hi RE KEW BEENE. K. C. NOV. a. 188f 9 11 r tx . n DMO'N'D. ii . 1 3 i . ill t j . - - - ( r 0 .It... V 1 Has Goods (EatT everybody wapts, jWe .are bflenng tnem,.atc ipnces that all can well, af- 'terdWpa1 We4on't pretend to give a list ,dit$im we did ive should navu;toi!payior extra iia boos 7ir7r .our, , i? v.. i tjftl. AmiiiATiaAn find ciiihrionfl r rnnrnconf ntivo "bill; wo commend to your attention. It ll 11 III 'U Dress .suit 3 jTj il H ' etflPrt aufll, for 10c. of anj mans money. Fine Dybauo agk if' an inspeetlon. low prices ; Xwi wool Call-Sefgee, W- inches wide, -FrDoh iWk Ijlfttd lL?Cpj D we have rgea,"!Lnpin's 3aihniere; etc., to width Ci attfrnete, Mee looking, for 20c. Black Silk. i: -J 5 yrftps for Ladies and Misses, talking Jackets, Jersey Jackets and Dolmans, made of boucle clutli and other fabrics, are cheap. Our Hosiery Stock . in. t . If complete and very low. We realize that times are hard, have bought ttlt (took at bottom prices, and sell them very 'ls'. taVV4 bate among the thaiuand thing to. numerous to men I ion a full line of Corsets, Gloves, Ladies' and Children's Vests, , ,t, . , .handkerchiefs, Buttons, Gimps, ::;";ariiies,, Etc., tic, Etc. 4,U Wf)J AC 0( OUX friends il atrial; if we don't sui' you both in prices and quality it won't be our fault. ijlllfjriin 1 Wirrthe'bnljr parties that sell the Cclchraied Diamond Shirt, Collars and Cuffs. tl't W)t ttriri lltl. i'l I .J' We think them better than any other .8'H8A 30JIO.V.J .Vrl-'ii .n i w 1 .-1 :To jiirpji"Jn. the.cou2itry and city we woufiwfll sarb rvery' anxious to have your tirdft ajO headquarter in this city for styles, ana w.spCffPoi. goods at hard time prices J you.wan; Fine or Common Goods we hsvo'tlicxa'.0 oa jMt.UVi ' . Ui fc H'T Ml " " Then totHaTclass of our friends, the .';hbie:sale!l!ufe ...... i i i i i ... i aw --' -m ,ii:iu ir.i i.ii we would say 4 we wish V, -v. ana wui - sen our coods too .close to: 7o respectfully request a caU.lroiiT'ali; ari4 if tto don't cell you it vt;hoTCcausc:5ur advertising ; but here Goods. per jard, in nioe shades, worth 20c. and other drcsa goods at remarkably Then in Fine Ooods we liave all Camel's Hair Serges, French Fluid Worsted Hair Mixed Cloth. all wool and Camvl's 11 air Bnitings and , among which is a half wool double per yard. Then look at our Black Satin yon ran find in this market. - ton- i M' g 4' youvall - the success r'-'" : you goous very, very selL them on timer ....' ;V BILimS HIM TEXTB. .! !' . eVapaa! -jf , V- 4 maiden and a Bailor-wife aat feeing j 'en theev, e , '. U Tn young girl, head lay wearily apon Um old. wife . knee; -8he raised her tearful eyea. am O ! bo 'Mournfully Mid aha: "I hare not beard from Jamie, and they aay ne a iaue to me." "Do not believe them, laaaie. whate'er they aay or