i.. Li W U i k a C;;:s C::ds I Drccs C:: I - "'. Zouclja, Diagonals, Trjeote, Bebtstopol, Flanoela, Bison Clotk, Striped Dia?' ' da, CasluBereres, Henriettas, Ottomans; 8-4 Flannels, !Plaif and F.j, Berbers, Alpacas," Oat 'Merino, Cut; Cashmeres, Plain and .Fancy Dress Goods all kinds,' all styles,' 'all A prices an 'assortment 'that astonibb tbe mott hardened $igt-teerf$ C!::!:b25 Hero -' v j ' i " We nave a quantity of Cloaking Goods, and we are going to veil them if it it pottillA. There im dance for till t9 tare none . if they coma to pes us before purchasing. , ,. ! 'i Plushes i Fringes ! . AstrachanaUc r : Fur Trimming !: Bead Trimnij4J;?raids! n a " XJloaks!! Hew Ilarkets! We alvsjs na?e a Full Stock, well assorted and bought Low for Cash, bat ear (t'sa is to pat a lbe npon the market as a leader.. This year we bays TWO GREAT LEADERS, C:ZSS GOODS AND baring bought a large line of both Sale': K ;Our "line p. Prints, JHcachings, Canton ith White), Wool la fatt alj manner W Piece Good and Store, we bare a complete line. Hve ' EuiLdred Pairs : of . WBITE BLANKETS, to to Sold at $110 j.-MfTto.-ri .1 i. Dca't.Pajl To Seo It:, It tIsImmens6 AnttiCcinplete. , ItBnot only topkbeTery parUralar,bntisTIC AS LlIlQK as we bare ever carried, and we bought Shoes as we did EYBYTHIXG. ELSE, from VIEST HANDS and FOB CASB.I : TT do a large Be tail BuBineaa, and we appreciate, it, and we eater for it, and we- love to wait Ton our customerst ud more tbaa all, we love to please them, bat we bare a few words to say to a class t eastomers that have increased with ns Irom year to year and these are v. "i i C::fi DlioIesiQleM Customed! .1 -i s ... TO THE -WHOIESALE TRADE We : sayVrthat'' never have .we done ' so much to givei them 'evei facility for buying "their I7e Guarantee To DupHcate .anything 'bought in' Baltimore or any other market in Jess than 'case lots This is no :emptx boast,j 1 Come(and see 5 us. ! . ... - , ! 1 .' - i i'-i c. ,"- ''vcrybody will b e ' iraitcd upon, and wc , (here shall bp-'no; grumbling ,ih en va time to examine their purel;: c3, . a .. . '.' - . - . t " Very truly yours, : ,y ? 5 a 7 "' " " J W TT '4 2 9 ffes. y . J, f". ? " "5 i ' ' v ' 1 Th:n a Di Lin ti:.' .i 'oil v'" s'. Cloaks! 1 Cloaks! -New Markets! Jerseys! " .... G LOfllCiriQ GOODS,' while in New York at a Closing Out Ginghams, Domestics, Flannels (Red and Flamnels, Drills, Domestics to be found in a First Class Per Pair, ? f S - i A- t.' 'J: ( . t f Jt t. J -1 4t tA 4 Hails. jv If AIL t;: ' For I'orth. V est a l I , is A. ct K.C. It. R. atb... J a . I iokulort tu i i Lart at 7:9n.Bi. ' Tot WbsLiflgton,SiftCi! , Fvdeand Beaufort Countiea 1 ' , YV'ednea- dara. and lriiiarat.t " v J ut Tre&iua, to..