f 7 - E L'v wat W aaat JL.0 . . - i , . r - 4 4 . I ' .' 5. H C::tB;CLwe ill IT-LOW AMICES ! - , .wBjawaa oa. . "BarBaw ' h Itnlll 1Ji :)4'-.fS 'ti.jM-Jv "- .. . Read trtiat wo can offer you: 4 :.: "j;,c i A nice rigurea juawn u. Best of Calicoes at 5c. .j- , n i ' . i , ' X Lot cf Dark Prints at. 4c. ; 'X lenditf Gingham at 8o ul- n Liwrcwiir 7.'?' :tv V . . , ; ; .' Olil'll N,W.lllil'-'!ftl'".li(I ! . .,.-,.,! -r.mw . i ij vii -ihidi; ajU Lai.n 1 i in i ' . ... i ,( n. tuilmrr-i 'ww ..n:n.w f- rir'.ciiirrKLia) seersuckers. (1.,-11; ;!''.! ;'utJiH) vcf'1 - I:.1. i -;r;"i BATISTE, '" .. . . . ..i ... - J. I . . - . . . . PIQUBED tNDIA LAWN, 4 ' "... ) LINEN LAWNS,' Etci, Etc. ; t7o have just taken an , inventory, Jtod find T 4rn nf rJonriq "crhir.h X7fi are anxious to cell. Therefore . . . - . .... i ,xt t W U .1. .'h-i.k I. .: S 's i? l-i ls,-;i ..- -f V" . !.:' . 'I. J . i ! fr:-r wo if"tniahir''rnnd Goods cheau. call , . , t. -j i . . , J - , t. " - i . . CI1 U-' m r '." f .-) r'.,-( T . ( .- : ,t iy, . i- T - ' ' M " !.. i.i .. '- I, ' ' - ' - - i , . i i ui. j . if . ' ' I' " ' i ! 1 W " C;o cur 7orsted IDress Goods, marliea way COTTU. KEW EEZKS, N. a. OCT. tt. IKS. : .'t'-nbTand Fringes cheaper thanever4, ; !. V l t'l 1 v i 't . .v ... .-i ,l jr-: I.' ' He :icry, Handkerchiefs and Parasols ; r.t dnic:tycur own prices. :yy- - n T7ith your orders and wo will cave I :t v;3 cell tlio celebrated ' "11 T:::, f .-r l:"'l:z rnd , - Onslow ? Itemsi i.i Very dry is onr coantjj no riB lor pnweecs. . r.-r i Mr. . W. Mattocks kaa returned to.Flonda to stay. ' Gatherin g corn and deer hunting are t be ebier oceapations or . toe people now. ; -Tt - , ; Misa Minnie Ward." of Sirans boro, has returned to Bichlanda to teach school again at Mr. C Stephens', - ' ' uers, raris and Dixon- held a protracted meeting at Jacksonrille last week, with fire accessions to their ehareb, among them Mrs, h. L. IlojVof Jacksonville. - Rev. Mr. Cash well .preached his last sermon at iuchlanda last Ban day to a large andisnce. One ad mission to his church that ' day, Mias Bettie Williams, daughter ot loan tain Williams, Jsq. Mr. J. H. Am an was one we for got - to mention last week In our items concerning the prominent ones in Kichlands Tillage. He certainly la one of the prominent ones because be is one of the best wheelrights and blacksmiths, be sides bnggy makers, in this county and does his work cheap and good It seems that there is more sick neas In Hwansboro now than for vears past. Little Willie, son oi Mr. ana Mrs. Robert Wooten, died this week near Gohorn creek, and Mrs. uapt. Joe Uell died at her home in Swansboro last Monday. aged about 50 years. She leaves a husband and several children to mourn her death. Several others are Bick. We were at Jacksonville last Monday and after seeing and hear iug what we could, came off very near sober. One of the best things we heard was the speech of Dr. J. W. Sanders, the regular Demo cratic nominee for Senator for this district, the 9th. We do hope that dissatisfaction in regard to Col. Whitford's candidacy willter minate fairly by Col. Whitford's not attempting to run, as be would get no votes, or very few, in this county. Mr.. G. W. Ward's school closed