..." f GC JjpJjTnrtqp .THE JOURNAL; . fi:ti:j k:sts cisclki trri V 1 L rj A. hole 17 on IIS KZ7 E-'S. K. C OCT. 81. 188L t- t ' ft Arriral til Departure Hails. r. Crc:s Gosds I Zoneles, Diagonals,' Trkot, Bebaatopol, FUnnela Bisoa Cloth, Striped Diagonals, Cahnreres. Henrietta, Ottomans, Pannes-Plain aad , Taney, IWaersAlpeeas, Cut Tierinos, Oat Csiaieres,"Plain awey Dress Goods all kinds, all styles, all ; prices an assortment that vill astonish tan noit hardened eighUieer'i pye. " - i . ft Ckakings Here Than a Big lias. Wa Lata a quantity of Cloaking Goods, and we are going to sell them f (J Mtti&Id. Tre t a csatu or r u before pnroaasing. . Plnshesi! Fringes! Astrachans! Fur Trimming!! Bead Trimming! Braids! Cloaks!! Cloaks! Cloaks! Hew Markets! New Markets! Jerseys ! . , W .always have a Full Block, well assorted and bought Low for Cash, but oar idta is to pat a line upon the market as a leader. This year we hare TWO GREAT LEADERS, MESS GOODS AND CLOAKING GOODS, having bought a large line of both while in New York at a Closing Out - Sale. Our--'line of Prints, Ginghams, Domestics, Bleachings, Canton Flannels (Red and White), Wool Flamnels, Drills, la Caot all aaaaner of Piece Goods and .. Store, we bare a ooasplate line. : Rve Htinflred Pairs of Sold at $1.10 Otritt SHOE STOCK, 'Don! Fail To See It It It ia not oaly complete in every particular, bat ia TWICS AJB LaJtOB as tre bare em carried, and we nought Bhaas as we did EVEEYTHING ELBE, from FIRST HANDS and FOB CASB. , ! We do a Urge EtaJl Easlneai, and W6 appreciate it, aad we eater for it, and we love to wait on our cuitomarg, and to a elaas of eustoaere that have increased with 111 trom year to year . and tboee are ; GiifeWIiolesale n r!-l i .. ii .-. . TO THE WHOLESALE TRADE ' raW -tliat never have we done so mucn in mVft t.hfm fivnrv faoilitv for niivmfr tnwr vDry (GFoods at home. --Jj .3,1 IS , t ' '. I7e Guarantee . t t . . VIo-DiipUcate anything or any ' Other market in less than case lots. This ;is no empty boast. Come and see tik ' Everybody will be - promise mere snaiii dc no grumDung wnen 1 1; zy talic time to cramjnev tthpir purchase j r ", It- i Dress Qsods I nW to save money if they come to see Domestics to be found in a First Class WHITE BLANKETS, to le Per Pair, Is Immense And Complete. Customers ! 1 . i r" t bpogflft fenore i waited ; up6n,tand we For North. West and t Ji, via A. eT r"-"T N.O.B.R.MM-'' . For Baanfora & T0p.ae. J Foa Washington, $ . Beaufort OoonUea k daw, and FrUiM - Iw( Vrnios, 1 TLla,dkttyas?.. lor Gonttsbfri daauera, dar at I OFfi la lloaey Order and 1. . . .uied Uw-1 tar lMpanmana,irom; f a.m. ta 4tk. ro,. Ia Mai Sin Deputmeut Jtom a-nvT a. so. s,, . i i - k -4 Office open constantly between abase I honra exoept when maiia are foing dia-d tnaaieaor aens. ,vw ' " J ', , ., , ? X5 A Messxhgkb of God. A ma son came into a room, where lay the, Btili form of a little boy, eur rounded by mourning friend Xe won4er ihU i faraiBQ-rahali," he aald, ad' the' teaH -Tolled ' 06wn bin cheeks, "bat yonr boy was a messenger of God to me. Onel time X waa coming down by a long ladder from a very high roof, and found yonr little boy standing close beside me when I reached the ground. He looked up 1n my face with childish wonder, anrj-asted frankly: . 