I ilk? DAILY JOURNAL la A X eutbuta fHcr, published Aailjr. aept Moadjgr. a .uw bcr year. SS.W lor a! x mouth. Delivered o eiij tubnrlbara al So cuiiUper month. XiUC WKfJCLY JOlHSAU 9 Wmz. i rYAaod ary l'uniadar tt AilverUMUituiW andar bead of "llu ' ILtmmar per no iu ant, ana- nu (ur every pubaequeiU Utaorttof , (. ..-.jrVtAnln-iBaT , ( , liatao r ilrrtor ateatbs. not toexee4 Urn Hum 111 Be lsaertec tram. Ail additional aur will be caarfcd i eeuia pacllae. .1 'O : Ptynaatefor tranaiantadTerUaemept anUf trarrv Jla!Uwiveikraeilt to eoUeeiad pronipUj at the eul of eaafe pVTITTW'""" Of tawlaauew 01 a aa. Mini' of itet mirtrra ara aoUoltad. Mo eaiin,eW0B Bua ka eDeetd to ba pun halted that "PS'" obiectlonabl neraoual i sniffle) M taa nt ma of the author r ' Iba wUljn,; BMV taaa oa ootamn of tnla f l 1, Akit aroS Mtliatate. Ave ale ay enauy fciieigiiaidaiiaBaaiiia i r nmam'Tirr f'tf"' i f Tu auumf oy a plural ion at tnia office end aawUk whfln a arte vane eii aw. , .THiJ JOURNAL. Kdlta. BuImu Bbuu-r. SIJCW BERNE, N. C, NOV. 8 m. Cateiadal U Poet oatc i .B' J !IIOD-llMI 4IUI !r C. ctiou is over. Some are are rejoio itttefl. Others log, flwiA business. A POINT WELL TAKEN. BaJeuh had a big time Ut week. -W e Ma gte4 to know that the State Fair ' waa ao oradiUble and fo largely at- taadad. We hope do Northern ba; waauaadto feed the stock. Wilming- ton'8tizr., yTt jeatore to aaj that the 6rar' hopes are not well founded, though qrf hare read innch in the iyvr b6bt Br. LEWIS and other farmers' ensilage. The hay fever is grow. injr,in tfeisseotjou. Mr. J.Ij. Ujixm, IftWS: DtTNR & WlLLKTT, ilr. QXEXT Vynk and others in this section are prodaoiog more atil ntoWhay every year, aud they find it about the best paying cro) thi,v 6VsUKut itotwilhatandiag thfc, hnndrada.x-ierTiaiH tltonSiUKlN of tons Of-Nofthern bay are sold in thimaikot annnally. Crab flAss, timothy, and clover grow luxuriant ly jn this aection, but there are but feSr farmers who know how to make rta auhjeok of Dr. Pritchard 'u ber oatar,t tha Fint BaptiK UbaKU vaiy nM Catttrf the Tonglift " -Wilmington Star oj Sunday. Dr. Peitchaed preached a rnoKt ezeeiii sermon on taia nubjeet in this ciy jear or two AgQ It oifgnt to nave been preached once kvareckoa every 'corner in thus' city since the opening of the political dMaarfti." Tht "rrnrnly meraWr'' has been used too much. It has nai mountains out of mole hills inaday,aad torn, them down the next day, btft scarcely was the work done of levying duixjai? tain of hearsays and' falsehoods be fore another wonld pop np. It wonld be a most excellent rule among gentlemen to repeat noth ing that "I heard'' unless the speaker was at liberty to give the tuoMTCgr the atxthor right then and there, it this rule was adopted and strictly adhered to, a hearsay wonld not be ,bo quickly trana a falsehood, and t wonld not travel ao fast that the troth oodld not overtake it. tumcfe tut 1 cost ' or cotton 6K0WIHU. The following from BrudttreeV ... . t - t . . u