1 I I - r - f- CvJ-NO? ! VpiW BERNE. N. C. THUES D A Y;r jOCTdBEK 21, 1386. PRICE 5 CENTS mraal malatu ilauMi .. . Nsw Berne, latito.de, 830 North. longitude, Tf V West. . Sun rise. 6:05 I Length of day, : -' ' rtua teu. 538 1 11 hourtiJJLpiuiutes. Moon rift at 6:09p.tolJ BUSINESS. LOCALS. .3Ja...(.;j .031 -rSAiiOiv eraLif 8Mi WUP. aiad Oi Celeri fieo, MsBtUrd 8eed,&s. f -foV - '4 c EB"VEK- pmEui-830o for or 5 years, 8 per oewi interest, payable luonituy. Improved oity real estaU as security. oc2Ut Address, "'H," New Heruo Old papera, W Kile- at litis office. Ogaeifo tonight. Give Dunn a rousing audience at ' Stanly Halloiorrow night. . The oMaiys on las People's Ticket will (peak at Ilavelock tomorrow. TAtfafi Bantist Association con ( 4 al KiastB' neat Tuesday and . Wednesday. , Wa again remind voters that a new regUtrij4nMs'leen ordered and every vnpasf appear A Ue registrar in per son and register. If anyone is afflicted with hard times letMrn go to the theatre tonight. It in said "Wat Of;den 'b Corned ay Company wtWeaie liara times The chow, chow, of the, Radclifr mill yesterday enlivened the neighborhood at the foot of Pollock street. Wo are in formed that this mill will be run on fuiTCiMd now. wlA. Dunn. E8p, will addiem the people at Barnwell tomorrow, Friday, afcdnat New Heme tomorrow night He is tbe candidate for solicitor of the - I Judioial district. Let us turn out and give him a hearing. The sale of tickets for the Ojplen Comedy Company will begin linn morn ing at o "clack at Meadows' drug btore. Owners Df the opera chain) are request ed tO let it be known at the drugstore by llo'olock whether or not they will uiia their seats. Srlaa Accident. Jfjftthew York, col., the sawyer at Redcliffft Co.' mill, while clearing trash' from' under the bench of the edg ing saw raised bis left arm a little too high and the saw took it in, shaving tbe beae'eff to the joint, laying it open. He was taken Immediately to Dr. Hughes' o files1 for treatment. It i feared that aoapwUtien will be necessary. t Matthew Uvea on Berne street, near the Frog Pond, and baa been a faithful band at tbe mill. CM Heraascnt aad Flactnatlona. The ,thlrteeoth annual edition of Lalh&nfr Alexander & Co 'a "Cotton Mretoent and Fluctuations" has been reoeJr44tt U an. elegantly printed and popnd book and contains valuable inioraaation for those who deal in cot totL1 ' Jj'glYee complete review of the cotton ttortme&t and prices from 1381 tolSoo. end a general review of the matket foi the year 1885-86. It ia a valrAble book, for reference, as almost any teofedeeived la regard to the crops for the lart nVe years can be there ob tained, va"p:i " IsJtTrvet Tjr9cinrnnjoatlmi at this-issue, one' over the signature of "Demo- CTJ4tox111 "I Vote, lor ; Coalition," eharWe'thai Ids President of tbe A. & N. C. R. ! Ming hi official position to ' defeat the Democratic nominee of this i county lot lh Senate. t Thia.is contrary . to tbe oft repealed declarations of the ." PrjifiAent, hit,;poUtiviah)uM have - nothing to do with the management of . theid.' 'ThU'Preeident certainly ha ; the right aw'todlTidtwl' to oppose ir f vote for whom bej pleaaea hut it is not - right to ' nee his ojtciaZ . pesttien to farther the end of politician. It would : be nojast to the stockholders to nee the Parsenal. - kjrj aM Mri 'W. r. Eoanteoe left for " Baltimore yesterdaf pnorningon JmibI ese aniavUale.'frieBda.