' PsHlsh-1 th City f kewYerk. WILLIAM DOnSHEIMER, EDITOR. lie. IIMUI U MUlf 1c An signt-page Newspaper, laaueoi ' A dwW Vtf . eriatareatlBg .FAMILY PAPER, t en,jLi Jw "L.e,r &el d Ifcrnletheheurefgokig .la nfrli'Tetlcai, II " HurnorousVna Editorlajl BeaartauBta, aU .nuter the, finettpa f ' amlaed iu he bu4 imMM.tM4 Musi Sum big mini le At IEUI Dp THE FHT ITJUI JMHB Ib af PwUriiwJnH i feil ii aa . PJWWIDHIiMfflinUV. ONI DOLLAR FOR ONI. YEAR. Ona efle to Ik esse F. 0. address, Vita kn aiwel awtaw aaBMnlua eTOnR a)1A AA -.. sweats u wiruMni kaad (Mr Circular. : Tiir nin v PTin "I 111. UHILI CrimnP ! tn dailt stu MBUiat iii ufc4rtr th lUf ia' a aKreeUf foav it apedal eorrtsneadeaa ay aabfcj tr frfV laenaneneVlbibBB, Al Wasiikigton, Albany, aa4w tua enaer,Ui Mart Mnamtaa, apeeiairy retained ay Ti Sua, tarmith thaini naa gaii - - la iivoiM j tuum an aasurpeawd. mil OF THI DAILT ITA TO WMCaiBEM. fraa f rwUtclalb CaaMSUica art Oaaade, eat a la baste e Mew TerkOUy. Ka.y, a n. it a. .lM, r IM Daily, wuaeul Sunday, sUauothi, . , 8 oo aMar, wake Dally, as rau, ... lt0 AarmTTXB STAB, -uaj ! tfWihwf n Park rlaei, New York. taiaii it 1 1 1 vi ,'i ' WEEK'S READING FREE ! mom &in cbctv families. M'i'jwtv tawd hr iiki)Andft(Sdresof Att jtw r u;Ul)boni or IrifixU on pocl&l tmra atul e fr' 'or ymirnelf ftud of ihrui a i,Mun'ii copy of ' ""ftVcREAT SOI f HERS WEEILY, The "Htlanifl ftitution," i "UNClf REMUS'S" Wor '"tFamaui tchi at Ui Plaa "TURCC I lativa Dirkay. 1 .S.l?.bfciM4 B0.tH'J- N An( Lai. WRITERS" ltwi"iaok!r" OWaet Vaania, Foa. Adrrnturea, "Tha Farm,'' ( rtaariallaia. CoraB:4anaa, . ,'1aak1a 'aa BatattalaaaaJ I - jre raraw.Tba.BriKlaw and ftaa) Waakly. fV" aavary tttember trfia f ntU r ( . MMtfk rsTAtrVot'aVuiMti; copy. Fin, aaVllifci TaaOuiajiiiiinoK. Atlanta. Oa. U'ifHT'aiil ,T'.;a.l.r If n ... . todi ttfttbar Maculae.1 . ' la'fiihaTf " Jt"K Haw Papaifta iHMmiof IhknI rr" V lei V ptauinf Short StaHea 28 ota. Praam taailMaaliVliSahalaa Sclaeli aaoS aSKSaVa" V ..pidiof tha Tlmei .J Ji ,VJ'UJ nUpaiTattaOeaai ACompkta NfwNotl aa SupcrLat.ra Merit 1 aaa bmta MliaVta U. " ' Oaai41aafii'a4.arfcAuwki, worth tram I;ao t til.aa aaawallf at aaa namiaal ium al 5 cantt acriaaAdi. SuUipuoo, 3 Jrty. fctof Irr jcaa rkb)nr)a Vnn Hodaaoa Bar- at. juliaa ruwtnarnc, mry v.. uuic, ci... rUaMriavaat ChT.afdrtbauyaMo?1 PPiiioa It 'ldatket ftfthUaJalphla ethaBUl I'd A- : ' ' 1 5r7ITHJLL1ISTRATI0N3. " . W f nil 'it 1 !! j -I ..! - J ( f. ..... .. Bcribner'i Mauruine will be ia tha widest Jimsi narssbX'r Afanenl --Trie. .. , - ;,1J.t... .. i.l liUrturft MVJiM .(lBiB"C wu,r fully lllufltrstea. nTTJlfl' j :i X v ; Borne p(, Ue;ioe.wWWil tpor. to , SppM1 durigJthj4w jHliwT s ries of Unpublished Letters of Thiek er y. off jefj , CT eAI elatobiogriliiliosl rslue ; ex-Minwtef oJ8.foB..