C4 new berne; n. a, Sunday. November 14, isse. PRICE 5 CENTS. i- NWfeehi,,lititude;i :ao' North. ; - lptUU,T708' Weet. Ogjasef CBStK ftf dyr . 3ub eti;55 10 &ourg, 3 ininutea. MoonTOvat pt - - Jit--! ,ttl3 " rt. j-i - lbttefNt$s tocALS. Tbngues and Corned matt: ,td$iVA' ' o. e. slovbb. Mattamuekeet Apples at W. P. Bur rui & Co. nl3 H. L. Bines, General Agent for Meter. J. C. Liadley & Br.. Nureery RM of Greanaporp. JN. C will offer for tk.W fi? aplendidly -lraari 4fvPWla- Keiffer Pears, d.pih6,tle, OM and strawberry tJnlja. 'at, itrt , lovr orictM. Can be At Bill's, The Jewklkb The rat-atop ef lht Eleotrio Halt makes you stop. Com is and be dazed at the splendor within. Old papers for sale at this office. Low tide yeaUrday. Cotton is booming; a little. The old waken taak at tbe depot w as .torn down yesterday. Lenoir Superior court convene to mbfrew, Itodge Clark presiding, The cold wafe has arrived Lut its force was somewhat broken before get ting here. The cool weather has improved trade. Don your Vlnter sails. Plenty of them in Net Berne and cheap enough. With our fine strovta, fat oysters, line fiihaUaa aodOaklOw tnrkeyi and chjokani, enild and healthful climate, BexBA. 0Uut to have several hun dred Northern visitors this winter. Tb rMeBday In December ia tha time fj JheH inaiallalibn of the newly eleolf county officers throughout tbe State.. ThoB,jtB have been fortunate Maftbfobe alMtedf now have another important task before them that cf glTlMbpndV , TOV!rUlbe day set apart by the Copaffilik Christian Associations in tatwiUflttod BUtM for the annual aer aaoaWfor'yoaiafl men, This week is the Week of Prayer, the young men of the arietta WKtolhfkAi holding daily wr vices through the Week. 1 ' I us Y(fnrl-- - ranfca. . . W. TP. Barrus, Esq., left jeuterday foeflde Supetvar Court. ! VaJ, R, W. Cobb passed through Yes terday on his way to Hyde court wbsre t)tf04ikth:iBtTOrtief Uat popular paper, the MtMttufer. He goes down with an oyster knife with a premedi Utedtjn'l0,af ereek easier bed. Mr. and Mr.0. H. Ouion are on a . titfe to iTashtngton. If aw Arnf." L. H. CHfioroffeni aomething of in tertt4 fcottae-heeper, Lie is always in good.htnoor and oaor raakt a cos- nor fool good when he has a mind to. jtase ' naa removea from llp,nilildle street to et wlrdre'BB'li offering at rosd- Lietaad''ft choice stock of JPelletier offet valuable real i for ialsMoi - i 4 wisiur UrU Woublitdf-rfM4-ortM:le from the Balt!mJ'-ssfaiMro' Kreord oi fBobthftt! ooTt, in which thjftteiojb-h4jo. ourco ot wealth the South has in this respect. :re4fraelal Sorer-had her share of this wealth, owing, perhaps, to her larofteViinrtcdaUoBa anl the further fact that her advan tages as a winter resort are not gener ally known. - When the Hotel Albert ia completed and prepeVty rurtlehod? 6r there shall bt no, complaint about Jtotel accommo iiofislepe' should be taken to tbor u.gnrjadttliMUi4 eityknd Uito seo ion,a,f,ftoHinaU.jaBO, ports, nraur prod uctajOte. Tb. best adTer tisement that could be given ' would be n annual Fair, bol wo presume oar people are tired of bearing about this ejalen something more than talk, could fee done, so we -will 'occasionally boom the pld town, through Uoolumns of ib JvXiwdiildjJns toloJt.': But really, out of the immense travel td tU BocJi evsy fctibUr; NsW Bera ought to bo able to induce at least on bund rf t zir: 3i 3oe I0rntha tr. These would, rpend between fif t ' i twenty'' tbousanl dollars and while routd ;bj OB te lookout for Inrf . which would prove profit L"..c.d aud h oonunnnity. i i 'T-T f iff :TerfimeDt let fools r , d'r