K II N -.'ft a ' . .I.,.. n ..1 I , - Oliw 0' ! 40 1 T r .. t ItlfMl !! llMIWIt Sun rise. 0:89 J length of dj oe3ajcw;4 J JlohMii a minute MipeaMpat. fresh Prune, Eraporat ef' Awlee. Selected Butter always or, At Bill's, The Jewelkb The rat a too of the Electric Bell uulIum sou slod Oome in and be "asked af the splendor within. , WAJiTfp.-i-Copiee of the LUiLX Jouu X for Jfloa sthV 1886. and June 23d, 188KrWDeed ijhjsse to complete our J?'! pj raaunaJble price for nCMUpvcf tot aale at this of Hoe A m and -neat slft-n bee bees painted orer the entranoe to the O. D. 8 Co wharf from the cotton platform. The steamer Florence will leave thin noanin; for Vaneeboro to attend the grand bsrtecue "and, eturn this eve- The Hyde ounty boats re bringing in MaUamuakeet apples' in good quan titles. They bring from forty to lift; OJOCpr baahet. The steamer Motif arrived yesterday morning with a cargo of general mer chandise and left for Norfolk last night with a fall cargo of cotton . Hr. Jt, nTHoiton Las opened an oys- MranlMa In -connection with his retail grocery in the brick building receully ereotedj M JSperljn; on Middle Strtet. He is prepared to serve oysters in any style and will supply families at their houses. His stock is selected and of the feeftbe w4e4 afford. The Trent, from up Neuse, with a oargo (4 Ce-ttftn, tab 4 the flat Tom Parlor toUwVhivflbB(!. - . The steamer Aeu, from ConUntnea creek, and Jieuee river with full cargo fodtlidLfi it. oHmmki -Clement Manly, M. DeVV Mn, Wi E Clark and L. J. Moore bar returned from Onslow court. The mddB&UVW&hl tried at this term of the court ws a-colored man forat- Wfeptfci Thorn the barn and residence 'Charles "Oerork, srJ ' Ue was con tioted, and sentfpce tp pOj.f ear in the l&Menfjyy,' nifoou'nsel appeal ed The Y. M. Ci A. Baatlng Room. ,TbjirarticrteheV. M. C. A. will be opened, from; 9 nntil 8 p. m. Tuesday and,Fridaya for the admission oflattkft(lrjiaLojfan4Mituie Biysa will attend this evening for the reception of those who, may desire te raft he rooms! The Association has a fina selection books, msgatines and papers and. a jcopple, v' hours can be vary plaashhUy spent there. V I ..1. I kTlaf tWaiZJM ,aU4ra a pre- ated I their bos pleasing. All the char- auatauaa tneir parte, ant kurort "S , fleeexving Uisa rrenoeaa "Josephine," and Eym lh'hlaCJsptalhcy, and George Mo H UNI tainted ad ; Kstftra runt wpkial tni Miss teging of W. F. EyaU and Hairy Nel MiMa)lfisjliA4Trtr. EfcArng as Dk)k Deadeye,,r'create4 lots ot laugh- ffJSff lH5fir'M J?Itei ood " enafM, ana it was furnished them last tight. '.The .rendering of "White i XV In us," VLarboard Watch," and "Sail- tnf " was moetexoellent and produced v flnAi'eel lfdVrep4kttf fen cores ' - ThtitrorfpV'IlstwbVtbrrtMiroiiage; . Thegq.frflW Mteo jKiastoa nd we Uke pleasure Jn tommAnding them to if - the poeple of that town . Mater a Cert.--- -- The city was in, tuck yesterday. Two cases were repbrleJ, boelor di-unk and disorderly poo duct was fined two dolj " laiiillfcpBtlil '"-hVCi-'J. ' Another case was one which probably deter Tel 05ciI fMahUodJ H Tha pro - prietor of tbe Uastoa House was up for perform- J "tl jowneBdsM yptX of conng a traTelicg jtenUemanwbo fr fi , fcr tf tf to, C I' . j leg to ikiphis ioai4 IwlU ,lle u- r et the .Qasuin loue as Dayis ti Ci'uc innatl, Ohio, and claimed to : ; Bairf Erm ta,U cttyVT hen ;l.t to tM poliqe )iayon..h gave his ! V i ' urn. - He attempted to get ' 1 "T'r 81 hie hill', the pToprie- ' . . 