t - s '.'r;:liVij3-iiL&Sv- ) Fall and Winter Opening. Crcss Goods! u; t facias, .Diagonals, Tricots, Sebastopol, Flannels, Bison Cloth, Striped Diagonals, Cuhmereres, Henriettas, Ottomaim, 6-4 Flannel, Plain and Fancy, Berbers, Alpaeaa, Cat Merinos, Gat Cashmeres, Plain and Fancy Dress Goods- all kinds, all styles, all prices an assortment that till astonish the mott hardened tigld-teerU eyes. 7r CIsakings More Than a Big Line. We have a quantity of Cloaking Goods, and we are going to sell them if tU i$ pott&U,' 3ere it a chance for all to sare money if they come to see is before purchasing. Plushes!! Fringes! Astrachans! Fur Trimming!! Bead Trimming ! Braids ! Cloaks!! Hew Markets ! Cloaks ! Jerseys ! We alwajshave a Full Stock, well asiorted and bought Low for Cash, but oir Idea iato put a line upon the market as a leader. This year we have TWO GREAT LEADE11S, DRESS GOODS AND CLOAKING GOODS, " ' ' having bought a large lino of bold while in New York at a Closing Out Sale. Our line of Bleachings, Prints, Canton White), Wool Xa fact all manner of Piece Goods Store, we hare a complete line. ;iml Five Hundred Pairs of WHITE BLANKETS, to be Sold at $1.10 Per Pair, OUK HOE STOCK., Dca't Fail To See It It Is Immense And Complete. ' It fa not only complete in every particular, but is TWICE AS LlfiOE as we kTS arer carried, and we bought Shoes as we did EVERYTHING ELSE, FIRST HANDS and FOB CASH. tfc do a large Eeta.il Business, and we appreciate it, and we cater for it, and we love to wait Ion our customers, and mart than all, WO love to please them, but wc have a few words to say Uaelass f customers that have increased with US'rom year to year and these are Oiir Wholesale TO THE WHOLESALE TRADE We say, that never have we done so much .to; give them every facility for buying their Dry Goods at home. We Guarantee rTo Duplicate anything or any other market in less , than case lots. : This is no empty boast, Come and see us. .1-1 Sc. ,itttr s i-' . r Everybody , will be waited upon, and .we promiso - there shall be no grumbling when ; thcy take tmie";to examine- their purchases 1 :;;rJery; truly, yours, nu ;) - . i r " i ' ' - " " "" ' 1 t.h if I't Dress Goods I Cloaks! New Markets! Ginghams, Domestics, Flannels (Red and Flamnels, Drills, Domestic to be found in a First Class Customers ! bought inBaltimore Tin; ioujujal; Arrival lid E.partart Hails, S ' MAIL CLOSES. . ' 'zi: For North, and boath. Tin A.s& N.O.K.B. at 8.00 a.m. .- For - BeauXort - and th,v East,: jat For Wmiunrton, Swift Creek. Hydeand Beaufort Counties Honda ya, Wednes days, and Fridays at 5:00 a. m. For Trenlon, PoUokarilla and Mayi ilia. daily at 7:30 a.m. : - iXt-, i 4 For Grantsboro, Bay River aa l Vai doners, daily at 6 a. m. , ; . ; omcE hours: V U la Money Order and Registered Lab- tar iwpartment, from I a.m. to 4 p. . : la Mailing Department from a. m, tosnm. - . ' .; Office open constantly between theee honra except when mails are being dis tributed or pent. Voral Coarage la Xrery-Day Wt. ' Have the courage to discharge a debt while you hare the money in your pocket. Hare the courage to do without that which you do not iieed, how ever