life His enough It. Cough Syrup i cr Ids. - ' - . .. .. ' . ! . ' ' M lea 4 Arilel C r"iT TACOi, ' ': j-f 'r,lff To Bar 4 Oa Tks Prcaldaat. One of the good and substantial old farmers of Craven was sitting on the steps of the American House yesterday reading a circular from a Northern seed grower with a prominent heading, 'Cleveland Pea." "I tried some Cleveland peas once," said he, "and they were no uccount; I am a little afraid of the name, it didn't soem to pan out much in the recent election." This farmer ia a Kound Democrat and give Cleveland a hearty tuilori in 1884. The President ought to sue the man who has giveu a woi lhle iea him name. Church Services 'I o-Iaf. Methodist Church Services uL 11a. m. and H:30 p. ui . conducted by tbe pastor, Itev L. W. Crawford. Pews are alike free to all. Ushers always at tne aoor to welcome i-triuigerB. A cor dial invitaliou ia extruded to nil per sons to worship wiih the congregation. Sunday-school at 3 p. m. Christ Church V.W. Miiehis, Rector. Twenty-firet Sunday after Trinity. Services at 1 1 a. in. Holy Baptism and at 7:30 p. iu. Sunday-school at 4 p. in. The public is always invited to attend the services of this Church. Ushers hi the doors to provide seals. Presbyteriuu Church Service by the pastor, iiov. L. C. Vass, at 11 a. in. and 5 p. in. Sabbulh school al uj p. m. At 11a. ui., a special sermon for young men will be preached. A coidiul iuvi tatlon 18 epccislly ulendeil to young men and youth to this servire A wel come to all. Baptist ('hutch Kev. I r II, eo Whitlield, pustor. Services at 1 1 a. in and 7.80 p. in Sunday Si hool at 3 i. in , M M ( iutes, Superiiileiident. KeHl treaii(l the public cordially invited t atti nd all the t-ervioe of thm church. l.M of Lcllers in the Pohlollic ReniuiniiiLT it New .Nov. Beroe, (raven Wth. 1S80. county N. ( ' Cause V lla in. KoOert lluiiden. Dnvie Davids, Mrs. Molly Heath, Jim Har rison, Emma Jones, Cioero Merril. Adeline Parker c. o. Jno. B. Nelson, Joaaphiue Nickinsou, Mrs. Iklward i. Smith, if rank Uasberry, hranc is Skin ner, Frances Simmons, Eliia Shivers, Ligzie Taylor, David Whitehead, Mr. Rinvoceu. Persons calliug for above letters, will any advertiwd, and give date of list. M. Manly, p. m. Mr. Hurd & peaks-. The Cause of His Defeat. Toledo, O., Nov. 11. lion. Frank Hurd arrived In this city today and publishes this evening a manifesto to the voters of this district, wbtoh is com manding widespread attention. Id speaking of the causes which led to hie defeat, he says: "I can say nothing mora than 1 have heretofore said, ex cept that in the future it will be difficult for certain persons claiming to be lm- oorats to satisfy their party associates of their democracy when, either secretly or openly, they opposed the election of a regularly nominated Democratic can didate for Congress at a time when tbe fat of the party in the House of Repre sentatives was hanging in the balance." Referring to rumors of hie intended ohaag of residence, h says that he regards Toledo as hai heme, and shall remain her to practice his profession. On his favorite rob j sot, tart If reforms, he save: "There are more earnest, de termined tariff reformers ia this district lhaa ever' before. Tbe association in tke Slate ia engaged in tbe work of thorough organization. New quarters, eligibly located, will be established. Books and document will be distribu ted. The advantages of a reading-room ill be furnished. Addresses will be delivered during the coming winter by Speaker Carlisle, Col. Morrison, Prof. Sumner, Henry George, Henry Ward Beecher, Kicbard overman and