l V.-. V- t.-,: r-v- . i l Uii s&h i ....... . a . 1,'".! I, 13 a r Jl V . - VOL. V.--NO. 205;r-M Meajejst-'-. . wBiassMBasejsB?MBB : LOCAL NEWSl: ' iiirl kialaiara A lata Bate. ' j '"" New Berne, latitude,' 85 6' North. v lontudeiTprWea,; '' Sua rio. 641 I Length of day,; V V "" Sun sou, 4:50 1 10 hours, 9 minute. " Moon rises at 13:51 a. B. ' ?-t : 1 f'ABUSIirES3.L0CAL81i - Fnsh RoaeteiJ Poffe,, gronnd to or? ;:TT eIl tbe aUentloo of U KntUMnB 'to- onr varied assortment of fob nd vest ebiiis,in ail SMUt I neamsw, Bn usea bu very nuis aol91 ' , Hancock, St. r Old pape.fqr '' office. . 6i 4 i i Vrlisghasd, L JLCrtsh41ai dDeneds kro eery store on Hi4dle'iliei ) Tbe Shenandoah took out a full cargo ' if tOttWkjeatMdsy'veiK-t JJr, P B,KwW offers talosble f bouse snd lot for sale. Be ad. fii tlk wires werawfa yesterday sad do weather reports were received. r RattiL SaTliojwsid. road' uaster of ' the A., JCaRTrntt 40.000 tjroes : iie,:ti6elrtTeifrijiUfU'i - ths1 stiami"in 0, with barge Jennis.i2eed, left or, Norfolk luatniRbt WltJiJatoUarKdOf cottpn. xa )shmiaidocihf arrived yesterday morning on time.The paesengers re v port a rouRh Jime 1 tbe -sound on , Tbnrsdsf night.. .H!" ' The littls dsiighUr of Mr. jobs Col ;imileir9'frpnaienoe yesterday sod . 4ok net arns.i physician was called - t-wh set It, ihd Ht Ust aceonnts she was The large quantity of Northern bay . nth OJ'D.'wharf ;for Geo.' Allen & Co. reminds ns that were is not an ' overproduction of that article in this , seotion yet. 1 '- J: ' ' ''II. Jfi O.1 toii .' mer cltiseii of ; Jones ooui.fy; So5 of , Winston, has purchased aft in.tarS i TtetH-OUu DaHf. . We weiceus him to the edito rial fraternity and wish the Vaily much suooess. "" y - llr? HarrlsSfi Wlmti Tprl Barn well. In this countjV ss In the city yesUrdsydlstrlbutlngrticlesoCon fsdaratlon of the Poor Man's Life As - soclation." Be will apply to the next General Assembly for a charter. - -1 -' Thanksg1vfng'"dsy was" generally on served in a appropriate manner , in this city. Ks ptf lusineBsJ vert closed and Everything had the appearance of Sunday .1 Ervlo I were held at the several ohurohes and collections taken ' up for the pxfori Asylom., y.J? '.' rerwei.JL.wil--ti- V ? - Cadet Tbcs. OvPanleli, of the Davis' ; SAocI til La Grange, Is home for dsy . ,- r.ri. -' Est. Z. Parish, of the If.' E. Con ference on thaQOslOvO Circuit,. is In Mie CiJ VU Ull waj tug wvuiviFuu. Which J convenes at Reidsville next . . J!f l.tltfOt UK ' Mm' if- ;f -lueaasj-. , . rs H . i i - ' 'i . J l'lj! Oraaial Exaaralaav. Tbe A. At N. C. E. R. will run an ex cursion train fromKlnston tomorrow, , Sanday, to the A. M- R. jCoaferenoe, , which is ii session; i ihis oityjImi' nect preachers from nearly every sec . tioQ of the State are presentvlIFare foe round trip: from Kinston Itta.; oas well, 75o.; Dover, Wo. I Core Creek, BOo. t Tascarora.' 40-t 3 : 5 il ,nr? BaraUc af Dining Baaa an KHctaaa. A. P. rtvts, liq of this eounty,ln forms a 4t tUe kitchen 'and dining room on tbe plantation: of .Mr..' Win. Arnold, deceased, near Port; Barnwell, were destroyed by fire on Thursday.'1 It was with difficulty that the -dwelling was save J. . Tbe fire originated from a stove pie la tbe dining room. ,JTh$ loss U about f300.CO. - No insurance.; ' An ffl 'j FriTtatil tH A. St. , y ike Caution af tit Sae- spr. - . , . mui' -' iit near Core creek what -oven a very serious accl- IX'.' d t- p I ( y i.r i t- ' t 'y escaped," A i. tups ; wubin the fence of a . 1 m l!o dowo end fell y acr '.f-s tbe track.