1 L-.i te the -depot,' where I - T - ! - J . i tle'traSa' and a M tit . . .... A Cv. 5 ' ' ,a t . fa w rh the . lie was ar- reat4 and taken ( the aie-tie sad qr a baarge of, iolating a city ordinance was acquitted. The proprietor was also charged with the same offense: he asked that the trial go' over till todsy'; ' the traveling man rather than remain orer another day, agreed to pay his board htU and half the cost of the actiasi. whereupon the matter wm settled and Davis alia Wilburn was allowed to go on, rejoice and skip again when he feels like it. We do not w iah to do tbe young man any injustice, but hid conduct was cer tainly strange. U is reported that he boaned to parties in the city that he bad not paid a board bill iu four years. He waked up the wrong pauwuger this lime. Besidee the foolish boa l of suc cessfully skipping his board.it is cer aualy not very commendable to assume a name other than tbe real. Tbe result of (be days work was seven or eight dollars for the city coffers. Weatbcr Observaiian. Mr. W. O. Bailey, reporter of weather observations, is in the city for the pur- poan of etstabliHtiliig the bervicu here. President Hryan and Mr. Wm. Dunn ure willing to do the work at the rail road, provided money can be raised to purchase the instruments and Hags Twenty sii dollars are necessary for the purposes which it is proposed lo raise by dollar rubscriptions. The signal flags, we understand, will be displayed from the city hall. Tlio following amount has already been rained, leaving but four dollars which will no dc ubl be forthcoming an.l the service estub- ished : Tho. (lute S Co , ffl; (ifo Allen A Co., Jl: John Hughes, (fl . K II A J A Meadows. Jl, 1, II Culler. CI. li-r dldand Ulrich, 81; Ureen, Kov & Co., 81; E. H. Roberta, 81; Or F.W. HugheB, 81 ; James Redmond . 81 . Daniel Stlmson. 81; O. Marks, 81; M. Manly , 81 ; Frank Meyer. 81 ; 8. 11 Giay, 81 ; Dull Bros. . 81 , A. Miller. 81; Dr. 11. O hates, fl; D I. Roberts, fl ; J V. Williams. 81; Hum nhrty 4 Howurd, 81 ; Jocrnai.. fl. Caa't A Hard It. We must remind our clever friend of the Kinston fYee 'rots that e chuuoI afford to quarrel with him about our Democracy. Having been born and reared a Democrat our conscience is at ease on that point, no mat ter whether it suits the free 1'ress or not. Our good, brother occasionally refers to our ''Republican correspondent," but forgets to tell the people that he has, or has had, a rank radical Republican canvaeser in the field. To be consistent, brother Dan iels, you ought not to allow a "negro loving" Republican to handle the pure, unadulterated Free Vrcts. Tbe Jol'RNAL has always had kind words for Sheriff Sutton, which, we regret k say, he has not appreciated. The Aw Prcts boasts that It worked hard for his election. Perhaps it did, bat it is lucky for Button that it did not work a little bit harder. We beg pardon for ever having no ticed the matter at all. The Democratic party will Deed closed ranks in the next canvass, and will need a little more prudence on tbe part of some of the would be leaders if It hoKs to no cfted. Carlisle's Candidacy. St. Louis, Not. 8. -Speaker Carlisle, in an interview hereaatd : "Iamvery much surprised and disappointed at Morrison's defeat. The same thing was tried with me and by the same peo ple. My opponent waa an unknown political quantity. I anticipated no Uouble and my friends had no reason for alarm. Had I been advised as to the coming storm I would have elected by tha usual majority ia district. "Did, the Kpigtta oppose yea ; i ea. in ay on arj ining ia laaia power to beat me. Tbe protectionists aided aad