Daily Journal THE VOK V.-NO. 161. NEW BEHNE. N. C. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 0, 1886. PRICE o CENTS. LOCAL NEWS. lairul laUlr llmute. New Berne, latitude, 86 6' North. " longitude, 77 8' West. Sun rises, 5:54 I Length of day. Sun seta, 5:44 I 11 hours, 50 minutes Moon lots at 8:44 p.m. BUSINESS LOCALS. Norfolk oysters at Mrs. Womble'e restaurant next door to cotton exchange tonight. Cotton was a little off yesterday. Hurrah for the board of city council. They have determined to turn on the light. A wagon load of Onslow mullets were in the city yesterday, selling briskly. Mr. Thos. Daniels, the city treasurer, makes an important notice in this issue that every owner of real estate, whose . property has been 6old for taxes, will do well to read. O. W. Wallace, for several months second mate of the steamer Shenanduali, has been made Captain of the steamer Carolina and w ill ply the waters of Neuse, Trent and Coulentnea riveM. The city council proceedings wire handed in yesterday evening but they are unavoidably crowded out. ne of t1 e important items appfaring is the Bleps taken to light the city. Tin y will appear tomorrow. Mr. L. Thomas arrived from Uayboro yesterday with a chapter of orphans from the Oxford Asylum. They Kavt' an entertainment at the theatre last night, a large crowd being present. A handsome little sum "was realized for the asy Shaking High I'rlrr.. Mr. Wm. Sultan hBs a stoic jammed full of new goods on Middle street and he is making war on high prices. His advertisement was handed in too late for this issue but will appear tomorrow. In the meantime visitors to the city will do well to look out for.him. C rav.n County Uur.la. Jailer Rodgers reports 18 guests at his house now being entertained by the county. Twelve of these are awaiting trial 9 for larceny and 8 for A. & B. four serving out sentences and two are adjudged crazy. This is a costly insti tution to Craven county. We hope Judge Gudger will make an extra effort to relieve it of some of its guests nt the November term of the court. Mrions Affray. Wm.' Bembry and Thos. ("laggings, two oolored men of James City, got in to an affray on Monday night when Bembry struck Claggins on the head with a stick of wood inflicting a serious blow. Bembry was brought before Justice Watson yesterday and upon the testimony of Dr. II. O. Bates that the wound Was serious the preliminary hearing was postponed until Friday. The bond was fixed at $500 in default of which the defendant was sent to jail. Ready For Tne Fray. Mr. Geo. Ash has completed the ar rangement of his large and elegant took of clothing and is now ready for the customers. His advertisement ap pear! in this issue. He claims to have the finest stock of clothing ever ex hibited in any ono store id New Berne, and to verify this claim invites an ex amination of his stock. Our country readers will do well to call and see him about it Cel.. W!altfr'a Candidacy Col. J. N. Whitford, in that portion of hie speech' which he was permitted to deliver before the Jones county Demo oratin convention, stated that be had ' dot yet 'decided whether he would be a candidate or not. He certainly got very poor encouragement from that conven tion, .though a prominent Republican aid afterwards that the manner in - whioh the convention treated the Col onel made him one hundred votes. " Since writing the above Col. Whitford has sent In bis card announcing himself a candidate. Hie many friends in the 9th district will regret to see him ap pearing as an independent candidate against the regular nominee of a Dem jooratio conventian. But the JourkaL , will not undertake to advise him; he is