l -4 4 1 . VOIiVirNO. 282-. NEW BERNE. N. C., THURSDAY FEBRUARY 24t 1887. PRICE 5 CENTS ; V LOGAlvWS. aral U alalia llaut Ke w Berne, latitude.-.P f Korth. v .. - longitude, 77 V Wert. - Hna rises. 6.51 J Length of day P ' 3ua mu, 5:88 f It kfV? tfaatM. ooa ri;e si iM oi BUSINESS iLOCAS. ututknikeaiaUB C. E.'SLOVKR. : J.'Gbay Ekib, fiMpper Grain; Hsy, ieW &ipaft4fto a Specialty. 14 Jt 10 Roanoke Dock, Norfolk. Va. fab2 d2m - - Vow is ths tin if you wast to buy a firiat-elesa Piano or Organ, at a low pile. Old Piano and Organ taken in exchange at their full value. W han dle the celebrated Btieff, Guild and other Piano, toe Smith American Or gan. MEAjfcs k HAsy-armta. fel5 dSm Klneton, N. C. irrllirirt. '-- -r- a Glass. Paint. Varnish, sad Oil at low price. Sk toflW Agsnw Gtff jfKfc-&f s Punch 5o. and rOc Fine Cigar. Jan. l&-tf Wk. L- Pauiek. 4aft)ie,ffidM, hamiwi.nd iVr4tor, w price to rait the time. '.-.. G"P- Alleh & Co. Georg ret, j Wahiepw,e birthday broaghkUfibTUa I a rahry, sloppy spelt. Pa fni parJU ha been indi niUly poetpo fair weather today. Th'e ooLtractor, Jtfr. E. M. Paie, U paVniBg'fika work on Mr. 0. H. Guion'i new weUUg, on Midi atreet. The kleanieF3W7S will remain in our wat&l towing pnrpoie. She went do 0 rivet yteterday for a raft of amp.?;:;.,, ' . rinJT fijlattn Alpbeue W. Wood atl)tqnqffa county a few day ego alafCTfeXa ,oe which will be henrAiMAiV. 8. 3niwner W. W.Oarkia Saturday. , w - t ii inn ii 11 - What ttM H.e"rt.rm Tfce, JtfbJiBPl Beooler, after copying the jraci an$JOterver' ceenpliuitary nofWt1jf-.Criirff,7: "JLM thntthpltfMr. fi Observer ay of ynaurifr "lirkii very Une. but he wnt tKfjM49 man., railroadi and uT--'; goTernjaept wiehed to see Tto'BKOrdft Utpnbliahed at head WaWertf A4cT li 'cfportonitie of ftod Inf 05 what the railroad are after. Tate CUr4 Cra44 Bekeel. $&H Jtr J ttU city ha ow enrolled 804 pupil: It 1 pro creating finely and doing a good work, S.?ala9-aad e flMhe terfe Booth ending Feb. 18, bat ft b rather too long faorceotaB'Vbwidc, it would be inanwatingfbwkfewof onr readetf, a bat few ooloejl people In the city ub eerib for the Jocihal. We ere al ways ready to one our column for the a4TMManeniofdpatloa and rejoice to ae4nt f pMrlotf,' at leat, of the imlaH aiiiHianl ai on ritr are being properly trained fpr useful cititenship. tanaaw BleynM-..( The'rtvfef, of Ihe E. C. D. Line, left promptly ciimeyfaterday evening for Elizabeth CfWWraftrtl oWgbof lum ber !etamtv freth' fikh, egg, etc., for 'polnfirrfflr't.".,,' ; ; tUwsXT S, line, left for ite.elUnnU cargo of merchan- .: : ttff'ojr, poo ,Bfli,. with a ThoIWnfvK. !& Lino, leave for TrtfclOn ttrUrtilnt tth a foil cargo of rcrUUzeri 'tpA getiBral naerchandUe. '-; cl,:, ,T, g. U krHted froas Gail w Ferry, with . fall cargo of cotton; rattfrM'tkb toornieg with fen tunc. tinsm KV nt.' pi KvjJ i, Xh,, Jrpenw4-w Clyda, Line, trrtved lact night from Beltiaore, with ' cargo of mefchahe. V ' lr' I') h , 1 1 .41 1. 1.. 