- . Section e, who wion the lookout I e lorn ff r the safetT of hit (" . t-x fu i' H In time, cut he i : t vtl it. The escape t f ' o the widom ' is r into the i . r ; iry as f . . fT( r rpcps- , . 7. s 1 1 .-e s-toi t ' ) f r ; r 1 s i , I - tf TJS BaareVef Caavaaaaraw '& TTXt - As announced in Thursday WOCBVAJ. certain members of the county board of canvassers appeared before U. S. Com missioner Cogdell of Goldsboro, at the court house at noon, yeeterdsy, to, an swer the charge of wilfully failing! to perform their duty as members of the board of ; canvassers, : ; U. 8. r District Attorney Busbee was present in behalf of the government.: Messrs. VW, W Clark and Clement Manly appeared" pn behalf of the defendants. The district attorney called a list of the defendants who responded,- at tbe conclusion ,of which Mr. Clark stated that Mr. Howe one of 'the board whose name had not been called as a defendant, was present and desired to be made a party; that Mr. Eowe had not been served with process, but had received Information of the proceedings against tbe mem bers of the Board and voluntarily sub mitted himself to the judgment of tbe court. Mr, Clark said tbe defendants had been brought before tbe court ebarged with violating the election lawa in re gard to tbe election of a member of Congress; he desired to waive aaxau- ination, not to escape or evade tbe law,. but in order that the investigation and trial may be madeas public as possible, and that it might be tried before a court having free jurisdiction. He courted tbe fullest and freest inquiry, but enteied hie most earnest, vigorous and indignant protest at the notion which invoked the aid of the United States to ascertain tbe title of certuiu persons to county offices. Mr. Busbee said that tbe action eug- geeted By Mr. Clark wan in his opinion the fairest and frankest course to pur sue; he did not misconceive the action of tbe defendant and did not deem it at all an admission of guilt, but that it was done only with a view to having a full bearing of the case; he accepted Statement of counsel that the hearing of tbe case was only waived for the pur pose of having an honest, full, free Investigation. Mr, Manly appreciated tbe frank and courteous statement of tbe district at torney; that - his clients courted the fullest investigation and wished tbe facts arrived at in the highest court; that he. deemed the proposed course tbe speediest; his clients desired tbe case investigated without sny fear of the result) .yi j, On the recommendstion of tbe district attorney, the commissioner fixed tbe appearance bonds of the defendants at $300, and several oltisens came forward and tendered themselves as sureties. A full hearing of tbe case will be had at the next term of the U. S. District court before Judge Seymour, which convene in this city next April. LaS'a Suttala Hlaav Commissioner J. T. Patrick made a By fag trip; to the oity. on Thursdsy night, returning on Wednesday morn ing." Be will return again in a few dsyf and go to work in earnnetto estab lish a winter resort for Northern people. We believe there 1s something in him, and hope our people will give him all the enoouragement In their power. He is satisfied that in a few years he can have at least three hundred thousand dollars distributed annually in this com munity by 'Northern visitors, ; The suc cess hs has made pf 'Southern Pines" ts e, guarantee, kt he knows how to manage fhi thing. '.Now let the com munity sustain kim, aa far as practica ble, in his efforts to develop our section. Tfcaakscil Pay. The ?dav was - generally observed In our 'community as s ' holiday? The weather was pleasant as to