older than we, and has doubtless re flected well before entering the canvass. - Is our bumble opinion his coarse will be regretted and condemned by a large . majority rf the Democrats In the dis trict. . V.. '" ' Math Haads Vp. - " -1 -" WHA5, Oam June'4, 1883, . : For over two years I have been a suf . ferer from rheumatism, affecting; both . bo aiders to such an extent that I could ' 'not put on tor coat -without help. The : use of seven bottles of B. B. B. effected aa entire care. J refer to Bev. W. W. "Wadsworth and all merchants of New nan. Jacob Sfohqub. - - Bold in New Berne by It. re. WBJ and E. H Meadows.' -v.- '.''S'S.':. Weather Indications. Arrangements are being perfected by which very shortly the Atlantic Rail road Management will display at its different telegraph stations weather in dications and warnings. Signal flags will give warning of ail cold waves and coming changes of temperature, etc. This is really a valuable service and should be appreciated by our farmers. It is the policy of the railroad manage ment to foster everything of a local na sure, and we are glad to see that the railroad people are thus early beginning to look out after the trucking interests, for this weather signal service will necessarily save the trucker many dol lars by giving him timely warning of approaching frosts, etc. In addition to the bi'nal Hags, bulle tins w ill be posted at the depots giving information as to the weather in detail. Personal. Mrs. C. M. V. loll, it has returned from the North and reports an elegant stK'k of millinery following. Messrs. H M. Abbott. Louis Kilpatrick and others of Ienoir county, were at the Kxrhange yesterday with cotton Mr., J. Chapman and wife and Misb Carrie Chapman of Maple Cy piers, and Misses- Mary ami Julia llaivey, ol Van i -ebon i, i e registei ed ut the ( i n tral Hotel t sterday. Mr. Win. Clew, of Vane. , jH nt the ( ' astou House. 1 le i epc i I s . .a I it 101, strong ill his ton rising Mr. J.K.I eary, u merchant . I I r i n ton. la in the city. We heard it luinored on the streets late yesterday evening flial our old friend Cad Kooiicv, of Onslow, whs in the city. He has forgotten that the luti h sli ii of 1 he Jot UN a i. office hangs on the outside Where wan he last iiiglit' ('. N. III. l.l i I onri. The follow nig are the jurors for fall term of I'. S. District cou r l to be held in the city of New Heme on the fourth Monday in October,' jurors to be present on the following Tuesday lit 10 . in., Oct. L'C, 1KS6. Wayne county Jno K. Smith, liar rell Dortch, Albert Ajcork, J. T.Oli ver. Edgecombe H. II. Shaw, Of. 1 ar rar, Thos. Newton, Frank Dew. Carteret K. H. Maun, It. W. Hum phrey . Craven John H. Dillard, Wm. Cleve, sr., Chas. Dray, Chas. Sutton, T. H. Mallison, Abralun A. Ilryan, J. H. Brown, Wm. llollisler, A. M. llaker. Freeman Ernul. I'itt-Jas. T. Williams, Thos Dupree, J. W. Smith, J. K. Russell, W. I). Her rington, A. 1). Hill, Allen Johnson. Lenoir L. J. Woolen, Fred. A. Whit aker, L. U. Fisher, D. S. Davis, J. W. Grainger. Onslow Alfred Murrill. Jones Amos Heath, J 1 Ilrogden, Henry Simpson. Pamlico W. D. Alford, Jas. Caroon, D. H Abbott, J. 8. Lane, W. It. Haw yer. Greene Richard McKennie, J. W. Creech. Beaufort E. H. Hoyt, John Wilkin son, Sylvester Dibble, Jno. Harding, Henry D. Stilly, B. W. Walling. Hyde Jeptha Brinn. The r.rlerM Canvas. The Beaufort Record gives the follow ing noteR on the political situation in Carteret: Dr. John W. Sanders, the. regular Democratic nominee for the Senate in this district, comprising the counties of Onslow, Jones and Carteret, will have a walk over in the district. Independ ents and self-constituted nominees must