much your eyes may covet it. Have the courage to speak your mind when it ja necessary, yon should do so, and to hold your tongue w heu it is prudent you should do so. i Uave the courage to speak to a friend in a "seedy9 coat, even though you are in company with a rich one, and richly attired. Have the courage to Own you are poo", and thus disarm poverty of its sharpest sting. Have the courage to tell a man why yon will not lend him your money. Have the courage to "cut" the most agreeable acquaintance you have, when you are convinced that he lacks principle. "A friend should bear with a friend's inlirmi ties,'' but not with his vices. nave the courage to wear old cloches until yon can pay for new ones. Have the courage to wear thick boots in winter, and insist upou your wife and daughters doing the same. Uave the courage to prefer com fort and propriety to fashion in all things. Uave the courage to ackuowledge your ignorance, rather than to seek credit for knowledge under false pretences. Have the courage to provide au entertainment for your friends within your means not beyond it Have the courage to take a good paper, and pay for it annually in advance. The Ckruttan lttnet$ Most BlMUwti J. J. Adams, Chief of Police, Knox- IrviUe, Tenn., writes: "My family and I ars banenciaries of your most ezoellent medioina, Dr. King's New Discovery for consumption; baring found it to be all that you can claim for it, desire to tes tify to its lrtaa. My friends so whom I have reoommsaded it, praise it at every opportunity." Dr. King's Dew Diseoverf for oon sumption is guaranteed to cure coughs, colds, broach Kia, asthma, croup, and every affection of throatf cheat and lungs. Trial bottles free at Hancock Bros, drag ton. i Largs siae a LOO. XncSOBLEY, FlSEIOIilL! mt m SHOE Kim, POLLOCK ST..KEWBEBN, N. C. "VBManasSSBi SATISFACTORY. Depaettoot OtyTHJt Imtemob. Pennon Office. Washington, D. C.,8ept. 16, lBPfl. Ue. J. McSoaurr, New Berne, N. C. Bib: I enclose herewith draft for $7.80, in payment for the shoes. The style, fit and workmanship are satis factory. Tbey fit me better than any shoes I have bad in twenty years. Very respectfully, ' t W. E. Dflim. WANTED'! AWaCTlTB iSDRBUABLI PKRSOH TO RBPBUUT A LIFE LNSUJtANCE CO. LJWtbI tanas am4 awrajaiaaaeau. A4 aaaa wltk ramiM lATiosaL, ntuTuai. urs ass'b. i oeiS .: Ita eoid at hums with out Rata. Boat ff mp Lulllua tent vnvv. IIJ-.flnT1' avt wauaaau I amnll rraa.r hIB l KD.Oq. FTT T A LO.i' t Fcr Fdl Fkniina 6V ' Cabbage. Kale, Spinach and Turnip EL'? t a icEipows k cai augtid f" Oystcrstaixd': Eestawitt Mr. RaI' woMTUJI i 'U a ant. DM door fiAlnw noAtnn Enlunn and is prepared to famish Oysters in every aij i. -sit :-f. j f ti ' " Meals at all hours. I amilies suppltep atthelr homes if jdeeired. ae28 d w8m Ja B. BBOWJN. ;i Barber1 and 'HairDrccccr, Wlto twenty -Ave' roare crpartenaft, and tba rlaatat and Beat rnrnlabad Hrloon la tbe tty, will glvaaamod a ahave aaean b bad nrhiforIK)( CFM9. HrwahnB.acw fnrnltnra.and Baiinfiwtloti ftiamnW-d. gMlddlltrpa V stoVw U iatrlek'a. . auriaai T , nniunn IINIII "J ui IU1 GA-ttDLE'VlOtiKSj c rpw EERIE, K.C . , -i j mmmmm Monuments Tombs- and