-'w' . rv Frank; . Myer i ha arrived from oTfoknd, wni'kpener the winter1' (a JTewerneiJi t-"- v' Mrs. E, Hs HUton hi returned f roan ' visit North. V '.t-' Joe. A, mW l 1 oei,' J ft? the . city yrder.'' He teportath political out! k a good for the Democrate. C !.', J., N. ."Vrhllftrd tha returned froj i canvaw of .Carteret cottntjr, an3 f js he opened the eyee of the peo ple A "a iheton tbft. recori Of hie rpOLO-Lt. - ,f-."' rfU L. L. Uryt; of Jacksonville, passed do-i t- I'rthead'Citj- on Tuesday it) U-t the people knowtnatnei an ia'1 renJ.'it- (poUlian' candidate for' - ' tn t. O. II. CuU tc J-y n rff ;r. i,i ft floral r for'Kinslon t r: ' -" v., - In aanoonciag that Mr. Simmon would be at Poltoksviile on Saturday before the election, we were in error. He will be at Polloksville on Mondays day before the election. FeUtlea. ' remaps we owe our readers an apology for devoting 60 much space to politics. The only apology we can offer is that we feel that the present campaign is one of great importance to Craven county. The people of this county have keenly felt the necessity of having proper representatives in the General Assembly, and this Congressional dis trict has felt the same need of a repre sentative in Congress. We hare an op portunity of doing good for our courJty and district and we ought not to throw it away. It is but a few days until the election; after that we will endeavor to give such a variety of reading that will ploase all our readers. It is not only a privilege but a solemn duty of every citizen, not disfranchised, to exercise the electivo franchise. The JoriiNAI. aims to influence the exercise of this high privilege from motives of right, justice and patriotism. In this respect every voter is a sovereign, and is responsible to his country and to his (.Sod for tho ntanntr in w hich he exer cises his right of suffrage. While we are endeavoring to point out the true course for thono who feel it their duly to vote, we triiht Unit those w ho lire net politically inclined w ill be;ir with us for a few dayn. ( imc To The Point. We do not want to (juarrel with our esteemed eoiiteiuK)raVy , tho Avun in1 ('li.wnvr, Lut we do wish to remind it that the Uemocrats of ( 'raveu county did their level lc"nt to elect the prenent Governor of Noith Carolina, and one of the.ret-.ulln of lliiil ii tnry was the pres ent administration of ilu A. & N. t'. It. Now we ask, does the Coventor endorse the action of bin appointee in lining Inn oflicial position, an it is boldly charged, to defeat the Democrats of Craven oounty ' It ih no matter how many Republicans are on the ticket, the Dem ocrats of I 'raven county have nominated and placed before the people two staunch Democrats, and it is openly charged that tho President of tho A. A N. C. Railroad is using all tho means iri bis power to defeat, not the Republi cans on the coalition ticket, but tho Democrats, or at least one of them, placed there by the action of the Dem ocrats of Craven county in convention assembled . Now the A'eti't ni Observer does not hesitate to condemn indepen dent in all parts of the State, and why hesitate to approve or disapprove of opposition to the Democratic nominee of Craven county for the Senate. Can you condemn independents and not con demn straight out opposition to a Dem ocrat in favor of a Republican V Doesn't tbe New and Oburver recog nize Messrs. Clark and Lane as nomi nee of the Democratic party of Craven oounty 'f Why should the influence of the A. & N. C. Railroad be brought to bear against the eleotion of the Demo cratic nominee of Craven county for the Senate ? The imputed opposition is not to the Republican on the coalition ticket, but to Mr. Clark, the Democratic nominee. A lard. Editor Record: I notice in your issue of the 14th inst., over the name of P. M. Pearaall, a statement setting forth that he (Pearsall) had been informed that I stated in Beaufort that he favored me for the Senate. I mnst, in justice to the people who were present at the dis cission in Beaufort, say that I do not think Mr. Pearaall received any such Information. If any one did so misrep resent me, he certainly partakes largely of that quality of the gentleman from Jones, addicted to having very little re gard for truth, a no auch statement was made or thought of by me. Your, etc., J. N. Whitford. Beaufort, Oct. 18th, 1886. New Berne Jotjesal copy and send bill to J.N. Whitford. Public Speaking. ' Wt A.'