THE JOURNAL. IAJTZU KCITl C1ECLIX1 r j " ljalile..v;oc::s, yrw Err a. kov. s. .. m1 XrtiTtJ tii spmura Hills. S3! " ; KEWELfiSE,F.C f..Hl', W5! stAH. CLOSES. For Nortk. M tt and bocOi, via M. a R. K. at a M a. a. - .W.i tTii U-VU w y ,0- Dress Gecds ! Dress C::is ! ; AjucIob, Diagonals, Trieste, Sebastopol, Flannels, Bison. Cloth, Su-ipod Diagonals,' Ceahrerea, Henriettas, Ottomans, 6-4 Flannels, Plaia aad Fsucj, Berbers, Alpaeas, Cat Merino, Oat Cashmeres, Plais and Fancy Dress Goods all kinds, all styles, all prices an assortment that till ' astonish th mett hardened Might-Moor's eye. CIsakinQs More Than a Dig Line. We have a quantity of Cloaking Goods, and we are going to sell them sj UUpouibU. There i a chance for all t tare money if they oome to see ai before purchasing. Flushes!! Fringes! Astrachans! Fur -Trimming! Bead Trimming! Braids! Cloaks!! Hew Markets! Cloaks! Jerseys ! Cloaks! New Markets ! W always have a Full Stock, well aborted and bought Low for Cash, bnt oar Idaaiato pat a line npon the market as a leader. This year we have TWO GREAT LEADERS, OHESS GOODS AIID CLOAKING GOODS, having bought a large line of both while in New York at a Closing Out Sal. Our line of Prints, Ginghams, Domestics, Bleachings, Canton Flannels (Red and White), Wool Flamnels, Drills, t 1 " - s ForWMhiactos,8w; c k,Hvdeaa4 Beaufort OoonQoe. . 4 Wedasa daya. aaa Fride r a , aa. - fa Trenton, hx aa4 Maya- Tuia,aauT as 1.3,1 ar. t rt Oraatabgro, tr ivranl Van- Seeaare. oaut at I a. iu. - la l!aaT Order and L. firtered Lea ser I -ruoert.froia I a.m. to 4 p. an. la bepexviaecl ircj Vast at I . sa. . .. ' OOoa opea eonataotly batweaaJbeao aours ezoept what snails are ttaisg Hp- anawMaaraaat. m i ij, la fact all aitnawr of Piece Goods and Domestics to be found in a First Class Btora, we kaye a oompleW line. Five Hundred Fairs of WHITE BLANKETS, to he Sold at $L10 Per Pair, DcaV.Fiil To See It It Is Immense And Complete. Jla aoi aalj complete ia eyary particular, but is TWIOB AM LiBOS aa w hTaTerairied, aad we bought Shoea as we i4 EVERYTHING ELSE, from FIRST HANDS and FOR CASH. , T7e do a l&rge Retail BnaineM, and we appreciate it, and we eater for it, and we love to wait Ion our cuitomera, a awra thaa all, WO lOTe to please them, bat we hare a few jrorda to say to i elan of customers that have increased With US iron year to year aad these are Or Wholesale Customers ! W i ' , - - , . , TO THE WHOLESALE TRADE We say, that never have we done so much to giye them every facility for buying their Dry Goods at home. .We Guarantee T6Duplicate anything bought in Baltimore or any other market in less than case lots. This: is rno empty boast. Come and see us. A toachin story comes'frosi Ohariestoa. telling of one sorrow UM esae wits the. earthquake, or. vaiob bo newspaper mention has beea made. A letter to a Wall Street nan fires the unhappy ial dsnW A couple of yoanc foUol Br ing in a country hamlet a hnndred miles or so from Charleston were married abont a week before the earthquake's fury, and they were1 enjoying the Bret days of their honeymoon in a visit to friends is1 Charleston when the terrible