all kinds Grave and BuUdlog work In lTAUAk& AMERICAN MARBLE Orders will receive prompt atteetior satisfaction guaranteed. JOE E. WILLIS, Proprietor (Boccaaaor u liaorge w. (JlsypooM) Oor. BROAD AD CRA.VEK 3t. SEW BERNE. S. O. E. MlUJca ii my authorised agei. in Kins ton ota80-lvd New Central Hotel, tKOBMEKLT BATKKAN HOUBS, South Front Street, New Berne, N. C. M. PATTERSON, Proprietor, Oflrt ipeclal Indueements lo wm auercliU men. Cutnlne of superior excolleiire. Omnium nl bsegge wat'on at all trm And ieaiers. KaU-. 2.uupr d ip) NOTICE. Slfllo t North ( Hrollno, I In the Superior County of Cniven. j t'oirt. T. A lirei n anl J. A. Meuilows, rialnllllB, vs. The Nenw MrtnufiK'tiirhiK Co., (ieorge AlUn, Alfrod lieWIU. and oilier . lelviidi u . To Alfrad DeWltl: Take notire: l'liat Hn action litis be'ii Umti tuled In the Superior Court of Claveu county above efHlUoi! ngalrjKt you and others hy the plalntlllH, to forecluaa certain moruxHfieii on ilia pioperiy of the New Kerne Maiiufue torlng Co., and for the adjustment of other lleu (hereon, on wnicn proriy you nolo a morcaase recorded In the record of Craven ooiiuly, Hoot w. folio in You are hereby commanded lo appear at t ne ran lerm. iwe. oi craven nunenoruoari to lie held In the City of New Kerne, on mh Monday aner tne lai alonday in Hepleinier and auiiwer or daraar to the complaint you may ue uvueu, Jt. W. CARPKNTKFl, Clerk Hup.-Oourl. per JOHN B. WlLLlB. liepy. SlHHOHH A Mahi.y, Attorney for V lalntlfla. orl.Hdtw WILLIAMS' FAST FREIGHT LINE. STEAMER ELM CITY AND BARGE JENNIE REED WEEKLY BETWEEN IEW BERNE, N. C, and NORFOLK, VA. Leaves New Berne, Monday, B o'clock, P. M. Leaves Norfolk, Thursday. 5 o'clock, P. M. Connects with N. Y P. & N. It. R. Co. for all poinU North. QIUICK TIME AND LOW FREIGHTS, J. V. WILLIAMS, General Manager. Accident Jnsurance. The Preferred Mutual Acci dent Association , ox xo-jgi'trV "sronxi. Policy carried for $1S yearly. Pays weekly benefits; $30. Loss of Life, W,080. Loss of both feet or both hands, $5,000. Loss of one foot or one hand, $2,600. Take none tint preferred rUka CharfM no ami aid dues. . ' . i . ' Till United SUUs Knlcal Accident Ass't, Costa tit or mora per year, and In ease of Ion of limb or Dm be. pays only tH&i. and when any of tbelr r1kl bacomc elalma, they bar antartaa all riaka la chat eomnranltv Idadly arMaUthtantory.'.' rasanUcasor tnatr eharscter or standing. ' For SAFE, CHE &P, SATISFACTORY insurance, apply to' , ; . rsW- Bl BOYD. Agrent, i ' Preferred Mutual Accident Assoc 'a. ' W. Ill ' DfcWEY j TOKSORIALTAETIST, Parartnall v In attendance at his Halidiaaalns and fihaving Balnon at the Gaaton Bona WivB tne neat worn men and new rurnuora. , BaUetaoUon la aaaured to ttaoae who patroa cm tlALL 0.rARfi, RKW.VOBK. Orprtte City JaTl and the Pout Of fe. " : Th HM1 If one of toe mnet com Diet Is Ita apnolritmenta and fnrnitnre of AWT UOTtR tn New T or k City and rnnflocted oa Uie Xiuropeau 2rXsaxa. RooaaaonlvOne Hollar per dev. Halfjr'o. nt.'i & i lr frnin tmnhlrH RnilM and t ated E. H. All llr f ran pom t be door. jMoct ennvement Hotel in iew i ors fcr Merchant to fini L l'!n!r Bonma, C (- and Unnoh Conn tr replete irua all the ln. nries at moderate prices, Jt7 wy i1 , il .. j 1 II y i a Li 1. - id V J j;: Those who have tried us for a euit always come lack to trade with us ' again. Tbey t4H ThatBni f0 ?J4 W "jP" af be6' 1 Ter bought fo the money, and 1 hays come to "try you again. That is why we keep our customers; we do not agree to give them an all weoUttirat iiBP,' that ean'le donebnt if jp wjU. gue las a teaapnalle prWftfr'i suit w'ill'ive ou'your money's worth. 