r;l "5. jb V . iei i:i -V .ti .-. 1 ... . i ( .K';auf,!".''itJl'f--r':x':9 i I s s t 5 I il I, ' VOL. V:--NO. 211. I jCL'NEWS.- Kew Eerne, latitude, 85 6' North. . " ,t .longitude, TJI' WeetU 3 j i i , 4 ..0 J 10 hour, i eainnte. iiK,u riiei af 12:61a. m. - : - ..... - ,t'' yt xi . BUSINESS LOCALS.; Fine, Fresh Goods In great variety t - W, A 'T C T A Eell'S teb Jiwkleb-You will , mk it if yen bey a single present bet fore yon have looked through our large ' 'nd elegant stova;t, 1 i-iv.-. ; ' Another bbl. of that file Oornd Beef opened today. C E. bXOVKB, ' 7 , . : T -T " - , . - ' i EOff Rolls Paper HansioM lost re ceiveq. .y a,im yv.,; 8,00a tBi.' P !TEMHTOr v;Hain. Shoelders anA Sidea atp. E Nrlaon a, . I , . . . ... m- r-i-. Broad Be. next to Alex. MilltrV. 1 6t i ITai -Pa tonsJetiment a oar load Yery i Timothy and Herd Ora Uy, Lacked ,ia amalt biee win o oia ctap, J iVj-??fuV'f r ;Vr . The ItoumiioaA went out with a full cargo, of oUitttdfte JeBer,, trenlDgVfj(f ''fetJ,,(,,'(.,,1.,. . - ; Yesterday a the first real cold snap of the aeaeon, end it wae not a aerer- onefoodideat,jr.'4 p : CabtJ.B.04n tf Stonewall came up yesterday 'and "broufbt t o flue pecan treea which he delt?ered tow. G. BrinscniB-.j ji ' " ' -Tbt1 " State ldockei locket will probably b " concluded in the Superior Poujt todar . Next week will be devoted to the ciii dockey Wo"publiehhei.cledar to Max Schwerin la offering "exlraordi nary JdaoefDenU?, to thoee need tup KOOde'ln hit line,'' He haa many articles euitable for holiday nresenta. and in fix ing the prioee u keepe' In tulod the great scarcity of moneyr' " ; " - Lajrlllarl yachi Una ' will leave for Savannah today. " We bad the pleasure of going aboard yesterday, a privilem not accorded to every one, but bein U company with the collector of ruetom of thle port whose winning ways cap tivate all with whota he omee its con tact, the . chief v epgincer invited , u aboard and -took ua through. ' It would take a olanin to' describe' the gorgeouf manber jn; whic .l U, fitted and fur nished ui I'j'-M.tS anl'fvai.1- .t ' One of the "scenes Ji "court yesterday waa the speech of John Mayo in hie own behalf .to the Jury.a: The . ceurt waa un drfr the necessity , of 'oalliDg him t order once or twioe during hie bar rangue but , patiently allowed him . to have his say; but when John attempted to interfere after. Hie.. Honor's charge, by gestures and attempting-(o Whisper to the" Jury aetnej were retIr,lDg, hp wu sent to jail forthree days for con tempt of court. " " T D. WU 1r allnr tlVa'rP 4eM. f-J, ' We publish today f rom' ths A'eir and Obterver a very readable letter rom 'D. B.alker. ?' He si ways ' writes something worth' reading. ' - ".-' , :. win;' . U'n- ike Stm Uvea. ; , - . ' A gentleman from Jones county tells us of a sixteen year old boy who went to a country store recently and devour ed at one time one pound of crackers, one pound, of .candy -and one pound of soger, lie survives without calling in phye't .n butWis.hot all in keep ;ing with itakimU'l,- (T v1:' Tb I lrt WhlU Shad 11- .-!)(- . Passing Mr. A. H. Ilol ton's restaurant yesterday evening a fine white shad, a buck," was to be seen banging along with a cumVrr of canvass-back ducks Mr. II;'!. -n f 's well at hU restaurant. Fine eye'"', icti, chickens, turkeys, etc., t ' - , to a part of the bill f fare, I . ..re the assertion that notrs- :i l icrttuck a tooth into that' ' . -,: -V';;';,, ; - y llr. J. is tve ucky'nav.every trmnr--. Ka slsrsys caftuTes the flrot wt 'f I. Li.-1 1 t aton the. Erst came ' la oa i'. s 21ft of December.' -;: I n. of Jones county, paid I Ti ;t (j the Journal (Clce r t ) " 'i up.",' He com i if cur Ia CraDge"itemis-' "- ; to ! ! i the news last r f s f- a ) J then t-.