THE JOURNAL. NEW F " : NZ N. C EEa t V6. A WHITE ROSE. MEWBEEH, N, C, Gniid.5 tl::it every body- wants: -We are 1 .ills 2! jAlXS BOTUS O'EKIU.T. WHOLESALE LfQUOR DEALCTf -X.' L. f !-;. rj i, -si - J - ' - - ? r. , ; f 1 i nni luLi.i l prices iiiai air can'weii 'ai-vvBi!hehi ofiw; . k r - f a im t -v ,? I I v 1 ( t i 1 ford to pay. m We don't pretend to eiye a list i Ui? . .5 ! ..;'.' .-? '-a t f? t iU., ui-- - oi all our attractions: liavo ; to pay, for extm is u, uuuuuubeu auu jsuiucieuuy. represeniauve vnj, mncn yv uommenu, lo-y our attention. 3 y A''nice Cashmcrej'p'arii wool for lOo, jper , jtr, w -niie hadeB, worth 20c. of an j m&n' monej JTioe Debaisa and other dresa goods tt remarkably lowpriCTB;t-TrrutWa.!MpeolioBr hare all wotl CaMl Sesj 10tnheswid pamel'i Hjr "fierge. French Plaid .CamLmfi-JStt4dLFrea BUk'aontedItir Mixed Cloth. ' ' ' . Ia BLACK GOO DH we hare all wool and Camel' Hair Suitings and Serges,, Lupin' Cashmeres, etc., to., aviong which is a half wool double wiain yasnnscrp, jiee ioostng, ior zuo. - See urillatyDlack Silk.'' Rhadamle. . : w Ann -et'c u, s & tsT-t 1 Hid arJ'rTn J?r. ire iff Wraps' for Ladies and Misses, Walking Jackets, ; Jersey Jackets and Dolmans, ' V ui w ii jimae 9S D0U'J' 'ot'1 Bd other, fabrio. , are hep. Our Hosiery Stock . I 'complete and very low. We realize that times are hard, have bought cur stock at bottom' prices, and sell tbem very clobe. We hare among the thousand tbiugH tou numerous to meutiim a full line of CorsetQ Children's Vests, r-riLandkcrcbieis,- Buttons, Gimps, Alt we ask of our mends is a trial: and ojQifl lgpi0r'4aJli. J? 0 I U O " ' ) . lUJItl 1 i ii': i- -HUL!AT3 hi.'.i Jin "lam i - t. & v ' - 11&Wokare,tha only; parties that sell the C:!:lratcd Di:mcnd Shirt, Collars and Guffs, . AVe think them better than any other - To our.frindsin. the country and city we 70uld eay t7e' are veryi anxious to have your trr:de,',are; ityks, ande sell gdodi goods -athard'time priccs.iIivyoii want Fine j)r Cdmmon Gds we ' . , fl-J' '.W")-v-' ' v , Then ;tp'thatT3a vrc uould say wcVwish' you i all r the .success nn' H,r nnd will -j Roll vni1;Vftnda VPTVi Vftfv c! '.P, but unless you can pay, the' cash:; spot d , . , o cannot" sell you; as wo fiaye, marked onr too close to sell them, on" time, ' lenue u it - i'itf.T .: ' .' t rj H'hli . i v u-- if we iri i ;wr i kt advertisinff ; but ! hereI per jara.. Tbenlook t out Black Satin if weion t em yoa both in prices you, wqflnd w hU market. TTTTl r I. X "i " 1 , Iffl. (a,' -! ii4ivi-M H "-i-v .. ;t a'cr.11 frcKi'all. and vrcn't 7 - 3 cur I bu ua wbih roc e u a dore. BoHwDd