4 W hare a nice line of Suits at f 10.00 that will do good service. . JJoys, Youths, and hUdfiin Baits at tow Prloes for gsod goods,! v :; j . We are agents for the Ja. Means $3.00 Shoe. A new supply just received in But., BaL and Congress. : ,' . . . ; t Qnr' Stacy Adamf & Co ' Fine f fihoe Isro ! ths bas iri ths ; market, and are warranted to wear well as our customers will testify. Our Stock of Soft and Stiff lists is very complete. Wa have a good Stiff Hat at 12.00, late style and will wear. Boy's Polo Cloth Hati, 25c to 50c We have a nice stock of Underwear, allsises up to 46. Full Una of Wool len and Merino II. Hose., fc ' ' "Our Boss" 00c. Shirt has never been equaled in quality for price ; it is as good as some sell lor f 1.00. AU sises in Pleated Bosom Shirts. Nice Fresh Stock of Dogskin Gloves, Tier, Scarfs, Hosiery, Celluloid and Linen Collars and GuSa. . ' '5 . i Trunks, Valises, Tourist Bags, Shawl Straps and Telescope Valises. Carpets, Bugs, Oil Cloth and Door Mats. " '- . ' .': Carpets made, laid and lined. : , , . i': ' Be sure and see us if in need of anything in our line. HOWARD & JONES. GEORGE A8W0 THE CLOTH HER, Opens the Fall Season of 1886 with The Finest Stock of Clothing Ever Exhibited in BEEXE, and respectfully invites the inspection of buyers. The garments are made of the newest designs in Diagonals and Gassimeres and finest Corkscrews in all colors and shades, And are Unsurpassed in Fit and Make-up. 11 Our Silk Pique Block Diagonals arc something new and admired by all. y In HATS wo Lave a most complete and varied assortment, running the oumon block in stiff poods and the latest desisTm in aoft tiata. ' ' ' 11 Our Stock Of NECKWEAR contains the latest novelties. Ouf em broidered "L&rgs Tecka'' in evening shades and dark fcblors 1 very latest and very handsome and genteel. A Full Line of GENTS' UNDERWEAR, white, colored and striped, at very low figures, , Our CAMEL'S HAIR UNDERSUITS re special bargains and par ticularly well adapted for our climate, i U A Big Stock of LADIES AND GENTS' SHOES i nt all prices Our $3.50 Seamless Genuine French Calf shin Shoe$ in Bals. and Congress arc the best in the country and fully worth 6 00; a full guarantee given with every pair. An extra ordinary large stock of Calfskin, Frenoh Kip and Whole Stock Boots, that will be sold at astonishing low figures, r . ' Our "Opera Boot" finest Fresh Csl&kin ' with Motoooo leg Ward well flexible hand sewed, is just the thing in gentlcmen'iress. boots . . Also, a full Um of Dress Gooda, J)omeStIcai ShiwlsrlInilaiQai and Notions, &c. A Bpoclalty Made of Bays' and Youth's Clotnin.7' ; Our Prioea are in acoordance with the Times, and whilst w can