abetted them. Tbe same in fluences. wbichfpagt and defeated Col. Morrison mlso-eorubined against n. . I tell you something will be doneJ about thfs method or conducting elec tions. Soma decisive steps will be taken in (he premises. Tbe protectionists are guilty of perpetrating the noet outrage ous fraud Of tha last ten years. They must be exposed, and they will be, too; mark what I say. They teed not hop by tb4 'most lavish -expenditures of money, to throttle tha oause of tariff re form,. .The fight against undue, heav and onerous taxation will go right ahead." 1 ' """ ' A ' " "i believe tha Knights claim to Jiava some personal grieranca against you ?V ' .v'Xe, and Col. Morrison as welL You1 Wilf remember that juet before tha clea of tha long tT Oaagreaa, Colt Morrison, Mr. Saadall -and myeelf had control of the Order of. business of the House. Some of the KnlghU who were in Washington watching legiala tion wated at to peralt th eenide ra ti on of eleven or twelve bills in which they claimed te be interested. I wall remember ona bf tkeee measures which mad eight hour a Irtfirr-csmrierl day of labor. I consulted tbe 'Postmaster General about the bUU Mr. Vila said the measure was a bad ona because it was impracticable, eTpeasiT aad dis criminated in favor of one salaried of3 oer ot the Government as against an other. Wa refused to make the bills privileged questions of discussion. I believe, we dkl the right thing, and I have no rrets ovproor action. This wssf ne reaoa for tbeir hostility to Col. Morrison and myself." . - t . 1 T-" ; v ' f r tUt CHICAGO SXSTXXf arrjATiOM at ni arocx tak th aUfPLonaa pnrmnmixo. Chicago, Not. 9. The first excit taeai af tha dar at aha stock yards oc curred at one o'clock this afternoon. At that hour word was sent to the head quarters of the deputy sheriffs that Uheu'semaaa were needed at Forty aasend : and Ash La ad avenae. Fifty deputies immediately hurried to the plaoe, and were imaaediately followed by four companiee of militia. An in vestigation was mede, and it was found that four deputiee who had been left to patrol an alley in tbe vicinity, had been fired n by some unknown parties. Tha fire was returned, but the aggressors escaped. With this exception the day at the stock yards was uneventful. There were between 3.000 and 4,000 men at work. The striker eagerly discussed tbe resolutions of the employers not to allow any man to return to work on any terms or for any number of hours unless he had forsworn his organise' tion. Tbe militia mounted guard with in and the sberiif s force and Town of Lake police preserved tbe peace as best they could outside the yard. 8ev isolated cases of assault took plaoe, and a couple of bouses were stoned, but no organized mob violence or resistance lo authority took place Otn. r itzstmons and the oOO troops of the hrst brigade seemed to think today that their stay in Packiugtown would not he so brief nor so pleasant as some of them had anticipated. A cold, driz zling rain fell all day, and those who had been assigned to early morning picket duty flt it most keenly. Wear ing their blue cape overcoats and small fatigue oaps, the pickets tramped back and forth in the mud and slime- Those w ho were young olerks down town did not regard it as an agreeable occupa lion. There were rumors this afternoon that General Muster Workman Powder- ly had been requested to come lo Obi cago and use his bent efforts to effect a settlement between the packers and their striklug employers. It is knows tbat Mr. harry is in constant communi cation