yoa With a flush oo it i crearn-white rosebud petal tip; ?... k U. ! : -j 1 " " "" m paras euta iwiumi .ttasaaieso.: sUsixeon the lip. . :.. t who are' suffering from the ex- UKiMoreuoiu of youth, aervoas i. early decsT. Iom tf manhood. ill send a reciDe that will enra t r KKB. UK (JtLAKGE. Thia ratal rcujHcj , a a woo v vrvd by a mwaioBary tuiSuutb Arueriok Send aitelf-ddreaaed fotiWopr u tht Rev Jubkph T. iHMAjr, ar.rrvnr if mr Korfc nl7 d wy LOOK HERE! HOUSE KEEPERS. DINNER SETS, 125 Pieces. TEA SETS, 46 Pieces. CHAMBER SETSr10 & 12 Pieces. FINE TOILET SETS, AND A FULL LINE OF HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, AT L. II. CUTLER'S, 26 & 28 Middle Street, NKW lNE. N. C. . A FINE Florida Tonic. Mr. FOSTER S. CHAPMAN, One oi tiio iHiKimarka ui tbe Georgia Uruc lrad), i.ow ) riidu FlorlUa. writes: ' 1 --ii hitr1l blect a kIokIs uaae o l) ninny io wbom I have sold Oulnn'a Plonn Hlood Rruwir, ui tin . I iiuvx btwu smutted and I UiKl II the i .!. rnitdy for all Hklp lnxii.sen J hnvver sold, and a Klne Kluilda i milo. "J-OilEK H. CHAPMAN, Orlanno. Kla." A Certain Cur for Catarrh. k SI'i'EKH F EH PRODUCER AXD TONIC. uiks nil Hlood nd Hkln UUeasvs, Kheuma itairi, Joroiula, Old sorev A perfect uprl u It not In vunr rnark-t U will be forwarded on r. eeipt ol priuo. Hmall butties tl 00; lare t oo Blood and rtkln Disease mallud (roe I ICON MSDICIIE COMPANY, Macon, h. For aaie, wholesale and retail, by S. N. Doitt, Xew Bern, N. a ' an 6dwlT J. McSORLEY, FASKIOIiBLE BOOT AID SHOE MAKES, ) POLLOCK ST.iNEWBEBNN. C. SATrSPACTORx. " DEPAKTatmrf or tHi Iittrkiob. Pensiw Office. Wtukingta. J). CJSept. 16, 1888. Mr. j McSoRLy. . A'ew ierns, N. C Sib: -I enclose . herewith draft for $7.50. in Davmeut for the shoes. The stjle. fit and workmanship are Satis- lactorr. iney nt me nettet than any shoes I have had in tweetjr years. , . erj rwit;uuiiy rt .i jt LA.DIK want t tA get tip Tea Clubs for onr fufw Tras and O ffies. . A boat of useful aril-l-s to)leot romas pramlama. Bead far Uliistraied Pnoe nrt Premium ; 1st. ee'l vffr ( lrvrr person- Uial an aw as ih .lv-itiseii)eiit wa. wilt sand fraa ooa lioukd,!! etwMre Taaif AodraaAl'i. TBA A MtrKt CJikTaT, MAea, , oo23dwtm : 1 ',.) , .. , , 1 WANTKl-L-rrtm-7nrtetle nmifVrts res at ri T5 pi t tuon. b, and erpeonea 0m)4 stupW; arery OAS bajS) outQt aud par- tMDNUS fc.-V; i, "1 -i' --. - I frAiiiAia)ii.t;BWAaK TO. aosrow STElilEE' Elil . mi 'AND BAKQE JENHXG fiEED"! .ara4 NWIESIE,K.l!-;iEdmrfII;yA Leatos New Bemv Tuesday,, g'clock. Lae- NorfoTc,! 'Friday.4 '"S ?ttiock ' . 3orjnecU with N. T., P. &N, B.B, Co. (or all points North. ..'