, . . . - . . M St . J THE JOUEiiALrM J i&SIS --ttEDMOKD, ttii'X'.-.Li'l - V,". jrrw BE2KK. w. a. voy. 1C 1S8C a,. -; Ajr:nraTjzT, l?'" t - t T 1 Jtijas .iioods clnat ; eYery body v wants. We are dUcring; them' iit'pnce fojrd to pay.! iWo'don't cOll'Aijr aWfaclions ihYeejtOayiibr extra lsa condensed and sufficiently representative bill'which"1 we' commend to your attention. .S H8A H-;. ess m . id . i y a. iiM,pMl iiw H pat, wool, for 10. per yard, in nice shades, worth 20c. of ftBj Bu'i money. Fine Debaise and other drees goods at remarkably lov paces; att" f ask ia an inspection. Then in Fine Goods we hare all wool ,Ctb4)) fiereI ' laohet wide, Canel'a Hair Serges, French Plaid Cashmere, Striped French Bilk and Worsted II air Mixed Cloth. I BLACK GOODS we have all wool and Camel's Hair Suitings and 8frjj,'LnpiD'.Cebmerefi, etc, to., among which is a half wool doable - width wlu&er alee looking, for 20o. per jard. .IleaTJ Black Silk. Then look at our Black Satin RLikdamte. Wraps for Ladies and Misses, talking- Jackets, Jersey Jackets and Dolmans, '' fnailo of bodcle cloth and Our Hosiery Stock Is oonpleio and rery low. We realize cur stock at bottom prices, and sell . ilUL I J W" : Wo haTjolh4tHMbd tfiings t - Corsets, Gloves, Indies' and Children's Vests, Buttons, Gimps, Fringes. Etc. Etc.. Etc. IT? tl3M. TP . All w M of our'nends is a 'trial; and jnalit jt won't be our fault. lit il.'.V; We arft the only , parties that sell the C:!:Lrcf;p!:pond Shirt, Collars and Cuffs. " 't W jV'ttfc them Wetter thaa any other you can find in this market. m - t4 im ' V' ' 1 a-lli tin wwlO'll - u'1 1 -" -friendd. in the ... 7C.:!lcay-TOare;very anxious to have your tmuo;-J7e are headquarters in this city for ' stT-r; vtiridvigood goods at hard time - r.ricc3. If vol If you want Fine or Common Goods we " Then t0' that class - w'wotildaydwish you all-tho , success :; ' pobiblc;;an'd;wiTLfiell:y6u very clicr.pjbutupless you can pay 4the cash spot dovn we cannot: soil you, as we have marked - our'goods too. close to sell them on time, - - rctfully : request a call from all, and if "-.Vt'ccll you it wdnt be because our .. ... u tKal all 'cabell a pretend to" give a list if we did we should advertising ; but here Goods. other fabric?, aro cheap. that times are hard, have bought them very close. too n numerous to mention a full line of " 'if we don't suit you both in priocs country and city we of our friends, the -V bovroBSD bt amxim cum.,. Btopawoetaiiicer. aa4 UUaao U tboo - uoweai, t Borne fair land o'er which tkoa rarest, Some vailer fat oat West. The dear iKtle slo(r sweet, bat lew Drew aeax her aide and answered "No," Oh I gentle moon, so kind and bright. Cine"! (boa answer for a question Io nian Tell me of a hand for which I sigh. w nere trouble never lives, and friend ah u never diet? The