r 1. .-. .- .-.i p i ,ixi VOL. V.-m 236: NEW. BERNE, N. C, FKIDAY. JANUARY 7," 1887. PRICE 5 CENTS; ! i i M w h m m ii v.m m v ca u i v j v m 1 V f raal lauttrt tuuwi , , New Berne.latilude, 85 8' North. ; , ,,.,.- longitude, TP 8 West. : laa'ciLmTdl Length efaey,11 ' .xi b eats. 4-.5S I t Loan, 44 minutes. Moon SsU at J0:M p. m. BUSINESS LOCALS. tVll and try cetf bur new 5c. cigar, - "The Jao JT. aymon,: u 7 joas Dcmr. If U, 0.'a ur ccmt, pay bp f WX. Xj. PALMKE. - TVbut So. cigar on marke. uTe Jbo. T.aymoB.'' For aU only by, A . ; ;.- JQB PDH. . jfiB7 WPW xtd office with aeatowa ad dispatch.; , For -4a!tghlful amokt or 8 eta. call tol '"Tba Jno. T. Eaymoa." For aale onlyty 4 r JOHMDtncH. -: Date yo4 all tba printed atationery - oakand that yov naedV If not, call at the jQCWAb effloe and get apecial . Truekert Peaa and Beans of the ear Ueat aa beet wiettea. V- Qeo. Allkn & Co. Qoo Flo bis Oranqks, 83.00 per ' box Corner of Middle and Broad ata. , 4el dwlm J B. Palmer. Tvraer'a Almanaoa for 1887, at - Geo. Allen fc Co. "II! vbuon brought nine ounts at ilia ex chaage yeaberday, ' . Our achool hare all returned work atdinde good atart for the new year. Dr. F. W. Bughea ie preparing to repair .the damages caused by Dm to fell dwelling On John eon street. 'Tha Bmalleet nan in thu county was li town yeeterday, Mr. James Cahon. wh U S3 year old and tips th bram atMixwnda. . Tba loaa luaUiotd by Dr. V. W. - Baghaaintha recant fire at hit dwell ing' on Johnatfn street has been adjusted and atttltd by the Queen and Home Ir. aairaiioe Co.. represented in this city by . Sobarta ft Henderson. A. geotiemaD atood on a corner yes tarday morning -and heaped vitupera tions tpon the 'JooknaL for not insert ing eY BHBtbar of notices which be bad banded In on tba evening before. But all jba time ha was pouring out the vials of his wrath the notices were there, every OOt of them, printed clearly in readable . type. .Better take David Crockett's ad , ViajLi'SaeuVe you are right, then go head." ' JKx-Traaarr. In pukliaking r'4be proceedings of the , ' eod&tjr oommbslooers yesterday it was - elated tba J'the treaaurer of the oonnty , inebedlenoe to an order from the board laid before the board the deeds," eto. Xtehould have read "the ex-treaaurer," ' t. - eJJrri . ; Col. F. H. Cameron, of Raleigh, Su , pertatendentof Virginia Life Insurance Co.' waa In the city y eeterday. ' f Mr. 'E.VT.-May, formerly of this ' eoaoty bat 'recently of Trenton, has jeturned tO bis first love and moved iback 4o Oravea, 1 He will engage in r tmeinee tea or twelve miWa from the ,'cUy. - f DIstiBCUk4Tlsltr. " ' The Elisabeth City Economist eayc - "Senator Jedrg Edmunds, with his Wife and daughter, Twu in oar tewn en . . the day after Chriatmae and waa oalled on socially by hia brethren of the bar , nd other cltiiena - pi came through the Dismal tBwamp ; canal jln a, steam yacht and was en route for the goose ' honk country. , He made a pleasant im- tres?3n opon the callers, f No polltica." ttoak Statement. The statement of the Natlenal Bank of New Berne, which appears In this issue, tU w ahealthy .poruiillan, an evidence of good management on the part of the o&eers and directors of thai ln'.'tution.: Weera gratified to learn it' 1 1' pt have made a considerable re ;.:.. la the rate of interest upon lofc.,8. Tbis we believe will Increase ac . .. jJttwnlo thepublloTndSoubt lefts enhance t' ? tusfne&l Of lh bank. Rat7 T Con. - T 'H T P ! .A iw.ltr rta:u lictsraMoore dt Bay, of Caliiinore, states that they are readf to come on and begin canning opera t: 9 i thry can get oyster. In a con t : n w ith several i Oystermen yes- , ( that the supply will X v il if they can have good v ' j ' oysters from I in . k d.1 I" ft creek that are ? ? ; 1 r '1 t re rery fine, but 1 ?S 1 -i. DOW t '. !rp, (rora whi.htbe c ' rr !, we are on- -;- "wa 17 tLey f a t!