timeiy ana practical, uut wnue we are discussing tbe question of redacrag the cost of producing eottdnlet as continue to try some thing else that will pay better. iDiacuaaioa is rife at the Sooth aa trrttre1 means" of reducing the coat of growing cotton Mr. S. E. CockerilL, one of tbe rice-presidents of Me National -.Cotton Planters' Association,' has issned a circular Insisting that' the cost of growing and. the tott of spinning can both be reduced, and that the changes - possible will make cotton planting as profitable aa before the war. it ia rst proposed to save la. pound by having less work; with tbe hoe an d more mnleyorce" in jts place. As to picking the.-vlew.ia put forth tha t in acbine harvesting ia about to be perfected One nad a half eenta are to be 6af ed ia tratherihg: 3fext it isirredftd iplaoa! jsiiinSgl mCIo' 'alocsidflthe cotton field.! Tbe fo!!owingca!culation Is reached: Co"t of fultiration and gathering, 4 ' -j.; cost of spinning, 2c, ; making ' a pound; sale of yarn 14c- Tbia .ivcsfor the grower 7J& and all expenses paid. - The great xednc- tianla the eost'of -getUag oottoo froia the grower to Uteunilsof Kc England and Europo U kJow affect ing the price -paid thai, plaottt tTbere can be" no doubt that the net bods - of - the Southern .cotton planter have been wastfol in t,hit-JLrlj extreme. It jfor flmj that M fojL 4b 4 i oe8porUnt trials' to come off ia a 4ay or two betwerlrflppr tant person! in1 our cod?ty, Wx. 0 W: Smtth vs. Mr, JVAi:.Mattocka. WIW report next week, if nothing happena. 4tui?n " i Our people are rejoicljjg now be daase of a nice shower of rain this i epk, the . first iiii nearly two mouths, and now jack: frost has shown his head we tblntqhr sick Ht get well aganr , "Si t Joe fishing season with the big seines are abouut over, bat blue flfeblbg'id paying our fishermen1. They sell for t2.00 per hundred, quick; muTletB' feet! frdmfl.25 to $3.00 per handred poands. One death ear na. Mrs. Bailie Hawkins, reliot of tbe late SamneJ Hawkins, died i at her home Dear here laat Thorsda.Y of genera de bility, aged abbut" 80 years, was a mother-in-law of J. A, Freahr water, Esq., of Bear creek, and a good woman. Mr. J. J. 'afd, the" leading mer chant here, is n young bachelor aud saya if llt mun twoo't come to see hiui. please tell some of the 1 JOUOg ladies to roue, as he is anx ions to change his base one way or another. 1 lousiness must be changed soon, and there is no use talking. Prof. Maliette has a No. 1 school in SwansUwro now, better than he has ever luid nmoi he b.ir been here. 