do: Of what should he be thinking while he Bail toe waters blue If it is not of his sweetheart that he knows is trood and true ? Do not believe it, lassie; your lad fc true to you. i"Hn promised when you parted that hi- .. would come again lit told you that he loted you; you l could believe it then; And now that he is sailing across the dreary main, Why let your heart be troubjed with such a needless pin ? "How can he meet a purer maid out there upon the sea t And far away in China, would the Chi nese ladies be Very apt to win him from you? Fie upon such jealousy ! If you think you cannot trust him, you had better et him free." "O, no ! "she cried. "I love him. That I oould never do. " "Then, " said the kind old sailor-wife, "believe that he is true. Heed not the foolish gossiping that brings distress to you, lint pray that Uod will save the ship that now is overdue. "l'ut all your soul in earnest prayer, and dry your idle tears. I've loved and trusted my good man through many silent years. And he came home again. Dear child, allay your causeless fears. Look, lass, without the harbor bar! ' What iail is that appears '( "Take out the glass and read her name, i Is it the Man Ann t"1 My captain nun led his ship for me when j tiret our love began. " I "It is our ship ! " the maiden cried ; then I up the sands they ran. I At eve each happy woman met her ow n I true Bailor man . j Aimr. Kinnk. I A Ca iIu'n l'orl u nato Dlsro) . ('apt. Coleman, schr. Weymouth, ply ing between Atlantic City and N. Y., had been troubled with a cough ao that he was unable to sleep, and was induced l oiihu mption. u not only gave. nim in btaut relief, hut allayed the extreme soreness in his breast. Ills children were similarly affected and a single dose had the same happy effect. Dr King's New Discovery is now the stan dard remedy in the Coleman household and on board the schooner. Free trial bottlee of this Standard Remedy at Uauoock Bros Drugstore. - i lil - E. H. S J. A. Meadows, Commission Merchants 1000 Tons Eainit and Guano I or Tm and Cotton Crop. -V.'mtm! i.ltentlon given lo the salt) of COTTON pii.l (IKArN. Liberal n. I nurea mtulv on iiuslaanvnita. Offices at corner Pollock and Middle streets and Union Point. ' IdVtT leu Uillinery. I AM RKCElVIlJO Mt LARGE and VARIED STOCK OP FALL AJJ1 WINTER Millinery and Fancy Goods, FKATUERS, Etc., Etc. A lao t he LATEST STYES of Hat and Ben n(.w (rua Irk u4 Haltlroors, and Ixvea lawr BMOrtiosB t of SnvsltIM, Zeph yrs, Kaxony. Germantown. Kelt and Felt Trlmmlnea, vrhlcli 1 nlrrled peraoiuilly (no oompanled by Mra Dewey), and am ready to ho my friends anil rnatnmera, and am confident I can give satlsfarl loo as to quality and price 1'rtH ot nnt1ncs will prevent roe hvU an opeaingdar. Mrs. 0. M. V. FOLLETT, Snecaxr to