MH. Wv. WW i I Mi I 1 . ! J - - ' ;- - - 1 H ! IP',!' ...... . . . . - , . W. A Jara niUtut sUnaasuae. ... Sum rise. 6:83 I Length of dev.. ton mm. eli I lOhanta.'M aeJnutee. itfisEtJSIKESSi LOCALS. AHolMP'amyaf0 Coffee AT BKLL' TH JSWKUEB Watches, tS.OOaod opw&jkl iEioraaLWatclna. Artistic Watches. Superior Watches, - 8tyliah Watches, Unique rtYaichta. BeutifefWatphss. tlMMttkeeVMAti,I. ut Vf: P. Bur- ti .fl&.f . Agent tut MiXjR, JUBdUj A. rv. Nursery- men of Greensboro. N. C, will offer for ill. afawdava.afkujlot of snleudidly grown Le Conte and Keifler 1ears, and Other trees, vines and strawberry plants, at very low prices. Can be found at the Gaston House1. 2t (K&fMjWM (of sale at this office. The old fish' w barf at the market dock iiMiNbuUa"" The Core sound pjBlers are coimujc id UC ana" weir flavored-'.' CoAU: adwjjad tft ft yerday n the New Bern ,rnarUt. ; t The Thanksgiving turkey bus not mads bis appearance vet. . , Dr. O. L Shackleford gives notice of dental witfk, JIi ie thoroughly up in hipresaion and guajreaAera work. The Clerk of the Superior Courtis is preparsfFMvdecierfiijl iBeciupfrior Court sThlcn 'convenes here on Monday thetftt'ltmtv' " (Juf wood yards have but little wood. TiJ1 tfol!j T1' B'o9nd many falAlesSi fOie ajHiole and thyerdL. wLuid be. fcullle to sup ply the demand. , T14r44'faw4 wWMr way down Trent river 8aturday eyening with a cargo of cotton stuck on a shoal and had MQHfor tlil .rBtrdtty when the Cuffer. went to her relief. je vjJioJ in-joi. ' , of uual aotiJ!i wvv vk looibr men of thli section. The saw mills of NerofliWWKaWj , enlarging their capacity; a nepi oe) he been rete(J l;ttol Treat .river, aod at Bterav CejAeCpfe L0nVn intmense mill U being erected by a Northern fif nvnaeriMedftiO Ma Terry . Faaalu Coart. fftlWffl ?vrt irVr f : w neif llonaay; Judge, pipp, presiding. Our Mr. Taylcr Will be (here ready to xohanwwejrt f4rtcal, TWeis all ourfrtoicireeTa ldttnai section wish to know. Of court ahey will be on hanld,axiou wev tlx"!!1 receipts for tttbaoripUon to the Journal Y. n. C A. irH'"' . ' IfiMC. Midde Amy elite and .Pelia EoberKwBJ attend the Kekdini UaotOs Of thY. Uc3iiafaklr.r the WTfmrfate4iti'P rooms will b oitrMiiati. n. The AeUwThi tftfirityofriif books. tnaef'-' "UnMN hMH the laaiB .will rejai)ng4 i.u a W.LjTfiOf i .: 'BsoJj- lieaves this morn . tog fPeteirjyWbortant bualneMCOfJlexted with insurance. : B. A. Bell, jef,TffavTM tbta fvenlpg for KlUi.'PirtliJ wfth lnir lBTtlirrir'Hl,,niBnn ' should place their rrVn rt rnrn . J Hr. W.'. TifeJ a former citiien of now representing Virginia tobacco hofrftflqrnv qui' - ffrayerfor 1Qb. This week (a the week, set aside by the Various Young MenT Christian Associa tion! thrppboiitAlia .world lor, young men." Tn'iaScIanot lothl.' CUT held them throughout the week, beginning at WlfcAi'tboriit'oh-' Middle atreet. ,Thel,fsAkwin4r.iiitb .ro- gTanome; "'iVj-j TdJo Ut-.. ' Tuesday t fcTeniirg A. U Daker. leader. Topic? ' "From Darknese to L'ght." Mark x: 18, 62; Eph. ?: " Wednesday arrrilor-jgey Ed,- Bull, -leader. Topic? rom Persecution to Prsyfrnlcta ieVlfVhi ' Tktrtdey leider. Topic: "Fixua Jnqnlrr0 . Ff,"rjav.evpinKT,HC!..IlanpooM lead -. Tcp5:A UeVcbabarsathatls Better thai ; fclvpirf'r Bm.;k 13, W; TOTrjrija,.areofteB of x . i ! I rongbt on by the u, Fu ji as a dr&ugbt o . js swollen and in tvtn , cr hw rtrlt Ins ' ' r ' i. Co the , . , h i hi iark rub j ..i. - i r a i. t II r ?csUataJ7 3U-. . , f TV eil attention'' totirt call of the President of the Clarendon