with Mr. l'owderly, but whether the geueral master workman has con senied to come West cannot be ascer laired. Mr. Barry came into the city today and called on Mr. Botford, of the pack ers committee. He asked whether it waj true that resolutions had been passed insisting that striking Knights of Labor should renounce tbeir order as a condition precedent to being re-em ployed. Mr, Botaford replied that such was Ibe case. Mr. Barry said very lit tle else and left. i The majority of the strikers seem lo rejoioe over the resolutions egaioac the Knights of Labor that have been adopted by the packers. "I think we were in the wrong w hen ibis last strike was ordered," said one of the leaders ao a reporter today, "but the paokara, their outlawry isolations, have pat as in tbe right. eslerdsy theUeueral Assembly of tbe Knights could not consistently take up our right; today, and from this on, they will be bound to battle for ns. Tbe order has been attaakadt ahd every officer and member must stand up for us." "Will l'owderly comer" the speaker was asked. "I don't know," be replied, "hot I think he wi'l, and if he does not he will send along several of his most tmatg lieutenants. Waara being victim teed being told that wa must forswear ourselves and be muatdo something decisive, and do it promptly. This thing would be laughable if It were not serious Thousands of man will starve before they will agrao to tha hu miliating conditions forced upon tbem." Mai Harry has a diepateh I roan M. l'owderly, in which the general mas ter workman repudiates all totarviews on the strike, and offers to sand assist ance to the representative of the exeow tive board here if ha needs it. The railroads are harping tha packers in every way, as, tha speedy close of the strut is of the greatest pbsaible momcat to tbem. All the roads coming in here are offering to bring workmen here and to return tbem free of charge in case they are dissatisfied. At Armour's down town offices about fifty men were out in the hallway awaiting transporta tion to the houses at tha yards. About 100 carpenters quit work at Swift's today. A short time ago the firm gave them an advance of SS cents a day and nine hours' work. They stopped today, however, and Joined the ranks ot those tgbtiag for tight hours. The following notice was issued today by tha . Knight of Labor: . "NoOoe butchers, mechanics aad laborers are warned to keep away front tbe stock yards, as tha man r on a atriks." Tha master workman of tha Butchers' Assembly, Sylvester Oauat,' has re signed his effica because of his Inability to satisfy tba men, n4 because bale thoroughly saiisnej with the actions of Barry, Butler and ' Marshall. Several members of . the 'aeeeaabry agrsw with tha master workman, and the assembly seams to t Ot a fairwr to be entirely dissolve-" - tv - nrinar ontarred1 bv-ar the 1 'packing house of Mono ds HeaJv at iJA aoamrht f between the watchmen and uukaowa parties. Nine shots were fired., Bo fat as can be - aeoertainodc not harm was done. Ko other ucuaual incident OOt ourred up to nudaigha.nii ;.