V':' '. s A -a. Has Goods t that everybody grants. We are offering ItKein. afe-prices that all can well af ford to pay. : . We don't pretend to give a list of Jail 'our ; attractions ; if we did we should have 5 to pay for extra advertising ; but here isurcondensed and sufficiently representative -bill, which we commend to your attention. ... - ... , t 4 Dress Goods. , A nice Cashmere, part wool, for 10c. per yard, in nice shades, worth 20o. ' of jn J jjua'ajnoney. Fine Debaize and other dress goods at remarkably low prices; all ire ask is an inspection. Then in Fine Goods we have all wool Qabul Serges, 40 inches wide, Camel's Hair Serges, French Plaid Cwhmlre, 'Sirjped French Bilk and Worsted I J air Mixed Cloth. Ib lfLA.6K GOODS we haTo all wool and Camel's Hair Suitings and Serges, Lupin's Cashmeres, e to., etc., among which is a half wool double width Caahmere, nice looking, for 20o. per yard. See ear Heavy Black Silk. Then look at our Black Satin Rhadamie. Wraps for Ladies and Misses, Walking Jackets, Jersey Jackets and Dolmans, made of bouclc cloth and Our Hosiery Stock Is complete and very low. Wo realize that times are liar J, have bought OUT stock at bottom prices, and sell them very close. u. We have among the thousand things too numerous to mention a full line of Corset Gloves, Ladies' and Children's Vests, ' Handkerchiefs, Buttons, Gimps, Fringes, Etc., Etc., Etc. All wt.'iskj'pf our frionds is a trial ; if we don't suit you both in prices tod quality it won't be our fault. I 4 I We arftvthe only parties that sell the CcIcLrdcd Diamond Shirt, Collars and Guffs. . We think them better than any other you can find in this market. ' t i 1 ' HJ inn ' V'TO'toiri friends in the country and city we would say we Tare .very anxious to have your ftradOJ We are headquarters in this city for stflesi and we sell good goods at hard time - pricesi : If you want Fine or Common Goods we havethem. s -t - -j " - v ' Then to' that class of our friends, the CiplsalBuyers, wo Would say .we .wish, you .. all .the success poJsibleyand'w chcr.p, but unless you, can-pay ; the cash spot dowirwc v cannot "sell you) as we have marked our goods; too close; to sellthem on time.y rc:cctfully request a call' from all, and 'ri'Eclt you it won't be because our ; 'to r.ct cheap. . . ; '4 if , . f . v. r p i i. ? .aker other fabrics, arc cheap. THE JOURNAU.- HEW BESNK. K. a. NOV. SS. 18M. TO WHOM BHATX WX GXVX ; IHXIUP A litde boy had sought a pamp From whence the fpelrkliog waUr burst. And drank with eager joy the draught Th&t kind It ouuluil kia tklrat Then gracefully he touched bis cap . . T . L. l W n .1 m m. uiui jou, v, ramp,- ne saia, "For this nice drink you've given me." This little boy had been well bred. Then said the pump: "My little man. You're welcome to what I hare done; cut i am not the one to thank I only help the water run." "O, then." the little fellow aaid, (Polite he always meant to be), "Cold water, please acoept my lhanka, iuu nave own t-ry Kind to me. "A L!" said cold waWr, "dou't thank me; Far up tbe hillside lives the spring Thut sends me for lb, with generous hand. To gladden every living thing." "I'll thank the miring, then," saiJ the boy, And gracefully he bowed his bead; "O, don't thank me, my little man," The spring with silvery accents aaid. "0, don't thank me for what am I Without the dew and summer rain' Without their aid I ne'er could quench Your thirst, my little boy, again." "(), well, "then said the little boy, "I'll gladly thank the rain and dew." "Pray, don't thank us without