'Weren't jeu sfxai ot falling when von were od so nicnV: And before I bad time tor fttftwed be aald; 'An, I laeax wKyyou were not afraid; yotlfMoTpotur prayers thla morning Weforf yoa began yonr work.' y hadi not prayed; bat I never forgot tovrayf from that day to ttua, i aDd 1 by God's blessing, X MTef-wIU.w,-)j Mr. J. 1L Morris, aa old residVnt of Rome, Ga, aara, that tie bad beeabadly troubled with kidaer romplaiol ora great many years and with eeaema fer three years;. at times could scaitelj, walk ana baa tried asaay fesaentoa without benefit, until he bejraa tak4oe Eleotrio Bitten and anointing hia hands and feet with Buck leu's Arnica Salre. This treatment eiforded olr ttal fdtief aad he etroagly reeoaaaseoda ISleetric Bitten to all who euBer with kidney eomplainta, or need a blood punner Sold by Hancock Brae. - t ; i-i, .iiM mm, Eakly TeaJBIng. tTo shspo the character of a child arght is a, task which DerhflDB only those who bare been wisely dlsclblined in youth nr thoroughly competent to effdrm. still pomes the reihi8lte't)dtience and eqwaainlity w edheiw twralsM ently to tneTnwsnaderwblchatlDnf tt can be aoeomplisitetui Tsvoacaeat djfflcnlty ia viU tboee etreisTtf pensiUea wbiab. wbebsoaif inibe aelvea, aMiJ5Wted.inton4- nature lot wiae pnrpoaea. ma1469Qneill ire anregulAtcdbjprl Or prtBclple.tbe,ppni! ol the, worst vices,, and the heinous crime. Thouaaads of aaea aad woeaea all over oar ooantrvMe auaatiy miaerauif w a while the ao cause ontaida world think you hare ao cause to sriera, Bt, ahirrpro- asiaoe no aaataasnas iwavaaaaa4ier reaaedy, bat we assert that one aiagU) bottle ot V9 Bwmjsare la fee ear of aay ease of blood poiaon thaa twalva bofcuea of aay etaaa. fPnr. wopk Is free and II sella the talat Address I Buk Balm Co., Atlanta, Oal Sold i5W BaTH N. Duffy aaaa.u.auaaeva ,.. , lfwi van raAonoat ..; - TONSOEIAL ABTISr, Panetian in atUadaaea athMSalrdraaring M Hbartag Baioou at ua tiMd houh Wlta hm) mmmX wifcaa tmt w ftMlala.' - BatlfaetB laaaaniaa f taaaa who ptia ea him' i .,...,,, -j , 1 J out iwta. UooUr .H.WI Atlanta, (.a. um 4 UlUiateJattaai. j wcAft, wre er and Hair Dresser, WMh twaaW-STa mate arDraDM. and tba f aaaaat Md M Falaba4 aalooa Id tba mvr, will eivaaajroad a aaata aa aakM ba aarwhara Sov TKN CENTa. Maw ah op, naw- Saraltora.aad aawwaaOfi sawn aMtoiaa 0 AderJiaitrkk-a. auriMlT P. G. SEinOHS, ; C0TT0SifR010ER' Conalipaments Solicited j ' trat,tweaoa(a weA of Qreea tar CV, wePiwBaaatMM)fea esvda ts theaalaaf CVwioaaad etkaa fiodaaa. aapSdwaaii Hilars :E0Tii I " CtVt dtALlt MVAJOaV WEW ac OppoalU Cltr Hall and the Peat Offiae. Ta'iBotal U ona of