1 ' CinMM Cenrt ' Cfcnaaber. f x IT! F-nor." Jndre Bevmour, wa n- gaeS Vierday la hearing ihe oaie'of Bland ef alt. pfBalmfrpk fi A. B. fiprnlll and' EL &S Hampfon,' Wiaee of Bunch ft Bro. and .Bunch ft Co., ' uerchaaU of Plymouth. ' ' The cm terr hart about J)ne year gt u aaotlyk for the defend ant to tbow can why an attachment f or v nct:;;t ahonld ' net leiae and to appoir t a receiver., . At that hearing the motion to ahow Cue wai dimiaed and the u!gnee required to give bond for the faithful rfliction f th fundi oftb.tn.ffriiddv aui; Tie motion argued yesterday wa to et . - a 1' tmst upon the ground of fnu j. T. r '' i" wae TOlomlnon and cor rtiT f 1 1 ry the entire day in . the ml Lit. TLe i'.l"U.T were ably .r,.,tei tT Col. T. C. Puller of ' ) f -i D.Fruclen, , k. d L'a jot JJhn Git Ha cf f.' rr " h:r 1 f vr defendant, " l. TLB ru- ''1 a It te tour ,U to leirn , Pr. J, P, Bryan, Of Kinaton, wa in the city yesterday. Dempsey Wood, Esq., made a flying trip to the city on Tneaday night, 1 turning nxtmorning. He ay the fertilizer erase, from the beet informa tion he conkl get, wa not on the wane yet. Be wa looking after Burnt oyater shell lime, manufactured in this oitr, which he know to be what it k Bcommended. f . A. Koonce, Eeq. , of (jartertt, was in the city yeaterday and reports farm work moving on prett rapidly. Wm. Cleve, Esq., Mr. R. C. Cleve and Macon Bryan, Esq., of Vinoeboro, were in town yeterdy. IorUl la Farmers Tne article on our editorial page from the Atlanta Constitution about "Some Georgia Farmers," ehould be read by every farmer. Can we not find some one farmer in each neighborhood who will "mix a little brain with bit hands," and demonstrate to his neigh bor that the "intensive system" is the true way to make the farm pay ? A few weeks ago we announced a premium for those who would under take to introduce this system. We thought perhaps some of our enterpris ing business men would join us and help to get up a respectable premium list in ordtr to induce our farmers to begin the intensive plan of farming. But whether any one responds or not, eur list holds good just the time, and we here repeat it: To the farmer in each of the counties of Craven, Jones, Onslow, Lenoir, Pitt, Beaufort, Hyde, Pamlico, Carteret and Greene, who produces the largest ntt result on one acre in cotton, exclusive of commercial fertilizers, save kainit and acid phosphate, we will eend for one year the Weekly Jouhnal and Southern Cultivator; to the farmer in each of the above counties who pro duces the largest yield of corn on an acre of upland we will send for one year the Weekly Joiunai. and I'ro (jretnive Farmer, publiehed at Winston. The Proposed New Party. ClliCINHATl, O., Feb. 21. The Nation al committee of the Greenback party met this morning at the Burnet Bouse, with E. B. Gillette, of Ohio, in the chair, and a fair attendance of members and others. Mr. Schilling, of Wiscon sin, opened the discussion with a propo sition to declare the Greenback party dissolved at once, so a to unite nntram meled in the formation of the new party which is to be organized at the convention which meets tomorrow. This proposition was very generally op posed by all who spoke, not so much be cause of objection to its spirit, but to the form, it wa urged that tbi com mittee at this meeting has not the power to dissolve the party. It was also urged that if it had the clear power, it would not be good policy to exercise it until after the coming convention ha sub mitted it principle. These view pre-, vailed, and a committee wa appointed to report to this committee on the mat ter after the adjournment of the con-. vention 1 Hr. Henry George arrived today, and was eccorted to hi hotel by a delega tion from the Henry George Club. Be i in no way connected with the con vention which meets tomorrow noon. Among the prominent delegate new here are: Bon. Mr, Smith of Milwatk, Congressman elect; J. B. Clark of Maa- aohuaett; Cap. Allen, the