THE JOURNAL! KEW BE2KE, H. C OCT. 1888,' J : I- 'ot Ta Be Bliffei. v-' f ;? "President and wife eft In toa-a last ' night t" he conftdently ; in qaiied on the ' market yesterday morning. :' . -; , "So, air. They are not' coming thia way that I've heard of." s "They aia't I - Don't they take In Detroit on their bridle tower." No.M ' . " r:v - . WHOLESALE LIQUOR DEALER AND MaNTJFaCTTJBEE OF ' . Ginger Ale, Sarsaparilla - v i ' ' '. V - (1 . . V "..."I..' EntVaCIiante'-fo'Biij ATLOWPMCES! i' f V ' j ."- -v, ...... .. ; v - I .... '-)'-'. ; jRead whatVe can , . A'xice Figured ; Best of Calicoes T . " 1 4l Lot of-Di Dark Prints at 4o. Splendid Gingham at 80, CHINKLED 8EERSUCKEE3. :r; r uatiste,: FIGUBED t V have just taken V - VU UUVU AUIO W wuwua r to csllv Therefore 1 ' -KV-it 1 1 If you 7ai1t to buy; cutis, ' ' C:o our Worsted IDress , Goods; marked way ;itc-arar:d rrinjes' Hcclcry, Handkerchiefs and Parasols 1 - at almc:t ycur own prices. r r-, irith your t 1 r - f . - ROVES, offer you: Lawn at 5o. at 5c. INDIA LAWN, LINEN LAWNS,, Etc, Etc. an; inyentory, and, find w w w".,- z good" Goods; cheap call 1 - V cheaper thanever. ' 3 , crdcr3 and we will rave -:o r:!l t?i3 '.c:!:I'rr.tcd 1 1 ....4 . - r u Wall, that'e, funny, ,Tbey got klii . a ii - mu-. JM toe aiory au otbt our unjuoruwu that the President and wife would be here to-day, and nothing would do bat the old woman moat ride In with me to aee 'em Say, Jane, thia man eaya they won't be here." 1 don't believe it," she bluntly replied. . '-I assure yon,' madam," he re plied, that any soeh report is false. The President and wife are in Washington." She would not be convinced un til her "husband had inquired of several other persons and received the same replies. uWaal, you've bad your trip for nothing," he remarked. "I guess not," she replied, as she climbed down over the wheel, "Samuel, the first thing on the pro gramme is ginger ale. Then comes soda water with sarsyparilla syrup. Then we'll have peanuts and pop corn, and if we feel like it we'll spread out on some candy. I'm going to show the President of the United States that he can' bluff me worth a cent!'' Detroit Free Pfe$t. A CARD. To all who are aaffering from the er rors and indiscretions of youth, ner?ons weakness, early decay, loss of manhood, etc, I will send a recipe that will cure you, FREE OF CHARGE. This great remedy was discovered by a missionary in South America. Send a self-addressed envelope to the Rkt.' Joseph T. Inmah, Station, O "Veto York vuy. nl7 dwy ROBEETS L EENDEESON ' General Insorucs Agents, New Berne IV. CJ. Only flrtt class CSompanies represen. edln fir. Lift and icddsnt Inroranet. Total Capital over Forty Millions o Douara. Jon34dlT E. II. & J. A. Ueadons, Commission Merchants 1000 Tons Kainit and Guano For Truck and.Oottou Crops. W epedsi attention (lren to ths st of OOTTOH sd OHAI1T. . ' LlbenU sdruiea, insde on Conslgikmants. Offices at eornsr Pollock and Middle streets and Union Point. , ' - -'wpldwtf F, G. SHI LIONS, COTTON; BKOER. Consltrnmenta Solicited - - , Offioe at w. O. BRYA w-fl, on 600th Front straet, two doors west of Ureon For f 'j m. Ptotnnt sttentlon Elren to the sale at Cotton and other Produce. , . . sepS d wtm : Yes I Can and I Will rnrntsh yon wltn ths best made and flnesi Clears to be fcnnd In the oitjr of Mew Berne. . . nuui ruw, eo. , Baekleberry, to. Thurber-BNo,!, ie. BnmbleBee, 6e. t UuneyBee, . 