A-'.'L'JteW THE JOUENAL:! aIA7HTJ(ft 4B4W 1 H O.I lt; .... v o - a. a. Sgp,tUll can m af N&titf$&Un& 'to' give a list S&m- Mtjraiqns ; if we did we should ml ai laid ftiti 91 toJ'0 a - cxtra ttilli Sjpejed and sufficiently ropresentativ billjrhjch we commend .B'H BrWSs C hmerp,-prt wool, for 10c. ff anywiaa ffln Fins Dobaiie ttw KetaJtW. " an Infection.' , ov t n .n , vmww kjciuc, iu iuiuca niuc, ;aiuui o iiair nt'rgcM, r rtni'ii t laiil Cashmere, Striked French Bilk and Worded Hair .Mixed Cloth. InfBItJLCIS 6pODS we Lafc all wool and Camel' Hair Snniugs and Bergfc, jbrahfCaiAimiyrbs, etotJ etc , among which i a half wool duuhle width Cashmere, nice looking, for '20c. per yard. Se our: JJeavy Black Silk. Then look at our Black Satin Rha4amie. Wraps for Ladies and Misses, Walking Jackets, Jersey Jackets and Dolmans, made of houole cloth and other fahricn, are cheap. Our Hosiery Stock I complete ami very low. Wo rcalizo that times arc hurd, have In. light CU Btook at bottom pricis, and s ! 1 them very elope. We nav Ong the thousand things :6JL CorsetSrGloves, Ladies' and Children's Vests, SMMrefs Buttons, Gimps, K Fringes, Etc., Etc., Etc. atrial; if we don't sui you both in price and quality it won't be tonr fault. 0 .1 'k 1 I .. lit . 1 u I i n We are the only parties that sell the Ocictrakd-Diamond Shirt, Collars and Cuffs. Wa think them better than any other f 1 .7 C') 1 ..II :Tbut'lrie0rids -in the country and city we wa V. wi' lu-"i" ' ' ompayeirajre very anxious to have your tStfcSSm in this city for ; .vui; ii:;i. .K"-' ,Vw,l,.' j1 BISe 'sellrgood goods at hard time pnces!?it you : want Fine or Common Goods we fMOU VllVJW-.il ' harothem.' ' '.nlWlilMIII uThen failiat class of our friends, the .iolesale Buyers, wcTrould.say 'wft wish you all the success p6ssibIei"ahU'- will - sell you goods Very, very chcap:but unless 'you can pay the cash spot .X. ".(.,.. i!u' i. If 1,'I'W t ''i - . - - .. .- . ,m i-l..i.a'.p3 J.f -(' T our .frooda .too Close to louii (W,ir..il .f.A.M xt'. . . . ..ivfii Wv'l HHtft J Mm -i i'-"!"- ' .-"THn':a Ui in Ci " - I ) Fo rcrpeciiull if tc dcn't'selLyou it ii. i x i - ' 1 fjc . ' , r ro not cheap. t 1 . .tutijii r ' advertising ; but here to your attention, Goods. per "yard, in nice blades, worth 20c. and tUicr dreas poods at remarkably - TlUn In Fine Goods wo have all too numerous to tuentiou a full li you can And in thin market. 2j -l"Af'!':!V'.-.':1 ' ' ; sea mem on unit;. i c- won't be because . bur "- .' v T "i " " 7 .y9 ' T;t;r'; : i li-- t ii. i x ,t I , r1 S 1 .!!:. i 1 It ImprtTiBf Ottoa LaaL Please tell me lov beet to im prove my cotton laud. I manared tpe present crop villi 200 poandi I oia pooepnate, 100 pound! kainit, I fitteea bnahela eotton seed ud fif-1 teen bafihels aUble nainra to the acre, mixed by Farman's formal and allowed to stand eight weeks in heap. In February I tuned nnder the atalka and with them a fir mauaring of swamp mod, woods mould, lime and Iresh salt, and on this bed put the acid phos phate, etc., just before planting. ;How mui li acid phosphate (should I put to tin- acre m'. 