A; - si." - - W... a . r-i- .-T .p ... . ,. m A . ' 4 j . . yi.j t. v;y-T3-rrxtnT't ; '"a XuCOWNO. 250. NEW BEIU 01 SUNDAY. JANUARY 23, 1887. PRICE '5 . 1 r r-- " . --rfc- m-jl, . ; .wraagd I ; ' " ' ' 1 r:' logaEotwK New Berne, latitude, soo'Jlerth. 3H T minute Moob ri al 1 .07 a. m. - ' Fine Onslow Hams at isl-lw H0MPHHIY& Howard's - s iM Kitsiontehi F.?.1 feaakrhtef to be Tteh and 8weet. 'yi -i No. 1 Seer" Rust Proof OeU. J0reQB's ' First of All" Peas. .amTTw.'-et'li'.1W. Smaixwood. .pa YismhHjklw;. 1 WlV'torTaniliii & Co.1 Punch 5c. and lOo. FiM-Ciga. . . . Jaa. l8.-tf .lScW)u LExuoul . A loll line of Plow. Harrows and Cultivator, at price to suit the times. , i t' Geo. Allem & Co. A lMMlW&-'h" BW&iore Glees. PalDtoaVaM. M tow price. .11 the Drinted stationery ,t,.tlt ion neaAK If not, call OB at the Jocenil tha Jocenil office and e and get special rate A lot of New riveiMjBHe4 itCiown r 't'-fw-r r. 'J''f " I yesterday. The train from Raleigh W0 ho ana bbji dcoidu d The city authorities af planting out hade tree. Agool'Work. Pueh is along. jif "What is the, new from Baleigh V was the inquiry at every corner yes- The cutter Sferenk' relumed itckd a cruise in Pamlico soun i yesterday evening. n ; TrtQ U fail4 1J nighi ' A fr tojuu quentlj m es Tit atari up e o rmeu cone for ward with the oysters. Meear. J. D. LaRoque, A. J. VeomBn, Oraham Richardson and Freeman Ernul began planting pea yesterday. W learn that Governor" ' jarvls will vi.it N.w BarnA Our c Meu will give him a'Martytl1- flnnlliii innnir iik" 't r"-'"-1"' and many bashgfcjaetid pea,, were many kiitM pea,,wer i;6ttiirTr put thereof. Steamer Carolina arrived yetrday ithaaUceskO ot4puatid iioe. WHfla U4 ttutef Wrufcll r6:80 o'eRwk for Bell' Ferry The tlmCUy and barge jennie jmkia i cgootrnra?7, hler'chAffie AWuplSoVurWebre'w citizens took a vVtlkVf ewivSfing since, and faking JotiSBU office in the route, were msH mil wife autuidlurto thei law ol ithouttke o6!. knoIi The old gentleman was out maneuvered OS uma. . c ft T ' ' 'f truction to onr members of Congress Thie tle they are instructed to do .'tbivJtyvia vakot wppiopTiation ! f oujBleUpjaPl the work on B . f or, Jiarborand; the BrD nd Beaufort canal. We nope they will ' ObeV'tnM'fatrac'iiSni bit time. ' tUu dt iHtfcatfi' - Those who purchased tickeU for ' " PreitTtartinVentettainmenl can have their iaeae7fudd 4r calling at ; Prof. Noal1 y ffderoT - v morrow at 1 o'cJotlt p.m.t' , am... .a ol4.be re. ' AtcdclalWiltleaTe'SewBerne for 4i(qro on (Monday aiteraooa 8:S0 o'clock aharoja 4fC. people a!oa3inwOid oroortocity of hearing Ehea Monday eveotcR at the Bon It opera bouse. It ie mely thjV V elV" " hj1 train w. return immediately after the . perUrBtax.! V&Xli one of the most celebrated actrc.9r8 XLVing' PimnL Kr, of EacU iclbu b.3,4' Kw -WorXh to imrl"i s'ork of groceriea, which be wiil c. a on Trc i rtrert. lis ha been in the grocery tiade for eever! "year r3 I'-ir" m flect a Mock. Ct : t. J -! n A. L.chardson ha been to - v . vi the t,'',ur of ",., 1 Jsryis. I" lesd r n.t - - J-!!-"'-' ' the Koe to t in V". tHMirow. Atuatlo, Faraacra! We Airect attention to an advertise BMH lai this issue for early pea. Read and consider h. Ir bar eta Servleca To-Day. Hi m. 'and 7:80 p. m., paater. Rev. L.