.si ai V! .. . , . t - i X !tlljEW!RNE. N O.; SATURDAY JAJTUABY 15, 1887, PRICE 5 CENTgg IT U JL'Vli JjXJLJ ""4t . earal eUo.la.tvr ltauu( ( new nanaa, lauraas. w w norm. , Sua risesTil t Length of aey, ; . Sunr "'18 iKTi4MV tins . 1 D . VI fTI", I". nlill jL ri 1 men a and untiarens uuDDer. aiso . Light WigU6oBitf BooteTT ilS Flower Seedaior hot bous and far- Dajlt. Tb Baldtuore pf inrnbbd you Um prUUd .IS mbU pr eigr on the market. Tha "TheJndr ' Tr fcawPa aa Bean of the ear lUat and beat aridi." .fw a daH AtraaVaMta Mr I oliraU for Tha JM.jLayinivirWr ala! only bra aWjAil DmhT. Tf . Turner Almanac for 1887. at Obo. Alltn ft Co. turkeys in market yesterday Yesterday was the busiest day at the OOttoJff xjha)ge sines the beginning of attendins the HuaserLane contest at Raleigh was duly. Jttd.oi the iaa All doing welL The) steamer Slunandoah arrired promptly on time .reaterday narev ing, bringing yafgi cirfed of general merchaeJlias,rafhe eVenlng she took out j'l LaiXu uf iieagiT"rtCe, "Bottoff, clam, etc . The abac 1 KaighU ol widow of Dr. ,W. H. Barker, waacy eelTed oarta-NneTa iBo nfon and ofV PsWy lftMheVAaMf Brf ! Bar ker. Owing to the absence of the re porter, the check was not handed to lira. Barker - ail wteady,c ri j PlIMUk 8herWfAVJJXf fljdsl la Ihecity jgjiAOl '-'' ' ! Messrs. J. N. Fosoue. A. P. Barrow, J. Jff. HrkerTA.' Y: Cbi, E. A. Hay rt. wood, alUJWi county farmers, were it tba'aioLange yesterday with cotton. t. Mr.Ralpk qrWKfWWdVftfitried from i a bridal tdrfrorlS laal night Call aiidlTVtM V 1 ualiyi f Mm it il "-kl : 1 ... m. i. nu f Honor to lire. Barker, ; vMr-. , tarday from a v tier parents at ' ' Balls Ferry '.' T w CaaaKtaiawaw. ''' -l . ' ' Mr. M. K. King, genera managfr of . ' the Norfolk and Soth.fUUroad, arr ' rived cn'Ua taimtr' Vheiuandoah yes- V Urday mornInc va&iMt&A 'tii ;the - t aranlng. . j. i- a h . .v The Norfolk ft Southern bVg PAa of : ' the parties to tha cUifaaUbtishmg a . daily Uia!al aleaiairsaeiwaea tkis city , and Elirabeth City and ooaneoting with : htm ouJdj4'JT JZl aoH .' ' la reply to ad latiaUy-i to-' Vhi( r latton the Norfolk ft Southern Railroad V would fcwll Siara.Wb.. Co. In the f ataraj he-rtpUadvth tame "as la tb MarwJMB the O. D. wHl aot 'hare the siwiJTaorlTUegeoroonBeet. Ingwith our Itaeai nentof6ra.-But whether tbjrJKWWKC ttonlmna; Its - oonnecon at Elixabeth City 'ha could , ; kare rnajor!TyactioBi as beforaf.lff) they cbwv tavmoaer ;parTqup ivvn with t F-',ojie'Ptckrlf theaoi ' we ses ..aifasaawwbylbejt; asnnot ' -waint'- f?r,bn!neM aaTheretofore, V.e I: e.oil a thW vkiiafty .i arpreci ' 'J e: ivjcaJglvai -them -iky the tics-,.', f 'f S?.enandkth and its - clever ecr in'.S6ulhgata, : and crf-j 4.V9 00 reaaoawhy, ', all t-icfs else bi? jnal, she'should 'uotrs' .''-i rFllfil'aMk'eeBliet cor ' ' Clyisi: tn v t- r i lTy f ".-luLfeUiu-CIty.The f rw ?eea iticjnineor "9 Jlf.rnailxia'diDnV t.