.Dann.-'Eeqf.i the Democratic nominee for. Solicitor of the Second Judicial District, will address the people of Craven county Al Barnwell, Friday, Oct. 22d, at 1 o'elaokxrv-t '-: At New derne, 1 Friday, ' Oct. 23d, at aigbt. v.cm "'. -- ' At Croatan, Saturday, Oct. 23d, at 8 o'clock. : ' " .Other speaker are expected to be present and to epeak. All persona, regard lea of party affilia tion, are cordially invited to attend. 1 1? ,;!.. ILL-, , ' 0-H.Guion, . rl . ,S3I tj fchmV D6m tXi Com-; . '- ( trvl ' Flrsa aUllefi.. sSii'K: -' 'Atlanta, June 23, 1884, t It is our firm, belief that B. B. B. is the ktST Blood Purifier on the market W are selling four or five bottles of it to one of any other preparation of the kind. - It ha failed in no instance to cite entire sat m faction. Merit is the Mcrefc.a,, W. P, Smith & Co., -r- - v .,: , DrargMe.i' Sol4 in Few Berne by R. N. Duffy and E. 11. Meadows. v -v Ig h Ceveraer Ketpoaslblel Editob Jours ax: In the A'eios and Observer of the 19th instant I notice an article referring to an article previously appearing in your paper in reference to the opposition of certain public officials to the Coalition Ticket in this county, in which the editor of the News and Ob server states that you are seeking to mix Governor Scales up with our county politics. Let us see if Governor Scales has been unjustly connected with the opposition to coalition in this county. Washington Bryan, the gentleman to whose opposition reference was made, is the President of the A. & N. C. U. R Company, appointed as a Democrat by Gov. ScaleB, the Democratic governor of the State. Mr. Bryan is therefore a Democratic official intimately connect ed with Gov. Scales and directly res ponsible to him for hia management of ibih public properly, lie was appoint red for the express purpose of managing the road upon business principles and eliminating it from politics. But what is lie doing in his omcMl capacity r Ue is, us is well known in this community, UMtig not only his personal influence, which amounts to but little, but the otiiriul position which he holds undur (iov. Scales us President of the A. & N. ('. I;. 1. Company, to defeat not the Re- piihltcaii portion of the Coalition ticket but the Democratic. He publicly an nounces that he will expend every ef fort and invest every dollar that he can control to defeat Hon. C. C. Clark, the DttmocrutU' candidate for the Ktate Sen ate. 1 am assured that Gov. Scales has received information of this state of af fairs and yet it is permitted to continue. How can it be expected that Gov. Scales should not be connected w ith this or- Kani.ed (iflirtiil opposition to the Dera- cralic nominee lor the State Senate in tins count v. When Washington ISryan erases to use his position as President of li. e .. ,V N C. iC. K Company to defeat llie act .on ol the Ileinocrats of Craven county. Uhj people) will be satistied that the ( lo ei nor is m t in sv mpathy with the opi" s j', ion, but until then no reason able iicin can ask tli.it l!ie lioernor be pcllM.llel lo escape the 1 v l-ponsi 1 .1 1 1 ! y wiin'l: the fijicttil nelioi; of Ins mbor dilute n:ipors en luln. 1 i'M LA I . Iii tii treatment of rlic umaliriii. gout, neuralgia. In: duuluurcux. seiiii-ciauia, sciatica, 5Lc., Salvation Oil should be applied to thu