moon moved on. but very slow, Ana sweet, out sad , responded, "Ho. ' Oh! mighty deep, whose waters glisten clear, Dost thou know of an island far away Where free from toil one can stay? For a moment they stopped their per petual flow. Then on tbey went as thev answered. -No." Tell me, O my secret soul, speak from witbin, Is there no resting place from sorrow and from sin? Is there no plaoe where one may be bleated, From all earth's trouble and sorrow resl'i1 Faith. Hope and lxjve, beet boons to mortals given Sweetly whispered, "Yen, in Iieavn " A young man having saved a trirl he loved from drowning, her grate ful father thanked him with en tuusiasm, aDd said: "My dear sir, now can 1 reward youT Which would you rather 1 should give you, two huudred thousand dollars, or the baud of my dear dsugbterT" The vouDir mau, ihiukiug to ?et both the money and the girl, an swered: "The hand of your daughter, sir, by all odds." After hey were married, the old mau said to his son-in-law: "I'm triad you chose Susan's hand, for, as I'm almost peuniless, 1 should have had hard work to raise the two hundred thousand dollars!" The young man was silent. The bright six-year old sou ol a genial clergyman had beeu engaged with some of his friends in wrong doing, and was called tntotlie house under circumstance that seemed ominous. "Bid yon get licked!"' inquired one of his uatter-of fact companions the next day. "Well, yes, I diJ," admitted the young philosopher; "but I should have got off all right if there'd been anytluug for supper that lather liked." A V1BD, To all who are suffering from the er rors and indiscretions of youth, nurvous weakneee, early decay, lose of manhood. eeo.. I will eend a recipe that will oure you. FEEE OF CHARGE. This great remedy was discovered by a mieetewary in South America. Bend a eolf -addressed envelope to the Rrv. Joaxtb T. Initaji. Station D yew York Cat. BlTdwy BARGAINS IN Meat, Sugar, Soap, Molasses And Syrup At S. F. TEISER, Wholesale and Retail Grocer, BROAD STREET. DR. J. D. CLARK, DENTIHT, mwiui, b. c. OOee MOtav rtOoek LAVTfBa wasted to wtt ap Tea Wabe tot or Pore Tras aa4 OotfMe. A boas M iifal arttales te keleot lron as pfeailaase. ead for Illaatrate Prkee aa4 rttmlw LM, M Hfe i teevery eaaslk non that auawere tbla dvwtlsaineDt, we wUl soad free one poonW w eholce Tea ASise MATIi TKA A Qorr JE CO.. Boerew. Mass.. noaldwlm TTTAfrTRTV-A Hvi eerrte oUo, S T If! KantttS. 