-'i vs Low to tut0 ns a CLe acd a htlf T -t r.:rtr when tie i (i crered with ; f -" r of th m i j -g acd then iff h'lney, tie T 1 n rfl 81 d 'i j : i.i i.:. mI r K i- S Jf 4 f 'FIEE1T nORtBSiD C1TT". I WarekM ef ths. A. IT. O. e- The following telegram was received yesterday 'evening :.Yi i ,. ; Morihsad Gtt,N,C Deo. 8,1884. Toe deoot took fire from a' defective flue at tO o'clock this evening 'and at 8410 i was enttrelv horned up. ' Tbrte cars loaded with fish scrap burned with about .five .hundred dollar .worth of freight, but one empty car burned and one saved. 'v?..; ' - lue entire wharf waa saved after a desperate fight made by the citizens of Murvhead.j There was a steam yacht, the Howlandy at the dook when the fire took place, and she not only left with ail the buckets that were to be had, but Carried off ail the men sbs could. W. L. ABKUDKLL. 1 1 Put Them Back. A number of letter were stolen from a private bux at the poetoffice on Tburt- day ninht. The letters may be of im portance to the partite to wbomthty belong, and of no value to the paity ho not them. If put back in the uffior, much aux ety will be relieved and (be party 'a conscience, if he haa any, in pt relieved. rtr. Tne fire alarm waa sounded last night between eleven and twelve o'clock. The department wa out with ila ubu.i promptness and found the cause of tbf .darns to be a wood house in Mr. B A. Bell's yard on Hancock street. Ii was gotton und. r control in a few minute, and the damage was but slight. The readiness with which oui .pari went responds shows that it U i xoelleut trim and will always be ready tor the fiie find. Saparlur t'evrt Proredlg. Court convened yesterday morning at naif-haat nine o'clock and leoumed wrk on the State docket. The follow tug eases were disposed of: Bute vs. Brfce Riga and Eugece Jonrs; perjury: Jury. Jones pleads guilty; imprisoned in county jail until 30th of May next. L. J. Moore appeared for Biggs. Not guilty. 8iate vs. Daniel Smith; A. & B.; mry. W. B. Clarke for defendant. Net guilty. State vs. C. C. Foy; disturbing con gregation. Nol proa. State va. Alexander Bass; perjury. Nol pros. The sentence in oase of ZacbarUh Mitchell was changed to twelve months in county jail. Commibsioners author ised to hire out. OStete . John Msjo.; forcible tr. s- Uuilty. fined penny ana oost. Sea to jail three days fur contempt tf ouurt. ". ' Cvuti adjourned to half past . nine o'clock Saturday morning. The Orstsr Fair. W wish to call Brother Nunn'e atten tion to the proposed oyater fair wbicn waa to take place to New Berne mis winter. Let the JouknaL etir up the matter, and ll ua have the fair by all means. Btmifort Record, We. want the fair if any pracUcal good can come out of it. , .We arc told that there are bundieds of thcusat ds of acres 91 gooa oyster coitom id tne waters of eastern Carolina, and there rebut few i hundreds of acres being used for the growing of ojsters. Any thing that can be done, to stimulate active wor in the produrtiion ef is valuable article of food will alwayi oefte the endorsement and aid-, of the JoCRwiu ; It occurred o us last sunt mer, or rather It was suggested by Dk Mann, of Hyde county that an oyster fair held a. New Berae would bring td gethr th0 f8W,'ffled who are tkkfnk a active Interest ia the culture of oysters and by" axeha&glng f lews 'and expo riences would greatly aid each other. It also occurred to ut that if a fair could be held while the General Assembly was In session' a committee from that body could attend sod learn from the oyster growers themselves , what legis lation is necessary for the development of this important Indaatf yvr? 