Tsr T .Taa r lOafeA -JT4iJ, - r r - Tt iT' NEeWEDNESDAy. J ANUAft ifcj ' PRICE' 5"CEKf Si A y 1 - ft- ;l f S' -1 i " ,oiU4M imi.ll Af a) LwP.. . ' - --- ory. j II b. l r i - V a ;'-f -' i - r v.' j - .LOCAL'- ( Hew Berne, latitude, WKVoftb lw,gitBde,7lrWe 7 Sun riMl fun B6X8, OB4 I I QOUI, ui iuui.cn. " gencTjfo.fJUf & Co.'a Punch TMT.8amhM on the streets in V. the PSiwdyetwen,8 ed'J TneAsder will be Hbrri wfle4 .- M ,1 - ,Ttul ini jbf ltlb, BaiTowf T jh Quo. Allu & Ca rVfc'lr-Bpf otifew Be; Hgtre ,.Lie. Plaatar, ClMienk, Veratoh and Oil mt low s prii ' FhMiffhtfal emoke (or 5 cU. call - uiiT fun can un jujftifibed jnn the ante day it U printed at 15 cents per week. T'f The i" ft 5a?i9Kft m'the . oArfe Tbf 3 br I Jnof TMtajinoh. Tor wle onlj OBI J Jons ucsn. ,v,APh eold rave is upop s; thai Gieoiu aWcomlorUble 6nt dooV. The II. . Church Wrkief beat will BSeet tonight at the rrsideuue of Mrfc'fcVB.'t'reylor. Weral 'lwthron Hall on ThJ'nSfaf nlJi'.undier ihe nupice.- of Th SltmaHcioali brojjgut in a urge fraiaht vaateriajBtfid. lOolt'ouX cargo of cotton, rice, clama, etc. 'Prof. Ky hill will arrive tonight audi rill gWe one of his draiwatio reading attheTheatr,1tiKlonlngat1fSOJ'fiIoct. PfoVrJfillW Wadings are humor- ftiflnrmLkLA and KnsiruoliTe. Co and I hear him: M(Hri(n( W?Utf fiftttfttl the codtAnA. a& this graded actfiirar tj j ;j JJ- u.w, - Tl ilS.tr. will be made coroforUbleT'1 harty welcome. In the meantime. tonight for the audience to ba;,f rof. tbefleiur atT1 beltarled thisnibrning and the room made thoroughly warm, CImma a! tha wlfnalMI tlhn sat tttnrfpfi - and iWetell some amusing incidents. V7afnibap najqsnised copy cfi talh ' the tesUmpy.afld maj djaw on it to,Jet , onr Triena's in CraTen see how they, wlft toWnUd'AhpLV T ' ' let rt. klr. C. J. Bcheelky bas returned from a trip Nor WHS v fntfBl ...pojrrtK ' bow prepariBl to pot inthe glass front, elevator, and oaherrflxtuwsj Iif por eonAdentfrhobed that the huildiDg will be ready for cplttMg'byllarcn 1st. J. -' Mr. C. T. RandhlaJ'or4W4hlu , ton, 8. a,hanOTe,to,thU city and - . opened a boggy and carriage shop on Broad street nek I bi &ie Wart ' stables. W UttMlvM 11 BrsUlasi workman and a clerff gentleman, and Z JYI J Sol af UV W welcome him, to ..thaoitr and, trust .that si i-V rotrpsT'lalhls bheibosa. A . iiai near. ef, fu4 jauiioi. Ifyftd l)s Us f,kof'tb Trtstefian Church, Unde SocietJ thr will be . an sjioTakJe- faathal giewtl neit FrtflayT At (rt wteit twodf diP'rrfpableweaiherjjrehaTe hope of utha" delightful "spring-like spell, that a niceortBbte1ikelhaline charming. Ana e nave mpie-swar-ances that thU -will e one rot . trery bofr.5 cnjyjBritJileaig arranged - SBfc..oi,.i, as oirecwre. - ; w. . . C'.