SI .1 A. C. yd i .0 - itau, c: . - Opens tho Tall C::on cf 1 r- mi . f - . " j f " " ' ' ii i v - 1 . . .- - . - . . - . For North. V, t end is. A. at, at 'deand - e i M.C.U.B. a.m V. For Beeuiort axi . i 12 7:00 p. in. r i For Wai t rtoa.Sw ' f Beaufort t ties . ! , inee- i'-l !,;- rhal V a- as vs. tuiii - e , ii f VI . . t i . . . T - A . y I doi: . , : .Ok. . 'f Cist. J ' -5 . r r, ' -. . K .; . I . . . . , . : fi ri ' 1 " 1 r : C;::s C::2sJJCrcss C::d3 I ;r;r;V Bouses, JMagonals, Trieots,t Sebastejoi, Flannels, Bisoft Goti, Striped DlJ'.Ckalmerer nnnetttlomnV, -4 Flannels, Plain tad Faney, Berbers, Alpaeas, Oat Merinos, Out Cashmeres, flwrf ind Fancy Drew Good all kinds, all etyle,alj prieef-fMseftt ;tfca giill astonish the wort ftr4flieVAwf W ' MUJU i , We have a quantity of Cloaking Goods, and we are going to sell them ' U before purchasing. . u'lHussi .Fringes : Fur Triinniing!i Bead; . : ""'"Cloaksl Cloaks r Cloaks! t-4 Hew Harkets! Jerseys! "We alwajs hare a Full Stock, well aEy)rted and bought Lowtoj- (tohbut vt Idea is to pit "a line upoq the mwkat as alleader.' Thlrfear wobaje, TWO GREAT LEADERS. 0 GREAT LEADERS, Cr."3S GOODS AND I'Wmmmm MMMa inn avini: Unght large line of betk OiirKn'elofv Prints, Is las) till laBer. of'l'teoe Gooi and .. . , " ' ' .lHwcHnra. Canton ' rr: ra;mito):4vW661:,'vFlamnek ' Dnlls, ,: s " . It is oe only wmplcte in everj partieulsrf M&rflte)8XA46KM'tf UreeTerearrUdaWeiVUokt Shoes & we1 JiMstElitlilWd iVL&l resa frrRST fTAlmft'aad FOR GASH: T.e-;H ; ea-rasta A ( rr ' ' .- T7 dQji ur EetailBuflineis, and we appreoi &nd MT9 catiT for it, and we love to waitlon our cuitomerMa more thaa all, Ve love to please them. t we have a-fetf .wards to saj to a tlaas of ewtbrnert that haV6 increased wiik .M from year to year . and these grt j-;?.''i'Vl f f i'-' ::rdJliQ!Bsaltelli!stoniGjsi WTHEWH We say that never haf Wd6"feinticli ta; give tKem everj faoiuHyforb Ufy. UWU3 at uuiiiu. To Duplicate , anytliingjpfhtin Baltimore ' . - ' . 'iv i'-vr:t "Is;"' cr cayv-omer parKciOTue. imm j;ca ; lpis; lids is no: einpty baoa6tme;and:seelns: .1 t I! . - r jb o dyriirill :bc waited upon, and ;wc : there sliall bei'no CTiimkirfr vrhen - ! :o time to examine their purchCG " ' " - i - - ; .- . . - " . .. i : , !; O ' " ' ... ! V 'AstT aefcans ! : lL 1:fimjSiiy4mda! i li A A i - ' , - - X NewlIarkets! hi a i ; 1 III T 4 ! ;t . ? I ; J CLOflKinG in hiTniih.'nAnhn 1 while In Kew Trk M i ploaing.Oqi pinghams, domestics, DoTueitics to be fou4 ,hi First, Clus , hr inn ..... v. i u- 9 .. . '.. "tir. JT 'a.' t :Mi .