senatorial candidate ia Indiana, uoi. uraadeuei Washington;B. W. Goodhue of Illinois; Col. Thompson and B. A. Gates of West Virginia; Bamnel Crocker of Kansas: J, B. Rankin, a prominent Knight of Labor fromTeia. , Tha nb-committee of the greenback national executive committee - has agreed npon resolution which will be presented to the full committee for ap proval. The resolution favor, merging he greenback party into the national industrial party provided the platform adopted by tha latter shall oontain nothing contrary to the principle of the greenbaok organisation, s. The greenbaokera will hold an influ ential position 1 la the ooming conven tion, a they have many delegate here. It ia intimated that the Henry George interest miy yet Ml represented is the eon vention, a there are? many of hi followers here, though none from New York ! There' may be a question raised as to theii t admission a Secretary Douc'sc claim that they were no in? eluded in the call. - : J ' : - At a meeting of tha committee of the Anti-monopoly League of Nsw fork tonight in was decided not to attend the conference of the greenback-labor men for the reason that it ia the purpose of the. manager of , that conference :to arrange for the nomination of presi dential candidate, which 1 contrary to the policy adopted by the anti-monopoly leagnetMa i -j'-i jo ' g;riid.w; v 1 ' ; Business Almost Staesavnt, . ' Londov. Febi "IT. Business hers to day ia almost wholly stagnant, .and. a feeling of feverish anxiety prevails gen erally. Interest is mainly centered ia the elections in Germany, and until th results are known, no improvement in holiness is expeotedi , Shippers wid merchant are doing absolutely nothing. 7 , e . jaawtker Ca..-- TT., ' : Cbaklottz, N. C, Jan. 0, 1885." The B. B. B. medicine has done snore rood for my kidney affection than, any Iererc i. It action is speedy, and it is a n t nio. - T. 0. Callahan.' t i in "ew Berne by R. N. Daffy and i.. U.1: endows,-.. !:?, r; ; , -. i t. : Jiui.-J !-'' - : ' - "" .. n.'-ii 1 -N'-v VXWB VOTZS, A bailiff named Msrpby was shot dead in Kilarny, Ireland), last Monday. Mis Ada Reheat, the popular asjarini, need to be school teacher is Bridf issrrt, Cons. 1 Six lives were lost ay Ose recent floods in Bnabaae, Qweeasland. The damage to property was enormous, The Public Printer eatianeta the of printing previously ordered by Con gress within the present year at $199, 856. During a heavy squall, Sunday, a fruit schooner was capsized on the St. John's river, Florida, and foar persons drowned. Hon. Jefferson Da via and family, ac companied by Dr. and Mrs. Emory, of SyracuseN. Y., are attending the New Orleans carnival. Mary Baker, the Indiana fasting girl, who fasted 109 days, and was thought to be dying, ia recovering, and Is now able to retain food. It is announced that the lion. James G. Blsine will deliver no asor speeches in publio until after his new book Is issued from the press. The health of Justice Woods, of the New York Supreme Court, is improving in Southern California, and be will not return to Washington until fall. Admiral Luce made an argument be fore the House Committee on Naval a jr..:.. : .. I M - . : ioranavaiwar-cuegeaiwosi4eianiWM.meaiberof the lute Arct.c expe At the weekly meeting ef and Labor Assembly in Chicago, Sun day, a boycott was ordered on all prison-made goods of any description. Revenue offioers seized the contents of the wholesale liquor houae