2. 1! J. n." L Cull f - - I ' ...... - .w- , . "i 'm ' . .J '. . i ' ' : ' - ' w - . - ' - " v ' - ' vSouolj,' Diagonals,' Trieots, Sevastopol, Flannels, Bison Cloth, Striped V Diagonals, Cashererea, nem,ietua' Ottomana, W FlannelariaiB and Fane j, Berbers, Alpacas, Gst Merino Cnl Cashmeres, f lain "and Fancy Drt s Good all kinds, & .styles,' all picas -aa! assortment that "-will at0Luh"the mo$t hardened ligktoecr'eyea, a UZhlJL ".!J r C!::!xi2$ !:ro Tt:n q C: Lt-v , . v' 'i' J 7''f' . f lilt'"' ' ' Ws have a quantity of Cloaking Goods, and wo are going to sel then ; . pcuihle. . Tier if a eiaxM for tttt to sarc'wtfHtfy htjbtj come' Wjee . ' na War reliinr. " 4-' " -. "i f -- e- . . . . .... pjgj , pyjjjggg Astfachans ! .FiiflTriirimin! Bead Triiiii! :Brai3s! Cloaks!! Cloaks? ITcw Ilarkets ! Wo alwaja have a Full Stock, well tfeorted and bought Low for Cash, but Omr Idsa if to pat lipe upon the market at a leader. This year wo Lara TWO GREAT LEAJDEES, CHESS GOODS AND having bought a large Jino of both SI Out Hnd of Prints, lUcachings, . Canton 'jL'iTOte-Wool lm fast all manner f Piece Good) and Storo. Wo laro a oomjpJeto iftt. .' H78 . .Hunflrcd ;Tairs ' of r;:.WHm; BLANKETS, to; Sold at $L10;Per Fair, rt..il w.I ft L J.J Dent ,M -To j See JtV jlj jls , Immense , ytoa; Complete. I (snot btly flipicVin every particular, Vat iiffl'!u.UitOI u iri haTftTerearried,-wd we VoughJ Bhoe i umnk (wntt J isiti' rt i h - , ."op , - ' uvu" ' ' tTis do a larea Retail Jtuiness and WAtrrrreciate it. and we eater for, it, and wo lovo to wait 'on rar Jbustomers, n1 more than all, WO lOTO to pl6&86 thflm'if Wk we iave a few words to say .to a class of customers that have increased with US irom year to year aad these are "i"1 :!i;MjIio!8saIe! Customers! , ' iO.il ' -rl 7i; TO, THE i,17HOLESALE .TRADE -ci"-'. 'i'u.i- &' l.';1, 1 Wc say'th'atmever bave-.wdgypMuch . to give 'themeyeryi. facility ''xjS& Dry Gooda at .borne; ! - '" ' M V, c I '..- !tvfc. t ,I'.UlS I0J . U ' 1 To Duplicate , any tHn J? bou or any oilier , niarKet in? less'lhafl t case" lots This is no empty boast,;. Come ilk'ni'see us. 4 ' Ircrjbody will be ' waited upon,' and wc j there shall -be' no gruniblir; when time to examine their purch:.:c3. - truly .yours' 1 1 (I yjULul A, Julie,. Cloaks!' .New Harkets! , OLo'niiiiiaVccoDs,'.! while in w .York t at, a CHoaing Otjt ' Ginghamsy Doniestics, Flannels (Red and Flamnels, Drills, domestics to be fannd in a First Class ,; ;V . i ' f.. !'j if .iUj-j lui as wandid EVJcIil THING ELSE, hit' " ' ' I jjl -j'I lii' !) 