. f i ,1 y IT .atijgjfiiihia p.--.,g;C'K 'TbRf ; NEW BERNE, N SUNDAY i 31, 1886. PRICE 5 CENTS 'it 11 11 .':;tOGlt',NEWS. BUSINESS LOCALS. i.' Big Drlse la Gents' Tie this week at Wanted. Board in a private family , for a lady aid boy ten yean old. i ,. , Address Po&4V- ocSltf , New Berne, N. C. ,ai tsVgeetliae Gents' Ties srer in tbe cltr at J. F. lyss'. . 80 8t Wtar,f Qgk&er One more day-to register. Be cot deceWed by the bogus ticket. County bominissioners will be in sos Iob tomorrow. The .revenue cutter 8t event arrived from a cruise in the sounds yesterday. A mature theatricals, we learn, io the near future. The beet home talent ill ( on hand. -'Senator Vanee had a large crowd to heafuim at Kiaston. Be entertained I ibe people la a masterly discussion of i the live iesaee of the canvass. 'Thesjoelftioh oandldates addressed a .large ofowd at Dover yesterday. John tyGarlner, Esq., was en hand to de clare against Bum, Romanism and Re bellion. J 1 x ' " The Ilahn candid tee wrestled with coalition at Yanceboro yesterday. Clement Manly, Esq., and Mr. John A. Jackson were on hand to attend to them, and oar friends may rest assured that the cause of Democraoy and the Peo ple's, Ticket did not suffer in their hands. Geo. H. White, one of the Republican candidates for solicitor, says he is far In the lead in he other end of the dis trict. That is tbe way with all candl dates where the immediate surround ings are not favorable; their strength lies somewhere else. Bat in the lan guage of the late R. W. King, Dunn will show both White and Collins what darkened the hole on the day of eleo Uon. Personal. Dr. W. H. Barker has returned from an extended lecturing tour io B. C. lie seems to have fared well both physically and financially. The people where he has been appreciate brains and intel lect. Miss Gertrude Carraway has retu.ned , frm, a visit to the mountains, ... 1 F. M. Simmons returned latt night - from bis oanvass in the Northern por tion pf the district. He will close the .oanvass M PollokrvUle tomorrow. He has done his duty as the nominee of the Democratic party and we feel ooafldent j of hie election. . W. VT. Clark, .Esq., returned from a ' North la t night. .-. x i 1 leeueat Hele. Coroner Datef held sa inquest over the dead body of the woman, found on ;3a$ir4lhacmfyeateraay. U proved "M be th body of; BeUta-Dawson, col., ,m the mother of PhUUpWlggiDe, She left 'I VV!rJigiii"oiaa; iweif V days ago with 1 1 the threat Jhat sbf was going off and . ''4rowB ksreelf.n Mo atteotloa was paid to ljei as the badautde such titreaU be fore." )5he " was not- eeen again until found. oa the. banks of the creek at a point where It was difficult to reaoh tx , oeptbyboai. -X (Tb of tha' jar sre that she ; earn to ber death by accident. She evidently nlifd frvmrrposxrre and x- v "I mVWV.W.MK ,V mWm www v : - Tke Way te SetUe Is. Tbtrf ts,&q OM dAyi&g:tha fact that a few of the friends of both Mr. Clark ''mud 1Ut Simmons ba aatumed ta itU tude towards each other, s4hat , is, calcu - ' lated to injure boih these geoUemea la the bomtn'g el JctfoB.1 A.' friend of Mr. - Simmons declares publicly that be will . . - 1 not vote for. Mr. ' Clark, immediately - - Mr. Clark "s, ff lends retort and say, well : then, we1 tan&ot Vot4 'tot Simmons. Atbta 1 to WrongA Jt, leTuajuit, to? both : ; IheSe feefatleraen,' and'if persisted" In, y both might wellpraj for jdeUverance from such friends. . Kow'wt)y-oV tespn-togetoer. We know Mr. Simmons wishes his, friends to vote for Mr. Clark, and