temperature, but it was cloudy and windy, remind ing one much 6i a day In March or early in Awll. i Services were held til all our churches,1' attended by large congrega tions, and at Christ Churchras is cus tomary . there ' on 'Thanksgiving, ' the font, chancel and pulpit were appropri ately decorated with fruits, vegetables. grains 'and , grasses, suggestive) of en nfTnrtnS hf first frultsv t -is J .4 The keeping of a day of public thanks giving was. not "Founded by our Pil grim ; Father; as is said with poetic license in the pretty lines printed in the Joc&KaL of the 5th. The observance of such a day ante-dates the discoveiy of America by many years, though Its observance in New England States, since their earliest settlement,- has doubtless been more - regular and 61$ tinclive than elsewhere. Tbe custom was perbsps Originally suggested by the Jewit-h feast of tabernacles or"Feat of Ingiitheringr' r A cly cf thanksgiv ir.g was not unusual in Europe in limes lorgpatt, and a proclamation sppoint- ir? one was rub'hed ia Holland in l'.:3, whi ' -t I l.f c a (''' o ti e ; llarveft J.ome or ' ; - l)"--r. ' C. - f poir.ted i turn of peace.' Ia 1789 President Waah. ingtoa proclaimed' thanksgiving Cor the adoption of the Constitution of the United States.- But it remained for the strict constructioniat. Governor Wise, of , Virginia; to refuse, (ia 1857) to ap point day of thanksgiving, on the ground that he had no authority to in terfere in matters of religion. Be would hsve labored under no suoh dif ficulty in North Carolina, for. here the Governor of the Bute has, for more than thirty years past, been required by statute to appoint such a day generally, In tbe Book of Common- - Prayer, special services are provided for Thanks giving Day: "A form of Prayer sod Thanksgiving to Almighty God, for ts fruits of the earth, and all other blessings of His merciful Providence;" and the first 1 nursday of .November it appointed for tbe festival, if no other day be set apart by me civu authorities. An Inapartaut Dcrtaioa. Wo lind tbe following oommunioa tiou ia tbe last issue of the IYte Will Baptist of this city : We are informed that by a recent de cision of tbe Supreme Court of North Carolina, tbe sale for taxes on town lots and land in tbe city of New Berne, made by tbe city tax collector from 1870 to 1885. are illegal, null and void. Two of the main reasons for such de cision, are the tax levies are us const i. tutional ia not observing tbe equation between the poll and properlv, and want of more full description of prop erty in the tax levy, etc. We make this announcement for the benefit of those whose property have been sold for tsxes during the years 187U- "80-'81-'82'83-'84 snd '88, that they may not be frightened out of their boots by threats of tbe olty treasurer or tax collector, in their notice to the peo ple to come and redeem land which has been illegally sold. We also learn that the city treasurer now has on hand 100 or 200 of these illegal deeds. It is also asserted that one of the reasons for this decision may be applied to sales of land made to the State and county. We have not seen the decision refer red to iu this communication, bnt there is one thing that Is bound to strike the reader, and that is, tbe law in regard to tbe collection of taxes is very defective or the collectors do not do their duly. It seems that there is real estate prop erty in Craven county that not oily pays no taxes but is actually a tax upon the taxpayers of the oounty. The oounty and city incur the expense an nually of selling this property, yet the sales are