-ia kn Trip ( Bell's FrrjMU FecUlUc , Nec4 Tearmaaaent, CureaatlOB, On Monday morning, Jan. Sd, 1887, a nice party of ladies and gentlemen left the wharf at the foot of Craven street at New Berne, on the steamer Carolina, bound for Bell's Ferry and the tourna ment. They were O. F. M. pail, W. F. Eounuee and son 'Willie, Guy W. Pope, Broadetreet, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Hoi ton and children, Mrs. Mollie Lewis, Miaa Mamie Lane, Mies Emma Becton and Miss Sallie Faison. The day was cold and the north wind blew strong. At about four o'clock the boat blew the whistle at Jolly Old Field, threw miles from the town of Bell'o Ferry. There we landed and secured conveyances the best we could for the ferry. Mr.'C. P. G auk ins bad kindly provided excellent accommodation for the ladies. We arrived at the village jut-t before night and found homes around the family flrenides of some of the good people of that thriving little town. The place has wonderfully improved Tor the last few jeare A number of uice cot tages and large alores have, been built and a church is ou iu course of tree tion. If it should coutinue to improve for the next few years as it has for tha last few, it ill be a town f aomu im portance, liut the place itt i-adly in ueed of better mail facilities. At pres ent it takes a letter lunger to go from Bell's Ferry toKirstorj, a distance of fourteen miles, than it does from Kiob- tOD to H0M011 Mass A daily mail front Kiiibton wilh the present tri-weekly mail from (iroein ill.- would ive them! I JU" """v selitulives in Uuunri'hH sliouhl ste to 11 that they have the daily route from Kini.li 11. and ii, thould be no lunger neglected . On TucHiiay. at abf.ut one o'clock, the niart.li iIIm uud knights assembled and tlie lillinx began, resulting as fullowe: Knight of Good Luck, K. K liiaml, 12 rings: Knight of Morning Star. Fnd Brooks, fi; Knight of Golden Star, J. IJ. Bruton. 14, Knight of Slow 011 the Track Jesse Bruton, 7; Knight of Cen tennial, J. A. Jacks. .n, 3; Knight of Old 408, L. A. Cobb, 9; Knight of Quick on the Track, J. Z Brooks, 10: Knight of Contentnea, J II Helen, 7; Kniglu of Bell's Frry, E. A. Bland, 12; Knight of Old Ferry, Buck Biuton, 1; Knight of Seven Stars. J K. West. It was announced that Knight of Golden' Star bud won the first honor and was entitled to crown the Queen of Love and Beauty; that Knight of Good Luck and Bell's Ferry bad tied for second and third honors, which they had to ride over and resulted in a victor) for Knight of Good Luck for second honors, Knight of Bell's Ferry third sod Knight of Quick on the Track the fourth. Mr. j. II. Bruton distinguished as Queen of Love and Beauty Miss Sallie Faison, of New Berne; Mr. R E. Bland. Miss Uattie Galloway, of Pitt, as First Maid of Honor; Mr. E. A. Bland, Miss Eddie Smith, of Pitt, as Second Maid of Honor; Mr. J. Z. Brooks. Miss Henrietta Galloway, of Pitt, as Third Maid of Honor. -The coronation took place at 8 o'clock. A large crowd assembled and danced until about 2 o'clock. New Berns