Till; JOUIINAL. M.W LE. . C. DEC 8. ISil Mrs, Cfublree"! Good Krlce. 1 't fVirv liriil v winh Wo im' So mncb has been written on tie ui c tr) uouy vanio. . e are dotJ of parentg t0 maka home , happy tha; hit poor pen onght not r u;em at puces mat an can well at- r v .pt a une on "e wbw tJ . 1 . . . . . bat I ha?e recently been to so many " . , . places people called borne, yet were f ord to pay. WO don t pretend tO give a list different frpm tje real meaning J r , , , ot tbe term that I cannot forbear . " , - J . ' eaiing a few words, hopinj that of all our attractions; if we did we should ,!ugfwtion'inaJ6? e? BOWD 7 .( , . .in good ground, and that some . ' . - jhomemaj be benefited. Home to i i- . r. i -v ' 'j : .j : ' ' ; i i . .. i ho an,a.M.. . t . j nave to paMor extra- auverusxng dui nere Lru J ,.t l , Ot . r ciean, but how can a poor tired j 3 a condensed and sufficiently representative jbTrcl-cmilyB ; , " . , : I & '-i'n "xX-v- V, i";";-i:;;r,! the---hosbund " moat . uiii, wuiuu vvu uuiiimeuu tu your-Uiieuuuii, Drees Goods. A nice Oa&hmere, part wool, for 10a. per yard, in nice 'shades, worth 20c. of any man's money: Fine Debaiio and other dress goods at remarkably ow prices ; bU..w ask is an inspection. Then in Pine Goods we. have, all Wool Onbul Serges, 40 inches wide,; Camel's Hair Serges,; French Plaid Cashmere, Striped French' Bilk and Worsted Hair Mixed Cloth. - It BLACK GOODS we'hare all wool and Camel's Hair Suitings and ' Surges, Lupin's Cashmeres, etc., eto.. among which is a half; wool doable width Cashmere, niee looking, for 20c per yard. - .' See our HeaTT Black Silk. Then look at oar Black Satin Ithadamle, Wraps for Ladies find Misses 7alking Jackets, Jersey Jackets and Dolmans, . made of bonole eloth and other fabrioa, are cheap. fit, Our Hosiery Stock Is complete and terylow.'- We realise that times are hard, have bonght mir ftiuiV st hfvtfcnm nriog. sinrj sell them verv etoMt ' hTtf among the tnousand things too numerous to mention a fall line of . ; ,- 4,.-. - w , j ' . 4 ( ' ... , , fHandlrerchiefs, Buttons, Gimps, an , : Fringes, Etc.Etc., Etc. All. we ask of oar friends is a trial ; if ' we don't sui you both in prices id qnality.it won't be par fault., ft i ' ' . XL I 7o aro the only parties thali sell the . : C:!:1::::J Dimshd Shirff Cellars and Cuffs. We think them, better than any other yon can And in this market. - 1 t u To our friends in i the country and: city we vrculd eay we ; are very anxiqusl to have, your tnido. T7e are headquarters in this city for c tylcs, and wo sell good goods at hard time rrl: ::. . If you want Fine or Common Goods we Ir.ve them.' : . w m W w V W W hen ,'to that class of our friends, the ' " V . le. Buyers, f ould say wc, wish , you all the success ! !r. and will sell you goods very, very t unless you can pay the cash spot o cannot sellyou, as we have marked ij too close to sell them on; time. V (mother with bands loll of work There mnat eyatem. First, provide each rauTeuieucea a ma. means will allow. Don't have a kitchen on one aide of the house, the well and wood pile on the other side. Just think of the miles of walking yonr wiie wui nave lr ene baa to carry the water to the kitchen. Provide tilings for her comfort." The chil dren should be willing helix elrla. when asked to aaaist in the honae. bold work, do not say. "Oh! mother. I'm so tired, make some one else help yoo.' f How thontrhtleaa and eeltiah snchareplyi Boys, do not ieei too weak to nil np the wood box, and do not think tbe ana too bot for yoa to nse a boe among the flower beds. I'll guarantee it wouldn't be too bot to play baseball if tout club should have an invitation to play a matcngame. 