'ear, and what other maunie witb it t Land is ;lcel and easily ill anted with good 'ciay miLimiiI. llajs boeu cultifatt-d I 1 II IT f i in i 1 1 1 ti . .r uv .i .. i t I. ,ilb . i i, u jiutn 11 i v 't on jcujo niiu but hlllc uianuio. 1'at bcatou han Imen unfavorable, will make about j li,"0 Hies, hut per acre Will thank juu tor any riutgeetion in cult i ivating and uiautiriiig cotton aud corn on such laud 1 Y., 1-aieii- tou, M. (J. I An.swkk. Vou could not do lit-IIt-r tli in tii ifMii'.if fur ativural ijcars what juu did the present 'i'i'1.' '"U '! SIIIIO (HI. Illl It It's c .value Liiuls ami ol inantins. It woulil In- lirttei 1. 1 I ; . 1 1 flops; in .stc.ul ot planting cotton eotitliai ul , on in lp;lit loilow with e.nn, lollow col ll Willi oalti. and oatis with cotton. Manure coltou and coin a aloe; the oats might go uniuauuied, but would be better with manure. One hundred pounds each of acid phosphate aud cotton seed meal per acre will help the oat ci o decided! . Sow iein cotton In Id iii Align-! or Sc) ti in'.ici, and linn under in spiing when getting leads lore, iin. Ncer leave laud 4 1. 1 1 e t hi on ' !i I lie mt cr. ,.,.,',. n Citltn ,,t.i N II. I' IT WAS I'ni;. At a school examination a del g in a u a.- descanting on tin- ncces-ily ol growing in loal and ir-clul cit! en-. In oidi i to gic emphasis to liisicmalks lie pointed to a large llag hanging on one side of the .school loom, and said: ''Hoys, u hat is that llag for V An urchin, who understood the condition id the room better than the spcakd s rhetoric, exclaimed: "To hide the dirt, sir !'' K. R. JONES, W'liolcaiile and Ki t.nl Dealt r in CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES A.M General Merchandise, 1JAGJIN2 AN1 TIKH, Ktc ConsiirnnientB of Oraln, Cotton and other Produeo solieiiod. l'rompt Altentlon JunrHiitred. N. W. Cm si.nith Front arjit Middle SU). i : w i!i:iixi:, n. v. A FINE Florida Tonic. Mr. FOSTErTcHAPMAN. Ouo or Uie landmark! of thaOcoirta Drug iraue, now 01 urianao. r linn, vrue: "1 ran hardly Balent a (Ingle nta of tltu many lo whom 1 hv oM Gulnu's Viomtfm Blsad H.wrr, l,ui what have beaut mul'lienl. anil 1 fl u.I 11 the brat rflnt-dy for All Hkln 1 Ht,a I bnvvevar mil, and a Klne 1'lorMa i'ouic. "I'otTER P. CHAl'MAN. "OMamio. Ha." A Certain Cure for Catarrh. A SUPERB PIES 11 rEOIlim 1XD TOMC tJmlna'a Plom.ar Bl4 RtHwrr CnreiMlt Blood and skin DlaeAMa. Rbeuma llam, 8oromia, old lore. A perfect Spring Medicine. If not in yonr market It trill r fnrwanJM on receipt of prtoe. Hmall bottlee tl Oil; largT 91. T6. Ii'aeay oo Blooa and Bkla Dteeaae t malltuj free.