string band made the music. Evangelical Alllancs. Union services will be held tonight at the - Baptist Church, on Middle street. Subject for prayer and consid eration:. '! PBATCa FOB MlEMOKS That the Church of Christ may recog nise the glory of the commission to "preach the gospel to every creature, " Sod may feel it a privilege to make Sao ri floes that it may be fulfilled; that far greater seal for the divine glory, and fa more pity for the perishing may be imparted by the Holy Ghost to all . the people e God; that faithful laborers may be'greatly multiplied, and that all converts may , be comforted, upheld, guided and madeueful;that the hearts of the aoooaverted nay be . opened to receive the truth; that Christian mis sionaries may be favorably received bf heatbea rulers and peoples, and -that native Christians among theJithea. may be kept steadfast and madsj zeal ous in seeking- the salvation oft their countrymen; thai God's aooient people Israel, may acknowledge Christ as the Meeeiah; that the time may soon come when, according to prophecy,' the Spirit shall be "poured out like floods upon the dry ground,',' and "the desert shall rejoice: and blossom? as the rose.' Acts 2: 20-41; Isa. 44: 1-8; Matt. 8:36-88; Rom. 11:25-58; Isa. 85; Eocles. lis lea. 42:1-16; Acts 10:84-48. i.C'l, . Tttlr Rmlnrn Bnft(ct' Probably no one thing has caused such a general revival of trade st R, N. Duff y s drug store as their giving away to their CTJotomers of so many free trial boules of Dr. Kir?'s New Discovery for Conpurrsption. Their trade is simply r--rmin in this very valuable article from ti. feet that it always cures and Bfvtr d : -rr,'vnt. Coughs, colds, r-'-i, ' '. c'if. and all - . l 'y etirfd. i - rr T'-tt:tis ni ; t .. .. Every THE qENEBAE, ASSEMBLY. oreBixtiB coo. ru u d Special to the Jocbhal. RALEIOO, N. C, Jan. 6, 1887. Senate completed its organization today by electing D. B. Nicholson read ing clrk, John W. Gudger engrossing clerk. A. M. Noble assistant doorkeeper. Formal notice of contest in Craven case was given by Locker of New Han over. Senate ad journed as maik of retpect to the mi mory of the late M. II Greg ory of Ht district. The House elected the remaining of ficers as follows: W. G Burkhead, Dem ocrat, reading cleik, Win. M. Davies, independent, engrossing clerk : D. II. Julian, Democrat, principal door keeper, and William Reitzel, Democrat, assistant door keeper. l'enrsou showed liir h;ind by exiire&s- iug opposition to county government in weBleru counties. Kenolution of inst 1 ucti.m lo ConreeK men to support the Islair bill was cirered.but was linally made i-pcrial order f r S iturdav. r a. 1 11 1 .-. Ni wbern Academy. K lt"l.l. l-'i'lt THE Fol'HTIl MONTH I KUM lbhti. yaneed Firt Grade - Willie Sclii: A 1 U-r. Third Grade-Llla tschwerin, Foy. laura Huttr, ('lara Hurrus Agnes eyer , he Schissler. Clarence Mill Weinstein, Frank l.umkiu. Fourth tirade John Mayo. Louis Cox. Addio Culler, Rachel tS. li w erm, Inez Slj ion, Louisa huter. F1I1I1 irau Clarita Clark, Rosu Dail Sumo CJu.uk ill. Mary Hendren, Carrie Simmons, Emma Whitfield, William Hand, James Hill. Ninth Grade Sum Hnnson, John S. Tliom.iH, an 1 Hughes Holland. Eighth Grade Betlie Hall, Estelle Clarke, and Ada Hurrus. Seventh Grade Nellie Peurce, Bertha Culler, Carrie Areudell, Henry lirown, anil Ownrge Whitfield. Sixth Grade Jennio Burrus, Nannie II11I Joanna Schwerin. Georgia Mayo, Jack Neal, and Robert Crawford. Jones