oclidwlm Jaa. Maat IX Dawav. J. McSORLEY, FloEIONlBLE BOOT AO SHOE HIIEB, POLLOCK ST. , NEWBEBN, N. O. SATISFACTOET. Departmrkt or thk Interior. Pension Office. VTcuhington. D. C.,Scpt. 16, 1886. Mb. J. McSorley. Neu Berne, N.C. Sir: I encloae herewith draft for 17.60, in payment for the shoes. The style, fit. and .workmanship are aatii factorr. They fit me better than any ahoea t have bad in twearty yea. Ver respectfully, .m ' W. K. DtniN. FURNITURE. Parlcr . Suits, dumber Sefe i Walnut . Bedsteads, , v ' Barebns, Wardrobes,,., ,9 i, lXattreaes,!4;bairL j v .1 iv.vix Centre Tables. lltc AT KOCICBOWfrltlcm ; I wi i u.l I M.(... . v Cabbage, Kale, Spinach and Turnip Seed. ' '' E. It. KEADOW3 & CO. ang21 dw , . l" . HOT r .rJ (mM$:, u iifT - The Bergner & Engel l KEEP 0' HAN1 A FI LE LLNE OF WINES AND LIQUORS AT WHOLESALE, Which will be sold by the Barrel or Gallon at, VEKV LOW EKil'Kl.S l,.r CASH. Ginger Ale equal to Best Imported, ami suiiei mr to .ui inociir.il! THK NEUSE & TRENT RIVEE Steamboat Company Will run tbefotlowlus .sc1.h1i i n u..J naei 8ptmber SUi, lisso Steamer Cutler Will kaava Maw Bemo ftir Irrnl. i . M-ry Weduoaday at Ha. lu., tuiil hnU ii.'j-i ih arrival of tha steamer (jneimmlouli; i.Ii.mi lug. vlll leave Trenton av-ry Ttibtait ttnd Haturday, touching al all poLiiU t,..iiii Hit- river Steamer Jtlnaton. On an arfer 'iW, IMA. II it Htoanx Klnaton will leavi KluaUin lor New Ik.inlf every Monda) and Thuradaval o o'rlm k a Tiif relurDlng. will Wmivu New lierue utry Fu4r4 day and Kriday. Blopptng at Jolly old 1 1. i and loaebliia at all luadliija on Neus river OltwM coiinni'tioii madtf h nil ti.'Kuuu fc-titu and.iah ot the Old louiinlon htt.uinhlilp t ... JOHN 11. PKLl.. t Newl.rrn. W r Stani.t. Ktnatou 1 H riAKRrs. rnlUikiville I 1. WILHo.1, Arenl al Tn-n(..n J. r. vi i' i ini r. ,l....y Old Field. J. II IIANkH. VMier lirnln. . J. M. Wl' Wi,l Mi.k. I eliTdAw S.luabon. . TIME TABLE, """"i Jim Mrf M Ja. cVtlaaMjj,!.) IVtiiiKOaO r TABIE No. 2 In Effect 7:57 f.li.rfStiday, S. j l. 1:1 18S6. ..i j i: EAJ3T. wo. i raaaeucer irr. L've. wbst. I Me. Ml FaaaeuKei Arr. I.'T STATION r m A. M l A.M. II J AO 111 1(1 IK t W,(lol.liboro. 5 i9 La Orang t;Kinaton,.. 7 57:Hew Jrteraa, iMurtlitMaaCUy.-. r. at. Pally ejteent Snhday. 6 4) IK lu in, In iw 7 I b Jul a J 10 aJ A. a. i. a EAST. vi i.., f I Wised r.4 fa Train rut, irwa 8TAT10W B. Irs. I iL'v J Arr. 1 li're, r. ir. i I 4 . A. . 7 0Ot.lAboio .. r v 4 i!X H ia 8 1 a 4i a 4W 10 2B 10 to 11 62 13 14 12 51 n -il lici .. 8 M B US IjiOnmn.-. . it in i s 1 4-1 1 2 1 2 H2 2 HI 1-1)1 I 11. Pmlllua-AJrrek.. KaaatoB,. .... Ouawali Dovar (tore Creek 10 1C 1 no 10 66 11 1 Hi 12 4.1 12 If 11 b2 I ! 