do all they ' .." can or his .election., .We .know Mn Clark earcestly desires bis( friends ,'to J' "vote for Mr. Simmons. Bj. are worthy ' . able, conpeteav geJaiea ,1a the re t spective positions tot which they are osrMatP, tbey Will reflect hohotupoa t '"tb ooonty - and the Bute at large. T! j' wiy tb"eBa,tbrc.U and'.' counter - thro-'s r Wfiy not coroe op like true 'pdt. i bury all personal d., Terences ' aJ juJaJices and vote for both these ' et' fconprsble and worthy gentlemen. It i to i' 9 ioterest cf Craven county i "t!.i.t V. fv 'I be dose. A few votes lof If t' a ( " pursued by tbe fr'.T.Js ef ' ( rrsydpreal v ' ' af- i :H-xfr t i' f ilii personal The following ticket was oa the streets yesterday : For the Senate : M. D. W. STEVENSON. For the House : E. B. COX. For Sheriff:. B. FULCIIEli. For Treasurer: 0. E. FOY. For Clerk ot Superior Court : F. C. ROBERTS. For Register of Deeds : W. D. WALLACK. For Coroner : LEM. WOQJJ. For Surveyor : V. A. TOLSON As many of the gentlemen named thereon as could be teen were visited and signed the following cm tilieate : "We, Uie uuder8iguel, havintr seen iv Ticket with our liumes tberuou, for I'islati c ami county ofliccs, take this oai(n to du el are that hhkI use of our uameN is unathorized, and witliout our knowledge or consent ; and we hereby denounce it an intended to mislead, eonlnse aim deceive the KMile. 1iaknkv fi lch kk, m. dew. stkvknson, lemuel wood, f. v, roberts, K. 11. COX. Having seen a tiket Mitliiny name thereon as a candidate lor the ofliee of Tn-nwiii-er of ('raven county, 1 hereby declare tbe use ol my name on said ticket is unauthor ized, and without my knowledge or consent. K. FOY. NewBkunk, ()ct.., 'Sti. At a nieetin; of tbe Dcinoci at ic Executive Committee of Craven county, on Fridny, Oct. 21th, the following preuud)K and resolution were unaiiiiiioasly adoted : WllEBEAS, It is reiK)rted that a Demtxratic ticket other than that already nominated will be placed beforo tbe eoj)lo of this county on tbe day of election, therefore, Kciolred, That this committee repudiate any such ticket and warn Democrats not to regard it as emanating from this committee. O. II. GUION, Chairman." In view of the emphatic- repudiation of such a ticket, by the Democratic Couaty Executive XJomaaitle on Fri day, the issuing of this one was an act of infamous impedence by some one lastly unauthorised, who in addition to some base purpose to serve, gratuit ously andhamefully insult the Demo eratie party ft tbe oounty. No respect able Democrat, .we feel assured, had anything to do with It, and none will have now,Or on the day of. election ; it was no doubt intended to injure coa lition, but the base attempt will recoil upon the heads of its authors. - cnarck aervless T-Dav. Methodist Church Services at 11a. m. and 7:M p. m., conducted by the pastor, Rev. L. W. Crawford. At the dose of the morning service the ordi nance of baptism will be administered to adults. After tbe sermon at night, the doors of tbe church will be opened for the reception of members. Ail per sons are Invited to attend these services. ' Christ Church V.W. Shields, Rector. Nineteenth Sunday after Trinity. Ser vices at 11 o'clock a. m. Sunday-school at 4 p. m. Tke public is always invited to attend the services of this church. Baptist Church Rev. Df.Theo. Whit field, pastor.' Services at 11 a. m. and 7 p.m. The pastor will conduct tbe morning aery ice and Rev. W. T. Jones the evening. Seats free and the public oordially ' iavited to attend. Sunday school at t p. m., D. V- Gates superin tendent. t Presbyterian Church Services by the pastor; Rev. L. C. Vaas, at 11 a. ro. and Bp. m, .Sabbath school at. 80 a. m. 1 welcome to all strangers and' citi zens to these services. . Y. M.a A.:9ervioee at, & b tu. at their room.