-iu; . .. fiUAwariaiMrvvrr jb (la ' Imt ft. ! ; For ten years I have been suffering with muscular . Rheums Uspy fatant medicines and physicians proeortkpis failed to cive relief. Last summer I commenced tba use B. B. B andex - penencaa . partial reuei ..bexore .naing ona bottle. I continued its, tue, and gladly confess that it is the best and quickest medicine for EhsarnaUsm, tI have ever tried and cheerfully recom mend it-to thepablic' .13i.. f J. W. Rhodm, i.nA, M. D. Bold in New Berne by B. N. Duffy ana u. feeaoowa. , - . I - ranM ifewBj: ThaancaairrWOanimisslonerof Cwatneas MaOafaaont to tha BsoreUry of Uha Trawsaryj tmwtintoi Jle past fiscal ef aWfa.,v ps,idaaAhe traaevnr from axiursea. tha poua(a ca latrnr to which; an settled' In his office. tlMRfeft -which $182,397,644 was ssexjiveaV front customs duty.. Daring Uaaaiwprik)d,br waa -paid, on for expense oaaAeatad with. aha. adminlf tratloQAf this branch of the govern ment service 134.163,248. $0,427,618 of which was on aeeonnf bf expenses yt aoileoticg the revenue from customs. : BeamAdaalial Braina, oommanding tha South AtUaiiosuadrou, leftorte to the Nary Department, under the date of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October 14, bis intention to sail a bob I November 2 in the nagshfcp Lancaster for Monte video. Uruguay. The. -health of the officers and men of the Lancaster ens' Tallapoosa was excellent. In the Supreme Court of the United Stales today the case of William 11 Bowie, jr., administrator, emv, appel lant, v. Alex. Uay, appeal tram the Circuit Court of toe United States for the eastern district of Virginia, was, on motion of H. O. Cloughton for tbe ap pellant, dismissed with costs. Fifth Auditor Kick hull, in his annual repwrl to the fcieoretmry ot the Tree sury , shows thai durjfig. Uio Jast tinea 1 yeur 10.835 acoonnta were, aatiled. in hiu office, in volvaDg$81 0,083 JtU, t. TheSeosetuy at tha Interior nas re quested tha military lutkaaUtaato ihHUe a two-thirds iBktlaes per tiay to the llualptijadians iu Arizona, nliuare in a deairtute oonditkm. - ft was a.Methodist parson ihiu iinie, and an Ohio One at thaij he liiuled that it would be nloWgoto Europe, at. Ins throat trouble i wan gettin wore. hut the good daaCona saw thruuKh the whole scheme, aana for a bottle of Dr. Bull's Cough Strqp, and cout-eiu-nily now snjoylagood aertnon, dtlivcri .l in a good, clear tone. TOQD FAATJDS. t us BBAVKF-ut. van or limb AjrOai.t m 'lllUk.BAtltiU IXTWDKBftV Many food frauds, sucfc as igh&Vory ooffee o watered milk, aithoufh they area swindle an 8 oemmercial sense, are often tolerated because they do not partiaakarlr atfaot tha- health et the coat in ext.. but .when ao ante a like baxinj powaar, ttiat enten largely into the iiM or every ramiiy, ana is rtiied upon for tha healthful preparation of almost averv asaal, i kv ao.;nutW4s to carry nigniy injurious, it not rankly poisonous elements into the bread to tbe imminent danger of the entire cam munity, it is the duty of the press to d tbe practice in tbe moefr- em- nhatio terms. Among recent important discoveries by the lege, analyse ie that b Prof Mott, tbaU;A.OoMrliueBlCheniist, of large amounts pf lime apd .alum iu tbe chesg) iakjngpoiwdiers tuete ate) one the most dangerous, ana tne otner tne most useless nauNesaat vet ronaa in the low-grade, inferior baking powders. It la a startling met that of over on hundred different brands of baking aowders so far analysed, comprising all those sold in this vicinity, not one of them, with the auuoe exception, of the Royal JkU wr.Twaw Jd tee from both lime aad alum. The chief service of lime ia to add weight- It is true that lime, when subjected to heat, gives off a certain amount . of carbonic acid gas, but' a ao-feb-lim is left a caocUa aa pewarf ate aha It-is used by tanners to eat tha hair from bides of animals, and ha dissecting rooms to mora quickly rot the flesh from the boa of dead subjects. A, small Quan tity of dry. lime upon the -tongue, or in the eye, produces painful effects; bow