-W. are alike free to all. way at the door to A cordial invitation 'conducted by the Crawford Vjflw Polite ether al- welcome visitors, is ei tended to all perone to worship with the ruurega- ption. Baptist Church Rev. Theo. Whit field, pastor. Services at 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. Sunday school at 3 p. m. Seals free and the public oordtally in? rited to attend. , glider Eugene Scott. AdventiBt, will preach today at Mechanic llall at 11 o'clock a. m. and 7 p. m. Prayer meet- inB Wednesday nicht at 7 o'clock. The public are invited to attend all these services Y. M. C. A. At their rooms on Mid dle street at 5 p tc. T. (J. llancuck, leadei . Cl. Polk Explains The Two ( uuitii- " Uoua. In the Ubt itue of the J'rufressii Farmer Col. IVlk explains the call of the two farmers' conventions at Ral eigh. After aburing us that there ib no conflict among the farmers, he ex plains the situation. We copy the ar ticle in full, as it oontaina good sense: ' J0'0 thett, however, requires u plain statement ut facts, in answer to the qneaiiou, '"What Qoes U meau ' im dovbUaae the. sitnation has suggeoted the qeeetlon to thousands of others ttiftugbout the State. The matter has beer) discussed with earnest interest, through pri vat e correspondence, through this and other paper, and hi farmers' club and farmer . meetinga. for months. In August last, the Forsyth Farmers' club, composed of ten sub- cltibs. ied an addres to the farmers of the State, strongly urging a farmers' convention. In November, the club, in response to what evidently appeared to be the seotimewt of the far soar of the State, adopted reeotutiona, lugxeeiatig irtMH ooaveotioB or tbe farmers or tbe State, on the 19th inst., at Oreenaboro. In response to this suggestion, resolu tions were adoted by clabeanA an near- ous letter were received from promi nent farmer in all section of theSca, all endorsing the convention, but show ing a decided preference for Raleich a tbe place at wkiob ft should be held. Before the time that the place and date (Raleigh, the 88th) waa Anally decided upon, a notice from Uov. Hcaie, a ex oflieio ohairman of the board of agricul- Uie, wa mailed to ail the paper of the State, announcing that the board "ttad set apart the night of the 18thi for uMat meeting of the farmer with the hoard at Raleigh, "for the discus sion of. tovio appertain in ST to tha ma terial Interests ol the nute. we were fortunate in having changed the date a veB as the place of meeting , ino it AI III aln It erideol tuat tfcoae Who-at tended the meeting of the board in Raleigh on the 18th, oould not possibly have attended the convention at Greens bora on , the. 19th, nor was it contem plated t the hoard, so far a oould be judged ty the notice published, that tbe meeting was to aaeum the propor tions of a convention, for it "set apart" only dbs Bight for the "Joint meeting. ' and that was fixed on the 18th fie night btfort the proposed convention at Greensboro. la the addres of tha Forsyth eounty Farmers' Club, quite a numbex of very important matter were suggested . as proper subject fov cvxMtder attop try "ft Convention, and: whit II wkuloV ot probably, eooaujms several dayev Or of these Blatters was to consider B plan prominent maltf r, was to perfect a plan of permanent organitation, so as to se cure en anneal oonventioa of tbe farm' ertof. the State; besides there"' are e number of other and equally im porta at matters