' - . .. , ,. , ..j-Wr,w . f i : 1 " 1 ""l " rmw r u'.i m ; ; " ' i " " 1 . . . . . NEW BERNE5 NiLCSWEDNESDAY. JANUARY 26, 1887. PBICE 5 CENTS 7-C Y r .- LDOA'E-NEWS. ' fmtmmi actmlatar iwimc. ' ' ' " aJeBnie.latitdaj 'Mr North, f t - lonfc-itade, TJP r Wast. ' Sob rises, 7J1 1 Jagte 4ey , ' ' Sea- KM, id f '47 BiMW. Hne rieus et:7a mr VIaiUs. Imnni Fresh Boasted Coffee, A Full Drew Coal for aele cheep Cost 825.00. Will Ue lis WO. At Fins Onslow Hams St ' . : C"." . jj 1-1 w BCMPHKXT ft HOWAlD'l. Jrm Ekckivkd. 11 Kits of Moantala Batter. Guaranteed to ba Fresh and Sweet. No. 1 Bee Bast Proof Oate. Henderson's "JRretoJ AU" Peas. White and Bed Clover. ... Early Boae Seed PoUtoee. 8. W. E. W. Bmaixwood. ja20dlw. Agency for TaosiHs & Co.'s Punch so. and llXs. rtnr cigara. Jan.18.-tf Wm. L. P almeb. A foil line of Wo, Harrowe and QUislM.'J X(ie4 to east Um times. YAO3Wifc1f -Tbe' Baltiiuore Dailr 5im can be furnished you the " . . ... . . J . K . . .. . swtn -oar i it is hwoi w"11" 4k?"!l ' - Noma Nunn. Fertilisers, Lime. Piaster, Clement, Glass, Paints, Varnish and Oil at low prices. Uko. Allen & Co. Hsve you all the printed stationery on hand that you need)1 If not, call at the Journal office and get epecial raUfc Xk No BileignvJfaIl'hst night - pa planting rage this wk. The rkMa eaoM(Me carryitgout losofietrjp. Among other freights the Shenamiouti took out yesterday 235 barrels of cUcus Hsssrs. O. II. Ouion and Wm Hullis tor, ezeeutors, offer valuable property for sale. See "ad." ThfUMUDK establishment is being pat in condition and will be ready for Che oyiters as soon as they arrive. "A rtbpte of excitement was occa- HipneApn Middle street yesterday by a cobbed jouth laying a cowhide vigor Pust on the ahguldeif of a colored boy who had "chunked'' him. wX3l2uhatld losportant and ex tensive industrial plant is being estab lished just above Long wharf by Mr. JaaM Boyle: J will oonsist of a saw efiijMaTjaiw.fcah and tllods, planing mill, etc. The mass convention of farmers as semble at Raleigh to-day. We trust Jfbelr deliberations will be harmonious and, productive of great good to the farmers'. -"We also hope they will not nTloWtbe convention to "slip from their itwaaaar Mevsaasnts. ,),The etindoaA brought in a large freight yeaterday morning. Her out ward freight consisted of clams, cotton, eggs,eto. l -' ' The steamer Stout left for Baltimore yesterday yrlh a full cargo of cotton, naval store, lumber, etc. TTkat aleamer Blanche for Hookerton thia morning; itth a cargo f merchan- The Qutler leaves this morning for Trenton with a full cargo of merchan- The) XW l EUtoA! with a cargo of fertulzera and merchandise. : ''The thirolino 'arrived ' from op Nense with a fall cag of ooUob. ) Paraaaal. - ' : Bet. Tf. J.Bs)tUt, 4ditor of the Methodist SdiuMe.'of 'Goldsboro, gave ad i pleasant call yesterday. He report (bat anaogela;.UTf:beei nade to 'improve the Advance which is already a Brst-class religious Journal. : P. H. Pelletier,, Esq., of the firm of 1 dtuon '& rtlUUa, made a trip to Tren ton yesterday oa professional business. ; Mers.J.,W,, Qrainger, pf, Klnston, and W. F. Kornegay, of 1 Goldsboro, wereln the city 'yesterday on beiineee la a case tefora. B'4.B-Bryaa,' Esqi, referee,, I"",u'J,",;:i.v Mecr; yt. L.'VAxendall and J, A. , Arthur, t,Xorehead. City,' left oa the Shenitr. lohh"-' for Edentoa ; yesterday. Tbey are In search of more fish. c -1 , llesara, . J. T. Lincoln and - Joseph Miller and Capt. 8c.ott Gibba, 'of Bay boro, left on the Shenandoah yesterday. - Mr. W. D. Bice, ipecial agent for the Lc-i ' n Asurancs Fire Co., represent ;edj 'acliyty Watson & Street, Is In thee r- ' V". .