- u tr,J- : .n fl : I For salrf VhOlemltf' and"retsil, ty R N. Dorrs, Nw Baisa, N. 0. . , N0TTOE. The nWiteratf iMnlj Wm. O.Trmtta,1iM txtlf qaaUfied ai Ad mini lira tor of tbe aetata ot AlonsoJ Whitehead. and hereby glVeanotle that lie fenliee all person bavlne; elatm udfMtlluiialMiinlth.Bilil kmin wtitta. head sreeent them to Hie aalJ mG. J 1 Premple. doly anthentlcated, for Jwcj menvl' on or Deiore uie xin aay or lAHOoer, ivsi, cit etae una novce tu ae peaae un re oery.- Peretml Inderj to'the lektatt'rfiot pij without delay, tiai lw ft ' 'i,- '-. . AdmlnHtratOf . TAPIRS wanted to fet up Tea CI aM fhf wrr AJ Par Tea ana fJrfree. A btae f epfrrf rttAlaa to aelert fToreaa rnrnlama, rVndfof natrated Prtoe and Premrora Lie. iwml f Vr t tn .TPrv l.mili nArvnn thai artavara I j i mau orr Mil adyertiaameriA, we !!! eead fWe me potirid of choice Tt. AodreeAT It TH.A tXtl' FtK OO., BoeToX, M as. noZklwSm TTTANTED A Hve, enarrtl trwb, W ty 1 1 nwDtoa. " wr mi.nih.arx1 eirrei Coo.1. s Teiy ooe bnja; emltaad par- Uenlara free. , . r 8IAMAiJJ S:LVilWAKS CO B06T03. i awrvfty m m N II M. ! WiV X - -:- - " ' "MSk eST I - IN C'JNNLCTloN The Bergner & Engel Brewing Company's Lager Beer, Porter, Sc I KEEP 0' JlAl) A FT'l.L I.l.Ni; OF VIHES AND LIQUORS AT WHOLESALE, Whicb wilT be sold try the liarre (,' (JalLun at VhUa' LOW FiaUili: for CitU;' Cltlger Alt' etul U lit JUupOIted, aud (.upeiiofto all proour.iide 1:1 N :',.(..: ,r:, ,;. TilK NEUSE L TRENT RIVEP Steamboat Company W iii 1 mi 1 lie tuii s iu& i t a u H on i 1 8teamer Cutlci- I Will Wav Nw Ptne f'T ' rr- SrV li.'-aJt ..L t in., ar-.l i v k n s r 1 1 1 ut riMi r 11.. f' , 11. in 1 .-I,. . . i ;. : DiK. ltst e Tivut on v r T v r. n"! 4. 1 .Ula, I'-uciii; hvl Mil tf'J litt Steamer HiuBton. t;- u m1 r'er Jiitio lii. ISM. ret ir-M K 1 : Lun v ., bv JvllvJalU J - r i W lt -l i-i-evt iv MfWi.lB v Hii.l 'Wuirft'lny Hi " n , , . U u , 1 i ui in i h, h ill ica ve r w Bi 111 ry I lies- , .lux ttu.l I imI.i.v k;. i i t.i; ul J,.x . 1() 1 ,rJ I kimI -ourli ul it ll U ml n . a - ti S :)w i 'mt. (Htaji- up Hi :i inl rt ill hU'.iturr Mifli i H nrHijt i, f l m' ' ,1 1 'i i 1 1 . ' i i i -It 1 1 1 1 1 1 J ! ' J" M N If )IAA . M .Ntw: i ru. w I MjMi. K :iiiii. P ll A lo. i h, 1 wlli'lm : : i I T. VV 1 I KON . -Tit HI Tl , :.!.!,! J . V QriNrm r, Joi:jr nil y n i. J li .iii, tjuuhir llrtiln''. J X. W J' I a,t;UM.aiMIt. TIMETABLE. -f tfn si-- 1 i V V Atlantic N. C. Ruilroatl TIM IS TAliLJC Nv. J lu Ktleet 57 P.M.. Suudiiy, 1SSG. Till No H t ' 1 ' 1,1 f Is,, bti- I'uMMHiger I 1', HHC'Ityt'l I TATI0N8 Arr. L't A It 1 I I . 