5a. , ; J. O. M.'6, - 6s. All fheeo Terr nne and food. Also manr Other brands, all good U not qnlte so fine. And acatn, I hsT Tery fine 10e lte,SDs. and lOe. Imported Olgare. -j- tt iieei bidokids, ue wn pin p-ny where. Old T Cot Cayendlah and saanr other brands too nnmerom to mention. 4 ASTEDyLedlea, local or traTeUng. A 4 vonderfnl entirely new" snerlalty for my low lonhotOk litdleeonir. S4 aaliy. eeaiir maaej so no pain tlnf) partlenlare free. ' ' ! . MADAM a T. LITTLE, ?sep3S dl2t Box MS. Cblaaco. llXi To Whom It May.;. Concern Thin 1 in bU noSna" tht I wllVull at mihlin on the 25Lhdar of OoL. 1886. at the warehouse of the Nense and Trent Hirer Steamboat Co. Fifteen Hundred Sacks Patapsca. Gaaoo, tb same being cargo 01 scnooner w& 11. nayi, lor charges and freight adranced and stor age of said cargo. Terms of sale cash. . ; D. Lb KObkbTS, Beo. and Treas., ' : . N. & T. ii. 8. B. Co. 8pt 14. 1888.' : ' acp25dw80d : irotic&w,! The onderf'eCed Lavicir' Qualified as execator of the estate of Mrs. V. A. C. Dudley, decpaned, hereby giresnotioe to all cersoDg hbidicit claims ssrainst said eetste topreepnt them on or be fore the 1st dsy of October A. D. lSi7, or this notice will be rJs.ded in bar of their recoTery. All persons indebted to sail ctt are requeeted to settle tbc-ir indt UdDe. -L. II. Cutler, Executor. taer6w. iroTiu7:oTicE. rj ( t f !" f : " f."' t (.' -t i l ( - - A M . - t ' r r fin 11 j n 1 1 The Bergner & Engel I KEEP ON II AND A FULL LINE OF WINES AND LIQUORS AT WHOLESALE, Which will be sold bj the Barrel or Gallon at VERY LOW FIGURES lor CASH. Ginger Ale equal to Best Imported, and superior to any procurable in North Carolina. 4 TO, wS!m2:Ki.Bl M Sk iMtOniluubM bearlnstbU8ts JAMb8 MEAWS' S3 SHOE. I Hade to BottootOongreH ft tao. iff CbiX oMik unexoeueu au JuralUUv,Ckmfof amd Ap- of wiU brine you Informav tton bow to gi tbit Shoe J. Means & Co., 41 UIMimn D., fiOSiODaMMS. This ko sludj histMr In the etttmattsn of Warm Uian any othar In the world. Thouunda vlwwaacU will UU 70a thenuoulljron itkUxuu. Howard & Jones, Sole Ageiita for New Berne, N. C. ugL6 dw Just Received : BARGAINS. 50 bbls. Mackerels $3.50 per barrel. 1 lot Hams 10c. lb. 25 Chandeliers (two lamp) $L70. AT S. F. TEISER. And all other Good at ROOK BOTTOM PRICES. GEORGE ALLEN'S GO. General Hardware Ajrricultrtral Implement g. Plows, Ilarrpws, Cultivators, Hoes' and Axes, Wood's Mowers and Reapers, SteamEnjclnfs, . jCottouIOlM and Presses, - Fertilizers. Laud Plaster, Kainit Mechanics ?Cools and Hardware, Lime BrlcS Cement,1 Plaster Hair, Paint, Kalsomtne,' Var nish, Oil, Glass, Putty and Hair. Freeters, Itefrf reratots; Oil Cook Stoves, Eureka Burglar Proof Bash Locks, warranted to giro security and satisfaction. PBIOES VERY LOW. t .GEO. ALLEN & CO. , THE 3JEUSE & TOENT EIVEE Steamboat Company WUlraa UM fonovUkg SehsAoKi an and aftei