1r J I i,i i)pj"j1!i jijiitjia Jin . f iW.i.iJi' I'M ,i i rn ' Ariiv.i l: For KortlO. i t N.CH.Lt,k U t for Leaniort j 7:80 p.m. F u WfcaLinjoo, S . BetafvrtCA'U&Uoe' . daya, aad iTid.'v tv fur '.' "-"nton, t Ti!! Tai1! si JL. ft East, t , Hyde and j, Wednea- . m. "ad slays I Task 4 i L la L'. tor 1" Las. to & d m. rdLet- -OBI, tl i j 4 p, m.1 a V a-m. . A live ConcoiddLce. -! j Thocgh Daniel Weliter'a fame rests chiefly upon bis oratorical pdwera, he was remarkable, too, fo- his lamiliarity with - the bible. Ilia colleagues once nicknamed iiini the ' Biblical Concordance of tbe United States Senate.- While! la merf lad be read tbe bible with BQCb power and expression that the pass ing teamsters, who stopped to water their horses, ased to get "Webster's boy'-'-toooae out beneath the shade of the trees and. read the bible to litems . ' i ' - - Those wh heard llferWebsleR in later life, reeite passages ftuiu ite Hebrew prophets and psalms, say that he held them spell bound, while each passage? en tbe mostfaaviliais cams home to Ibeta in new meab tng. One gentleman aajs that he never received euch'Weas vot the majesty of God and tbe dignity .of man as be did one clear aigut when Mr, Webster, standing in the open air, recited the eighth psalm. : Webster's mother observed - an other old fashion of Jfew,: England ia training v berf eoa,,'phe ,;en oooraged him to memorize each scriptural passages as impressed him. .Tbai-Wy" retentive memory, and: his sensitiveness to bibie metapbors Wd.wtbO Jibytbm of the English Tersion, etoreg ,his mind with ecrlptarewi i;j i . On one occasion', tbe; teaer.vOt cneaiscricc ecnooi,jonerea a jacK knlfo to the toy who sbonld recite the greatest number bi verses from the bible, "WhenUWebeter's turn came he , arose .. and reeled off so many verses that the" master was forced to eryEnonglr i' It was the mother's training and tbe bov's de light in the tdtotnf and rtbe music oi the King "James version ' that made him the - "Biblical Concord snce of tbe Senate," "Vt'i&W I tat tbesft two Jaotorssder hi at more than, a fwncprdance.'! JbeJ ueorew propnets inspired una to eloquent jotterancDS.invfetened to them until their. Toeabdlarr aad i idioms, as expressed in tbe King unes -translation, becameTt anoeslt jnay be said, as XVordJji wonn paid or uutoav poetry, they are Hebrew in sonL" TbErelbra tbeyrprojecf themselye( iBtOth11 fbtnre, ;. (;::;r;':?8a ' .J j , , xne young man who wpojH po a writer, uu . Bnau Da. reao i or an orator whom, people . BbaUl heaf, should study the -EnKllsh bible. Its singular beauty and great power as literature, tbe thousand . sentl ments and associations1 wbi oh asej nas atcacued to it, nave maoejit a4 mightier ..Xorce . than any - otheri book. W r"t S Si I flmin "' xr" n . W.u ! Ill (klit I For fifteen Years nrr liver and Udnfhre have been bad j affeolad no a day in that time without (be Iraadache. -i Since osinsr ' the xB.i B. B. BoUni ' Biobd Balm.Tpl iiaye been 'entirely relieved ; no pain, no troBbl at all, and' I fel al most like anotbor aeraoa. I am one among; tbe greatest advocates