&J'wlcf r tteauforl waV in - Kaj .t Uordond wife ,wwevln the m. CUre, sr., of 'Vanceboro is la .v.ritv. .jj-'f ..t;.n C , Vaiab' time' vp from i,;.; : (f.nnty rarmyestsrdyJ., : IT. n. r. II. f :d.moca hat returned fr j;a a tUH to VaiDgton City."" - It. G. 7 ' "".'r'-be frrtanied . . . . . Uiif, c Rjund Knob. i. i , i at r. f--rr:-rz t the,-Hasten :h and comfort 1 1 tll the Eastern OuyaKk. Qf i rnt f wJ u ion Bteamenip io, in tne Dew comoina hkm fofhl 'The Eastern Despatch" fwa iiftnV cify yesterday, lie expects ,iiUielteiTD Um m5 line by ifiMMr-iieVnrberFeee AeU4eaieli in Ue MT.'fVt&UM, tht the wter line imiitu ej awMog tecL.wUl tbia pool hveo Jh fdjUari fiiapgixkiU' -- '' - 'jell, I can't tell ja jiwijjl kait ajuh l am ore it -will nt prerenl ttfllts oTThe EuferDeetatch coat-l MiK oowi' t presume lawvarHJais ivva eur lug business at tJoifolk indlpoinu iiprvu bbto rar someiune dshd engagea W . 1 & M . J , 1 u a utfiui va iraigum ppi uayi now cou- Cfded to call a 'meeting and come to terms. I dont suppose ip will have an'r refrenoe to fwinti South of Nor ftlk, though I caift tettat this time." "lpreaume you win ajnicii ireiguis New Berue as well as making a con ation for the A. & N. C. Railroad V" Ob.'ytg. We expect to iarv aay- lliiag iit ta fetrk lw axxj prepwsc to givejoujuicjr a TWirotyou truWcoDll&t with road V" - '"Nut at all. We propose to give such yOjtk eerri tkmt ave wilOidLdejtrli A to come d railroad iisfeftd of 'JVltK W$4 UJkhe able to put truck in the Northern markets twelve Lours eai lier than you have bad ft heretofore. And If w0'ca'n' do It' Quicker and aa bnjtrit to H'aVe'n liberal $hare of putroh-. ige.' We are nV)t' coming 'to right any gUu-i .VkwUuumIT w aYpfliurtd fur Mr. Warikr is u very cUi er genrie- man and ia hopeful oi aaitablittuiog a lins)'Viat will be profitable to his com pany and of great benefit to tha copv m u nity. Of.coyjKwflJtre Jjaftdj....tai welcome any enterprise that is capable we aaii waicn me rwo(;rfB oi ayaai Hepreseotutives McMillan, of Kobe IIouie committee on privileges and elections ,rerra the qityt eateaday lei Uk,a the deposition of. Jr. abingfepi Bryan in tne contest Detween Lane ana MusHey ioi tire fcrat'en sdlit irrtUeHouse.' Mr. HryarJ 'kaoiilg-beeBT aloV fbscrtneJ rww- unable to attend KaTelglr; hence, theasv anntWiaen vfjre spat by the comiiuvalnUu hisi testimony, twbich was done at his office on Pollock street, , ; , , The examination was conducted by C. Whitehurst, Eiq., on tho part of Ljine. It lasted six hours and, we learn, was ( searran f xhaustive witnoui any aiui mug ueveiopmenis. . Mr. Lane's counsel desired to intro- duc'olbr'Uirimony,6ui the' suli cbM mittee feceived,, positive instxuotioos by , telegram front 'Joe, committee ,t Kaleigh to examine on.y Mr. Uryan and kxeDpoaJWeigh tnc. .. ji")' 1 i T. - - - Oar Caainuwaa. Tha WMWogttw oorteepoBdeat of Ike Netciand Oberver speaks thnoly of our CongressmanHAece,:',, " " Hoaw fa Ha Smwxwnimd iQI. Browei.imkroebroYHne 4ff -Vnd tkt districta, were upon the floor of the uouse yesterday and today. Mr. Sim