'J . , If the bringing together of the oyster growers would advanoathis interest we are in for it ' But we muss have the active co-operation of those interested in the mitter. N it ioa sinoe we ha d a oonve'rsati m witH a dealer abd grow er, and a man of intelligence, and be inclined to the opinion that an ! we could oombiaa the oyster exhibit -with farm pro.iucts, slock, mscninery, etc he feared it woul.1 prove, a failure. While there are many persons engaged ia tne oyster bus; there sre but few who aru trying to improve the quality. To produce toe best ojettr rt-quires in-vtUio-eoce in the cuUura end plenty Kit hsri work. We are roJy f r the fair tf i ---.' s the bin desire :i fci '11 i i it r u 1 1 teLeflkWd " NEWrBERNfcNiSSAOT g Mr. Lorillaxd's Socialietio Views. Mr. Pierre LurilUrd.- well known in New Y rk and elsewhere as a saiilion- ir a manufacturer of tobacco, and ah employer of labor on a large' scale, has a short article in the last Aortk Apieri- ea Review en "Labor and Condensed Labor,'' in which he declares himself to be a limited political socialist, while repudiates tbe ordinary aooeptatMMi of socialism as related to arson, riot and tbe unbalancing of all old ideas of quiet safety and prosperity." He holds that the . right ef property is saored; mat tne antagonisms existing between capita! and labor .are all wrong: that capital "ia merely the accumulated tokens of peat labor saved by thrifty and prudent men for the use of tbe pres nt army of those who toil for their bread." He thinks it, therefore, quite an iig tnat labor snould quarrel witn capital "as tbat young birds should ue j:uus of their muther'a experience whu h fiie her to provide for their help less daily wants." All this is very neatiy uta. me man who directly employs labor in bis business, as Mr. UmiUrd does, and indirectly in the construction of build togs, or in other ways tbat give activity to labor, it a tieuefactor to his species, and between such men and the laboring clauses, if they are tquitably treated, there ought uot 10 be anv other th'in harmonious relations, but, passing this, we next turn to what Mr. Lorrillard proposes as a scheme to adjust the rights of labor Hnd bring employees into close accord wan employers. To this end be pro poses the organization of a national labor eungresM, to be attended by trade oelegatea from eaoh State, to be chosen lur one year, and to sit one month in each year. These delegates are to have the power to select two senators from each State to represent their State in a national lubor senate, one to be elected for two, the other for five tears. By ti se s. natom an ad vino y body of seven prisons is to be choeen, aim liar to the Uinu-u Slaiee Supreme Court, wboshall be vested w iih authority to dtoide all Ubor questions submitted to them by he trude. 1 he plan is by no means a uv I one. It is simply that of a la'or uorgrees. orKatiiEed on tbe same lines as that of the Con grew of tbe United Suu-e. How it would work in prac tice, and what effect it would have on federal legislation, we are not prepared to say. Mr. Lorn lard believes that "ocean, rivers, uauala, railways, postal and telegraph systems should bs owned by tbe government for the use of all. He would have ih ' rights of property respected, is averse to an incme tax, but advocates a legacy tax to the extent of ten per cent on all fortunes ovsr 8200 000 He has the idea tbat suoh a tax "would render the perpetuation of immenae fortunes in a few families im possiblea suggestion in which he will find few persons to agree. Many of the (States have already a collateral inherit nnoe tax. In France tbe minister of finance goes much further than Mr. Lor il lard. He proposes as a means of meeting the annual deficiency in tbe revenue a direct legacy tax of seven teen per cent on all estates, and of twenty-five per cent on all collateral in heritances Ws hardly thick Mr. LurilUrd 's scheme of a labor congress practicable, and we are quite sure tbat his