- Wtek burne's ,Jieipii4cow-. fcf f the ; Bief and Coqwwiqe, ofi ftth; .GlUapse lue iiaxiua in uinvuwaiiuiuai Miskfcr to:Ffiu4Vttk tlotevof ihe lutfrcntnry.0(lin4f3 la!riptioMf ocial Jif? ? cmtafeai?a descr sr srb: ifef 3M New Eoffii &TVt7.,(5tT)wi-J)iH ttfi4? rlndln? a serial bT Harold Erederio: Dale c '.'j er. ; -and itbort ttries by! li. L. Stevenson, 'Jsl Ijandlc ll4r-j UTe Tlwo illai,! jPflyesejiJliu' Vrosby, and a hpftC,oUifi?ci V t pjpera ioS. be put1 -e jUenera ;( a. II.; trt'' Cc ' j'nlaa Cylia- Ctj-uin Greene's on nerw.i le pub - - "T;"") ,-fft a t ' .IMC trjj P! f Bureaus, Wardrobes. 4 a & Xennifes, Sofa, Centre Tables. Efc AT HOC K i -JOTTO M P K 1CF.S $T .'JOHN-SDTER;' L00K HERE! IHjO USE KEEPERS. DINNER SETS, 125 Pieces. TEi.:SET3, 46 Piece. CHAMBEB SETS, 10 & 12 Pieces. FINE TOILET SETS, AND A JtVhb LINE OF HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, AT piLCUTLERS, 26 & 28 Middle Street, NKW UKltNE. X. C. TIME TABLE, Atlantic &l N. C. Railroad TIME TABLE No. 2 In Eflaot 7:57 P.M.. Sunday, Nut. 7th, lb8fl. EAST I WEST. Wa. 1 I No. 60 Paasaugar I'aaacnKei ITaTIONH I A.rr. L't. j An L'? r m. r. a. a. a. m. t 4 Ouldiboro 11 1&I & H i 8S La Uraa 1 1" ' 1U 60 II Sit W,KintoB,... 8 4, Wl 8I S Now Hera 1 8 U HIS luau lilorrhead Ulty. .! ' f 11 r. m p u a h. a a Dally aaoapt Bundajr. EAST. No. 1 Ml sad Trt. a : laM. Train. WEST Blliao n at. a STATIONS ! faaa. Train ArrT'' Art. 8 'J t 11) 10 10 it 11 11 X7 11 64 II HI r. u. .... i A U. r. a 4 28 .1 48 8 18 8 44 8 02 1 41 1 18 18 48 18 I 11 M r. a. 7 W 8 07 8 86 8 C5 8 M 10 15 10 40 11 1.1 11 48 11 M r. a. OoldabalO,... Bail1. La Granra,- FalltacOrt Klnitoo, Uaawali Uovar . (loraOraak Toioarora Clark1! Mawbara, 8 63 8 88 8 4 8 8U 1 4 1 81 13 4 18 18 11 67 11 Al A. M. A. v Tneaday, Thuradaaud Halorday. f Mondagr, Wedne day and 17- Train MoonneeU with WllmlnarlOD A WaL don.Traia b-niid North, laavios tioldaboro il:Bd , m- aad wim ruonmooa a u oviiia Train Weal, leaving QoldaUiro 11:60 a..m. Traiati ooaoaoU with Btchraona A Daarlllr Trnia, arrlTinc at Ooldabcro 4:40 p.m .and, with Wlrmtncton and We Hon Train from tha North at 4:64 p.m. Train 8 connect with V . A W. Train bound Boutn. leaving Ooldaboro at 44 and 7:40 p.m., with W. A W. Train bound North, learlni Ooldaboro at 5:46 p.m., aad with K. A V Train leaving Ooldaboro at &O0 p.m. W. Dunn, Jo terta to d n t DR."' J. D. CLAEK DENTIST, RSWiiai. a. . OAee on Orr.Tn ilroat, aatwaan roibxA aad Broad , aor7-ldw)yi ROBERTS. & HENDERSOIT Bener&l Insnrwci irtnts, IV ew Home IN. J. OdIj first cla Companies repretien. ed in Fin. lift and Accident Insurance. Total,. Capital over Forty Million o Dollara. Jun2Ml JBJDIaitaW CITIIQGUE VekdVaWa. mrwar, JfKrtd OTChO PiHtiTi, Bulb. imnfem'ia. OCC UU CDrC W wH oa appHoatlon.. -r,na(a Kent neglect wrtLUJg for It HIRAM iSTBEY CO. ROCXESTtR, H.r. i CHICACO, ILL -or ,t'Vl4'rt aMWIt""' ... Ntic is, beteby gites that applica tion will be mad o the tveweat (ton