parts affected, and llior mighty rubluil in, so as to reach the seat of tlie disease. It kills paiu. I'ticul 'i't cents a bottle. Tho Strike Practically Ended. ( 'llli Anil, Oct. It) There is no change in the situation ill the packing house district this morning. The armed guard now eonsiets of 500 men. The Armour firm now has 800 men at work, and began slaughtering cattlu this morning in a small way, but has not yet attempted to communed operations in its pork-packing branch, and does not ex nect to do so today. Later. The great strike at the stock yards is practically settled. Delegate Barry, of the Knights of Labor, has just stated today to a reporter that he would have an interview with the packers this afternoon and that he would tell thrm that the men were prepared to work ten hours a day, as demanded by the packers. He should use every en deavor to have the packer discharge all non-unio i men they had brought in, but he wouM not keep the men out, be said, even if tbe packer refused to grant this. Armour & Co. said they would not discharge any of the men they have brought in, and that as far a they are concerned they feel almost in dependent of the strikers. They killed 500 cattle yesterday with their new men and expect to kill six hundred today. Chjoaoo, (Jet. 18. The strike of the packing house workmen was formally ended this evening, Tbe strikers bad a mass-meeting about 3 o'clock, at which between 12,000 and 14,000 were present. The proposition to return to work on the ten-hour plan was carried almost unanimously, and the strike was de clared at an end. Shooting Down Strikers. Ciiica(R), Oct. 10. As about 100 dis charged Pinkerton men were on their way to the city today in cars from tho stock yards they were hooted and stoned by a crowd of strikers near Fortieth street. One of them, in exasperation, finally nred hie . Winchester rill into a crowd through fh oa window, mor tally wounding Dennis Bagley, a well-to-do teamster. Another train load of Pinkerton men will start from the yards this afternoon and serious trouble is feared as the crowds are furious at the shooting and vow vengeance. It is said that a large number of strikers are dissatisfied at the order of the executive committee sending them back to work and are holding secret meetings to dis cus the situation. ' Word was immediately sent to the Chicago authorities, and upon the arri val of the train here the entire tot of Pinkerton men, together with some forty non-union workmen, who were also on the train, were arrested and locked np In Farjiaon street statioa houses 1 From later account f appear that the shooting waa not confined to one man, but that allthe Pinkerton men joined in the fusilade. . When the train passed through the crowd at Hal stead street, the men were again greet ed with jeers when a large stout man with a red face, elothed la tbe Pinker ton nniform (topped out on the back platform and Bred his revolver into tbe crowd. This wa a signal for a general volley and fifteen or twenty Pinkerton men began to fire their rifle from the oar windows.-; Folly thirty? shot were fixed, "fences and shanties along " the. track being marked, by the ballets , 0 M AOVICB TO BOTHEHI, Urs. , WrjrsLoW'g Soothiko 6rmut should always be' nsedv' lot children teething. It soothes the child, soften tbe gnms, allays alt pain. Cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for diar- noea. t Twenty-ove cents a bottle 1 ' - COALITION. . NumsBti nvK. When the present management as sumed charge of the A. ft N. C. R. R. it was announced, that the road was, to be run strictly on business principles, this inferential! y meant that it was motto be mixed np with politic. Thennhonnce nient was received