others. Arrangement are nearly completed to begin the publication here of a weekly journal, which U is designed to make a national organ of tariff reform. Tbe organization has already commenced, will be by ware preciaot ana town ship, and will be the most thorough and complete political organisation ever made in the United States." The Stock Yards Strike CHiOtOO Nov. li. Early this eve ning it was stated, on the authority of tbe packer, that the strike at tbe stock yard was over, a ad that the executive committee of the Knight of Labor hai ordered the strikers to return to work. Several hour later dwi was received from the onm ooarce that too reported ending of tke etrike was without foun dation. ,.,.' . i i . A lafr number of new men arrived at the stock yard today, and several of the firms 'ssy tbey bare all tne beip they need. .,. . . - - . .,--. It la announced that th packer will hereafter require of every man ia their employ a written guaranty was no wui give th firm three or four days' notice before leaving, and a money deposit will be required from every employee to cover hts guaranty.' Thii rale will apply 1 th an en sow at work a well as those engaged ia tbe future - 4 ' 1 At his reeideeo to Kinrion, K. 0., tta Friday morning' Nor. 12th, Lnui H. Fisher, eoL, of oonramptkm. Faneral services coa ducted on Sued ay erening by Rev. L R. Fere bee. . ' Tbe deceased, f hi industry, eoon- omy srl strict attention to Veeines, kd aeeuDin!td a reasonable thar of fuia wotli oo4. - f ' : -; --' Southern Winter &e sorts. In th spring of 1889 a group of Stat commissioner were chatting together in the spacious parlor of one of their number at the New Orleans Exposition They had been exchanging information about their respective States, and sev eral of tne Southern gentlemen had referred to the wealth of iron, ooal and timber in their mine and forests, and of the prosperity that was attending their rapid development. One of the company turned to Judge Sebring, Florida's genial commissioner, with tbe remark: ''We have you there, Judge. Iron and coal are worth more than orange proves, Bbd will prove more laaiing sources of wealth." "I don't know about that," was the quick re sponse; "but Honda has a mine worth all of these rut tog ther." Then, as the others I joked bur prised, be save them some figures that were even more bluriliuK lhau his statement " "Florida's mine," he said, "id its winter visitors. Sixty thousand people come there be tween October and May. Their aver age suy is twelve days, and their aver age duily expenditure ia 810 apiece. Figure for yourselves our income from that mine." "Judge, " exclaimed one of the party we K've in. Florida has a bonanza yielding 57, 200,000 a year." Since that time it has been often said, by those to whom the statement was repealed, that it was incredible; but those who investigate tbe facts care fully w ill soon conclude that tbe aggre gate Florida receives from her winter quests is even greater than the huge sum named. But Florida is by no means the only Hiate that derives an nually a handsome revenue from this source. From the famous Hygeia Hotel, al Old Point Comfort, southward to New Orleans, there are scores of well patroni2ed hotels in large cilits, little towns and quiet country nooks, all of w hich have both regular and chance quests every winter, and if it were pos sible to collect accurate statistic! from every one of them It would be found thitt fully tifieeu to twenty millions of Northern money are d isbursed among Ihein every season. It is the return to the, South, w ith compound