- 8ubjeotv. 'SoeBe reasons for rlevtas" Ohist!V-servioe pi eocg conducted bv J, K. Willis." Ail gentle men are cordially, Invited and the leader requests Ike members especially to Attend. V--' '-.- v .f ,! IXli ? r Ust af LetUrs I'l Remaipiog in the Postofflce at jNew Beraa, Oaves coanty, N, C. jOct. 8lt, 1SS. . i . , . ;.,,' viii George Anderson, G. R. Casey, Clark & L'sycard, Easter Jones C o. Hull Griroea, Laura Oaskins, Rev. Edward Hill, Susan Unyt, Nathan Jackson, Mr. iturpheyt Louaer Williams. ') : Fernons calling for above letters, will fj airerllfeed, and give date of list. M. Maklt, P. M. - If Ten Wish a Ceew Article Of Tt r-i TpaCoo, B'k your dealer for oi4 np." sfii awSra SslaVB RAEXT AT rlXwKgTII.LaV KIMMOHS' CL08I or TBS clivAaa. Oa Monday morning, immediately after the arrival of the train from Morehead City, the steamer Treat will leave for Polloksrille, where aha last grand rally will be held, and speeohes will be made by him and other distin guished speakers. A crowd from New Berae will be ia attendance, everybody being cordially invited. The people of Jones county should turn out and honor the occasion with the largest crowd that ever assembled there at a political gathering. Our gal lant standard-bearer has added laurels to his fame as a speaker in every part of the district and now proposes to close his canvass in his native county. Tbe steamer Trent has been tendered those who desire to attend from New Berne. We hope a good number will avail themselves of the opportunity. Tbe Northern Settlers. hKOoND DAY OIT THK1B OONVUiTlON. At 9 o'clock a. m. yesterday this body returned its session, Mr. Q. Z. French presiding. Addressee were delivered by Messrs. T. Boyt, A. Fisher, George Warburton. B. 8. Pardee, A. J. Gal lagher. J.J. Gilbert and C. T. C. Deaae. These were on the resources and ad vantages of the State as a home for peo ple from the North, or, indeed, fraau any point. After the speeches the oon vention at noon adjourned, in order that its members migbt visit the fair. AtMiiiO o'clock it reassembled, and was rirst addressed by W. J. Peele, Kq., who was followed by Mr. W. 8. l'rimrose, ( apt. K. K Stamps, Dr. C. D. Smith. Col. John L. Morehead, of Charlotte, Col. Robert Bingham. On behalf of the Northern editors, Mr. J. K Kenny, of Pennsylvania, responded in behalf of that Hlate, in his usual hapiy stvle. A committee reported resolutions of thanks to the various institutions which bad specially entertained the visitors. There was also a memorial in regard to the Slate and the association and the benefits of this meeting. Both resolu lions and memorial were adopted. 1'retiJent George Z. French made some remarks in closing the convention. Qe said he desired every member of the Northern settlers' association to con sider himself an immigration agent and go to work with renewed vigor to in duce people to make their homes in this hospitable and fruitful State. This ended a most harmonious and in many ways pleaaaut convention. After the adjournment of the conven tion the general committee met and elected the following executive com mittee: Wn. E. Ashley. Raleigh; J. p. Corlew. Charlotte; Julian Aiiata, Statesville; Thomas B. Keogh, Greeas boro; J. Howard Brown, Wilson. A'evs