eral Assembly for an act incorporating tha Washington Matnal Fire and Mar(ne Iflirrr'atCoinpanyi;'.t,ii-i:5' l' '. . Jaai,lOtmiiI Se'w 328 804 iTiTiTTi 8 irn i b TtTvrrn a mrt 8 W&at Better Can Bo Pona For RO R A C ADE II7-, t rbaFall ftion wlll 'cinaa Feb. 4, 1887, Snrinf aVaaion wlli opea Fee, T an4 floae 1 nit Ion f.75 to tlsio, an4 board OPpet grnmi. ' - i of'mii r''nrtedfroTi, time inf entraoca In r.,1 r p..mn. " tlariPtton f ion. tin ofprinmruJ l; rM of two f( k or n - : : ' for further lnrn(5at! rt1 fi. - V ' . - . i sis TIIErJOUBNAL. S?BLtSSE., FEB. U, 1897 Ohwtreavwbeta aiffen ejtne a inner, .i i V&S 1 Don't greet Ihu kt co'" Har-foinpaasioii oa tjaca aauorr HD- DoatioWwhelni benw)in erudite knowledge. : t t .r Loo 't ahy at them speechaa Piatonic , Or flood them-with Homeric verae; Let your epeeehea be far men lacwnic, And be fashioned is BUtaner sailed '"terae": '. ,;-? That unt the time to Quote UeCkene, But 'tis time to attend to thtetew; Joat tell them yom're reaated the ehiok- ena v Full aa well as their saotAras oould do. Goodall 9un. Talbot's Long Head. "The Lake Shore folks were aw fully glad when a certain man died op in Buffalo the other day," aAlfl a conductor. "The man's name wad Talbot. About twelve years ago Talbot saved a train from go ing into a washout near his farm, aud of eonrse the company felt very grateful. P. P. Wright, Superin tendent of the Baffalo division, eent lor him and loaded him with tuanke tor himself and the eompa ny. Talbot modestly deciiMd money present of 1600, bat sAKI taf didn't object when Wright pro posed making ont for him a pass good for the remainder of his life. While Wright was writing oat the pass Talbot inquired: " 'Say, Mr. Wright, have you any objections to making that read good foi me aud a friend! I may want to take a friend np to Cleve land with me Bonie time to see au uncle of mine.' " "Wright was so full of gratitude) that he couldn't object to any thing, and the man got his pass, good foe himself and friend, and it was afterwards sent on to headquarters and countersigned by the President and general passenger agent "Well, now, hat do VOH thinkt , For more than ten years that man Talbot has been riding constantly between Buffalo and Chicago, Buffalo and Cleveland, or Baffalo and Toledo, lit was never alone. He always had 'a friend' with him. The friend was usually some com mercial traveler. In short, Talbot has made railroad riding his regu lar business. He made arrange ments with various wholesale aad jobbing bouses to carry their men, and booked his engagements months ahead sometimes. When these failed he picked up stray passengers here and there. After paying his Bleeping ear and other expenses be had f6 or 8 a day left as clear profit, and oat of these profits be manage to amass a snug little fortune. He tried to nse his pass on the limited express, but