1 know a famfl v of eight children and only one servant is employed l uoy mteen years 01a), ana wnen me motner asks any of the children w) assist her in tbe work, they in var.Ubly say, "Make Onffv help yon." j nat one article, Onn, has neen ine Dane or many families. While there is one necrro on the place be must fand between the white children and work. Parents. teach yonr children the importance of knowing how to work. Also en- courage the innocent and merry diversions in which the young de light. Let the children ieel that their happiness is your Great desire. but that you expect each one to contribute to the general happiness 01 tne nougenoiq. mbs. ijbaB' TEEE, tn Southern Cultivator. Mortgage Sale. Pnrmmot to a povw of Ml contained la morlae executed to ma by Wu. OoIIIkui on tt. Mib dar of Movember, A.U. IMS. and recorded la CrYn ooanty. Book t7, folio 4lBd422. I WUI Mil at public aooUoo,t uuur aauMt uootin inllj of HW born ob the S4 tmy of lumr. A.D 1887. t TWKLV O'eloek. 1L, the Sol. lowing reel eetele Haete In the City of reworn: jl not or pejoei or mcd Delween Queen eueet and Keuee road. beln 164 b loe ieel, more fully deenrlbed la a deed to wm. ixuiina nora Metwoea Lodr and Other. ieleterd In Crave coentr RiAk oa, tvitvm wv. m ana ene. Terms of aua, uaen JtXTTT BPXKUNO. BIT dtd Mortaac. J. McSOELEY, TASEIIIIiBLE BOOT 1ID SHOE MlIEB, POLLOCK ST., NSWBBttN. If. a J 8ATISFACT0EY. Dkpartxxkt or tbs Ihtkbjok. ? . Pnuion Office, Washington, D. 0.,SepL 16, 1886. Mb. J. IIcSobxr, , T t 11 n . i item, iv. v. 8ia:-I enoloae herewith draft for 17.60, In payment for the shoe. Tbe style, fit and 'workmanship are satis factory. ; They fit me better than anv shoe I have had in tweaty yean. - ' . j Very respectfully, - ' -- W. B. Duuh. LADIErt wwua to got Bp Tea Clnbt for oar Pnro Teas and Ooffeea. a boat of aaorol arilelea to (elect lron aa premlama. good for Illustrated Pnoe and Premium Ltet. Bewal OaTer t to every teatli pertoa tbat a newer thla adrertlaament, we will eend rreo oa pound of choice Tea Address NAT' I, TKA A norm IXK, Boarov, afaaa, aoXIdwtm WANTED A riye, energwUe bbih, to rep Meeotoa,' Vb per mow h, end ex eeneee Good, ate pie; every on bnj a; ootfltaadBaa. MVUIRH irWSi BXAMDAHO 8ILVXB W A BJS 00. 4 -i- . , f zi a cnll frcni'all,' and ',;c:i't lot: 3 cur Rock Lime, ; - '-Plaster : Cements, t Goat Hair R. 0.E. LODGrE, ? . CItAVXN STREET.. . n1ow Express Oflce.- BiaTiU diawAw -J r.Iortage Bale. PtJrnne.nl to power of 1 eTitained la moriire eieoi,td to m ro. H. Frnul end r ' rild In l'.ven I ' r.v, hook M, folio S-1 end V. I I t I t,t ""A oilor at toe fit h-H d'M-.rin the city of lew Iern, at 1'i o uw , M., on fon-Iay, Jannary V. I, 1837, . t' 1- 1 - r i.' A v t rr r I o' .nir-tv.nr i - i r . i ' r J e p:W::OLECiUEl(JUOtV C!:f LElT ? J JD . .'V AJTD KAStrFACTrjESB or Ginger Ale, ' Sarsanarilla linij, Lemon Bode a . hi iHTlr ! S U..ta 1 11 r'- .i Pear Cide Etc., Etc. EST OOinfECTION WITH THE AGENCY FOB BOTTLING ThoDergner fi Engel Brewing Company's Lager Beer, Porter, Sc., I KEEP ON HAND A FULL LINE OP WIRES AND LlQUOnS AT WHOLESALE, Which will bersoI4 by the Barrel or Gallon at VEBY LOW. FIGDEES for CASH. Ginger Ale equal to Best Imported, and superior to any procurable in North Carolina. 