County lteni3. Mr. Jones has rented from Mr An arews his oyster saloon and commenced a' rvrng them out. Died, at Polloksville, on Monday last, Mr. George Watson, who leaves n family and many friends to mourn their loss. Our new preacher. Rev. Mr. Wash burne. who is sent here by the Meth odist Confer, nro for Jonr s Circuit, ar rived on Su.urdsy last. Married, n the 29lh of December, at the home of the bride s father. Mr. John Elliott, by A. G. Hamilton, Esq., Miss Cora Elliott, and Mr. George R. McDanlel. May happiness attend them The magistrates of Jones county met at lrenton on Monday last and elected for commissioner F. M. Dixon, Esq., of Tuckahoe, by a unanimous vote. We consider it a good selection; one that will giv3 general satisfaction to the whole county. Trenton needs a few more dwellings, as all of tbem are now filled and some have two families in one house. No monied men and owners of vacant lots in Trenton, drive a trade and be the means of building up and improving your county town. A colored gent was walking around a colored crowd at Trenton during one of the Christmas holidays disoussing the impossibility of any Republican be ing able to give an official bond for any office. "Why,", said he. "you don't know dimmecrats like I So; you find a dimmecrat, you find a man chock full of predgidy and annimozy (animosity); sd full when he puts his eye on a publi can he jest determines den and dar dat he ahant bond, and dea and dar he don't sho Buff. Jest now see what dey have done wid the people's choice in Jones county. AintI right? Yes sir, gingerwine publican logio, ain't it? We learn that Mr. Benjamin Brock, nr., of Cypress oreek township, died during tbe last month, aged nearly 80 y.-srsv We are informed, from reliable Authority' that the old gentleman, be forw the war, was in affluent circum staadesA btiag possessed with slaves and considerable landed property and bad aotes and aCcoaata at his death to tbe 'value ef fifty thousand dollars, wnic&Tcan?: ds collected. We are further informed that this remarkable old 1 eitizan' was ' never sued nor war ranted; t neither did he sue or. warrant- eey- one. , This good old man in Uie-latter-part of his declining years wasvwnsewhat in indigent circumstan- foes, bat, was! carefully watched over and attended to by bis nephews, Isaac and Benjamin Brock. Mr. Brock was- a remarkable hunter in his youag days;? many were tnor captures ot near,' deer and other game. I have) often- heard people remark that he could exhibit more animal hides than any other man living.. We are not certain, but we be lieve that he never was married"., It is amusing to see people wilh their face drawn ss if they had swallowed a featbprgnd it was tickling their luDfrs anl t' r-y wr-uld be happy if they could only f-; ((-3. How. there is no oe!j of "nisi - f rm," A bottle of Dr. Pull's Coui'j r yr-.:p wi'l draw your face back into a f THE NEWS IS BRIEF. Congress reassembled on January 4, and both Houses adjourned, out of re spect for the late Senator Logan. A terrible disaster occurred on the Baltimore and Ohio railroad at Tiffin, Ohio, on Tuesday last. An express and a freight train collided, and in the wreck several passengers and trains- men were burned. A Texas tie contractor recently cap- tured a horned rabbit. According to accounts it's a common gray rabbit with the uncommon addition of four teen horns some on tho head, others around the neck, their arrangement being