12 l 12 19 II f7 II 211 12 Vi Tnioarora- 12 l i;iarke'..v.. .f... I Newtje-ar, P. at. A. H. A. h Tneaxlar Tbonultyind Ratnrdav. tMoaday, Aeautt-. Aavy audi rtdny. Trr MnmaneeW wlrb Wllmlrietrn Aol- don Train fervid Mdrtbs lavtriff OOUrarx.ryi lV& a., m., auU wlU Uobmovl 4 1 r. villa rta w'eat, Ir-ann Ga)diboroiliOa..m. Tmai A4 eeeaaeta Hb SJclirhnna A ln.illr Tnhaiarrlvliia a0ldaWr4D .n , and wit h Wilmington ajttd Weiion Train treai ta Worth at ftMp.m. . , . Trail iwDmniwim w. w. Train Voduo Ronlh. leaving Oolilal Kiro at4ii4 kti d T-40 p m , with W. 4 W. Train bonnd h'rrrtb, leaMMi (ioldaboro at 5:4A D.m.. and win. K. A 1 Train leaving Goldaboro ft i:00pn. i W. Dnnn,' Superintendent A WEEK'S READING FREE ! FOR SIX GOOD FAMILIES. tH'inI j i . .in i' ft' hI the nftmr i.nrl address of fire j.- i ... ii;l,Ur or frit :i l on ft pnstaj n"i 4 il ill (Tve 'or ynuraelf nd cijufilcin aspcjuntiicopy erf THE GREAT SOlTIIERJi WEEILT, 1 he , " AHanta Consmution." oort ru.-i ! --i.li a M Fameat Sketcata al Hn Plaa tabaa Darky. "BUL IRP-S" Hkinmwm teri ior ttx Naaa aa4 ltt tlaaa.-' "BCTtT H1MI1 TIMff aaW THREE HUMOROUS WRITERS t,tnra toM at "Craofcar" Baatact Xfmr Blarlaa, Skatskew mt Trnnl, Xamra, , Feeau, Tma, Aattrea, TfTJae Jawra. - The - Bnaafcalrt, Caiiaii I A WaiM at taatraotlaw aant Eatwtaaiaaaat I .Twlv raa. - The Brichteat and Baat WatlUf, Plum every aMnber of Die Jfamily. tvn wTat'Wi ji jttiti!oft, fie t AMraaa, Tn CowariTi TKm. AUaatav Oav 3V, II. .JPElWEATi TONSORIAL-IRTIST, Pararmally tn attendance at lata Hatrrjmvttng and r'.avirn palnot) the Oaaton Hrmaa ay-ib ir workmen and naw fnmlmre. r .. Mjnon la aatarad to uom who patron" a tuur IIOLEStlLE IK O'JJS SECTION WITH THE AGENCY FOE Brewing Company's Lager Beer, Porter, &c For Hard Tiros. i- .J DEM01RI:ST'S" 11H;STHATI 0 V.OMI AU(iAlil:' With Tflke Cul Per Pattrrnt cf jour u d eletton and f any inu Both publications, One Year, S( .."( ) (.Si x ' l i i ). FOREST'S THE Of ail tli) Wi. RES f-VlIIH'S. 'ONIAININO Stor... I', , ..,..,!, Iher I l.rir, ' vltrartionf. conte. .iiikj Art..! Sf.n.l tic mi Houteaold mtrltra. 1 Illuttrtilrii trirl, I), ,.,i.,l Tn. ;- jli.0 if i..rrurj, MiftAn.fy .r ri.. io,l I f Kn. h Mmfa.m." . ' iil.ti:.. :i i'. 1 ill I i:l( inlKlllik llje l. I . i I.. 10. m i.. 1 1. n I aw i-atc Bits ill am i. n. i in iimi in, i.ii.. i uii.l iii A N V SlK I l M 1 1( I :s I - M i N II I I i t,,MI. ,i,i i . '!"' " ':'"' M 1 M.vy.i.i... I i" i'lii:.. i ia i .1 . 1 1 , , i 1 il , i' , 1 , ... .., I n 'Hi' l.m -.-.., I I II i ...i.liim..l! ln,i-i , I i i ?r.'." ''.'"'.'vVL t" jiiuJi. -ul i- ..i.l .u Nnitiane '4 THrymfwTin HiWi I rf . tfl !, . V iliiuith jiriiiti-.l u n-1 full, 1 1 1 ufft i ii hi -1 ITi. ii-U- l,y V J-iiiiiiiK li-ii,.,iit, i '--n. ...ir..ll lirii.1,,1 .....I I. .11. ill., .1 I-... - I - - N0 l"V RPtCIAL ACRIEMCNI COM HI N t U O WITH 1MI DAILY JOURNAL al $6.50 i'.! ).