suit the most fastidious, have also catered in our selection to thosa of very limited means. ;;. .,. - For the fall worth or your money from a handsome and Iran netp Fall Stock call at ,wi -n U 'LUJ vol. GEORGE ASE&jw Middle street, next to L.'TI. Cutler's. iy I have no cynnoction with any other store. , oV, -$ ilSftf UAVE REMOVED TO THEIR ' . ; - r ;i ' . TWO STORES, SOUTH DF THEIR- FORFAR mfID' 1 ; And kep of FL6TJR, 1HEATS, COFFEE.UijtiAkV if HHPS. MOLASsES. SALT, TOBACCO, SNUFF AND CIGAUS, ' an .'. eTerythlns: In th OBOCEKT ; J JSE, a. ftfJU 'STOCK nd at LO. fUICES.foi' CASU. ' Vt U v wa24b . ' "irr i!f:- H'V. i!l?;n(j(!tViir)l".i; tBebavaMaL syriaTiDwrinaT vtttrota aod pttenu tvr pc bluhM. K9Tjavmm mnsf ojskxi wi iiaa. wm inosxrtvia wnn spmaia etTSTinrw, j tmbict fhratabMamowtwWaavbwiwcMttft) isJonMwMvo wkirh no Trwon srhrakd h witlMMi. -Tb fxtpsatavrtt of ih Bomrnno A nf tricaK t Mftk tbaA da eirtMimtto tMsvrlv smbaIi that of all rr. IrMkMAiwoOi-ram. hr T1 irvwiM)wrg. ' H m VINH 4 CO., Fablishm o, fcl Hroasliraj. V. T. . ATENTS.-ThKy! ""aaia praouoa belofa ha PJ"Bt Cw and ! pfeimed man tha Ona HunflreS Trou and pr'lcfcinw f tir pDt la tea . Imial bl' "1 f mre eoantriaa, ' - (m Trrt-trv tKnT-rhi, AiiaKt, end n oiht rtr fne eutat, :avia. tat r,n. rrance, r.wmrtr ene ethar Invito nntnm. pre- I Inlnnauju HU obUlOlU TMUHill (lNN I fr.ir r"a wifchoa eharr- HMi4-bnoiueC tKfwrb M a its S Co. an aotieM in th Viwiila miiai Im. The aeuuc of esi-b aotMK ia wall endmtood hf all aetaw wae ua.te Sie. bom of uaeir pitMit -A-i KLNI a CO.. Omm SaU'rUM u . . i. . &ri I'.rilw.. Maw York. . ROBEETS Zf EEITEEES01T IVev Heme, IV. J.. Only 'Erst .laM Conjf anies represent ed in . Tsu IL's ati A::'.:e;t lattratcs. Total Capital over Forty K;i!;ors o .'- boi'sr. ju-.c ; ;iv I i at k - ) TTTjrt-rrr" any GnoL Store ret Hare ': Aaraa's aai.r baa now, lor mora ihaa -ivsnlr year maintained tla poeltlon aa tha leading Uloiirated weekly uewepaper la - America, with a tonaiant IneieeMi of lit. aaary and rtlUo rotoorrea. It la able to cfler lot tha nKclng year aurKCilona unpiiuaied by any prwrmae volnme, embracing two rare Ital Illu.iral3j aerial elortea, one by Mr. 1 htw. """y. Joa forerooet of living wrlu-rs m action, and tha other by Mr. Waller hmuL -l!,f p'rrl'11y ruing of i-ns ll.h nov. elleta; graphic UlnetraUona of nnimuai tnwr eat to reader In alleeetionaof the emnnrv anterlalnlng ahort storiea, mml'v i.;n , V by tba beet wrliert, -and jnM-t4,'nt , r by hmh autlaorltiea ob vue tu.,i toi oi tha - fc.rery one who deftlrea a troiitwor' v Bl'ta roal guide, an antnitainlni and j, ri va family joarnnl, anvirelf free frem .wuon able leatarea in either letter-prfi. or i,niira loni.ahonlSiubcribtoJtlajpei ijVi tLkiy a ' , t'--jf' ' J. ,.-. ... . j t ' ; 'I Warper's Periodicals. V, PER TEAB: V -HARPER'S WFEKLT ti RARPkU Q 111170. .7. HAKPtKH BAZAR !ITZ" HAfiPF K H YOU.N'J PFOFLE am - , vua i cakr io nisiDen) o oo Si - -'"IIo!rlberilBtheUDlil - mi . The Volornnof thi WwVir ,51, t,. first nmberlnr Jannftrym i,. . ... . , rn time la mentioned It trmt th enhncrUr ;. f ' order th urJll"r n"it fc..-r t e j , t ,,f . i ' t it ... .1 ' i r r