proposition to give the government exclusive control of all ocean, river, canal and tuilway transportation, and of the telegraph as well as the postal system, is ou tbat will never be enter laioed bj the American people. It would put an end to oompetion, be the death of enterprise, and would clothe tbe government with such enormous political power that elections hereafter would be a farce. Baltimore Sun. Stonewall Items. Joo. W. Bryan was down at our court but has returned. Mrs M. E. Bryan, of Ooldaboro, is visiting her daughter, Mrs, L. Miller. Any one wUhing a few cioe pecan trees can bo supplied by J. S. Lane, of this place. . . There never was a better fall for housing crops than this, and all crops are nearly housed; will be completely so before Christmas. r The weather Is extremely dry, and at this writing an extensive fire is prevail' ing in the swamp south of this place, and no telling when or where It will ZicE Wller and Mies Elvena Reel. dsuithter of Geo. Reel, were married at the residence of Rev. - Jesse Bolton, he tfeinir tho effloial knot oa the SIstult. Henry Jones and Miss Annie Fell were oiarrK! oa tne zotb ult , B. B. Lane, j. P.t ( fBcieting. ..A three year old child of ' Bryan Har per, colored, wae left .in the house by itaelf lying on a pallet before the fire on the im tost-.- Tbe bertdtog on watch it lay caught 08 fire, "and When it' was found was - burned to death and the floor partially consumed.,. - '.'ill. mm. Wr'. . Knights of Labor aad the tiarchista. . it hicaOO, Deo. 1. A joint meeting of tbe K run tits or Labor District Assem blies z4 ana 07, wmcn nave a member ship of about sixty thousand,' and in crude all the Knights ia , this city and county, was held last night to take ao- tka concerning tbe trial and sentenoe Of tbe oondemued anarchists.'- District Assembly 84 lecently passed resolutions on the subject, and avked 67 to indorse them Tbe latter body decided tbat the subject was. of such importance that a n.t session or Dotn assemblies should be held, at which all tbe Knights of Labor of Cook cm my should be repre sented. About 41AI unigbts were pres ent, and resolutionr were adopted de claring that the verdict in the recent trial condemning seven men to death and scDtrvring one to 15 years' inv pri" in j-iC.I. a1 I rt wan an outrage oa common i n MStMutt on free p. h , ' e d i ..f-i-.in of t'.i ,t c -- - t t" a I -- . ; f ''.)!' .tT "".'S "f si'.'J.Z. ;;s Ky yT4U Sosipt,f, u. Soma time aco the RoatBakinrPow der Go. opaoei vea the idea ef collecting from its patrons, for. j redistribution among them when printed in , boos; form, their beat and' favorite' methods for tho pieparatfoa of articles of food of all deaenpUona. Is response there were f urnishad a very large number of practical receipt, from which, were se lected tbe 5W0 contained in tbf book entitled "My Favorite Receipt The publioatioa was intended' originally for tne contributors only, but the collection proved te be of such remarkable value tnat ita nubUabem. believing . ita oircu lation would be nroduotive of icobd in affordinar a larger knowledge aa to the practloal preparation of real home cook ery in a way to make it moat wholesome and appetising, have saeeed an edition for general circulation, which is sold at cost of production and pottage. "My Favorite Receipt" contains formulas for the preparation of almost every known dish in every conceivable way. These bave been claaeined into departments representing Soups and Broths. Fisb and Shell Fish. Yeiretab es. Meats. Stews, Poultry and Game, Eggs.Salade, ueaeerte, Breads. Cake. Condiments. Beverages. Ioes. Preserves and Pickles. Preserved Meats. Canned Vegetable, etc, to which a copious index is added. Every branch of the culinary art has received ample attention. Tbe publica