-if. it ' - i-i 2 i rr! v ' r r A3 In llvi. r u- raud i i .. . Let ter Di'n ..u. t, tivia S ,i:i. i j 4 p. iu. Ia Hailing lti.iat ..ut f roisi V a. m. to 5 o. ta. c ; t a t tantly between t" hours eit , t v. i., u mails are btLg u j tributed or aeut. - . - . r , W4rfl Cum. ; x - W. B. Heyt & Co., whoJeajUe and re tail drngKiota of Rome, Qa say: We kave been aelling Dr. King la New Di coTery.JClectric Bitten ad Buck lea's Arnioa balve for two yeara.. Hare never1 handled remediea that eel I aa well, or give such nniTeraal aatiafao Uoa. Tlere have been some wonderful cures ell ec Led by these medicines in thu city, t Several cases of pronounced Consumption bare' been entirely cured by use of jajfew .bottles pfDr, King-s New Discovery, taWen in connection wilk' Eleotrk jBiUers.We guarauloe than always,. Bold by JUnoock Broa , mjuNiTuiiE: Unreaas, warn robe -, . , , ' j f,9la;.Tbls.--Etclf 4 xB.f!;rTrtTTtT rTPTTTD aw To mom It May: Concern. '. Thisli to give notice that I will nlfat 1 poblio aale ob the 25th day tf Oct, 11WC, at the warehouse of the IN ease ana Trent Eiver Steamboat Co, fifteen Hundred Sacks Petapeco Ouana, the nut bails Jearm of schooner Geo. II.'IIoTt. for eaargea and freight advanced and sto- age of aaut cargo . Xerma r sale OMht 1 , u. u. jttOjBBBTs, eeo. ana Trees., ct. c i. n. a. a. uo. E,l&J.fl;L::d:3 ComEiiEion Ilerchants ..t"r'jr. ,..r- 1000;;TomiiutMd ear- epctl atuutioo 'given to.tha sal of Liberal a4anea iaaaWcbiMiinnianta. Offleaeat eoiuef rslluek and Mldilta itieelJl w PaTAKrxEjrr or, nut Iwtkhwr. f 0 F:fcinyoir,0jSf.3i1 Ha. J. aicSosLET, ts fi (ntt,r Net Sen; .& i""" Sir: I enclose . herewith draft for 17.60, in payment for the hoes. The Style, fit andiworkqaanahtp re satis factory. They fit me better thaa any shoes I have had in twenty years, QjA . v ery respecuuuy. WILUAMS' - FAST-fRElGHT UNL STEAKEE, , ELM - CITY; AND , BAHQE JJLNEIE ILEED , ! :' ; ,i WEEYBETWEEIJj . i r; V r :T 7'' If T' fmt H:'' Kiiit.t.KMt.yif " - . ... i Tf ft'?' Leaves New Berne, Monday, 8 O'clock, Iisaree Norfolk,: Thursday. A o'clock-, i i it. J.I : . . ' - i --i Oopnects with 'K.-'T.VTP.' N. R. E. Co. for alf point Kortb.""-'J, -v - QUICK TIKE AND LOW mEIQirra. ;'i;vJ' wiluaksL : ' ' 5 " ' 1 ' T General Maes,-r. Hcck"Iinio,iiou ) - . . . ' J -' . ' v - ' J ' i 1 I I 1 I j Uonumenb;Tpmbs ; , - f r r f . " --.,1 and mil kinds brave and Balldlnc tort in I inLlAKiAHERiCAU f.!Afi3LE , 1 t-o t kI ysisi i.l Hi 7f '-' i i w i m Orders will receive prompt Vtteu'tior I aatief action gnarated. ; j X'aU jtro Tel' 'lwtr1'V,3 ti';!,v,c,t vl .1 JOE It .r WILLI 8. Proprietor i8nooawl0orgeiW.pUypooieJ, , i(M oJTT) Wu.'J hi vji ti .JJ; i-i.i Hi: vil -ouAi vhn ' Matf;ui?iK . tti ft 6 Millkb tormr autkorized iageii ta Xiaaton. - , H-auui oaaSO-lvdw- Fpr Sale! For Sale! 1 .YLirtu. 4.-,i.i .linni' Titfi f : IH Tihtbli Ircpsrty tm CraTea Street I Poraaaat to .a Jodcuiaot. rf ho Suieriui Court ol oravaa county, I will xpc to Hib lie Hale, at the Court IIoum IKior, In Jieir- Saturday, October 1G, 1886, dtTWEIATBoVtlook, JKj. tbe Hautw and Lot on Uravva streat. In ald lly, Iwtvwa U road and Neas, fortpcrly lbs rvsideboe ot Ann IUeeeae(Mt. if- n'-- . 