disas ter came. The croom whose name is Colbreth was hnrt some what, not rraYely, but enough to add a large measure of personal anxiety to the fears of Jiis.hiidp, who, naturally of a frail constitu tion, became mentally overwrought, and though the doctors strove their utmost to give her assistance, all efforts were vain, her condition growing worse asd worse, till with in a half week ins beanufnl gin had beoome, not merely emaciated and a wreck physically, but was as well so the doctors said hope lessly insane, beyond all possibility of recovery.. The young tiosband bears his sorrow ia dazed sort of way that promises ill, too, for his future seeming scarce ' able to comprehend what really has come to pass. These young people had exceeding bright prospects; they had money, intelligence and happy dispositions. Seldom has such gloom ever fallen on the blisses of a honeymoon. h.l arau a Turn Bast CUlvs in the world Tor Cuts, Bniiaea, Bores, Uloera, San Rheum, Fevar Boras, Tetter, Chapped Bands, Chilblatea, Ooraa, aad all bkia Erupooas. aad MsuivatT awraa piles. It ia guars Bleed to fire perfect satisfao- uoa, or momay raraaaea. rrteawoeata rar aaie ar Uaaaoek Bro It Ilonumente Tombs. M M kla4a Qry wui HolldUis wort in ITALIAN JtAUERl CAN MARBLE Orders will receive 'prompt attentkw " aatiafaotion guaranteed. . JOE E. WIU.IS. Proprietoi (SaoeMaor to Oeorj. W. QtaypaoUJ (Jor. BROAD ASD CRAVKti NEW BERNB. N. ( O. E. Is my authorized aicei. ia Kluston ma80-lvd Thosawho hare tried us for a suit always come sack to trade with uj again. .They tell as. That suit, you sold me a year ago was the best I tin bougktfor the money f; and I hare eooa to try yoaagaWiiJ M' 1 'u , 'i-nat u wbt we seep our customers r we do not agree to gire tnem aa all- wool suit at lLoOt that can't te done, but if you wul gire us. a reuoniLIe I price fot a spit we will give Jot your meney's worth. v t i j L f ; M "We have a nice Una of Suits at tlO.OO that will do good terriee. V v. rn.:A i-a-ti a t t: j. ,T- . T, We are agents for the Jas. Means $3;00 Baoe. A sew supply: Just reoeired ia But, BaL and Congress. . ,-- - V? - : ' . : Our Stacy Adams &. Co.'s Fine Bboea are the t best in the market, and are warranted t wear well as our customers will testify; ' j Our Stock of Soft and Stiff Hats is verr complete. We have a rood BtiH liat at 12.00, late ttyle and will wear. Boy's Polo Cloth Hati, 25e. to 60a. We have a nice stock of lladerwear. all b!em an ta Ifl. I -Full Un4 nWnnl. ieu auu iueriuo xi. hobo. ' . . ...... "Our Boss" COo. Shirt has nerer been equaled ia quality for pricea it: is as good aa some cell tor 11.00. All sises in Pleated Bosom ShirtsV " 1 jxice fresn stock of Uogsiin u loves, Tie, Dears, Hosiery, Celluloid aad Linen Collars and Cuffs. Trunks, Valises, Tourist Bags, Shawl Straps and Ttleseope Valises. Carpets, Bugs, Oil Cloth and Door Mats. P.arrafa m Aa latU mwA 1iVa1 Be sure and sec ns if in need of anything in our line. HOWARD & J0ITE8L , WILLIAMS1 FAST FREIGHT LINE, STEAMER ELM CITT AND BARGE JENNIE REED WEEKLY BETWEEN HEW BERNE, N. C, ud H0SFOI1, VA' Leaves New Berne, Monday, 5 o'clock, P.M. Leaves Norfolk, Thursday. 