with approval and a strict adherence wa looked for; it was not expected that any mesnef r of the management would surrender hi po litical convictions, or forego his indi vidual privilege of voting for whom In pleased; but inasmuch as every oftL-er of the road i;tJ las portion to the Democratic party, throuuh the instru mentality of a Democratic Governor, that whatever political action was taken it would be in the interest of that party and in conformity to the policy f,.rmu lated by Democratic commute h ami conventions Now for the f-i ts whin coalition be came an nccoirpli-hid fu, t.w as foimalJy and officially sanctioned by the Demo cratic party of Craven county, it was discovered that the President of the A. & N. C. It. It and every ollicial of any importance who expressed any opinion on the subject, w ere found in -n n to the movement, aud still wu'te. com bining and acting with the ultra n,.,l, Wing of the Republican p.utv f., i;, feat. This is imt nure eon lecture henchmen of the )lnhn f ion h,o erdinarily coul I not buy ., i. ,, i fn.iu station to station. I, cai .l:nly pas Sengers over the l oil, i us Pi, eiriitru I denly became the f I u i i.t an i,iU' of iiahn and they mutually vim:,. I t i various hanging out places of tl.c 1 ' . Cock gang; he became an alne -.; stanl attendent at ant i o;J i n.n unit ings. he emploiej and sent an . i',. i.,l au-iiogriirlier to ar. eboro. u- oun p.'iined by a M.ntJiM Kepubh .an ,!, ii.:i gogue, the one t u p . it. un.l Uie . '.!:. i to oIlel the spei i h of J as. A. lavai., Ki. ; he at a meet .ug at Janies i 'ity ad dressed by 11 'O. C. C. Clink prompted mill coaluit nists to propoun 1 qucstirns lor inn vvi r t i.ci i y alleinpling to nil, . t e meeting, a:.. I . , . - the harmony ot 1 1 li .' . mil.. , . , (100117 U,ll; . ( '. '.' i I L'i i o m i ,i! , . , f , '.' lirl:. f I li is gen ( lem.in s 1 1 1 Now in view long political pi eu.il ictions i.i nut tins notion tin. iiio.-t iinac oiiiilabli' whtu utleiiiti d to be explained ly ;,nv i ii or abov e board argument or reason is it susceptible of explanation by urn rule governing honorable men, unless they have an ultenor and underhand sellish motive'.-' It is not, and hence we are lorced ta the conpaewa.., that the unholy allmne betwCeli tho railroad and the most disreputable wing of tbe Republican party bides within its rami fications a scheme that bodes uogood to the pooplo or interests of Craven county , It is so auomolous and unnatural an alliance that even if there were not grave and important issuen involved it would arouse suspicion but now, when an occasion has arisen an opportunity offered for the partial redemption of Craven county, when its wants anil grievances may be suitably presented and remedies demanded by its most talented sons when in fact eyery good man, and especially every Democrat who ha everything to gain and nothing to lose is called upon to come manfully forward and help the good work along, We find this gentleman and his asso ciates oombining With tbe very worst elements in the community and we are forced to the conclusion that the motive will not bear the light of day, It is a striking illustration of the influences that govern a man in public life: this gentleman who in the ordinary affairs of life is the peer of any honorable gentleman, who would scorn to stoop to a mean or dishonorable act, is yet. be cause (as we are forced to conclude of his connection with a railroad ring is ready to clasp political hands with any element that will aid in tho defeat ol Hon. C. C. Clark and thus prevent a mountain of obstruction from bring placed in the way of tho oonsumaiioxi of m ensures proposed for action ia, (hx next iwnerai vwsemDiy. una