and Observer. Scenes Incident to tbe Inaaguration of ths Bartholdi Statue. New York, Oct. 28. Tbe ram storm which preluded all day yesterday ceased duriug the night, but the weather this morning is very unpromising for tbe festivities which are to attend tbe inauguration of the Bartholdi statue. A slight fog hangs over the city and obscures in a measure the elaborate decorations of the buildings with which the city baa been beautified. French and American flags are flying from house tops and windows in every direc tion, sad a general holiday appeesatme is represented by the moving Bodies of soldiers, militia and ciyic organisations and by the collection) oa tbe sidewalks of great crowds of people. The decorations of the City Ball are very elaborate. Long streamers aad flags have been hung from the Federal building opposite, along tbe main street, through which the procession will march. A magnificent arch of ever greens, flags and mottoes is erected in front of the World building, whioh is tastefully decorated with flags and bunting. The Frenoh flag flies from the flagstaff of the Tribune building, and the Sun, Ttnies, and MaU and Sx press newspaper offices are all similarly decorated. i In lower Broadway and Wall streets many of tbe fronts of large buildiqgs are almost hidden by flaga, BaficsM isabnosl enslsntv suspended. TheptbU scbook' are atoned, aad all New York is taking part tn the Celebra tion. Visitors from all sections of the oountry have been eomiag Into tbe city for two days past, and this mornmg thousands more were added to the great throng," the prospects Of unpleasant weather rn no way deterring them. A doctor in Nashville rave tbe follow ing prescription for a sick lady, suffer ing from neuralgia: "A saw bonnes, a cashmere shawl, a pair of gaiter boots and a bottle of Sarvatioa OiL'V'The lady recovered immediately, and earn estly Moosaaended she Sarvatioa Oil to svery one. It' is sold at all drag stores for 5 cents a battle. ' The polios reported three robberies on tbe train to tbe fait gtxmads yasatr dsy. Rev. Dr. L. & Burkbead was aooeed.ee file. aan ' sonse- Tetaeto papers.' Mr. Dertey Smith of this city, toss $5 at the-hands of ike piekaocketa. Mr Brown, an Code of Mr, John Brown, lost 123. There ware bo rob ber tee at the grounds, aava as of a watch, made la one ot the tents. Tbe pickpockets were seen and might bare been caogbt. There war three ' af them, it ts sald." B(t they wtre la the city last evening. Be on the lookeut for them. A'evs and tseruwrv V . - .... , -. "So far, so good,." said tbe boy, after eating the stolen tart. After reviewing tbe thotiands and tent of thousands of colls and ciufv.g that have been con que re i rv Vr. Bull's Cough Syrnp we can readily say, so far, so good. FrakVWilaJiiea irseaa 9mm and Observer. FaJLKKVtBXQJf, H. C. . Oct. 29. At 8:80 a'clocJt tbist looming a fire was discovered ia tas .store of H. 6. Lowery, ta the rear his bed room, and by tbe. time a fam citizens bad ar rived at tbevsoeaa-tbaentirataildiag was . emveloped" rfl flames. , fine fire spread rapidly aa ad joinVog buildings sad swept the? entire: block sway. All the building destroyed are wooden structures TbeloasiJB estimated at from 185,000 to $40,000, with very little insurance. -.x . Tbe people of FraallbwaaresJuckv, and already orders are given fbr ma terial to rebuild. BCMOKBOF I.NCEKDUEIbM There are vague rumors afloat in reference to the lire. Some paxtiea aay that they saw three alrange men run ning in the direction of the