invalid. If a sale cannot be made'legatly, then it would be far bet ter for the taxpayers that they be saved tbe expense of, the farce of , selling. Such a state of affair! is demoralizing and unless something Is done to remedy It will produce trouble. Kinston Items. TbanksuivlDg day was observed here. Tbe schools bsd a holiday, and there were religious services at the Methodist and at the Baptist church. We sincerely hope that Bev. N. M. Jurney may be sent back to this station by the conference. ' He has many wans) friends here In all the denominations. Mr. James T. Joy&er, of Goldsboro, made a fine speech in. court this week. He sivea promise of becoming one of tbe leading lawyers of North Carolina. A scaffold, upon which a large quan tity of bricks bad been placed, fell, last week and slightly injured a few of the workmen. This happened at Dr. Tull's ewhotelh -'T..';;f- ' The pole secured for displaying tbe wea her signals proved to be rather rough; so it wss discarded and another one, ordered. We will 'have Signal Hying1 in a few days. Mr. Henry. Griffin, a native Kinston- ian. but now of Durham, ' spent two days In town this week. Het reports business very brisa: in nis town, ana everybody In some kind of work. Mr. Biuell.conr new 'Democratic clerk of the Superior, court, has rented the bouse formerly belonging to the late Dr J. T. Walsh, and will move into it with his family In a few days, A fire, at the homestead of Dr.; K, M. Bountree near this towns on Wednes day morning about seven o'clock, con sumed the oorn house1 with all its ooa tents. Tbe house was well filled with the grain, and the loss is severe. U' - - ". " ' - ' vennor s predictions, tco' . in we main pretty accurate, are not infallible. But Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup was never known: td faiV''''4 ' , -, - .!" jxtrfi j e $ Our Timber Interests, i , A number of Northern capitalists passed through our city a few days since from Buffalo, New York, on their way to North Carolina to look at timber lands in the western part of that State for the purpose of purchasing 250,000 acres, if pleased witn tbe inspection Should they decide to buy, a company will be organized at once, saw, and other1 mills established as soon as pos sible on tbe land, and the timber got out for Northern markets. . It Is esti mated that over (1,000,000 in the aggre gate will be expended in the enterprise if undertaken. JVorfo V trfftntiru ., , - . A CARD. ---r- '- - To all who are suffering from tbe er rors and indiscretions cf youth, nervous wea V ". enrlv decay, hstf rna'-i, eta., you , rK' t'.i.t w i ( Tli is I V rr 5 - AjaaUsbif the Battaf Pswders. '- f Undevtha direction erf the NewYork State Board of Health, eighty-fowr dif ferent kuade of basing, powders.' em bracing all the brands tba) eoald he found for sale in the State, were sub mitted eo examination and analysis by Prof, a P. Chandler, sr member of the (Hate Board and lvesidet of the New York City Board of Health, assisted by Prof, td ward Q. Love, the well-known united states Government cbemiss. - The official report shows that a large number of the powders: examined ware found to contain alum or lime; many of them to suets an extent as to render them seriously objectionable fer use in the preparation ef human food. " Alum was found in twenty-nine sam ples. This drug is employed in baking powders to cheapen their onet Tbe presence of lime i attributed to the im pure cream of tartar of commerce used in their manufacture. Such cream pf tartar was also analyzed, and found to contain lime and other impurities; in