the sun We could not fill one cup for you." "Then, Mr. Sun, ten thousand thanks For all that you have done forme." "Stop!" said the sun, with blushing face, "My little fellow, don't thank me. Twas from tbe ovean'a mighty stores I drew the draught I gave to thee." "(), ocean, thanks," then said tbs boy. It echoed back, "Not unto me. "Not unto me, but unto llim Who founded the depths in which I lis; io. give lhanka, my little boy, To Him who will thy wants supply." ine rxy took ou his cap and said, In tones so gentle and subdued, "O, Ood! I thank Thee for this gift, Thou art the giver of all good!" Mrs. Lkvi Wads. Rock Lime, Plaster, Cements, Goat Hair R. O. E. LODGE, CKAVKN STREET. liHow Express Office. mav2J UawAw LA I )1K8 wanted to get npTea Clubs for Mr Pure Teas and Coffees. A boat of nurul articles to select front as prsmlama. Bead for Illustrated Price and Premium List. Speetel OSTsr i to evi ry tenth person that answers this adyerlltieinent. we will send free one DOUB( 4 CO b1 or choice Tea. Address HAT'L TKA FFKK (')., Hostoh. Mass. noSMwtm WANTF.l'-A live, energetic man, to rep resent us. $75 per month, and eipenaes Ooods staple; every on buja; ontBtaad par ticulars free. STANDARD BILVERWARK CO. BOSTOJI Accident Jrisur&neo. The Preferred Mutual Acci dent Association OX NEW TOHE. Policy carried for $13 yearly. Pays weekly benefits, $25. Loss of Life, $5,000. Loss of both feet or both hands, $5,000. Loes of one foot or one hand, $2,600. Takes none bnt preferred risks. Charges no annual docs. Till United States Mutual Accident Ass'n, Costs IIS or more par year, and la ease of loss of limb or limbs, pays only SSuO, and wsw any of their risks beoomo elalma, they char acterise aU risks .In that community 'de cidedly nnaattametory.' recardleas of their character or standing. For SAFE, CHEAP, SATISFACTORY insur&nca,pply to rW,.B.; BOYD, Afut, Preferroi Katosl Accident Assoc 'a. AH ACTTR AD RrI.TARI.K rUMI XO BJCPaUCSBRT A LIFE JLNSURA1TCB CO. Liberal tenai amd stnagnuata AeV drees with (erVreweea -SATIOKAIi MUTUAL' lira ASS 'IT, 10 F St WaaltfBC. D. C is ...... r? F. G. SIIIIIOITSs : COTTON BROKER. , ConsijrDments "Solicited - ' Offioa at W. a. BR YAWS, on Boats Front street, two doors west of Oreea 7of bank. - - . . . - Prompt attention clren to trie sale of uoilon ana ouxer iToaoew. - . avpsawani Oysters and Ecstamni ' Mhs. 8. A- WOMBLE has opened First-Clsss Oyster Saloon mad Beetaar ant, on door below Cotton Exchaac, and is prepared to famish Oysters In every style. . .". ,..-,- Meals st all hours. Families suppliep ettheir homes if desired. . se2Sdw3m :,i To Advertisers! ' For ft obcst for 10 w wM print ft Un-ltn .dvortiamont In m MDliOn of Inft m -'ri owm it Its ! ftt rU4 ci r.i r ot . i n o( ft fnt ft Is r), f- 'T 1 , -0 ('.ireii i' ! p Var: t-cmAt V , t pTfr r - - - i - 1 f mi, It ;v J - v- .n $ voi U, .-i v rf A . ' i C11" K, OT i " ft i i K Pa ) . i 6t C -Ay iv f S " n X- s. "V s h, r a - IN C'JNUECTION WITH THE AGENCY FOR liOTTLING The Bergner & Engel Brewing Company's Lager Beer. Porter, &c., I KEEP ON UAND A FULL LINE OF WINES AND LIQUORS AT WHOLESALE, Which will be sold by the Barrel or Gallon at VERY LOW FIGURES lor CASH. Ginger Ale equal to Beet Imported, and superior to any procurable iu North Curoliua. THE NEUSE I TRENT RIVEE 8teamboat Company Will run tbe following Bchedul un and urtei September lh. 1886 Steamer Culler Will leave Mew Berne for Treittmi t-vt-ry Wedneetlaj at A a. in., and Knilay aluir Hie arrival ot the steamer hlienaudttali; rv turu Iiim, will leave Trenton every 'rtiurstlHy ttnd Haturday. touctilUK at all olnU uIouk "' river. Steamer Kinston. On and after Jane -AHJi, 18N6. the Hteamer KlikStou will leave Klustou tor New llerue every Monday andTnnreday at o'clock a.m.; returning, will leave New Ber:ie every I'uee day and Friday, slopping at Jolly Old Field and louelilng at all landings on Neuse river. inose oonneotlon made Willi steamer Htieu andoab of the Old Dominion Hteainshlp Co. JOHN II. BKLL. at Newnern. W. P. Htahlt, Klnston. 