-'.- - - . Y, r jsn.Eeq., of Goldsboro, Wn V ciiy on professional business. I r. vK. Terry, of Stella, Car arrived yesterday. He j- ' i - - ttis morning to enter t tis ethool. . . . . o t ce, of Jones, is in the (m too Article 1 kc ) f ' reur dealer for - The ease of "57. F. Kornegay ft Co. aaUst the farmers' and Merchants' Steamboat Co, came up before H. R. Bryan Eq , referee, yesterday. ! The plaintiffs were represented by Jno. W. Bryan, Esq. , of Qoldsboro, and , Hon. F. II. BiBsinotts, of tKi eiy; 4 ha defendant corporation by M. DeW Stevenaon, Esq. ' Pending the examination ml witnesses the case was continued until this morn ing. IflatrUlratM BiMnmt4t4. At a meeting of the Democratic ex ecutive committee held at the cily hall yeeterdsy the following gentlemen were recommended tu suitable persons for . appointment as Ju&ticts of the Peace of Craven county by the General Assembly : No. 1 township Wm. II. EJlisuu aud R. W. Smith. No. itonnehip 8 W. Lullialu uud J. A. Ernul. No. 8 towiibhip J. W. Lane and It. A. Russell. No. 5 luwusbip II. K. Hordeu and W. P. Sunton. No. 6 township -'. A. Tuition, sr , and A. J. Cbesnut. No. 7 towuehip W. II Bray and Geo. L. Conners. No. 8 township Kuooh Wadnwonh and W. P. Richardson. No. 9 towubliip W. U. Lane aud A. P. Davis. The meeting was well attended , every township being represented. The gentlemen recommended aie worthy and capable and should be Hp- pointed by the Oeneral Assembly with out a dissenting voice. rir t uunell Proc dings New Berne, Jan. 24, 18H7. A tpcclal meeting was held this eve ning. Mayor Meadows in chair and Councilman Williams, Ilancock, Moore, Daniels and Crawford, present. The Mayor stated that the meeting was called to take action in regard to the proposed amendment to city char ter and special act in relation to Cedar Grove cemetery. City attorney Manly beiDg present. slated that it win desirable to amend section 10 of the Charter by tubstituting the word "or" for "and,"" and provide for imprisonment with or without labor, and also gave the draft of the art for the benefit of Cedar Grove cem etery. The amendment and the act were ratified by the board. On motion the city attorney was re quested to ascertain as soon as possible if there was any law empowering the eity council to open new streets, and if not to draw up an act and report to a special meeting. Minutes read and adopted. R. D. Hanoock, Clerk. Marine Disasters. Baeneqat, N. J., Jan. 24 The pilot boat Francis Perkins, No. 13, of New York, was sunk off Barnegat during the heavy gale this morning. The crew took to the yawls, two in number, and reached the shore near Seaside Park, but in attempting to land one boat was capsized and two pilots were drowned. The steamer Aries, Capt. Winslow Loveland, from Fall river, for Philadel phia, stranded about six miles north of Barnegat Inlet during the storm this morning. The crew, eossistiag et. 20 all told, were eared,' being landed in the breeohes buoy which was worked by the life saving crews of station Bos. 14 and 1ft. The vessel is comparatively light and it Is thought she can be