-. - , -s nr. 1 I!ajs rule, e ally at 7 -x i a. m. k'or GrEVetjj , Laj U,i o as .T demere, d&ur ai 6 a. in. : '. a Money Order and Registered Let ter Deparuuer t, xroia S a.m. to 4 p. na. In iliuiiig Lep&nmeot trom V a. nr. to t D, m, - Office open constantly between these hoars exoept wbea malls are being dis tributed or sent. , , - ( C1LEN DIE FALL TERM, 1886. ; 1 Monday, December Qtll. 1 22. I Tate Vs. Forest et aL, li h! 28. Moore vs. Moore. 39. Tilling rn. Hobba. Morris vi Morris. 1 43. 40., . Barrow ts, Barrow. ' 47. Pipkin vs. Pipkin. - 53. Bryan vs. Spivey et als. -Maria Salone vs. liob't Salone. 78.' Smith vs. School Committee., 80. Harris ra. Harris. " 8L Bowens vs. Bowens. - 91. Smallwood vs. Wolfenden. 92. Lovlck vs. Hillard & Killebreir 97. " Moore vs. Gadsby. Tuesday, Dec 7th! x Prescott vs. Davis. " Taylor vs. Lane. Justice vs. Justice, t Bryan vs. Bryan. , Daniels vs. Toler. j ; . Harrison vs. Bra v. 1 ' 8. 18. 21. 25. 32. 40. 48. Neely & Co. vs. Daffy and Gaskins. 57. Duffy vs. A. & N. C. B. B. Co, 68. lieu vs. JUianero. 74. Thorp vs. L. & L. t 0. In- snranca Co.--Pn'! 86. Stimson va. Hardisbn. 89. Jones & Humphrey vs. Slade. 95. Dewey vs. Wuuams. 98. Jannett vs. Hines. -,: Wednesday Deo. 8th'. Claflin vs. Perry. . Pate vs. Guthrie. Bass vs. Bass. . - - ' 19. 20. 24. 30. 34. 42. 44. Hardison vs. TS. k P. S. T. Co. Barnes S. & L. Co. vs. Bowden 'Scott vs. BkhardsoB. Hahn vs. Jones. 66. Tisdale vs. A. & If. C. B. R. Co. 70. Simmons & Manly vs. ' Forbes et als. 75. Asher vs. Haha, ' ; -u. 83. Whitehnrst & Co., vs. Stewart. 87. Saltan Ys. Cohen.. . ... , . 94. Stewart vs. White. 1 Fisher & Lee vs. Crescent In- .snrance Co. 77. Price vs. Price, v ; ' 1 Thursday: Deo. Mh.7?s 54. Elliott VS.O. D. Steamship Co. 55. Moore vs. O. D. Steamship Co. 56.; Moore VS.O.D. Steamship Co. 58. Nicholas vs. O. D. flteam- shiD Co. i 59. Perry vs. O.D. Steamship Co. 60. , Hobbs vs. U. D. Hteamship co. 61.1 Sparrow vs. OJ). Steamship Co 63. Keys vs. O. v. steamship U0 64. Bryant vs. O.D. Steamship Co. 65.' Williams vs. V, V. steam- . shin Co: . -J--. 67. Moore vs. O. D. Steamship Ca 85. Foy vs. Commissioners. Vi , ".. f MOTION. DOCKET; " 'f Frukaybi 7. Mallett va. Simpson. r 4 A 10. Stimson vs. Mallett et als. 8L Jastice vs. CahO et als. 35. Koraegay vs. P.1M. Steam- 49. Green va Davis. .y,' 62. Jones vs. Yf, V. TeLsC.-t". 72. ,Hecht," Patsel A. Co.vs; Saltan k Co.-1& 4 i a 73. 10L Blocker vs. Sultan Co.''v, Webb vs. Briason. - .' M. DkW. Stxvxksok, F. M. SmiIOHS, - ; t ; W. E.- OtABO,. o. H. ornow, . tTi ww; clasx S 1v u Calendar Committee. , 'How eaa Mrs. Smith wear each a handsome relret coat)" Mr dear child, doat yon know her husband used to pay all his money to doctors, bat ainoe be took tooting Dr. Bull's Cote rjrnp he ariree it all to her to rnd. I C..3 . s a Out store is filled with Provisions, .Groceries, Canned Goods, Dry Goods, Crockery, Eto. We keep a foil line of tbe ' Celebrated Pri:ca Beets