stand from under. Mr. Charles R. Thomas, jr., the Dem ocratic nominee for the House of Rep resentatives has begun the county can vass auspiciously and' thus far has met with great success. He has had fine weather at all his appointments and has been met by large audiences en thusiastic for all the Democratic ticket. The canvass will continue in eery pre oinct of the county. The next appoint ment after today is at Pelletiers Mrrts, October 6th. "When we two parted, after linger ing late at the garden gate, I felt that I had taken cold," said Thomas Takein time, "and next morning I was hoarse indeed. But a bottle of Dr. Bull's Cough Srrup fixed me up, and there's enough left for next time." . T 1 he Tot era or the Oth Sciatorial District : At a mass convention of Democrats of Carteret county, held at Beaufort on the 21st day of September last, I was nomi nated as the candidate for the Senate it being the time for Carteret to nomij nate and having accepted the nomina tion, I will address the people of Car teret, Jones ana Unslow counties, ac cording to custom, on the political issues of the day. ' The times and places to be announced hereafter. Respectfully, ; J. N. WJiitpobd. October 5th, 1886. Acute rheumatism is an Inflammation of the joints, marked by pain, beat, redness, and a tendency to suddenly shift from one Joint to another. With UheM symptoms apply Salvation Oil, the great paia- curey to the affected parts witnout delay. . . . , THE DEMOCRATS OF JOHES. The Democrats of Jones county as sembled in convention at Trenton on Monday, Oct. 4th. Mr. Samuel Hudson, chairman of the executive commitue, being absent on account of sickness, the convention was called to order by Joseph A. Smith, a member of the committee. Mr. J. C. Bryan was elected tempo rary chairman, Geo. V. Kconce secre tary. Mr. Uryau staled the object of the convention and urged the importance of harmony. Cyrus FoBcue, Esq , moved that a committee consisting of one from each tjwiichip be appointed on permanent organization. The motion w as adopted and the following gemlemen were ap pointed J A. Smith, C. J. Mattocks, N. II Street, Lewis Hynum, W. O. Koidham. jr , C. 11. Koouce, K E. Koouce, and C. H. Foy. P. M. Pearsall, Esq., moved that a Committee on credentials and one on rules and resolutions be appointed. The motion was carried and the follow ii. g were appointed On credentials, J ll Stanly, A. 1'. harrow, E. H. Wat.rs. J i I Bell, F. M. Dixou, J H. Kanliii, J E (iray. On rules and resolutions, KJgar Rouse, B H. Mor ion, f J. Mallocks. A. P. Harrow, J. It Wesihrook, Walter Haskins, J. O. Andrews and ('yrus Foscue. (ol. J N. Whitford being piesent, asked permission, w bile the coinuiillees w i i e preparing their reports, to make an explanation of Ins ohilion in regard to the Senatorial controversy. After some oh ji etion . I ol . Whitford wan permuted to speak lie riplained how the mass con elit ion was called at lUaufort and the call made upon him l.y it. He slated that he was not in the tu Id yet, but would not say that he would not be, and that Dr. Saunders was taking the proper steps to put him in the field, he was willing to stand by his record and hoped that Dr. Saunders would expose it to the people of the district, went into Dr. Saunders' rec ord , etc. , etc. Mr. K F. Sauiiilerson, made the point that the Colonel was attacking Dr. launders' private character, which he thought very w rong in the Doctor's ab sence. The chairman slated thai the Colonel was out of order. Col. Whitford acknowledged that they were stronger than he and be would therefore close. J I.. Ballard made a few remarks, relative to the Pollokgville convention, claiming