eared, should the storm abate so that assistance can be bad from the shore. Disastrous lire at Beidsrille. Danville, Jan. 84. There was a dis astrous fire at Reidsville, N. C, yester day morning. The Piedmont hotel, Star warehouse and eight stores were destroyed. The entire lose is about S60,M0; insurance 821,000, divided among eighteen companies, no one of which loses more thaa $8,800. The principal loser is J. M. Harris, owner of the property. Hit Iocs is estimated at $27,000, and Insurance only 4,000. The fire originated in a barroom, and is sup posed to have been the work of an in cendiary. . - ADVICa TO HOTHJEH4. : Mrs. Wwstow'a, Sooth ura Steuf should always be used for children teething.: It soothes the child, softens the game, allays all pain, cares wind folio, end is the best remedy for diar hosa. .. Twenty-five cents a bottle, ; v 3, janS4 dtuthsat wly -: . i . . i - , t " ' " ' Wm tb Sectary Jterryr ' Washington, Jan. 88. It is rumored in society circles here that Secretary Bayard will, within, the year, ha mar ried to a young lady who belongs to one of the first families of Virginia. . Dia'l Eirtriwisl. t Ton cannot waste time in experi menting when your lungs are in dan ger. Consumption always seems, at first, only a eold.' Do not permit any dealer to impose upon you with some cheap imitation of Dr. King's New Dis covery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, but be sure you get the genuine. Because he can make more profit he mar tell yon be has something just as good, or just the same. Don't be de ceived, but insist upon getting Da, King's New Discovery, which is guar anteed to give relief in allTbroat, Lung and Cheft affections. Trial bottloa free eei TUB URMll. AsMMBLY. Special to the JOUSXAX. '- RaXJCTX, Jan. 3S. 1887 In the Senate today the principal bills introduced were; To prevent preferred creditor io awignment; bill to amend Code increasing the ' salaries of Judges of Superiot Court was taken up and f ufly debated it was finally tabled. . la House today petition fiom Ctaven county was presented asking ab&lition of stock law; among bills introduced, principal were to allow Washington county to levy special lax; to repeal law known as crop lien law; to promote cultivation of shell fish; to allow pen sions whose hut.L...nd e died of disease contracted io aeryice; to amend law in regard to dredging of oysters; to pro vide that in election oontesls all depo sitions thall be taken in counties where they occur; to establish normal college; to regulate freight charges and prevent discrimination thereon. The county government bill was dit-cut-sed iu the House today. Mr. Pritch ard offered a substitute for Pinnix's bill, which provides for the election of three inesead of rive commissioners. KOltKlUN NEWS. Cll A MliKbl.iiN TALKS UGl'lUT LJ.Y o HE CONCILIATION Imoon. Jan. 28. Mr. Joseph Cham heilain 10 a speech at Hawick jester day expressed tbe belief that fr. m what had passed at the conference of iaun al aud liberals a complete agree uitul with the liberal leaders might he attained. He asked tbe liberals to await with hope and confidence the result tf tbe further deliberations of the conference. The Right Hon. Henry Campbell-Ban nerman, liberal member of Parliament aud formerly chief secretary for Ire land, in a speech at Culross, on Balur day, said he believed that when bome rule was granted