and ' " - . -' ALSO- " ; Trj sir Arrival tr. i 1. ''. if VI1-' V, 1 -J5 5 r- - 1 : : lllonuments . Tombs SMtaU kind oim and BnUdlnc work ITALWS&AfJlERICAN HARBLf I Urdeit'WiU'rdCejte .prompt 'attentior i - 'aawaracuon guaranteea. JOE K. VVILJ.lB. Proprteii' (HauorMKirioOnorgeWOlaypoair, . , Oo. BROAD AD CBAVEX SUs )- y "' ; .VH-" BKRjiE. .V. O. E. .U1LLU1 i m authorised aei iq y n5oa ) ii f, 1 1 1 v -. p30-lvl - v: Chwi of Pie? in lew TorL . '.iMf'ii'..s-ij.i',l The; N.C, Freight LiDe 14 wN w- v v a . BOSTON, PROVIDENCE, -1 ... and all ioint , irtb and "W' ent '. : atr itlm ti U1 pm(t micbt in New Tu lorNewSuuM PIBU T. IfOJVni R1VICB. , tlo of flew Yor and Baltimot UcrtSaat (houid rennober that thUboa (mibuh lunmim w 1 ork, making aaur coaaMtioa wua uaiumor icy mmw Har aU laatda, and only one chanc. 8EMMV$EKLY STEAMEB8 BetvisB lit - Berne ' ud - Ealtioon UmtIu H.w Bara far BalMaaara rtmrl FBIUATS at 1 p m. Laava Baltimora fo ar swaa wulf esdatH dad SATuaDaY ( a-a. - . acaata art aa tollawa; -CCBKN rOSTaBtOaal ATkaacar, ' . K Light St.. Bal'l.M 4S. W. oOERIOaV't. Kprfolk, Va. W. rvOrda Oa vaujutolphla, it Soat r Tork4kBaIui.Traa.Llne.Plar 'arUrlTa' x. BMpwm, uotioa, aa i;vitirija-aart.. -? aH.Roakwll,ProTWi,;a.t' , . , t.0.anak.Fall&lTM-.n.n.kkari ' ttlpa Uava-Boatoa, Tuawtayi and &MSrd Naw York dally, i . -., ' . H ' BaUlmora, WwiaaMiara a48atraar " Fall Bivar, Moadajra, Wadaaadara t I rrevUen, Satardara V ;'. -ii araack bllU ladlaf !. and, rata (aaraa loan pot ta.altha allTaraat nasea of'-. . v. LINE. jfr War te tr KOBEETS; & ' EE1TDEES0N :.); Jaeril Insannet'Agifflts Only first class Companies repreeen i . . , i ed in. -iu!.' Vkw flhnl 1..IJHI T-M...l Total Capital orer Forty ' Millions o Dollari. Jon24JlT ma rBAcnoaXf T0NS0RIAIV"1IITISa ParaonaUTln attendaaoe at bla Balrdraaalng sua eoaTing eaioon a uia uaiioaHiiaM with tba boat workman and new farnliora. -8aUrfaUoo Uaaaarad to tsoa wno patroai Ua him ; ... ,;. .... . . Uk ro aataflf Mr IVHetnal 3 Bhae, 4 , . . 11 mi ii, l.ih.1 1 li. . . iVmitMn PnttAn,Conrrwnr Tav, Jurawt(u.Offw'r('r( a At . U UJil Oril'll yMl iiTina v lion DOW vc a?'"' r.osa .BUTT3M arawvrt thn B'.r other in tr.a worii. "j ... ..,.. Howard & Jones. Bole Aeenu-for New Berne, N. C ', ' augisaw Cir.lZ r.LLEH & CDs DEALERS 1ST . V lualui. II G cncral" Haf duare j Ajrlcnltuml 1 ni pi e m e b t . Plows, Harrows, CuItiratotsV , : lloes and Axes, Wood's Mowers and lleapern, i ' Eleam Fnfrlncs, ' Cotton Gins pt.dl'rf -fi, rVTt"- rrg.I.aji.1 P5.; : r, K.unit I -?.l,ar :cs Tool BH..1 1 1 ari' a are, T ! rrK k, C i ". t. li.-c!er ' ' '. ' Var 1 K-tSr. . r is, o; as ia I. cf r.e t. ul j i ...'