b a trfayj nen sucli and larrretitable spectacle personal influence and means are used in a secondary sense to again pot upon 1 the rveonl of tho conntv ihp (Irwni I Ilusseys, Hahns, Hancocks et hommc, and particularly the defeat of such mi n as Clark, Lane, Stimson and Hulibs. to thfe end that some railroad scheme, which were it honest would bo made known to our people in the fullest pos sible manner that they might judge of its merits, is to be put through. Votb for Coalition. KxeltenacBt la Texas. Great excitement has been eaused in the vicinity of Paris, Texas, by the re markable recovery of Mr. J. K. Corley, who was so helpless he could not turn in bed, or raise his head; everybody said he was dying of Consumption. A trial bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery was sent him. Finding relief, he bought a larger bottle hod a bos of Dr. King's New Life Fills'; by the time he had taken two boxes ot, pilhrand two bottles of the Discovery, he was- wU and had gained in fleshthfrtyniix' pounds- .. Trial Bottles of this Uftet Discover? for Ckwaamptiott free at JJaaoPck pros. a wetiemTvipi sHufc"'' f)T W ar oredHy hfotttje; tAaV the Bleod Balm' Co., Atlanta, Da.,' propose to cure-any of the foilewtng eom plaints for one-third ot the moaey and ia one half the time required by any known remedy on earth. - The dtoeasv em brace all forma of 8crofla and Scrof ulous Ulcer and Tumor, ail stages of Blood Poison, Kbenmatuor. Catarrh,, Skia Diseases and Humors, Kidney Af fection, Chronio . FemaW Complaints Ectema, etc. . Bend to them for a book, filled with the meet wonderful cases oa record, mailed free to any address. . Sold m New Berne br . N. Duffy and E. 11. Meadowa. i ,.. ? Public Speaking. The candidates on the Coalition ticket will address the citizens of Craven county at the following time and places : Havelock. Friday, October 22, at 12 m. Maple C'v j rtss. Tuesday, October 26th. at 12 m. Pleasant Hill, Thursday, October 2Mb, at 12 m. Dover, Saturday. October SOth, at 12 in E. II. Meadows, Chm'n Coalition Ex. Com. 10. R. Di Duty. Chm'n Rep. Ex Com. of Craven o But klen'i Arulc-a SUc. The Pest Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, bail Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and ositively cur" piles. It is guaranteed to give perfeci causfac lion, or money refunded. Price 2o ceute per box. For sale by Hancock Bros, lv COMMERCIAL. Joi UKAi. Orriox. i 'ei. 2U 0 P. M. (WTTON. EW YoKK. Oct. 20.- Futui es closed quiet. Sales of 41,2110 bales. October. J ol April. 'J 42 November, U 0'i May, 'J December, 'J 10 June, '.' in January, 9.1" July, 0 1s February, 0 ''s August, 0 74 March. 9.54 hetember, Spots dull and easy; Middling 'J "i 1(3 Low Middling l 'i 10. Good 'idii. al v - " Hi. New Heriie Market Head v. ' 1 "i.'i bales al s fdi to N da. Middling S i:i Hi. la Sliddln . (' ' iood ( iidii.aiv - a if, j l I II li I I Sri n i'i iT'i. N' Tt l.l'KNTINK -A I 4K -7 IC II '. ird i I ( '. , N, ii it I ' ..IT ' ii NTI, n f , II VM I. Mil luc. .. I II l.o ( i pi r iioii ii l l." I! 1N.HK. 1 ado :! ; , .1 I, I i e a m li, .'ill,-, per bu- i.ol l'opl.-.K-7.rc.aj?l Oil per hundred Onions If2.l0.i2 2r. per b.-n rel KlKLU l'HAb h.'il7llc. Hll'Ki; Dry , loc. . nH.D ,sc. AlTI.K.s Matliinniske! t. Via in. i freys, Jf 1. 10. Pea UK- ?ro airl 2'i per husliel Ho.nhy - ;;; . per gai Talixjw V per lb. Ciii:ik II .,1 CHIORKN8 -Crow n, ilUioi; 2oa25c. spring MkaL 70c. per bushel. Oats 50 cts. pr bushel. TURNIPS 50c. per bushel. lni.su Potatoes- 82.75 per bbl Wiiol-lOalftc. per pound. Pi'TATOBS Bahamas. 80c. ; yams 4(V West Ind ias, 50c. ; Harrison. fi5c Hhinolks Wist India, dull and n .in in. I not wanted. building. 