tbaaraat eompiete In ta apiwiMtwanta and ftaatawa AST HOV SK In lw Varkatraed U Mdaead aa tba Buropwem Jflaazx. KooaMotiTyOsa patH par s, Bairmlv. Wi watk tnm Brook Ira Brltira aad vatad E. R. All Unaa 0 can paat U door. Moat eoavanlarti Aotd In ; Sea Vnrk for kiarflhania to ataa ak Dlaias Bonna, Cfctaa aad Laaeb Covater reKlata wltk ail tba lux- arta at arnra priw . Jt7 w. f ironcrr Tbttwtr V,n T.'Da.liaa !!t inM ba r ' 1 . . - . tart to I 1 1 , .s. ,1 ) an ot tfr... ir.e m r of v-t. , m tr,t nutica a ..i , ,'jw-ii In t r 01 re- Pfimna maabtea 10 tea u.tie bmi par witb.dj i . j . . - airl 'Mt74 iWiift;""? 53 a, 1 rjTer aal Vaa:l J .u&!'&9 cHc: 37:1 - i TV rV4a5 nn Ba. NkaaMU. iiriuui arnt FKEK. MLLIT, JLDk mm m m w m m m . 1 IU ! re 5 1 i s- East, ja ,j J, .Hydeana' " I .jtb, Wadaaa-; ; tl iHomiments Tombs. mil i t AatiJ klBs QtTt and BalMlnc work in (Hi. I. . ii i ITALIANi AMERICAN GARBLE , Os4er,prUJ eceire prompt attentior atisiaotion guaranteed. JOE Ki WILLIS, Propiietoi 8Aofleaor to George W. C!J-poole) Ckr, RQAV A.D CRAVEN St$. NKW BERNE. N. ( ', O. E. MnXaa is my authorized ageii fn'Kinaton otaS0-lvd VIOUMS' FAST FREIGHT LINE. STEAMER ELM CITT AND BARGE JENNIE REED WEEKLY BETWEEN I?W BOT, 8. C, ud NORFOLK, YA Uyrue, Monday, 5 o'clock, P. M. Leavaa Jurfulk, Thursday. P. M. b o'clock, : Coaaeots with X. Y., P. A N. II. It. 0n for all polnu North. Ijtn6k TIME AND LOW FREIGHTS. J. V. WILLIAMS, Oeneral Manager, 1 rVdawanur BrculirHbuaB. II. VATTKRSOK, rreyrlator. I Offer. apapiaLuldBtmaiiU to tomaaej-olal Omnlbns and bagngawagon at all Ira ma avMiinarai i t , i j i Bataa.ss.oo par day. apl TT7T7rTT koTicE. 1 ,, Btata of Jiorth Oaroilna, 1 Cravan Uounty. j rjfho Clark 6f the Superior Court. 'rakabOUo: That I bar thla da;- liaaed mien aaolarina ueorga r. M. Vail, In. a. Datl. Jamaa Htwmond and Alex. II. Hnltnn and that rv-t to bn. a cot po ration for tba pura-- t , anpr(Ui to.Uia Urmipre aoiibekTn articir 6T ngreehjent filed andre- eordad in aata omea. t ba aubataoea of said aaraanvair taataakl panlas eaalra to beooma lneorporatad ondar tba nan Mawbarn and wnoi rrjlng for (ralgbtJuid anaoanaua, aiua ail faHMMvf -txTxtuoa.'LnS t 1 penrerm, rrem and to all points on tba anaa and Tre and nt KlTeta and fbelr arlbutarlas and Contantnaa Creek, la aald atata, tba principal plaot of bualneas IP bs at tawbarn; to ooaunne so aarMe emtmat or capital to bo t,0U0.A awu ajajt4;ii Btuaaisj atiw.ws. .pisrtdaywa, s30-S4d Clerk Bap. Ooart Accident Insurance. .11 The Preferred Mutual Acci; 1 -i-i ,Mdent,J Association Policy carried for $19 yearly: PanweeUyJafib,3V , Oetlffcofetior bothlilda, $5,000, Loss ot one foot or ona band, ft2,500. SLJ" .no.Btl" Wefcnd idaka.rQbams jaj"uAas.ii. tHh at'.irfa.j Tti United SUies Mstnal Accident Iss Ooa4 ihfdr iaffltj vi Year, an A In jaaa of leaa Uf lUob or lliaba. nays ooUr Sddp.-aod ariien wrrj Mnrnrn ueooma ajaima hit aoar. arterlaasvnnekt Id that eommanltr as"dev aeais antaia.iaowMw j ,aBaaiqiaaa oc weir uanrarwiitMiDi. , a For BATE.CTTEAP. 