. i t.'v . the fi;e3F ctoch or cLo..:::;a ,jTED va an v ONE ctot.u i:: i.. As we hardly habdie any common clotting, tut ciost!y -a ei i . goods, we can guarantee almost every g-Aiiiieiit we t. , Our line of Gents rurnlsLing Goods is vtry i.u.i.vc, ; I contains the latest stales aud novtlties, and will be sold law. Our Camel's Hair Undersuita are special bargains, and ' j well adapted for our clioi ate. ; V ? ." : - ! JA big ctock of Ladiea and Gents' Shoes at all prices. O ir ll.Z Seamless Genuine French Calfskin Congress Gaiters are tbe L t i i t' a country and fully worth 3,00. , A full guarautee given with tvu y .. Calfskin French Kip and Cowhide Boots at astonishing lo w : ,s. Our Ward well Hand Sewed Opera Boot ia the finest aud cheap. a Loct ever sold ,'''','-' ' ' 1 ' ' ' Just received, a job lot of fine Ladies' Walking Jackets, that will be sold at half price. We sell an ell wool Walking Jacket, dou'.'.i breaBted and handsomely trimmed, at f2.60. ; ".- - ' ' ' ; A lull line of Dresa Goods, Domestics, 'Shawla, Umbrellas, Notions, Ftc. ' . -Our stock is brand new and handsome, and prices so low" that it will pay those who want the value of their money to call at q ;v.- ::;y : U GEORGE ASH'S. - ' .'. O Middle street, next to L. U. Cutler's. : , Mb. David M. Jokes of Beaufort is still with me and will tfeat his old friends with his old-time cleverness: "I V -; . - i .1 have Q9 connection with any other storey i v - - " TM OualitT gells ! ii i i i i i ii.i Those .who have tried us forasnit always come back to trade with ns ; again. They tell ns, That suit yon sold me a year ago was the best I ever bough't for the money, and I hare come to try you again. - That is why we keep our customers ; wool suit at $4.50, -that ean'tbe done, price for a suit we will give you your money's worta. , We have a nice line of Suits at tlO.OO that will do good service. lioys, youths and Children's butts at liow rrlces for good goods. ' We are agents for the Jas. Means $3.00 Shoe. ; A new supply just " received in But., Bah and Congress. ? : . ; ' , , , Our Stacy Adams c Co.'s Fine 6 hoes are the best in the mtrket. and are warranted to wear well as our customers will testify. ... Our Stock of Soft and Stiff Hats is very complete. We hare a good Stiff Hat at 12.00, late Uyle and wi.t wear; Jioj's Polo Cloth HaU, 25c. to 50c , We have a nice stock of Underwear, all sixes up to 46,, Full line of Wool- ' len and Merino H.HmV ' .;:r':-:'-: r; J ''". Vv f.., "Our Boss" COo. Shirt has never been equaled in quality for price; it ia.V . as good as some sell lor 91.00. All sites in Fleeted Bosom Shirts. . Nice Freeh Stook of Dogikin Gloves, Ties, Scarfs, Hosiery, Celluloid and ' . Linen Collars and Cuffs. -: - , , '- . i. .', Trunks, Valises, Tourist Bags, Shawl Straps and Tcleaco'pc Valifloa. ' - , , Carpets, Hugs, Oil Cloth and Door Mats. . - ' - t . Carpeumade, laid and lined.-. ; 'J"H':"-; ?