of B, B,B r a&d you are at Jwerty to or my name. .::.rS if' f. MBS. O. H.UAt. .,, Id la Ntw'Berua bY.E.U:Dffv aod . H.' If eadowa4rh. o tn-i ft- rr c itiT 'rnT- Wholesale and Eetail Dealer K. . . is, . Choice F A2HLT GEO CITIES ',!:- aiJi? I-J T?" 1 ' I Household 1 feoo'da,"' t tPd to offer ... Good 1 CHEAPER IHJLK SVKB BEFORE. Avtalt to hli store Will eoDYlnee the moat tkptlml. - Oeoda JellTrd to way fptnot t f.y free of r. ; , ,!inj,nsuj aai ui v mW. Wholesale and .Retail dealer ia A!fD uaggi. a a:;u tii: r oi.. r 1 . lrc"'l 2f.C. iti-aTW 3! e'i 1jT v in.'- -O 5 i. J T.-r.t o TTrtTWTYifiTitei v Tnmk , kualklndtHimTtfcndBalldloj wort Is if ALlilHiAI-ERiCAN f.!ARSLf nil Li H UJ u t 'iVdMi wiNreceiTO prompt atlentior- iriu'j tl u Li o.i if vi JOE K. WILLIS Proprietor toi joy, wi fin-, i i ' .7 ' . .. T&Wi'C.Slgnf'Uie BOSTON ajiWjil'i-jiiaiMl allixMui i a i ' imuit i r-:V. ,JP1EK 7, NORTH RIVHK, , iW' e 2Toarefs , and ; Umo Elmaaat niia trsmnntuT that thu l oas oi WMMMwa uiMni N w lore, makinf aui (onneciioa wun itfuiaor fnr bow fttn i 4ii;ic.ti i t . ! mi.' t ; .. . EttYtairiltw jfiems' ud. Mikm tMaM4 einie forn'iiitlmor. TUK8IUY '" w pun unq JATUiiiJAY Asmu ra k (alM a, o n j ( f . BUB KM riSHK,01 ATuncw. iS, -W. aaOAJtKIClC.A't Norfolk. V1. a. jravar hHdBipsu. it Sot 'TOKB tiaita.TraBir.UIS -i'lsr .Noruirrf D.07Wuik,U Kir. fitv rick WkaH. ' " r ,5 V"7 l"a BW, Mowlaya, adnawlayt 1tn(a bill lading (Iran, aaa raU iruraB to all potnU at tht dlffarcnt "nfflcaa or ' EOmTS'i'iHElTDERSON New ' jarne'Jr. CJ. . pclj.ifirft,laas Compknles i'c'eaeDj nrtn L lfe aAf Aedde&t I&nra&ea. aft Caj)jts,i over, Forty Millions " . wiS rDdlaa.iVJtm24dlv litDEWEt TBS rSAOTICAt RIAL7AETIST, Praora41ylB aweMaee at hit HalrdrcMlDa uu oiMtTing wwm at vxie vastus tiuao wltk tUaoml workmen and new furnltura. , HBirtiafaattoa la aaoored to tbpaa wbo patros aa sABt 'v j "" .v . . -rrrT- y6arwntahm f tha 'Oriktfial OS Shaa, laaa teartar thla em' .JAMES r.1EAIlS' '.'13tOSt'i-," '.ITtaflefo Pnttnn,Congrwia tiaftH, v lion tor i XlnaLiH!' - f or li' BUTTOlT- , Th' ' "fan '-,"T In h Mtt-'M'm of rwi. t Rinf c. m ia tha wortd. 1 r'u.nt who wear u iUteU;uit fcboraaaoa a yoa aaa Uiitt. Howard fc Jones, Sole Agents, for New Berne, N.C ant5dw ... ' General1 Hardware' , lr; Imp! em entr. i Plows. Ilarrown. CnKIrn! ora. Mi!- ...., '- - Wood's riower end rr, a t!in ;ir T rert:::T"-'s.i.nn.ir, r,i. t ,41 !'"' H new ..fa. i as ia t i.tc 1..0' c-i , refc...-: i. t.. v . THE FINEST GTOCi; OF CLOTIII.'