1). B. Babbcs, rolloksnile. I T. Agent at Trenton. J. P. Q,Cikki.y, Jolly Old field. J. B. Bahxs. Quaker Bridge. J. U. WB'TE.Oen'l Manager. eb7dAw Klnston. N. O TIME TABLE, Atlantic & N. C. Railroad TIME TABLE No. 2. Is Effect 7:57 P.M., Sunday, Not. 7th, 1886. I -Ju i -ii-.1 WCST KA8T. He. H Passenger Art."' ire! rfe.SO I'assengei Arr. Lt STATIOrfB r . S 4R p. u A. II A. a. 10 60 t 63 8 15 - t 04 Ooldaboro 11 15 10 41 48 6 5.1 La I1im 6WKiatou, 8 38 Mew Beras Morehead CUr.. S H 8 r. u. H 00 Datlyoi a. . A. . 728 8 07 8 m a 9 M 10 IS 10 40 11 11 11 42 11 fit r. m. Qolotboro, Beit't .. La Orange...... Falling Ureek... 4 'J 8 IH 8 13 J 11 i 02 1 41 1 16 13 48 1? 09 11 52 A. M. S m 8 !M 00 S W 10 10 ISM 11 08 U 87 11 M 11 81 8 5! 8 28 2 4 2 20 1 46 1 21 12 48 12 19 11 57 II A. U. UaswsllZ Dorer ... Uore Greek Tuearora Clarke's Mewben, ... P. K- F. If Tuesday, tMonday, Tbnrsdarand Saturday. Wednetday and Friday. Train 80 oonnects with 'Wilmington A Wel don Train bennd North, leaving Ooldsboro II M a. m aid with Richmond A D nvllle Trata West, leaving Ooldsboro 1 1 50 a..m , TraJa 81 eoaaeeu with Richmond Danville Traia, arrtrlBg at Ooldsbero 4:40 pjn., and with Wllmlngtoa and Weldon Train from the North at 464 B.nL ' Tralat connects with V A W. Train bonnd aottth, leaving Ooldsboro at 4:64 and 7:40 p ro , with W. W . Train boond North, leaving Ooldsboro at 5:46 p.m., and with R. A L Train leaving Ooldsboro at 5.-00 p.m. W. Dunn, 9uprintwkdent For Fall Planting. Cabbage. Kale, Spinach and Turnip Seed. E. H. MEADOWS & CO. auga! dw E. II. 6 J. fl. Llcado ws, Cbnunissioii Herchants 1000 Toils Kainit and ; ; Guano . For Track , and Cotton Crops. Jr ppeetal attentkm glrsa the sale ot COTTON and OBAJUT. - - Libera ad ranees asads oa CtmatgnmeBt. : Oinees at eonw Pollock and Middle streets aa Union Point ; r - . ITwdd :1TCT7 Central Hotel, ;; ' ,t iroaxsmxr Brnui Hotrga, Soata Front Etrest, New Bern, N. C. IS. FATTEH 80?r, JPTeprleter, special lndnoemenU to commercial iW-eja-awXn -wtf )ur Mlsedrrt. A 'rlMlasaVit.A Faw. Trala. BTATIOHS ! JPass. Iiwla Arr. fcTsi j Art. '. Vt. A 1 A. 1 I r m I i rf -rlBr rHeHrS, k bi. cags wagon at all tra' i i . ,'Tiir. ' apli S . REDMOND, WHOLESALE AND For HardTins. Sun Daily (3ouinaIj DEMOREST'S ILLUSTRATED MONTHLY , MAGAZINE With Twelve Cut Papar Patlernt of your own election and of any size. Both Publications, One Year, F OH j $(i.uO (Six Fifty). 0 FOREST'S I THE BES Of all the Magazines. (JONTAININQ Stonei, Poemi and other Litenr, attnetiona, eombining Artiatic, Sciantiiio ens Htiuaehold mattara. Ifuafraterf vrith Original Strrl Engrav inna, PhotoyriMvurr, Oil ficturra d ine Woodcuts, ttmkitnf it thr Model Jfa(aalne of America. fW Kaoh Maraxliio contjilns n rOFPOS OHIIEK. entltllnK the holder to the Heleetion ol ANY PATTBKN Ulustrsteil In thut nuuiber and In ANY H1ZB. I)KM()HE8T8 MONTOLY Is Justly entitled thi) World's Model Mairazlmv The Lurirept Id Form, the Laivaet In Circulation, and the het TT O Dollar Family Magazine issued 1KHS will be the Twenty second yoar of Ita pnhlU atinn ; ItU