that it was regular and hoped that Col. Whitford as a good Democrat would abide by it. T he committee on permanent organ ization reported for chairman, J. C. Bryan, for secretaries, U. W. Koonoe and Benj. Brock. The report was adapted. The committee on credentials submit ted a report showing that every voting precinct was represented. The report was adopted. The committee on rules and resolu tions submitted the following report: Resolved, That a majority govern in this convention. Resolved, That we hereby tndorae the course of our president, and pro nounce it wise and patriotic, also the course of our Senators, M. W. Ransom and Z. B. Vance, and pledge our unfal tering devotion to the principles of the Democratic party. Resolved, That Dr. J. W. Saunders being the regular nominee of the Demo cratic party of the 9th Senatorial dis trict, composed of Carteret, Jones and Onslow held at Polloksville Sept. 21st. 18S0, we do hereby endorse the action of said convention, and pledge to him our undivided support. The report was adopted. The Chair announced that the next business in order was the nomination of county candidates. Cyrus Foscue, Esq , put in nomina tion for the House of Representatives Lewis Bynum. On motion the rules were suspended and Mr. Bynum was nominated by ac clamation. Thos. Wilcox put in nomination for Clerk of the Superior Court, Thos. J. Whitaker. Mr. Whitaker was nominated by ac clamation. At this stage of the proceedings P. M. Pearsall,-Esq., made the point that the proceedings were irregular; thai there should have been a ballot so that each township could cast its vote in accord ance with the plan of organisation. The Chair decided that the point was well taken, and the roll of townships was called and .Messrs. Bynum and Whitaker were nominated by ballot. Jos. A. Smith, W. E. Ward, A. H asking and Edgar Bouse were put in nomination for Register of Deeds. Mr. Smith was nominated on the third ballot. v A. O. Barms, C. H. Foy, E. 1L Foecus, tnfasl f?raa Tlwifjsrtt waM Tn In asnsjmtntft. 1 turn, for Treasurer. - Mr. Barrus was nominated on the 5th ballot. 8. E. Koonce, Lewis King, J. II. Bell, Curtis Hay and Lafayette Dillahunl were placed in nomination for Sheriff. Mr. Koonce w as nominated ue the 3d ballot. Dr. C. B. Woodly, U. E. Andrews and Dr. N. Ii. Street were put in nom ination for Coroner. Dr. Woodly was nominated on 3d ballot. W. A. Jones was placed in nomination for Surveyor and was nominated on the 1st ballot. Mr. Lewis Bynum was called for and came forward and accepted the nom ination. Moved and adopted that the proceed ings bo published in the New Berne Ji'fh.NAl.. On motion the thanks of theienicu lion were teudoied Ihe (hairmun and secretaries. Adjourned. J . C 1'hi.o Chin n (i. W. K.....VL, VtSJ. lillCA'h. Secretaiiws Mic la ul Uo.il It has been reported that 1 was dead but 1 am not. lor four years I hae been attlicled with a socio case of Blood Poison, Rheumatism and Neural gia. My tlesh shrank away, my mus cles seemed to dry up and form into little knoUl, Joints were swollen and painful and all concluded 1 must die I have used live bottles of It. B. B. and I have gained 50 pouudB of lien) i . and am now as sound as any woman HH1.I.K DtNNAW'AY, Atlanta, fa Hold in New Berne by l(. N lHitT) and E. H. Meadows Kinston Items. If all the possum dog . . u I i .te. l ay 'or would be electotl sin Mil r. xt November by a big majority. The receipts of cotton at ll.is i.c . last week wcie about one lh..usai.d bales. The pure fluctuated Ir.'iu v :i 1 to i cents. An imtnei.se circus tram pass.