tion is one of unusual value, from the fact that the reoeipts are thoroughly tested formulae of genuine home cook ery. In it each contributor vouches for the utility of her receipt not only, but attests that years of experience have proved it tbe beet way of making the article named, and signs-her name and address to it as an evidence of iu genuineness and ter faith iu us ttupe- rionty. The practical character of the receipts will especially com mend them to Amer ican housekeeper. While cookery of , tne verv finest and richest, at well ua that more plain and economical, is pro vided for, "My Favorite Receipt" is not, like many of the cook books of the day, a collection of impracticable, un tried or foreign formula, following which frequently results in a failure and a waste of good materials. The contributions are from every part of ibe country and give the beet experience, of the beet cooks for preparing the (iit.hi.-n peculiar to each locality. "My favorite Heceipt ' bandsomel printed and bound, is sent by the U yal Baaing fowder (Jo.. New lork, at the, nominal price of 50 cents, to any ad dress, express charges paid. The Darwinian theory perplexes the multitude. They object to a line of de eoendants from monkeys. But uot even baby objects to Dr. Ball a Cough Syrup. The Atlanta's Trial Trips. Washington, Deo. l.-Secreurv Whitney today made public the official reports of the results of tbe three trial tripe of tbe cruiaer Atlanta, made on August 5, Sept. 23 to 2G. and Nov. 19 u. 20. The contract for tho construction of tbe Atlanta provides that upon trial her machinery shall maintain for six hours a collective indicated borae P'jwer of 8.500, there being nothing iu the contract relating p peed. It will be two or three months before the ves sel can be made ready for another trial. The first trip, on Auguat 5, was made in Long Island sound. Un llint trip no continuous six hours' trial was possible in consequence of blowing out the water valve joist of the ln.li pressure cylinder and tbe suhsequ-nt heating of tne crank pin. I he maximum Rpeei attxined on this trial whh twelve ati'l eight-tenths knots per hour. No mi hour trial was possible on tbe ecoud trip on account of repeated mishaps to certain parts of the machinery. A speed of fourteen knots was attained on this trip. In his report Captain Buncv said the highest collective bursa power obtained was 8,85-r. On' the 19ih of last month the vessel started from New York on her third trial trip. During the whole trip ofJ six days the vessel was able but one 'day to ran for six hoars at the maximum attainable speed. The highest collective horse-power de veloped was 8,084 for a few minutes, and the highest speed attained for any one hour was 14 7 knots. Preot the Quaker cliy. Philadelphia, June l, 1885. My daughter, Ltdia Ann. has been affected with a running sore Under her chin, which has proven very stubborn. . She has used four bottles of B B. B. . and I am glad to say that all ulcere have healed. She is eo Jot ing good health and a fine appetite I attribute her cure to the B B B. Botanio Blood Balm. Thos. A Pick nr. - I ' : No. 401 N. 46h ttt.i fails. Sold in New-. Berae! htn R. HI Dnffe and E. H. Meadows .f Brilliant Policeman, Hertford, Conn:; boasts of a brilliant policeman. A woman there had; been convicted of breach of the pesos, aad was to spend twenty daya; ia, Bartferd jail.: She waa on her way to the latter place in a1 carriage, accompanied by a polios officer.'' Her hat blew off, aad aha wished to get out to recover it. Her escort objected ' tot thiSv ' fearing1 the might run awar. He DroDosed that tbe prisoner ahottld hold the horse,' how ever, while he went after ths haM'Sb consented . to - this n arrsageuebC ment, and while he was abasing ths fly ing article ahe Whipped up the horeeV drove up to a tavern, had the sainasJ taken care of and then disap peared, . i r m ,i . : ' --4 Formerly physicians- confounded rheumatism with gout, hot -they are now.kaewato be distinct "dfeease. Rheumatism attacks' every . agsj. gout ot:y adults. Jut whether 'you may bave to cor e vr.b tbe one or the otbar. Salvation 0.1 vtiil be (cord eqoallytfE--ncioijs. It I.; is pain. Price twenty- f C ' - a bt . r , , " A Weaaaua'a BeaTsiiBg. Rocrr Mt.. N. C March 1. 