, served for a short time when for rea sons satisfactory to himself, found it necessary to resign, against the wishes of his numerous friends in the county- He has been and is still an acting mag istrate, and h&B been more than once complimented for his wise and judi cious rulings by different judges of the Superior court. The Doctor is an intelligent gentle man, with broad and liberal viwws, pleasant and affable manners, making friends resdily and withal a thorough Democrat and New Bernian. As to Dr. Tull 's election there is not even the shadow of a doubt and in the Senate he will always be on the outlook for old Crsven's interest. If Mr. Clark is elected, he and tha Doctor will see that our good old county is no looser slighted. I am sure the people of New Berne will be oroud to hear of the ad vancement and success of one of her sons and I assure them that in this in stance they may well be proud and thst while In the State Senate they can unhesitatingly rely upon Dr. John Tull. U. 8. C. Morganton, N. C, Oct. 1, 1886. Weak Affidavits for the Anarchists. CBICAOO, Oct. 1. The counsel for the Chicago anarchists filed with the State's attorney this week the affidavits of two men named Love and Blossom, who mad oath that on the night of the Haymarket riot Oilman, the witness who swore that he saw Spies, Light and Schnanbelt throw the bomb, was in their company in a saloon at the hour be swore he was at the meeting. The State's attorney sent for the men and questioned them closely, and Love con- aed that his affidavit was fane, tie said he had been Induced to make it by detective who was hunting up evi dence for the anarchists. Blossom stuok to his story. The bearing of the motion for a new trial was commenced this morning and the various affidavits in its support pre sented to the court. Society is in a pucker over the ques tion, "Shall our girls whistle?" Of oourse they may, if tbey strengthen their lungs by using the great Dr. Bull s Cough Syrup. A Heavy Snow Storm. WiNQHAM", Oct. 1. A heavy enow storm passed over this section this morning. Snow fell continuously for several hours. CHXBOTOAjr, Mich., Oct 1. A heavy snow storm prevailed here for a short time this morning, coysring the ground with snow, it has snowed bard at in tervals, but the snow soon disappeared. HeUk Hands Vv. NrwNAN, Qa., June 4, 1885. For over two Tears I have been a suf: ferer from rheumatism, affecting both shoulders to such an extent that I could not put on my ooat without help. The use of seven bottles of B. B. B, effected an entire cure. I refer to Rev. W. W. Wadsworth and all merchants of New- Jacob Skjnolib. Sold in New Berne by R. N. Duffy and E. H. Meadows. , Oct. tS, at the residence of Msj. John Hughes la this city, Miss Ella Knox, aged fifty years. , - October 4th, in tha city of New Berne, at half-past three ovolock, Ruby Dawn, infant daughter Of 8. F. and Fannie oonducteV trom tnnresidence of the parents cm Johnston street, this morn ing at bine o'clock. Friend v and ao- qualntancaf bjt (he family are Invited to attend. -'--. .T v V Tbey say that life is like a no war r ' That blooms a few short dsys; . Perchance 'tis btit a single hour, j It withers and decays. V, Tb s lif s was not u nlik e the bloom I ' ' - m . , . f . i , . - xns iraETanoe mas u saea . : Dirrwroes from the grave the gloom, COMMEKCIAL. Jocbjtal Oinoi, Oct. 4, I P. M. OOTTOJt. Nxw Yoke, Oct. 8. Futures closed easy, bales of 14,800 bales October. 9.16 April, 9.59 9.68 9.77 9.84 9.91 Low November, December, January, February, March, 0.22 8.87 9.33 9.42 9.50 May, June, July. August, September, Spots quiet; Middling 9 1 -2, Middling ; Uood Ordinary HI 2. New Berne Market firm. Bales of 81 bales at 8.75 to 8.90. Middling 9; Low Middling 8 3 4 Good Ordinary 8 12. OOJBKSflC HAM MKT 8kkd oottom $2.50. OottobSxkd 810 00. TmPKNTTNB Hard , Si. 00 ri ! 70. Tab 75o.a1.86. Oats New, 35c: in bulk. Cork 55a60c. Rica 75a85. BUSWAX 15o. per lb. Bkkv On foot, 3c. to 5c. Country. Hams 10c. per lb " Lard 10c. per lb. Eoob 13o. per dozen. Frbsb Pokk 4ia6o. per pound Pbahutb 50o. per bushel. Foddkb 75c. aS 1.00 per hundred ONIOM8 82.00a2.25 per barrel. Field Peas 65a70c. Hides Dry, luc. ; gren 5c. Appi.es Matlamuskeet. 