1. , Tariujh- n bair eaali; i baianoa n . six month. Vltla reaarvrd ontll till payment. ,.,.., ,fl ll 11., ,1 it;, lt..,i ., ni i,-. .TOADVERTISEES. T A Llt of K'30 opaprrs divided, into STATMt AfiHM7UUAwiiliaaoniori a plloatKm-e'Mli.K. s . i '-.-,;. ..,. .,y 1 TottiuM who wauttbelridvertlslnc top waeaa oltar Do bctUr medium rortboyough end atfaoMve work thaa Ui varloua aoctloas SI our Heleot Local rN.w,miMT Adv.rliHlnff Hniii. Mrs n In. 'J.. U tsprusa street. rw York J ' '. i Tl V ' 'J T '"11 ' 1 ' ' ' 1 7 j-.t l lTam I'aivm1 TTa4-aI 1 "HOW VvUtl U Uv VVAJ bTlekMiiaCT BAtsABHocssV' ' iott jTirbl tareMi;; ' Beradt' NV 0. j .. wt ran nanirrrnWi . . Offers special ludOoemenU to eonmtrclai i Cuiataaof prtralltoa. v 1 tl 10nnUus aud bakM(nc waKonat all tra f j Jila,xwiar4lj!f,.;r( r n.f , al .li.,., NVliluihial MtlMb tiWFAK, uworvELoprppAirr 1 fifth, boor enlftimMl nun mtv.nt.iMtuMl. full fmnio. , 1! 3!')1 wlHIEIICH'S -'.HOTEL' trrr) iulL aeARaT,1 mw yottftl Of pfwete Oft y tealT afi I the rot fA. ' ' Th liotal taonfe of 4Jim moat Bamriiut In apiolnttninl and furiiltora . or .ANY ouku in r,w aora Wf and i( oondactaa I Kooni only On tkillar par dav.l BairmlD eie ( whik Irom iirxxrvivn HrMK and valad K. It. All Una ol car nam the door. Wt convenleul Hotel In Hvw Vork lor Hiwhiuiiilo alnrat. IHnlnt KonmaCafM and AAineh Uoaalnr rplluVnh all I 1ns- t roa at mojiarave pricea, . - j,7 wir 'iir:,oi21VrT,IW,T,:"'I1,'A. Lilian oAtiti ia-uL j'-n' i'T' Offles M Oravaa aaraeL 'betwaaa! Pollock aWShkaTSl wl aWr-ldAwiyy i: .r") ''vi 1 1 1 u :.. fil Ua lis Cwi.O, B(fM'tn o$i''r, hi ( '! J-HrYff rttholeeale 4ad fotatt Dealer tsi ,niii B .!! I"r'.: sri, 1 ik i:'-T3 i-Jrtut' i 'ni 1, i.l ll. - .j . - ' "" AKD ."f 1 rj-'1'! ;.i It General Merchandise' W' art '!.?;. T 1 n-. nxienmenta of tirain. . Cotton and other rxoduoe eolicitedw v .,:,)'. Prompt, jAtU-ntion Guaranteed. f"VOi -tit .' a j. '' f!l Tl V !' 1 N.AvV.Corl,Soui.h Tront and lliJdleSt). 1 t! U X. i.,'...' '.I' orj dirti jrAX'jroiic: f Notice is brrVy c ivpn tvt (he real. fronal and jv.i t .1 1, '. J, f the rear .VB, is cow n rrv ran 1 r C".!rt nn. All rr' '' r --J aM I fcf h- .1 by Botifjed to call ttr y , nrvl netlie the rime, ;',;. U. DJi Ai VIC,-;: i otoclw, 1 t.ty lax C Sector," f A " 1 I I I I i I ! ' ' iiinmlu honr nli-t , II!iiill . -"'t rvnliv. Buok o' imi'1'' I I k lilt I aoiU jwut r it 4 r, ii, . Ill lUli I !vC7a. bJi a 11 1 1 1 and '.'respectfully invites the in: buyers, .1 The rarrnen .1 The rarments are made of the newest and finest Corkscrews in all colors and 'j jih ' TJpiirpacd Oar SUk Rqud LloCk Diagonals r AometliDg new aud aJj.ijed by an.. 'i - v - .:'.; In HATS we have a most complete Youman bloek in stiff goods and the : Our Stock Of NECBTWEAIl broidered "Large Tccl4r in evcuiug latest and very handsDme and' genteel, .