SeFUlabstttb.iSSJ ; ;' v . , 8teamer Cutler ' W1B leataj KSV'Bern' tot "Trenton te'T Wsdncadar at Ivm.. and Friday after ths arrlTal of the steamer 6bens,Ddob; retarv Ina. will lsare Trenton evsrr Tbnrsday and ftainrdajv toaobing at all points alone ths A Steamer Kiniton. - i On and after Jons S9th. l88 lbs Steamer Kiiwton WVU leara Elnaton lor k KeroS vrr Monday and Tb nrsday at S O'clock a.m A re taming, will leaT New Berne every Tnee. day and Friday, stopping at Jolly Old Field and tooehlnt at all landing on Neuss river, Close oonneetion manfl wiu steamer Hnen; and null of tiie Old Dominion Btroroahlp Oo, i. . : . i - loss a MtaOn at tirfesn. J .,: , sr. T. btawmt, mastoa; 0', ',l D. B. Baaaca. PoIloksTl&a.'' -,: S'; L . WIL80. Afent at Trenton, t ' J. P. QuwaaLT, JoUy Old Field.' . 1. M. WH7TK. flenl Majiaffer. ! ab7dtr Elnston, N.O K0TIC2.C: State of North Carolina, . I Craven county. ) - runnm f ! arV (t thA RnnorlAf flnnrL TnVepot' : T"t I have this dar lssoei lnre dec,'i-e t,orfe F. M. Dull, Wra. H. luii. Jnwnlwiimnil and Alex. 11. Holloa and t uw!m to be a eorporatton for vaih. rr-e B''Ei.r-wir(".!nRto tbeuTTnsp t." 1 )n n of tenement nled and re (nril in "d P1 iic, ih auhstanceot taid B.'iw:i:i-i.i I ' fttu,nl prtii daire to become i . 1 onder tue nam "Newbern and -i I for c-arri tt s for fre ght and I -r- Sr. ! . . ttn.l h, and ell t i -. a i i',"ncfm, from t , ; t t .i n scd Trot - ' i ' a dr '1 (mtTii n. t iml pise of . .r n ; io cn1 nn. R0 ' : t , ;! vo be $),uM,Ci), h f r l 11 ? w IN 002TNECTION WITH THE AGENCY FOB Brewing Company's Lager Beer, Porter, &c, For HardTirrs. hb Daily (3ouinaij AND i DEMOREST'S ILLUSTRATED MONTHLY MAGAZINE With Twelve Cut Paper Patternt of your own election end of eny eixe. Both Publications, One Year, FOR $6. GO (Six Kiktv). 0 FMOREST'S 1 THE BES Of all the Magazines. 70NTAININQ Sloriai, Poem, md othar LiHrtrt attraetions, aomblning Artutic, Sclantifio an4 Houtahold maltara. Illustrated ufilh Original Uteri JCnnrav inat, Photoffravurrs , Oil I'icturrt und fine Woodcut. maA-inf it the ilodcl Magamine of America. tWEach Magazine contains a" COITOS ORDER, entttlliiif Die holdi r to tbr ecln Uon M ANY" PATTEKN U)UBtxuUl lu that uumlM-r and in ANY HIZE. DEMOHEST'8 MONTHLY Is Justly cnUtlfO the World's Model Miurazine The Larfrcft in Form, the LanreBt in (Hrculatlon. and tho Uft TWO Dollar Family Matrazlno imued. UWfiwllJ be the Twenty -second ywer of its publuiatloii ; It la oontlnually Improved and so ciientively V to place It in the front rank of Family ariodlcals. and equal to any magazine. It contains 72 paires, large quarto, 8 ill V Inches, eleinuitl printed and fully illustrated. Pul lisbed by W. Jeoninira lmorest, New York, NO Pv SPECIAL AQREEMENT COMBINED WITH THE DAILT JOURNAL at $6.50 Per Year nTHESTAR ? - - . . af, ITrwfpapw sarpartine; the PrlnelplM saooratia Admlnlstratloiia "auklkW la tha CH af New York. WlLLIAMDOKSIIEIMEB, I Idltor and Proprietor. ti'tffSontfaj? ani Weektf Editions. THE WEEKLY STAR, A llttaan.nam NaMMnflMr. ISSUed gj , every Wednesdays ycaa pA"slan, pan, bright and btterastlna; mm m nil l n 1 DPD rTtmntsiBt fba latest new 4owB to OS how SB lOiogtopreHl Agrloulturai maraec, . Fashion Householdi Politicals rinanolal and OommerclaJ,?,5 n.AiMa i UiiMArAui ina Editorial vw,f. art adet tb dtaeetioa of tralawdl jornilUU ot the Wghesl 1 aWllfr. It journal ta ot the blKnetl aouny. lie bemmd crowded wui food ibis am.