1 THE Steamboat Company Will ma the aoUowlnf Schedule on and aflei September rth, 1886 Steamer Cutler Will leave New . Beraa for Trenton every Wednesday at S a. sa and Friday after Ike arrival of the steamer bbenandoah; return Ins, will leave Trenton every Thursday and Saturday, 'touching at all point aloug the river. Steamer Klnaton. On and after June Wth. 188S. the Steamer Klnaton will leave Kluston lor New borne every Monday and Thursday at t o'clock a.m.: .returning, will leave Mew Berne every Tues day aud Friday, stopping at Jolly Old Field ana lononing at all landings on Nense river. Close connection made wllb eleanier Khen andoah of tbe Old Dominion Bleauuhlp Co. JOHN H. PELL. t Newbern. W. r. 8TAJTI.T, Klnaton. D. 8. rVia.it urn, rollokavlUe. L T. WHJBOir. Agent at Trenton. J. P. QtnKLT. Jolly Old Field. J. B. Baku. Q Baker Bridge. J. M. WMTK.wen'l Manager. ebTdAw Kin ton. N. O For Hard Tinv)S. hb Daily gJouinal. DEMOREST'S ILLUSTRATED MONTHLY MAGAZIN'E With Twelv Cut Paper Pattern, of your own loot ion and of any iize. Both publications, One Year, ro $0.50 (SIX Klhi'V). TIME TABLE, Vie 111 1 II Atlantic Ac N. C. Railroad TIMS TABLE No. 2. la Effect 7:87 P.M.. Bandar, Nov. 7th, IBofl.- EAST. I WBBT. Me. U. Ait. Le. r 41 t sul UleW r. a. r. n 04 t M Ik STATIOKS Me.eOe Passengei Arc L'v Sold.bore, L,a trmag. Waiatoa,. r. a. w Berae, Moron eedCUy.. A. 11 16 10 w 48 8 Uu A.M. Dally eireept Sunday. 10 60 5 U 8 16 6 27 at. . a. No. 1 laodFrt. raav Trala. EAST. WIST. rtai aia. I STATIOKS. Anv L'vt am SM on iat 10 10 IS at U 08 lis . at. A. M. 7 SB l SM Ct - IN WIS 10 44 11 11 1141 IIS V.'st jToeeday, rjsoauay. Ooloaboro, Beefs IaOranf,.v vtnes;virevaM auaetoa.. OasweIL-. laawwaat OoreOMk I It 4X f U 41 Taeearcra M.wb. IS 0 1 13 1 OUrk' I US 1157 rwaera, 1 ; f 11 'JO '6v(, . - A. at. f a. Tanrsdayaad Rattrrday, Wed aa. ear aad Friday Ho.lt MUedFa. Pas. Train Ait. 1ve. r. a. 4 1 I 48 a ii 5 44 sua 1 41 1 16 r. m. S 63 S 28 1 48 S SO 1 40 1 11 Train SO connects with Wllmlrurum iVil. doa Train brood North, leaving Ooldaboro UM a. m. ad with BJohmond A D avUle Train West, leaving Ooldaboro 110a.Aa. , TraM el soaaeets with Ktchmoad A UeaviHe Trala, srrrrlag atOoklee4Tteja..aadw1th wurntnnon ana wenon, xrala from MM Worth at tM p.m. Trala eoniece wish V. W. Train bound Soatta. leaving Goldetxiroat 44 and 7:40 pm., with W. A W. Train bound North, leaving Uoldeboro at :46 p. at., and with B. A I) Trala leaving Ooldauore at MM) pan, . ' . a .... i.i . m -. - ' ii-,,, W.K Dunn, Snporinthcdent . ,Fcr Fell Fliniins. - Cabbage. -Kale.-Spfaech tnd Jurttp angtl dw e. ja. icEADow? & ca:,' louulzzlou. lcrciiants 1000 Tens Kainit and For Truck and Cotton Crops, " ppectal ttntioa given to tbe aale of COTTON an1 C.IAI.V. .,.. -.' i-v Liberal adrt!-s made on ConsirrjmentA. OT 'm it eorcsr Pollock and Mld-Ue streets 1V: , in ToSnt lfwdd t 0 MOREST'S THE 13 ES I Of all tha Magazines. (70NTAININO Storlu, Poem, and other LlUran sttractio, eombiaieg Artittio, Scientific 4 HouMbold M.tt.n. IlluMtratMt tcilh Original Atwl tCngrav inaa, I'hotoyravurcs . Oil J-4c(rr ar.tl fin ITeedeeis. making it th Model Magamine of America, rw Each Magazine onnUlne a COFPOA OHDEK entitling the holder to the Beltx-tlon oi ANV PATTEKN Ulustrated In that number and In ANY SIZE. DKMOHEST'S) MONTHLY la luetlv cntJtl. the World's