!; j (jUICK TIME ASD LOW FREIGHTS. . i . . ' . f i J. y. wiixiaj.s, j. i). CLAir" -v -111. ...- 11" m r-i - - i' x 4: t The Bargner & Engel I KEEP ON HAND A FULL LINE OF WINES AND LIQUORS AT WHOLESALE, Which will be sold by the Barrel or Gallon at VhJiY LOW FIGURES lor CASH. Ginger Ale equal to Best Imported, aud superior to au.v procuraMt- iu Niith 'uroliua. THE NEUSE L TRENT RIVEP Steamboat Company Will run the lollowlug Bolieduln oo aud a'tei September iSHi Steamer Cutler Will leave New Heme for irrutuu Wedursduy at U a. m., ud r'r dHv bft.-i Ut arrival of the steamer r-lirun: di sh; i. tu n uiK, will leave Trenton evory l titnln hikI Maliuday. tottcblnK at all poiui. alony Pi.- river Steamer Kinatoti. On and artir Jim. 'Xlth. th Ht.mxr Kllmtuu will Vuavi aLlnitloii for New heme jjvery Monday and Thursday at tt o oJock a in returnlug, will leave New Heme every iu day aud Friday, stopping al .tolly Old Kh-ld and owning at all laudiua 011 .Nuinf river. Close eonnertloo made with steainer "In n andoan ol Ihu Old iioiuiulon -UsKioHilp Co. lOHH H. al NrT i t ra. W. K. Btablv, Klnsiou D. . Bakhds, PollokarUIs. 1 T. W1I.HO.N. Agent at Treuluu. J. P. tiorniKLT, Jolly Old r'lelii. J. H Banks. Qnaker Mrl.lp. J. M. WB'TK.Oen'llhanaiter. bias. Uosui.N.C TIME TABLE, sMstArLlaar3s'. Atlantic &. N. C. Kailroa" TIME TABUS So. 2 In Effect 7:57 P.M.. Sunday, Not. 7ih 188. EAST No. 61 Passenger IrrT'LVrs". I WM . No. 50 I Passeijei Arr L't. STATION . r a. A. M I A.M. 10 L"J K) Ml Ooldsbaro,.... . 49 ( W 8 IN, 5 5K M S88 La Grant n KiBston,. Mew Hsrna, . Morehp.-ul CHy V 6S 10 rw Dally esccpt Sunday. . EAST , No. 1 T T iidrt. Pasj. trata. f STATIONS No, 2. f ; Pa.. Iran ; Kn. JL'y. Arr. ' , t,'s A St. A. a. I r a ti U ! :i in 2 trii 1 41 i I IS I 12 IS I I. -U 11 tu 7 I S U7 8 84) 06 61 1U 15 10 40 11 ltf Ooldeboio..... ... SOU 8 M I W ( 10 IV iv n n w u r 11 64 11 U Bast's .. LaOraace,. FallltirlTreek.... Binttna. C.awall ... IoTr kn Oreek To.oarora S2 8 "J8 'i i 1SI 1 4 1 :l 12 4 U I!) II ii 11 -U-A e 11 til 11 6 i0rsV... I Bswaers. r. k. P M. '" A.M. - Taaadsy, Tauridar. and eXwtordoy. tMonday, Wadaaday sd tiuay. t Trata W aonhesU WUb VfUtimigton Wei don Train bnBd North, leavtua Upltlahoro 11:U a. n aad with Klrhmond a I) r.yUU Train West, leavln Train 61 con sects vittt sikshaioau a ivnmUr Traia, sni-rlag t Ooldsbere 4:4(1 r.tB , and with Vllmlngton and Wal ion Train from ,t Rorto at tM p.m Train J oonnect with V A w. Train iwum fSonth, loavinc 8)daboros4&laud 1:M p i . With W 4 W. TMln bound NorUi, leavlne Golds horo at 6.