of J. S. McCormick Si Co., Des Moines, Ia., Sunday, on charges of illicit 00m pound -i"K- At LitchKeld, ill., Saturday, Mrs. William Msxey was burned to death by the explosion of a lamp, and ber hus band was fatally burned in attempting to save her. In New York Judge Andrew granted a BUy until Saturday in the case of O'Neil, the convicted ex-alderman, who was to have been taken to Sing Sing Tuesday. Five mummies, supposed to be the re- maius 01 a family belonging to an ab original race, were recently fosnd in aj oave near Rapid City, Dakota. They will be lent to the Smithsonian) Insti tute. The Supreme Conti of Tennessee baa decided that all druggists ia that State are liable for the retail liquor dealers' tax. The derision was a test case which affejts otht'iH Altogether 500, 000 are involved. A stage which carried about $12,000 express mcury was attacked las weeki hile passicg through a canyon near Craetera, Mexico, by a band of high waymen. The passengers wsre armed to the teeth and a pitched battle with the robber took place. The latter war finally driven off and the stage went on. It used to be said of Pauline Lucca that if ever her singing voice tailed, she could still command admiration for her acting. Foreign newspaper now say that she will start on an extended tour this month through Germany, appearing in play only. But she can still sing, it appears, as she has agreed to appear in Italian opera at Bucharest on a com mand by the Queen. Col. Fred. Grant say hespsndssa hour a day taking down his mother's reminiscences of his father, a ad has filled 1,500 page with memoranda., . He ha also hi father' diary, and about 200 of the love letters written to Mm Grant daring their engagement very practical, he says, and forming "what is nndoubtedly the most exact M ac curate history of the Mexican war ever made. " Sixty Lives Lost. 8a Fbakcisco, February Jl. Aus tralian advioes by the steamer Zealand sr . . , . , . ,. , . . . . state mat sixty urea were loss ny tne recent flood in Brisbane, Queensland. The damage to property was enormooa, bat it cannot yet be estimated. BinM te Psart aa BNtsrtS a pjftv I know bt it man1 near Maxey. Ga. who for tea or twelve years was almost a solid sore from head to foot. For three year, his appearance heing so horribly repulsive, he refused to lei any. one aes him. Tbs disease, after eating his, flesh,, eocnntsnosd w his kail bones. He tried all doctor and medicine without benefit, and AO one thought he oould possibly reoover. At last he began using BvB. B., sad after unng tlx bottles M sore wcrw' au heated and ha waa a sownd . He looks iast liks a nsan who had been burned to death and then restored to life. The best men of, the eonnty know of the case, and several doctor and merchant have spokes of it s s most wonderful ease; ' .' " - - Druggist, Athe, GiT' Sold In Nw Bern hr ,R, N. Duly tad E. H. Meadow. FOREIGX 1EW8. casiada risaxsv rituPoeaL. LovKOji, Feb. 22.