mons was reoeiTed with considerable warrfh onK'.wT. heavitiC4ltafu)ai cKgtalutatM cjn aiaremarta' ble redemption of the black district. There will likely be a contest over his eat, but of course it is not regarded very aeuously -' Air. bimsaetia to an In telligent, handsome young man., and Lwill probably be the youngest member oi naiuunaMnanm loaunagwaii of the old second jnade an excellent aiecviuo ana win ustv cuwun wU as useful aaemker J( the-xaezt Ilouse. Mr. B rower ia a email man, rwithaclose cpt head and a pleasant face-lkaTe aneer aTfetv.iwisnMfoTa They both had courtesies extended them at Ih Capitol: 'Mf.r?' Hi CnicidO, Janay"l. "A 'special from San Antonio, Texas, says a perfect reign of terror exists in the town of Catulla, 80 mites oth of Jiere. the county seat of f 1 f ) a t ?; oty. As a result or me iiui U'i -a exiting in tne eorcmurj.tj', Cv' r C nn i!ODr LIiU and s""tv tr. an 1 'l f'ctdown ao i I".' 1 la tvM Llovi t rst rnot and the a4Trof t" !i, ailbpitk fprfei-tiT known, have pot been arrest- e jv t Iftt frn pnt the, 1 r, Ci, Tr-, CET. ' J ..! fcnre ri safe an Wt' taWiifl- TBI GEftCBi AaSKMBLT. ? Special to tiejlpjnMii, ' 'i gaXJuai, Jan. 18. In the Senate today ioi muchvas donCmoot thelyhr mtrod oird aru onao irn paving anl JDenosit BaaW orth rlioi.TOSIoUow ing bills were tabled : T prohibit cm ploxnMfof childieUdwfifVaea) in f actinias .nd kahojto abolish county poards. of edoeatioa to annex part of Varren coantj to llalifax.. In the House the following were the ... ... - i : prioaipal bills introduced : To exempt fifwenen from poll tax, to work oonriete on public roads, to allow clerks ef suptriors courts to fill all vacancies in boards of county commissioners, to for btl'ae bf convict! by peaiteatlarj authorities in competition with honest labor, to tax dogs for advancement of sberp husbandry, to provide depart ment in penitenitary for criminal in sane, to reduce number of grand jurors from 18 to 12. Kill allowing ah&rilT and La,x collect ors to collect arears of taxes from 1081 r to.dateimiaed ftnal reading. House kai very- lively debate on resolution pro- teBluiK against repeal of civil service lav. Tending discussion, ijouse al joutnccl (u Memorabilia. V.f A tacit acknowledgment of being a prince " soalawngs. ri.) To have enlistea in tbs late unr pleasantness on the 13th day of April, ltfm and ha.;BUKii(ired at Btaathe- bdtgltithe tpring or 1964, abd not to be able to get one of my comrades to make aflldavit before the genial host of the (iaxton House, 8am '1 K. Street, that I ever shot a gun iu front of the.enemT iiucrugUie enttit! time or nny enllst- ment. 3.) To have been in the Bervice three yearn or more and to have been so dere lict of the duty of a soldier as to bare surrendered a rusty gun. U- To boast of patriotism, and inti mate at the same time not to have been paid for the youthful serriee rendered "my native State." 