which will engage the attention of tbe convention. , fresurnaUJy, many of these matter oould not be eansidered in a meeting- called by the) keard. It oertainly - cow Id not btddeV ia one night, nor in a dsy. f i . ine farmer wancskiarmer' conven tion, pure and rbnita,' It was a matter of publio knowledge, that the farmer were actively organizing it was well known that the matter of a convention was being earnestly :fifUVt flJ and if the timo4la axjeUaa td extend: be yond one Big hV S)ex4iMie not beea infonaed of lb-it waa an'Mufrarw viaar Sepirture for tbe board to. call aljoL meeting to cooler with tne rartnei ' wa well known to the board, at V f time it issued it emit forons at oq tbe 18th, that tbe convention at Greenabore on the lftia-aad heeeKeer geeted, and yet thie movement origi nated by tbess, farmer ' orgamsationw received bo recognition at the hands of the oard.iIt woold eeem that the board might, at least, have Conferred with the farmers with the .Tie w of se curing united action,. If it were deira Ma.'. ----- -- -J v - - 7. :. Ws trust that it may have a flirt and profitable meeting, and that It wflMe titnte some reform, eepaciaUr in the department r agriculture, rnd. aaob reformd1 uArin meet the 'heartr en dorsement of the farmer ef tbe gtat. Our reader, and tbe thnuaand ef fanners throughout tbe Slate Who have honored uarwitU thfe yteaet'wlll beam witness tha we bave noViB- dulged iri barrh 6r H6juV criticism of the department of Agriculture, nor will we in n tow. Indeed Ivfe caooot re ftaln fiuui cc imitating the depart- Conventions. We wefl remember that three yaara age, the facsusr sought to make eooae chaBges ta the aepertsBent cne ox tha moat lABSrtant was. that the board should eaU as. a&Bual Joiat oo&venuon of taw fraer, and tney were ought day amd (tight, for week and. week. y messharsef th beard and offieer ef- the department. It I bat itwt to the board te sar, however, that but three, of its prissat anamhers were erreyed in that figaa&st the f armeri.; Mow It the agitation of a Farmers Cosve&tioa. shaiL (eault.sa giving tts f wo eewvatio, -where we failed to get one before, It is certainty progress ia that direct too. We say it is a most hopef nl aiga aad we trust that the very earnest effort put forth by the board to secure a large attendaaee and disticguiiMted speakers will result in some good. Meantime, there are many good men al over the State who are tooking for ward with interest to the eoBTeatien on the 26th. They expect and they de mand that tbia convention will, a far a possible, represent the view and in lereau of the great mass of farmer throughout the State. And we hazard nothing in saying that this will be done ceeloualy aud faithfully. The men who will meet in Raleigh on the 86tk will com e from the fields, ant) they will come profoundly impressed with the terrible and deplorable condition of the agricultural interest of our people, and they will seek relief and remedy in a spirit of earnest, honest, large-hearted p;ilotIbm. Lift ef Letters in the Poetofllce Itotnainiug at New Jan. Uarne, Craven 23 J. 1886. county N. C, W. F. Hemming. Willie Gibson, Uts Haywood, H. C. Ilaraaon, Dr. T-N-Jackson, J. M Keel, Mrs. Margaret Allen o. o. John Randall, C. U. Stewart, Col. James White, Capt. Charles Nich ols, cchr. TillieOtuse. Persons calling for above letters, will say