-d through K insioii last Saturday taking a large crowd to the circus at folds boro A circus in this country i- about as irresistible as the 'famcln are com ing." The "old campaigner." we regret to say, has been severely under lliewra Iher with a very bilious attack of chills and fever. He looks and perhaps feels like one who has been "down among the dead men. " Sherilf Sutton, it is supposed, has gone down to Charleston to get a view of the ruins caused by the great earth quake. In the meantime candidate Taylor keeps his weather eye ou the movements of his indefatigable oppo nent. The rite of baptism was erforined at tbe Methodist church last Sunday by Rev. N. M. Jurney, for Herbert W. Cummlngs, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Cummings, and for Paul and Clar ence Bond, children of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Bond, all of this place, thereby obey ing the scriptural Injunction, "Sulfer little children to come unto me. " The county commissioners held their regular monthly court here last Mon day. The usual attention was given to county paupers, jurors for the Novem ber term of the superior court were drawn and inspectors of elections for the various townships appointed. The board put Its foot flat and solidly down on Ihe issuing of any more liquor license to retail ardent spirits in this county. Tllramlvna Karapr. W. W. Reed, druggist, of Winches ter, Ind., writes: One of my custom ers, Mrs Louisa Pike, Barlouia. Han dolph Co., Ind.. was a long sutferer with tonsumption. and was given up to die by her physicians. She heard of Dr. King s New Discovery for Consump tion, and bgan buying it of me. In six montns lime sue wane.i 10 mis city, a distance of six miles, and is now so much improved she had quit using it. She feelsshe owes her lite to it. '' Free trial bottles at Hancock Pro's. Drug Store. Countj Canvas. Tbe Democratic candidates for the Senate and House of Representatives and county offices will meet and address the citizens of Carteret county at the following times and, places Hull Swamp, Belmont, rriday, Oct, 8, at 7 p.m. Newport, Saturday, Oct. u at 11 a, m. Harlowe, Saturday. Oct. D at 7 p m. Beaufort, Monday, Oct. 11 at 11 a. m. Morebead City, Monday, Oct. 11 at 7 p.m. Smyrna, Tuesday, Oct. li! at . p.m. White Point, Wednesday, Oct. 13 at 11 a.m. Portsmouth, Thursday, Oct. 14. Cedar Island, Friday, Oct. 15. Mill Point, Saturday, Oct. 16. Piney Point, Saturday. Oct. 16. Davis' Shore, Monday, Oct. 1. Straits, Tuesday, Oct. 19. at 7 p. m. Merrlmon, Thursday, Oct. 21, at 7 m. Cape Banks, Saturday. Oct. 23d. W. 8. Chapwick, Chairman Co. Ex. Com. F. B.'Maci, Secretary. Save His Life. Mr. D. L Wilcoxson, of Horse Cave, Ky., says he was, for many years, badly afflicted with Phthisic, also Diabetes; the peine were almost unendurable and would sometimes almost throw him into convulsion. He bled Electric Bitters and got relief from first bottle, and after taking six bottles wm entirely eared and had gained in flesh eighteen Douads. Seye be eoaitiTely believes he would have died,' bad ft not been for the relief afforded br Electric Bitten. Sold at fifty ee&U a bottle by Hancock Bros. ' La Orange Items - Church services at tbe P. B t'burch last Sunday and at the M. F Church Sunday eight. Last week was one too busy for us to itemize. We notice, how e er .hat ihe JuL'K-N'Al. sllll survives. The price of cotton in this maikel the past week has varied from P CiO to f.75. The pr.ee offered today, Monday, is S.70. Thomas R. House, Es.j . is t ngaged in buying cotton in our market. Ut- sup pose Mr. Rouse will pay as much as any one in this market. Last Saturday was show day iiiliolds boro, and many went from here to see it. When the train returned it was said that several lights had taken place. Mrs. John W. Rouse, w ho has be. li seriously ill for several days, but bad changed for the better, was tal. n sud denly and seriously wcrte last M Rev. W. E. Swaiu preachid at H. k ory (irove last Saturday night and io. day. The meeting will be pi.'tra t i how 1 ng we are i.ot infoimid .it ll..s lime. Kev. U U 1. ise ban Im i ll . Ii 111' lil.g a stiies of meetings at lnslilut.