to Ireland Mr. Perneu would be tbe conservative leader In tbe Irish Parliament, supported by tbe gov ernment and the landlords, while Par- nell's present adjutants would lead the Op(M lllOU. Mr. Thomas Power O'Connor, speak ing at Whitehaven on Saturday, said that Oen. Buller and Mr. Plunkett be came moonlighters soon after witness ing the condition of the Irish peasants. He denied that Ireland desired separa tion. Mr. John O 'Conner, member of Par liament, made a speech yesterday at Ballinalee, Longford. He 'produced a email potato raised InOweedore, whloh he promised to show in the House of Commons as a sample produot of the soil of that district. EXTREME DANGER OF WAR. London, Jan. 24. The Daily News professes to know that there is extreme danger of w:. r. It says the government is alarmed on account of its having heard that Germany is likely within a few days to ask France to explain the meaning of the French military move ments on the frontier. AN OFFER OF AMNESTY TO Z01ULLA. Madrid, Jan. 24. The government is willing to grant amnesty to Zorilla and other political exiles provided their friends can induce them to return to Spain. It is believed Zorilla will refuse to accept the government's offer. BITTEN BY A RABID FOX. Cork, Jan. 23. Lord Doneraile and bis coachman were bitten yesterday by a tame fox that had become rabid. They have gone to Paris to be treated by Pasteur. MANY LIVES LOST. Shanghai, January 23. The British Bteamer Nepaof, from London, collided with and sunk a Chinese transport. One hundred soldiers and several man darins were drowned. CARDINAL CaYEROT DEAD. Paris, Jan. 28. Cardinal Caverot, Archbishop of Lyons, is dead. He was born May 26. 1806, and made a cardinal March 12, 1877. DEATH OF SIR JOSEPH WBTrWOKTH. London, Jan. 24. Sir Joseph Whit- worth, the eminent engineer, died at Monte Carlo on Saturday. To Be Appointed. Washington, Jan. 23. It is thought that Allen W. Thurman, son of Ex Senator Thurman, will be appointed as one of the commissioners under the Interstate Commerce bill. Bkeklew's 'Arnica alv. Tux Best Salve, la tbe world for Cute, Bruises,' Sores, Ulcere, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, CbApjped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all. Skin Eruptions, and positively cures piles or no pay required." It is guaranteed to give perfect saiuf action, or seoney re funded. . Price) 89 cents per box.. For sale by R. N. Duffy. t i; deol6 It Lumberman Viaiting the Soatlu ; Knoiyille, . Tenn., Jan. 23. The lumber manufacturers and other eitl ens held a meeting last night and Ui' rited the Union Association of Lumber men to visit Kaoxville next week. About four hundred and fifty members of the Association from the Northwest era States are new making a tour of the Southern States. .- tK- 1 '"' " ""' '" -" It is reported that famine tares' sat northern Russia, 'hut it is a certainty that millions of colds will be bothering American people this winter. Against famine there is no protection, bnt for every coia mere is eootueoi ur. uuu s every cold there is a bottle of Dr. Bull's NEWS VOTE 3. Thomas A. Edison, the inventor, is slowly recovering, and expects to go to Florida soon. The brewers' strike at Detroit has at last been settled by the men conceding pretty much all the employers claimed. Bev. Dr. Arthur Swaaey. the venera ble ex-pastor of the Third