railroad soon after the alarm was given. Mr. Lowery says that be was asleep, and that there was no tire of any kind on the premises when he retired. Iiow the Are originated is shrouded in mys tery, but is supposed to be the work of an incendiary. TWO ACXSDKiVIS 1 Junius Let ister had his shakier dis located while at work on the tot efjths store of McGhee & Co. A keg of powder exploded in the store of II. S. Low erY, who received slight injurifsancl oeutted s ttatapode sknosgthe byeisndfrt THE REMAINING SALOONS CLOSED There were five saloons in Frnnb liu ton before the fire, three of which ure now in ashes. The mayor has or.; i i ed the two remaining to be closi-d until the excitement has subsided. THE LOSSICS The following are tbe lor-i-- iind in suranoe: H. S. Furman, 5200. All the valuables in the Hl,lli'e ae saved. J. 8. Lopiansky, $2,000. 8. C. Vann. Including two bvuhiiny-. 87.000; 82.000 insurance. 11. 8. Lowery, 81,000; no insurance. Mrs. A. M. Wall, (including building) 88.000. J. D. Joyner, assignee, on drup 81,500. A. B. Wester & Co., (loss chiefly damage to goods in moving) 82,000. I. G. Staunton, two buildings, 80,000, no insurance. Melville Dorsey, one building, &400. Mrj. V. C. Maaeenberg, less in mov ing stock, 850. Caudell & Kelly, $3,500 on stock; $1,000 insurance; the greater part was damaged and burned. J. S. Porter, butcher, about 8100. R. W. Magnum & Co., $500. W. L. MoGhee, one building, occu pied by R. W. Magnum & Co., $400. W. If. Harris, one building, 8700. B. O. Long. $500. T. B. Tharrlngton, $700; ho insurance, D. H.' Whitfield i em bunding, f t,000. Massenburg Greens $600. HEAVY LOSS IN A WAREHOUSE. In the warehotne of this Ann was 200 tons ef fertilues. Lister Bros., of Newark, N. Jv ftwi lfa tons. Tbe lose on goods stored fn I he warehouse will probably reach $6,00B, with not tneur aacst ' Tbe uiidlngrab'mP4 bg Bal lard 4 Cheatham, awl) t'W, w4ued at $8,000. ' D. T. Ward, two buildings, $2,000. J. 8. Joyner, toalualig building, $7M. '- ;T bavaoC m vowta ryooos. Considerable dataaga was done on the opposite side ol she street In removing goods; a Wewt'taatij,WjT)fi(f 'Being the sufferers.,- The .lose, in-tile way was $50. MoQkee t Oa. were damaged about $400 a removing txrrered" by in suruca. - ' ADVICB VO BiOVMBS. Mas. Wnraurwa Soomua Bvkup should always be used for children teethrng. 'It sooth m tbe child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind oolie, and Is the best remedy for diar hoaa. Twenty-five oenta a bottle JaaMdtuthaatw'v Tbe Fair, It has been exceedingly gratifying to observe tba saeoese ef the present exhi bition of the State AgriculturaLfpciety. Aii the departments bav heafnller and more excellent Ibaii eretbefore land the-attendanee bb7corre- aoadingry larger, thjua atttalrThe in oreese in tba Bttmbeefof swies, for exampavt has been 89vCPnt oyer that of fast yearthvimproveraf attat the gWnds awabae gflfisOtlkltOgetber the show has been pronounced by those capable drywdging-tbe'aert ec -trie long series which, has been laid-. ' Tbe fact speaks volumes for tba energy and ca pacity of the present managers, but It indicates something even better than this, and that B the continued and rapid advance of tba Stat ia material ' wel fare. We sate Abo eigne with great setiaf action aad ooa grate late the people Ihsiats .These aaanal faint should be atteaded by ail who can wowe to thexn. They . are beneficiat'iXi. mapy ays. They bring totar tbeawople Irom fbe digerwat seotfofis of ' the State to make tbe