- j to be riBt and a 3 fU WrH MMs k Tba afaylaid ! farmer held a large oonTention in Baltimore last Wednee- aasa&Ma im on rata oa nana iroaa S3.40 w $3 M per keg The United State Senate ha passed a hf.U extending for twelve manfba the time lor aung claims under tne r rencn nesday, destroyed several buildings. and one man, rnos. Murpby, was burned to death. ,Hr, Hieoook, of Ifew York, is a prom inent candidate before the New York General Assembly for Waraer Miller's seat in the U. a Senate.! v The Hennipen canal projeot is still before Congress. Its friends want an appropriation of $500,000, but its en lee don t want to give k. Theooal miners of Arnpt, Pa., de mand that ten hours constitute a day e work, and that they be given an ad- ahos of ten cents per ton Prince Bismarck s speech before the German Reichstag on Tuesday last orealed a deep impression in Paris, and it does mot Increase the prospeotB Of ppace. Governor Lee was called upon to fur nish troops to suppress the riotous dem stration of Lonx Shoremen at Newport New recently. ; The trouble originated with the Old Dominion S. fl. Co. and its employees. Comptroller Treuholm has presented to the House committee on banking and currency a draft of a bill appro priating one million of dollars to reim burab the -depositors of the Freed man's Bank Uo rutule an argument in sup port of the measure. The Legislatures of Indiana and New Jersey arejn a muddle over the election of U, 8, Seoatoi n. In controversies of this sort the Republicans generally oonjj jut victorious, as they did in the Illinois contest when they held on until eajDrata foocgh died to give, them atjnsjusy ; -v t Col. John S. Hosby. of Confederate cavalry fame, while, looiing otsf the milltaiyvaa;bjva itM1! Detr ment at wasbington, was surprised to Sad a, oonuaunicatioa. from Gen. A Pleasanton, bearing date June 12th lEf 3, 44 ' Qi, Rttfi IpgalU enquiring how much money would be required to bribe hirer, Mssby, and get him ta weik in the interest of the Federal army. Bread Without Teast. It is a well known fact that bread made with yeast; tf-eatwr before It be come sUle, farmaAta gain.,in the stomach, prodnoiag lad igestien aad numerous otler "onrplalrts. Bread aiod with Koyal Baking fowder, ln tesd of yeast, is entirely without this defect; but on the contrary is one of the most effectual preventives of indi gestion or .4yappUt By the use - the Roval Baking Powder the saccharine properties of the flour, whioh are de stroyed by fermentation with yeast, arc preserved and the bread is made nor autrtueas. ,sn - per cenc mora bread is baked because or tnia saving from the same quantity of flour. The Koyal Baking rowder win also make sweat, white bread from an in ferior Quality of Soon, property pos sessed by no other leavening agent. Thus, much flour that is dark in color, or from other causa, 1s considered below the .finer grades, and therefore much Cheaper, can be utilised and turned into a perfectly sweet aad wholesome bread. Nor can bitter bread ever result from the result of tod much,' or more than the required quantity, of Royal Baking Powder; aa, whether used in small or large (quantities, its proportions are In such exact equivalents that they always neutralize each other. .Bread made in this wsy does not require ,mi:ig over night, bat may be prepared ready for the oven in a few minutes; an advan tage that vvid be readily appreciated by every hausfekeeser.' mm "ItxecBUTa Ceaiailttee of ,, ib liCrawtsjwwtyW The menabeia -of. aha DemoeralM Ex ecutive Committee arc earnestly re- nested to meet at tha city tax col ic tor's office. In the city of New Berne, on Tuesday January, sotn, aiiaoxtoea mi, As business of vital importance is to be transacted, a fall attend an oe is desired.. , O. H. Qcios, Chm'm r a I' ' " " 'Mother, tha birds are singing the run la, bright the ladies ara all- oat is Spring dresses and I can't wear mine far fear of nenraicia. " "rsna w. cnua . go oat and be happy Only dont forget rouy aDotueoi&aivauonuu. -. , n Charle B. rarwsll to Buccd togan. . PMiranxLD, Ills., Jan. 1S.