-rIa the Hones of Commons today Sir James Fergaaoa, parliamentary aecretary of the foreign offloe, declined to explain the tenor of the dispatch from the Canadian govern ment suggesting a moda vivendi for a settlement of the fisheries dispute with the United Bute.. He promised to pub lish the dispatch when the government deemed it expedient. RESDLT OF THS OKBilAS ELECTIONS.. Berlin, Feb. 22. Returns from 250 districts have been received, showing he election of IS conservative, 16 im perialists, 87 centrists, 88 national lib erals, 4 new Geraaan liberal, 6 social ists, 15 Alsatians and 4 Poles. In 42 district supplementary elections are necessary. A reliable government ma jority is assured. xlarr kuohter is the only new German liberal yet re-elected. Herr Windthorst has been re elected. The progressiats are demoralized. They have met with an unexpected defeat, and have already luet 17 eeata. Tbey have only gained one seat. The social ist hav lost seven and gained three. The total socialist vote ahows an in crease of 500,000. The national liberals have gained nearly as mscy seats ss ther hare loH. Herr Liebnecht is de feated. The returns continue to show national liberal victories all along the line. Of the fifty seats held by national liberals in the last Reichstag 20 bavepeen again won. Beeldes these 23 seats have bcn gained by the coalition of national lib erals and free sunaervativen. r HUM ASHl.NfciTO.N. Edition to Lady Franklin bay, appeared before the Senate committee on military affairs this afternoon to oppose the pen lag nomination of Capt. Greely tu be chief signal oftieer. She requested the oommittee to defer action on the nomination until Saturday, when she promised to submit certain documents in opposition to confirmation Aa adverse report waa today ordered by the Senate finance committee oa Senator Beok bill to provide for the retirement of United Slates legal tender and national bank notes of small de nominations, and the issue of coin cer tificates in place of outstanding eilver and gold certificates. Presidsnt of the Senate. WA.BB1NQTOH, Peb. 22. There is an impression abroad tonight that cithsr Senator Boar or Senator IngaUs will be selected to succeed Senator Sherman as President of the Senate. It is not known that sither is a candidate for the honor, and the impression has for a basis only the informal preliminary talk of this afternoon among Senators. In addition to their well-known stand ing and long experience both 'are ex pert parliamentarians.' It Is thought that the Senator selected will 111 the position no4 merely .4 using tbaxeoess. but during the entire session. Charged wtth If gleet. Tiffin, Ohio, Feb. TV The'Cofbner jury in the ess of the victims of the disaster On the Baltimore add Oh to railroad at Eepublio fast month, have found a verdict that the engine of the freight train was defective; that the company had willfully neglected to re pair ft; that engineer Kiier or tne rretgot was sober, but exnatreteo;, Bsvieg seen on a trip 19 hours and 50 miantes, with a green fireman ana woitutess rngrne. Mn Charles t ttttAsTl Jeweler, Bahii Baltimore, Ud., said: 1 nave been suffering excrutieslttlMtSBoauBed by spraining my left anal, ana ksv been unable to ob 4 4nydeofd-d r "-ar to walk righ ) I wa hdviaad .1 nd to try Sa "luh Oil, which 1 did, and to my as& aliment and delight after trying it 1 am able to use nyr. left foot and leg as wall as' JLteM Jt 14 n 't takshalf a asaW t4aeooo.wJeahit It also eatas my rheqmatic troubles, A Ksport g.tdraqni WASHiN(ydjrf kwi.'r'ie feoo Ccmmittso-'oa ' Hytay AaJr ha naaarhDooary edv-tofrejkr w4Ut favorable reoorasaeaaBxroa us bUl avoviding foa tbeaation I 4 it sppropraus xt sss y for a board at army y ei... i , U locate a gnav faotory, vest aH siava of guns, mortar,i, turrets, etc., ana pass material lor manniaoture. If the young inert who call to see their airls these lang vsmtor evening, do not wish to be met on the steps with the word. "Mise