5 o'clock, P.M. Wtajt. Ill urutMit Urtm r bit y 11 ftAX The anderslcned. Wsa. Q.TemDle. bat dulv qoaUfltd aa Administrator of the estate of AJoaao i. WbllltOT.aDd aerabr elves DOUr Mt be veqalive all peraoos bavlae elalma alBMUiaatMe(Uaald AleoBOj. SVMte b4 trant them to the aald Wn.I. Temple, duly Mthaatleated, for payment a or before the IIS day of October, llC. or iMuuaaouoa vutaapieeaM inxaroTr- Wh Q. TrMPLK, aevtlfw Administrator: aa Bfonauarouaa, 1 . ' ' I unM uautr. ) snperio conn, ra ma moraar or near. i m.ianu OaedlaaorOraellear,eU.t rropatur. t testae Jedgaaeot la above named theOoort tha SWh oaf naa.1 wUI Ml at Pnblte Saotioa at 1 hum ib nevbera, on atOfiUAY. of NOVEMBKK, WM, at TWKLVSe aloek.M, the taaovaproe. One ahare of the eapttal atoek or A. m M, ; Everybody will be waited , upon, and we promise there 'shall be no OTinbKnffwlien they take time toexamine their purchases. : Very-- truly' yours, y- 5 (D rn-n . .11 i tv aBaUroad Oompony; the lot af Sand, aad brick aiore toeraoa. altaatad ba . Pollock street, vast of the offletd of Dr. -Daffy, aha same oeina is ft.UK timh mil ttv 107 Inebee dna Turn roc the said stock, enah for tha rami estate, oao-haif eaah, baianoeon a eradtt et twelve moauis. with latereat. K. MKAR, Onardlan, By Qaaaa A Sravaasoa, Attya. ' aid Notice. The udataicaad havinr qualified as executor af the cerate of Kra. V. A. C. Dudley, deoaaaed. harabv eives aatioe to all peraoos boldlaf clainas araint bam eaute ta preaetit them m or be fore tha let day of October A. D. 1887. or this notice will be pleaded iafcarofl taetr reoovarr. 'AH paraoaa indebted to said estate are requested, to settle weir laaepfaaaaas. . L. H. Cctlxk, Executor. fsepSw INVEST ONE CENT Par a Postal Card and send for a Piwa Ram. ptojOopy Of THK DKTBOIT VRtM PBEHS, aBdaCataJoatMof their treat Premium and OomMnatloa OrTera. A rareebaneetoaeenra aa abandanee of the eholeeat reading matter f t;-;' , .T f r - . , -siiin.t i .nl tfimtfcM :'f 1 ' ' .""-.'V -- - - tan WEK1CLT blTBOIT FEK P1UES8.' Coonecte with N. Y., P. & N. B. R. Co. for all points North. (JUICE TIME AND LOW FREIGHTS. 3. V. WILLIAMS, General Manager. -Hew Central Hotel, 9 tr AaaB&t Batxm m Hocsa), stexrtliTroiit Street, New Berne, N. si. awhrfcB.8iri pvepMetor, Offers spejaoamaaw omawrdal Cuisine or anperler axesllaQoa. r umnibua- ana bacaasa waxoa at all tie ted. ateasier.! ? . . NOTICE. StaU otaaU Carolina, i Craven County. Offlee Clerk of the Superior Court. Take notlea: That I have this dav luued leaana SeetarlBC Oeorta P. M. JUall, Wm. H. UaU. James Hadmond and Alan. It. Hnlinn and their aneeceaors to be a eorporeUon for uia purpura ana aoooraing to inetarmapre- aonDaainaruoiMaxaKraement niadandre corded laaaiAoatca. li'he eubaiaimf of aald asreemens biavaald paruaa deal re te baeome lneorporated onder the name 'Newbarn and Snow Bill Line," for carrrlns for fraiahtand hire, kooda, waraa aadierohandlaa, and all woa o, Broonoa, ana asm rjaaaeacera, from a iestl palate m tbe Naoae and Trent Rivera and thatr trlbntarlaa and Oontentnea uraek, in eaid State, tbe principal puoe of onaineea mum