last Saturday. Will give you re- tort of examination next week. A arge crowd came out to heat his scholars and were well pleased with their . recitations, composi tions, reviews, etc ; Mr. Ward says be is now ready ror the next chanoe to take another school, bat don't want all to speak at once ana say "we want you." We don't profess to be a high' graduate but we can spell Florida and don't pro nounce it "Florida,", either, as some eay we do. f . .,' v I - , ., Ned Morrill went hunting again yesterday, for the fiftieth time, and shot' bij btiekM:aaii,,imd,is nsuaVdiaii t get hlmUnt Frank Melton says ruuf:JJed, .ttm tyoa have cripuled aim P ; and Jfed did run hia level- best diTestinci bis self of all things contrary. to his impediment, but . no aiaa't '"cotca em, then;" and on retorning, blow ing and puffing likea vuporpos,'' found be had lost ia 4'Sunday gt to meetin"' .coat, pair of 13.50 "specks,'!; all hia amnnitioo, and Bryan Ilargett said, three or four dollars in specie; and the 'runniest part was like to have lost, himself, as it was in the pooosin, and bad not Andrew Marshburn heardaome one halloo and went to the rescue, Ned would probably have been one of , the . lost , people . Next , day , a party went to hunt for the dead deer and lost coat, etc . They found the dead deer and, the ashes of the coat and other articles; Ned having set the woods a Ore to make the deer get out, but this be didn't tell until it was found out on him, and now he lays It on Bryan, Ilar gett. ; 4'NoW Ned' says he is done driving forever.' A ; .. j 1 Am EBtrpristMr, HelUM lfM. Hancock Bros, can alwayt M relied nponnot only to .carry la Mock the best of everything,' bat to aecnra the Agency for such article aa hare well known merit, and are popular with tb people, thereby aaataininp the tejmta tion of being always enterprising, and ever reliable. ; Having- secured "-the Agency for the celebrated Dr. King New Discoverv for Constimption, will sell it on a positive guarantee.1 It will surelT core any ana ererj ariection 01 Throat. Lanes, and Chest, and to show our confidence, we invite yoa to call and get Trial Bottle Free. m ,,, a L.y tJHjr - a 1 ' hi r kotioeT noTict NEWBEEII,' H. C, WHOLESALE LIQUOR DErn JUJJ . Sarsaparilla Tl'iL-- Lemon Soda. Buffalo Mead. Califoniiab rear iiojb 'Etc., Etc. IN CONNECTION WITH THB,JA.O'EN0T FOE BOTTLING ' The Dergner & Engel Brewing Company's Lager Beer, Porter, &e., I KEEP ON HAND A FULL LINE OF WINES MID LIQUORS AT WHOLESALE, Which will be sold by the Barrel or Gallon at VL.KY LOW FIGURES for CASH. Ginger Ale equal to Best Imported, and aperior to any procurable in North Carolina. . w tk Orlrlmal SS She. .JAIXE9 MEANS' 83 SHOE. DraMUt,00nfort am AP- Mf mm wlu wrniH jvmtuiv 7 71 w 1 mirTjk"v t I 1 sOir' IMrwWL w to srei UMmtAOkT TturltorT. .eans&ca. Tkla them tanAs MtAor In M Mttmukm of fionn Uiui mur thw la Ul worid. TboiuaDd rbo ww U IU Mil jo ttonuoa It jroa tmk Uma. Howard & Jones, ISole Agents for New Berne. N. C. milt aw GEORGE ALLEIi & GO. ;dealers in General Hardware AgrlooUvral Implement t. Plows, Harrows, Cultivators, lles and Axes, Woed'i Mowers and Keapora, Steam -Enciaes, rertlllxers.LaQd Plaster, Kamit ecbanlcs TooiS and Hardware, I 71 ' lair. Paint, Jsh, Oilr Gltuv Putty apd Uaf 1 .r.!..,...) ) 'mi Kalsomtne, Var- -Free sera, - Itafrigerters! Oil k Stoves, Ewreka Burglar fcroof, Saab JLocks, warranted to give security and satisfaction. PRICES VEJSY LOW. I GEO. ALLEN & CO. Jzst Received : J U - . -' L, 1 . Li 50 bblav fllackereLs 93.50 pexbarreL 1 lot Hams ; JOc. lb. 25' Chandeliers (two lamp) $1.70. .' . '. : ,A3J c....... , S,; Fa TEISEB. Dd all otHer Goods at ROCK -BOTTOM PRICES. For HardTins. he Daily ouknali DEMO REST'S ILLUSTRATED MONTHLY MAGAZINE With Twalww Cut Papw Pattar-a tf your own ae lection and of any size. Both Publications, One Year, torn $().GO (Six Kii-'rv). rtrivio rest's r W- THE B ES I Of all the Magazines. ("TONT AfNtNQ MriM. Poam. and .tti.r LiUrtr, .tlrMtiwM, eMnbimng Arlirtio, aot.nlitio mmt HooMhold maM.r. Uluttrattd mHth Original Ktrl Engrav Nf7t ykototfravum , Oil Pietftm atd fine Wooden f. making it thm ilodtl Mtiffamine of Antrrica. fW Eanh Mmrezliic contHlna a (XM'l'OH OKOBU. eiitUtlliK Un bolder (u Uw w ltH tiou n ANY PATttCHir IliuitruU-Ll In that nuinbur Mid In ANY HIZK. DKMOHEST'8 MONTHLY 1b Just I v rntllji, the World Modr MMaJn Ttut tsrm In Koran. tM LanraM In Cfroulatlon. and rtio tt TWO Dollar family MnirtULlii. imui-tl 1HNI nil! e the Twenty u4tnd rr MtKi'llANJ, HA.NKEKS a )IaM tAlTI'HUb Mlnn.n KIAI HKADSTHEET'S, A V t I h I l.il I.NAl. ' Trade, FinaDte and Public EcoMmy sin. . ii lm-.. t.ciy baturilu) . ':i..i-. luin'L i'uLifii. fMiim-l iiiie. i o i ii' i. nil r.Keav I . I I 'I 1 lis A 1KAK T11K KKAUSTKKKT t'UMl'ANY, liiih.nt K l.hlali'.lhtud lM'.i 1 morpi"aU"il UTti. ( 'it ' i 111 1 nml Snrii:im f I .liK'.'HMI Kst'ciil: I'lli. -.ii :r . 2SS Kmadway, e York - ' ' 1 1 It li oonODually IntaroVdil and X) extrniik ely tbe fa to place It In of Ita publication T f front rank Kuiully il KEUSE L TEEUT RIVER rBtrAmljoaC Company Ti WTB raa ttia toUowint SenednW Msaaa kftei SBtoanMfth.l8H . will Steamer Cutler The Secretary of State calls aUottSoa to tbe fact that tbe lact Court in Oarnn county, in this year, twrtns on tbe 9ih dajr Of KnTOT-v-rr. lc rans owir r.ACoI TAXHi fTS req-nred to ati!e v) same on rr 1 -fore !-e l?.h day rf 1 Tomher, 1; 1, if they c i ire to tav . '..r tronlle an.l eirre. . T!.9 p ' Aw cart be a-rtttlaed U L.el. ;i!r,ao:"ce. ecrldwlna . II lmve Hew Bern tor Trenton averv Wedoaaday at a. b, and Friday aTtar Uia arrlTal erf the ateatMr Bbenandoah; mtora. InK, Srin Int. Trenton every Tnnnday and Satarday, toaealng at all points along toe mymr, - .w.-i f . Steamer. Elnston. . On and after June Wth. MRS. Uia RLaanvrr Klnatoa wlU taa-ra Klnaton lor Mew berae tvery Meadar andThoradayat e'eloek a.m letnmlnKi will leevtre r-ew Betae evarr Tues day and Friday, tipplng at Jolly Old Fteldl ana laaening at au lanainei on rteoaa nvan ; Uoaa eonneetton nade with ataamxr Stiett, aadoaH ot the Old DomliUon Btea nh ip Oe t 7 y JOHlf ii. PXLU at Xawkem ', - W. F. 8TAjn.r, 3ntteav-s(. I .tr.X . VTILSOX. Agent at Ttwifcitd T'f. 4. r titmrmBi.T, jony old neic. v. ' . . 