.a : . ITED IN ANY. GE STOT.E IN KHT I - -As we hardly handle any common . clotLlLj, L.:t f ; - ' goodi, we can gaaraatee almost every .r-icLt we t. ... iir linA nf Hnt' Fnrnitllillfi- Goods IS MTV ttil.. -i.t contains the latest etjles and novelties, and :)I be e ,.' J L w. , .) Oar Camel's Hair XJnderaults are special barg-uj, uzl i well adapted for oar climate. . . , ' A hirr cfrwb- nf T.HiiB snrl nnta Shoes St fill rfk't :S. (' t ;r ; . i f$emhm Genuine French Calfskin y 4 Jil country and fully worth 0.OO. A Calfskin French Kio and Cowhide 40or Ward well Uand Sewed Opera ever sold. ' . . . ' Just received, a job Jot of fine Ladies' Walking Jackets, tl.at will be sold at half price, l We sell an all wool Walking Jacket, tole breasted and handsomely trimmed, at 12.50. A fall line of Dress Goods, Domestics Shawls, ;TJnbrclI: 3, NoUons;rtci "JiJO t t-: i-' 1 ' ' Our stock is brand new and handsome, and prices so low that it wu pay those who want the value of their money to call at , 4 GEORGE ASH'S. . J ... MAA miraat. nsrf; tr T, TT. flutter's. - Ma. David M7,TpaEB of Beaufort old friends with hispid time cleverness; I bare no coonecton with any other store. THE.PRDOES" ii If. I. i II 'J f Those who have tried us for a suit always come back to trade with; us . again. Tbey tell ns. That suit yon sold me a year ago was the best I ever -bought for the money, and Ihave come to try you again. That is' why wo keep our customers; we do not agree to give them an all wool snit at $4.50, that can't be done, but if yon will give us a reasonable ' price for a suit we w$ giveryeu your money's worth.5ff:?l j -, : We have a nice line of Suits At tlO.OO that will do good servioe; Hoys, Youths and Children's Suits at Low Prices for good goods,-., fpVff ,We art. agents' for the Jas. Means $3,100 Shoe. A new supply )Ut received in But, Bal. and Congress. .. ; .J ; , . r.. , . ' Our Stacy Adams & Co.'s Fine b hoes are the beet in the' market, and are warranted to wear well as our customers will testify. Our Stock of Soft and Stiff Hats hi very complete. - We have a good Stiff ' Hat at 12.00, late ityle and wi'.l wear. .Boy's Polo Cloth Hati, 25o. to 50o. We have a nice stock of Underwear, all sites up to 4.6.- Full line of Wool len and Merino II. Iloso. ;CK K'liC'jXx..ii J ..." .' ' " , ; 'Our Boss" COo. Shirt has never been equaled in quality for price J,, it is; -ssgood as some "sell for tl.OO. All sices in Pleated Bosom Shirts. ;. - -Nice Fresh Stock of Dogskin Gloves, Tiei, Scarfs, Hosiery, Celluloid nd ; Linen Collars and Guffs. " , - ,.,.,, Trunks, Valises, Tourist Bags, Shawl Straps and Telescope Valises. Carpets, Bugs, Oil Cloth and Door Mats. ' ' " , t Carpets mado, laid and lined. ' Be anre and see na if in need of anything, in our line - 'etV'"- ",J' w,:.,;?ki:VTJAmTjn-'. : taWvo ' a- irr olesale Wh , . UAVE REMOVED TO T1I1SIK -' 0 '-te j TWO STORES, SOUTH OF THEIR FORMER STAND, . And keep of FLOUR, MEAT8.