some samples to the extent of 93 per cent, of their entire weight. All tbe baking powders of the mar ket, with tbe single exception of "Boyal" (not including the alum and phosphate powder, which were long since discarded as unsafe or inefficient by prudent housekeepers! are made from the impure cream of tartar of commerce, and consequently contain lime to a corresponding extern. .lie only baking powder vet found by ohemioal analysis to be entirely free from lime and absolutely pure m the Uoval." ibis perfect purity results from the exclusive use of cream of tar tar specially refined and prepared Lt patent processes which totally remove the tartrate of lime and other impuri ties, the cost of this chemically pure cream of tartar is much greater than any other, and on account of this great er cost is used in no baking ponder but tbe "Koyal." Prof. Love who made tbe analyses of baking powders for the New York Stale Board of Health, as well as for tbe Government, says of tbe purity and wbolesomeness of Koyal : I have tested a package of R i-val Baking Powder, wbioh I purchased in open market, and find it oomposed of pure and wholesome ingredients. It is a cream of tartar powder of a high de gree of merit, and does not contain either alum or phosphates or any inju rious substanoea. E. G. Lova, Ph. D." -r-w r- Stonewall IUms. Schooner A. E. Rudolph, Levins mas ter, has been on bottom for tha past eight or ten days, loaded with lumber for Pbilsdelpbia. the tide being so low that it was impossible for her to sail. Sbe left on the 36th to the gratification of her captain. Our court was quite a short one, last ing only two days. Nothing of general interest was done. One Isham Thomp son, colored,' for the third or fourth time was sent to the State prison; this time for 10 years. The sheriff and posse bad a lively time in getting him to jail. Thanksgiving has past and the -most thankful man I know of is Nat Potter, jr., who was married to Miss Fan n is Tuten, at the residence of tbe bride's father, Maj. Tuten of Durhama oreek, Beaufort oounty; Claud Tuten, J. P., tleing the Thanksgiving knot on the 25th Inst. The Ciuverius Case. . - RiCHMono, Nov. 85. A curious com plication ban grown out of the case of Cluveriusv condemned to be hanged December 1 for the mhfder of Fannie Ullian Madison. Carter HarriseoVooe Of the jurors, busied bimseU In getting up ay petition, for pardon, or oommata- Son of scaUenco,:aiier tbe case bad taken tedious oourse through the courts. Others of the jury, eight In all, have Signed a petition to the Governor to ang the- man , : , - i ' A Beat Scheme. New Yoix, November 35. The Svn'i Washington correspondent reports a scheme on foot to give the Democrats Control of the next. Senate, by, passing through the House the pending Senate hill admitting Washington Territory as a State, while leaving on the calendar the bill admitting Dakota., ADVlCB to mothkhs. Mks. Waniuow'a SooTHina Steuf ould alwayt be; nsed for - children teething. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind oolkyecd Jm the best remedy for diar- mm. Twenty-five cents a bottle , .jantadtuthaaiw'v A Death front a Queer Cause. Kansas City, Ma. November 25. The death ef Balpht Newman!, a promi nent young' business man ef this city, occurred yesterday from ulceration of the pit of the stomachw ; Newman had uncnutiously swallowed some days ago a raw bean, which gradually produoed inflammation sufficiently to cause death. Six physicians attended the patient, bet were unable to diagoser theiejaew The cause of death was not disoovwred nitil the post-mortem autopsy, , Z , Bw'ra te Dcetn and Bestaked tV Lire. t know of av man near Maxeyw, Ga, who for ten 6 twelve year was, alnjost a solid sore from head la foot. For three years, hie appearance being soi horribly repuleivejbe. refused to let arry one see him. Tbe disease, after eating his flesh, commenced on iisskuH bones. He tried all doctors and medi- cies' without benefit, snd no; ,oe thooabt he could possibly recover. . At last be bee&n the use of B B. B., and after using six bottles hit scree were all hewled and be was a sound mwt ' i' "' " Je locks jnt like a man who had betn tcrroi to death and then restored to-l;.'3. TI.e tet men of tbe county know of tbe cs-. srid nTcral debtors and r-.rrcrar's 1 " i, if n of it as a r"? t wccdetfulciire. COMftCIALa . Jocui4 ovnoB. Nov. t, I P. M. -k OOTTOn. flaw Yotl.Nov. o.-Fntua alaaad barely steady. Sales of M, 006 bales. 1 1 November, r 9.03 May, .15 ueoemoer, too June, January, - .! Jury, .78 February, 9 27 August, S.85 March. 9 88 September, -. April, 948 October. . Spots stead v and firm: Middling- 9 $-18; Low Middling 8 l'.-lt; Good Ordi nary 8 8-18. New Berne Market steady. Sales of 193 bales at 8.25 to 8.65. Middling 8 12; Low Middling 8 14; Good Ordinary 8. oon scene biabkct SSKO OOTTOM Q.W. OOTTOS 8KKO-r410.00, Tuar aJiTUi a Hard , $1.00, dip, tl 90. Tab 75o.aS1.86. Oats New, 85c. in bulk. Cons-4 da 50c. Bion 60ad0. BbkswaX 15c. per lb. Bxxr On foot, ao to 5c. OooirrsT Hasuv-10c. vet lb. Laeo 10c. ixjr lb. Boos 18al7o. per dozen. - Fbbsh Poux tiaSc. per pound. Peakotb 50c per bushel. FoDDnn 75c.a$1.00 per hundred. Onions-2 003.35 per barrel. Field Pxas 65a70c. Hmns Dry , luc. ; green 5o Applks Mattamuskeet. SSa40c ; (iod eys, $1.10. Pears 75c &8l 25 per bubhei. Honey 85o. per gal. Taixow 5c. per lb. Cheesk 14. OHlOKKNB Grown. 30a85c. , spring 2oa5c. - Mkau 70c. par bushel. Oatb 50 cte. per buHhul. TtJBNlPS 50c. per bushel. Irish Potatoes $2.75 per LL1. Wool lOalfic. per pound. Potatoes Bahamas. 80c. ; yams,4(c. West Indian, 50c.; Harrison. 65o. Siiwauta West India, dull and n im iual not wanted. Building. f inch hearts. 83 00. sape,J1.60 rer M. WHOLESALE PBlnXB. New Mkbb Poee 811. 50. Should eh Meat 7c. C. R.'s, F. B's. B.'s and L. C.-(k Flopb $8.006.00. LaED 7io. by the tierce. Naua Basis 10's,t2 50. Sua as Granulated, 61 0 Coffer 11a 12c. Salt 80a85o. per sack. Molasses and STBcre 20a45o Powder $5.00. Bhot Drop, tl.75; buck, 82.00. Kxbosbkb-9. FOR SALE, One dwelling house and lot on Ilan oock street, containing 8 rooms well finished and conveniently arranged. For particulars apply to ni7d3t P. H. KORNEGAY. Applicatian For Charter. air liuirltun Palmer will make applica tion nt 1 ln iDcellng of tha next LeslaUlure fur ( in. hit fur tba 'l'aor Man's Lffa Aaao- eUtKii .." hicli has beeu lu procraas during the lat. twelve luoathl. do77 It Atlantic & N. 0. Eailroad Co. ROAD MASTER'S OFFICE, New Berne, N. C, Nov. 16, I860. There will be needed for use in this Department, 40,000 Cross Ties, Of the following dimensions, via., 8 feet long. 10 inches wide, 7 inches thick, showing 7 inches heart on each face, with both ends sous red, and well got ten out of Long Leaf Pine, Red Heart Cypress, White Oak, or Post Oak. t$Twenty oents per Tie will be paid for all Ties coming op to the above specifications. a W. HOWARD, ' nov27 dlw w8t Road Master. Alamance BUNCH COTTON, AND Webster's Elementary Spelling Book, "THE OLD BLUE BACK," . a Ferdinand Ulrich's, NEW BEllNE, N. O . .. - ..i ''fffit . T. A. Oresn's Old Stand. For Rent, tffg BOU8S AfcD LOT next to tha Bap tist Faraonaie, on JebnseU street. Appiyts' - ' novstetr w i.