German Club, given in this issue. The object of this club is to furnish amusement fox the young men and young ladies of tb city., A good number of our young nif n are already members, aud an op portunity is now offered for others to join,. The object of this special meetiDg is to get up a (Jermuu complimentary to Iioi, F. M. Siaimons, a very proper tbing for the club to do. Tb lnoUtelal Vote ir (rat en. We publish by reijut sttbe (oIluniiiK VOM wbieh it is assuuicd was olled in the day of election, the 1st Tuesday in November. We do not vouch for its correctness, but picsume tbai it is fa r to suppose that It is thu vote thu proper returns would have show u : For 50th Congress: Simmons JL.".''8; O'Uara. 1778, Abbott. &43 Forthe iSruale: Gutn, 1447 . CJsrk, 174W. Fbr Houfe: Ilusej , Lane. 1745. Par Sheriff: Hahn, 2(KU; Siimeon, Fur Racist, i of leed; iiam ock, J "J.'iW ; JlubU. 16tt4. For Treasurer. Kiltuirn, 194;" Pat terson. 16M) In the official returns hs tiled by the board of canvusseri the vole of three precincts, Camp Palmer. Olh precu ct iu tb ih fltj and James Citv does not np ear. The official returns also show that the vole of Lee 'a Farm precinct us cust lor 1'. i. hlinuious for t'oiiuress and for A. llahn for iSheritT; UukscIIs. yole Creek. Dover uuil Temples were otuined fin Robert tlancock for Kri ler of Dei ds while the others wi re re turned for linlicoek, jr., arid Slunton piecini l relumed the vote as being cast for (ireen, ( lark, liussey and Lime as ''Representative. '' Whether theso were clerical eirors in Biakingup the returns or not we are unablo to say, but presume they ere. If so it shows the imMrlance of sclei l ing intelligent men for inspectors of an election. We have, heurd it stated. however, that it was not a clerical error iu every instance but in thu print ing of the tickets. Kinston Items. There is a perfect sea of turpentine barrels around Mr. A mow Harvey ' still. Capt. J. M White has found no traces of the thief who stole his clock from his kjflice. 'Mr. Clarebce tiright, son of our townsman, Mr. R. F. Blight, is recov ering from a very severe spell of con gestion of the brain. The steamer Blanche will clear tbe cotaa, ja$d Vxiay (Satnrdny) aad take the baM) to New Berne. ''Pinafore" had a good and most ap preciative home Friday night. It was a treat of rare delight. Mr. Robert E.' Daly has a handsome two-etory house going up in the north western part of town. UevvA-J- Hires, the, Jierptlst pastor here, has recovered from his severe lll feat, tad now filla kis tiulplt regularly. Now for the thanksgiving fricq of turkeys to run up to a dollar a pouad. Tue poultry men should not gobbli up all the money. Mr. Henry Archb)l and Mr-' Robert Vaaghan will remove toEalsigh by the first of the new year; and put up a bakery there. Lewis Fisher, the colored merchant, died here Wednesday of consumption, lie bad accumulated, quite a consider able estate by merchandising. Lewis Qrady's fruit pavilion presents an enticing view to the passer-by. Tbe stacks of rosy apples invite a trial of beUfe-givigfrepertiee. We rejoice moe heartily, over iha viotofj in Cratand ki aouatyf hlir State wlH have V tffl TepTsetrtkttVe in the next Senata than yours. ' We believe that the colored voters of North Carelina hava received Valuable lessons in politics from the results of the late elections. Will they profit by them? . 