something like that of the horns' of the horned frog. I Sam Temple, a colored citizen of Montgomery sent his eight-year-old boy for a jug of whiskey. On the way home tbe boy thought that what was good for his father mubt he good for him, and he took a pull at the jug. Then he took several more, and w hen he got homo waa, stupidly drunk. His mother put him to bod, and he was undisturbed until the next morning. Then when I hhe Culled him he v. as dead. The imssetiuer traiu from -!bai to Springfield, Mass., was badly wre.ked ; on Tuet. lay latt at West Springfield. ' An axle rf one of the express cars broke and threw tho remainder of the j train ataini-t a freight that was paoaing j on the track next to it, w bich tbiew the engino and tender of tho freight train I off the track. Many of the passer, 1 is were injured f.nd the mail pni'l.ts w er e I u mud . A1 rani Octis of (naiit county, V Va,., tells a remarkable hl.ei-p tury., He ssvs t h'it he was 011 th" in untain near I't lor oburg Gap aKei a ii iek 1 1 sheep, vv lic-u one of them, bl,ii;!t ,l l y the 8urHrn appear ni'-e (Jf the fhep!.i r,l dog, leap.-d from H precipice and landed uninjured 17j feel below. Abram ' watched it in its flight, ho says, ar, I saw that it passed tho tops of several tall pines, leaving little tufts of wool as 1 mameutoej, and appeared to light 111 a' top, when it was thrown back against I the mountain and thero struck anotlHj top, and so on until it reached the grounil. A Baltimoro coufoctioner nuyt,: 1 " 0 I had rheumatism in my arm for bii 1 months, and Salvation Oil made an en lire euro of it, after usiug less than one bottle. William Schkli.has, J1Y, 444 l'ennsylvania Ave., Baltimore, Md. Marriage of Socretary Lav-nr. MAOOf,Ga., Jan. Ti - Secretim imar was married this morning at 10 o'clock at the residence of the bride by the Rev. Wm. Parker, of Sundersvihc, to MrB. Wm. S. Holt, of Macon. Those present at the marriage were Ci plain R. E. Park, W. P. Virgin, Colonel J.JK. Jones and their wived, ti n daughters of the brid-; Dr. K M. Patterson and wife, 1 ajor W. U. Koss and wife. At io o'clock the Secretary and bride , nlered the parlor with joined hand c Ti. ; cer emony was brief and original, lai-lmg only two minutes. Congratulations followed. The brido was dresred in a steel gray silk with ornaments f dia monds. The Secretary and bride left at 5:20 this evening to spend the even ing with Governor Gordon, and toward morning will leave for Oxford, Miss., to visit relatives of tbe Secretary, and then go to Washington. Pat Brewer Arrested Pat Brewer, late engaged ,a the Cbapel Hill tragedy, is now in custody in our county jail. He was arrested by Capt. W. H. Flowers. For weeks he has been here unrecognized, though frequenting the market place, tba most public place in town. There is dispute about who shall get tho reward, Mr. Sam. Westbrook claiming it on the plea of having identified Brewer. Fayette ville Newt. An Aged Pedcitrlan. Next to a walking match is Mr. R. R. Sautter's walking fifteen miles in one day, fishing and hunting. He lives at Athens, Ga., is 79 years old, has had a running ulcer on his leg 60 years one half a century and previous to tbst day had not walked ovev half a mile per day for 80 years. Mr. Saulter, the Ban ner-Watchman and Rev. Dr. Calvin Johnson say that B. B. B. cured the ulcer and restored him. "Oh. Joeie." siJiUle aleeful Maud. 