-COFFEE. aUUAK, byn ; ' MOL.A8SE8. SALT, TOBACCO, 8JiUFFANl CIO A itH, n everything ,1a .the GROCERY, OliJD. X)031iIVIO .Steamship. Company. Foa New York, Baltimore. Nor folk,' Boatoa, Elisabeth City, , and tner citlea. . - ON AND AFTER UNTIL PUKTHEE NOTICE Steamer Slienandcali ; MB IvaiVi ay Wil it aaa Vi va ai W IvIB Soathera Katlivad at Elizabeth City, erary ! " WO VOAY MD THURSDAY, , 4 tor New Bene. Retarklac leavte Vtm Barn, lor.Ellaabeth Ulty eTary i TUEBDAY AYD rB.IDAY naklnr Ck a ronnectlnn with If na- folk 8onthr j&. K. for orlhern cltier Oloae eoBDectlon made at Kew Merae with Mamera lor Kiniloa, Pol)okTllla, Trentoa ant aU lanifinra oa . tbe t Mniae ant Tr.at BtTera. No frrlgtita remired for anipmentea IoiiiT and Fridare after t p m. Freiahtlorardd promptly anS lovaet rate (oaraneaMt SeatneUrNt. ' - , Hi i : m H.HVuauii, aKt new uarmr, OVLParraa a Tpairaa, ' f j. i'f?'!M it-";') Ai'tt. Norfolk, f : )W. S.STtaPoaa.aaa'tlt't A"t. i . r r New York v ' . ' ' ' . 11 U.. - r i - 7hy Hot. , i i "Divine la bcokaa t'onona hi pipe. - i . w iipn lU'iwn.Q a miier mellow ru n and rlre. Vet lliy irne Inveia more edmlre by far Thy uaktd beaoDea gi va me a Cigar !" TTiee ron will fndlrt R. w. Tanalllt A Co.'i fiiii hr w .ii fi, f ffM.irp c: i."iii a. ai waj I kept by u M I. I i , m ri 1 t .,.ar. If tmi a ru . M... cori ie uy uie arid ppt oil, tlC ' li p 1 1 ' V . ' - i " -I ( J J a. j fu' ti a . i 'v . -- . 1 f ) Congress Gaiters aie t- 3 1 : i.; i . i full guarantee given with et:y ! Boots at astODi.-.Ling JOflr r - -. Doot is the finest and Cueait . ...t is still with me and will treat his n 7 u LaL- mi n ii mi , iTLal, ,.;t . . Grocers. LtV E, JTULL: STOCK, ''hud at 'JS4b OWBJT H. GUIOX. P B.F.EU.BTIBB GUION & PELLTTItiJ,' . 'Attoraxo-vaa sat' Xjavit ; . Bovtm Fboict BTh Opp. Gabtok Boobb, .STEW BEBtB, H. 0. - Practice where kMw ara deilred. Praolioe In tba Hupreuia Court, and Id In fedcaal Ooqrt a Hew hxrnn. ' fr!"l It t ; Una of thla firm will aiwxvg nr t th fol- ' lowing plaoea at Umea ipeciard biow i lentou . Janet coouly, batutrtay vf frb -i aodtTerpwaeh, u i . , l.xk i Seaulortt Carvarat Oooutj-.Thnraday ofeajb week. r r . aektoavlllft, On16woa-ty, the n'" toZJ I may in each mo h " ' -'Vi Barbeti aiid jJM;Drc:; :tj With twent.-flve jreart eineiierme, and lha t Neateat and Beat Furnlahwl tu i 1 . - i etty, will claaa rood a ve .1 1 - , , anywhere for 1 EM CJ- N'irt. New an. p, Dr (urnltnre.and aaUaracliongaaranlfd Middle tireet n" at door to letrlckt, ... -... .,. ... marital r GASTONr.HOU v a NEW HERS E, N. a." S: E. STKEET', SB., - -v Tba Only Firef t'w . Ompii.nt r un. v t kl . Ptamer. Large ante tut rooma I ., olal traTelera. The BAR and PtU,HFO,r" Jeeently been i.r.. . . t ,. i . 'or. a-1 1 n i p 1 i " ta MtdtiTla wub biliiaia nod i -out . alea::: j t :: ;r AUKOItA, N. C. (YliePai) B;ealn rt-i-r a 0, trrfu'. gitoatel In a mmn ami prcpt. , cur lurtuer information a t . 2 1 . i. A !t A i . i V I rl , .

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