acquaintance 6j jJSai other, to oore pare awtes iaod to see' together wkst progress latlcritture, in the Indue-1 tries, fat eo)eWat4 ia art is befrar atada by the worid alare.They bring together otd frieadsavd we are set sure but that the social fsttar' it the great sucoees ot tta eflorts this year and would urn tbe oeonla of-the State to atake it eooveniest always hvasmej to tbe fair. A'tww md Vbeerrmrp- t St ' Id f 01 Thb Bnr Salvk- ia she world Outs,- BrtHwev' Bores;-' rieers,' Bau Rheum, Fever Sckrea, Tetter Bands, Chilblains, Oorna, and all bkinl Erortiotis, and rooitively cures tiUea. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfae tion, or money refund"), Frioe S5 cents per box. For sale by Hancock Bros. 1? The Settle rs' Convention. This enterprise has been snostsaoeess f ul ia every respect. Tba number ef northern bora oiUaeas who hays been in attendance has been large and the number of prospectors and journalists from the North even larger than was expected. Ws have been abls to show visitors something of the products and resources of the Stabs, and, by favor of the weather clerk, some of the finest weather possible. We truat our friends have been pleased and that the appear anoe ot things generally in North Caro lina has been agreeable to them. We hops to see taeot again with many of their neighbors and aa we speed their parting, in the spirit of hospitality as we understand it, we will welooae their next coming as we have welcomed this one. 8hould aay of them make up their minds to settle among us, they will find us true brothers in every proper sense of the term. AVim iif Observer. Uuldsbere Fair. Tbe Fair will be open Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, November 8d, llh and 5th. On regular trains from all hUIioiik, round trip tickets will be sold, in cluding admission to the Fair, at the following reduced ratee From Morehead City . $3.83 Wildwood a 55 Newport 3 43 Havelock S.2U Croatan r, New Berne 8 60 Tuaoarora 2 20 Core Creek 2.0" Dover 1 7 Caswell 1 65 KiDeton 1 .SO Falling Creek 1 ;t() La Ur&ngo 110 besl'e yo W. DfKN. (i r A. IHoal Kirttlenf. J.J. Adams. Chief of Police, Knox ville, Tt un., writes: "My family and 1 are leUL-ticianes of your most excellent medicine, King ' New Discovery fir consumption; having found it to be all that you can claim for it, desire to tes tify to its virtue. My friends to whom 1 have recommended it, praise it at every opportunity. 1'r. King s New Discovery for con sumption is guaranteed to cure coughs, colds, bronohitis, asthma, croup, and every affection of thioat, chest and lungs. Trial bottles free at liancxx k Bros, drug store. Larue size $1.00. MARHIKD. At the residence of J. B. Gardner, of Cravsn county, on the 28th of October, lm. Mr. Joseph A. Smith, of Trenton, and Miss Cornie Chapman, of Maple Cypress, Elder C. W. Howard olliciat- ing. COMMERCIAL. Journal Oinoa, Oct. 30, S P. M. OOTTON. Niw York. Oct. 29 . Futuies closed film Kales of tU 5O0 bales. Octobr H.IW 8.S7 9 05 9.18 9 23 0.88 April, June, July, August, September, 9.42 9.1 9 U November, December. January, February , Mareht 9 6i Roots quiet; Middling tt 1-4; Middling 1-4; Uood Ordinary a 14 New Bense Market steady. Sales of H6 Uilea at tt 8-8 to 8. SO. Sules for the week 1,122 bales against 881? bales same week last year. Middling 8 S 4; Low Middling 8 12; Good Ordinary 8 14. IO HAHURT. Sked OOTTOH $2.60. OOTTON BRD 10.00. Tokpairrnra Hard, $1.00. dip, 1.73. Tab 7&o.a$l.W. Oats New, toe. in bulk. OORN &6a60o. Eicj SOaCO. BesswaI 15c. per lb. Reev On foot. So. to 5c. OorvTBT Hams lOo. per 1 b Lard lOo. per lb. 1 -lOo. per doaen. I ih'L Puhk 4a0o. per pound. P oOol parbushol. Fc -f . r 75c.atl.OO per hundred Okhs-$J.C0a2.35 par barrel. Fiklu i'aAS 4&a70o. Uibiw--Dry. 1UC ; araen ao. A i i lbs Mattamuekeet. 