-f'i? i.w.xmrwr. - ,Uiii c327 ACRES. A Tilatli' Fliuiia Fer- hit led aiimatea r 'vootli Me the7 Venet IUvar.tSiearj4abalf ntlB mm tee city of New Bern, N. O. Onebnndre aaS twenty. flveacrsa elMnra. vtraas, rwn mna, aoma of It inltahie lor tmeaUia.- The bataooa, raw honored and ttroacrps.bfwvlly V m bf rl vivh pins, oak. cvBTvasaadolbar aJaaaof timhar. It lo ftlKo fin (-raaiof land. Good dwelimc acd ootrmtldlfif a. and a nneorchan). II bM a lartre nahery frtlr.f half sslla on tee rn, wbera there are btrti bants ef marl that a anver ba ejbuiwJ. from hirb trwlt ran load alth r ' Jl !' ba tlful and healihv Iooatn. r"""1' ! a rto-r ve- th pmmr f ! . and I- '" I Thr r'ftir 1 tojid !ihf" a"d "' -d V i - l" t " !. If - ' T run, An V P. In- ' 'If'-, t lit place or e tern, i.O, o w nt.l - BRICE.5 CENT3- SmlfaYCCSIwTCT. .- . DEALERS Ef , . um au afar its '. U QXNE&AL SARD WARM?' TINWAREIQLASSWJUUB 8 ASH, DOORS, BtMOg GLASS,' PAIXT8,' WF AND STOVES, ICNSURPASSED A3 TO PRICE AND, QUALITY. Middle Street, KextfIsor to AlUrt Ifotel,1- i 1 1 NEW BEBp; Q, Mortgage Sale. Pursuant to a power ol aala aontatjaad In a moriaac axeeuwd to uie by Wm. ti. ifnai aud reiiorded In Craven Cuantv, Book SS, folUw 1546 and W, I will sell at Public Auction at the c ourl House door ia lbs City of Mew Hem, ut 2 o'clock, M on Monday, January 3d, 1887, u. lullow uia Keal Estate: A tmct av numi oi mud lying in Or:weu ooudij, on the north dmi Ntu Klvrr and aMI side of LltUa r-iu i n n mi nunip uruuud Bwama, ba ins a pitrut grained 10 Kphraiu I'earea, be- Sluiiiug ui s piue the UgluDlng oorner of aiue. 1'e.rct-'. lau-ni of S7 acrea and Mm- nlllB Ihrnoe .oulli 463 west 1111 wilra- ihuu. uuih OB o eut 80 pol.-; Ibsnce north 4SO run i iv poiea; inurjoe uorwi 46 weat tup polaa; In (In. bt-icluiiliis i oulalulua &6 arraa mr orlt-iMaud uelni! theaHine ronveyrd to said u H trnul t,y Jauie. A Kruui by OMd dated January 6ih. lw. JrlUiM of Rule. l4UiU. CAHOL1M. E r-ATTKRHON, fordid MortmEBOx Dental Notice. FulUet of Teeth - sto.oo ei.oo to ea.oo Gold Filliuee Best Work GuaranWe, . Dlt. i.l L. iSHAC'KKLFOBD, Dentist. Office on Middle street. oppoaite Ban tist Cburch. novl&i&wtf Real Estate For Sale. A larpn lot with r.nmmrvliniia iImL -o- ... w r- ling and tenant bouse on it, in the oitV, for sale. Nicely situated, in good lo cality. Terms very eaav. ... Apply to '" nHdif OUION at FEILEIIRR. ' J. McSORLEY, FASHIONABLE BOOT ARB SHOE MIHJ, POLLOCK ST., NEWBERN, N. C., SATISFACTORY. Depaktiismt of to a IsreaiOB; Pension OJls. ; ul Waahtnifon, D. C.,Sept. Id, 1386. , , Mr. J. McSohlky, ' ' New Berne, N. C. .... V.V....LU ..B S7.60, in payment for the shoes. The styie, nt ana worksaensnip are SMIS- factorv. Thev fit ma bttttar than anw shoes I have bad in twenty years. very respectfully. .i- .-.: W. E. DuuV OYST ERS AND FAMILY GR0CEI1IES. A. II. HOLTON Has opened on Middle street, below South Front, a FULL LINE ot Choice Family .. ..!T Groceries': And also constantly on hand the" ' '' .J.!V-.)lU" Finest Oysters The Waters of Eaiiemi Carp'i" Una Affordi, prepared In all styles. Families1 seTT'ei'5 in any portion of the City. ' an4d WILLIAMS' FAST-FREIGHT. iJKd . t I) ' I ' I ; t'.1! BABGE JENKIE REED - ' iioiBai!lfteirf , .WEEKLY BET.EfN vi hy.m kw mil, i. fiv mi mm? i ' fv 4 1 - Iiii ji)TO i: f'Pfi "Vi.-H;! Leaves New Berne. Tuesday, S o'clocti a jp a!i;.J wtil .-vJ fJi.'ji i i' Leavee'' Norfolk. Friday. 5 o'clock' iConnecta with N. -Y.,- P. & N. K. L. ni Co. for all points North.'; - : - - QOTCS TIi:2 At'D loxv tzz: ' Hi ' ' ' I , t, A !!.er, G a. 1 3 ly 1 K. 1'--" ' TO- tl .1 T. I