7t p.1 CMh.StS .IfSM Ooeda staple; eery oae tm as eatai and paiw tlcalara (raa. ' " BtAh iJAkb VA9JE OO. Boerow. WILLIAMS'-FAST FREIGHT lliiE. STEAMER ELM. CITY AND BAEQE JENNIE EEED' --a ' TT ' Ti v VTEKKLY BKTWrCN' U il IEW IEPJE, I C, ud ICmH, Ti' Leave N w. jBerne, Monday, f o'clock,' P. M- Leavea KorWk, Thwradan 8 oVifi P.M. 4 ? ConnecU wilh T?. Y., P.'li.fe.'R Co. ft? a!l painie Knrth. . QUICII TIM" AKD LOW FEEianT3. J. V. Wi;.LIAVg, - ; ! y z'x- ' X. T V &mmsjk4 1.' . . . - ,vjhi' . vv r ' - 15 OOifiTECTlON W1TU TliE AQBSCY FOli liOTTLlG The Dergner & Engel Brewing Compans Lager Beer, Porter, &c, I KEEP ON HAND A FULL LINE OF WIIIES AND LIQUORS AT WHOLESALE, Which will be aold by the Barrel or Gallon at VLRY LOW FIGURES for CASH. Ginger Ale equal to Befit Imported, and superior to any procurable m North ('aro! in a. THE NEUSE 1 TRENT RIVEB Steamboat Company WUl run Ihe following Bodrdulx on m j uru j Hriiloiutxtr Will. 1H86 Steamer Culler Will luvt Maw bru (or 'Jrruluu every Wednesday at a. iu.. and Friday lu i u.r arrival of Ui atraut! hheauiidtiAlr. rt-lnru- uk. will lea ve ire n un vury J'liur.itt and Halnrday. louotitnn at all polnia a 'ntf n.r rl er. 8teamer Kl&aton. Uu ud afuar June lh. 1SS&. Uio sua.inor kJnauQ will leara Klnalon for New lu-.rne vary Monday and'Ilinrwlay at S o rltwk a.m.: reluming, will leav. New Mil no every Tuna day and Friday, (topping at Jolly old Kield autl oucUlug at all UkUdUj n Neuae rl r. I'loae ouunecilon made wiin Kteaiuer Htien auduah ol the Old lHjtuliitotl hU HTti.tiln (). JOHN H. riEI.I., at Nr-wbrrn. W. K. iiTA nlt, Kin. ton. IV M. Hakkus. f'illokv1l I T. W1LHON, Aeentat Tr.-nloi, J. P. Ulitimn, Jolly mil Kteld. J. 11 Maxkh. Uuakrr bridge. J M. W ll'TK.Oen'l Maiiai . li7dAw Kln.um. C TIME TABLE, aw.TfarwiMLSaUW sut- Atlantic &. N. C. Raili uaU timk tabu: jve. a In Effeot 7:57 P.M.. Sunday, Nor 7lh 1886. EAST No tl Paaaeacar Srr. L't. wkst raaaerjMei Ait L'v. STSTIONs r a., r. a. I MlOoldahoro 6 4S lUUUmit ) S SS kHa.toa,. H JK S BsiS.w Rente W 61 Ibtorabead lllj s. a. r. a Dally aweept Sunday. A. M A. M. 11 IIS 10 W W 80 W 48 H W S Ifi 1 B 7 A a. A. a EAST. I WteT. No, 1 f i Mixed Fft. a fa.i. Tram Ne.L Klaed Frt. a : taa. TraJa. TATIOWS. Arr. a a. j Arr. I .. a. a. r. I 1 .1 IK r. a. 7 ooia.boiu S 02 s a OS 10 1 10 m n n 11 87 11 M USI 8 U7 Beftt'a :i S2 a 2 2 i) 2 20 1 411 1 21 12 4l 12 18 11 67 Jl JO 8 W W M 10 15 ie 40 11 1.1 It 11 ts p. a. l.a (irajife,. ralltiif Oreek K.lnioi OMiTL, UoT.r Core hk . . TTrr?ora Clarke. kewrm, S 1.1 2 41 2 02 1 41 1 IS 12 48 12 v9 U 52 r. a. A. a. I a. a. Tuesday, Tbaredayend Batarday. tMonday, Wedne day aad Friday. Trala 60 ooaaaeu wlib Wllmlnsion A Wal dfa Xtaln bi'nnd Nortk, leaving UoMaoore 11JB a. m aud wltb Rlchaaoad A D nvtll Traia West, laavtas uoedaboro lL60am Trate 61 eoaato aitb HicanMaa A laa4ll. iTrala,. a 1 1 viaf lavton a a 4 fXU . kiw. Mil... mA with WUmlBftoD and Wel-loa Train frotn vbs MorOi ai 4:64 a.aa Train f MBWS WttbtJ. AW.Ttaln fmnnd Boatb. ieavintj Voldsbsre et 14 and 7:40 p.m., with W A W. Train aotrad North, laavlnc OoMabore at Srtt a.te., anfl with B, A 1 Trala leavlnc Ooldebervat6je0f.Bi. )nperirjtMl4eat E. II. & J. A. ncadons, GENERAL Co For .Tr-cV tUd tCotUiaVi WbWvliarroBaipiaieAttai OawoeaA .era... -jiiaAaaidMIAdlwaareett e Vnio rwrnt WS'Zk -J-ifwUl CabbsBrfchCala, Bptaaca W T.ri. Seei. ;..