(A Full Line of GENTS' UNDERWEAR, white, olored and striped, at.,very low figures. .. - t'rr - ' - r t Otf CATIEL'S TIAIR UNDEESUITS re 'special bargains art!? j w ticularly well adapted lot our clim&tci 2 k & i I i M , . 'J Big or $3)0 Seamless Genuine French , ABie Stock of LADIES AND GENTS' SH0E3 at all prieeV are the best in the, country and fully worth 1 0.00; 4 W guarantee given with amy pair. ' 7 tf V ;. -";,s '' ' . fv - ; 1 An extra tirdinarf large Vtoek . of Calfskin, Fren?h Kip, and, Whole Stock 1 Boota, that Will be aold at astonishing low figures. : Oar "Opera Boot," finest Fresh Calfskin with. Morocco leg, Ward well flexible hand fewed; is just the thing In Also, a fun ime or uresa uooqb. and Notions; &c. . -.-r"- .' i A Specialty Made of Boys' and Youth's Clothing, j Our Trices are in accordance with: the Timos, and whilst we can suit the most fastidious, have also catered in our selection to those of very limited means. ffiV I'l For the foil worth of your' money Stock call at ... . Middle street, next to L. LI. Cutler's. . iy I have no connection with any othor. store, vy VVr"v" -x N r IBOG VIIITTY'S ICOG FAIL SPECIALTIES. ... ... .. .yb J, a. Gnllett'a "Magnolia" Cotton Gins, With Feeders and Condensers. ' . Pratt. Cotton Gins, with Feeders and fjondensera ; . Carver Cotton Gins, with Feed' rs and Condensers.' - "Boss" rower Cotton Tresses.,?;; "Roanoke" Hand Cotton Presses. Complete Cotton CleanersT: Cotton Seed Crnsbers. . "... And srfatl line of all classes of Afachla- ery. Fittings, AUchine Oils' BeHlaf, Shartinit, l'ulleys, etc Saw Mill supplies a specialty. - Bond for cireuiara aed prices r d ivhi wuuuncq auituiw?u. auu hut faction tuaran teed., Kespectfully, . l ' ' ; . J. C. WElTrY. '-", 1 - , - new uerno. vr I Aast fpiCFalrbankt Standard SoaloaJ'i' . juijiu uwom Gcdcy's Ladies Book. $1.00 FOlt SIX MONTHS.. naf(aala t Art, Faahlan, and U- 1 .-in f "r i ' ' , ' Seiiala, Short Ptori ,' ninrH'Ipnj Tocni. 1e. Aim practical liintt for Ue honm-hoid tnd other valnahle Inhn mailnn nnniily. ' : Hpeclraen copy 16 cent, Audreaa at l'hila jelpbla. ' a The ahoT maearlne rd Tiukit OJokhal both aent one vear for S 3.00. Barber -ad : Hiir B:c::cr, With twwnty-flre T.r xpfrlirine, and th a,)lldlleitrve vf itdnor to 1-euick a, iwar-jkil y ' JL TBI PRACTICAL TOKSORIAL AP.TIST, 9 1 i h 1 ib Wot fc rt.r f. r t W r . i i r' fr i un i red io t w ho pii n n f i f; In t rc f ("oi .r 5 ( t t n v-n oity, will giveaii rood a pMHve nn wn te hid anywhor for 1 K.N el a . of designs tn uiagocais ana uassimeres shades, inf Fit and I -u; 1 -. j - ;;'. -'.'C .: and varied assortment, running the latest designs in soft hats. contains the latest novelties. Our em- l ados and dark colors are the very, v j " i I ;j , Calftlcin Shoes in Dais, and Congress ' gentlemen's dress boots . Domestics, Bnawis. umtreli: s , : , - r - i. n.iif; nv -.tfrff "f im from a handsome ana Iran Imw Fall . .. .