advert iaed, and give date of list. M. Manly, P. M. Hard on Craven. EuiToH Journal: It Is hard upon our poor down-trodden Graven coanty when a few of bar eitisen of no per sonal or political lnfloence should so a iarepreeent to th Legislature our present state of political affairs as to array th whole strength of the present aaatiasBirauoB agauiai nar peat mar- Democrat. O' of Daltimors's fore moot Commis- Merehaou. Mr. W. Edwin Chip (of Ceifchaee Bros.) writaaA few days since I sprained my left foot, tee pala was so severe that I oould hardly walk at alL I aaw your Salva tion Oil advert bed, so determined to give It a square trial. A few applica tions relieved me entirely and my foot is now as strong as ever. For the relief end cure of sprains and inflammation I regard it as a preparation of great diet it. The Threatened War in Xurope. Brussels, Jan. 20. A meeting of generals was held at the ministry of Iwar yesterd .y to discuss tbe subject of tbe moboliz non of the army. All ex pressed tbe opinion that war on the Belgian frot, tiers is inevitable, and that hostilities ki1 probably begin in May or June. LYONS, Jan. 20. The men Sydney and Wolitz, arrested here as German spies, have been in this city about ten days. They mingled with the soldiers, ?nd after they had become somewhaj ntimate with them they offered one 800 francs for his rifle. The soldier pre tended to accept the offer, and imme diately arranged for the arrest of the epies, which was effected without diffi culty. Berlin, Jan. 20. Attention has been drawn to the fact that the French gov ernment are buying large quantities of timber in Alsace-Lorraine, with the ap parent purpose of building wooden bar racks at ariou poiat along th iron tier. ' ! : . ' v "Time is money." If you have a bad cold, don't mope around and half do your work. Get a bottle of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup; take a dose at Bight and get up the next morning cured. The Glenbelg-h Irictions. Dublin, Jan. 20. Several eviction were made at Glentieigh! eoonfy Kerry, today. The tenant did not offer any resistancev-aae dwelling wer not torn down. Manrtce Merpby, one of the tenant evicted at Glenboigh. owns 87 oows and 600 in cash. Thi is not typical case, although it I believed thai all are able to pay their rente., A re porter at Glenbeigh aayt: "Th people here are better clothed than many in the south of Ireland. ; The land, though poor, ia better than on most estates. The books show that rent has been greatly redsoed."-. . . v . i Agent Roe says that there were arreer ef lXT lit May; 18tt, whioh e hoe Inaalv triod In nhtain. offarine to cancel iUfilt, and lemetrdbgonly half of last vear" rent. Father QaDter wrote to Gen. Bailer that he tsndertobk 44 keyei the tenanto earry thie eei.l - end some paid Father Heniras - ting 'an" example. Eater h ,wrou to Colonel Turner: 'The tenants have broken their promises, aad I shall haye nothing Moryoyia wift - t ' rr .-AmeiaRthwe. 