1 . J. B. Bajtks, Qnaker Bridge. - "T - .; J, M. VTHJTB. Qui Manatwr . bTdAW - KlnatOB.H,0a AHiodumla. and ouual u any niuiriLztne. oontaliw 72 pajroa, lantv y uarto, 8 x 1 1 S lnohua. felfwanflj printed and rally HluntrHtnl. Pnr Uahed by W. Jennlnga bewnroat. New York, AND r SPECIAL AGREEMENT COMBINED WITH THE D1TLT JOUalil at $5.55 Per Tear flTlKlE STAR Iv Hew ! enpportl-a the PrhaeJplaa' ag ej Irtmitrrtt" AdmlntatraAton. K IWhW Is On Wr f Ywk. l- BdltOV aJMl rToprtetor. . JIIE WEEKLY STAR, A aixtawn-page) newspaper, Issued A alaaa. para arlgsl aavi bwwi FAMILY PAPERS f It ooBtatastBS lateit atwt, down te the boat f AgrioUJt . r a-L- j - iHtieair ' l v w-. rinanolal and Commerclaf.xS1 l Powtlaal. Humorous and r- Editorial BtnarfaiMtaTell -AUr t otliera 1kah Huts In aiifllUou tVUgAtWlle A npcy lf tt In we are dow pDulltdiliig i-kiy ciniiiirt-Hl and nimnclal newspaper in our mum of t "lilAI)STKEET8." 1 iiik iHiKlnrss men. PHrtlcularlv lu.r chKLiia. liMiktia and nianuntctBterH. Q.dnike' not deal Willi credltn or fuaiilah rating, but report., revteT. and dlsruaaea thoae uta4tera. lomaatuc an J rorelno. I Hal haveaLaTOearlnii upon lire tin .lues, of UHieenntry. KtWrtlnii tbe cropa In detail, Inve.llgatlDg nuruerou. indii.trlea, oTHIcIiIhk various mveataient ae curlUasaad reviewing the anarfceu are spe cial feat urn. while the tariff, monetary, transportation, lenal, bankruptcy, partner ship and hnudreds of other topics are ably treated, not In the interest of pomloal parties or KevIniTai aeotiona, oui in ID, ueaL LS tereHt of the butlneas men of the whole wastry l la emphatic allf the buatnesB man', news paper. we aoiirii yonr ruuerription rorobe rear a uve uouai'N. Ver r trnlr y Tub Kit our.. A1LHTUKIT (IMI'ARr. bl'lWCHlliE NOW FOB liKADSTKEET'S. THE CENTURY FOR 1885-8.6. 4 The remarkable Interest In tne War Papers and In the many timely article, and .trout; serial features pabltsned recently In Tub Cbhtuky has given Uiat magaslne a regular circulation of Mere than 300,000 Copies Monthly. Among the feature, for the coming rolum which begin, with the November numbei arc : w THE, DAILY, STAHS , TbsTMrvr 8A tWtsh. arte- ,fg Sa aa atmetlra form. Its special eonesponosnes rr5efrort Loodii, IrSTBeVun. Vienna and jrcbUn a eomModjbU 'V?r. .t 1, WashBiraMt. Albacv, and other newt esavre, TOT BT.a, tamtah the Isiest news by telegrapa. ?I . llt"ry f Btnws ar. isrorpMaad. . 1 kbi raclai awl JUsta eYitws BtaaCy ft'.) and eonipia. - J .IBpeaUt swraae ad sstnMrdlaary SBraat Ma snot t'mtra or tub wiaaiv JfJSS and Uuda, eaaaae Ike Units ot lew X i Wya i.hi Crobs of Tn, CJobssf riftesB TTwere) OVTMI OajfcTaTAH e I aiaaasi,. . Ji-Tsar. Stra- 8tU mt Forth Orollna, 1 1 , Craven Ooonty. J . . a Ofnce Clerk of the Bopertor Conrt. "X v . Take poti: Tb.t 1 bare this day Msned )piers dc,i.t -s (,ooree F. M. Ui,Wm. B. iH, Janne. h- .', 1 and A lax. H. Kolton and tbir ocri...i. tr ba a eorporation for thepirje -i aordiD.; to tbe terms pre aer ii-e-j In an of KremeTit filed and re pnr.ioii ji .1. 1 1- . ibe snhatapeeof said .-1. i 1- '.rves (win to beeome 1 -li.(. r il rme "Nfwtwrn and r-.-w 1 ' 1 fi "'T wn "i t t fre!tht and 1 , i , ... on- 1.1 r, , r-.s.aa, and ail t ' - - m" a o r--..enL'ra, fom 4 r 1 1 a v . -a . , .1 Tr.n If r, 1 , i.i 1 i L t 4 , .. - t . f, . t r.'nt )w t mm Tn ttrrnr nr yr rrnciraimg Bmj ' wilboat Saaday, onsyeaf ...lji.-l.-.'