continually Improved and ru ei teitfit ely to to place It In the front rank of Family Periodicals, and equal to any magazine It contains 72 pages, larre quarto, lull1! luehen. elegmntlj printed and fully illustrated. Pul Ushed by W. Jennings Demorest, New York, NO r SPECIAL AGREEMENT COMBINED WITH THE DAILY JOURNAL at $6.50 Per Year 1880. Harper's Magazine, ILLC8TKATE1. Thn I iMvmhrr Number will b1n the Hev- nty-aecond Volume of Hirut'lAUAiiiii. MIm Woolaon'a novel, "Kaal Angela." and Mr. UoweU'a "Indian onmmer noiuing me foremoat plaoe tn eorrant aerla. fiction- will run through aeveral number auu will be followed by aerial atorlee from i . U. Blark mnre unit Lira 1 M. (Tralk. A n. w editorial department, dlacuaelng topics inggeatd by tue current 11 wrmium ui Aiuencaauu will be contributed by W. 1). Howella, begin ning with the January number. The great literary event of the year will be the publica tion of a aeiin of DaDera taking the ahape ol a atory , and depleting characteristic feature! of American society as seen at our leading pleasure resorts written Dy diaries tieuiey Warner, and Illustrated by O. 8. Rclnhart The Maxaxlne will give especial attention to American subjects, treated oy trie tieei wovr lcan writers, and Illustrated by leadlug American artists. Harper's Periodicals. PER YEAR: HARPER'S MAGAZINE f. H (I tlARPER'B WKKKLY.. dARJ'FR'B BAZAR , - rJAHTFirH young Peoplf: SAKI'EK'8 FRANKIJN 8QUARK 1,1- PHAHV, One Tear (M Knmbers) 10 PoeUge Free to all subscribers In th Onlted MUtes or Oanada. Tlie volumes of the Magazine begin with the Numbers for June and December of each year. When no time Is specified, it will be undcistood that tbe subscriber wishes to be gin with tbe current Number. Honna volumes Ol narper b aisicaEine 101 three rears back. In neat cloth binding, wll be sent by mail, postpaid, on receipt of $3(10 ner volume. Cloth Oases, for binding, 50 cents each by mall, postpaid. index to Harper s Magazine, a ipnarjeticai, Analytical, and Classified, for Volumes 1 to m. Inclusive, from June, 1850, to June. 1880, one vol , 8vo, Cloth, U 00, Remittances abould I made by Post-Offios mnnev Order or Draft, ta avoid ahanos ol loss. Newspapers are not to copy this advertise men i wiinouitne express oruer oi ruirper a Brothers. Address HARPER A BROTHERS. New Terk. The Southern Cultivator AND DtnE FARMER. atk TKAR. The Qrent Farm, Industrial and Stock Feriodioal of the South. It smbraees la Its constituency the Intelli gent, pTowr slve and substantially success ful farmers e this section, and as an adTer tlslng medium tor the Merchant, M aaafaota rw, Btoek Kaiser and Professional Man, la ABSOU7TBI.Y VRBQUAIXant Spaoajadletonsry esnptore ta Ita eehama Is always remeneretlT. AdTertlaements, per line, , ). ; Bnbamtloa, par aaaaas,- ' tlM. P. X Drawsr A. - - ... TxajrtA, Oi, Hew Bsr Waaklr Jmmrmml a ad Cmltl Yato M waar la adrawea, (B.TI v W. P. BURRUS & CO.; cc:::ii::iQ:r hlzchaIs-ts, 7 , I Jlli KKW DEKXE, N. C febldw LIQUOR DEcLEff MAJTUPACTXTEEB OP Ginger Ale, Sarsapariila Lemon Sod Buffalo llead. California Pan ?Etc, Etc. SIer--l.'ii,ts. I'liftAvrji ami Manufacturier should rewl IUU I STREET'S, I V. 1. 1 h i v ! ' r i . a Trade, Finance and Pcblic tamy. i-i .-htiiiday. ui l't.t;us 1 . I 1 ' '1.1. A US A 1 I.AU T11K hUADSTKKET COMPANY, llnaiiiesa ljilal,lisLed llUft-fticotperaildjajl ('ui iml and SiirpliiB Jl.i00.000. l-.iei,;;w .m.