iuterest, of thu vaHt sums her wealthy citizens ex pended at the North for tifty summers before lbol. 1 li ib ureal out-pouring of money in not made solely at the coast resorts. Norf Ik , Virgin ia, get a share of it, Wilmiuglon, Charleston. Mobile, Puss Christian and New Orleans re ceive their proportions, but so, also, do Kitlrels, (Jreensboro, Raleigh, Charlotte and Asheville in North Carolina; Colum bia, Spartanburg and Sum pier in South Carolina; Atlanta, Marietta and Thomasville in lleorgia, and Chat tanooga iu Tennessee. There are scores of places not so well known, such as Turboro and New Berne, in North Caro lina, that are yearly visited by people who have found them pleasant spots for a few weeks of rest and recreation. The tourists seeeking a pleasant tarry ing place in the South do so for many reasons. Some go for curiosity, msoy to escape the fierce wintry blasts, others to engage in hunting and fishing, still others to exsmine tbe opportunities for investment or speculation, multitudes because it baa become fashionable, but by far the greater number because their health, or that of some one dear to them. compels tbe change of climate. Henoe it is thut the South has become the win ter sanitarium of the United States. There are but two thioge that prevent a much greater exodus from th north. These are u lack of knowledge of where tbe desirable hotels are, and of the kind of recreation to bo found at the many little-known resorts. Tbe great sum mering places along the Atlontio ooeat, in tbe White Mountains, on the great lakes and Canadian river, have long been accustomed to furnish this infor mation annually, and have reaped their rewards. Florida hotel men, very many of whom are proprietor of North ern houses, have advertised their places continuously ; but aside from these and tbe Kimball, at Atlanta; tbe St. Charles, at New Orleans, and the Hygeia, very few Southern hotels are ever heard of. except by the Immediate friends of those who have visited them. Manu facturer's Record. Tidal Wave at Nice, France. PaBM, Nov. 1. The city of Nioe has been visited by enormous waves from the Mediterranean. Tbe water swept away quays and the promenade Ang laise plantation. Upwards of 100 peo ple were carried off their feet, and tbe quays and promenade are covered with sand. Tbe devastation wrought by the waves extends two mite along theNlo water front. At Cannes, 22 mile from Nioe, a fierce storm has bsen raging, and two vessels known to hav been wrecked. Men standing on the cuare were carried out to sea on the Immense ware. Tbe Cruisctte promenade was destroyed. Rain, amounting' almost to a deioge, ha been falling four daya at th oity of Alz. In Niames two parishes are under water and a third is isolated by the flood. Muxderol by a oy. AshitilU, He. IS. Tuesday la-Yanosy eountyi a ma named Pate was teasing a boy of tbe same name la the, t several isr sons. The boy suddenly lew rat a passion, drew kalfo and utabbed ft man m th breast. To wound proved fatal. Th young murderer lut peas lodged ia Jan. . i Editor Cuttle ( CUixBV"--'. WifiHtFOrcm, Not. 11. The claim of Editor Cutting against the Msxioan goramment fer M.00o dam area on ao ooun of faao tortoanet and per sonal indignities suffered by him. ha Keen for some time en fiJk ia ths Stat Department, but It baa ast ye bees -amined by th secretary, and tr ha been therefore no deeieiow who regard to the disposition t be mad of ib rj n ! If you ebon Id bv a tame horse, and bar ud vrr weedy-without oo , Invent wr,ty five oentein a bottle of baivstion O.l. sod if that rail you r - i" Items. Aurora