(5 D.B1., ted wUh K. 1 Trala leaving Ooldshoro at 6:00 n.m. Vrr "rmr VFor:ftirPIsning. 'Cabbage. sis, Briassh asie-TTCip flan J llIOd .1 -H DJU. c wi.s i .tbd 3.!i vK J-'lov tllJwC Commission Ilerchants u . T ..-'Ill . rmlii' iuuioii3 jainiy una For Tra;K &Qttob if Hi . A" special attention 4rJven lb lbs amis of COTTON and GRAIN." . , , Liberal advances made am CaM(rBmenta. Offices at earner Pollack andMlddls atrrets an rotbn Pot tj-.J - uvt lrw4d 1 ircT7 Central Hotel, tv ' ! IFOBMJIRLT BATEHA EoCSS, , a f jtttJi Trost f'-mt, Tw r-nie ST'. C. ' ' l . i !r -Ber-SsJ IN CONNECTION WITH THE AGENCY FOR Brewing Company's Lager Bees, Pcrter, &c.f For Hard Tin.'s. he Daily 3qu N A Li DEMOREST,S ILLUSTRATED MONTHLY AUGAZ1NL Wtlh TkveUe Cu Pper Ptt mi t,f JL,ur u.i election and of any an . BOTH PUBLICATIONS, ONE YUR, f OH 8..1Q (Six lii "i v). ZVIOREST'S T THE RES Of all tha Magazines. CONTAINING SroHr.. Perm .nd ofher I Uerr ttrartloni, ocmbining Artiltic, Sctsntiho m Household mattori. IllustrntrtI with O, ;,,,, . ,ie, f Lu'irrn. 4t(f.( JLuLiimrMi,.., ' I . I u i it 'n u it flttr PI imtlrut. ifin.i,,, i t l.i- j; I Jf l;fii o- ' .1 I . f K:it h Majriitlii,' c-- 4ji l im u COl I'tlN OlllEft. i ntllljiiK tin Ii. 1. 1, i to i),.. m :, , i .,, , an v v i ,u mini i u,: i , , , anil in ANV sl.i: Di:M(JHKST'H MONTH l.V I- l.,fIU entitl. th,? World-s M'.il. l M.ikTii7iiic Tl,. I" m r . t ,,, 1'orMi. . I.n iv,-. I ui ( in i l.i 1 1.. ii i, i nl ll,. 1,1 ,..-u.., I 1-v. . ii Ik- tit'' Tu :i, isiiikIiiiii. of it.s ,;i It is i i.Mlnn.i.'ilN iii,,iM,,,l niiil m nlnir,., to lull,,' II Io Hi., nmk i f I , , Vri'xlieyl? find t,( uli,r ll rruifalni Tf jm ., lari:. .jiihi t, ,. i It 1 u ),. -Bk-piinil) r.iiii'it hiiiI tullv illu-tnii.,l I -i . . Uslltil !) V .lonlliuifX M IK..M-M. V ..Ik NO "V SPECIAL AGREEMENT COM BIN I. D WVI I lH THii DAILY JOURNAL at $6.50 Per Year IHHU. Harpers Magazine, llLUSTllATIfilJ. Tin' I wcemher Number will berln 'he sv jiij -.eciiinl Volume of Uahi-khh Maimiisk .1Iks Voolhoii s novel, "t-ABl Angela," aiul Mr. Uowell s "Indian Mnmiuer -koldlug Uie loronioat jjlac. lu urrnt serl Di llou will run through several numbers ana will ie followed h) serial .loties iruui . D. Iliark i,, r arid Mm Li. M itaik A w eon rial ti'na n metil . .ilsriiat UK tonics snpK ..ted l Uie ci m nt n enn ure ol Amei Iraand w II l e ooi,trlbutej hy W. I), llowells, benn, nlj p wlili the Januar) nninher The Kreal ll .i ; a , i vent of lu y ar w 111 be tlie puliilca llou , I a MTIesof ,.H U,k I rin t lie Hluipe 01 a -l. i . ilei li lliiK , liarsctrristlc :ealiin f i i. e . i-an a. .clety af .een at our leii.i:i,L' l.lfie I.