the company wouldn't have it. Ia' fact, they wanted to refuse tou earry him altogether, but thefn lawyer eon eluded that the salt for damages would be too expensive. Talbot is dead now, though greatly to the regret ol several travelling salesmen." Chicago Herald. Symptom. A story is told of the late Arch bishop Trench, the well known writer, which shows bow active a part the imagination plays in deter, mining the state of our health AfW the eminent prelate suffered from breaking health, he was al ways accompanied, whether in hit rnral rambles, on the train, or even at formal dinner-parties, by bit daughter, who was constantly by bis side. The story here quoted was originally told in Dublin society. The last coarse had been served at a certain grand banquet when his Grace is stated to hare said to his daughter, with some slight agi tation, "My daughter. ' "Well." "I fear that I aa Lhreateceel with one of my bad attacks." "Why." , , . I have been pfnohinir my knee for the last fire minute, and I can not feel the slightest sensation." "Make your mind easy, your Grace," rejoined) , person on the other sideP v, -'t . ' -V" ': "Why oT" "It was my knee yon were pinch, ing all the timer Fooled the rrofeeeor. u 'Professor," said a etwdent in the natural science class, fi aaw some thing running down the street last evening that excited my curiosity. Upon examination I found It had no limbs, nor nor " v .That's - rery t, queer. 'Can ; yon describe It, that we may detrialae its family and Damef -'. !. "Oh, yes, sir, it was simply water from heaven that . : , . , ; f ?WeIl, young man, yon'II nerer tee the source of .that supply if yoa con tin us to practice . seen low pons npon yonr elders." w J - a This ended the Bitt lesson.T A v ! If Te TIa at Caed ArUtle Of :ri m Tcacco aak rotr dealer for aud lad. lauriiiatiftn. Jwanta eaa- nfiia, fctirt refereuera. feucsa tir Jia XvJ MaiJJBiii(.i 484. AUiaaaB-eiAw, 1 . U. BOX tWi, W .Box aiilnun,plL.Jtil8 It PTT?RTig;M bjlKfaraaaia A- RBWKU. CO.tlCrBproca fct., Sew York, tn ajood UliU. can obtain ail aaeded tn formation aboul ajir d ran art Una of Al- LVKSTiKXNO nv. Aaene awipaaca . . nr. OPIuliS aaaaanBBBaaBBBBTBaBaaU WhUahaJliii neb- tHdib- ooiisT.ai.1E ita. i. il. umga rjillfiai aaKaa. rfft 1 i -i . WEAK. UNDaTVaOOPEp ptb bodr aalar uiainwaMiaBadjru Lot wnt MTd7r.ERre MED O0 BTTfl LADIES wanteatocel4Tai fore Teaa and Coffee; AO' Clnba lor oar toet oi-uaafui arcieiea to aukwt lroa a nremlumi Bead Tor lUuatrataal Vmap and freliilaia . Virar t to every tcnui peraon that aaaewra thia edrertlaement. we will aend fraa one poua of choice Tea Addreaa NAT'L TEA ACOt'KEXUuT08l. Maaa. nottdwlm Wi ANTED A live, energetic ink, rep reeeul ua. 175 per mouih. and eiDFnaea- ttoodaelapiei aeiy euebll'g. eulfll anJ'pST tleular rree. MTAKPAKD eiLVEBWAEal CO. Bosro NOTICE TO Truckers, Merchants, and Others. 