Presbyterian Church of Chicago, died Saturday from apoplexy. Cotton abed No. 4, at Memphis, was burned Sunday, together with 6.600 bales of cotton. Loss, about $AX).000. fully insured. Scott E. Sherwood, a New York law i yer, was arrested rriday night for swindling an aged couple nauied John son out of nearly 815.000. Dr. William Greenleaf Elliuit, prei dent of W abb in g ton I'nivensity , Bt Louis, died at Pass Christian, Miss . yesterday, aged 75 years. A cablegram from Londun suae that the steamship Nuttono had been aban doned at sea, and that the crew bad been saved and landed at Liverpool. It is thought that Allen W. Thurman, son of ex Senator Thurman, will be ap pointed aa one of the comaiiMionert. uuder the Inter Htate corumerce bill. A portion of New Meiino is sulferiii from a severe drought, no rain baviuK fallen since September. The ranges are dry ing up, and no grans if grow ing. Rev. John Patterson, of Cambridge, DaDe county, Wis , who cut his throat with suicidal intent a week age, died Saturday. He w an iiikuuu hf n lie committed the act. The shot tower of the Cult .Shot and Lead Company, New Orleans, was de stroyed by fire Saturday. Loes 640.000, Insurance 815,000. The fire was caused by an electric light wire. Mr. W. H. Firth, general enulbwti trn passenger agent of the lturlinton system, has r signed, and Mr. 11 C 1 irr will assume charge of tho iiaseener business at Kansas City. A serious whooping-ccugh epidemic prevails at Hookset, N. n , nearly every family having one or more cases. Two deaths haye occurred. The public schools have all been ordered closed. It is stated that the operating depart ments of the Richmond and West Point Terminal Company will be removed from Richmond, Va. , at an early day. The office of the President will bo in New York. Tbe trial of the suit of the Marchion ess of (jueensbury against hr husband for absolute divorce on tbe ground of adultery and abandonment, ended yes terday in a verdiot grafting the petition of the plaintiff. Seven persons escaptd from thu jail at Scott boro, Ala., lat-t Friday night by cutting a bar if iron fnm a ctll door and jumping from a window. Four were murdererw uml tin- oilier three were robbers. Amity Local Assembly N.. (i i of Philadelphia, which surrender! ice charter as an organization of the Knigbts of Labor last Thursday, formed itself into the Journeymen linrbrrs' Protective Union yet-terday. Daring last week there weie 1 cases of small-pox in New York with? deaths, against 6 eases and 1 death the n 1 ek be fore; 128 cases of diphtheria i.nd 49 deaths, against 111 cases and 41 deaths tbe week previous. Diphtheria and small-pox are on an increase. Fatal Explosion. PrrrsBCKa. Jan. 24. The explosion of a boiler occurred at Spang i. Com pany s iron works, at Etnaborough, near this city, about 5 o'clock this morn ing. The mill was badly wrecked and one man, named Patterson, instantly killed, and a numbcrof others tsei lousiy injured. A fieacmi Preposition. We are credibly Informed that the Blood Balm Cow Atlanta Ja., propose to cure any Of the following 60 ds plaints for one-third tbe money ana to e -half tbe time required by any xnown Tam ed y oa earth. The- diseases ambraoe all forms of scroTuia ana eoroHioos ul cers and tumors, all stages of blood poisoav rheumatism, catarrh, skinrais eases and IbamoiJ, kidney affections, chronic fees