'fsvp 1 Sir month ago we bed hdemuijl Tor B. S. B.. hut bow ear retail demand is such that we are tweed to wy m KTOsslota. WeatsriboiUeraUant enormous daaaaad to th eemparatrve size end price of B. B. B. (being large bottles for f 1) and It positive merit. It fells well and gives our customer en tire satisfaction. Our tale have' ifl dreased 800, per centVUhln. few TnTK CEMB1L AS8S1KBLT. Speeial to the Jocbnal. Ralbob, N. C, Jo, 23,1887. .' In the Senate today a bill waa intro daced to regulate freight charges by makins; it unlaw f el for railway com panies to charge more for short hauls than for long haul, the penally beipg 6200 for each offence. Aaother btU in troduced wa to prevent chattel mort gage! being given on growing crops. Bill to increase salaries of Supreme Court Justice was set as special order for February 2, and bill to provide fcr appeal from decision of county com mirionn was made special order for next Wednesday. Sesaien of Bouse wa dull. Among resolutions introduced was one request Bag our Senators and Representatives in Congress to use every effort to secure appropriations for completion of iev pveveatentof Beaufort harbor and of the New Berne and Beau fort, canal. Bill to amend charter of South Atlantic and Norlhweetecn railway passed nasi rad hog; resolution wa adopted raising facial joint committee to consider all bills relative to railway commission and kindred subjects. Bill to crtjate such commission was set as ppecial order for next Thursday. NSWS NOTE J. Tbe caae of the United HuUu against Calhoun and Bailey, changed with Ue passlng on publio land in St. Tammany parish, which is considered a lest caae in the 'pine land cases," ms duculed La favor of the plaintiff In New Orleans Wednesday. As attentat to rob a train on the Ctii cago and Alton Railroad was made Wedneeday night, sear Independence, Mo., by robbers, who fired en the con ductor and srakemao, but jumped from the train and escaped without securing any plunder. trailer 8. Bill, a custom inspector in New York, was recently convicted on a charge of having allowed goods to be taken from bonded warehouse without payment of duties. It is reported he has forfeited Uuj bail and tied to Can ada. It is authoratively stated that Ihe Cincinnati, IndianepoHs, Ht. 1uih and Chicago, better known a the "Dig Four" Railroad, ie about to mute a direct communication betuetu St. Louis and Cincinnati The trouble between lljetirund lulge of Masons of Connecticut aud 11 nam Lodge, of New Ilsxen, culminated yes terday in the deposing by the grind lodge of the three highest cHiccr in Hiram Lodge. William Herbert and J(tif H 1 ect- I Boj-ce, the crocu wndldaUa, repec ivrly, for State eraWsred Slate auditor C Deiaatf , wflre ayrwhtd to office yasterdai by?jo(e3t MUtph of the IIonSeeadAeoake f.w 'A' About WhiTnd red in Mecca Temple of ihe Nehies ol toe Mjttio Shrine left New Tork y eMerdsy fer pilgrimage, tojucliseoad They efill stop at Washington, today. A nre in rcmixy st-ve.- wart iwunc, in Augusta, G , hOT Thuredsy , de stroyed one compartment, containing from 800 to l.OOf I ales of eatttm The loss is from 3t,000 to 840.C 00 Mr. M. Greene, vice tealdfcl and geaeralmanageK. of ttXaVolu Hockiag .TVey andTo)edqeil desierfbj tamfrvr)jfj afcoitsit ene railway ape otrns -Mrs. Garfield aldlat aaifftter are in Thz BnilLVk in'dM WU f Hand. Chilblain. Qorajaa4 eisJakia EsubUosis. end esailivety oejee-wiiee o ae aey sweekred. n M gerenteed g ' vtrTerfft aatiBfa&tion,oc knoney. re funded. Price B5 aeate per bee. For aalshrB.lt. Duffy." 6ecl6 "tf Pleasant and profjtabls employment enralv awaitaTi kKNbrakeffcalesHan w win -wiJ iAAiJLi.Aar aw 6,1. 