Thanksgiving turkey will aoen ho in demand. . : Eggs, 18c,; corn, 45; colic n ia sesi, 2 ; lint, 8. Carpenters are all busy. That looks like business. The young men are getting ready for a tournament soon. Some one had a chill tbe night of the dance. Ob them chills. The doctors 1 say it ia distressingly healthy. Healthy country this. Will the Journal give us tho vote entire for Congressmen in first district' Nelson Jewell has got ever the scare of the yearthquake and gone to swap ping horses. Will the independents elected to the Legislature in the several counties vote with the Keputlictujf'' Our farmers claim the largest yield of corn ever made in thin section 75 and 80 bushels pc acre iu fc me in stances. The "ole hat man'' has ordered a large aseoituient of holiday goods, toys, eta lie says "Christmas comes but once a year. '' Iiev. Mr. Loug,l.is will preach his farewell sermon ou Sunday next. He has done a good year's work for this people, and of course they will pay up. Professor Bonner has a ood school, and still it grow s. Alive i. acl.er who is abruast with the times, and a live town aud country to back u ii F0RFIUN' MMTS RnMK, Nov. 11 The Starnp.i Hi;f the Vatican hue addressed a note to Kng laxid, asking for the establishment of diplomatic relations between that coun try and tbe Vatican Rome, Nor. 11 The l'..pe has placed all the literary treasures of the Vatican library at the disposal of Father (irianr. of Innsbruck University, who proposes writing a history of Itouie. The object of Father Grisar will be to confute the assertions contained in the Greporovius History regarding the influence aod temporal power ex eicised by the Pope in the middle ages. Birmingham, Nov. 11 Five thousand tons of coke at the liirmingham i ..h works are on fire. The largest gasono -ter in England is on the premises and in imminent danger of being exploded. The inhabitants of the entire neihhoi hood are in a panic. Tbeiireroeu have found themselves so far unable to copu with tbe fire. Tbe Egyptian Question. Cokstantinopi.s, Nov. 11. The pend ing negotiations between fc.nglanii and Turkev relative to the Egyptian ques tion will, it is now stated, be completed forthwith. Tbe basis of tbe fresh un derstanding will be the joint report on the condition of Egypt to be made by Moukbtai Pasha and Sir Henry Drum- mond Woltl, the special Turkish and Engliab envoys respectively. Paris, Nov. ll. The trench press continue to discuss Lord Salisbury's declaration about the Uritish occupa tion of Egypt, but all tbe comments are made in a very moderate tone. Tbe Journal des Debate says that cor dial negotiations are proceeding be tween England and France in tbe direc tion Of a friendly settlement respecting Egypt. CRArOji8TIll.a,(la.,' JuEn 11. For tee fat I have been tutfering ith aaoaouhtt Rheumatism-.. Patent medicine and physicians' prescriptions failed to give relief. Last summer I commenced th us ofD. 0. B. and ex perienced partial relief before using one bottle. I eon tin tied its use and eladlv confess tbt ft- is the best and quickest medtoiiie for Rheumatism I have ever tried ana cheerfully recom mend it to the pubtiov j. w. lawpxs, a.m. , m. i). Sold in New Berne by . N. Duffy and E. U. Meadow. J 1 The Brews rs Oor&Vne New YoRK,"TveJLLtte brewers of Pater sou aadtfewark have joined beads ith tnos o nevr sore tape Jrfong Island, forming a combination t,main tain the price of beer and pot a check en boycotting and tbe tabor unions. Each brewer ia required to deposit $15,000 in cash a a guarantee of good faith,' this sum to be forfeit it the agreement