'e, with a great many others, were at his regular monthly examination last Friday, and all pronounce his method of teaching as xo. 1. He ba an examination werv mouth, and invites all to mine aud see his ways. Mr. C B. Frazelle is teaching school at Piney (ireeu now. Farmers all done housing their crops, nwent potatoes and all. Tue iwtato roi was fair and tbe rice crop medium. A. J. llarat, jr., H O. Ward; V. J. Sanders and J. A. Proow madu good orops of coi n, totatoea ami rioe, bat no eotton as compared to a former crop. D, G. Want and IK It." Yqwij? made about 6 bales on '21 acres. Sol. Gornto made 2 bales on 10 acres; 11. O. Ward, 4 bales on 1U acres, and so on. 1). J. Sanders crop 18 a Tittle better. This kind of, cotton, form ing wont feed and clothe the babies. Hal lie, nor tua children; tout the people will keep en trying to niiike it. 1 '" ' Ntn Met hot of XaUoc KaUr tias. The Glasgow Engineer aays that a new iaetbod of aiakfng water gat at an extremely low cost was the subject f areoejft communication to the French Academy of Scieoee. and that "the matter has catised much ajuiaua . attention, not only in r ranee, but all over Europe and in Knglaud as weJI.'MtUof weighty importance, not only, to ga bet also to iron makers,; if It aocorap lishcs what ia predacted of it. - A jet of 6apefweited steam is dirccCfed mio u reiori iuji 01 .. lncanueaceni coke. The dtygen unites with car bon to form, carbonic acid, and hydrogen is . liberated. Bo far nothing new. The gases are led to a second retort filled with some refractory substance kept red hot, by wnicn a glowing surface is ex posed to the gases. At tbe same time, superheated steam is intro duced. This seizes upon the car bonic, oxide te form dioxide, and more ' hydrogen is liberated. A milk of lime bath removes the car bonic dioxide, and the pure hydro eren is led to a reservoir. (Inn ton of cok'ln 'thfs process prod aces about 09,000 feet of gas, which Is about eleven times tbe quantity usually produced by the expendi ture of a ton of coal. This reduces the cost to little, if anything, more than that of natural gas. when the difficulty ol controlling tne latter is taken into tbe account. This ia for heating purposes. Inventors are at work devising the best methods of carbureting it, and Boulogne ear Seine is to be lighted with it next winter.. i vaau. To ail who are aafferiaai from tba ta rora aa4 iodiaorataoaw of yowth, Bcrvona weakneM, ear1y decay, locsi of manbood, etc., I win aeod a reel pa that will car foil, FEES Or CHARQE. Thia groat remedy waa aisoorerea cy a misaioitary laSoath AmorfiM.' Bend aaalf-addrcflaed oaralope to tha Rav. Jobxth T. Iinui, Station t yw York OUg., ..alTdwy fl'fTfffTTfl. XR'I' aaar rt If a'aWatWiaU' Wiil, V f cTi1 lQ!Jrlam. 1F'JreKiJ M-fP0 iieJL.iy uu ana iba raMrnev it Hit Ji a HntAt 0na Of LB BMt MtlfliM til Its tprmntmpiiii no inrnimre ol . ho van 'a mw rok. Citr aod u tnafnl a tba Burppoavn,nia- ftooaas onlr On V; HnTi W. ate'awaMt liwia ' Brno rt tn-'s end J ared K. K. Ait Una cart -mm Vr door. Moat eoDvenieDt Hotel la New fork for Merchant! to atop at. Dlolna Konma. Gale and liBDCk CooDter replete with ail tba lai one at aaoderatc rrioea, - Jrl wly v- X iAiSi. wins itiid ,Vi V .vt j TU Absolutely Pure. - Tbla Mwdar arr Tanee. ; A caaarVel al baiily.aironirUk, and, wboleaumenaea.: ifoi aamioniln&l tli&n tha ordlnarv klnda. and oai aot ba aold lB-eomDaUtloii vlib tha multltod oi.lowUat, abort watebk alum orpboapbate. awttaia. Bow only u aDa.twTAJb nAaim. 