4 As your reporter predicted 'possums have broufht down the price of 'chick ens. And. the deiioioua beef, of our but chers has also had, a band in tbe same. VA bcu, frieastei tie poiiHtr " Vive le boevf!" , -' . "'i '' HtiB. Ftaan-haibeakbt Mn Hetrry Archbvir ii"lTT,ip Jis, bakery and restaurant., lie will employ Mr., John L, Potter aa chief baker a youns; gent tleman af skill ' Knd 1 periet. ! Mr: ArcbbeAtrgi fee poastngiDn-wn 1 tkellst of December Bros,. M t.,;i .t' i- k The, cotton, eeasonte, wjjtch-.we JITaurinin Wked r w a'rd jtfi bright Sbticipn-T'TO tions ef ntonwy MiBf. has nulfllfeai?" it proroiMaj.What'hbs eome ovr uv gqod old couaty ! a jiy pussibv: that this county is. going to. be a, goo place to move from." We neta new blood or new ways, to help us on the road to prosperity. AJ I O J I i f A eocl -Msnls io- the Methodist ah coniempiaM ifvindtifwirorl week tome acting ycbarades.,.i'coi. U D. Mearee. of the college, tfc nosical directors Let thereorlof Klnsteoand Lenoir lends: band1 by botiBg tickets. We have no dou r but that they will be amply . repaid; The object (a a most praisewortny one. - " " - : " If Von WliBi a Gee4 Artlela Of TLm TrBacoo,'nk your dealer fof old Hip." sell dwSra . NEW1 KERrmN.vO.. TUESDAY. NOVEMBER Alleged Cauiea at DeW&tJaticlnjiafliy. The Eon. John 8. Barbour and Mr. Henry Watteraon, both leaden of opin ion in their respective 8tate, have yast returned from abroad with very definite ideas at te the aauee. of Demoeratio aratby in the recont Congreesional elec tions. Their ideas, it appears, are in pretty close accord. Both ex press the beliaf tti&J toe Demoeratio saeesee are disuiriUdsjiy the retention in office aa- der THr. Cleveland of so many Republi cans. The popular conoepuon of the reform for which Democrats voted in 1864 is that it aoneists mainly in putting better men. animated by better princi ples, into the places of the men who were in cftice in that year. That Re publicans, or Dam oo raw with Republi can principles, should be held .rood enough to till offices under a Democratic administration excites in the popular mind only amazement and disgust. As respects places oovered by the civil Bervice law, the President, it is con ceded, had no option, but there are 100 (KM) other (daces in wbieh Demo crats should have been more speedily installed as being tbe better fitted by tbeir political opiuions to serve tbe in t rests of the people. Yet many Repub licans evsu uow, in the second year of lbs Cleveland administration, are re tained in positions of influence, and not a few have bcu appointed U offices of tbe lirst importance. This, it la coo tended, is unintelligible to the average voter, w hose politics is largely personal, and lakes little account of nice l neurits of administration. "Tbe Democrats in Virginia." said Mr. Barbour in bis speech Thursday evening, "have not received such encouragement as they deserved The men wbo carried the (lag of tbe party and perforsied the campaign work in 1864 have Dot been recognized." Indifference to party in terests and inactivity in advancing the party ' principles are the serious faults, a is intimated of the present adminis tration. "When the Demoeratio party liit- mi ii in office," Mr. Barbour stout ly maintains, "they should consider the linen M- i f the party, and abuald do the ijiddiiiK of that party without feur or ircmbliuK. '1 here are reasons why our leoplo are unhappy. I understand wby lliey complain. 