-; 1 SMi. Iifvrpor'kfufT 111 II.. l-ri inl.i-i Miriiliri w.:i I -.'ii -1. i... ' iuii t4 Vvna .MliArfr Mi.aai MIKI (MHHIIIIS nilM'l, rlMI WlfcllK ( H'(ii1hoii''8 novi Mr. HO elli1aea SnniBier hoidunu il e inri tni.fll plre in rurreiii at ri i. iicimhi v.., j nn iliPiunl) levernl uiiiiilxtn 111,11 will be j fi.ll ti .1 l.y aerial elorli-e Inmi i . I'. Hm. k in. i unit Mrs II. M. I'lalh. A ti w edit. -i in 1 .1. .. i '.in.-iil. (llariiHa'liK n.pl.'N eutii hh-.l i . 1 In i .. 1 1 nil 11 eml umwl Aliierui..itil Ki.r. . will l-c ."iitrlbuled liy W . 1 . I i" 1 1", I -K i n nliiK vtuli the January niilnl.er. Tim Kri iit Vtil iF r4to(pajiereaklimililiai.eal $ Bf(My. atiil di-plclmu e bnrnclii1.!.! Ic fiiu mm I lli-i :i r i i-M-nt i, Hie ) i at w II I In I hi' ill,. I 0( A mrrlean anctoty m wen at oar it-n iik plcrisr-n. resorts wrltu-ii t hniirn i'i, ',. Wuinor. and llloatrali d liy ('. s K Uiharv. I III- ... II 1 II . 1 1 (' Will 1 1 VC (' l .11 I H I W II 1 I ' , : i l ' a ..... h,.,-.. L..M., h, ii,. i,.r A nier. iriin Milli-is. Hii.l Uluiilliilcl ! -it . 1. 1 A lul l li'l.n ill I li-'f. IIiirpor'H I'crioil mii U. f , A it:.il:9aH yJ 4 . t J.krciaci i.ji ll - IIA.AH ii 1 ijLo ri-.ut li ii Kjfsii.rN mil am: l.i . to " tar tr2 Nu Mi I i - ! Itt nil ill l.ar i .!' r Canada. nwMn i!i i 1 i i n4 Uie IVfatfABv' ' r June una 1mtiiiI ai.,-,, o tUu.)ak.pecml. it will l,ft. ... 1 tJ!lTb'" iiU j'erl.M ihattka auUfrilier w H o l.i- I w- " ' " "wrHall 1:1' (Ii Hie chrrent Nnnili. r. ; A nil Ue-orge ". Cabl 1 oluinea of Harpei a MnKni.lne f- i i ; i-b liHch, In neat cloth t linliun m : ' mail, poaijiaid. on rfioljt ol t ' m nine, cloth raie, f,ir hindlnK, w - , i hy nial I, post p Id. I" IIrMT'H MMKH7.IIIO. A Ij llRhi 1 li Rl. i nl. an.i riftRBiflid, l.r (.lunit-e 1 to - i.k'vo, irona-jmieA MKi.lw Jura. 11, -in, t ioitj. 4 On, . , t iiinces Kliimhl made by TVit-( 'fTlr-e . i 'r.ler or 1'raft.. to a vol.1 rlianre ot loan. . t-pa pent are not to w py t h 1 Rd ert ine- 1 without yie ejtpr "tArltk'i bttoi preaa orilcr ol llnrpt r A Bi treat MOTHERS. Kew York. a 1 .-a. ii v uuuvugiii v U-i til v a ia l A1D DIXIE FARMER. 44th TEAR. The Orent Farm, Induttrial and Stock Periodical of the South. It embraces in lta ronatltaenev the lutein- arrpt, propaeeaive and avifaataatUBi auft)aitto wqi t f iry auctaUed.' ffl mraiera or am aeeAm.ianid aa an adver taung medlnra for tne JM ercTian t, Maan fart n rar, ilnel Jialaor nd im(a'U Mas, tn AJnaatrMuv umcaaAt,t.u 1 paejodlf5kMily emplored lp ftaoolnmn AdverttaetnaatVperlllBe, t ! ' . M 1 Bobatorlptlon, per annual. tlJJO. drew. ; " (JLL, IVATOK pub. CO.. P. O. Drawer I. ATLahta, qa, Pw Bara Wawklf J CWaa ! vatarr aM raw l aalvmatc. (a,T ap25ewtf COHlttlSSION HXSCJIAliTS, NEW BERNB. N. C. fcblKw , . llOUOu D AND MANUFaCTUBEE OF Ginger Ale, Sarsanarijla Buffalo Mead. California Tear Cide Etc., Etc. 1,0TT1JN(, in No .'i ( .110.111,1. , M. :r, I M ii, uf .icth BKADSTHKE'rs, T: .Cr, 'mt.m tnd Mlic Ecomaty. Till Hum a I ii M 1 i. I I i I ' 1 M 1 ' A N V , 'V.l)..Cil .A ,.l'al .in.f-e'ini . . r . I . . - iM , U.