-es. T.'i. jm, 288 Kroadway. New Vol U.ji il4-Kt.at.tr., liaukera, Matjufaclure" ind "tliei.s Ika k m un - In a. Id I Hon to our Mercantile Aiiercy Ke porta V e sie now pbt.llahlng a weekly ('uiiiiiereial and tluaiiclal uewauauer til onf iiuiih of yrr "HKAMSTKKETS." senium bnaineas mm, pnrtlrtrtarly mer eliai.tr,, liankeia ami man ulacturera. It does not deal witli credits or furnish ratings but reports, rvic-v and discusses those matters, domesttlc and foreign, that haveany bearlug upon the I'Ub.m ol this country. RepartlDg the crops In detail. Investigating numerous ludimiiies. critlctzliiK various lnvestsoent so curltieaanil re view lug the marketw are spa, clal features, wnlle the tariff, monetary tranniHirtaiion, legal, bankrupTcy, partner ship and hundreds of other topics are ably treated, not In the Interest of political parties or geographical sections, but In the best In -tercm of ma business men of the whole coun try. Itlseuiphatlcally the business man's news paper. We solicit your subscription for one year at Ove dollars. Very truly yours, il'ua bkaitbt t svriA . m-BscKiii how roa JUIADSTREET'S. THE CENTURY FOR 1885-86.1 The remarkable Interest in tne War Papers and In the many timely articles and strong serial features pubilahed recently la IK ckntury has given that magazine a regular circulation of More than 800,000 Copies HeuUkly. Among the features for the coming rolusa which begins with the November number are The War Papers By General Giaut n.l Other.. These will be continued (most of them lllus-' t.atcd) until the chlaX events of theClas5rf have been dencrllvi h. on both side tiiii ,73 .i,m'-'",r?" elude desenpuonsof the battles ofchatta' nooga aiid the W ilderness. General lacClel lan will write of Antletam. General 1 c liuell of 8hiloh, Generals Pope, Lonestraet and others of the becond Baifitoa, aujetc. Naval comlmts, Including the Oahiaetween the Kearearge and the Alabama, by officers of both ships, will be described omoers of The "Recollections of a Prl vate"and special war papers of an anecdotal or humoroua character will be features of the year. . Serial stories by Howell.. Maxy H.llvck Fwot. And George W. Caale. Mr. Howeira serial will be. In lighter vein than "The Rise of bllas iJsplLlin.? Urn M!8"' 18 ",tory of mining llni" and sir Cable s a novelette of the Acadlans of Louis Una. Mr. Cable will also uHrlbute a lerte. of papers on slave songs and dances, lnclnd lng negro serpent-worship, eta. "'" Special Fsat tiin... Tk -"K1B "ignmafe to Rome,' iMwaL 5 p,enne: Historical Papent hy S Sleston, and others: Panera on Persia, by ri. G. W. BerJamlnTkterJl l minister, with nnmeroui UlSbStlif.-i I mloal Articles, praotloal andnSpoui. L nnJ.Alm,om,'i Papers on (SrtsI , ,1n,Unly y repreaentatlvca of Tartoatl VI-1 0 Education, by various experts, etcet7 a.rtttones, H i Pv ItVsimV "O a . dler Harris, H. K. BoyeeeDv X. A. JanTtaw i"', tbome, Rliard M. Johnstonjand ojhera: and poems by leadlnS5b K2 Uepartmenu.--'Openrttera7"BrtirRr.J etc. vnu he fully sustained! ""ow-Brae." .T""C1,TDT KraTlisg8 fa tonus tbSIU lrteas H s - -1 f 4 vikfff : . r ii KeWttt- subscription prlee, um a rear.' to T lSr",'.?"w.r" get all tbs War Panera. nUrnrvT w5?,D?, lrom Generalg Grant. ' wSu5?S? :ohnon, Le-? "' ana otDers, we win - iLi numsers, Nevetnber, Irt), to iri' H'S, otwcrir.tVn finning Uxo, fbrfCOO for the whole, a , .. script Ion, with the U numbers bonnl i, . , HSdlAniavr,liimu T cw . u. numbers sn)y inppiled at tcese j u i BbscTt'.iions. A flee sr eefmen cry C"" rr b sent on request. ier,t,.nt All dnsiers and ps! ' . , tlons and snrtly inn ... , sneciai offer, or rem 1 ,i j reeuv to T.' C

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