.. JJ Ev!ry day, staaioBtlis.. ....... fVy J 5 TaiHf Tiifhiwt Saadar .lTlrmtihs..ni.i- oar, stz month. Tiifhiwt Saadar a rtta, - 4 TI1I3 STAXCI S asad a Vora ,Y0ji.twBrTo. The War Paper. By Uenerml tiiaait and Otders. These Will be eonUnaei (ntss. ot tlleW lltus t rated) until lite chief vents of tbe Utrli War hare been deaarihetl by-leading paTtlctpanl. on both aides. Ueneral arasit a papsni la elude deeerlpttons of the battles of Chatt noogaand the Wilderness. UeaomiMfClkel lan will write of Antletam, General liTc Buell of Hhlloh, Generals Pope. Long. treat and others of the Heeond Bull Kun, etoM . Naval oombaat, ln.lodtng trjS fight betwsMa we aLAaraaagio.nei miiinianiaya. by enovsa OX both sblp wOl bs dt-arrlbed) 7j J 1 rte-lUeciaJ5faJate"af.twl wa rapefa-oi aa e.aidaVl or rmuimwJ character will be features of the year. Serial Stories hy rUoweUa. Mmw Haitack Foots J Awd Oeprgw Jr. Mr. Howell's aerial will be In lighter rein than "The Klse or Bllaa Lapnasa." Mrs Koote'i Is a story of mining life, and Mr. Cable '1 a novelette of the Aeadlans of Loolsv swia. Mr, Cable will also contribute series of papers On Slave songs and dances. Includ ing negro serpent-worship, etc. . I pacta roiJarW I ' "A. Trlsyole Pngrlmaae io Hon natieu; uassssieM Paprssvie The Southern CtoltiYator. U THAR. - ... i 'V tt --I ;- t Periodical, the South - 'iteiahrinea is lis ennM aw-v th tnfclM- rBt, prosTeaalvw land snhstanttaliy awooesa- m larmers or m awi'ori, and saanaflver tMLne maujmn fT ve fmiit, Maatilaetu t-"" Kit and Profeastonai . aian. W awaoi.irrrrv HNorLi,in, rina tndiMnn.y employed fal its SoinSQlt Is lvi remnnaratlva, 4 , A Overt. .omen t. par line, j. I x feubocr r ' per annum, i MLli ) , Aa.i. I t ccx.nvATore pit, o . P. O. Prawer g. A.TtyAnTji, Ot, . New Pri. tT.". 1 " r .T n . 1 a I " I vitor J Include Illustrated htr Kdward Eggleston, and ethers: Patters on Persia, by i. ii. W. Benjamin, lately TJ. B miniaaar, wnu Dflnmn. u lustrations; A tronomloal Articles, practical and popular, on 'Vldereal Astronomp"; Papers on Uhris laan Unity ay rprnsitativ of Tarlooa rs HeMna deaomlsaaonFt japers on Manual taai araaW, by vSsststiasApatLa, etc ate, v . Short Stortea Mis. sfBR HaUo oqcSfJcfcl Chan dler Harris, H. ft. Boyesen, T. A. Janvier. Jnilaa iiayartbosne, KH'Mrd it. John tea, and other;- aoA-'pdeme by- lesflng -pass. VUm Denartaaonta. 'Omm ftuiaLL Rhu-lb.. h ?wOTfflLK mil ' - . ' - E v Will be kept lip to the standard which has made Tub caarcaY engravings famous too worldew.- - - - - ... .. 'J PHeoa." A SpoeJaf OAK .f T Ragtlar aubaninllno prioa.H.M a year. To onablo new readers to oel at! u n t'apara, wlta eon krttra tins TroAi . Grant. rtaanrecard, MoCleilan, i. . Joi nmon, lw Vialiaea, A d tn lral Por 9 -and v -,v wui aod tbe li back ameers, Nov. iw to OMober, 1. with a year's stthw-riplioo be tlnolr.B.Kwe.forHi.OO for th , A O'tiwulo, wtth II.b 12 inmiK" uonnd uj - n bandaoroe volomea. I7.M for tiie whote. a k Bomrwre enly supplied at these pr lees B wl Burajnrtptfrma. A free spociTnan rpy fbaj'lt cturbar) will b.i.nifwir?--iiit. Ni- r run Ihia pir. A ' i I id j-"- -t.i.rs tate .nitwiv, tlona a-. ipi- v in. ii i.rt aceor-i "t .- r ai.4 ofiur.o; remHiBce ttiay b ji.a .- .. r s j to 1 t riFmT tvt., tv.w rr. "ew F-ereo, K. C, f : '. 7, . '.