1 have experienced some disappointments myself. I he mugwump is having loo much Influence with Mr Cleveland, and the Democrat loo little. Kuch is Mr. Barbour's opin ion, in In it f, as to the cause of the npttthy that has lost Virginia to the Democi atic .party . Mr. Wallerson goes moiu into detail. The Prvsident, he holds 'should hereafter pursue a more positive course, lie must ''take tbe party, through its accredited leaders, into his confidence; abandon the theory that personal interest in political events is diwhonepty; confide in the rep resentative character of public men, aud, finally, force the drill and the fighting by the assertion of an administration policy on all the great issues in harmony with Democratic traditions and ioauuots. " Tbe administration must nutdelmeto exercise its influence to discipline re calcitrants, but must aid the party to oarry into effect purposes announced in the national Democratic platform. "To save itself from destruction, v aajraMr. VVatterson, deecending to particulars, "tbe Democratic party must meet the tun IT issue I onegtly, and substitute for the humbug of oivll service reform the actuality of a clean and efflofent ad ministration of the government upon popular Di inocratio priaoiplee. The President is honest in bis purposes, bat mistaken in bis methods and at times unfortunate iu his instruments." Mr. Morrison 's defeat signifies nothing, in Mr. Watterson's r plonlrm, but the no- cess of a plrt, a few protectionists hav ing employed the profits they wring out of the people to discredit the cause of reform throegb the Merest of iU leaders. The signs of the times indi cate tbe ex tent ion of low tariff ideas. Such are the views of two leading D. mocrata views that will receive much attention in the South, Whether they will have the effect ultimately of infusing a sturJier patv spirit into the admiaistratioa,is open .ttvaofbt.. 'Chn gressmen afflicted with constituents more numerous than the offices at the President's disposal must count upon a troubled existence. Tbe question dk enssett with so mut-h feeling by the Virginia and Kentucky statesmen has probably two aides, and the President has vet to state his case FoZftmore in. To the Member of the Clarendon Uermaa Club. There will be a meeting at tbe Club tonight at 8 o'clock, at Guion A Pelle tfer'a office on South Front street. All members are requested to be present. All wishing to join the elub will be present or hand i their names at the office during the day. Important bostaeaa to transact J.' H. Hackbuhn, Pres. A Bar Boom Tragedy. j Raleigh, Nov. lS.j-Dr. C. few all, a physician of high social and profes sional BtandjngshDt and kiUed.William Skarp, a ycbng whi(e man; aoa olAAe ReDreeentaOve-elect JobttJt, Sharp, in a bif room tn Rocky Mount last eve- rning. The shoog was done in. ft xn or oxina- ur.. Lowell , ws nte k hands of deputy to we caamiUeiU Tartww laiU ' Vinfa half way between Rocky Mount a ed Tarbevw,4 at 11 p. m , live of : rowaii-g mends met .'and, took ' ht rtisone froaa. the Hprmi.. . . 1 i - iHi ... -,. i i n, i - ' " 1 . i Barvslesiav-' M, N asbniie, Ten., not. oIffs una oi raw cussmerm. jra La tui liaras, baa bean ttstni Bt IV B.'a alorfl time and renorted to nre that its effects were aim ply raarvelpas, buf irraf it far surpasm ail "other blood re fnedies sbs baa need, and that ahe ceold heartily unction anything said In its favor, as it bad given her mere reltef than mar- thine she had ever noed before.i-ittu'f ' W. It. OwKS. Dmiwist. I Bold in New Berne by E. N. Duffy ana Mi. iu aieadowa. ' 'In '.'