'rLJjI1ityf for the New Riverside Map of ta united states ana van an ana rjo torial Map of the World IS87 iaeued by the renowned Map Publishers, Band, McNeWtdrOe -! M I IWWTJB aVeetl Cbioairta'iAiMireed'arAi vjMDtym .'and1 OOvDtT ttSB afthe United Btate ana oanaaa, witn the greater portion of the Republio of Mexico; a fine representation of . Bar tholdie VLrherty A eslTtkteniag- thk World," and the dfrbions of Standard Railway Time," are shown on th face of the snap, v Oa th Material. asJhere separate eolered maps of the world, Erooe. Aam. North, Aater4osv :VjaHn Amerioe and MexieowAJea, eeetct ear frwvinge, diagram and statistical Ufclee. -ni'' iiv noji-jJtt4irwe" v I ' If Ten Wl a Oeed Article C03Q1ERCLLL. Joobwal Or no. Jan. tZ 1 1. M ' OOTTOW. Niw YoaK, Jan. 2. Fubues ckswd quiet and steady. Sale of 53,700 hales. January, 9 43 July, 9 9lJ February, H.i'J. August, 0.96 March. 9.53 September, 9.76 April, 9.64 October. 9 55 May, 974 November, 9 48 J one, 9 84 tteoember. . Spot steady; Middling 9-1-2 ; Low Middling 9; Good Ordinary 8 12. New Berne Market steady. Sales of 10 bales at 8 to 9. Bales for the week 146 bale against 230 same week last year. Middling 8 7-8; Low Middling 8 8 4; Good Ordinary 7 7 8. Domscsric uihiit Skkd ootton J8.00. OOTTOK SKCD 18. 50, TcRPCifTiK Hard, gl.OO; dip, 11.90. Tab 75c. all. 95. Oats 50c. in bulk." OORJ 45a52c. Rjcb oOfeftO. BxE8WAX--15t. per lb. Kcxr On foot, iic.to rk. OoClTTRX nAM10aU';C. car lb. " Lard 10c. per lb. Boos 20c. per dosen. Krrrb Pork 4a6c. per pound PEAirrjTB 500. per bushel. Foii 75e.aSl.00 per hundred. Onions S2.0Qa3.a5 per barrel. Fizld Pa8 65a70c. Hidrs Dry, 10c.; green 5t . Apples Mattamuekeet, 25a40c eye, UAQ. PraRS 75c a$ 1.25 per bushel. HONJtY 35c. per gal. Tallow 6c. per lb. Chbesb 14. ( illJ UhioxJen) Grows. 30a85c MraL 70c per buahal. Oath 50 i ts. per bushel. Ttr.'vips BOc. per bushel. Potatoes, Early Rose $2.75 perbll Wool lUal6o. per pound. Potato ks Bahamas, aoo. , yams 40c. Wist Indias, 50c, Harrison, b'tc. WrrOLESALH PRK'BM. Nxw Mbss Pork-$13 00 Hhotjldkr Mbat 7c C. H-'s. F. B's, B.'s and L kloub-aa 006.00. LaRU 7o. by the tierce. Nails Baais 10'b.82 5d Sugar Granulated. tic Oorm- liaiac. Salt 80a86o. per sack. MoLAflaee ANDSYRUrfl-90a45c Powdkb J6X)0. Shot Drop, 81.75, buck, J2 00. KER08EIT-9c. Notice. Mracra. K. B.AJ. A. Meadows arc authorised to make oon tracts for us on Farly Garden l'eus. Those desiring to plant fr us will Pall on them for further particulars. in2(ltrwn MOORH A: BRADY. Dwelling For Rent. A cr 'infoitnble UwelliDg House on Civ( n pireet between Uroad and I'ol K W. Apply tf W. M. WATSON, j.J2t Her. and Treus. Notice. Application will be made to tbe pres em session of the General Assembly for n amendment or section is of tbe I'hurUr nJ LhaC.il nt Nnv TUriLa mil for the better laying out of Cedar Grove Cemetery. F IT. JIF. A DOW S, jicVJl S0J Mayor. Apf licti()B hi imcDdmeiit of Ctarter. A4J plication will be made to the Gen eral Assembly of North t'sroliba, at its present seesion, to amend the charter of the Fire Department of the City of New Berne. J. K. WTL.LI9, j20 t.l CUef Engineer of Dep't. First-Class Buggies MADE AND KEPT CONSTAPTTLY ON HAND AT C. T. RANDOLPH'S CARRIAGE FACTORY, Broad St., Nrw Bkek, N. C. Those wishing to purchase wQl find it to their advantage to call and examine before pwrcneting eiaewnere. REP AIMING don at abort notice. Satisfaction guaranteed in work and prices. jl darn