25a 40c , Ood- frcTK 1 10. PMARfi 7 So. at 1.85 per bushel. BoMBT-M-fSo. par gal. Iai.cOw oo. per lb. Cusksb 14. CnT:v.m Grown. 8fta35c.; spring Br 70c. per bushel. OaT 0 cu. per bushel. Tuasu-8 COo. per bushel. liJ -u FOTATOBS $4.75 per bbl. vWa Ij lOalflc. per pound. rTATus Bahama. 80c : rarns. 40c We st Indias, 50o.; Harrison. Wo. Shinolks West India, dull and nom inal: not wasUea. Building. 5 inch hearts, $3.09taaaw,fl.50 per M. .. wHouaaui raiogs. Ngw. Iftsa Pork Ul.5o ;saotitDKR jtxat To. . u. it. s. l. B a.il. -s and U a -bo. uiRB lu:,1j the tierce. U Ajrai-Basis lOVi.U 50. K ScoaR Granulated, 61 o UtVTKB A IS UK. VotAlfias Airp Sraurs MW45e TPWDRft-tsOO. 1 1, -.1 i I o Drop, $l.Y; buok, $1.60. unicrsM so. . , .Oysters' ind Restaurant' Una B A. WflVRTl! kd . ant, oua door -below Osttoa Exchange, ana Is prepared to furnish Oysters ia Tory style. ' " - Meals at all hours. Families soppliep attheir homes if desired se23 dw3m - (r - - E, Y. SliLLWOQB. !. ILfTH Smallirood & Slaver, DEALEES in qexeral hardware tinware, glassware, woodexware, crockery, sash, doors, blinds. (JLASS, FAINTS, Qrrij AND STOVES, UNSURPASSED AS TO PRICE Air D QUALITY. Middle Street, Next Door to CeuUal tiotel, NEW BEENE, N. C. ""bakgaiWin" Meat, Sugar, Soap, Molasses And Syrup At S. F. TEISER, Wholes'Ju and Retail Grocer, HKOAD HTKKET. Ferdinand Ulrich, WHOLESALE GROCER ACKNCV OF HAZARD POWDER 00. A N I ) Choice Pale Cream Cheese. SNUFFS AT MANUFAC TURERS' PRICES. ' HICK HACKS. T. A. Ore rn s OU Stand. NEW BKKNE, N. (J. Rock Lime, Plaster, Cements, Goat Hair U. O. K. LODGE, CKAVKN STREET, Below ErprctHB Office. lusvtt d2aw YHEliGGE8TTHIrtB OUT JTox Clxills 18 House's Chill Syrup ! If your Druggist or Merchant does not keep it, send to BERRY'S DRUG STORE. If House's Chill Syrup fails to cure If directions are adhered to, you Oan get your money back. The trade supplied by tt. JJerry. Hoawl fhlll Rrrup "rffrru an finm (lUle and lruianect ror belong oua UollU K. J. rATTEESON, Hlios More. Have oM svery bottta of Boom's Cblll flvrup I onnld obtain from the mannfaotorar It no only broka ths (JUUls bat UftUM par ties tn robtMt be alth." Wn, U PALMRR, ToUeseaist. -I wi (tomplatrly bmsan down aall oaf fered lotenacly wlih dumb obUkk Few 4omem Bonae'a Chill Ryrop rwilted tn a oomplota cure. I moat heartily recommcaid Io aU who aorrr from ( hills and Fever aa bannloas certain aDd sura. ' Eutd. GEROCK, Pbotocrapher. Myaelf and three children ware cures or Honae'a t bill Hymp. 1 eooaider It tbe beat malarial remedy In tbe market." A. a.CAwB0tX. "Hare used House's ChlU nrrap la war families? iMevpriny reenmaMBd Itaaasoat Uve euro far UbIUa aod Fevera,",. . 1 nxm JcuEsst-teiaf-, ciLaa. ra .NKtii.Uo Aaa'.6r10- ' ' -r; lHMdaa.li : 1 Not a single ooaipUintfrp Use smbt a.vwm.mw wv ani iiuuounueaaatis ' faction as to results sad lurptlse Ut tta promptness, v ,;.,: . oct8d8saiaw w8m.-, ,n WJrT"" a..ti, o rep " - or'-- a-ws auvunj. spq pyrMnaa. gS2K?jSS V??. bu, j om : i a,, i BiaauAau aiwVa&wARE cc f--'-r..n. LAJTIK9-W,nt,a OP Te r - - . - ..f Pro,TM-na (V.rieqa. A ! -t . artleiea to frv.rr !-... . . IDnatntedPrieeanrl f r. , OWer t to reerr IvaiH r this adTertiKemert,, e . ponnd of efee 1m CvFFJLE CO., li.Tt, k ,