-Charles B. Far well, of Chicago, was nominated to sucoeed Logan t : ay on tbe second b'.!ot of tha republican legislative cau ; ADVICK TO lOTIilRS. g 4 n.'i ---j re of4 for children ..H .' " the child, softBs , . t . t a-1 r am, caros wind - -.1 - ! - '' r -v -: r " "T. ". . '- T Frly-KIatk Coagreaf-Seceid Bessiti. WASHnroToir, " January 12. Senate. The bill ' limiting the time tot Cling clalioa untjer the Freuoh. Spoliation act lot ao addi- . ;The Army Appropmtlon bill was reported back ana oraea printed. The bill to Mead the aeotion of tUe Revised Statues in regard to renting or selling OovernmeDt property was passed. At 1.15 o'clock the consideration of the Interstate Commerce bill was resumed. Mr. Gall in a lengthy speech ex pressed his approval of the bill, but be would prefer to have it further considered by tbe conference com mittee. Mr. lngalla hoped that a vote oh tbe measure would not be ioaisted ou today, as the debate had devel oped such an Interest that opiniofs were evoked that oouM be of great interest, be thought, to those con sidering tbe.measure. Mr. mown argued in opposition to the bill. From the very necessi ty of tbe bill, however, be said, the railroads would be compelled to retain their present rates on local freights and to increase tbe rates on tbe long haul. Mr. Mitchell (Ore.) opposed the bill, and criticized sharply tbe long and short haul section. ilr. Cullom said there were sev eral Senators who desired to speak on the bill, but could not do so to day. lie would, however, usk for a rote on the bill to in 01 row. The Senate then at 4.40 p. m. went mto secret session and when tbe doors were reopened adjourned. House. Mess's. Skinner, Feele and Ferkins were announced as tbe conferees 011 the bill for the severalty allotment of lands to In dians. Tbe Edmunds Anti Polygamy bill and the Tucker substitute therefor were then taken up. It was agreed (hat tbe debate on the measurt snouU? be coniineJ to fow hours, - ' Mr. E. 11. Taylor, of Ohio, spoke in lavor ol Doth measures, Dot objected to the proruioh ia the bill abolishing lemale suffrage in Utah. Mr. Oaine, of Utah, opposed the bill, saying that it wis wantonJt destructive of buman life; that it would torn, tbe Mormons ana their Church over to insatiable spoilers. lie went on to say that tbe pre scription of a test oath as a pre requisite to a man exercising the right of Kii'J'rage was a clear vio lation of the Constitu tion, lie claimed that this provis ion of tlx- bill was preposterous. He appealed to tba Ilonse to con sider well before it assented to the monstrous propositions contained in tbe bill religious bigotry and influence were arrayed against bis uevple. Political necessity cant, bypoorwy bad all' kindred, Peck-; snifflaaism joined in tbe .hue and , cry. U Unar MU becanw a law it would place the Mormon people at, the mercy of plunderers. A law directiag general outlawry against all who did not publicly denounce their belief in the Mormon (Jburch would, h4 a merciful in comparison with iti TE was nrar.oataMMia non sense totiajiu,bou , the Mormon blot 0 rathe cmuzation or too are. The memrho were