1 w 6 (ll (lohl.b.Tc 5 il la 1 1 1 an y t .'OiK.iBH,a,.. ..i... 8 :i VfW Rurne. ft IT tt H h VS lu a I i si m r. . v ,1 K , . A a. a. illol, IimmJ ( l!j , r. a "Datty rep,rfiinil:iv. : t r i -W kM EAST NO I aimeFrt.ai Paai.raia. j N o, 2. it, a STATIOHS. ? I'aaa. It Zraut Arr. A . I 09 KM ou S 10 1U 1(1 M 11 IW li r, it w i si r. . r: A. U. I 7 SI I OoMtboro,. IWa. : Arr. i - 1 t. I I a I V7 Be. I'. . V4 S2 N M La Oratife, Kalllny t'rieh.. Kia.ai daalL ... Dorer. rfere Oraek . Tetcarera a u i st a C( 0 UI 10 10 11 1.1 11 42 . 1 1 V'l ill ll 1 I'1 1.1 I J 1 . I 1.1' I t.lt I J l I I :- I ll it m I'larke'a I Kewbern. I JI Ttienlay, ThntViAnyHTirt s'h i hHmi-. " tMnTiday. Wedne iln uml 1-rl.:u . Train Sfi eonnecla with WllmlnEitm it rl don Train In 'mil Nonh, It-nvnin iulM,n. 1):SS a. in., a.iil with lUiIinmnil .t ll r: villi Train W fat, loavlng (Joldabtiro 11 .'. n. Train 61 roaaati i W Bttsruniit itrltV Trala,arrivia att)llekeeo4:4ir''Tti", nnrtwltti Wilmington and W tllun TraUt Uum "it North at tU tam:-! P f j. , Train t ermrlArtA wrttj V. f 'W.Tral n Nmn.i Sonth. leaving Qoldaboro at 4:.M ami 7:1' p in . wtlh W W. Train bound MoilU, itmlnu Onltlatioro at 5:45 p.ra., and will, 1:. A Train leaving eioldalioro at 5:00 p.m. W. Duna, . E. H. & J. A. Meadows, Commission Merchants 1000 Tons Kainit and . ., Quano , au Fof Trucli an4,rQti4,. :.T9P8. ppcctal attention given to the atlo ot OOTTJQS Bod QlRATjlJ . - Liberal advance made on Conalgnmenta. y Office at tjdaAer! Jetl6ck amJ M Iddle atree t an Union Poll t Ifwdd t Oabbaee. Kale. 8akhoh and Tnrnio sibfJ snoY bc ship i VKADOWO tSS CO. I I New tral-HdteV; J I - ;. rroxmaBIiT fiatnil HoDBBl i -w, .. .-j .5j . V.wn viTerl trpT'&l ldacm&iiU la earnxnarelal iseiw ei"'uU -a --rT , Pnlalna of ranarlMe a vnallAneaT ' .Ma913- Omnibna and baeaaure watrati Al ail arc: .ai etna r . . , -"-rlir NEWBEEN, H. C, WHOLESALE WITH Till; AGENCY loll u ci Tii' 1 1 ( ):::; DailiY 4oiii US. II'MLD ' cl i ;. :S T. ClI P. Mit i'L tl 'CAT ION-, G" 1 . . . ii (Sl ! 1 V Le.li, OR 11 ST'S - T ll E R E S Of ad tho IWagi2ine6. NtAIMWn tMorlt . Pein .nr tsr I il.r.. H. j;rh, J mil rll.vfr.lf- ( O . M":t-: t f b... it Mj,-., i, UrlliUU en lu I. n i , A. I I' I I 11 ,..,. ' I ' u f. -il 1 ; Munit- 4 noM '1' , ,v',.ri.v : i v i 1 1 , .Ml i.'-.l ,! a ! I I 1 Ci uiIji ll . 7'? i ift'i 1 1, i v " 1 1 i' ' ' 1. tai.l l I I ii,ti-l iiikI I ii. . ' i ' llM, 1 l V .ImiiiUIK l- - NO ''V hPLCIAL AGRttMtN 1 CCMLM fj MtUW IHL DAILT JODRHAL at $6.50 Per Yf I HHU. llarjicrs Magazine, t Li t S I KATi;i. I i'X0,i" rtulihar will bgln 'i . -'v. ' t ) . i y-t.uari Vu.uniaxifnA.injitfi Nl ..a. im i Mif. v w ii.ivi-1. l..,bt Ant", .s ui,. I ' Mr. 11'ijm 1 a "Jjiilian umiiifr - I...I.I.