-,' i t e - 4 1 1 1 - Hen Ccnfcl.Eotel - Foiautr Fn.tN Eormi, . South Xroni gareet,- Kw T(-rte, If, Q, "".y rrT"wew, earinor,i ,. 0 apeeial lndooementa to commercial (. " of anperrer Tel)ere, ( ...n.i.na ana bat-sac wairoB at all tra s WHOLESALE For HardTin:os. rMR Daily aoUriAb' DEMOREST'S ILL I STKATHD MONTHLY A1AGAZINE W.th Twelve Cu! Paper Patterns of our owo ' election and of any me. Both publications, One Year, .. vTil-X I'll- 1 . iMLOREST'S THE REf T! Of all tho M.-igazinoa. j yun miniKIU Stor.oi. Ko.mt rJ ( Iher I il.nr) attractions, combimny Artnlic, St-iantilic tno Household matlcrt. HlHMtraltd Kll A ( ' r f(irr. n7, HhotQrtrurc. ml 1'irtnt t ami flnr n txtiti-Mt, tnuhitttj il il,- Minll MuQaHne .-4 J. rtvi. ft"- Vrh MaintcliM ii-nl.ini- n (iirr'n CllllI'U -llK II,, II, .1, if I to I hi , ANY rATTIOHN UllifcUaU-l In th.il i...n.li and In ANY HUH. KKMOHRSTM MONTH I.T l.itl tin- Wurld'n Mo.ii-1 Mii)ii7. Tin I.aiK.-i-1 in Form, tin- ljiriiwt in ( 'in illation, mi l ll- 1 il TWO Dollar Mindly Mnirnulnn iwui-d isw wil lie tll Twenty rih-oiiiI -ur of lln ul.h, nl i, n II In i- Hit llillally 1 til i . r - . -. I iiinl wi i iloiili, U V to pliu! It In till' front mi i k , I Inin .i 'erloilltiUi. and eijuul to any iuuir.-iv.Uic. M ciuii Biiaires.larTSQnsi'. ! x II Indu rieirauii) u-inata mu wuuy ltlurtr.,1. ,1 fol Ualii-d liyAM' JfUulnirH lh-iuonnt. N V u. NO rv SPECIAL AGREEMENT COMBIMO t WI1HTHL DAILY JOURNAL at $6.50 Per Y Li.') 18HO. Iliirpcr'd Magazine, ILLUSTltATKO. Trie DerrarberlToniTieT will Ix-rln 'r Sev-nfr-aecond Volume of HAnrmaM Ac.A.ir.F Mlas WaalBOa"a aaVel, -luwl Aiteli." and SI r. lioweUa 'tLodlu tlaauuttr holding Hie fDramcat laos la eurraul msi n.-tum win run tbraugb aeveral number, ann will Of followed by aerial atoiiee from . 1'. Hiark more and Mn U. M. Cralk. A n w editorial department, dlaouaalng topic .ugge.ted l,j lb. current II eratureof Amerlraand turopr. will l contributed by W. D. Howelli. begin ning with the January number. Tlie greal lltrar event of tbe year will be the public tlon of a aerie, of paper. taking the almpe 01 a.iOTT. andrkPDtollDa ehansMrmtafeawre. of American aociety a aeen at our leading pleeaom ai4rtawrttla by Cliarte. Uodlay Warner, and Ulu.trated by C. H Kclnliarl The Maalne WM1 gtva n. pedal atSentlOn to AmerlcAii aubjecta, treated by the kM-.t Amer lean writers, and llluatrated liy !, ailing American arllMa. llarier'8 I'eriotlu-jils. TKR TKAKi aAiii'Kir . aAKl KlfR BA?.Ak rJAHrHi H YOUNG PEOPLE dAHI'r I! s KRAJSKI.Ii aaOAKF. l, FHA in .tine TeVAr(MVnnrWra) 1 Pnaii'i.'