99m a ow w wall-av w. T( ' noTO-iTaw NEW STORE! New Goods!! WM. SULTAN Has jaal rettrrnad I roo ePf W3 Markets, wbere he purchaaed a. O very large sywi? C T. ini' U m a a ury uooas, uioinmg Soots, Shoes, Hiiia, Caps, ' and every thipe usually kHt' iii'aTirBt C4aa Dry Goods Store, and. he U deter', mined p e.u. "'t lA 1 Sell Them Lower Than vl&r. He will s;i,ve Ilijjh Prjces jtJUe I'orsr Loek at erne' of our leader: t AJood Tjuttfliu Booe '. ...il OO! Ladled and Mfasea'raeya. .-.,,.., A Oood Tls.:,11. 4mk. . ...... 4P A Good mite Shirt 4o! Men's and Boysniats at 2." Also a nioe'aasottment of .Cbjldw'1, Oarpetaaad OWCtotH: TtrjbkaibJtTa Ailwesll hrrl-kDa'ararnTnoii lok"fcIWytirtehaBlnk'elBWhfeFe and . i ...u u. Wk. WLTA1. JaS. A, TuoiujSaAefflDaa. ; M -H i la nor A FINE r. :i.-.Mansi:aTaa .iKl 1 I iff iQMUGi A' 1 eil iniifli dne of tb trad, 1 "mttnt Oataa 'a flmmmit Aiaa4Li bat whaj hv ba aiUfi ana i Ulaaaaaal karearlaald.4a'a lorlda Ton lr, ' -.j , i aulrf ': 1aat'a Vlaacr'ltlaa iu.wV . Cttrae all Blood and Rkln Dlacaaea, iilitaaia. tlam, Mcrofola, Old aora. A, 4rrtict tuatuc fetdielB , 1 not In roar markat It will ba forwarded J receipt f prlca. mU tanUaa I m iinaaar ob Blood aad Ski a PlsWaat flnarolfl ije ..i ' :'. it ia ti t t ia i aifii itlUr cii;aiali .U '1 - 'wr i For aale.' wbol'eaale adTrwsafl.'lT R. a. wcttt. paw ttaraa. tt. o. Why Not nMvlaa In nnokaa. wtoHima Tn nma ' Wbea UpiwlUanbaraaallW. rMtMM, Tat U&r ra lovaia aaora aejarae ba ar . TlifM roa wJU fladka A, w.ttaaaikf . B na Dranaa 01 enotca etiraia.alwMB kaot br If ra waarttaa baavaornaW fcaa aUI i boa, Kext to Um earwr o jlkJdla and Soath '' '.1;.,:.'.'..iL-'.i'. ;i-Jr State of Horta Carolina, - HiUm t. A. toma aadf A.XnMjT!' oooBtyofCkwea.j, ,cpq. nt Tb Vraaa 11 DnfaeuiriaaCav qoocea aVUaa, UfradDeWlH To aiflrad DrWIaH Take aotira: Tnat aettoa kaatoea tneWr toted ta tbe KrrrrKr lloo rt uf 0"B ifB pnmntM aaabOTa antlUad acntnet j-oa and. Ktbeia ,t ftOaam walaitwi tfjfTai M - - . " loa t) porwtTf ih .wpm jmhtmx tormg l.xv and fortb 6 nf.nt ol mw, lien tbevecm. oa whleh wnriif mti hoUS anoricar reonrded IA, record of Cnven OoonlT, Hnok W a-io HJ . i irre treT f" t ft r r1'- a 1 tb ri Term 1 ni Y.n bt W b keii in U t-tT r Fw t.mo tn . "Bdv k'ii tb 1 kwit in Tn MX nrer mr Cftr to tie COR; .v M j.t roaaaarbe ednni.' !.;", !?t y, . w.Cwp-Tr-,r j? . - ' irk f-Qp. i ort. iOHS B. UdAa, VtpT. SrMroi a aim. Attorney for Platntlfftt, oeU dew aioo-i .a .ii ijyj ; ... if i r :n ii vi t-qrma a lasdnarkaM. l Brmtti'lnMl , now or Of lkndck FlcirVia..wrlu; ,, J . H aa-aardJr'Btoiset a lni?dtsaia I .of aw reMT'tovftott irbaVauijoiI taaar XJO'IALEUCO., SpimgneldFire iDsnrnce Co. - V XTT7lrer safe insurance on D' I GlKaELVMetaeMiaW ..Bkf e. and. joJ ialila - Easy payment. .aiej ,w.vv- "7S.'fi!l?.T'W "j'iwP dW in8 KfetioM. i Uoaf adranoed ori PtolJciee. ' Lv'SLliR, HAEDWABE, SASH, 1OORK, ULINIS, And Building"-Material ot all Kinds. EXCELSIOR COOK 119 HEATDiB STOVES. And a Pull Line of ! House Furnishing Goods At ji ... . lJottom I'rices. ;2& MIDDLE STREET, KW IttCHNK X. C. flHE BEST REMEDY KNOWN FOR i-f Mra. Joe l'erson 'a Itemed!', pfUell.fO pr )1llp. Kt if UANUOCK'8 DRl'U HTOKK. QmEEJUEDY VOU IXiUUHS AND llrtll'M I tin;,' IuImiiii, prloelV- p.