-ieoi :a w rill-n by I harlea I iulii u i,.'' .oil tiv t'. h I i .- u,i.,, .ne . il. lx etpeciat auemlon i. An.e. .een Milijecls. lrenle.1 h Ihe heal Atner : i ih. aud iliuslrated uy li-adniK A i, cr;r:iii artlats. ILu ix-r'a Period ichIh. PKR YKAIt : UAEl'EKS mauazim: Jin rlAKPKK'B WEKKLY dARPiH H HAZAR rJA BP1 K'B TJUNQPfPLE.. . . III': H' aaUAl.iV U- 1 ; ' ', 'r1ioYMr'f5f rtuwbeTS) 10 ! r e to all snhacrlbers In th l"i : .. ' or Cana'.a. irt . .. ,. nor tM aflctalaa liiiln wlUi thr Numt.-!. lor June and llecemlwr of each . in n no tlm. is specified. It will b ov , ,1 i list the tier wi.hes to be Cluwif i r currenl Numb. r. !: i .1 vJumes of Uarnnr' Marasinaioi ih . ? i 4:.t4 I sek. In Seat emth httidlng, Wll ci. i I . mail, poatpa d, on rerel t ol $80 net wini-d. . loin- (laaas. sur bindlna-, tx oeii i .i 'iiHisif mall, paalpald. In I x lo Harper's Maeasme. Alphabetical A rn i t '-nl, gnu OlasslSed, for Volumes 1 u 6i. ii c naive, from June. 1K60, to June. 1880, v. mo. (loth. 84 00. He mil anr-esshoald made by Post-Office ru i.f ' r er or iiran, to avot ' chanee of lot.. Nelpers are not to oopy this advertise Imkmii mine expraas stoer v Jaaipes a Bribei. Ad toass s i ui mA wl 'T1 CiAnskA.. nUn 4-... ,tA "J OUUIUCrU UUiUVaLVl , 4tk YKAR. . 17. s Grent Farm, Industrial a4 Stock tit srmbraeea la lu constltnenrr tbe Intelll- rent. pnrr. aslra and obatsvntlallr aneeesa tut faxmrrs at tbtaaaetton. and an an saver Using mediant Ibr tbe alerehant. Maun facta Ter Htoek Kaiser and Profeaslonai Man, la AraDtJTTFI.T CKNIALLia MP isal HroaJudtiooal. smuloyed la Itaoolamn. . BnoitwinVlo IS Wum.- tlil Snbawtpt lon, par annum, . (LS0. ' W'vyrtf&d RViWO pHi Drawer I - O - atusta. QA. New aWraa W easily JawrMila4 Oaila avtw Its ntTmje,a.T - ap26 wu "... m P. BURRUS & CO., . i, g nAUt aUtd jotto:; T-e i Ginger Ale, - Sarsaparilla Lemon Soda Buffalo pd. California 1 Pear Cide iiOTTLING Men hti ft,. ami Munufticturett HH USri RKET'S, Ld Public Icoaomy. iturdhy. 'Mil. ii i.l CuMl'ANV, if :i :i c ri oi-au-d C7S. .. : : i.. : i , ;ini,iKi. lu.-n. i ork. M. I ' i ii Mt ro a Dill ' t i. t'lifel.lfiK 'if ,hI n w ftp(wr 1 Hip! I i ,:i. 1.". 4). al i i - (id i I - . 1 1 it bin Ltrtuirift. It dtvet n 1 1. i-li mlliiki, but i !. ' s lliofc- mat ten. ' "i u:V4 any Ltruiiiig tii.ii. lejortlDg t lihiinK numerous n . !: ,il .nun luvtKUuitiaW- "m 'Mr n,ark'tH arespe- iU Hi, iMiii, uioiiUkryf i ! ; I. tBiikruplry. parluer- Hi- i w,i.ic are ftblr I ( 1 1 i . lie . i. 