- II. past w eek with 1'ii.r W a.ies.-l.'l.s Ihe church. Ihe lln-clllig Is still II. 1 plogl.sr. I lie pr . ii r ui led meeting at lh I pt i-t I ' liun ll hele closed last lll.la. wilhj one addition to the . hurch. 1 he K. Mr. Hues was assisted by the Ii. r Mi.l I ulfoid. of Snow Hill. Several cases of severe si.kn.s-- it. our town. We learn that W. T. H.-st is I quite ill. and also the youngest i hil.l . f lb f. Murchison. Wt also l..;n .! much sickness in the sutr . l 1 1 o. 1 1 1 y 'iintiy. Sunday morning a ban-id lotPo on the platform here w a- fi urtd to be on file How long It had I ell t 1 1 r 1 1 1 1 1 - Is . "t k In i W I t i ii r , is ll. 1 1 ' ' w i w a s I l h.it a fit.- nolo, sliuiigest thing Two deaths III III.-, .11 1 I, 11 our I v ii last v c k Mrs. I.asoii. mother of John 1 ..is i. l.-l . and a . hild . t W S I i. I Is V, , bliM not learned the natllle of the ilo a-e of . iil.i r. e t-it. il l our si lopa Ihii s t . the bi ica ed fottoii picking is going mi with P ier ably satisfactor pl.yres- f itlli.i l are getting it out and marketing it mui h faster than usual. The pre e. so far, has exceeded their e l pet lalions and lo ibis w e must ascitbu the cause (I K. W. How ard . Ks.p , had his i igbt arm caught in a gin while feeding. Monday , and the flesh literally lorn oil from the elbow out. Hr. lladley rni dered the necessary surgical aid. The particulars as to how it was caught has not been learned, aa no one was present at the lime. The wound is a very- serious one and may yet render anipu taliuu nucesaary. Our cotton buyers are complaining about freights being raised on cotton from this place to Northern markets. We don't know anything about freights or the rules governing freight lines, but it seems to us that there is a right and fair way to conduct this business as well as all others, and that discrimina tions, if any have been used, are not right. Col. Davis has about completed a two story building from North It. R. street. The first lloor la to be used us comnns sary department for the school, aad ihe second floor for a tailor's room and printing office, where the Colonel will have his printing done and issue the Mui (.'(Kfef. We learn that L. M. Nash, of Ooldsboro, a very worthy and well cjualifled young man, will have charge of the printing establishment. To sav that our schools are doing well, is to feebly express it. The patronage is much better than any one of the principals expected, while the facilities for doing work, and good work, has been proportionately increased. We intend to visit each of the institutions as soon as circumstances will permit and give an account of their workings. The increased number of cadets ren ders it necessary for the Davis school to increase the number of barracks, and work will commence on one one hun dred feet long Ibis week. If Ion Willi a l.ond rllIe Of Pi i o T paCcxj, ask your dealer for 'Old Hip." Ben dwini DIKD. A l bis residence, in Trenton, on Fri day morning. Oct. 1st. ISHfl, Kdward htm key Francks, in the 4lh year of his age Tim funeral services were con duct! d by Rev. A. D Betts. It is said of him, he had not an enimy in the world . Notice to Tax Payers. I will be at my office, Saturday. Oct. the 9th. and all parties wishing to re deem