500 BARRELS OF GENT7INE (PROOF LAST YEAR) Early Rose Seed Potatoes. FOR SALE CHEAP! Do not bur, nor make any arrange ments before seeing Ferdinand Ulrich, NEW BEltNE, M, C. r. A. Green'i Old Stand. A FINE Roridajonic- Mr. BISTER S. CHAPMAN, Otia af LbA buirlmarka ml ti flni n.iw I t,i ',(,0f Orlando, Florida, WTllea: e. hardir aalaet a rtngl oaae ' oi me many vo wuom 1 have Bold Oalaa'i Ftanaar Bleed B.euewr, bat what Ijhre been ami tried, aad I And It tbe beet remedy lor all bkla Dlaeaaea 1 have ever aold, and a Fine Florida Tonlo. "KOHTKR H. CHAPMAN, Orlando, Fla." A Certain Cvre for (latarrh. t SIPEEB FLESH PSODtTEE AND TO.VU. Gilaa'l Plaear Bleed Raatewar Cnrea all Blood nd Hkln Dlaeaae, Hheu ma lum, Mratula, Old aura. A perfect Spring Mediolna. , If not ra ytor market It will be forwarded on reoelpt of prloa. Hmall bottle f I BO; large I1.7S. ataaar ee Blood and Skin IHseaae . matlnd rcae. MiCOl KOICHE COIPUT.Iicon.Ci. Eoeaale, wholeeals aad retail ,fby R. N. DlTTI, Haw Uerne, N.JO. auU dwJv xljaloxjt ia))ipei -v 8nniBW! -Liniir.ant rataa.Tfta' araias. Vateles, MaaWra, Ueaaaatba. xrafaaaa, Kaof AU, Sarew WOTBU, li SttrMata, Baakaaaa, aSa, 5 , Fparta Craeks. tUffi, Bttaa, Iraiaaa Bamiana, Cera ! THIS tafAaiail rile. COOO OLD Sf AND-DY aiiinaairiiri I l'r 't-- ewav fiirf laaiea SrlM rreal powalarar oA Ke areata-LS I niH mmm II WllliT. Beatf badyaea. aeh a lav-eaa-tg-laloagwiiaeai . i R la kk) koue, kk) ataMa, Tk Btaataikaet avaa er tke Beettaaa aaad B8a Baeae eai adoakawdaaeaf , a , Tk K.tfaa,.r aa-ta;-n i.A.'V. arlaerdaM a.et auaacev, .n-.f in rareaja. nt ere tm tiia8diiialirl kaag ae h i ' mar of aeeMentf 4 Oaaaafav, . ' Te ltirlr t ea?lrt,. Tnara k aota. lag tte r a aetitVit tv t ffrrv a Ufa, Bw ae " rruort wkick orreirtd tae aavaaarv 'r-. , fTke at arek 8 aaaenBaboad aHilunaaaiag fcai iwi in i m aareoeet wni katieea, aad wkam K.e a Beta t tke Qemex ,TJi ke.kae It e Beetle ttlf"T'v nakancaeTi - taeaa8eaaaBlavwpailaaa4lnaTwwa. ' ' a.eB a Batik ATWr It (kA tak tt a wkea wmateeV. r i-.' -M v vB Moxicah lieaefeaaaatlcta Tae SaaaetaraTi . ai aaViaaaw1!! Tke Meaanal aaeda tt atway kk work Tbe aflnewaaat Van riaaaaawaaal 1 Tkeraraawat 8TEAMERS. OLD BOOIDI imtim C0MF1IT RE-OPENED. Ta,e Old Pacinian Bleamiklp Cam pea'a Old aad Vaverlte Water Re eta, via, Albemarle and CheeapeaJte 2anal. TRI-WEEKLY LINE FOR a'ei-felk, BalUaaerc, lew lark, Pbila- delph.1. Beaten. Prevldmcr :JmT d all points, North, East and W; t e.t;aiD4t. FEBHqlP.V 85, will aail from NOEKOLK, Va.. every MON DAY, WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY, al SIX AM., for NEW BKHNE, via Washington, making cloae oonnectlon with tbe Hieamer of the S. d 1 . K. b. B. Co., for Kiohiou Tren ton, and all other landings ou the .Neuie and Trent Klven. Returning, will aail from M' BERNE every MONDAY. WEDNEBUAY and FRI DAY aiTWELY E. al.. for NoRyol.K direct, making oounecuo.i wlih the O. D 8. a, Co. ahlpa for New York, B. H. f. (Jo. steamer ! for naillmore, Clyde Line Sblpa for t'bila- I ueipnia. ana m x u. j , ixi. aliljie lor H. ton and ProvldaBoe oner ail impper aa to wua. we will uiem in me future. Order all goodb care or o 1 . 