Model Mairaaioe. The Lanrrst In Form, tbe Largest in Circulation, and the txft TWO Dollar Family Majrailnc Issued. IHUfl wli: De the Twenty -seoond year of IU publication ; It Is continually Improved and so eitenplvrly W to plaoe it In the front rank of Family irlodloala. and equal to any maa-azlne. It Contains 71 pairos, larre quarto, 8 k ill H Inc licH elegantl prlntod and fully lUuetrated. Pub lished by w. Jeonlnge Deaoreet, New York, N0 SPECIAL AQREEMCNT COMBINED WITH THE DAILY JOURNAL at $6.50 Per Year Merchants, Banker and Manufacturer should read BIUDSTREET'S, A WKK1.Y JOIKHAI l Trade, Finance and Public Ecooojiy. Mllet-ii i'ate. Evtrry Haturday. (ifu nl l rut ft Tutiily I'tiges. Koluetluif 1'Wfnly lour Pages' riVE 1HILLAHH A YEAR. T11E KRADSTREET COMPANY. Bualuean Hjili. bllhlit-d 1848 -InoorperatedflfcTe. C'apllal and Harplusll.iSUUKia., t Kiecutlve tim, T,V, 2X1, 288 Broadway New York. 1880. Harper's. Magazine, ILLUSTRATED. The Deeemhorftiumber will begin the Sev enty-second Volume oi" Has. Pan's Mag Ann a. Mlas Weoleoa's novel, "East, Angels." and Mr. Howell's "Indian Bummer -holding the foreaaaet plaoe la current earl, notion- will ran through several number ann will be followed by serial (tortee from i . D. Black nnn and lira D. M. Craik. A n W editorial department, discussing topic suggested by tbe current II eratnreoi Amenoaauu will be contributed by W. D. Howe lis, begin ning with tbe January number. The great llterarj event of tbe year will be tbe publica tion of a series of naoera taking the shape of a story, and depleting characteristic feature of American society aa eeea at ear leading pleasure renorrs wriiuen vj v unr uume; Warner, and illnatrated by O. Is, Kdnhart. Tbe Magazine will give especial attention to American subject, lreaien oy uie ueet Aiuer toan writers, and Illustrated by leading America a artists. Harper's Periodicals. PER TEAK: BABPER'8 MAGAZINE .H 0 aUEPEBIS WIUITh......,...-. alARPFR-B aitAjVlil- iJlrtrFrfB TOtJNO PEOPLE d AH TEH'S FRANKLIN 8QDAKK Ll- PBAHY, One Tear (H dumber) 10 Poataae Free M kU 'tnbaorlbera la tb Onlted Hlate or Oanada. The volume of theMacaclne becln with the Number for Jan and December of each yean ' Whea no time te sped Bed, n win be seders tood that the nbcrlber wishes to be gin with the eerreat Number. . Boaad Volume e( Harper's sfagaslM lot thiee ven back) In neat eioth binding, wll be seat by mail, postpaid, on receipt of S3 00 per volume. Cloth Oases, for binding, K cent each by mail, postpaid. 1D a ex to Harper s Magaaina, Aipnanetioai, AnalvtlcaL and Clasatard. for Volnmes 1 to 09, Industre, from Jane, I860, to June. 1880, one vol , Svo, Okth, 04 00, nemittaneee enouia " asaee py paavcrrne mnaey Order or Irraft, t avoid eiiaao of las. Newspaper are noe-se eopy tht adwrtlse meat witboatUia ex pre order of Harper A Brother. Address klerrlianls. hankers, Manufacture', ind olhei a : Ukak i-iHf-ln addition to our Mercantile Agrrcy Krnorta we are now ssbllahlng a weekly commercial aud financial newspaper In our name of "15KADSTREETS." ervlng business men, psrtlralarly mer chants, liaukeis and manufacturers. It does not deal wlih credits or furnish ratings, but reporu, reviens snd discusses those matters, domesltlc and foreign, tbat naveaay bearing upon the business oi this country. Keportlng the crops in. detail, luvetlt?atlng naineroua industries, criticizing various Investment se curities and reviewing