much more serious mutt these effects be on the delicate membranes of tbe stom ach. In let tinea and" kidnaps mar par ticularly of infants and children, and especially when tha lima ia taken into aysteaa day after day and with al most every meal. This is said by phy sicians to be one of tba chief cause of Indigestion, dyspepsia, and those, pain ful diseases of (he kidneys so prev alent. Instances of Dietooa. serious affections of (be- Utter' Wgfdns from drinking lime water found in some sec tions of the West are noted in, every medical journal.- k - n y f, 1 Adulteration 'wHh'limfrlirqJuite as much to be dreaded as with alum, which has heretofore received tWe most emphatic coodemnaticn from every food analyst, physician aud chemist, for the reason that while alum is prob ably partially dissolved and. pasaed off In gas by the heat of baking, it is im.-. passible to deekroy r chang the nattm of the lime in any degree, so that the tntire amount ia thi (taking powder passes, with all its injurious properties, into tbe stomach. When we state that tbe Canonist ha va'j found twelve pet tent or one-eighth of the eptire weig.it tf some samples of bakhis powder an tlyned, la .b lime.; tbe wiokadnes of the adulteration will be fully apparent. ; Par baking powder are one of the thief ntda to the cook ia preparing per fect aad wholesome food. ' While thoaa are to b obtained i, of - wall-ettabKshodi tatton, uaaiUMi Koyarioor wnoae urity tha haa nave hue, aid' cannot a qoaalaonytt proper 4yovd all Soma of our npnr pronlTtmltt citizens to been cured ' AeAjmfistn of years stand Ing by that' wonderful pain baa ianejr;DAUoMl;;.T5olCp 4reg aists (oi Hfenty-B- eaU a-hottW .i t I -" A arrhiar.n tear Wenran. -1 f n,fctA'-sr.T).A Ar Af.-i- CIS bet beartnr, her i-fht n'Md'of Himbs. 'Her oInt.wraweslan and wTvicu. .uc i.uuuj ,.uu Iost and abi wm eking out miser Ablet lifer Bit.boUlp ct B. fi. Brestoaed, bet tn-tind 1 rai t j,Weed allH and pk -, .d fi sh i Jtrrth an, sh is "Low a-weil W6mtnr Write to BPrnTi-i "'"'"n r ;8old in rTsw'Betna'Inr RJN.Daffy ttd E. Ill Kei'U Jt -4ri W -y4 Patrons of Husbandry. Pbiia ptLfHi a , Nov. 10. Tha "Na tional Orange Patrons of 3uahandry," oampoaed of delegates Arona every State end Tecritory in tha United States, oommenced. their twentieth annual ses sion here today. Their meetings will beheld secret, and. continue about aiaht hdaye. !', , ADVICV VO MOTIiUta. WntBLOW'B SOOTHlilS SvgCF should always be used for children teething. A oothee the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind oo lie, and is tbe beet re mod y for diar hoa. Twenty-five oouta a bottle ian24dtuthaaiw' v COMMERCIAL. Jocbjial Orncx. Nov n, ( P. M OOTTOH. MW TOBK. Nov. 11. Kntuiee cloeed sCbsdy. Sales of 109, OOQ bales. November December, January, February, March. April, 8.69 May, 8 94 June, U.S2 9 02 July, 9fll 0 12 August, 9 8y 9 23 September, -. 9.32 October Spots quiet; Middling 9 1-6 Ixjw Middling 8 5-8; Good Ordinary ( 1 b. New Berne Market steady. Sulee of VIZ bales at 8 35 to 8 40. Middling 8 8 8; Iw Middling M 1-8; Good Ordinary 7 7 8. iMiMKaiic nisttr Ssnti) ootion 2.60. Oottoh Sbes 10. 00. Tt7RPKNTl Hard , $1.00, dip, $1.76. Tab. 75c.a$l.J5. Oats New, 35c. in bulk. Ooun 65a80c. Uice 60a60. biCKSWAl 15c. per lb rlBHF On foot. 3c to 5c. Couktky ILams 10c. per ll Lard 10c. wt lb. ikius l(io. per doaen. Fkksu PoKK4iaoc. per pound PEANUTS 50c. per bushel. Fodder 45c.aSl.00 per hundred Onionb 82 C0a3 25 per barrel. Field Piab 65a70c. HiBKS Dry, lUo. , greeo bo. ArPUBS Mattamuekeet. 