their property for which the city now holds deeds for. can do so, other wise the city will proceed at once by law to take possession of tbe same; and all parties holding vouchers issued by this board will present the same on that day for payment. TH03. DANIELS, City Treasurer. FURNITURE. Parlor Suits, Chamber Sets, Walnut Bedsteads, Bureaus, 'Wardrobes. Mattreaftes, Chairs, Loangres, Sofas, . Centre Tables, Etc., AT ROCK BOTTOM PRICES. JOHN SUTER, ffeldw Middle Btret,ev Bene, K.C. ! COMMERCIAL. JOl'KKAl. Omen, I . t 5. B P. M. OOTTON. ; New Yum, i m. 5. I-utuire ''Wrd quiet. Sales of ij'j 7w bales. October. a. April, 'j 4s November, y : ; May , y 'December. J !7 June. y.O'i January. J -4 July. y 7;: j February. August, - - I March. 'J4' September, . Spots .juiet Middling y 1 Ixjw Middling y f ood 1 'idinary 1 .'. I New Berne Maiket quiet. aies of .00 bales at s O.f to -i. Middling y Low Middling Li 4 food 1 ird uiary 1 uinii s niKtkT. SHKI" ' !-! - J . '.'I. Con o.n Skeu i iu oO. Tt'WKNTINS - Hard . "' dip, ll.TS. Tab -7"c aS 1 '."i i i.i -. New .:. I u : t ( ' 'UN .'i 'i.iC i, Rn -K 7'a- .. HkKSWAA 1 .. pel lb Phkp On foot, i to ;. i Col .NTliV 1 1 A M-. Inc. pi r i h ' " I.aui In. , i.. r lb. K'lOsi ; ". per i)i .Zen . Kl(K;-II Pi HK 4:atSc. per pound PEANI'Td '"le per bushel I liiPPKH - 7'..- n?-! ml j.er hundred OM...-.H .' i o.r.' - i per barrel. FlKl.n Pkam i. laTm . I Hiiieh Drv. loe green fie. Ai'i i.i s M..tl;iii.t.sk. ' t ; M I". i i,J fre s. ; : !" I Pi m:- 7 . . : . i ' . . . I l 1! ' ; '. ; - i , .! I' a i.i.. i w '.. p, r Ih t 'll b 'h K.N M- III ' w t. la,'" spring Men. 7" , r I u-iu 1 f VI- ." i !s p. I hush. 1 Tt hmi-s. : i i ! hush. I. 1 1 i '! 1' : i - i- .7 . p. i I . W. m i. a per poii,,l. I'.iTAT-KSi I il,.,n.:.s .11, v .ill.- li . I W. -t ! li . ' Mirr. '. , ! Shinolk- W. st ln.hu !!l and n m mal r.ot w am, , . I'ii 1 1 li r i g . '. inch I he a. Is : on shps jj 1 '.II per M . w IP I r- Air i i. :. I I Nkw Mij.n l'l.na : : ..I Sip .i i.i.i u M i i t . R. s I li - M s and 1 f ;, 1 1.. 'I n ? I oo.-jii no I. Allll i'- b 1 he tier, e N ails i'a-.s o h J ., Ht'dAii I ii ami I a'.c ,1 'o ( "M l I' l"arj'. Salt - Vt . per sa. k MoI.AHHKH AND SVHLTH ?0a4&i, PuWDK.lt S") (K) HlluT- flop. Si. 7,'. hu. k, t"J ou Kehuhk.nb yjc. TAX NOTICE Notice is In n bv K'ven that the real, personal and poll tax list, for the year l'-Nii. in no H- u, IuiihIh for collection. All persons tin lein assessed are herebv nolilied to call alinyotlico and settle the same. 1; . HANfOl'K, o. i d 1 ( it y Tax I'olleclor. I'. W. MiLLWimii (,(i. m.(ii;k. Smallwood & Slover, DKAI.l.US IN ;-..v-.7i.w. JlAhhWAhi-:, 77.Mr.Wi7', ;i..ssu Ahr. '.i fo'.A u'.iA;, ci'tH'A:. v. s 17. I'OOHS. 11I.I.DS. '.'..INN', I AI.TS, AM) STu'KS, I'NM'liPAl.ll AS TO PRICE AND QUALITY. Middle Street, Next Door to I'entiiil Hotel, n i:v pkknf:. n. c. K. R. JOHES, W'hi'icpale and li. tail Deali r in CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES General Mcrchandisi', i$(;oinj and tii;s, i;te. f on-iniiu ni.i of (irain. CotUm and i 'ther 1'ri.nl lice sol iciied . Droiiijif Attention i tiarniitoeil N. W. for. S.uth Front and Middle 8ts. m:v hfkni:, n c. For Rent, A neat dwelling containing six rooms, on Uroad street, opposite W. Lorch's. Apply to pep24 dtf C. T. HANCOCK. For FalfPllaiiti Cabbage. Kale, Spinach and Turnip Seed. E. H. MEADOWS & CO. aug21 dw Oysters and Restaurant. Mrs. S. A. WOMBLE has opeired a First-Class Oyster Saloon and Restaur ant, one door below Cotton Exchange, and ie prepared to furnish Ojtten in erery style. ; kfnala at all hnnn. Pamillaa annJi at their homes if desired. eeZS i wim ; '-A:'t.s-r-:-i--''r .'-" --r- of . I. i