the market are pe dal features, while Uie tariff, monetary, transportation, legal, bankruptcy partner-, ship and hundreds of other topics are ably treated, not In the Interest of political parties or geographical seotlons, but In the best In terest of Uie business men of the whole coun try. It Is emphstlcally the business man's news paper. We solicit your subscription for one year at Ove dollars. Very truly yours, ' 2 3 Tbb 1kaisTmAxt t,4ktPA SCBSCHIBk DOW FOB BllADSTREET'S. " THE CENTURY FOR 1885-86.S The r.m.rk.hl. Inu...l I. ...n n and In the many timely article and ilroug serial feature pubiuhed recently In lux CBNTTTRY has siVttii t.h.1. ii..Im u - Circulation of Mere the 00,040 Copies Monthly. Among the features for the coming vol am Which begins With Lhe November nnnk.. are . The War Papers By Oeaeral Otaat an a Others. These will he MinflniiMi n.., r ,. ' 'wwjwi fu'vtVU Wsmrf have been desoiibeeV by leading purtietpaiiUi -n rant h art -i aval Xu. L t t. A r . , .was, , wvuejimt Tjsiawt si EwDesrm Im notatm seacI tht Wtliloiritosai .ja.H i aT7T7 o - -.x . iiuwigt aawvsfjl Ian will write of An tie Lam. a nmri n liUftll Ctf Hhllfth llonarak I 1 - audoiheni oi the (Second Bull Kun, etc etc. CH)nobau,lnludic tb ngirt btwen the Keaimarg tad tne AlaWna.! officer of K-tVt !. Mill ha J-lJ " The KeoolJectJoni of a PrtTato"andgpseJeJ w&r nss.rapra nf atiajuinfai w J! ' . - lr - -Mvvuuioj VI uumuruk vuMswtci wiaa itasaVturesi o me ytH? aerial Stories by f.' ' W. D- HowelU, Hur BallMlt W... A Jt M- l.T . . . w IbTT. KnVAll'al SaeklHaLl flt Ka lea It.V T! . than "The Hiae of Hllae Lapbam' Mrf i t Vt-MitAa'd lat av atnt-v at . -.t . V.T 1 . t 1 ---- - j w hiiuibi nt. 4jvbj arei Cable's a novelette of the Acadian of Ixui- wuw. nr. iwvie wui suo eonuiOBte a asiiea Of paper on Slav sonim and daneaa. n.inA lng negro serpent- worship, etc V Baeelal , Edward Eggieeton. and others; Paper er " 777 " benjamin,- attely Cl 8 minuter, with anmeroua Ulaatratkmet KO I V .-TZrTr. . . "fT prwirau ana. popular, . Una Unity by representative of rarien re-' ( v 1.7. rrr," . " t -t ar"Meeaporta, nou eta. I . i A ! "' "araUaw tisieA Hi k -r. Tlie SpTitherii Cultivator , riirb cm FUEiiER. ' 4k TKAR. , , .HU 00-? -LI-V .0iilv Tk Ortnt Farm, tnduttrial end Slock ; ; Periodical f V Sontk. . : It embraces ra Its eoDatltsenrv tha Intein- rt, prosreealve and substantially eweeeei ftit farmer of thlaaectton, and asahadver Using medlora 8nr tb MerchanLMaaufacta rer. Htnck Kaiaer and Professional Alan, I aBKOurri.T rjinuAi.i.D. ; ' Ppace judlelooaly em nt eyed In ltk oolumn eiwavs remoserauve. i . I ( t v t , Aeveniaementa, per nna, - an, BubscTlptioo, per annum. - tLSft, ;ii - Acdraea, -.. f rf. .:'?' P O. Drawer I - . Atlanta, GA. Hrvr Berae Weekly Jearwal a ad CalU - vvter ewe year t tvaat,t.TS - 1 tpaotU j'l MS By Prank B, Stockton, Mrs. Helen Jackson arrrlt "2 Mhan" . ler Hams, H. H. Boyeeen, T. A. Janvier ", 5aUnHawttonRcnardViohD.tou -oiaera- and poems by leading poet. Tbe Departmeata.-'tipen Altera, BrioBrac " ete. alii be fully sustained. Ir,0-JIre. V 'Weietrwttoae; 'j 1 ) ( -. S Will be kept tip to tbe standard ihlch baa'- ' ,we. VA Special 0(T,r. v ' , j . trtiia enable sew neaoer to tt a vim roniTioniion uum PeanreyHrd, itoi i.-URn, J t Uailacw, Admiral I o"e s erid tbe la k rr mrr tk ioher, ) !,),..,. SinniPK l-. f,,r . i 'Hfinvn, wn h t ' , tftti i.iin.e voinrr" ' r enly si., V r in 1 - v