Laura issMsrwMka cold, and can't be seen," tbey would better keep it well (applied witn ur. Bull' OoaghByjap. t , . Q A Strang Poisoning Caste, VajtdaLIa. ni.. Feb.lll.s-ldia old son of Jackson Wren, residing in fha noftle-: XattfiCrVhlO0TJ. t teaded a spelling match the other night and while there took a bottle of writing fluid oat of hi desk and drank from 1. Ha died tha next morning from the effect of the poison oppesJned ia the Ink. .t'JOfi tetasMVtwiiWtrewtt. - ' "' Mm. Phoah1 ttedev.' rUron".'Clt 1 Co., Iowa, tells tbs following remark, able tory. the troth of which is vonched for hv tha resident of tha town! "I am ,-jL 094g eld,1 have been troubled with kidney complaint ajtyU jameneae ior many years; ooWd-'ast' dree myself without below i.Xfow I am free frem'all pain and aoreaeesknd am able, to do all T?7 cwn boose work. I' tv my thank ta iieotra eittevs rot nsvmg ra nswed my tmnb, ano removed coni- pieteiy ait oiseasos ana pain., iry a botUe, only 6O0. at Ik N, Daffy's drag COMMERCIAL. JouBJiAi, Qrnoe Feb. 23. I p. M oorras. Hsw Tost, Feb. 23-Noon.-Fuiuia weak. Sates of 89,100 bales. February, 9.45 August, March. 9 45 September, April, s.5t October. May, 9.13 November, June, 9.70 December. July, 9.78 January, 9.83 9.3 9.80 Spots quiet; Middling 9 1'-' Middling 9; Good Ordinary 8 1-2. Hew Berne Market steady. Sales of 10 bales, spun a basis of 8 7 for mid dling. Middling 0 7-8; Low Middling 8 3 4; Good Ordinary 7 7 8. onasrio baukkt Sato OOTTOH ?s 00. Oorroa Bxxo tlO 50. TtTaraaTora Hard, gi.Cw J fl 00. Taa 75o.a1.28. Oats 50c. in bulk. COEH 45a52c Rica 60a80. Baa wax 15o. per lb Bsxr Oa foot, c to 5c. Country Has& lOal'.'ic i.-r it Lard 10c. per lb. BOOS 10c per dosen. Vaaan Poaii 4ta4o. per pound PSAJrUTS OOo. per bushel. FODDSB 75c.a81.00 per hundred Osionb $2.00a2 85 per barrel FlILD Psas 85a70c. HID as Dry,' loc. ; green 6c. ATPLBB Mattamuskeet. 25a40c eys, 11.10. PkaRS 75c.a9l.B5 pr bushel Hon by 85c. per gal. Tallow so. pr lb. Cueksk 14 UHlOXXjr (Jrown S0aS5r. B0a5o. Mxal 70c per bushel. OaT 60 ote. per bushel. Tumors 50c. per bushel. POTATO, Early koaa 2 IS -r tSI Wool lOalfto. per pound. POTATO Bahamas. 39c. ; yaui,40c West India, 50c.; Liar noon 05c. 8HWOLXB Weat Indi,dull and n ui inal;not wasted. Building. 6 inch teirt- 83.09 ;saps,g 1.50 per M. WB0LS8ALS PSIOKH Nsw Mess Pous $14.00 Rhouldxk Meat 7c. C. K.'b, V. B', B.'s and L C Flock - 8a OOad.00. LlAm 7ic. by the tierce. Niil. Uaain 10'a.lU 7j. Huoak Granulated, 6c CorrKK lal7ic. Saw" 80a5c. per sack . Ho lasses ahd Hrsrw- 04 Vi FOWDKR D0. BaOT Drop. $1.75; buck, 2M KKOEN-9. Mortgage Sale. Pursuant to a power of sale contained in a mortgage executed to Paul Jonea, of the State of Georgia, by William Cul ligan, on ihe 5th day of AuguaL 164, and assigned to me on the 23d day of February. 18, I will aell a public auction, at the court house door, in tbs city of Newbern, at 12 o'clock m., on Saturday, March the 27th, 1887, the following real estate, Stloalad In the city of iwbera, on theooaner c West (trset and Scott alley, knew and dis tinguished in the plan of ihe cltv of Hewbern as Iota number 83 'and be, on West street. Terms of neU Caik . fe2i-dtd V. DCKFY. Koike. Sheriff's Ofttce. Cra vkn ( New Bisnb, Feb. 1, 1887. fU Schedule "B" Tax is now due. All rsons owing She same will please call and settle. U. HTIM.SON, fe23 13d Sherilf. Live Well on a Utile Uoney, BY BI Y IKO QKOClaiEU, HRY GOODS BOOTS. HH01C8. ETC.. AT W. 3F. Hill's