15.) To UUr to IIisfezceirwcriov. Scales the beats 1U Of the expefvence of a campaign with Holdeo and Kirk. (A ) To tender Sheriff Stimson one s (T.) To have fought friend and foe since April 15, 'CI, and still there are vacant lots in tne cemetery ji.ifl (8 ) To boast of not Ifiprbth-fhting other people's money to your own use, but to allow biy to go unpaid, and loaf aroun l town. ' 1 (0 ) To (Upend upon politics and not to strtko a lick of work for fifteen ire btifeh a member of the Ku Klux Klan. (11.) To feign sickness to evade ex amination by the House of Representa tives committee on Craven county conj tested ejettiqnt cg4 , i i . AH.VUHAnlL.lA . To the Officer t and Jtemberaof, New jierne A.uuge io. a. oi n. . Whereas, The Angel of Death has again,, vailed u and remesed Irom our midst one of our brightest and moot be loved members, Knight Wm. H. Bar ker. Resolved, That we htmbly bow with 1I A ankmualnn .rt UA ill . Vi A PlTA we LceraT anwJW 1 the sUafcJc.BibTBarker ,'whJm We highly eeteemea as faithful and true In all the relations of life; a good husband, an indulgent parent, a Kind neighbor, a most useful. pHi. and' i4l Upright member of the community and of our be lowed erdr;tbat hie character a fiords a beautiful example for jua, and his memory is enshrined in the hearts of the meTubew ef NwwBtriieodge Ko. 443, KalcVHendrJ f ' .1 Resolved, That we tender to the be reaveeVrfnagy of ou"f dace seed In-otna ourUoaftlelt syttAihy'and condolence in thia, their sad effiiotioav. j yc-.i i IZTiZZL'TVZZS' lesotvea, xnu tuese reselnuoDavtOe K. . r; rr , - - ----- -- iinufaM vv tots uuukb, wl akauexi vu sent to the family of our late brother. also a copy be f arnlsbed the New Berne uaii.y joraiiAL for pvMioation. y ? JAMK3 VV MOORE, H. O. Bates, Jan. 14,1887. " Am Km t BoaM tmpimf. Edward Shepkard.of Hairisburg. 111., aays: "Having received so muf h benefit from Electric Bitter. I feel It'mT duty f to let rafferiDg humanity know ft-Have bad a running fro on nrw lag f. r years; my doctors told me 1 won' ' to have the bono e raped cr lr- s tatsd. Inf-f-d, instwid, three bou of Electrus Bitters and peven bottles I len's Arnica alve. i my loir is ao sound tod 1." tI.l-r-;- I' ten are old atvATtj r c"-t aloi f 6lJ Kni Arnica halve -at z3c per box by 1J kT T.. IV- .. ... , . f njt1l v rfi""or !ifr"-',aj ecu, .v.- t -nr te' ' 8 '!. qne'iA . ? t at the . . -x wl ' i"1 'fV ' .ce, it';c''yot y i'orne, t n i - .v. Jai;. iT , , ; ' ..), at 12oclixk ti. A ? ? - 'f.v t iTpf"'c8 in ti If ' ! . a f ! ' ' . i' ..' ' (" O. i", , ( I ;'., rii;-jriatii Coagr Scoa4,Seiin, WAsHniOTOjf,' Jan.' 15. Senate not in Mtjstao. i -. -.c HoHe. Mr. Crtep, o( Lpnbiiiina; presented the conference report ra the Inter state Commerce bill, stating that k did not do so for the purpose of asking action npon it at thia time, bat in order tbat it might be