'we are going to have some honey made at our house." "How do you know?" asked Joeie. " Because mamma sent the servant after three Be, and I don't know what bees are good for only to make honey." ' sold in New Berne by 1C N. Duffy and E. H. Meadows. . . Caeaet Say Tee Stack. Towtrax; Gal. June 6. 'Ss. ' We find B B. BL to he the born fclnnd poison, remedy we ever handled,', and gives more satisfaction.. Its cures are quick and decided, and yon cant say too mncn m its praise., we know of two cases of blood poison and one of catarrh cured by its use. "We can't sell any other now. . , " . ; . " , , B. C KI2U.BD & SOS. llerchant. Sold in Naw Berne bv Ii. N. Duffv and E. 1L, Meadows. Real r.Mife J'-t:-vf and Dcesfor sale st the Journal c.ce. COmiERCIAlu Joirsal' Oinoi, Jan. 6 8 P. M. OOTTOH. New York, Jan. 6. Futuies closed barely steady. Sales of 63,400 bales. January, 9.50 July, 10.09 February, 9.58 August, 10.15 March. 9.70 September, . April, 9 81 October. . May, 9.91 November, . OJune, 10 01 December. Spots steady; Middling 9 9-lfl; Low Middling 9 1-10; Good Ordinary 8 9-16. New Berne Market steady. Sales of 7 bales at H 10 9. Middling 8 3 4; Low Middling 7 Good Ordinary 7 3 4. U091KSIIC niHkKT. Skku ootton y2.00. Cotton Sekd 50. Turpentine Hard. Jl.Ou : .; . Tab 75o.a81.a6. Oats New. 35c. in hulk 45a52c. Rick 50a60. BkjsbwaX 15c. per lb. Beef On foot, 3c to 5c. Country Hams 10c. or lb. Lauli 10c. per It.. Eaas; ijj. per doren. FuitBU FoUK 4ia(5c. per Peanuts 50c. per bushel FuDLiliii 75c.a81.00 perhundrtd Onions -S2.00a2 25 per barrel FlitLD Pka8 65a70c. HlbKB Dry, luc. ; green 5r AKl'LKS Mat tarn usk eel. '.040, eys, 1.10. Peaks 75c. a8l 2j per bushi-l lb 'NKY 35c. per gal TiLLDW-5c per II, ClIKKhE 1 1 Chic'KKNS ---Growii 'Ja. 5. . !(jiV5c. MeaI.- 7Uy per bush. 1 Oats 50cts. prrhushil TlK.MI"8 50c. per bushel Iuisii PuTathes- S'J.7."ii..i bl : WuoL lOalfic. per pour.d. i'.-TATtR8 llithamiui. 30c ) arn- -1 1 r.d las. 50c ; Hal r ison i'ir. VVllOl.KHAI-H PH1I Kh Nkw Mkss PukK 8 IV ',o i i.pkk Mkat 7,-. i '. ii. s, F Ii h. H. V m. Mi 7 1 l. en S3 (HJaK.OO I . ill!, 7 ; c. by the 1 1. i e. N ails- Basis 10's, :.. H'.'Qah -(iriiniilate,! . ( c (' ,1 F 1 lal-c. Salt- fiOa'ic. pi r iu k . MoLAbSHU A NO Syui PS i'Jal'., PoWllKK-Jd ('0 HuoT-Drop. 81.75, buck, ?2 w. Kkuohkne - tfc. .90. liod- ifFi'oiii or i iu: (omhiion "P 'iin: National Bank of New Berne, At New Heme, in the State , f N'mth Carolina, at tint close of busini"-s Kecernber 2H, 1SK'. KFSOUHCKS I .. an - an I d i-.c urits i , r, I rafts I . S. I U inli t . M't. urc ,ii,ii- latioll -i lh, I -t, I.- I :,,i-ai, 1 in, it r:l;-,- 1 'io- frcin ;.p roved refer ye 1,-1 nts J lino ll, in "ll,i r Ni.lMiial llallks - line from State ltaiiks and bankers Ileal estate, furniture, an I fixtures ... Current eipeiins andt.ise- p ud I'l i liiHiins paid Cheeks and other cash items Hills of other Hanks I raet ional p.i per ni 1 1 1 nc . nickel '. and cents Specie -I,Cj.'al tender Holes Kedeillptioli fund with 1". S Treasurer 1 5 per cent of cir- eolation) r.'i 21:1 : L.'JW8.M- loij (joO.UO 'j 23 28 0 4'i0.88 M 438.50 oO Ok8.C4 is iKX) (Ml 3.US0.80 112.45 1.490 07 9.724.00 351 40 2.1 l.'.O.OO IO.H'O.00 4.400.00 Total - - $430,078. 50 - 100.000.00 - 40.000.00 21.323.V9 1.1 A HI 1.11 IFS. Capital stock paid in - Surplus fund Undivided profits National Bunk notes out standing Individual deposit! F-ubjeet to . i ; De:n ii : . eitilic.'iUs of de pone - 00.000 00 107,52I.ol 17,655.75 1 250 07 2,819.24 Duo to o! Due to banker r Nalinnnl Hanks ate Banks and T I .', . $430,076.56 STATi 01 NORTH CAROLINA, ) Coi ntt of Craven, 8, I, J, ii .v Hughes, President of the above named bank, Jo solemnly swear that the shore statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. John Huqhes. President. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 15: h day of January, 1887. J. R. B. Caebaway, N. P. Correct Attest: L. H. CUTtEK, i GEO. ALLEN, Taos. Daniels, - Directors. Pure Lime. We own the only Lime Ella in this city, and offer Pare Commercial Lime for sale, free of sand. 5.00 to $8.00 jper ton, sacked.. i , ,Ps BUKRtIS & CO. Commis'n lferch and Grain Dealers, , ' ii;? i VI rr - Market Dotlvr v dw . : kew berne. k a - APPirCATIO!?"; -?f ' , V ni be made to the General Asetnb!y st this session for a Charter for a Life Inrorance Company, to be loo tol a Newbfrn. N. C. jnn4 d Wi e. w. umiioK' avmv. Smalfaood feSiaVw' DEALERS m ' ''""' GENERAL HARDWARE, TINWARE, GLASSWARE'-: IVOODEXWARE, CROCKERY SASH, DOORS, BUNDS. " GLASS, FAINTS, OWS AND 8TOVE&, O'SURPASSED as to -, ' PRICE TD QUALITY. Middle Street, Next Door to Hotel AlUert, NEW BERNE. N. C. CITYBDINANCE. All slovfuioes Droiectini? frnm (ha sides or lop of any bouse within the corporate limits of tbe City of New Heme, shall be so constructed that tho apperturo or opening for the exit of the smoke of said stovepipe shall be at least three feet from any part of said house or other neigbuoring houae,aad all nersons havine Kinronirkoa ik r orapperiuro aforesaid within the pre scribed diftaccoof three feet from the homo from which it issues or other neighboring house shall remove the same or haie the same constructed ao corcimgio trie provisions of tbis ordi nance on or before the 15th dsy of January, li7. Any person or persons v lolatirig tie pro isionsof this ordinance shall lc fir, i i u conviction, thirtT dollnr- 1 1.. II. Mladw... Mayor, u H H e . , . Clerk. 7 5t Marvellous Memory DISCOVERY I H : i-i'i : Ai-yiaaik ieai ned In one i i ! 1 m uii (ipiinous ot Mr. ' "in Hon W. W. artok Ml I I.e.MAMIN J I All NOR, WN)I I'HOF, I. Ill SK'I TK, 4 17 Kinii ,.,, . Nr Vork. i.i , 1 in Horner School, 'i'orti, n. c. Tbe Spring Term of 1887 will begin the third Monday, 17th day of January. I be price , f board and tuition per Ses (Mon i f twenty w eeks is $90. d31 8w NOTICE TO Truckers, Merchants, and Others. 500 BARBELS OF GFN'riNK (PROOF LAST YEAR) Early Rxe Seed Potatoes. FOR SALE CHEAP ! Do not buy, nor make any arrange in cuts before seeuig Ferdinand Ulrich, NEW UKLtHJB, N. O T. A ren i Old Stand. E. H. & J. A. Lleadons ... i OFFER FOR Immediate Orders, at their Warehouse, 500 Tons Kainit, $10 PER TON, 500 Bbls. Genuine HoultonRose Potatoes,' 8.1 PER BARREL. i. . THE on ' :r;5J MIDDLE STBJiETi iC vi N'aar the Market Dock, designates thai plaoe(whv, E. WHUaiAN"-4 Has a First-Class. Saloca, and keeps a choioa keTactloii of "Wises. Liquors, Cigars and Brandies,, of . all. kinds. ,T In Irow builslBg, near thsj lock, lc-'! dlestreet, , , , i . ,.-,- . NEW BERNE, rf. ak Look fer tbe RID LIGBr. ' lo . ' ec83dw - ;ifi,il)?(j5 j. Mcsosirrr FimiiLB im m izz mn TpllDCK EZ, KSWEErN, N. C. f fiATIffPAfrrntv i - i iVajlkitUTfnm. T C c t .r- Kb. J.- McSohlft, - Neu Berne, x;c. k" era!! Uwlnsa V.u.ia , 7. 50, in payment fnr t t' style. El snl wfirkrrur . fsotory. Thtr ftrri. t Sbcf I r.T Lai in tt- r j : Very renfu:v. 'v.. n. r-r-

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