5 inch hra 3.00; saps, $1.50 ner M WHOLESALE PHK'KH N r Wkks Pork 812 (0 hie I I.I'KR Mkat 7c. ( It. s. F. By B.'sand I.. V - V FiouH-3.00a8.00. l.ARo 7Jo. by the tierce. N vtlA Hasis 10's,$2 5(). Hi oar Granulated, 6Sc C(iKKKR-l1al2c. hi i.T-H0a.V. per sack. M0I.AB8ES AND 8TBUP-- 045v y ,w nB- 5 .oo. hiioT-Drop, 81.75; but k, 82.00. Kkicobrnb 9c. J. J. TOLSON, Wl.i l.'sale and lu ta l Dealer 111 Choice Groceries and 1 Provisions, I) bods, Boots aud Shoes' IdtnAD STI.i l.i NEW BERNE, N. C. t 1 tlooJs guaranted :is n pn scnte I . ocl9 d3t wlf Rock Lime, Plaster, Cements, Goat Hair R. O. E. LODGE. j cnxXKS StftEET. j . ' ItelowExpre&s Office. '.. IMT23d2aWAW AKiCTlTK iDRtt,HSH PXKMM t - TO RtPHUEM MFE tSSVIlASCB CO, - LlWnt trM'n arrukreatnta. Ail rM with Rfrmm NATintAi. ncTi-AL. iiris asm, E, W. SliLLWOOD. CEO. 8L0TE1 Smallwood & Stover. DEALERS IN OEMCHAL HARDWARE, TI.XWARE, GLASSWARE, 11 ODD L.X WARE, CROCKERY, s l.S. DOORS, BLINDS, 'J.Ass. J'AJNTS, OILS AAD STOVES, L'Nbl 'KKYSSKD AS TO PRICE ANDQUALITY. -Middle Mr, , ,, Next l)oor to C iiti;il Hotel, NKW BKKNK, N. C. New Millinery. I V M i: K t IV ! Mi MV LARGE and VARIED STOCK 'K I Al l. AM) WINIKK Millinery and Fancy Coeds, 1 i:thi; Ms, i:t, t:u. A I'I - I S I V 1 s m H,lU and uOL. v " "rk mid Hlili,Hire. nd 'i 1 li,. m ,il .i.vtllie, foitt,- " :n. 1. mii. I ell d feli ' : ! inl iK iwmaily (o ''V Mt 1 'i , , . ii.il u in 1 rady li 1 "' ' -I M"ii.. ' mul urn . ' 1 : ; b l,, .(Uttllly ' :.. . hnvii 1.' JVI 1 (! FOLLETT, Oysters and F.cEtaurant M 1 .1 -t - . W..MI.I i lid.i opened a and KesUiur : 1 1 in V. x change 1 iii.-h ( yBtere in I'lep.-ur.i il :. 1 1 I: I iiie nupphed bejh d h Jul NKW BKKN THEATKE. FOUR NIGHTS ONLY- Oct. 21, 22723 and 25, mi Ksim. HiiD.n. sin nun A mm. ": 1 ' 1 -.i.i ii. m, ,.( ti.,. Mr. and Mrs. W. R, OGDEN'S KKI INKD. KAKCKWr, CCMKDY CiiMPANV, ' ii ' " i.iiiiii1i u ami Cultursil A . ill 6H, Miss Henrietta Floyd, I,,l-',',L''' '" nr.. ,,. .ti,tJai,intj-. li;uit;c ol I'roKraiiiino Kijthtly. V ''. A ,l'l'v '' llrarta in.. I Hi,,loo,ll,,t . Ii.r,-,- flue CouiedltH Hi "lie I'limlii, n ,., , irmancB (ii iun.l kiliniMii.il. M ci. Kaaerved ' " "'. Ni.w nn fc,,,,. ,,t mi;miwi F. G. SIMMONS, COTTON BROKER. CoiiHiiiiiieut 8olicitel i ilti,- l VA (i. liKV A N : hi Soutta Kronl in Kov A Co, b Kl IH'I , I wu ili.ors went of i Himk rnnii. HlU nilim nien to Uiaialent I "tlon Hint r,;i, , i Pnniuce. wst.lwSm rw1 Whlakrr II. . Illr,1 .,,. 11 J.i:ii. IViufc O' 1MU, '' 1 ' I' It Et. n w wooi.j.iy, a d. vi l.i nui. I. it. mho, i . w uluiiail ticri. , , WEAK. UNO THE BIGGEST THING OUT For Cliills rs House's Chill Syrup ! If Ji-ur DruKi-t or Merchant drjen not keep it. send to BERRY'S DRUG STORE. If House Chill Syrup fail to curs if directions aro adhem.1 iv r . , . your money back. , , j"" " The trade supplied lj R llerry ll nnen Crii'l srrun "pITtfi,! i,. rtirne nd rrrcan"Dt core before one lxHtli W.ll US K I. PATTER80N. Slioe Ston. Have sold eveo houie of Uooit'l CtkU I Byrop 1 vonM obtain from the mnufetitrr ' M not only brok me Cbilli, but ieft n, k. , Uo m robut hcallli. ' W. U PALMEK, ToIwoxwnUt . J. " m pl.tlr broken nown andSa4 ..... wivruR-i. . iui uuhid en i i. rm Boa OblH Hmp raanltad In a plte core, i mm nrnrlilT rrramm.x tn ji TOtTw from Chills and raver k..ST KPWD.QEROCK. JTiotogwpksV,,.,, Hoo' Chill girrap. 1 coMtdea lb vk, tA. . tsl ,Xil M A. It, CARRCiLL. ' Urt rum for f-hm .. '" m' OPIOiVI '-' '' :, fHN sca 1 ra.? 1 ' i,lV-..f".fP-i,'M'l'.N. ... u . , c'r ctT, -' ' ! 'Vrt Sinftloeomr'if !"t from the rr'-r bottlrs of liic'8 t;, i f...., t riotniej ddi v a r t r - (action as to r f . proruptnepg. . :.. n. .... v oc:3d3m'- if '; ; ; . !i.1r i irV!.-at,?' - 1 J K'

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