1885. ,. For fifteen years my liver and kidneys nave been badly affected not a day in thai time without tbe headache. Since sing tbe B. B B.Botaaio Blood Balm. I have been 'entirely relieved ; no pain, no trouble at all, and I ftel al most like another person. I am one among tbe greatest advocates of B. B. B. and you arc at liberty to ure my name. ' - . Mbs C H. Oat. Sold in New Berne by R. N. Duffy aad E, H. Meadows. COMMERCIAL. Journal Omox.. Dec. 8 t P. M. OOTTOJi Ntw Yobi. Dec 8. Futuiee closed steady. Sales of 72,700 bales. December. 9 14 June, 9.70 9.7b 9.85 January, February, March. April, May, U 21 9.80 9 40 9 50 9.00 July. August, September, October. November, Spots firm; Middling 9 3-16; Low Middlings r.-l6;Good Ordinary 8 8 16. New Heme Market steady. Sales of 94 bales at 8 40 to 8.60. Middling 8 1 2; Low Middling 8 1 4; Oood Ordinary 8. UOITIfrslIC niBHKT. 8kkd ootton 2 60.. OOTTOlrSKKD 10. 00. Tuwiumnn Hard, gl.00; dip. tl.1'0. Tj,a 75c.a1.25 Oats New, 85c. in bulk. ou.N 45a5Qc. RlCE-50a60 hliBWil- 15o. per lb Hkkf On foot, 3c to 5c. lkUNTHv Hams 10c. ier lb Lard 10c uer lb. Euoe 18o perdoxtn rhicsH rWK 4atk per pound Pkanut 50c. per bushel rtiKDKH -75t- a?l 00 perhundrc' (Jnionb- 52 ( 02 25 pr barrel HxLD 1'kas- 65a70c. U1UK8 Dry, 10c.. green ftn Aftlkb Mat tarn uskeet, 25b4oi-. . tlod es. 1 10. Pkahm 75c af 1 25 per bushel. HoNKY 85o. per gal. T 4.LLO w 5i-. per lb. t'HEESK- 14. HHjaana (irowii. 30a85c. apru k 20a'5c Ml it, 70c per bushel. Oats 50 cte. per bushel. rimmi-a 50c. per bushel. Irish Fotatobs $3.75 per bbl. Wool lOalfk per pound. PoTATOSS Bahamas 80c ; yania.40c West Indias. 50c.-. Harrison. 65o. SuuiOLxa West India, dull and n im lual.not wanted Building 5 inr hearts. 88. 00; gaps. fl. 60 DerM. WBOLBbALJt PKK'Bh. Nkw Mk.bc Pour- 12 00. Bhocldkh Meat 7c. C. R. 's. F B's B 's and L. C- 7. . Fludb- 98 OOao.OO. Laki- 7ji by the tierce. SaII- Basis 10's. 32 50. H'.oar -Orauulated. Ho t'i rritK --llal2c. m. i.t -'ihSS. . peraack. U'LA.bi-KS AM8T8Ur 904(Wi 1. rt !F.i, 65 00 -f T Drop. 81.75; buck. 82 00 k'ntfKNB 9 WANTED First class Agents, nher ladies or gentlemen to handle a Grand. New Hohdax HooU- -oiiielbitig entirely out of the r!ir,.iry line Splendid terms! A luti c tu miike money fast. Address. JOHNSON & CO , til v 1013 Main st., Ruhmond. Va. Notice. Tu Hie Tnx Firtjern of (he i'xly if Kew Bire Al( persons owing a Real. Personal or l'tiil Tux are hereby notified to call and Kettle the s me without deley. aa no further indulgenee can be granted. Call and save yourselves oost and un pleasantness. R D HANCOCK, City Tax Collector. Dec. 1, 1866. diw For Sale. V i- It., the lollowlcg Valuable Heal F. i it t I p .Y in the City of ew Bern: ii.-i. ,i inierest In tbe bnlldln allotted on lie ii lii-nat corner of crmnn and Pol lorn t -i, rrmrrly known McLean bul i) i: u ALSO H i . m'i i ropertj annate on tb eorner of N. u..- hid IHU-1I ilmii. rltldlDg norli u. J Lrtonktre,!, aejolnag lb Acad eo, i'n.. knovaiatbt hobrrt properly. Th k pi it) iadlv)4ve In thrw kta,oiof Vrti s 1 1 li a !nrt and rommodlooa dwolli g lb re' ii. hi o he a amailer but new and - imb e hmne for amall family, l brac lota can bp nirbaacd aeparately. For fin ihr pan lea lara apply tn WM. HOLLISTKB, and O H. OCIOM, nov.Dtlu Kzpeotora. CUOAR-CTJBED HAMS. lOo. per lb. Best Sugar Cared Shoulders, 8c. per lb. Best Break feet Bacon, llo. per lb. Seedleee Raiains I0e per lb. Citron, 25o. per lb. , a M ALEX. JUSTICE, novS8 1 w Broad street. t III ii i 'it i n ii i. i i i Atlantid & D.'JLallroad Co, A eOau master's ornc. , f' Nevr Bern. N. OU, Kir 188. v There will b needed" for Sse U this Depa rt menl v- ?s : ; :1 ; ' 1 -5 a u . 