k violated. ' It i estimated that th guarantee fund will reach very nearly $1,000,000. - All existing con tracts are to be carried Out." The p ice of beer is to be $8 per barrel with per cent discount. If a customer changes hn brewer tho percentage will be only five par cent., aad the brewer most pay 9t pee Barrel to tne aseootation ror every barrel furnished tbe new customer. The object of tbia provision fa la pre vent rmiaoe oooptioav Baouioeny brewer outside of tbe combination be gin to out prices tne agent of th new association u to ue allowed to meet any Bgure offered by ouUiders, the brewer who t thw compelled ttr out the com binatteslpfi'o.t Mmourftd for all loatea bv th association.' The brewtm say that there are bo "pofttics" ia the movement. , - :'VXinatttoKlBjaiiu . , t LtSBOa. How Ji-A. snook of eartH- tuako vii experienced In the province Of Beira yesterday. , Much, alarm is felt Utam la aoneqnaew A ttnna aAdlDaarweseLa. . Mis Minnie WeJlacot of Atlanta, loat hearing ne; aight aoL en of but.., Sore covered ; he oodf and I at be. - Bsc joint, were-aweUsa and aeinful. ber limb paralysed. appetiU lnt, and tbe.waaakiog out. h miserable tfe. Sit bottfc tf t. K B: restored bt sight aud berlr,lr,Tlivvrin aches and nain. added fleah and atxanet&and Sold fn rrr'Bi'tt'3tyIttffy gad K. U. Keadowrv - COMMERCIAL. Journal Oirwa, Nov. 13, 8 P. U OUTTOH. Naw Yoke.. Nov. 12. Futuiee closed firm. Sales of 1 16 600 bales. November, 9 06 May, 9 5t December. 9 09 June, 9.6s January, 9.18 July, 9.76 February, 9.28 August, 9 84 Mar oh. 9 3S September, -.- April, 'J. it October. Spots quiet; Middling 9 l b, Iajv. i Middling 8 5 8; Uood Oruinary 8 1 8. New Berne Market steady. Salts of 117 bales at 8 80 to 8 45. Sales for the week 1147 bales agairst 990 bales same w eek last year. Middling 8 3 8; Low Middling 1-V Uood Ordinary 7 7 UOiUf-MllC JllUll I Skioj (jutton Hi 00. Cotton Skkd 810 00. TcRPKNTlKB Hard 81 0( Tab 75c.a81.26. li. Oats New, 35c. iu bulk CouJi 65a60e. Rick 50a60. BKJtswAX 15c. pez lb Bkef On foot, 3- to &c. Ooontby Hams 10c. per it. LaRI 10c. per II.. FuOS 16c per aoten hhKbU 1'ohk 44u6c. per oui .1 PxaNUTS 50c. per buahel Fodueb 75c aSl.OO per bun, lie! OMONB 82 C0s2 25 per barrel Haul x vuaiw:. lilDKS Dry, luc. ; green 5c. I AHhlJCS Wattamuskeet 2jh40i lr.-8, 1.10. I'EAiis 75c aSl 25 i I 1 HoNtY- 35.'. per f:il TaI-Ujw - 5c ,.t Ib. ClIEKSK- 14 LMOlMi-liron n Joa'i.'i 2oa'.'5c MKil. 7(c (.ti hush id. ( IaTs 50 cis. (., r bu shel. Tl UMI-H 5(lc .,t bushel Il.l.ll l'.iTATOhS -8.75 pel bhl V'iHib IOuHk . pei iound I'1 "Tatokk I'.ahamas .'iOc , in W. M Indian. 50, ; HHrriKon. l.5c HlllNOI.KM -West India, dull ami ti . .n.il not wanted. Huildiii); 5 inch' to aits, ill 00. ais Jl 50 Dei M I Wllwl.ltMAl.H P1III KH ' kvi Mase 1'okk Sll M) ' Hiu i l.niiK MkaT- 7c. ( ' K. s. F H's II. ' un. I I. ( FlTK-SH OOaO.00. Lakd 7!c. by the tierce Nails Basis 10's, J2 Ml. Suuak Oranulated, 0c CuKFEE 1 lal2c. Salt 80a85c. per sack Molars es and Strum 8045o Powdkr 85 00. Shot Drop. 81.75; buck. 82 00 KUBOeENB 9c. Real Estate For Sale. A larp lot with commodious dil ling and tenant house on it. in the city . for tale. Nicely situated, in good lo calilv. Terms very easy . Apply to nM.ltf (JU10N i I'M Mil U.K. ALEX. JUSTICE, DEALER IN ("Loire Flour ol all Grades. Selected Teas, Pure Coffees auil Slices, Butter and Cheese from t lit' let dailies, Foreign aud Domcfitic Fruits, Cauued Frnits and Yejjctalilen. A fulf variety of other foods umnlly kept in a first-class Btore. Goods delivarsd at any pari of the city free of charge. Broad St., betwwn Hancock