8. U. Co. Mm receive! aTiang dajkaf .a A.kiakikDK riiaiBeraVlll Ood-d) nUie rooma.aod evJaaooDrleev aud j I Ion will be paid Hi em by the oflietrn. E. B. ROBEKTB, Aient O. K. 6i P. Agl.. New York city. WILLIAMS' FAST FREIGHT LiNfc, rz i STEAMER ELM lat nTfrltr . a vn n.Llll iajU rEN WFF.K1.Y HKTV HEW BERNE, N. C, J Home Tuesday l,,rk. ... k LOW F WKiHTs. WILLIAMS an aver. .7 ChaDgiDiMflTort; The N. C. Freight LiDe FOR NEKYORK, and all yoinl INoi-th a.nX West 4ti 1 Li. due will receive freight In New To for New Berae at lMUlt 7. NOHTU KIVKK, QQloe of New York and Baltimot UiLhifltaIl reeSiblhat Ihi. u onVl (hi beet Steam Line eat of New York, making dtlly ooaneetlon wlih Baltimore for New Hwm all taikde, and only om change. SEMI-WEEKLY STEAMEKS tviea Bew Heme m Uliviii trlhu&tnnrffl tVE (T Leaving N.Oe; DAYS at I p 1 Le re fialttmore fo Niw Berne WEDNESDAYS dnd SATURDAY . p. m. Agent are a follevi EUBIN FOSTER, Oen'l Jfnn.gr, 0 Llgbi St ., Hal t at AS. W. MoOARKICR, Ag't. Norliilk, Ya W P. Oljd. d Co.. Phlladalihli, 11 Sent barvea York a Ballo Tran. Llne.Plff .Norm rlier E. Sampeoa, Ho. Km, ts Central wharf E. U Rockwell, HroTidence R I D. 0 Mink, Kll Ri'f r, Derrick wharf Sbtpe leave Boiion, Tneidaye and Satardeya " New York deily. ' " Baltimore, Wedneedari endSatnrdey " Fall Rl.er, Monday!, Wedneadayi rrtdaya. rrovioeoce, rtatnrdayi. broagb bllli lading given, and ratei gneran all point al tbe different ntlcee of lei Utii War w It B H 3RAV At New irne N TUB TTEUSE I TRENT RIYEE Steamboat Company WUJ run tbe following Schedule on and arte) Jannar; let, 1887 To lv Will leave New Heme for Trenton every New Herne for Trenton every Wedneaday at I a. nu. retumlne. will leave Trenton every Tbnraday, touching at all point along th river. Steamer Klnaton. On aad after January let, 1887, tha Bteemer Klnaton will leave Klnaton for New Bern vary Monday and Tbnraday at 80'olock a.m.; return 1 ng, w 111 leave New Berne every Tues day andFrklay, (topping at Jolly Old Field and town Lot: at ail tending on Neuae river. V m eotn- m aae a WHO . ib,r DTseswcr at W. r. StajtlT, Blntton D. a. BAaarm, roDxkvuia. L I. WIXAON. Agwat a4 Trenton. J. r. Trrm.T, Jolty OMFWd. ekTi a ,4 W. 11. XKWBY T0K30RIAL AETISTj PeiawaJTy ra tarn dene at hie Hafrflreaaltn aad r-havtng Baton a the Gaetoe Boaae with the beat workmen and new rural I ra, Battafaetloa la aaaorad te tboa wb patroa- a him: - r (J IWIBrili XI u w BHUS QtlM lailiUbW IVatjlT we curr do lor ., Nor- v rlJAtrirJhrloft atltti- . , Ixnves New P. M. Iavee Norfolk. Kiiday ' o'( i P. M i QUICK TIME AND I J. V T A (1 M U I'U 1 A rfTT I