- :: i ! . ..rrnm,riitir In itim ni krrt i niitm- ,nn rtrTijlTm i rnr riTTiiiOrra nun win i..' ; ! I v. -I , aerial uli.l li'B ll.nu . . P. I1 n I mor. bi.i1 Mr ii. M. Cralk. A w ulinnul! a. luimwit. ulaeuaaiijg W;kn huks tftl i be lujiTei, I if erainre oi Aniaripjiaiiu rnw. w ill It r,mtrlbulil by W . ll. Hi, wells, lieiiln nii k unli Hid jRnuary nuniOir. 1 l,i' mi ml illi nu i-vi nl o( Uie yt-ar will lit- llu' iiil,ll, a I Ion ,.l a ai-rlea of pnpra taking 1 lit' olia.f ul a alt ,-) . ami ,le I. IlliK characlriallr It-alltrrt of Amei K an anolety aa aren nt our leatllng pleasure reaorta written by ( bar lea Hnillt Waini r, and llluslrautl by '. H llilnhait 1 Iii' Manajne will give tjK-cial ant-ui i.mi l. ' Ajnertt itn an bleota. treated b ihal i at Ann.r- nn wiili-ia, ttl.d lllut'iliilt-d I.J J. a. linn j avipt can artrttta. ltiti ptr's l'criiiilit vni nil ii.: m m ia.i .s i . i i. .- w 1.1 hl. I -'. K roiriniTwnJ,.- . 'Wrr.?rT'.ihr':!ti .' 1 , all Gut ri '.I , is v ,,r CunnuH. 11 I il l: ! . t t I P IJ aoiLilHaaat A, Maanalm i ..! 111 (,: S i une and lect nihrr il ra !i I y, :. . no time la aperi tied 11 will l,e ,1 .1 i at llu, anbarrllirr wiil.ts lol,,-- ir i ,. u.t . uireut Nnmbtr. l.)4i J iiinJr of Hrar Maainr' tot Ll.. ' . ; :s bark. In noat rioth bindain. w 1 1 lit. . Irv mail. pnaiDaitl, ,t,n recoil t gl M CMh, tMa. fi t tilndmc. k! yniall, Boat paid. llarprr'a Mnirnzlne. A Iplialx t ira I . :il. and t'laaalfleil, for oluinrs I t, r. irom June, : to Juie. Isso. ,,. I I' Mi. It do. in', a all, .ii 1,1 ' ( inn.lo by ,al -i ':' , r 1 r:i ft . to avoid rha in I :, . ' s ;i i e i.ot to r py 1 1 ; ! ; ,1 vi I : 'r lllie tiPl cfc uAtt toi liiMi-al A AtI4rafc. r ' Tnc Soithrn Cultivatoi " "T' 'Ab' DiitE FARlfF.n. , 4,1 Lb YEAR. I "a I t i Grent Farmt Indvstrial and Stock A Vomica tajr? r,e 5toA. , U7t It embrace In it constituency the lutein- rent, progreaalve and iulielantial, sucoeas- fai farmer of this section, and as an adver I tiling medium for the Merchant. Mamfactu rer. stock Kalaer and frofeesicnal Man, 1 aasouT-FLT mrQVAU.111. ' pcejaaiciouiy empioyea m ut column , UalwMrtouperatlVA,,. ,rt .,f.fi.--rr Werllfcealebis, rAtvriie.il ' JWV . I cuuecripiion, per anrtaar, vt.ou. itoh rllt co.; ; ! ATLAKTA, GA. p.o: New Btra W,Uk f'raai fad Caltl it' ate yearlaWdtae, i.T5 apiSuwtr W.P. BURRFS & C0, OBAIN AND J0TT0N COUMSSIO JHEClIAin'S, NET.' HI IN S, N.- ( i ftMrdwi JuJi. iii US LIQUOR 0 aCTUKEE a Ginger Ale, Sarsaparilla Henion Soda. Pear Cide i;oTTLl.. iiKADSTKKKTS, "I l-'Ik .Ki k tt. : . n. : mi ii, j m i Mi nnnillf I uMiMiug, a "' " ei.wiM-r 'in: i is n: ! rrs.-' . l .ri.it uiui ly ii, i i ' :..iinufiir:tirria. Ut ,l,.i- ' ' ' .. I : ut h. I.ul . IS I It ' r-- I, I It I 1 1' I b. ? I t I tVf i.liy In Illl I IK ' 1 111 .,l 1 11. t ' , I : I i L'. 