-i rj l.t ;o , "' ' ' . li. ui M-i(lUe r i u. 1. 1 h'ltr ; . . i . . . .j.n I r ' in i.K mm, ir. i ii .i ,i, ,, . ..ii :.isvi i:i.i:i,s. . w ir n. pnrt, i,:ni ,1 )., nn-t .i.i.t- : u i 1 h 1 1 .ii -M I I I 1 1 . 1 1 IHl 1 IIVM, I. u i .Uiumkiin- in ,d i..r J ihat,.ny liearlnv ii..- n.-j. in i.-all. lineVllKiHi.R T.iiiiiermw iiidii'li , Ii, ,-,,,,., ,.., Hl.ieul.e- . ,,i : . . m, . i ,, 4 i, . , ,. -i,. maikt'la rni- .1 I,:,uuv T,, iW a,iff? n..nmin i WUfca. i. ,1, I antorafifen . innef 1 I , I, I . . 1 I . . ' k . . I ..... 1... i. ... "" w - w i 1 1, . , Fi i nu . '. imllllral liartlea ui nwipiifil ,i,pr, l :m ll.i' lu.il In f i lie vt luile couu- ii i.-i-i ..I 11,1- I II. , I " I II :..-u.....l .;, ,t II, I'I'I" I . : ' - ' -I I,." , ll . .: i, : - ' -i.i m inan i newi , i. I. i in. e m m 'In i I i. vj.ii'i (.-. V wfcti 1. 1 u veav roif - iUrADSrKEETOa: FOR 1885-86. I t. n, ii r V, ii Mi- ; 1 1 1 r M : i, . JH- W ai 1'ajiei k fi lBrB n IHtiA leM-nvty frf" n '' '-"(ii, i, iliti iui:i.iim a n hwiai . ... ..... i,j in,-, ui-i,r.1( .ml an lrvuiai ion or re Oiah 'ioe.W oplta Moi.il.l, . ,,.- o.. Ai(Mi Wif feattri-1 for Hie I WI ey.mluK vnlum t-iul'i i ijuiiiel li in i:iiin win. ii,,- i The W ar lapert l! (-nr.l Uisa(aw others . IV wa,i aw 4aana,riavali .. ". ncmi (mi, papera In- - i" .' "' i e nan lea of Challa ""' t..l.-n.eaa. t.eneral Alcciel -'' ' ' 'I Anlieiam. (jtiuerwl u c i.td.B..- of ii. revAna Hul4 Ka. eU.. flf Narn, ,l,;.i. n.i,,,!,, llt tH.t ' He k.',.rwi..Ke ,,, , ti.e A iHl.ama, l,y offlcera of 1.1.1 I, M. I.. ill I... ,, WT1IM-.I "" """e mof ai-maoe andiptoiaf ,wai iH-ra cf an anexrJctal vr laVa Iftin..i.r a HI t K-aturea ol ite ea7 rear Serial tmia,,.. IWieV Fool ibU. Mr. lluarll a erlal will ha In lfca, L I than -rw Rtae f Mia Laph,, ' 1....IO , 1, ,,ry of mlDln )e al,,.. nov. inteoftheAoaaianaof Ixiui.: n( pn p. iau slave eon ikd fine.. inTi..lT in, ..im at.. , ua,,XSa ClUrt" i 8peraal Fe(ITWa ni.U",e'A,v'.'.r,'' 0,PlfT1m,e 10 Home,' iiiuairated lij I'enneli: hltorirml IXpara hv Mwar.l Ltrgiiaion, ami oUierw AI l-er.lS By b J. W. aWriTUSWn tronom raJ Ariir-i- , -f . . ' ' ' a Aei B4. tlVaVA rka. Baa Ban laa i.,. l ' . "-" uvea oi ranooi re- I cloua denominational I l-liKwtll.n. b v.rawAreUr"a7T Abort aiortea Py Frank R. Rtoekton, Mr. Helen Jul. i H. Hi, Mia. Warr lixliVytiolP flier Ham., Ii. ftiTValS" lepartaienta, onen IettrA rri ii m airiai hi akvt Tba Illaiatraalaaia ehl1:'., i J To " Jltn crlWfr"P. .TrB aplffer.orrenint.nc, n.a, " , , . EtLER