-r iKitile t najatKxiiC'ei iiuro ivkk. KK H. tiutoli. ' 1" H. P 1URIM GUION & PELIyETIER, . ; AtioruoTS At Iiam bol'TU KKgT titiH.irr. (lAiriN ll,ilr., a icw BKRiK. iv. r. Tr lM( wliereeervlce are rtfisln-.l. (-I'riM'Uce lit Uieuuprrme t ourl, and In t eVierul (V)iirt hi New Herue. fmcor thinrm wm ulvnyi i m Mi fol IdwJiiK plnuiia4liireeriX4rirlr() telow: ,are,i()i(H.VW4.cuuut- HaimdAy of cacD aiHl evrry eik. ,...., '-Tteaotorti'CarieTet 'bou'hly.Tbuwday ofuejb aamik .xkaonTlllf.Piwlyw cou'ilr. tb Brat Mr il v in rich ruo i r. u. BimiojfavM ' ' VkkrkNT hami.y. SIMMONS & MANLY, ATTokahvirs at lavs. Will practloe In UiMtoflor (ravfii.Ji ura iviiow, uanerev,! aauiiKs iuoirand II y and In the Federal Conn at ftew 1'uiaa. ' rT rebSewl) G ASTON ' HOUSE, g & .STREET, Sr., rroprteWrr, The Only naatM&aa tirtna7n the nt,. ramnlbp oooLneoi ama"-ali' Tralh mlid ataainara. uu sample room lor oeiamcr illl tnmim. th BAat aad IHLI.I A'rtT) ROOM he fpi'nwj open imuruutua ana nun np to airia wnn uuiuua ana roi Tine XT T r.. ' Cliinri f Pier in Hit Turk. ( The N. C'Preight LiDe ,J FOR NEW YORK, li'oSTONQyiDENpE, jH andajrOiaU 11 rs'ot-th and Vest i ficr i hi dai wUl rwi7el(ht la New Yo lor !! kt IMER 7, NOJtttH ItlVKlt, ffloe o A'eip JZfiri and Baltinot i r- Transportation Co. ;t.i . UerthKiiu .hoald remember tkattkUUoaaet t3 hMt TTlniM LtaeseBtof Mew York, makaac T OMimii pnnnror Igr flew Here laatd. aad enJl aaa tliaar. ltMl-WEZKLT STEAM jS-i IrttMB - lew Benr td Filtbcr. Otr .. fXaachlaa at Hortalk) ' ' ' atrarlnc Kew Bern for Ballinuir TUESDAY I , ,i"xn)ATH at I p m. Lea v Reltlmora- ttyf Hera W BUN KSCAT S 8ATCEDAT j aaaataaraa (aUew .STJ&CN FOSTIaVOeaa Mnpr, Liabt St.. Bal'l. ASS. W.lleCARJUi;, lf- Korfdk. Va. W. r'tSyde a 0 PkaJadalakta,. II Boat bal-M. TorkaBalto.Traaw.kdiaa.VW Jfonarlvar ' S-Saetpeoa, Boetoa, H Oevtral wharf. , f. H. Rocrwell rrotl-f H. I. t , -.aUek.ea RJrar.iOrriek wtarf. ' ' aJWlT-B.tom,Tpedajaaa4 6aiaiaa ' Wew York duly. . ' Baittairira, Weflaeeday Selieaj irrttfari1 mmi"' tof5ara , rroviaeaea, aatardaT. ;,i areata flUladlBtlra, aad ralaaraaraa i fjaT . . . as alia a w m r mm ifk yakw ;rBtarAr-f : I tJ HaaaitBSaaa1ea Vettaa(ktBittaf. 4 1 r. ?4A.teZ9 KSSANS' t iwaWak W I wa "- 5 a r 1 1 L i y Tama. l a -, t .f .-. n-rrwttat la V . WJ ' llltle to t' .u! hri'l WW )' a T"t 4 . - 4.: ur v. - - le r - -' - 1 t-. - te e 1 , t . - t - ne . ,. rf,t.w Waewew w w. j -o utceari ii f oa t. Howard & JoneaJ3ole Agents for 5ew Berne, N. C aogisdw SSSM$"i&iB fqbiuj... .nioelytiiado tpfthat'they'beat any custom-nadrj Suitsi', ku v.,i:ti .i-.i. 