wit Wanted, l A few tabl hoarders. Termereasonr rahts. A pply to Mrs. H. F. BERRY, 13 2 w Oor. Johnston and Hancock st To Advertisers! Tor a check tot CO weVfffprUt a ten-llae nt la pae MlDta 1av of the advert laeia AJnertaaa avapapr. Ibis Is at tbarate tomytrae-naii oraeent a nne. for Ui!MediCefora 10a 1 rw m lawiTit Ob MUlien BLrruuuT I amfial -rhrf rive Hrr.Mow atooal WWrdS. Add'eaa, with oopr ot Adv and eaeoa. or asml M eaet for Book r ITS pact. (XP. ROWCU. COviaHprso bi., crw t wa; - - huik ovim. .rnllcffli-JPesjf; DISCOVERY at ma saiinmf rai-ww nvm nj. , rmwttifc. wtta epinteoe-ee af( lreetnr. tT iriBwr.Boil. W. W.AfTO jitdasi h. RMij, rw. Mnrom wood mxuni. SmalliYood SSIorcr GBNBRAL BA&DWARZ, "" TIKWARE, OLA8&WAJUt, WQODHXTWA UH, CMOCKMRY, SAsn. nodes, bunm,' GLASS, lAIirT8, OUS AUD ST0VS8, UNSURPASSED AS TO Middle tftroetj Keit lioil it Hotel Albert, NEW BERlf, . C, Wanted, SAW LOGS of J'lne. Ash. Cypress, tic HAIL HOAD CRO88 TIES of Will CJuk, K'li k tiak ;t'Uealuul Uuki Am f lew Aprljr to a h. w j uixxuia, , ,, Stonewall. i.C, H K AlK LJFT ft CO , New Haras, , V. Ol 1 ill: . 1. (1 njili-eu Mtwbk HAuy ft BLTK. Lumber Odd. aleruLajita, Mi Walnut I'Jact. .mils I'hlladelpMs, Pemia. LOOK HEEE! HOUSEKEEPERS. DINNKK SETS, FJ.j l'locee. Ti:A HKTb, aG 1'iectw. CUAMUliH iSETS, 10 12 Tieore. VI HE TOILKT SETO, AND A I TLL LINE OF IIOISK i r'K.VISIIl.NT, C.OOD, AT L.lI.ClJTLKirSe- 26 & 28 Middle Street, Ni:V 11LIKNU. N. G. . For Rent, Dwelling house with seven roams, etv Jletralf street. Ajuilv to Jldtf 6. T. WATSON.'' Pure Lime, We own thi only Lime Kiln in this city, uud oirrr l'ute Corximcroial Lime,1 for sale, free df sand. W 00 to W. W per ton, sacked. W. P. BURRUS k C0M Coniiiiib'u Morch'ts and Ufalu JJealers, Market Dock, lw NEW BEKNE. N. C. ' BARGAINS IN Met, Suonr Soap, Molasses ' And SjhiTil E. ?. iilLLtfOOB., ' mi':'iw At S F. TEISER, Wholes?Je aidlRetailGroceiv'). I1EQAU SXIiKET. , Nlrw Vatsx, Dwr. 13, 189e. ; NOTICE ' ' To Merchants, Trader, Keftperg 4, , , iiotew, lie&tanraQLg, au4 VtjtWu a. and others: ,, , . , ,j ,V(lBial il All persons now . eneaeesl aaf.aneiai;! trade, profession or buaineas in raveaa. f. . oonnty, Uzed under Schedule B'ot ni the Bfetetrue Law ot North 3aroIIna? , are aeraby notified, to oomeyt'oYwartf OM" and rasMw their Msenne WvilawlWI the 10th day,of ; Jannani, l;e1snnt a oce for the eneuing year camerJ pleei January Tt, 1887. And. aU pewon dot ., A sitiDg te engage In any bOtihee tbut , . also obtain a Issense. - ' ailTniiw Seotien dDeCehe keve A4 Of WSfr erjacUasfoUowsir i s uarrtir 10 san "Kvary person who shall practice any taaeevi 1 , 1 pr proreaalon or oae any rranrbtae taxed by vb l.w. of ;U1 111 CaTOTTTia. WlUvoni T,. 9tt pmiA the las aoAybeafseia llnssn aat 1 any JoaUoe of Peace of Uie ooant. raimaBnOTBva'amaBiieMefarfait4-Mr iW etbestauspaaaltfaotta im1twit.Wii eoeiitT In wMsh ti ha eMrrie 'ahaS I II J wa n rrroverea oerois ur ioitiA. or . Sheriff" 4 Crayen CountfTrtf, Jy Full sot of Teeth . ; . $iot3kl,w aad , fm r pu4 uin frc-i (r! Of Firo T ticxxt ssk yoor dJr for l.arr ii its ti. - t m to ts Tarmers' t " -via aaip. ' ocu onm 1 ' .Till.l .ffK. listChurch. ..' - novl6.1.1wtf Ti, I ment on this ti i partita, l.kh ws ' p fAnt as an inri irA! irn fit a crAtifvinff ; " ; ' ret rred. b. rimer, m.dI:. Sold H I'"w terte ly R. N.Du?j nil V. II. 1 ... Inw. - -