- f!p Be sure and see us if In need of eny thing In our line. rv W h o 1 1 e sal e G rro c g .'g," UAVE REMOVED TO TUE1R - . V TWO STORES, SOUTH OF THEIR FORHER STAND, And keep of FLOUR. BIEAT8, COFFEE. oUUAK, MOLA8sli J8ALT, TOl.ACCU;': "SUFF 'AKD CaQAitS, 1 u ; everythtns: ' In the 3ROCERT; USE. a rU I.L. . STOCK and at ' OLD bMlNIOlV Steamship Company, ;0Y iw JaUti .-xttiwo SEMI-WEEKLY LINE Foi New. aorJs:, JBaltinaore, Nor . folk,5 Bostoa, Eliaabetb City,: Pbilfuteaphia, providence, and other Cities.' ONANDAFTEB Monday, January 11th, 1886, ONTIL FUBTHEB NoflCE ,7 1 Steamer Shenaiidcali y- w ui aw w , a ith va v. aa vaa jivfvia Soatkara BaUMd a EUaakaak City, ararj tXrill laaara aaaajaan atfttval ax waik aa Vul.IL BXODAT AHD THtHIOlT lor Iaw Baraa. &.tini teavaa H, Baraa lor EUaabatk UUj ar TUESDAY AID FRIDAY makinr Cl aa Connection with Nor folk Soothers B.. . R. fir Nori.hn ,,iti Oioaa aonnecHoB tnad, ' at Fw mtbi artth umm for Klnatoa, Folixkariil,, Trmtor an4 aU Inrfllnr" on tba and Tranl KiTni. K ftihu 1Wid lor ahipnaata, To'.dfiys and 1 ndnya aftr 1 p m. Freight torv,rd nromptlj and lovaal rata gnarante! to rt..t'inii.Ha. t , 1 - . . . aw u,MuuaH i is act, new nerae, Oi't-rarraa a Tcaaaa, i tf-.i ( 'Atw-t Kafolk, T ' W. B. Staaroaa, Oeai Fr't Aa't. ' i - - - . Naw York , :7hy Kct. . 1 Divine in hooka, r'oriona in plp. w hfo H t aim iitir tncuow n, h ond ripe, Yit UiT true Invite more an u ire lv l-r Iby cabrd ipu; ipe give rue a c gut I" Three too 1 ' iltn B. w.Tan.n, A Co.'a ! . - a .wnja kept by 'i ,f , e to me and r"t one, I . . : , c ,4,, of SMJreand P.iu'1) - . -St-w 1 no V, C. Vt M. U PALM fi te Y V M I,, r If Vf'O w i. . or r o-p. ' . . i i i 1 aa , i.i ! "' .'.:;. i..- I , we do not agree to Hire them an all but if you will give us a reasonable Owaa u. Ooiow. ' p H.P.XLxariaa QUI0N & PELLETIE3, .efattorxae-yaa t ' Xa aa-vo ; SOCTK PBOMT BT OTP. OASTO BOVSX, '.. . XIW. BERBK. W. C. -YP Praetloawberaam-aieeaaraeealiad. ' Praolloaln the Moprtue Court, and In I f cxlcral Court at Hew Bt-roa. . ! . -. , OoaoT tbwDrm wlU aiwavaba at tli M-' ' aowinf piaoea at uroee apacinrd henow : Treuun, Jonea oounlj, balurdajr of Hrli and aver ek. . . week 'rt' UirM"et oonnty.Thnniday ofea jo -JokonTlle. Ooalow oou -1 7 , tba flrat Jt f ! oav la each atoni v. . - - Aj.B.BIlOWJN, Barber and Hair Vr-::: With twnt-flTa yeara axperl.nw, 4 1 ana sen rurniaiirj twi eltf, will atveaa rrxvl .. i i a n la 1 j-, t er an r here forlJ-.s i t nih. hr rarnitara.and aatiKiHriion ,uarni. ,. aa uiQie vre itdm to kim. a, ; marlScU y GASTON HOUSE, E; E. ETHIZLT, Zz.t 1 rc t. -r. The Only rtrat-elaaa nuicp in t pi ""'""t. large anmp.e roi, ( t '1 ' K at.d rilturn ' : , jaMMtt'jr tieen iirni.i., . t . , , , . gjodaitle aritb Biiuida..J i.H.j r:."LE::D r ' aui:c. : The Fall Ffs'on r . f .Knuniel In a mr.', . i . . forruriuerlDlorrr.it,.,. J - J . . .r

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