'fT.LLL' If W-Wantto aea the niceatTina of PANTS ver iMtfaght. to this city. lAa.i.a.AUnAlliUrASSIUmi'fiaa.jOMrtwb acknowledge tb&kyoa Mver-aaw -more riMM. .vai.tA-ulln arytoa. tuvrn. $LOft'na to 5.00 ' -te . BhaiiLl)ii;v:Clothior ! GET.-QTOT- OF YOUJ. WWT .CLQIIIES id if ufrtinTinri rtnT XTTlTrrrC! f in rp.iuiin avt-iaajj i' If NewiQne Are Require T&t XebQEorly ! '.Heavyi AlLWool Satinet arid SD.79. J tJOnr'AllWool FancV Suits. Single Coats and -Vests1 sell 'Overcoats ac4 yUters : in light and heavy weight, from msup. j -' --r : . Tin; Wool Bteyersil)! Ovorooats from S5.00 pp.-f, . ;fU(,, - ShoeDepartmentr ' ' !A Bjfore trie aaiumri" rain examine your BFJOES; prorida againat damp feet. We ciiarge reaeorrabty and tell the exact truth about onr goods,; eren When the lpaaof aaJeaaiavotred. Btiek to us, don be beguiled away ?y the ap parent advanuge of a qv prioa. That 'a a queer way of inTidng trade, but We aim to build up a kjirge 3hoe trade, sot by disparaging pther reputable dealers, but by affording cuetorners a place of purchase whexe.abaolHta lairBeas isaa ewredv ' ! ' ' "' .. . 1 nttj..- Our $1.00 Plow and Brogaa is olid leather. Also our better class of Shoes. Ladies, Iioy and Children 'a Shoea proportionately cheap. Now something about our , Dry Goods. Calicos, 4o. yard; Poplin, 5;.; one yd. wide Bomeapun,' So.; 8-4 yd. 'wide llomeepao, 4o.; Plaids, Uinghama and Checked Homespun from 50. up. '' A well aeaorted Una of WORSTED DRESS GOODS at all prices. , ,, r SHAWLS, BAUOOKAI.S, BUtaKXTS. ' COHPOBTS, FLaHaiXa,' I.ADIU' JEBSKTS, "WALKI9G JACKETS aad CIX1AKS at LOW PBJtCE. iy. " Our stock in Hats and OeDts' and "Ladies' Underwear cannot be excelled In prioe and qamlity." , .,. t ; Bargains! Bargains! Bargains! in Ladies and Gents' Hose at 6c. pair. Also in HANDKERCHIEFS and all kinds of MOTIONS. 1 ' If you want to make your own clothes, come and examine our ' ' STOCK OF PANTS CLOTH. and you wouldn't leave our store without getting suited, ., ' Our tstoolc l 'I'mxnlcs and 'Valises' ' in (-oinl'tely ne , and we sell them with a Tory limited profit ia- order to make room for daily arriving goods. - . . tl ., - t . fi . ; . i " Corner Mi ddl and South Front Street opp. K. & jone'. MAX SCHWEMSf Boss Clothing, Dry Goods, Shoe and Hal Sloro. Bayi tkat witLout fear of contradiction he naa the 'i"uixi"jll...' ' BEST AND MOST C0MPLE1 E STOCK OF CLOTHINQ brought here in many a Jay. I am prepared to show the finest '(&Waejrcwy aa well as all wool Oatiituir and other Suits in square and rotiud cat Sacla, alaa ia Cutaway Walking Coats, rangingfrom f2.00 a Suit up to $25,00,i ,PanU from 75ts. a pair np tofO.OO. ' , r . , Diagonal and other Fine Overcoats, real Beauties; Wa grbat variety of Reversiblt . or Tju'rn. Overt Coatis. i ,tn 1 sell the only correct How York Fall ,and Winter Stylea.iof Serby 'and Soft Hats, made on tbo. Dualap BIA," the accepted leadrrJr 'aftd, kkU fitshionablc Itlook in New York dttl ' I 1 " '' t-'-' . , -In French Kip, Ditching an Fine Salf.MnlBboi Ladies and Children's Shoes, I handle only tha