printed In the Record and in bill form. Tbia was ordered, and Mr. Orisp gave notice that he would call np the report at an anrlr day. Mr. Hreckenrtdge, of Arkansas, i from tho Committee on Ways and Means, reported a bill for tb con-1 oliuation of customs tbttnct.s. lioose calendar. Mr. II add, of S iscouwiu, irota tbe Committee on Commerce, re ported a bill for tbe collection of more accurate statistics of exports, i emigration and immigration. Com ! tuittee of the Whole. Mr. Hcott, ol Penan Ivauiu, from tbe Committee on Coinage, Weights and .Measnres, reported back ben ate bill for the retirement and re coinage of tbe trade dollar, Colli- tnitteenl tbe Whole. i f. I I 1 ,, .. . .. t .. .1 auo iiuuoc kiHui iu mo ujuiuiaa;i bour resumed oonsideratiou oi t he i resolution reported by the Commit tee on Mines and Mining, tuitiug; apatt Wednesday, Jan. J'J, lor tbe ; consideration of business reported j from tbe committee. After a short discussion tijioit tbo merits of tbe McQarrtiban niitt bill, the resolution was, on motion i March, of Mr. Hammond, of Ccorgis, laiajApni upon tbt) table. Mr niu.An rrr;. .... behalf of tbe (Jommittee on rcilcMMrtiao hnnn irrfirrw s'l-a. Railroads, called up tbe joint rem- lution authorizing ao invoAligatiou.ST tale at s (u o.w. , of the books, accmints iiud uiotJiods, "'"l8 i 1 lG; - w. M r ti,-;(i..,.,;u,.,t. ,,i,;,.i. food Ordinary , II 10. Ul UNO 4 AWUV 1 VU RllllU UIV received aid from tfee, I'uiVud , States. Mid the House proceeded, ) in Committee of tUu .hole, Mi. Blount. ot Georgia, iu tho tlmir, to. consider the same. I Tbe morning boor expired vith , oat action being taken on the Pacific, railroad investigation re&o , lution. A bill to take up iho Pleuro pneumonia bill was, lost; 105 to 1 "0r Tbe Speaker anuouoced the ap pointment of Messrs. Tucker, Col UUU1CICUH OU LUC AUU A UilUJJ bill. Tbe House then went iulo Cdu mittee of the Whole ou the Uivcr and Harbor Appropriation bill. Alter a brief general debate the Committee rose without action. Adjourned. atonewull items. A. H. Whitoomb left Monday (or a .business trip to Philadelphia. J. M. HagTi of Philadelphia: was with us last werk looking affrr the lumber interest. - - i Ale. Powers bun lfairt Mm. Hryirn" house and farm In nd ie:i- rhln place, and now occupies thv fin'- kth; ucna hn Sorrr tt TrrmeTf broogtutho ha P Misa Mamie. wd, " J1B- uoiAini vv ants j her. hcJW7lfJir, wuyr rr ! erc U7L.XAAkWt IV Ti i ri i sieisi EliaaLftiJLtv PkF. Cheiibinteadsan- ving his grist and. sin to Attrofi at no trtonv day. aad perhaps himself and tha. tusk et.haa- penonal eecuw$feaaw tuAAire. j Itf.. Sorrowfut.'Koaety, fgra-UJove 80 years, diede.t Jhkabpn. the motth of BarWvfTd A kind and gctotLheariuo gpnd to the unkiown spkers j.'Z,f.K4 . Mj. '.,ItJJsbalis in ais",d'aya ta oooupy , ,MrsAovrrd RiUs . ri denoenllnrr'vBrnbWOWiJ!!W .VLf . . spending the spnag asdv iAiaaae'tviat Biipau St.i Niw BbbjibV I.0. 