'inltlMi i i i I -Ui ;l u- i r- ciul f. ; ,, , I Hi i.fcpoi I . -In,..,,.. I I : , t hi. .1 i : i tiu i i mi (lf kuli ileal artleq I "I g' onrapl. I I- It-.., oi loe .il noj.h. hm in the beat lu iit-iiieKM iiitii ( f ihe whole conn- 1 1 ib e aip-.allcu ili Uie l ubluraa man's news paper. We solicit j our Bul.acrlitlon for one yi ar a I flveiioilaia. Very yours. til' tll.AI.MHill' V SHPA Is L um. e 1 1. 1. M . vv roll JntADSTHEErS." Till- ( KNTUUY FOR 1885-86.3 i , ,. ::.i. . ,i :n M.e War Papers ' " 1 " aud siroug I '-I lo .1 ifi i.tiy in Th ; . : I. i n.h, n .: ne an gular Jlor llinu 4to,ltiiU , - lie i tli i. i.i i. r- f r ! I'lrs Slontkjy. omlrg Tofum . v. mher nun)ber iMali.i ujil, u,o are TI.e War Psptrs Uy Htn.r.l (.mut an (Mhers. -"ii1.- . i.t i,i., 1 , at of them lllua- I t i ,i I In. .. - 1 .n 1...1 ', c, ii . . .i.ts of the Civil War on. :u. K iil.-tloloants ,t i.ii i .ra- s papers ln CIS a Jhattai -fc . v, ,iio aiciea oi i:naLtA " 1 i.a.jL'sd. Uei.etalsl " riie r Au'Ufc ni. CHneral i.ijjii o. Mijrh t, rKiH,ioj,e jjonirs - - . ii i7.vufiu nuu win, elo, ii.t.. ii..,u.i,iik the Unlit between tl. I. t. ...ui I or. A ,.,l):,ii,M. ov offleeranf l.o ,. s ,, . w ,j , ,i, .rl,ril l i.e. I.. .Jin . i ;ui, .,i it I mate anSaTMc'al war isp ra of an aoecilotal or huauirous uluirsmi'i v i.l l,. real urea of tlleyea' he rial Stories by Hat.cils. Mny H.lltxk Fast ai.U (.eorgr V . Cable. Mr. Hj.welfs .erlai will be In llghteir teln nan Ihe K,.t ol Mine Lanham" Mr. iwTi . r """lug ale, and air. ( OWe i ,i , (iv-4. tie ol tha Acadlaus or ImL V I .na. Mi i -a ,,. am ,ntritmt -i tribute a aertea daua,iulort, ( j . ii- o.i my., soi.tta aud di In LcgroserpouVwoitUflp, eta. Spfrtal Feat arts Include -A T i. yc e Pilgrimage to Kotne.' .ilujiraieu Sy rv, n. 1.; a,sv'al7aper, hr fa'w lg .Klon, uuri othera; , Papers on mlntr. with 'num. ido, illuairationa- 'a.. i...i -.iti.i.a, ptaotlcal and popuuu, rc.l As lui.tniv". Panera on i.rijj 'ou - iu.r !tiai,Ci,i,y b, reinitVeirt nSrtT experts, eta.. ato. . VtWMVHsi " P'V t j i ," fai Jo 7uio Bf Frank U. tockton, Mrs. Helen Jarkaon . Ilau A.wti.orisB, rfciOjaru H. JohnatoB.and V ohi.-rs, ..d p.nis By. fading poets. Tba ' ' Ueptniei,is..-iri. LeteraBrtoVBrao. etc. ju o. fully sualaiuxL : - , UlwstrmUsas ' "' '" WlUbe kept up to toe standard wVlo kaa . made lanOkMuar emzravwirs fmmr..-. SZ . " "rK"KT 4Tra,ing,rmior,s ( : enattM li rwni to Ke art the Wan a ri a I "a wn a (ir ttrjhivoi ir.LK ri r -i a . ""t i,rj nr l(l4g fjr A e w,lh 1? nun.beisboiirrlYi . bodsomevolnme. S7. ,, ubarrrptloira. 1 A free specimen "--r ," r, be sni on r. iiuvi ,. All Seal, ra t.tirf r.- r I co::;:: 1 in.ns sr.' .,-!-. , . -" ' -vi . r rem, .,,., i .. to I " r v' - r r--, f: Mid?