herelfjcom Utah clamoring for the disfranchisement of the, Morppo. people. were not afraid of the contamination of their owa or their familiesmorals. They all know that a purer, more orderly God fearing community did not exist on eartbmtf tfcexcrftey Mormon wttkshedtrf'M VXkhf lt was because the mtnorttycoild not rule tbe majority, that; theyu were, here. ., , , Mr. Bennett (N. 0.) opposed! the bill, attacking thaprofisioB lor bid ding!. woman, suffrage in, Utah. y one oojecting to woman snnrare as an Independent proposition, he believed in the' God-given' right Of the - American - people , in-, every municipality to establish order and control their own'domestiO ajrairs, and he deprecated the interference proposed in the bill. 1 ' ,X . Mr. Held, of Maine; Mr. Caswell, of WiecoBsiBf and Mr. Tncker, of Virginia,- opposed the biff m oriel Mr, SobU,ef InnSylVanisL tasked leave to off funmendmm Ofhl bur. ; . 1 1 ' 1 " iivl Mr. Tacker. . dadttft;1ttl film 10 aoBD7BayiBinat bb jarawa lo, pass lha-biU-hoia anow.ao that i the 12o"fcf. Jiarr,3I537, would WBemofatleiw ibrvlfcttsrT Tbe ;H;--6Zl.. ' - if V ... '3 r' THE B9BBA1 ASSJSMBLT. Special to the JocmniL. RjOXIOH, N. C, Jaa. U.1887. Jn Senate today bill was is4rdce4 for the repeal at merchanta' tax. Reso lution asking for additional signal and life saving stations passed. Blair bill resolutions passed with only one dissenting vote. In the House the bill for the better protection ofnechanics and laborers against dishonest oontraetors passed, as did also one requiring serai-snnnal statements to be made to State treasurer by private banks and bankers. Another bill of publio interest which passed extends for two years the time for set tlement of the public debt. The bill for working the publio roads by taxation was tabled. The bill for the relief of laboring classes by raising oommittee on labor to prepare salt able bills was passed unanimously. Committee on privileges and elections at noon today closed the evidence in the Wilson county case but has not announced decision. Ai'oOOli hearing of Craven county t cast,nney against Lane, began, und aa id fins svonhig six witnesses have been examined. There are nearly sixty witnesses. Members of committee say the case will conruine four days at least, with committee i (in stantly in tsesaion. Tb Committee, tula in the State library. lie sessions are public and the room is crowde I w illi interested spectators. Tomorrow the Senate committee "ill begin to, take evMenpf ia the -ae uJ Green agtlBStiClsrk. " C$ fcSI i aVI", -'J rjpacial to JochnIl. ' BKBBojnvVa; . )sju 14, 18111. .. 1, . ., . . : ' ,v. imj,. vl"ri.AM -' ,T murder of Fannie Lilian Ifadtton on the 18th of March,' lMl; Srad dSeaeutes here today at 1 :90 p. ns. He was eon victed ia 1st fall of 1886, and every effort was made to obtain a new tral. tsviiins) ia this, tbe Governor was ! poMttHed to commute the sentence , this tbe uovenMt c0r. sa. H Bkics traatel itkVfilpY'9 eltort U4 kT,D" tbe ooA4aato v nothing. He aaUajraiaI aU jtAK BJv4 ' ' v -r .fc eral tttousau aronadtbe jail ba fpvwvtv aduHutd to-the laelosnre. He msdn no stot msht. Xn ten snsrmtn ICr iht it q) wa xptungr, daring wtlrh Hmt troggMd ytolehlT5, W wit iiiwwncnl 4 0eUa Hands I y 'i Irtwf air; Oa.;'jui:: ?:ja4 - Tot otsr two years I have -Uu s uf- er fina-JUMHatiem,JiiU4fMi pctn ,sholdets fc) siroh aa