! t l'.,f'lt Onslow County t terns. Little Mollie, seven-vear-old child Ot Mr. aad Mrs. J. B-IajW,-ii-iat week on White. UaJ, of meningetis fever. JPjf.J-, B. 8. Jtoonoei nettstUhWde, lost a bale of ootloa, by fire last week;1 sop posed tohava otuf,ht flxv jor Lewis ThomM'fla.''1 Mr. Q. Je. Ward is teaibmg'Bdboolat Bear creek. Mss Faoy Bell, daughter of Mf. Thomaa BeU. is Vhing at Queens creek. The Masonic fticeW of A. J. Johnson, deceased, wifl ta ktf laoa at his late resi dence near Jscksonviil, tbis county, on Sunday the 38th -'tast. All Masons of good standing ar invited, Maj. L. O. F(vIUl"lns Jwt) very tine colts, blooded Stock, Bired by Dr. hn nett'e fine stallion "Orange Blossom." Tbe Major says he wouldn't tike a round two hundred cash for ihem. . A good Sabbath-school, wllhj. Mc Jones Supt.; a good select boarding school, H. S. Mallett principal Mr. M is a splendid teacher. At wall as a teacher, he delivers a free lecture every week in the academy on different sub jects, and they are very geud One of our Gaua Brunch friends swapped off his male lust week, "Old Jim,' for a pony "hoss, " he didn't swap even though, as "'Old Jim" was a favorite "boss," the boot was a bull up and a barlow jack knife 8me say be made a good trade over the left One of our young friends living near Richlands got on a little kind of rstrs the other day in thai villaue and not being too over particular enough came very near driving his horse und Lugy over some young ladies in tha village, for which the gent was l iuiigl.t . taw by the Mayor and maJt- lu pony up iLe dust. Fish are plentiful in Buue i- in. i scd While Oak liver, also N w iimi Aboat 8 000 floe trout fifh were caught near Bogue inlet last week, and sold for $4 per huudrad. Thousands of lit tle mullets are slill being caught, also tine blue lis h arid tloumlerfisli The latter aell readily at from It;' to 5o. each, little mullets Jtlifiprr hundred pounds, salt, and 30c. p. r hundred in the round, so small are they. In and around S ansln m. m ue i about the aame. They have a lodge of Good Templars with Dr. F. II Mount W. C. T.; Miss Minnie Ward W V T J. J. Ward. W. F. K , and J. McJoues Chaplain. This lodge of I. i. d. T.w ill (tive a celebration (at which time ad dresses will be delivered) on Thursday night before Christmas next, wbnii will be ou Dec. 2d, lbe All othei lodges of giHid standing are invited. Our county oeuHnatUo of last week. W e were F theft! atftf witbe'sBed tome things, among them was the unusual quietness and quick dispatch of busi ness. Judge W. Clark we think, is one of tuii boat. Judges, wtskmye bad fr many yeere( lnaartlal and firm rn his aotions in every way, but good and ksnd to all. Several criminal cases disposed of; one was G surge Thompson, col., arson er attempt U bum C. Ger rock's house. Guilty; sentence, 10 years in tkats prison at hard labor Another was Oliver Kadick, col., lar ceny of money from Lew in Marine. Guilty ; sentence; one vear in peniten tiary. Theu Wiley Thompson, col., abaadotmene f famfly. Guilty: 80 days in jail and pay all cost Jim Venters, col., A. & B Guilty ; days in jail and pay all eoet. State and J. A Pittman vs. G. W. Bmith; removing turpentine claimed by rftlman:' com promised; Hmilh pays for turpentine and all costs. J. A Matlock end .State vs. A. Hahn and, 0. iV. titaifh for rer jury; bound over to neat term of oourt. so we bear. G. W. Smith vs. V. D Haskins; selling mortgaged property- Verdict in favor of the defendant. Shooting in W infield, XAnaas. Win field. Nov. 13 At o'clock this ntornlng at tbe Bretlun House. Lillian Quinn ahot Fraak? E. Loehwood