.' l- ree to all cbaerlber In tb Gnllcd -ii.u or Oanada. TlirViSaidaaof Bbo WafaUBie bevln with the Nnniki.m for June and lecember of eaeb year. -When no time I. gpeclned, n will, be noSM.IMiiathe .nrri-lber wlabeatobel gin with Oi currant Number. Hon ud Volume of Harper' Mugazlne foi tAn-f-e lean back. In neat cloth binding, wl 1 be tout by mail, poaipald, on receipt of $8(K par volume. Cloth Caaea, for binding. 6( cent eixii by mall, postpaid. 1(1 1,1 to Harper' Magaalne, Alphabetical, Ana) n. al. arid Oiaailfled, for Volume. I to flu, Incluaive, from Jurje, UMLte dUuaa. WW, ... nwk ml na A,' . , vw ' ' ' , ..... u , n f, k M j Remittance. .houlIA aajala aywdjMlialoe Kinney order or Draft, to avoid chance of loa. isew.paper are not to oopy tbte adverttse- Fent witbootthe expreaaT order ""j-wai.-ijS.., oi u&rper a NSW Toi-k. TheJ-Soirthera 0iiltivatx)r 44lk TKAR. 77i a rent Farm, Industrial and Stock Periodical of the South. 1 It em brace la 1U conatltuener the Intelli gent, progreealTe and BatataaUally (ucoeaa talearraa oX.taleaeetVaa., aa4 aaaaadvar ttalai baadlata la- Uae iSeaxaani, M a. n facta rer, Btoek Ratsar and Profeaalonal Man. i AJSOLl7TI.t nrauAi.ttr4 .... . . , i Bpaaaiatr aiaior, as its boiuraa is always remuae rative, AdvertlaemeBtavtier He. . '10. , aiserliHtKaaaaC H'ttJo. - Acdreaa, 1 CULTIVATOR PUB. CO., P. a Drawer (. . ;. . ATXjairrA, OA. Jfew Bane Weekly Jawrmal aad CwlU Tatar a a j-aeur la advaatea. .'! . .'.aaisinl, - .- :t W. P. BURRtTS CO., C0IIIC3I0N nxncnAKTS, KCW DEUXE, jr. c. fablldw - LIQUOR DECLcfl ISO SLsJITJFaOTTJBEB Of Ginger Ale, Sarsaparilla Lemon So4g -j Buffalo Mead. California Pear Cide SPEtc, Etc. J-r. . i'.f.,.'y;liiiti- aiiJ Jtauufucturter HHA DSTREKT'S, A V I I I. 1 V Jul l.s.ti Trs.dc. Franco and Piklirfcoi uli. rOuy. 1 -il. I.Alt- A i 1.AU. Till: MiAli.sl 1;ki;t t (IMI'ANY, Huinea Km i, lillalicd Ig-ImitpQi Cl, lal mill Slll)lus 1, 100,0(10. I I. , nine i M..-.-M a Uroadwav. N.- York. M, , I ai.l. Hunt, it, .M u 1, ularlur."- OllU'If, Jtnd l i aii MK- In l : t' u i , ou, H. K ultlU tt i-.-y Knn.rii. .- ii, i . 1 1 w )i,il lulling' a ....... . ' 1 1 j in. , ;, , I, l.il II limn ol. ,H IllO Ol ial nt-wajiaier '15K.lSTKhl-;'lU' ..i,g bu.in.-a-. m.ii. partlrill.iiy mer . I.lii, I :. I . k . i k un.l liiHIilifui'liiielH It doe. In. I ,1,-iil will) (ii-.llh ,.r fi,rilll.ti rnllna., but uporin. ii ifv umi dincuHkca Uioae naatteia. iloineaHIo and f, , reign, ihat hare any bearing iikiii Hi, hi, Mm., oi tlj i country. Aepurtlaa Uu. i r.,i,8 in riHll, Investlg-iitlng numerou iiiduntilea, rr.tlcii-iiig varlou. Inveataient ae ruritie. mi, revirKiujj mar ketare ape- rial fi tttni.H, white Ilia trifE IalielIy ' i irannportaiion. )egn. I,nrnptpy7partner- inpaiul liniidK-e or- oilier lopic. are ably tiet d, noi 1u il, e Interim of political partle "i gengrnplitcal M-cllona. I.ui in Hie beat In i n M oi in. I, in. i new in, n (,f 1 lit- whole