'iflJLiila I2.a!n I Th5 tt iehing td 'purchase wfl! M ft Bemler. kiW.'wIaaW bwitvand-wiAl add a 1WotaOhelfior he inatreaa. .IhensUome k trftfttSBil fripjper wetkfAmeWltsjnhreas- 0VwWK0bcOttuMThm boirKa4i8C0u8olatoJnanawhne he putty tW 7 and too sWrlrV-a.Sa. , aad merchant .for k jKo.. 4si2r)g. eao ph.aoaUaA.iV)vffe,iao ' .lVf.Iv, f uto. , w. mill mwvw, imm iy Cbiaeso woman i site or hofettfawMhofY nei mesggagia aOUJU IIHIII L lite" a eerrtaM irert 'ttiwwoowiy on n r piece ano eweveat. wow.-p.ece ea itia t first iie hWsi,-' ba ever bea wi : t.z svt't u sir the vreeeot p. . r a ' -. r,' 3 r o 1 1 " t- . been In rliar'. vt hiils ! - ! 12 r 13 years. I can sa'fcly sr i c' evfr rod a bettT, itr e jr :var - ; h. :.ccn-r- -.lii::- ' t1" 1 " ' is The Deai Mvtc Kurdr. dispatch from Kaleigh am that the geaad lory of Wake Soperior-Ceort de clared the fugitive mute, Walter. ikJ runaham, gtLilty.oi the uwder of vktias Lizzie .B, Tiuliogton, mation of the deaf and dumb inatitQtlon in Balefgh. aad who was trilled OH the 17th of last Deoember. A true bill was returned by the grand jury on Thursday last The jesult of the post mortmxamiaa tiqn made of Hiss Turlingtoo'a body in this city on tbe 25th of December fast, was disclosed to toe grand jury. It revealed the fact that Bingham1 had at tempted another crime ia: additien to that of murder .i The 4 ispatobados thai tho excitement over and public interest in the tragedy has been Intensified PT the revelations of tbe post mortem ,X-aaniaation,-and the hope is enpremed that Uos, Sc&les. will be allowed o in crease th reward for tha capture of Bingham to ftjJSOO. A bill to empower, the Governor to do so was introduced in the Legislature Thursdar U'i!miig tu.i St,,,: Baeklcn i Arailca el. Teb Best kJAt-vx in the world Cots, Bruises, Sores, Clcers, 8ai Rheum, Fever Bores, Tetter Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positrveiy cures piles or no (ay required. It iB guaranteed to Klve perfect eatisfaoUppi,iOr money re lunaeq. rrice cents per box. 'or ale by R. N. Duffy. declC .....V V.J Ifc. i'UH J UvVlU 1, -i -. COMMERCIAL. JocasAi. Oinox.Jau. 1" II oxmoa. Nxw Yoiik. .Un. lB.-Putinfh etcuiiy. Sale of 102. "00 bales. Jatinary, & :is July, rebraary I 41 August, U Ii-' September, tl i.-' Ogfeober. Mtiv. 'Jl7' SovemlitM. June. " - , pecetnDat. itne Martet stead w sairs' of JilliUK wemrtcHiir. niRmi Kkkd corrtiN ?;i Co. OOTVOM KBD S. 50. TvarawTiMa-Uard. Iiov. lip tl.tw. Ta. 75u.a$L5. Oats Now, 3.V. in bulk Oohn 45a.12c. RiOB 50a60. Bkkswax ISc.'per lb. but r On foot. Veto 6c. Codmtkv Haji b&o, pes lb. " Laud 10c,. per lb. Eooe 20o. per dosen. ransB PoBtWfabc. pe" pound ftAvrrm-SOo. par bushel. FoDWta 14c.a$lw perhmiidrtd. Ovwu6iJd(ii.2i per barrel. Fixld Pkab 85a70c. Hides Dry, llc.; gren 5c APPf.RS-Watumudkeet, t3a40c. , God era. VI . 