tie. comnlaints. eczema, etc. Send totem for a book filled with tbe most wonderful oases on record, mailed free to anyaddreas. Sold la New Ban by B. N. Duffy and E. H. Meadows. u To Play Tofethait Boston. Jaau f8.Lawfeafca Barrett says that Ms. Booth-amr ha will play together 88 ' whtet)rrtethout- the country next soasoo. ' ae'e Mrn.L' 'WJoeieor. aflloMCave. Kv.. ears ae was. for aTyaj, badly afflicted with rhhJwo aM Diabetes; the pains were almoet unendurable and would toBBetivtes a'"w t tfs htm into coBvalsiois. I triid 1 1 "rie Bitters and rot re'lef , fwtn f- boJe, and after taking six bottles was entirely cured and had gained tat f ph eighteen counds. ' cays be pof.ilve'y believes be would have died, bad - it not bea for tbe relief afforded BTE.tno Fifters. inoia Hwij .vtim nviw uj u. Bold at fifty cent! a bottle byB. N COMMERCIAL. Journal Omoi Jan 23 I P. M OOTTON. Siw Yoke, Jan. 25 Futuies closed quiet and steady. Sales of bl. 500 bales. January, 040 Jaly, August, September , October. November, 9J9 9.M 9.76 9 56 9 4 February , March. April, May, June. 9 40 9 50 9 60 9.70 9.60 .December Spots quiet; Middling 9 12. Middling 9, Good Ordinary B 12 Low New Berne Market steady. Salts of 57 bales 8 1 4 to 9. Middling 8 7-8; Low Middling s 3 4 : Good. Ordinary 7 7 8. oensiric laaimirr. SXKD OUTTON 8 00. Cotton Saso 88. 50. TckPtNTIMB Hard g 1 .00 dip, 11.90. TA.a-75c.a8l. 25. Oats 50c. in bulk Corn 45a52c. Bicb o060. bxaawAX. 15c. per lb Baxr On foot, 3c. to 6c. CoCNTKY ILiUi-1012c;. t.r ib. Laud 10c. oer lb. Boas 20 j. per dozen. KttJttjH Pobk 4attc. per pound PBANOT8 50c. per bushel. Fodikb 75c. all. 00 perhundreJ Onions 82. 00a2. 25 per barrel. FlKLD PKA8-66a70c. niDXS Dry , 10c. ; treMn 5( . AhPLKS Mattamusket-t. 25a40c es, Sf 1 . 10. FKAKS-75C u81.SJ6 per bushel HuNKV cifij. per gal. Tallow 5c per lb. Chkesk 14 Ohiceens irown. 80a3Rc 0'Sc. MxaL-70c ir bushel. OaTS 50 els. per bushel. TuKNiHJ-50c. per bushel. I'otaToks, Early Rose 82 " , ;..d- rin I 1 Wool. loaloo. per pound. Potato as Bahamas. 80c. ; yams, 41 r West lndios, 50c.; Harrison. 65c. Bulnouw West India, dull and n ir lual.not wanted. Building. & in el hearts. 83.00; saps, 1.50 ter M WUOLEBALH PHK'Kt, Nxw Mens PouK-8lJ00. Hllot'I.DHH MeAT 7c. C. R. s, F. B's, B. "s and 1. C -7 . . Fluub-IJ.00b6.00. LaH1- 7Jc. by the tierce. N All-Basis 10 's, 82 50. BuaAB Granulated, 6c CorrKK llal2c. Halt 80a85c. ier sack. MoLAB&aa ANDMrBure 20a45o Howdjsk 86 00. BHOT Drop. 81.75, bu k, 82 00 RaaosKNa 9c. Dr. G. L. Shackelford, Surgeon Dentist, INow Hcrno, !'. C. Oftice on Middle street, opposite Bap tist rhurch. dw VALUABLE REAL E8TATE A XT) BANK STOCK. On Monday, Feb'y 14th, 1887, Immediately npon the fvljoum inf nt of the Superior I'ouil. we will t'i.M unrl ell to Uie hlHhrjHl bid tier, fur ( ash, liie fullowliiK prpei ly, to wll: J lit lot on the coriier of Nufe and WMcalf streeU, cuiuiuoiily kuu n as the iUibeilst proptrt. One liulf Intei ?tt tn Uio store on corner oi I'ollnk and ( iiven atreeU, former ly kiiown ati (he Mcljean building. 11 hhan aoi NhIIoiibI Rank Hlock. 5 but) i en o( N, A 1 '. H Hte4amtKal Htork. Wm. U(tI,LlHTKK, O. 11. Cil low. Jllll.'li II h 1 t'CUl OI si. Notice. Messrs. E.H.