- i I xm) AM in , feTHE IDAILY STAR, ' . l-i .il tv. i .a nff Ok Jaw TBS BUT sni crawn fjS. aa tttracOva form. 1 1ts Vy -tab from Iiosdon. rt JJnhlln It a eomBendablaii TBS DAH.T bth era w - -r arte, veroa, wmi am At Wtahtasrtma, Albany and m aMeatODrVespoadeiita epetlaBy retained by bS ag'Tfnrnlahi Jb latest newaietesiBpii., Thajlaanel al and Hatkst Kerlews arsasaOjr Pnn.Msl'tnuS aad aitraordlnary tact abenta to agents ana earn aa IO ei,rcmia,r. -mmt op tm wiaaiwjrrM it i ar una, rara or rami jr" "'"rZ.Tr aaatda tb luallaaf JkrTrltf I1 leaf ,m,wa.ri.iw.w" 5 Crabs ef Tea... ww 21 pah of tifteea ad oaWra to rsaaJasri,.iw nrtmia' or th dajlt. ita aw dy for oes jm pioMe 8aeasjj....T jj ly,wiUKmt Bandar, aa !""" I S ,wltbat SsndM.sH aseertbs.fc.U.4i.sw Nssdll KbTtbiWHUam KTes-aw -.TLa Southern : Criltlvator -f- AND DIXIE TmiTEB. Jt 'Grmt fbm, Tndgtrinf mi Stock : ; - renoatcal 0 tA ewt ' It mbraee la It coBstlrnencytbsj lirtelll rent, proereselve and so hetant tally snooe fa 1 farmers of this section, and aeanadver tlslng medlnrd for the Merchant, Maotifaeta rer, Puwic Hnir and Prote tonal atanv at awOIjCTELT VFQDALIKO. . 1 - ? itpace judiciously employed bi its column, b) always remunerative. .i t - - - . Advert Iseroen ut, per line, l I ' ' 9. ; - BnbecTlpHon, per annam, ' J $LSO. Ac d re" . - - C XTIYATOH FTP. CO., . P. O. Prawer S. ., atijta, GA. IfrwC'rst Weekly Tiwl and Caltl Tator j-esf w svaaes I .T i Qf . Lemon Soda- Buffalo Mead. II California Pear Cide Etc., Etc. BOTTLING M KKC1I A N'l, HsNhihS A M A N I r A ( Tl' H U.k.0 Unl'l.ll HH.AH HKADSTREKT'S, A S I- t K I k I i 1 1 I. A I ill Trade, Finance and FuLiic Eccncmy. t . Its A 1 I.A H iK lilCAUMTUl.i:!' OiMi'ANV, lilt feH l-.KlUlillblie l' I'll til Hlid ciiIHb (Ulii'i-D. 2 II In. .us f 1 orpcraled 1.' ii hi !!! Un't), Ni' 1 rk. Mi l' IihiiU Hit n tit-1 u, Munulacl ur 111 J UKAKHlllh la U.WiUU'll In. AKi'i'fy R MHln we hit- i,nw weekly comuirrflBl ami flnum In oin uaiue of in MrnHiiliJe 'lltHlblilliK t latl Ilf U n4a(M'r "HUAD8TUKKTS." irMiiK I.ubIiusm man, parllcularl) inn ctiatita. Iiankf is and inaniiruriurerH. ll do,a not deal with credits or furnish rati una. luit sports, rex icmaiul discusses llioae nmlli rn domesltlc and lorelKn. that Have any oeariuii uiiou uib uusincss oi uiiaoouniry. Keportinit the crops In detail. Investigating numcroua industries, crliicUlnK various Inveataient ourltles and rcvlewliitf the market are stie- rlal features, while the tariff, mouetary. liansporlallon. lexa!, hankruptry. nartDer- shlpand hundreds of other topics are ably treated, not lu the Interest of political parties or KcoKraplilcal sections, but In the beet In terest of the business men of the whole ooun trv. It Is emphatically the bubluess man s news paper. We solicit your suIhm i I pi Ion for one j ear at Ovc'dollars. Very truly