ewera: to aontinn so rwmiw; me amount of ajipiuu to pe Si,UUV.Vu, UiU mtx day ef September, A .D. im. . JS. W. LAnflUiXKK. ' Vtork Snp. Court a30-30dn Accident Insurance. The , Preferred IMutiial Acci ' ' dent Association Polioy -carried for $19 yearly. Pays weekly benefits, $25. Loss of Life. S9.00. Loss of both feet or both hands, 15,000. Loss of one foot or one hand. 2.500. Takes noas anl fareremd H.ka rhaivaa bo annual dace. - ' -T Ha Ucitid SUtcs Vrntcil Ardent iss OoU til or mora er year, and la ease of loss m umo or iimoa. Davaoniv asm. and h.n any of their r lake become ebtma.the xh.r. acterlH all rlake ta -that eemmnnlty aa "de- eiasaiT nnaatianewry." legardieee of their eharactef or atandlng. ' ' For SAFE. CHEAP. SATISFACTORY utstuancaj, apply to ' ' z " W. B. BOYp. Airent. , Preferred Mutual Aocident Assoc Vii DB J, B, CLARK, (jSTti jilt.-:-.: if ' " Tirt 0KXAT Douab f " IT5-. : : ' ' as sfost Beadabie, Vlvadoaa aad Original . i . - i oenpapera. t ' Pennine Wit, Pnre .Hnmnr, "ntrta!nlnt fcaeit)ea. Anww, iwifr, 7 phtpI. 1vo maoe and I nrarv Avioftiie lili.t (irour, i f V mora rf - ' " i . Oenlu and Hfoown. . .yti n$ X X' , RBWBKRJI. S. O. OCaee oa Craven street, between. Pollock weast i Y IrU 14i it i i ;M KEV7 : KA1TA0ERS ! ri the icniiosi'Wiiio,': reeentlr mrebaned bv a atock oonnrnr.'la aow belna pnbinbed bnder tbe Kiliorial management of lonx A. W. C. owlln and Abner Anderena. Mi both of whom bava been for aome feara connected with tlie press of Wile ttAt, - ' In poUn'-a the TThio fll be Demfwrntlo, and no nort vrlil be ei'ared to make tbla (ournal what It was lnfoimer rears-. The Leading Kewvpaper la Virginia! if"u aT.tefl in pm-y ennnty to Irhom libtMi -nan -let', 'tl. tiwiirii ' -el on rp!itloTi. (nkii ii a year, fcliorter time In 1 1 . . . , oiAj. crrrrnrirx.n. GEORGE WEfti THE CLOME Opens the Fall Season of 1886 witaiMr Thfi Finfist Stnnlf nf Rlnihinnr - - - ' - -mr m w w W WlwaillllH Ever Exhibited in any One Store XIV IV JEW BEK3STE, and respectfully invites the inspection f buyers. The garments are made of the newest designs in Diagonals and Oassimerea and finest Corkscrews in all colors and shades, c And are Unsurpassed in Fit and Make-up. Oar Silk Pique Block Diagonals are something new and admired by all. ; ii i.i.r) l In HATS we have a most complete and varied assortment, running tbe Youman block in stiff goods and the latest designs in soft Lata. Our Stock Of NECKWEAR contains the latest novelties. Our em broidered "Largo Tccks" in evening shades and dark colors are the very latest and very handsome and genteel. A Full Line of GENTS' UNDERWEAR, white, colored -And striped, at very low figures. OUT CAMEL'S HAIR UNDEHSlTlTfi are atrial 1,.U. .,! ticularly well adapted for our climate. A Big Stock of LADIES AND GtNTr BkoXS&t all prioas. Our $3.60 Seamless Genuine French Caltlin Shoe ia Bala, aad Conrreas are the best in the country and fully wertb. OOi'uS full guarantee given with every pair. ' An extra ordinary large stock of Calfskin, French Kip aad Whole fitoek Boots, that wdl be sold at astonishinglow figures,. , ..; :.. ,: , Ji, Our "Opera Boof" finest