and Middle. novH dtf LOOK HERE! IIOTSE KEEPERS. DINN i.U iSKTS, 12.1 PiecpK. TKA SI TS, 40 Pieces. CLL JlIiKli SETS, 10 Fleet 8. FINK TOILKT SETS, AND A FULL LINE OF HOI'SK Fl'KNISIUNCi GOODS, AT L i. CUTLEIl'S, 26 & 28 Middle Street, NEW DliKNE N. C Public Bale of Valuable - Property. Tbe lartre and alegaut Brick CuildiDg oil Both Front ttrMt known ae tbe BatecMta Hosa, wilt b aold tt aooCioa at tba Coatl Uoum doac is New Bra the Fink Moaday is December, 1886, at 1? Olock. . Tiimr Part cash; balauc in one and two yeara. ' 7dt4 KAtlT SL HABVKT. Oysters and -Restaurant1.: Usa. 8. A..W0MBLS tua pcel a Flnt-CIaae Oyter Balooa aod Reetaor ut, bee floor below Cotton Eichaog, m4 ia prepared to forciaa Oyatere ia Meaai at all boars. Pamiliet nrwIhp attheir honea If 4eairad. ac23(twSin E. W. &11LLK00D. GEO. SLOTH. Smallwood & Slover, DEALERS IN GESLHaL HARDWARE, T.'.V WARE.IGL ASS WARE, WQOLENWARE, CROCKERY, SASH, DOORS, BLIND8, ULASS.ll'AlSTS, OILS AM) STOrES, jl'Nhl'Kl'AShED AS TO PRICE AUD QUALITY. Miilille fttn. , Nxt Door to Al..n tlotrl, NEW BERNE, N. C. OYST ERS a n : FAMILY GROCERIES. v. ii. iioiroN Mi. I I ' t-lreet. I I. LINK below of l.lh ChOiCC Family Groceries. - i , i, l..,n,l the Finest Oysters ' - i ( i s 1 I. afcl,i i: C'ai c- lin.t A1!ou!m, Tli fii f th. I . 1 1 V . .us served no 12.1 w W C. E. SLOVER, It fc :t 1 :.ud i ' t ail Dnalnr Ch:::c FAMILY GROCERIES AM. Houseliold Goods, ...... ! . . ,m Al hit 1, I. I . i (,, ht more ll.- -lly v I (lit Notice to Lumbermen. W. to i i-iiuiii i wiih reliable pailn-B to .li -liver on the hanks of White nk River. North Carolina, or at Mill, from one lo ten million leet of lotf; aid Ion ate fiom . i n- Hr.l to three fouriht of a mile from the river None need apply that are not thoioujihly acquaint ed w un the tuinni sh. F.-r partirulnr apply or nd.lreRB KIIJ.I-.V K. TEUKY, n..v -I JlOd at Stella, N. C. THE BIGGEST THING OUT For Cliills IS House's Chill Syrup I If your LirutiK'xt or Merchant does not keep it. net). I to BERRY'S DtiUG STORE. If House 'h Chill Hyrnp fails to cure If directuuiH are aiihert J to, youoan get your money back. TIm- (tade supplied l, K.MIcrry. H.i. . I Si I up -, I!, I i, J KIl :i ce r 1 .'un- l i lure up lnim- iKut: 1- I'ATTKKSON. Shoe .Store. ' 1 1 . . I -) ri p I . I I in in 1 tier i iM.ttl. 1 ot'LA ii Inim ll I ll.nue (till ni ii otM(Drr. tii.i led ih p4- i i I., l l.lla I hi M il. I. I'Al.MKU. 1 OOS-UD1. ' I "Hi r-. in. J. lei troken down and uf- !ih .liiinl. ohMlR. Frardim i u p r. fculied in a eompicta nn M i r, f-otiini-nl to all who .. hii.I ti ver aa barmleaa. I. he M I 1 1,11, ! ..H ll, 1 in i.. i.KKck k. 1 holographer. r.l Ihrw chlldrn Wfr rairllhr H. ii. i. - l,.li sj rn(.. 1 c..i a Jr U iLe bett ti .i, j f. r ik 1 rni'-.li in ih niarhei.'' A. ji. CARKOU, ' IUi, fn m ' l . . . J ll.,li a Chill Hyrnp In oux I wnn'ly rmimn.friit Italapoat i ( I. ma and frtver. ' .InHN fCHKKLER. ( HAH. I. K)M-X, kke; R IJIXON Al tnjmtn'i Cigar raetorj . Not a ningl com plaint from tbe many boulet of House's Cbill Syrup eold. NoUjinK but the mott unbounded aaiia fnction at to results and lurprlae at it promptness. R. BEERY, DrcggUU . oc 12 d3m 2 taw mtm J. McSORLEY, t FASHIONABLE BOOT AID IEBE KlIEi POLLOCK ST., KEWBElty, IT. C. satisfactoey;;;,, Dkpaeticert of tex Imjuoa. .-, ' Pen$ioOmc. - " eacloa berewith iraft tot ' 17.60, ia payaeat to ta aeoea. Tha i atyla, lit and worknambip are aatie faotort. ' Tbey fit ma better than at eboea Ibave bad ia twenty year. -1 Venr reenectf nllr. -. ; - - Iff f tlf-r rr J7 A may reef errors a cs H a gone case. :... V ; it '.. ' 1; - 4