1) 11 lllf II I ' l.l. Ml l al UM'll I I i n Mie marjiuui are .ii. i -s r in, inoiit-uti j-, i.. i.,".. i!t"i. i' ui. riipic', partrjev ' i 'I ' i. ' 1 . I:,,, i , ,i,i , h me ably 'ii'1' ..I ixill Ileal narllea .i. i-m. nUll lu tfjf baaLIMV i.e t ual at ll mult Utd aliiulticeuiti ll la 6'i. atilluu.tj ll.i- I l.k.lii k.s man otti or. H IIHWI. j v ' 1 - h-Lk 1 1 ! I Ion li r one yi a' a I . I I r i , , m . i , : s 1 II K llllA MM I, UT ( tUi'A "1 II ' I. : I.K M'W FnK JiJUDkS'TKEKm rin: cKXTniwr FOIl 1885-86. Tin- n inarknMc Intnrfstin in, tfar Tapers ai.ii in ii,i' many tunnv aun lm and alrttng aerial f.-nliiris ,i I ., 1 kin , rerenljy In 'ik , ii.ii . i.iin K I i-i, Unit Mrrtilatlon ,,r itf a.: nt- a rt gular More than 'iOO.000 ( oplta Monthly . AmoJ'K tl,,. featnrei f.ir ihti c,mitM9 whirl, l.rli.K willi 11. f Nu vein be i UUUili Rre The War PaarraU Ily Central Cianl auu OUtr.ra. ThiRr v ! be mill', . ,j n,..al of ll.rin 1I1. ii. II, dear rl. li 1 e . .1 ! i-Ma ,,( ih ijtvil War1' leHdinii p:llclpanti ' s paiiera ln- ' ' - r 1 . i a ,,l n,o UtUlrs of Chattta ' r- ii,n rnt-aa, a-nera w... wiimi si aatarutnr, Wiener iiurii or oiuiou, .eai rt,ia Pt: e Log U dO'borHtl )h. Ht.B,l t.BJl Un., Z J,i.ta iri:itst ,ra1nin,lt thr- rlnbi' he twee? He li.-..isi,iK.. ,., , ti,.. Alahia. i y otnceraof lb hi. si, "ill l ..' ,1. avrll.i-d 11, i; l''iollt.iii.iitaolj4Vrlva,la''andipirJal ebartiiliM w itin,,. real urea tsi ule veli- Krrlal Xlorlra hv w. n i Ilnnella. Maiv Hull... I. Anil (.forge , table. . t Mr. Ilf.wel.w tc . ilwur te lh WhCr vtlu tt.i.1, -il.e K,a.. ,, suae j-phTrnT u . htar iaa atory of a via In )lk-JnA iaa-t t JM.- M nt..-!. tte o, 1heTt4L5lan.y eLoIJ: f .... .-...,.., n,m, ooniribnaa a eerie ' v,ui,riout a aeiiea . i i m.i ,i i e .tuka I lliK MVM tSnflit-WOMll Spetlnl I'lalurtl '1 'Pilgrimage to Home,' lini.ital l'apera by m 1 1, iud irj i an awat-re with lunaafroua iRti.t,-.. ' irnnoniiral Artirlea, practical and popolar. i- o"' J,K rl"oiny -; l'apera on (Jhrla an I uity by representutiveaef TarWiaa re-rr IlKKiua , deoauBllt,n; Peawn Chj LXniMI I l.uaat4oa, by .arlouserpertaTelti. etc. 1 "Z; ft'&lgSj difT jun. ol hera: and Wmi 1 1 i .1 , .. . 'i Impairments. "open letter," BrJcBratv e;c, w 111 pe ful'.y susiaintd. lm . ne iirwetrauona Will be kept tip to the standard ti.v v-' mad- Tn k Cknttet enara-rtn r. " wor,,l over "t m t it PteaaC A Resoiar aubtKrlption rr1ci.4.fin . enjwae Wlerai4JthrfMiUijU with ccmtrlbu Hon from G.r 1 Beanregaid, MaCleltan, J Jt" JoltTstir. iif llf, Admlrfc.l Pfl ttA'LSfwjirjtl t etc to her, with a year' n)riJi i. ginning for eeXWfor the wholel A arit. ycriptlon. with too U .nnibera botad totrr. handaomavoluape. f7,M) mytheehoto. T2 iAS?fSl'.a .C.1? "itnrr)wia All flealeri "i3 rnaVunrKrra, Th Cawnrat Oon Kew rk. - mm

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