and than herself; both through her head. She is dead and it ie believed he, cannot ovev ira ueerwjoT arw ne a case M sedufstidp. jTnecornnei iriltin veUgar- sp-a - - - - Improvement of ICltjruMtp! '"Levees. WA8niNbT(M, Rdrlll-The Wkr De pattern l today wjn4Jh, JltpVhl by the MiseiaaisDi Rivfer .OomrnkBwavi wt $1 00,000 for 4he leveee ef . she Yaaoo IMjsi.) DelU district. This approbria- tion will be expended, .n the line of that levee betwricslMelbpkb and the north line of Bolivar cotmtj, Miss. Tbis, witk the wdtk now being done isj the diitttjt below, will couplet aor tintaone ) M ef levee f roar K tift p fctd) Vielfsbllrt, a distance of 'about 320 miles. TfcefJury takea tie Case. NcmroiX. Nov. la. The trial of Jew B. Wbieebead. trerlderrt of the fnaot- veot ErchapM jJtjelfcak, tat mie applylnti the fund. erf- the baab with BBtent a deftaed,' Hobrd ThU arenf&g and the' caW wu given to tbe jury. Being unable to raaetrat 'verdict, tbe eoort rare the yery-until Monday at 1 otlock to rteoiiVa,) ' - .sB I thousand a Oh isajLhoee eyes of fire. scarce would quench da- lStiB would 1 steep my lips in bliss, '. ' lAbd dweH a ti Ton rety kisa. hia Uaodi he-ia utterly too f reek. ' B. B. B. ii the beat thing tor bint, because one bottle will coe kiracvBat that ifle fc jnot! all aloe- in hit trrreatrtal glory I not by "jugrtilU" Uaay othersejaM consiasrwety "rttMM" Ifn sswVrnsil, that Hood r onk-i- BVI1 BJ anortv . e. isieoftkig, Purify, Ion fy, A Will J . I U r II J. . w" Boldlw r-tv. j l j ErK.Dtftry and E. i3wJ q T ; 16. 1886.. COMMERCIAL. Joruii. Omox, Nov. 15, 6 P. M OOTTOJI. New Yohk, Nov. 15. Futuies closed strong. Sale of 114,900 bales November, 9.11 May, 9.64 December. 9 14 June, 9.74 January, 9 24 July, 9.68 February, 9.34 August, 9 90 March. .9 44 September, -. April, 9 54 October. . Spots firm; Middling 9 3 16, Low Middling 8 l'.-l; Good Ordinary 8 8 16. New Berne Market firm Sales of 73 bales at 8 3- B to 8 8-8. Middling 8 7 1; Low Middling 8 i 16, Good Ordinarv 7 15 1 BlCKD OOTTON tfU 60. OuTTOM BlUCE 410.CK). Tprpentiiis) Hard. Jl.00. dip 81. 7&. Tab 75c.a1.25 Oats New. 3fc. iu bulk Cobj 55a60c. Rioa 60a(JO. BaaswAi 15c. per lb Baar On foot, Jc to 5c. OocwTBY Hastfl 10c. ucr 1L Laud 10c. tier lb. Eaoe 16c per aomen. Fkaeu Pohk 4iaftc. per pound I'ltANUTB-50c. per bushel FOUDKK 75c. a? 1.00 per hundred Onions $2 00a-' 25 per barrel. FieijPkaS 85a70c. UuK Dry, 10c.. green he. APfLCa Maltaiuubkeet, .ra40c iod freys, $1.10. PKAH8 75c al 5 per busbc! Honky 85c. per gal TaLLow- 5c per lb. CI1KU4H 14 Omuauia- HJrown. 80a: :jc. h-iiii. 205c. UeaL - 70o per busbel. Oats 50 ets. I't-r bushel. Tm NIPS) 60c. (.er bushel Ulsll l'nTATOES-Jta 75 H-r bl I Wool. H'alttc per pound I'oT ATtiaa liubauiaa 80c. , ysnis, 41 Wist ludias, 50c . llarrisciu. 65c. HlitNOLKS West India, dull and u ,iu i n ii I not wanted Huilding 5 md hearts. 8 00; saps Jl 50 per M WH' H.ESA l-B PHTCBh Nxw Must PuliK-n Ml SlIlH 1.HKM M HAT 7c. i'. It. s. F B s It and 1. C iUiLh $8.O0at..(HJ. LaH1- 7Sc. by the tier, e Naii.r -Haeis 10's.f 50. HrOAH (Iranulated. flj (kirFKK llalic. Halt HOabOc. per sack. VLoLA&aKb AJiDUTaur 0a4bo POWDF.K $5.00 MrtfrT-Drop. 81.75, buck, 82.00 KKHoaains 9c. Dental Notice. 