wteTrtlbariVoaMl !fV!yKPERfr TattSSfiW ' 1 -7y-S"W''1 ' '' 1 ' Congtaeeiowar Item) of 'lte rest ordered irraTbfabia , npon rtu nepfe sentaiinJecJunriixaV UllM abolish nnneeenaarr enataanattnnw aaa purm. A. acted pr0 T;tb5 TfMBma blU omits allgsthar, CLi adounuijraUTa ulia k. ! m m mim ai aa&U nawtoSfc' offioialai shall be aUe by a4isai ofdaittaBaTld asatamated - that a Ttac ol $100,000 will be egaotea I ander tie movltfem of w tmrnff tn afo tl tm mrtoyaea .' AUbanasi wlUU ffastrwasavaadMsiotoaNabot.f iahed nader It prwavlaiit Jvhig wf extT-Cve district ia sTir.u-ndfrjllowtnK distnens mrw-sDoiisBeario- vrremu; juexvo a na, - vneii jsmue, - i-ewnoarfr, Tappahanaock and Richmond. North CaroUnaw Aibewirfaiamrbrl' and Pamlioo. , 8owtkCawlait Q twaft wa Georfiai Atlanta,, Brnj)iFckXnd Saint Mary. 1 FlrdiArfldfP,'tiA' rwtaaaaw mi s " n uppi; Sasth' and VkkFburt " Tennessee; ; A em rr All. and thus be convinced of ft wonderful enrativo powers, Dn OtgY KewDf Colde will bti M ljaltti ICiua, adrtiT- awar. This oner is not onl? liberal. bnt (bowi aebotindl fallh in Oie mer t ef this rrt tt"1y. AW who rof- ' - from Owe- ' C " a, - , Frr-r . . , i r ji t of ' -1 r- ; r t . .a t tr o. Largs tv... tt. Keep a Siute. The American ' AgricUtrit reeommends to Hs readers the keeping of a slate nemorandum. By forgetting to njake repairs in season, it ssys, or doing odd jobs when there is time, mach is lost every year.' A good plan is to hang np a slate in a con venient place in tbe kitchen, with a pencil attached, so as to be always ready for use. Examine the tools and machines, and write on tbe slate what should be repaired, and what must be procured to repair them. Also make a memorandum of repairs necessary about the fences and buildings. As fast as these are done, erase the memo randum, adding from time to time others that be needed. Ou tbe re verse side of the slate, plan out what chores and regular labor should be done, stating who is to do it. Have the boy 8, hired men and house wife, learn to consult tbe memorandum, so that each is informed about tbe others, and can mutually assist whenever required. Dry sermons are bad enough, but for the minister to preach them through bis nose is inexcusable. Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup will save both ininixter and sermon if taken in time. DIED. At U o'clock Thursday night, larial hemorodia, near Thiirmmi Illti- residence of his parents, (ieo. I. 1 ' ri ner, in the twentieth year of hit ui Funeral serviCkS will be at Rivt 1 il M. K. Church Saturday morning 1, 10 o'clock. Kriends and acquaintances uie invited to attend. COMMEIiCLVL. J or kn a 1. OrnoK. Jan. 11 BP. at. OOTTOH. Niw Y0111, Jan. 14 Futuies closed quiet and (steady. Sales of 0..200 bales. January, U 43 July, U8 February, 'JA'i August, 10.04 March. 9 GO September, . April, U70 October. . May, 0.K0 November, June, y.UO December. Spot Utmi Middling 9 18; Jjav Middlings; Good Ordinary 1 ii. I New Berne Market steady, bales of New Berne Market steady. tllO bales at 8 to 0 Middling 8 lMfl; Ixw Middling 7 0 10; Good Ordinary 7 11-10. DOIKKSrlO IB 1BIIT. 8ttD OOTTOS JS.OO. Cotton 8kkd 8. 50. TsRTsamNa Hard, $1.00; dip, fl.UO. Ta 7oo.atl.6. 'Oats Now, 85e. in bulk. Cohn 45a52c. Rjci 50a60. BltSWAX 15c. per lb. skt On foot. Sc. to be. untbt Ha lOo. per lb. Lard 10c. per lb. ,k8 2So. per do son- it3H Pork iaSo. per pound. )DDaa-75o.af 1.00 per hundred. u .1 ft. 1 . I1id8 Pry, 10c; green 60. Apples Mattamuskeet. 