&J. A. Meadows are authorized to make contracts for us on Early Garden Peas. Tnose desiring to plant for us will call on them for further particulars. janMdtfwlt MOORE BRADY. Dwelling For Rent. A comfortable Dwelling House on Crav n street, bttween Broad and Pol lock. Apply to W. M. WATSON, j23 2t 8ec. and Trees. First-Glass Buggies MADE AND KEPT CONSTANTLY ON HAND AT C. T. RANDOLPH'S CARRIAGE FACTORY, Bboad St., New Bkkitb, N. O. Those wishing to purchase will find it to their advantage to oall and ekamine before purchasing elsewhere. KErAUuau done at anon aotice. Satisfaction guaranteed in work aad prices. jal9 dSra wit Wanted, SAW LOOS ef rine, Aaa, CjrprMs, eto, RAIL ROAD CROSS TIES of Whits Oak. Bock Oak Cheataot Oak). Also a few Heart Cfpiees. 'i Appryea ... A. B. HITCOMB. , Stonewall, H, p. '. . RAjxjLrrr co., J '-" '-Xewsnie,viCL ' OreaQeneraddresa i t;-i -. .. ' n- .JUeTABLTaV aaa.Marsbaara. t - , . , , r .4 U . r - ?- au Walnnt Place. SmalliYCod S SI:icr DEALERS IN QKSERAL HARDWARE . TINWARE, GLASSWARXy WOODLSWARE, CROCKERY, SASH, DOOMS, BLINDS, a lass, paints, oas ASD STfXS, UNSURPASSED AS TO . PRICE AND QUALITY. Middle SUu t, Jlet Peer to Hot, l VlUert,' ' i NEW BERNE. N.C Notice. A pplication will be made to the pres ent seeeion f the General Assembly for an amendment of section 19 of the Charter of the City of New Berne. And for the belter lay Lug out ol Cedar Grove Cemetery. K M. MEADOWS, j .ii. 2; ui Mayor. Wanted, A fe thl.le boarders. Terras reaaen- able A j'plv to ' Mug M. F. BERBY, la.' a Cor. Johnston and Hancock eta. lp; liciticD fir Amecdmeot of Ckrler. Application will be made toihele- eral Assembly of .North Cnrolia,a V present session, to amend the charter of the r'irv Department of th Ofty Of VeW 1,e,Iie- ni... .I K. WILLIS, j-'u Ktd Chief Kngineer of Dept. LOOK HEEEI HOUSEKEEPERS. niNNh'K SKTS, 123 ru-ces. T1:a .SETS, 46 l'iect-a. Cll All UVAl SKTS, 10 & 11' Pieces. 1 'INK TOll.KT SKTH, ' AND A ' l'l'LIi LINE OK IIOI'SK I'TRNISHINO GOODS, AT L. II. CUTLER'S, 26 & 28 Middle Street, NKW HEItNE. N. C. Pure Lime. We own the only Lime Kiln in this cilj , and oiler Pure Comoaereial Lime for nule, free of sand. S5 tO to $6.00 per ton, backed. W. P. BURRUS & CO., Coniinih'n Merch'ta and Grain Dealers, Market Dock, dw NBW BERNE. N. C. BARGAINS IN Meat, Suo-ar Soap, Molasses ' And Bjmtf At S F. TEISEH, Wholesale aDdlRetail Grocery BROAD STREET. Land For SaleV-." In aooordanoe with a Jodeateat of tSwMA " perlor Court of tYaven county, Ivrtil teiUt labile Vendue, at the Conrt Honsedoorl 11 , Newbern. on MONDAY. KR.RRtlAUT in) ' at TWF.LVK o'clock. M.,the toUotrlaa iaa t, Lying on UttleSwlft Craek In saldeoant ' ilJoluliiK land of Jas.Toler, h mjmti i mo rw,r iauu anu ouiers.ooniainlnaapoui forty acie. and formerly the proewnro; Calvin Morila. .T.Zi-L. Term L'a.i,. " ' decs I r"'atnns , ROBERTS & Smertl Issirun ifctjr !ri! if'iim ! New Berne, N. Cj Only flrrt class Com'rejp nrs. Life asa Icd&sat touu.,' ToUl Capital oyer fortjMilUoBS,. Dollars. .Jqli ow H. ouion. .jriaaaaataae; v GUI0N ft TELLEntR A.ttornaysJ ai.tji aiv2! Booth raoar tl orn'oAaToaBonii1 . orrum PkwnT.BeTvlearIrlri., flUOl, rISlVVmvm """ aawlkr reaaial Ooart a Hew Berne, i . , . - OaeeT Uls arm wlU always be aV eidi.""1 lewt.t plae at UmMspaetflea Move ' Trentoa, Jonee eounly, Baturoav of eaw end every - , ui .vtTf i."Tr.3j BeaoJork Oartarat aoastw. Thm.. . week, s - - - - " - T" - t rf"vs i,rwiaTHi n-i,,..,,... Of I . oil s,ra at K. N. Da ffj 's A rwg store.

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