2Ciu40c. (o,i freys, $1.10. PKAR8 75c.a$1.25 jer buidu-1 Honey 35j. per gal. Talxow 5o. per lb. OlKKfcir 14. CHIOS JeOrown, 80a36c. ; spring 30a25o. MKAL 70c. per bushel. Oats 60 cte. per bushel. TyRN'XP 60e. per bushel. Ibish Potatoes Sa.76 per bbl. WoQt lualdc per pound. Potatoes Bahamas. 30c. ; yams, 40c. West Indlas, 50c; Harrison. 65c. ShInolra Weet India, dull and n m inal; not wanted. Building, ft inch hearts, $3.00;spe,tl.sO oer M. WBOLxsAua rwoas. New Mess Pobk Sll.50 BHOtrrDEh Meat 7o. O. B.'k.F: B't. B.'e and L. C- 8, FbOOB$t.0Oa.00. Uai Tip. by tha tieroe. Nails Baste 10's,$2 50. Suoab Granulated, 61c CorVEH llaltc. 8a1A 80a85o. per sack. MOLABtU AMD STKCrfK-MeArje POWDKR $6.00. Ha ot Prep. S1.75; buck, S2.00. KxSOKEK 9c. AND FAUILY GROCERIES. A. II. HOLTON iTas opened on Middle street, below South Front, a FULL LINE of Choice Family Groceries. A ii J uUo constantly on band tbe Finest Oysters The Water of. Eastern Caro lina Afford, pre pa i ed in all styles. Fsmiliee served in any portion of the city. nol2dw Publio 8ale of Valuable Property. The large and elegant Brick Building on Honth Front street kndwn as tbe Bateinan House, will be sold at auction at the Court House door m New Berne the First-Monday in December, 1886, at V4 o flock. Terms: Part cash ; balance in one aad two years. n7dt BABY E. HARVEY. .... , , . , , , J, McSOELEY, risnoiiiu ibot m shoe mn, . 6kpastke:6 ra tmwoa. j, 4 4 Bnww iioe WdKihdton:.D.C..SaBL 1L 188A. i -o) IuthwAMet' 01- '!1 ; ' 6' r - BrB:4-i.ancloi hatewkh draft - for t50,an,payant lor th ahoeai JO styl, fit and workmanship- aiw- aatis factory. , They , fit m better than any -rsuoe a naya naa in twentT Tears. X.' Vrr resneotfoUt; - 3 tifcU -at OOUH.' 6 VST ERS PRICE 5 CjENf L T. JliiLHOCD. CX0.IHriI.' Smallwood 6 Slovfr, DEALERS IN GA&AJ. HARD WARM, TIXWARE, GLASSWAHUC, S.iJSIJ. DOORS, BLINDS, Gums,; paints, ana AND STOVES, CN SURPASSED A3 TO J PRICE AND QUALITY. Middle Mi.-t, Jfe-xt Doof to AlU.t UoUI. 0. E. SLOVER, Wholesale aud Betail Sealer l.N Choice FAMILY GROCERIES A M i Household Goods, it i'ei'.r,ii iu uUer iiod OHEAhltK I HA n MMl HH uiu. a iu u, m.store " ! 1,1 U.- iii M A -I ihI 1..-..1 ill IU 11, 0 I,, ,llUI o( lLa C,y Oysters and Restaurant Mich S A. WOMKI.K lias opened a First t lane ( iyn-r MiiKxm and Rostaur aiit. (me diior below Cotton Exchange, una ia pn-pured o (urmsb Oyster in ry niv lo M i uln ul ul 1 h -ii i II l.-.IIH O l ,1, 1 i:i nut suppliep i i. t-i-Siiwam utlh Rock Lime, Plaster, Cements, Goat Hair 11 O. J;. LODGE. CItAM.N STKEKT. t!pioa i41M. Notice to LumbeniiBXL We want to contract with- raikkbl parties to deliver on the bankeof Wbriaye Oak Uiver. North Carolina, or at Mill, from one to ten million feet of logs; said logs are from one yard to three-fourth of a mile from the river. None need apply tbat are not thoroughly acquaint ed with tbe business. For particulars apply or addess K1LLEY E. TERRY, nov4 dlOd w2t 8tella, N. C. Ferdinand Ulrich, WHOLESALE GROCER AGENCY OF HAZARD POWDER 00. AND CMce Pale Cream1 Cheese. SNUFFS AT MANUFAC TURERS' PRIC1&! ' HICE SAOi?r$. T. A. Green' $ Old Stand. NEW REOE, L. 0. BARGAINS IN Meat, Sugar, Soap, Molasses And Syrup ll iWi At S. F. TElSEfl, :1V.. vvnoiesaie ana itecau.iiroccrf BROAD STBEEIlrl3ri, rrr M eOswt nsliss kisrasathtsBfn.I 63 IIOZj " ? IMrabiiu.Orm, tr.ri mi ia. I tnn box. i- m BMUSI-D t 3LTT2M tkn stain!' Mcr n i , , Varwi lhn : y oilier In t: : , efcawssrUwiUtsttrvasUcrusM... j i ,. . . J Bomti A Jotes.! Siila A-.r.- t I -WW "V .ffra ,N-Ot i-tv-,1 - WS : 1 I t, T V? .SK "V N Y f