oouu tl y Jl Ib euipliall.aiu the liualueas man', news paper. Ve soll u yur auliM-rlptlun for one yt ar at five iloilain. V ary txulv voura, . ,t J aa aiHAiMTarr ; ajt-aa, m ilNlHIlIK now roa R A DSTKEET8. THK ( KNTUKY FOR 1885-86. Tin- n markuble Interest In me War Taper mid In tbe many timely aitlcle. and atron g -riHi leaiurea pululalied recently an 1 oaMTFBT hac Klven Ikat nuagaaina aregtt galar circulation of i Mar than 300.000 Cople. klaalbly. Among the feature, rnr tlio coming volum which brain Willi the Mereaitwr lunbH are The War Pa per a By General Client and Other. Tin ae will be continued (neat f them Ulna t i ated untU tlu, cklate vag, la of ie ijl aaSWarl cluee 4e tMpkUnw et taaTbaattV of cnWttZ' nooga and the W ildemeb. Oeneral McClel an win write of AntleUun. Ueueral U C Hueill of bbiloh. Oeneral Poj. Uuurtrt and other of Uu, hci.Bd,Bll laulTTtc.., etc, Nttaa coiBbai,4nluiiatla eaul Utween he Kcarsaige and the Alabama, by officer of win in, ueacrioeo The "Kecollectlon ofaPrlvate"anri i war paper of an ancdotal or bumoroaa i cliaraierwUll)eatualiiie., f aerial 8tarie by HawelU. Maiy HaMocA rwaau And t)o-K W.fCah7 W. D- Mr. Howell's .erlal will tK UWigote. Tata.! than -Th. Kla of Hlla, laStoaS mTI V 1 ! note's 1 a iory of mining life, and ilf. -able a novelnie ol the Acadian of LouU luna. Mr. liable will alao contribute a Krtea of papers on slave song and danc. loclod in negro saraarit-workblfc t4, . . -' " . . S Sa.I.J( rwatawaj rftflude "A Trlcye eTllgT-rmsge to Home ' lllustraled by Pennell; Hlatoncal Pape h "rdKgaie.ton and other J rtMre" on , Perala, by H, u. W. Heamirv. v(aF Ll . minlal. with, nanro; itlJrrB ' tronomlcal Article, practical and popular, on "-ldareal A t ronomj ": Paaa oa7uaea--i , , laa Unity by repreaPiititiVe. of" artia rT H) IIrIou denomination; Paper on Manna Mucatlon, by variotia (VXfiertaV etc. . T. 'V aJ.antt.ne. 1 e'',l,, PJ r'!k K. Stockton, Mrs. Helen Jaekaoa (H. H i, Mi. Mary Hallock Foofe, Joel (Jfaaa- . dler llama, H. ft. Boveaen, T. A. Jaariar Julian Hawthorne, Richard M. Johnaton.arui other; and poem by leading pottA Tim l)epartmenta.-"Dpen Lettera, " BrlBrao." etc, alUbefulljmutalned. . Tm tUw.tesi lO yl'I Will be kept ap to tb Standard wbUh baa ' Prfaes.. A IpetJAl Owll, 1 r r f I Bewwiar srWWrAiao 'priUMei a PJU W 1 1 enable new nactera to get mi thWarjriieraT " wlta eonvrioatton. from Oeneral. "raew Heaaregard, MoClallan. i. M. Johnaton TiwJ f Wallaee. Admiral Poi - tMtober,188fs watt a year enbaerlptloai bm ginning has, for SS.0O for tbe wboli. a jor.puowithth 11 Bnrnberabonndtatw aandaome volume, VMHot the wkole, T aekl -1 .a rrea speetrnen eop(baek number) will ba'' ? MeDtlcm this pTpV1 " All dealer and prarmaalera Ukke iuhncrla-. '"""PPlV number. accordlSgTo CxirrvaT oo, Kew ft. In a fcnn,.. r ia, per day. Bp