2Iia40c freys, 81.10. Peaks 75c. a8l. 25 per buelu-1 Honey 35c. per gal. Tallow Be. per lb. Chkesh (iod Ohiokkns Grown. 80a36 20i85c. Hl'Tlll' Meal 70c. per bushel. Oats 50 cts. per buBhel. Turnips 60c. per bushel. Ikish Potatoes 82.75 pei Lbi Wool 10al6c. per pound. Potatoes liahamas. 80c. ; yams, 40c West Indias, 50c.; Harrison. 65c. Bhinu lbs West India, dull and n ,m inal.not wanted. Building. 5 inch hearts. 83.00; saps. $1.60 per M wholesale pkicrh New Mess Pokk 811 50 Buouldkh Meat 7c. C. It. 's, F. B's, B.'h and I Floub 83.00a6.00. C- No. Lard 81o. by the tierce. Nails Basis 10's,82 50. Buoar Granulated , 6c Coffee i0al2c. Salt 85a90c. per sack. Molasses and Strups 804Ckv Powder $5.00. Shot Drop, $1.75; buck, $2 00 Kerosene 9tc. TAX NOTICE. Notice is hereby eiven that the real. personal and poll tax list, for the year 1880, is now in my hands for collection. All persons therein assessed are hereby notinea to can at my office and settle the same. R. D. HANCOCK. oc5 dlw City Tax Collector. WILLIAMS' FAST FREIGHT LINE. STEAMER ELM CITY AND BARGE JENNIE REED WF.KKLY BETWEEN NEW BERHE, N. C, ud MIM, U. Leaves New Berne, Monday, 5 o'clock, P. M. Leaves Norfolk, Thursday. 5 o'clock, P. M. Connects with N. Y., P. & N. R. It. Co. for all points North. QUICK TIME AND LOW FREIGHTS. J. V. WILLIAMS, General Manager. J. McSORLEY, FASHIONABLE BOOT AND SHOE MAKER, POLLOCK ST., NEWBERN, N. C. SATISFACTORY. DePARTKEXT Of THE INTERIOR. fVnsto Office. Washington, D. C, Sept. 16, 18S6. Mr. J. McSoeley, New Berne, N. C. Sia: I enclose herewith draft for $7.60, in payment for the shoes. The style, fit and workmanship are satis factory. Tbey fit me better than any shoes I have bad in twenty years. very reepeotfuiy, W. E. Dclin. For Bent. WM II.. tWUU V. HHiUI VM Mia rtV rsl alley, evsr ths stores eeeapM by H. Bolten and Samuel Eaton. ttaiiavDiaiorawwiunter smraULg-aonas. Potm! on glTn Oct. It, UX, . Apply to lOHlf B (TO ITER. 2TW hru, Sept. IS. Mtpl7 w fpdS BEST REMEDY KNOWN FOB JL. f.lO BHXKI SL . , 4 ' Mrs. Joe Person H Hemey, pries Cut per bottm, st ..y?,aAMoocK'B nacQ stoke. REMEDY .TOR COUGHS AND Hall's Lao: Balsams. ' Brtot Be. per bottle at CIO. ILtTEI. SmalltYood & Slaver, DEALERS IN GENERAL HARD WARE, TINWARE, GLASSWARE, WOOD ENW ARE, CROCKERY, SASH, DOORS, BLINDS. GLASS, PAINTS, OILS AND STOVES, I' IS SURPASSED AS TO PRICE AND QUALITY. Middle Str'. t, Next Door to tvn a iioU'i, NEW BERNE, N. C. K. R. JONES, Wholesale uud Retail Uealer in CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES AM) General Merchandise, UAUtJINc; AM TIKH, l.W. C'onttiKBiiieuts of (iiain. I'olU'ii and other l'roduce nolioied Prompt Attention ; uaruuteeI V W. ( , r ,s,.uih 1 n.i.t and Middle.' e Sie. m:w iii km:, n ( I- II. (TTLEK, HARDWARE, SAMI, IMMIKS, It I.I N I S, AikI IliiiUlm :lmiriiil 1 all liimls. excllsior cook and heating mm, And u Full Fiue of House Furnishing Goods At liottom lrioe. 26 MIDDLE STREET, NKW HKKNK . N. V. Parlor Suits, Chamber Sets, Walnut Bedsteads, Bureaux, Wardrolx-h. Mutt rouses, Chairs, LouncoH, Ho fas, . Centre Tables, Kto AT HOCK IIOTTOM PRICES. JOHN SUTER, l.lw Middle 8Ut, New Born. M. c Oysters and Restaurant. Mrs. 8. A. WOMRT.R K.. , a . Firgt-Claaa Orater Salonn mnA pL,. ant. one door below Cotton Exchange and is prepared to furnish Oysters in every style. Meals at all hours. Families supplied at their homes if desired. se2S dw8m Ferdlnannjlrict WHOLESALE GROCER AtiENCY OF HAZARD POWDER 00. AND Choice Pale Cream Cheese. SNUFFS AT MANUFAC TURERS' PRICES. JtKJlz HACKH. 7". A. Green't Old Stand. NEW BERNE, N. a Rock Lime, Plaster, Cements, Goat Hair R. O. E. LODGE!! ForRcnt; ?4i Ii A bSatdwsnin pT,i.,;r; J. n Broad street, epposita W. Loroh E. W. MILLWOOD. t. 1 II. 1 -: i.ows. 'vieatip," eeiidwam Tela us she is not dead. jy- HAoocr8ETOaI0BvV aep24dtt ' V C, T. HAKCXKTlt 1 -t 1

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