10. ' 1'XAJUJ 7oca$ 1,25 per huahal. Udxxx 85s. pergaL TaiOiOW Bo. per U. OlEKRK 14. OHioaxNS Urown, SOaSOc., eprhlg 'ioaxfie. . ' ktftjUr 70c. pevikuahel. 0crfl.otsper bushel. lTi;n"T.o v. , I, trfrrlOal . ier twWiiU . p Potatoks Itoaamak 80o. : vam.40c Wsstj ledias. We. 1 Hanison. 63c. SiiWBUWtlndaaLdAiUand ajtn- llnaj; ftot wanied, . Building. ( 'inoh fhearts, M.00;sspy,!.50 per If. 1 wflOLMALl ricH. awrouiuw, - OUUljl4M JaVT-Al W C,R.'tr. B's,B.'s rvCB-3.00a(!.PO. Lian 7J6. hy the tierce. Nails Basis 10 's, fa. oft. Bcoab OrannMted, (He, GFFHX-Usa2e. ' ' 8ax.t8085o. per sack. AKDSTacr-Oa44 -POWDICB tflt)0. , Bbot-Drop,' 11.78; boct, W OO. KRUOKRMa-0O. Fir'sl-Class Brcgies IADE, 4 SO KEPT C0N6TAKTW , ON HAJSD AT ' I H A DPI AftC CJinTilDV kto U9ir advantage to iall ha wxamin f befJ? r"!0.?'?'" elatwfctTfc,- ,-,-.! KhrAiKiNU donaat ahort notice. prfre.,,, ,., Ja.19 d3m lt. ,nt!ji.-rtrlIT..I -m hai i riM u wane U aNS Oak LBOt A Is a rrtr iut -Wr ; jfcJ , . . i : ..h i Asit-vn,i, i . , ... ' aCbL ua.1 ' gtonswall. M . C, .o ik f I dHUWUWn mit4 tt'riaiatasATiti.Vtt t-trl I . -Letns-r QtiBMBaaeaaata U-tn i A 4ne vUl, P e -B!R K la fw va fr.f tne rnnn ot T i t , II, , I . . ,1111 -t rtrrt , . ( ..i,1M-ni, r , IThUtMMi.linit h..l h, t, !.J . 1 htaaa I'mm p,omTii and ' ipmn c.wrr., ia .4iaf bv la I W'mi w ''lr. dn..t-l4l I Jed for f i ivn-.i i I is r o'mallnooJHlci'r DEALtES-Tir''''' GSXK&AL HARDWARE, 'TZXW.lRE, GLA&SWAMX, &LAS8, PAINTS, OTLB'- A.KEBTOVMa, L'NSL'J.I' SSED AS TQ PRICE ANDXuiLIT'ib -OT W f Mh A 1 1 l NEW BERNE. K C. t (i , r 'i ii ' im.i wn ii iluriiij; the lt six yaf' 'Phi win MietViljdeaj 1 iii.'Mlr'Vwrtf(,f-WmnaOva-'' nH oUiutoaat) i Uxii, m aSiOeis-rJol UanstwW) , Hay.. -rJ .4ln rri .0411 ajps ai.fl awAiMi'Mipo "UhhMfku wiOiiU-.u l j,r ,, , A otd Hi) iuiiAiiavtiWt41eaHiii l.iu.ls vl t-ui-J. .Niir ar)iaiala,MfwlJ . "DR. WAST NEW OOlMLBdCtBr' la prlneal oa tiniwt)' steal tovmi. udJ , d ro' siit iV'ttt trJJrt'llttclrTS., ' 'i' , i -ft i t ilA ol aa WARHJBJt, MWaWEflfi 3ftO Broadways Kwva.Vitt Oltfi' -r" t tiit-ih nt "ii'i'H! yni'ir'trritiei For Bent; Dwelling house with seven $Slrf. fiji1 Metcalf street. Apply to 'iWl A able 13 8 4J. Joth naton and) leattcoek' MSI ) For Sale, .in 'iils'ge.l a Two UHeying-oMaenad lota.HV.Ubis,, oily. For Information see ' ' ' ' '" jiot y dsw. mjm! bbw p '. gr i Bi I'pbai bos Pure Linneg: We owa.'ihe only AimetSilBtia tWs.4 city, and biTpr IoTe Corn tt etc tkti 'Lfrn' for Bale, free of sand ton, tacked, , filMl 'ai: W. P, BtffiftlJS fe C0;r Cofnm'n nprVhHa ahfl WratU blkhitt?" ' I Vl !' dw .Truckers;" ;Melffelianttr and Others. u "il innmail dl wii Rje , 500 vmm!:?"t: FOR SAI.fi CIIEAB Ln Li mm : fill). ' t i nlVriMu i iu Wm ; aro not nuyivaw VKwaaTyiBttUtgIl !''!l'M, .l,t,.,.., :ffflKKt.0L'r-rSS '! II ' !. 1 ..... M'nl, Wai. - - i v aa4 f- 1 rl- ' S f. o. ' J-i. I' ' i. l.e-r'-' r .-x. .3.1, 1 .. 1 (.-tn 1 At" i ' F C, trw i