Fresh Calfskin with Morocco leg, Ward well flexible hand sewed, is just the thing in gentlemen's drees boots Also, a full line of Dress Goods, Domestics, Shawls, UmbVsllas and Notions, &c. A Specialty Made of Boys' and Tenth's Clotlilntv ; Our Prioes are in accordance with the Times, and whilst we can suit tha (WAsI aaf! J!ah l .1 A 1 1 . . - - uua. oi,iumuB, uavo caierea in our selection W tsoat ofi TCrXuasun ' . :t -.ik.U t-iitti22iu For the full worth of your money from a handsome and bran new Pall Stock call at r I r-J Auit 'itT GE0EGE ASITS. Middle street, next to L. 17. Cutler's.' ' iy I have no connootion with any other store. ' 4 '; n l '1 DA1L BROTHERS 7 WaI:o, . V 1 f VIV W w I Dm H A Vx?V REMOTE D TO TUEIB f - TWO STORES, SOUTH OF'THEIR FORIElj VtAKS311? And keep of PI.OUB. MEATS, COFFEE. bUQAR, ITirTM f MOLASsfcS. SALT. TOBACCO, SNUFF AND CI OA it, an Terrthlne In tbe OBOCEKY LINE, a TUiJ STOCK aad mi. LOW r RICES for CASH. .Mh i!!?:riTf-AV,i-M'- J The) mot pnmiUr Wtrlv rsiwirnrw i)swo"p ' Jtoftijea tBobanieavainKiDrfringF discwei iax ttv Dtinna and pavtenUcvnrpuhtiabed. Evsrryvnro pst tHatrml4d iriih fjplwfird narrawiniF. 'i htm sejhlMmimn tnraabaBaoit walownvtcel'niOi en loionnauoD wnion do person annuia r wit noosv Tb) prrpaaariiy of th bcicimrro Amvkicj, if tbfU iw circulation DMrip qasva of ail - , ILLCSTUATED, , , aoch i Oti of it. ciiu oon-tt roi. I n-. S''a a i' fn A CO.. Pablubcn. ho. a . roa all Dfwaaoa'srf. - wa, la. T s r- h47 rtirfa J hawa i"aicsja4 r ('T!P I -f ( "'-U! ID I IIBr , i. .rtrt a - - .t . l iut& tt rd ftrsi " osjntrSsasa ' ( imn, lit , lotiw-r s .tav - A t Afnt. d r rs t -r: i 4 m ..g t iawentnr-B ti' T I r. '-., 6tav rP ! i. Fionas, ii-erroanv and ttb rfirD -ovt ,(-, arsa pro at short BOtieanf) on ramfc swnna I iinrmatioo a t htainmi frt; Ffjiwo witbosst ebargA. j -tf,-i .matiAB saat fMa. it thwvww n kuna A Ca. sara nrttirad in tP rVn Amsrru sa fre. Tb dwanl Of b rotr Vf! ornsrwtond tr aUi pWaWast) wis wtA4 alafw mm of ifittr Pnit, - -- .. 1-- M abroad way, rav i 6 f ' atPa ROEHRTS I' IIE1TDEES01T New Berne, IV. CJ. Only first class Companies rcpresen. ed in . Ere. IL'fi:! i::!! t::- :;::. Tctal Capital over rc;'.T lJ;:::.ons o J 1880 rrnr f i simi Wcsnv has wj.fht Wire thaa llng UteMratl erk)r nen.p!r In America, with roniDt lnmc.Mf ju , aranrand ertMIe rMoun. it I. t0r I tor toe enanlDg yr auranton umuJ 1 br any pravinq voima.mbroln. !-wL!T flard. aaieuir tea fonnn.t it. .., ' . ' - ' ... -.y uu uit mner dt m r. w I Ur Ka l one me moat r nlrll. .t.i v . .. elhtU; arapolaUIu.ratlwu aB...uj Z Tl,ZlT.rla euaeouonaof m. nirr or th bemt wrlun ui .... ... . Jgh aUiirtth oa the faiw u,, o, W i-fir!TTJOM wb0 S"''s a trout on h t b..h loal guide, an antefUHnln, nl U,.irurt.vB family ioum.l miri . ... ... wmvum . u umsi i urn 10 ti&rper't W irm. ;;T, Urprs -rerio(llcjU,f AT HAappR-8 wrrrtT,.. HA RFf II H H a 7 a u HAFPt K S 1 n i'T" BUKH H'S 1 1 . N r. I . xsKAa V, Oua le.r (... Slate anad,11 ,Bbcr,ber a tba V t ' w d Br' Nnii i-r t- r J , . ,. , , t a ii":, o:..t-r. Dc.'r.-s. Jar.Clily

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