25a40c. Cod B8, ?1.IU. PkaW 75o.a$l.l5 per bushel. LJ mifY 860. per (fal. TaLLoW in. per lb. ('IIEKSE 14. ObickkVB Grown, 80a35c. ; aoaiSc. M kaV-70o. per 1ushl. Oats bot8. per bushel. Ti'KfclFS 6O0. per bushel. wholbsaui paiota. spring I3W Mass Pobi $13.00. r B . . r n , U-1U by the tiero. Puw.i.s-rM.0Q. Miot Prep, f 1.7S; book, t&OO. - '.Wanted, Afew UUttboardora. Ten reason- A I'ulv ta Wb.lt. F. BEREY, tr. Johnston and Hancock eta. Horses snd Knlcs. I OAPT. W, A. EKLOE will have a 1.. fine North Carolina vmor-es and xlules, all broken, at the GASTON HODSK STABLES, oa Friday, tha 14th of January. . tot smi at BcaatnaUe tVioea. ...:r,.8ale, irV-o aweUtnt-wonses aad lot In thi city, For ioforatatieD see W. STEViNSON. i .niVcU:u3',ii::'r.:r ' Mln4 fttl.t'r. ny bnok in one r .'" A rrwiTnttPom. w. w.Airoa oiu,., . i rT ; ,t l .K,t jkfin o w ira SnaIIiYCod6SIwT; DEALERS IN - QESERAL HARDWARE, TLWWARE, OLA8SWASX, ......' n oODBNWARE, CKOOCSf SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, " " ' GL.1SS, PAINTS, OILS AND STOVES, UNSUUPASSED AS TO PRICE A:TD QUALITY. ' Middle Street, Next Door Hotel Albert, to NEW BERNE. N. C, For Rent, A good dwelling in thorough repair on East Front street, lately occupied by John II. Bell. Apply to jail dlw L. H. CUTLER. Notice. 1 r Chi Ei or FrsE DWABTifEOT,' New BEHNE.Jan. 10,' 1887. By order of the board of offlceaw of the New Berne Fire Department, here after at (ires in this city ropes will be stretched across the street and only fire men or other persons by permission of tho eugineerB will be allowed, to go within the enclosure. JOK K. WILLIS, J I " Chief Engineer. Wanted At Once. Ten ut lifiein active, intelligent, young or middle uged men to SOLICIT LIFE INSURANCE Those, who are willing to work can find h ith us Constant, Lucrative Employ ment We hu e also a Women's Life Insurance Com pany, for which we want ONE OR MORE LADY AGENTS to work town and country. Apply to WATSON & STBEET, j8dlww3w Uen. Lua. AreitU, , Pure We own tho only Lime Kola in. .Ibis, s , city, and offer Pore Gorameroral Llne : for Hale, free of (ami. $0.00 to 98.00 per - ton, Backed. W. P. BTJRRUS fe CO Com in is 'n Merch'ts and Grain Poalemi , Market Dock d w NEW BERNE. N. C. Horner School, OXFORD, N. C. The Spring Term of 1887 will bogiar the third Monday, 17th day of January. The price of board and tnition per aes sioo of twpnty-weekitl !W. dl !8w NOTICE TO .1 Truckers, Werdxants, and Otheri 500 BARRELS I OF G ENONE (PROOF LAST ti.) ' ' Early Rose Seed Potatoes, 1 FOR SALE CHfiAS f' . Do aot bar, nor maker ant ar ran "!" meota, Uufsr seeing ., ,. ti 1 , Ferdinand Olricb, T. A. 0a' OU.- FOLLOCK ST., fc,dX, , , Dar or m Washington, D. C?Sef. ffe jj J. Mc901LtT,' '" UJi x-eimoisvpwe. Ma. Snt: 1 encloaa herewith itfs -r4 i, $7.50, In narnwnl for the ah.nn..t . stylo, fit and workmanship ara, aatis-iu A t factory.) Thet tm better toan Tan?1 l shoos i nrve nad in twenty yaara. r Su - .: .:! L-j; T'; "WI-,t)ptasisitT-V: Tula, Suits, Cllmtc:t;"",, (;-,ftWMtf5edatcads';!fni 0T ltlraitr8ea;Cbar, 1 - "''V' i r. nns:ea. Sofas. ... .. - itmf : Centre Tables. Etc,.:,i.-i Ar BOCK BOTT(jr t' r h; i flA eUdw Middle Street, ew Et-rne. S.C. 1 : 1. .1 : 11: Sfilltli" T"f

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