1 nil net of Teeth 810 (XI 81 oo to fi on Odd Fill ings Best Work Guaranteed. Bit. (i I SU ACK KLFORD, Dentist. )ffii- ou Middle street, opposite Bap tist Church, dot ltd Aw if Real Estate For Sale. A lare lot with OotnmodioUi dwel ling and tenant house on It. in the city, for sale. Nicely situated. In good lo calitv. Terms very easy . Apply to riHdlf GUION & PtlLEriKK. ALEX. JUSTICE, OP.AI.EH INT t'hoicc Flour til all Oralth, Selected Tt-as, I'urc rodVes aud Bjik cm, Hotter and Cbeoae from the LeHt Li i I in, Koreirn and Domestic Fruits, Canned Fruits and Vegetables. ,'" A foil variety of other goods usually ler, In a first-class store. (fin .In delivered at aay part of the ot fi. e ef charge. Broa-d betWB3i Hwcock wd Middle. aovlidtr - L00KHEEE! HOUSE KEEPERS. )N N KR SKT8, 125 Piecrs f EA RETS, 40 Piece. CI1A M HEIt 8ETR, 10 & 12 Pieces. FIN K TOILKT SETS, AND A F?TLL LI5K OF llOlSK Fl IiMSIJlG 0(.)Ol3, L. II. CUTLER'S, 26 & 28 Middle Street, HKW BRRNR N. C C. L SLOVER, Wholeiale jand EfetaXl Staler. . r j ... i .... 2. C2idc9 FAMILY QEOCIEIES Household Good. Is repe4d 'to' eftet Goods ; CHXAP1A THAJt Vtt VtroHX. A vtslt to fe store vlll evis tfcs aM skrpOrwL Oeede deirmetf M aay psea eTtbe'etiy rrwM( esstrivk. , Jt ,noVtU PRICE 5 CENTS,, e. w. 5iiuo(u. mfimii. Smallwood & Slover, DEALERS IN GESERAL HARDWARE, TISWa RE I GLASSWASX, WOCDLNWARE, CROCKZSY, SASH. DOORS, BLINDS, GLASS, PAJXT8, OHJS ASD STOVES, lUNbURPASSED AS TO PRICE AND QUALITY. .Middle Mrt.r, N-xt Door to AlU-rt Hotel, NEW BERNE H. C OYSTERS AND FAMILY GROCERIES. A. II. IIOLTON .. u i, tlJceL below I I. I INK of South 1 i i t a 11 Choice Family Groceries. ' :! -:-t! n ban J the Finest Oysters Tlx at r oi Fastern Caro lina AiTords, plrpareil in all Mi , s I ', in any portion of the citv. mil it h served nol8d w Oysters and Restaurant Mks N a. WiiJIIII.i: Las opened a hirst ritihs i htrr Saloon and Uestaur anl. one door below Cotton Firhanfe, and is prepared to furuisU Oysters iu ery style. Meals at all houis. Lain i lies suppliep all heir bouiea if de.ned. eelMdwSni Public Salu of Valuable Property. lhe larte and eleKant Urick HuildiDR e n fioulh hroni str t known as tbe Kateinan House, will be sold at auction st the (kiurt II. Mine door in New Heme the hiisl ilonday in December, lUft, at l'J o i lock Terms: I'arlcnsli: balance in one and l o j ears. rioiid MAKV L. HAUVEY. Notice to Lumbermen. We want to contract with reliable parties to deliver ou tbe banks of White Oak liner. North Carolina, or at Mill, from one to ten million feet of lojfs; said Ions are from one yard to three-fourths of a unit froui lhe river. None need apply that are not thoroughly acquaint ed with the businoiM. For particulars apply or address K1LI.KV K. TKKUV, nov4dl0d?t Stella, N. C. F. G. SIMMONS, COTTON BROKER. oiiMKiiincnts Solicited ufTWat w i HUVAVS. on South Front "Hi-l.t.iil Dneii of (,nen Jrov 6, Us ' Hunk ea. 1'roDipt aiunllun glvsn lo Um sals of ( OIUMI n.l ...her I'rinluce. Blp2dwm Rock Lime, Plaster, Cements, 4' Goat Hair R. O. E. LODGrE, CKAYEN STKEET. Below Express Office. ruav 21 4avAw J. McSORLEY, FASEIORABLE EDO! UB lit KiXfll POLLOCK ST., NEWBELN, N.(C.;.. 8ATISrACT0ET. ','7'; nniMsiM vr laa in i n.nit,i. Pennon Office. ' ' ' Wa$hinffton, D. C.Sepf. H, 1681. tl Ma. J. McSoeLit, JV'rw Brrne, AT a "'V''':" . encloee herewith diat er,'ti 17.50, in payment for the ahoea-: Tne , style, fit and workmanship are eatie factory. They fit me batten han-nyi'iT Sj E.. fiXEETf jSa-rroprietflr. -A n; Only Ptrstilass Bouse ta tss city, i r T. 'OamlbeaeaaBaets wltb ail Tralnt aid"" ltHmn, iMrgt aaiaple rooms for eumnj. t : eial tnrrlna, The BAR and RIXLUtD srnoM jeeently even r'iiriil.ri nd ro-i rrt t n Cod stvle with Binianl SBd i k1 i. . - ' I.- , l f )..r;, . ,.- . ' ' . I Vf-' .r t 4 1 . sr:i 1,