ITT, OttW I . I tn II t B i- qT-r t-t. fcjnnnnai k- Tho Dd!y Gr:;!::3;; Is the Favorite Home ' Journal of . Refined American Families Every, where, and the only Daily Illustrated Newspaper emb- 1 liahed in the World. It Circulates in Every Stat) and Ter rirory of the Union. It may be iouna on news stands in every large city, 'ine vast body ' 1 01 118 SUDBCrit)ers J are mi I 1 . VVi 1 A-oinejja'.v Kbr JLei YorVCWv ha8ff laf; Mail Circulation. The Weekly Graphic Thrre is hardly a Postoffiee in th 1'nited States w Lere at least a few o ies are not received each wnk ly gubscribers. atures of he and lit- erary nry, lor tie "receding six i days. It is the larcesi largesi '"rot class 111 y issued, u said for Illustrated for half ttje ice of jafe 4vftl lia CVtports.drO I i . . W8 a uiring a phenomenal circulation. roiu time to tunc we is uc Cipecial nk-i tu i ct towns and localities throughout the I country. At present we are preparing u i aniurDu fMi a t :ilorrjia l'iJ of 1K)J! a V T 1-1 J eanvabdaalor sul in every part of the world. arg nmiHNp!8will be TIU3 For Mr.-v rat. and othi r iiiforinatinn The American Graphic Co., 11 i'ark l'lacc, N. V. rSTANT awnf 1 ibe in pro. AAtaU fliuffl for vCTtlBTD?! r YflJS large avsu am in awatSSHaNNLi a , .tj CJIUl t Labor-Ii THE CO P0LITAN Price, $3.50, iln Iicst illuitrated luw 4 $-1 T4V inaaraln. ccipt.ijoci Harpers Magazine, J V- 1 I TBe Berrnilier rtnfther wllf bejTn the Sev eiily-eecond Volume of Hakieh Miiiaiiki. MU Wooleon novel, "rjut Angela,'' and Mr. Howell'a "Indian Hummer holding the foremoet plaoe In current aerl fiction- will run through enverai numbera aim will be followed by aerial el orles from 1 . D. Hlack more and Mra. D. M. Cralk. A m w editorial department, uIwubs'.hk toplre lUKKented by the current II erature of Aineriraand Europe, willhe conlrlbuted by W. D. Howella, begin ning wlih the January numler, Tbe great literary event of me year will be tbe publica tion of a series of paper taking tbealiapeof a sUiry, and depicting cbaraclertslle feature of American aoclelu aajeanai our leBdfjavaa ntUiiiaarlJ gspecMi -"-wetn ia! AiueTlcan auiyecTii. Treated by Tlie beet Amer ican writers, ami illustrated by leading American artists. Harper's Periodicals. I'KK YEAR: RI'EK'8 MAGAZINE I. RPER'8 WEEKLY HARPER'S BAZAR d A RPER'8 YODNO PEOPLE... B A RPER'8 FRANKLIN SQUARE LI BRARY. One YearSljaaJe-aj 8I The volnme of tbe Magaxln begin with the Number for June and December of each year. When no time I peclflei, It will be understood that the subscriber Wisbea to be gin with the current Number. and volume of Harper' Magaatne foi yeara oaca, in neat clotb binding, wll aent by mail, postpaid, on receipt of 83 no volume, cloth uioin uaaea. ror bun for binding, SO cent each by mall, 1 , postpaid. index to Harper'a Macaxlne. AlDhabertlrml. 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