-. .. . .. 1880. ItHaVs 1 Weckly, ; ; '-. aiti'BB's Wckklt baa now, for mora Uian meuly years, maintained Its poaltlon as the leading llluitrated weekly newip r la America.- With a eouaiaut luerrHne of lit erary and artimle reaoumea. It 1 able to otter for the enanlns year allraoiloiK uu.iiaied by auy previnui Toliirae.emhraclnv i Ilal lllui.rat3.1 itr.n i.a t lit t . , llanly, among tua liiiiul of living niera of UolKm, and the oilier hy Sir. Walter hmnt, one of the nioet raphlly rlmuK of Jk nulioii nov elint; raplile llhfiraiioiinf 4 bM.: eat lo reiulerala ailanotiutKof it eouuiry entertaining ihort storlea, nioatly llln.i ruled, by the beat writers, and lm)oruint pHpvra hy high authurlUea. on, tha chief topUa ol the .Try one who dealrei a truitworUiy pnllla leal guide, an entertaining and InmrurUva fajnllyJuuDuil, entirely free from otijwiion. able luKUHYi Intiltlier letter-preaa or liluetra--lou,ehould subacrlbe to Harper's Wi-tkly . Harper's PeriodicalN. .' PKB TEAK:' QA Ul'KH'8 M AO AZI NJC HARl'EKa BAZAH - ,, BHjART.Oua ear (52 Nrynhers) ....1U ue r wm i"n uoauneereia M.w k ntu-u 8Uie ' . ' anada. ntMx.. A p f f Tha Volumtii ot the Wel(H ixn i t! a1 flint Number for January ol tuirh year, no time 1 mentioned, it will lie un...- lien m1 tnai vna antieoriuer wiare to cunin uie . witb the bomber next after the ruo-int of orderi Bound Volumes of Harper Weekly, for . three years beck, In neat cloth btmlm wul be seat by mall. poatire pmd. or l- i lreaoraxpenae(pioviued tnefrtn . hot txoed one dollai per volume), lor t .i pr volume. -v Cloth Caaes for each volnma, am e if) inln, will be aent by mail, ptwiiwid, ou teeelptoftl.OOeach. Uemluaneea ehould be mxli hy rot- a rfoney Order or Urart, toavoid ehaii e .i .,a ewipapere are Dot to ropy Dunn ment wltuouttha expreai older o ImrwrS' Urolhera. . addrcaa f HAKrRH A ER'THl'"", it Itlj&nt 4 i,fli 1880. i Harp Maga: ers ;inc. ILLUSTIIATI!1. . it v-isofwri V ( ) tnii :?Ki'ir JMieJ U. fHxati ii a p(.. ;, j ( M Mr. Howe i I 'iiiij inn -um n . r ; foremnot plnoe la nimm. n-'iu Ij. i - ran ihrouich MverHl miiiit'f!i tun v followHl hy ?riH) un in.-u i , it, I more and wig It. M. iB k. a m. w depart nient, olnruwi t tbecnrrrit II traui'4tr WlU t ' MjlrSbt) - f ! f' 1 1 ' fc? W i . H t . lM-trv vrsl ( ..n i? n ' t IH' rv.k.-. of Aihcriciin h i , r w p , pipfiHiji? r--"r ; w - . A ttriir-r, riil i - k "s i Tfl V :" H' V - t Ampi KHiit ... i . . . t r j . . lean si), ni,a : - . a i - - American iviv;. . ri :i t- HARPEK'S MAGa,:,!.. . HARrER S W 1. ; LY SAKrr" S FA? i - .... rJAHi i. irs y. : a Mi i.l I I Very 1 nily your?, C ' ' ' - v; -

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