8ATISFACTORX 1rant5e.'apply. to.;.'.J,:, a a HsW.''B'BOTi,'Areiit;';U &&Util ltu'Uiat' Accident AsaoaV O6o4ls-t)ry Goods, Crockery, Etc -TeJcncs a1 lias ofthe ; PeJeWfeirpa". BoqIs arid 0 &jm7ZwIis - tns Soots -SJt'fKl .w-f1 V 7' 1 - , ,; Every pt'Uf' warranted to give satis faction. ' " "-' : , ' Country, merc' 'M .end the -ople e'nl!r a Tp;-if','i to fall stud ex am.;- r,r ' !, k t Tore l .rtkaa lrr." "TTa. " -e tiu ! f gares. -' -re I . -1 Sun.. 4 (s,i. ,. - , m ,-',''''' .-..Aa i -..W-' :' ii dhWwha'kaVe uli J ffoi a suW'iiw.ys era. taeA'VtV as again. Tbev tell us, That suit yon sold me a year ago waa the best I ever hanffht for the monev. and I have eorne tor trv van again. U V f ... . i 1 1 That is mki we' ieep,oar eustopers t wool suit at fi.ou, that can't ne aone,--Dut u yoa wiu give roauaaui price for a suit we will give von jour money's worth, (f i We have a nice line of Suits at 110.00 that will do good aervwe.' Boys, Youths and Children's Suits at Low Priees for good goods. ' We are agents for the Jan. Means $3.00 Shoe. A pew supply just reeaivedan' But'BaL and Congress. ."'. ' H.i i''' .v"- Our Stacy Adame 6t Cp.'e Fine ehoee are the best in tha . market, and are warranted to wear well as our customers will testify. v Our titoek of Soft and Stiff Hats is very eomplete. We bate a 'good Stilt Hat at 12.00, lafe style and will wear. Boy's Polo Cloth Hats, 25c. to 50c. We have a nice stock of Underwear, all siies up ft dB-Jlfnlliine (tfWbol. len mal MerimVfl. Hose. ' WW "Our Boss" 60c. Shirt has never been equaled in quality for price ; it is as good as some sell lor 11.00. All sizes 4n Pleated Bosom Shirts. - i Nice Fresh Stock of frogskin Gloves, Ties, Scarfs, Hosiery, Celluloid and Linen Collars and Cuffs. Trunks, ValisesTourist BagaSaawl Straps and Telescope Valises. Carpets, EugsOif Clothr aid Doer Mate, f - Carpots made, laid and lined. Be sure and see us if in need of anything in onr line. octl7 dw GE0BGE-1S- THE C LOT'HIEE Opens the Fall Seasbn of 1880 it The Finest Stock of Cloliiing Ever Exhibited in any Gne Store and respectfully invites the inspection of buyers. The garments arc made of tho newest designs in Diagonals and Qassimeros and finest Corkscrews ia ail oolors and shades, . And are Unsurpassed in Fit and Make-up. Oar Silk Pique Block Diagonals are something new and admired by all. In fl ATS we have a most complete and varied assortment, running the Youman block in stiff goods and the latest designs in soft hats. Our Stock Of NECKWEAR contains the latest novelties. Onr em broidered "Large Tecka'' in evening shadoa and dark eolors are' (A very latest and very handsome and genteel. AVTull Lin: of ; GENTS' TJIfDERWEAB, vaite, taiertl Qtnd striped, at very low figures. Our CAMEL'S : HAIR' tnrDERSUirSfi sjeeial Ergains and par ticularly well adapted for onr climate. A Big Stook of LADIE3 AND OtKTB'lHOES at all prices Our $3.50 Seamless Genuine French Calf thin Sheen in Bala, aad Qon gross are tbe best in the country and fuTly worth tO 60 1 a fvlt guarantee given with every pair. 1 s; Aot,i, Unx An extra ordinary large stock of Calfskin, French Kip aud'Whole 8toek Boots, that will be sold at astonishing low figures. Our "Opera Boot," finest Fresh Oslfskin with Morocoo leg, WardweU flexible hand sewed, is just tho thing in gentlemen's dress boots Also, a fall lineof Drew Goods, Dopxestici, ShawlivlTmbrellai andrfbtIdnB,(&."' : ? - ,4i - . A Specialty Ztade of Sojaand , Tooth . Clothfa?wn . t Oti PrMesf are iaiaeebrdanee witbStha 'Urals, ana! whilst wa Wa A&ftba most fastidious, have also catered in our selection to those of very limited ' means. ' 1 " ! ' - ''' m'ai tut at ill;, For tho full worth of your money from a handsome and bran new Fall Stock call at - . . GEOEGEASffS. Middle street next to L. II. Cutler's. ' U ty ibaveaaconneeUoa with saykherrtote5T Jill If JO oT 'Mntmxtm& TWO STORES, SOUTH OF And keep of FLOUK. MEATB, oiui.ABaii. HALT, TOBACCO, everyinuiK in tnt MBOCEBT W t a a t rrcai, maoriaBiflsx, amiDrin Qkivwm-, ! werntKUie audi pMmt exwr ro hi iatod. Kwdary pn i nlhrabarBr) frYarisaBaixMat.vi(r. m ?r4',reai rt tBtoe-ntaeartfj wbicta tw ptwit r omitl bawi hwta The) ivrm iant tA thsj bciaKTiriO AafrHrcutal t Jmn hsl l iipilaos wariy jioA-e that of all WaT pMlf wl U f Im .' rva.. ft f.nm f 'ft. 0 afeavr. 1 laoftODt trtUloML C o ri H vf-waMi..n. V t KH A CO., Pnhttattavrt. No. V. rtrouw, W. T. 0 ATErjTi?.:- tt pwr' mora ,!' a rmaiwaj i I niTaJ bfe If) k k ecmntrtsat. fl'' nf M lamitoff wr ia oa I mtad Stat4at 4 oe4. e-nf Iraftcej, ifftt-matiw and ovrr f orw r t ""' ". tfa pr.n at aVi rr aKtic ari rr rwavavr t ma, t''wmtitaAfi aetooremiiac r" r'Wai Wtthmil (- -1 of ' " Wftr tfUe J!' ' 4 swurtB aft 1 V r Vt f 1 i ) , amrfail fre. T (J adar w r aat noamitwa 117 aui pera&ba wuv av faaw , tut broader, iw iwiv- - - ROBERTS &"SEIiTiHS01T a tnul liuut...! CQMa, . : New Birnc-r?.'l3i Only Erst class C . -!fs represen. 3 ia ' ' r.r. tl'M-J '-t!-' s, Total i.' f ."' r - c aaV- r e' 4o not agree to gW ttea an all- - HOWARD & J0ITE3. 0 THEIR FORtSEtflitC.'lt-11. ' COFFEE. ttTJUAB, 8YMUM. 8NTJFF AND CIOArtS. aa LINE, a FULL STOCK, and at Harper s Iveckly, r J V ILtJ STlltATED. - f uiuiumvra wens if nm.ti.rr TV anl fer,:tIaH.i . v ... for Ilia enaulng jr atu.ra.. k, py any praviooa Toinma, embr n. t , rrO), an trnRUw .,v , v or Set loo, ana lho1h.rtr r. V i, tin. of th. mt . . . i , 'f Ik SKMa; prpu IUutruo. t i , entPrUlDliif short stone. n v i b laa beat wm.r. . n . . . . high aoUteriUas oa ua tuial r i .TT P" ho ''raa a tro.twor' . leal rolde, an DIrtinlnt aufl lri.i famliyioomm,ar,tlrlf frea mn i ab tfmetjiraaiBAdrtaiaUtt.. . . fr. v"rper'a PfHodlcats.- R - ) lt . j .... tl ha - i'"1Tk kH 1 S lKNr '"XT . Vci!ru r.f . w v . v f ! .Vr,r.,i.r ( . - , , r ' ' 1. r ' W M it

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