vert' be.t, bduilt'diroot from Manufacturers, and sell them migbt ' low,"..' '' ,"r,',',';, tv " 4,51,1 The choiccat and latest Styles of Neckwear, Ifoaierv, Snapenders, 1 Underwear, and otiicr Genu' Faraishiog Goods a specialty. A Full and CompIeWItln vis., Oashmeres, Vprtda and Poplinl ia ail shade and color:1 vr"-'"M"', 'JJ! , Calicoes from 4 eta. a yd. up. N. C. Checked HoajespuniT cis. Vffll" Casimirs, Kentucky Joans, and other goods lor Panta aaifialwklt Uaii Ladies' Walking Jacket, Shawls, Blankets and Bed QatlUjskaaa, a a? I AM XiKmwmi mum mwnz rj Theonljr anoe anid lathi el tr U aea WARS AWT-8 Ti i?JS?,? J"0'114 BT M n Al .. any of awn .In any war wiUiln may raaaonabl ti m give oat,l wlll apoa return of damaged pmlr and itatt"1 ; Taenia to lenirUi of waar, sithbb Karon a the Mont Nat, aTne.t and ebeaprat Klo la Um world for ti, I niouey. iTneyanoi In Huiion. I'lalu MdittkawaToad' COTicre bnd taoa Hp Wioea, awaJ. las Bena; wl "ava bauihtilia-BAttLaca &HOK. aorno of whlob have wern one pal r a loo u 1J nonuiaj ami nrononaee it tha aeat,OieaMt andElaat Wear in tne worlo. ! M,i .Ti .(.i$JiT!Jvi$Vb OEOnOK A8IIIIE1M, 1 "- Kiddle GEORGE ALLEN & GO. DEALERS IN General Hardware .- , i.e. Agricultural 1 nt p 1 e m e a t s. Mows, Harrows Cultlvatora, llocs and Axcs, Wood's Mowera ana Rcapors, ' 8team Enlbes, Cotton Gins aad Presses. PertillBera. Latnd Plaster, Kaiuit MoeJianlCfl ToaU and Hardware, lame. Brick. Cement. Plaster Hair, pAlnt, KaJsomloe, Vftrr ntsh. Oil, Glass. Pntty aad Ulr. Freezer, Refrijrerators, ' Oil Cook.. fitoTea, JCoreata Bortrlar Proof Sash Ixreks, warranted to give security and satisfaction. f i ; ritlCES VEKIT IX) w. " i C( r GKO. ALLEN ' A." CO."1 v V 7 ;- AUIIOHA' QALEARQJMU academy , 1 Thm Fall fieaidon onen rvtnher I iikm " plumed In a monUand proTealva town Kor farther tjrlorTOnot1 t r y to . R. if. BONSKR. ' -? .'. . rrincipal,. Barber. and...&lr -j)rc:ce.r, with tNt,-T ymrm eTTTf, tv, u., end heet Iurnll.i K io i. ,, , t k-or for 1 f S i V V, h. Kw ,., 1 1.n4 nn-fit'ft.. ,ietrt rr' i;c, mar::H.l t i to i jit k m Cafiliniera Suits from S3 00 to i0.tu are so look tasteful under 'Manufactixrer'a Prices. SOLE AGENT FOB MAt'fifiwpnmi u .AW a . " .f iuti vat St., eor, XMob AHei."oppoaite Bami.t chnxohJ Steamship CompaLTi js ,, llaflajVlI. aid: Xol V It I al CiPBJTY YT.ee -ftt'tl - ,rar Baltimore, Nor- . folk, Bostou, Elizabeth City,' . ana ojuter Claea, vj... f k-rl K J rtt 'a vtv . n. ni t hr.iV'" eva AX A JLK 1 -a.r!i pti. -- Monday, January 11th, l8"6t n yj,t.i ,.rf.. ,Mi.,i.i4 v. -........ ..i. 0 NHL TURTH ER NOT I CIS u I tear. IH Eliabeth Olir. etef. ; 'iHOiPif AJTD THCB-f DAT ' ;: for Ww Bfrne. ketumUi leave K. fc,aUaetkMty tj ,WM . Makina f'ba. r ... (- . -"a. --a' t-3 v "Rnw-, , I mi T. . t eoen.rnne n0, at tfum.r. for Kin.io, f0, ,.t, "t all KeHirr oa tle N.n.. 1 ' ".HT. .raj. ri ,. , . .. H.UOUM1J, 't , Cnnrrn tTnuu, W. H. ?TAl"ToB, C r t a - J. .' '.J

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