9 : at 40.Q00 Cross Ties; Of the following dimeovieBS, vit-i, 8 feet long. 10 inches wide, 7 inches thick. knowing T inches heart on each face. with both ends squared, tod well tot ten out of Lobs; Leaf Pine, Red Heart Cittbs, White Oak, or Post Oak. i JTwenty oeate per Tie will he paid for sll Tie comic g p to tbe abeve PRICE 5 CENTS.'; i. w;uiliood. Smalhvood & Slovcr, Hi'tt. DEALERS N GENERAL HARDWARE, .Vfce-:. TLXWARE.IOLASSWARZ,. itli '. WOODLNWARE, CROfKERT.", 8 ASH, DOORS, BUNDS." GLASS,'-PAIXT8, OWi- AND 8TQVK8 7 UN SURPASSED AS TO ' ' , PRICE AND QUALITY.- MJddle Stnrf, Next Door to AlU it Hotel, i NEW BERNE. N. C. Alamance BUNCH COTTON, AND Webster's Elementary Spelling Book, "THE OLD BLUE HACK," AT Ferdinand Ulrich's, NEW CKKNE, n. g T. A Orrrn't OM Sttmtl. Public Sale of Valuable Property . The, ln;e un,l eli K;u,t Hruk Building in Nutnh Kioni ftreit known as the lUteinau liinixe. will be Bold at auction t the Con it Hhubo ilKjr in New Berne the Firet Monday in December, 1886, at 12 o'clock Teruio Part rtbh . balance in one and t wo wars. n7dtd MARY F. HARVEY. Dental Notice. Full f-et of Teeth Gold Fillings 810 00 SI 00 to 82 Ofl Best Work Guaranteed. Dli () 1, SHACKELFORD, Dentist. OM e un Jlnldle i-treet. i.)ooite Bap lintChuiwi. nol6d&wtf 327 ilCRES. A V Jn&ble Flotation For Sals op Rent -iiii'iii d mi ilie ion h lile ol tbe Nenra KUi i. Wiieenuii k I. an uill-a fiom lb City .ii N,.w Un n, , i -. t)ue hundifrtand twentj nvea, r- rlr.nil MriiHg. r.ch land, aom "f Ii uliaiiir l.n 'rii.-kli g. rh balance, two ImiiiileOuiiil Iw.im-1, ajieavlly Umber with Mine -v i -i pr. mini ,i i,er lli diof timber. 1 1 In h.h i n u i!iiii,K Und. iHS dwelllnf m d ..uili .i. ii,, ,i.d nne orchard, it haa h mg. rlkiieiy lr-i.Hik imif a ulle oath e . h wii, r. ilieri- meiiih banla of marl iliai ran u vei i.e jiiiiiiiiid. Irom whlob ni-1h hi h 8,1 iih , H e ii iia very bean i ru i anil lien, i n v I cm Ion. prrx'tillDC k near view i,i ii,,. p.HKiiiit viuna ai.d lallroad. : lie ri. ni. ,1 ib n, i wiiti 1,1111,11 i n nd orebartf w l Ii,- bul l piiriiu- Ii rti ni'ett. Term rea .uiuibl. . A uny li I'. TKKNWII'H, on tha plnca ur -ew it. mi, N c uuv2l dwOanl OYSTERS AND FAMILY GROCERIES. A. II. 1 1 OLTOtf .,'. V, , 1 I t.'p Hbb opened on Middle street, below,. IJV. South Front, a FULL UNfi ' Choice 1 Family Groceries,! And also constantly on hind the ' ' -Mi Finest Oysters The Waters ol Eaatern CarO- ' ' Una Affordi, prepared in all strfes. Fsmllles Served in eoy portion of the city.,.' i y nblSdw For Rent, -- - y i THE UODSK A0 Lot best ie tba I fts? tietrrsonh, eaiubeavn mtmnt.) .K- -iul f ' apply to, I 'J'SkZ.l . Bovudu ....... n r. Dcrrf., .r Real Estate For; Bale.4;;' Atarfe )o with com anod ions dw-el- Uac ana tewant fewm Mr it, in the city, for aeJe. Nieel S tnated, la fcood- lo If. earitv... TersM nf eaay.. . . ; .cl s - ' Applv to - i- , . . 'aMsJif .OtH)S ft fElttTIES. '1" a. .. ... . .... i, '-T'M'iA ivfiotice.i '-i 5 s Tbe nsderatjrted kavloc'qMallfH 'a, edaaiebttrwtor ef tbe e.nate ef Eichard Dan s bety , deceased . ber v f itm ric ri to all parties baviniC clain-; r-t: I eMatB to pre. ti thtm on n i . ' 8d day f IVoetntxT 1S-7 r t, - ; ill be pleaded tn bar of t ' rr PTooa todetxed to aoj i tidie ' please paj tauueduflv. ' . . ' tf-"s. r. i t. Aatn'ntfcf R.cta: il ti ce specifications. . - SVW. nOVTAT.D, 0TJ7d!wwSl f'-sll sr'-r. it i Cll l r i i t it tr. ib t... -e.