youri run ( iii am. SriLSfKllIK NoVV TOM lillADSTKEET'S. THE CENTURY FOR 1885-86. The remarkable Interest In the War Tanera and in tbe many timely articles and stroux serial features published recently In THE Century has given that maastne a regular circulation of Mora than aoO.OOO Copies Monthly. Among the features for the coming wolum which begins with the November numbvr are I The War Papers By General Giant an Others. These will be eon tinned (most of them Ulna trated)nntll tbe chief event of tbeUivll War have been described by leading participant on both side General Gran I s paper In clude descriptions of the battles of Chatta uoogaauu me wiiaemesa, Ueneral MoOesl lan will writ of AoUetam, Genes! 1 C BueU or BbJtoh, Ganerabi Pope, iAasastrset and ethers of tb Axoortd Bull Rata ate. Naval combat, lnludln the flgh t between the Kearsarge and the Alabama, by officers of both ships, will be described The "Keoollectiona of a Private" and apt elal war papers of an anecdotal or humorocn aliaraaier will be fea tares of tb year. Serial Btarlss by W. D Ilewalla, Haiy Halleek Feota And Georsjo W. Gable. Mr. Howell's serial will to in Dgbtar -vln than "The Bis of 8Uaav Dapham." Mrs Koote's Is a story of raining lit, and Mr Cablet a novelette of th Aoadlani of I.oats lana. Mr. Cable will also eon tribute a aerie of papers oa Slave booms and dan oes, taslad lng negro serpent, woraiilp, etc Special Featnrea Include -A Trlcyol Pilgrim; to Kome,' Illustrated by Pennell; Hlstonoal Papr by Sdward Eggleston. and others; Papers on rersaa, oy B. (A w. Meajamln, lately U. 8 inuusiw. wi tu Bimeniai ll lustra lion; f t tronomksak Arttelea, praetksal and nopobu, on videreal Astronomy"; Papers oa Unrva tlan Unity by representative of rartoo 1 igloo danomlnstlonat Paper oa M"t Edocatlotit by Tartozper tia atd, to. ' - ' awtwarie ., !, , tr FranK . Btoekton.Mrs. Bslti iwWia (U, HJ, Mr. Mary Balloek Foot, Joel Ghacf 3"" obdoi is an, xw A. jsnvsr, ultaa HawUiorno, lllohard Mi Johnston, and aaer sun, is. uh itoreewn, T A. Nners ana poems oy ieaains; poet. Tb Departments,--;'Openlittrs," Brta.Bra.V (Oh will IX folly sustained. ' . - . , x. -ThA lUsutratlsMSS --'l 'VTin bs kept p to tb standard whkh baa "" ; rade Tbb CsVBToa ngravlBgs faoaens tbe world oyer. v;r' .U,i . t'' S ' Pr k apaahU OObr.1 ; .. ' . -; BewnJar snoaorfptkro priet), b.M year. To aabl aew readers to get all Ui War p- mra, '. . niUt enntrlbations from Generate Grant, Beasretrard, MoClellan. i. h, Johnston, lw " 'Wallaoe, Admiral Port and oi-ber. w -wi il " sand tb 12 baek nmnDera, November. IrM, to uctooer, wiw a year's sobacrlpUoo b ginning lKK6v for sg.oO for the wool. Asntx '" eorlptlon, with tb 13 nnmber boned In two . handsome volumes, t.wi for the whole, ark: . Btrmber only; euppUed bt thee price a wl , aubsn-tpUoiia. A free specimen cry(bMk numb r) will ' baeenton reqoest. kit-nUon this paper. All dealer and poi masters tk subuprlp. : tlont and sapply rirmoers avordips; tooor mf al offer, ot renuitAcce may be made di reci j- to ; City tesaiil 1 ifn. - . A-jL.---. Kew Ff rxc, I. C., T

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