Old Market Bite, NEW BERJfE X. C. Lodging nl len cenls a night for tbow b wtili to remain orer nlgbl In ISe ell, dwir flED LIGHT SALOOri, Ifear Market Dock, Middle St-, ' NEW BEB1TE, IT. C, 18 WBXKK IOU CAM ALWAVfl FIND . punE liquors f every variety, in large or amall quantities. Also the FLNESTCBADES or TOBACCO AJtTD CIGAHS. Allbf which will be o!d CHEAP F0H CA8H ! Jbns D. Dnrnss, Bal E. WHIfMAN, decSa dw Bcali Estata For Sale. :AUrga lnt stla naaiiiiniiiia TwH Img and tenant hows oa U, ka th eitr, tortale. Kioely sitaateat in goo4 V cality.' Terias vary easy.-., ,''..?-V E. W. gliLLIMB. CIO.CeTIt Smallirccd G Sister DEALERS UT j QESERAL HARDWARE, T1SWARE, GLASSWARE, WOODEMARE, CROCEERTy 6-167, DOORS, BUNDS. SJLASS, rAiwrs, oils' i AND 8TQVES, UNSL UPASSED AS TO PRICE ANDQUALIT7. Next iiUr. NEW BERNE. If. C. . . 1 l I EASTERN CAROLINA DlSPJOErV . j fl Vf The Fast Freight Line f Kt, lieiur. Etiiiru Nanh Carallua Palm.. aM lftrtolV aTUilBart. rl.ll,l, ),,,l. Rew Voik.Boilon, Kl, . ill Klltubtll! ni). f,r, ' "" " K I'.BIU AllK : tAiil.U'an.i VKSl'tli w li.f. . t Ml . . . tA,iH'nJ N KSl'fcll will fun nn rii. M,'iSl.'tX: w-l'Ntfl'AV ajiU SAlkAV SA .-1 X. I M lor Elii , :h ray, ui J reluru on I ha tulluwlug ila. , , ("lien.- i.uui.rm iu copnecllon WHO, Ute A!M.-N. I'.lin. Norfolk (iontliara R H or, flilla. Ld MorloJk h. aUaad ' lie rniiiij Ivaii'.n K II . form a rcllalile and lruiar liu onermK min-rior fatllhm for ,vafk iruiM.iLuou .No irariK en ncji Sl KllEahcili oty i hirli poll. 1 11. n: 1,1 i,r loadwl on ear to B UiriHUil. 1.. cl, ,'. ,, 1 iraol all K,m i,, i, i,ipi,i via Eaatern 1 .11011 1, iiit,au-i, ily us laiium-a fraau .Norfolk 1,, N h UK Hullo. l,y '. W. A " l: " i'i.i.'iii m Muiiou I'hila. irr '"" ii.'m U l; IK., nisi. Mlallou New oik by I fliu K. K flar Jt. NurUl kVr, I'luviilrnrr Hnd Hoion py ew Vor ami frw MlMllDri K R. P T" Hu- ii low auj uwe iiulcSn iiian try any ol her linn Au mldlllouitl Inial will I nut Sb'tbis' roiiu- ui raiiy nn piacllcalile, uu a aelwKlWa iirrargKd for four trlpt earh wntk Ol M. Mh.NliKitMON.'Asenl, ;' 1,311 llw .Ncline, h. C. Private Boarding House Mrs. J. M. IIINES, Jr., rroui M. Ai Imaae re cautly ac( H.l(l by JoLu 11, 111 II. It-mma furliiblieil. hfrkt-rliiaa Uoanl on Hejaoualjlt Trima lain d If Thurter's Goods a Spechlty AT E. B. HACKBURK'S. MY GOODS AliE Fresh aiid Well Selected, And I jiri lose to x ll CASH, thcro, fr th CHiiliJl MU IKY STORE ii UmXITI. HT A trial will convince you. Brexui St., brtwrcn HtmcucJc iffltl Middle. ft-bi Swit Take Notice! Our store is filled with Provisions, OroceriK, Gaanril Ooods, DryOoods, Crockery, Etc. We keep a full line of tbe f-elebrated Prison Boots and Shoes. ALSO C. S. Parsons 4 Sops Boots'" 1 1 " OM.il' aoid Shoes. ., ,. Every pair faction. warraoted to give Country merchants and the people generally are requested to call and ex amine our large stock before parch ing. We will give you low fig uree. We job Lorillard Snuff. ROBERTS I BRO., South Front it .. Aw Btnu, N.O. i Dr. G. L. Shackclfoxf; Surgeon DenlisJ, " rTr I3ernb, IV. 0-,7. Office on Middle stress, ostposMa Bap tist church. hi 4er mi BUILDING AND REPAIRIKQ Solioited by first -oiaat CWaentaa aaU 'r' Mason. Newbern of KinstonTM.'C. ' deeSwtr Mil' i-in ki niM OFFER FO tmA wotlfc . ' .'until il Immediate Orders, at their WeABaooes ts V .i ' ' .tl HKl d00 Toxis EkiaiiAitil'' it 1 '!' 100 i j , MtoeoaoSerw:

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