4 4K . . - M -wa -Jw, 4 ,1 a. a- 'it."4 f-V'f vw, - . i t- t j " - r! v. :. . ' ' u ." v im: ' 13 1 " 111 ' 1 ' rr-: - ; y -m".i mit Is r mil T -!.; ' XJ ; J wH ' . . - 1 1 - - : - : i : zcrj i r -' ""v- ' - j fr-, ti '.it-l; tl.'ii-i lit'. LOCAL NEWS; T tlrkfti k ro AUK r Kewl b.1 . ,,14. .S'r.t North. ; Sam riee, 6:88 I Length of d7. .- iun u, 6.' t I lirtouJi, minnKMa o tyttr induatiTy nod ,wo rear out it 91ml JP 9 TemMorny Mend 'did not' properly bajk ' B C3X7E3 S LOC AL9. 1 ... . .I... - bio He rtil Tm OhMota of Bautr-The New Bernflfce farlmeMaa4'r4Unte' YriV; bay l-aaa nana and Orcana froia UJ iec Jeaa mOBtr than jrou can elsewhere;' We aell decker Broa,f,;i0iU4 Pianon thogpi$th Aai yE(U.T)LiorreeponeaiKjpfo- iloiusJ. ukakus uaaxtrucu, , febl84wJ KinatonrN.C. WWKorOaa Known Florida wine. cm be fooaA (I : tTf ;t(or, Kluiftad 4au thaee t odoeai, wxwld ImtM Jamea E4aKMtd. lt 'ie pura and uoa-duiier- i--'4rmartWe!lof et-Ja- VV'bi eei aluntcn aeiiUe ini let and purer wioe ran r-ahad at a leaa brie. Also f a K'i'are PrncU Brt; i.r-v,fi -k.-hoeaer ' A foM lina of Poe, Htrrop1fid SJ. Ghat Emol BblppeT ,0rnu Pea. - Seed Oata and Bye1 a ftpdeUlty. ".rrsmfiBSWiijH priceofA , auudd. uux txv rfl1 n.Tiftr&.'w'.ather fo'rlhe'pait daT Oitethas rWen the peae and iaJihaafianiBteH The anrtkotj aale of (ood at J. E Rmir not, on Middle ttreH. iU be oont? 1 oy Wetoon j(k fttreev pret 1 mTr - to tjsnratoeftw eac'. i JlJu'WfualTattfeat U ViiHta4uaaaeeHnga. Tha icr ol iW ' lUOe QapUIn aradki.un W talke o right i.... a,w B1-"""" ; ' wwn,?Mvi "1 m w UUi'Sit-l H fcV Carrie KhaCirailfa a) tbaf.lA.. raadkl' jfijoibi Jljua -Bn open fAf p.W LadieetpeoiallT nlfc. X CA WnM MnUwJ-rtW aaaay f rfl-' - mad nad dkH'rfteraJ' ny,l rololaw 1 Mt rerseefnaen V vi , 4, 'AUita LUnediotV MoaWCr nra Mtio OoatUrWa Vft rarav the 11th fcaHHii. niehtre had a teUfrant from the Manager of the Theatre at Oolatnwia, tL O., yesUrdsymt the reach of a large awmber of ihe elating 7-ZrM XUitd IhtHir,, the fuherlee and oyetermen. TheVMrsr,alIrof U dons, the railroad could be ex- parforvane aa waa erer glvea la New ' Th U - tai 'eVea ' r ' Joel Klnaey, Eq , of Cobton, waa Jn lawn vesterdav and had with him Ian aUl)U.a, 0 yean oldhandt high, weigh 'ttlJ 'pouhda'and claimttto be the beat U imid 8Ut4.; rt "dreoi4GM4dnat4i Teryflaf took horae.'rach at farmera need, and la rood tralr.'o faraar lavEaat era Korth CIa-Mkinwk4de la 41..rioc4iitkpeoUo,.l iu Dl T d if a J'liil .)i), 1. rf U Uia lira. inL drea. rallt oiect pro, J. I iZ. -' r.khaamd Va-, ! ; T'a'.Tyi'thi fXloiJel waa , 1. ot)iaVscf'a4 . taoUo thwart eat 1 ; ' -rieaV -Tit PoaMftnW tV I. i. fWid www MfcJUaiCoodio, f JonencOanUy, hrrired ye'Hiy to wee a 0 trn.. r Ut lV iff hjVpenJeBt f trr ho ' tho ejrj'ut orop ai l aeU U whea thty ft readj J ...i' " L J - . .VOl The ateamer r-ylef, ot thai; a D, Line, will i2;lle&ifrf U toflalock. The Vc;tT 1U anra front Ellaa- . bethc:r The ' . of fce Q. D. 14m, ailed f . k iayCU.W o'c'r , . a ' ' 1 crro of cot to and - r" i 71 , , .ota t,. sr h- e Jcnn. J. -eJ, tf V. ' Lioe, left for E'.ocumb Crk ytorjay morning to Ion.,! l;!fr,lr f -r ' V. C im j Krd r f - ' , e, lft for r wi:h a 1 uf r- -' The oytten w lam fnoaratif Moa tia io,ta 'rtier-B. .fcioth.-. V.' (mt or good brobiar Nana, of iL Ke oerD jouBSAL, made istoUk in not TU to CODTentio ot jterfc a (a NerUne to tek ' into com Mertuoa what lerUlMioB would bo of benefit to up Laen. WiMlow. We not Uo bUI u It flnallr named but we think it J - deficient in aoin particataMvw Economist. . , '- lWi 'did our beat bat w failod, (o aronas tnoae engagea in oyatar eaitar. Fnoat ta boat infomaUoo-we can ob tain, laaf (oinMt wu vtrj Unfavorable for the bnaUeea perbapa on aoooont of exoeeaire ralna, and the oultariate were tott ,mack dieooursged. The busineai WM'fie1 to taanf bt them and thej hadj hot ealculated on failure." We, feel rare that a eonTentum such at wae aur- jroHl by Dr. Mann, of Hrde, and proved banencial. Thoea who, had made mistakes might have been bene' rtel ly K of thoae who bad Jbea acoecafaL . We, rous try fl,y fo backing ap Lieut Winalow, we have no doubt Bro. Creeoy ia righ( rg there waa lack of. earneet' neat Mt the pen of onr eastern t rjenda, No matter how good and perfect a bill held been offered, some member would Kant U im mortal iie himself by having fbe wattia in bis Immediate section ex- ampa. Borne members of the General Assembly bare an admirable tact for trying to please everybody and gen erally succeed In p'leaalng nobody. RcprvMMtatlv Klmf. We publish today a long explanation from Hill E. King, lie.., the Represent ative of OnsloW ooaoty in the General Assembly, concerning his course in re gard to ehartetiag two.oorporatiMna for a railroad lata hie county. We regret vry3aUe)9 bee (Hvsiifne imonff Der Unsiow I r tends in regara to tnis mauer. In order to secure the transportation for their producta, which they ao badly need, thtty mast unite end pull. to gether. We have waited ao long for some (rest oocaontioa wun plenty i saonsy, to build a through line from It'ortolk to WUmimgton penetrsUng the heart of the rich counties of Jones and Onslee,-tbat we have lost hope from that source and have concluded that we had better rely upon our own resources aad begin on a small scale. We have repeatedly urged fMr practicability of aaiting the waters of Trent and New rivers by all. This done,: steamboats would ply up and down the two rivers and pet quick and cheap transportation m.nAA tn uttv Mlaia. " It teems tha Mr, Kiwis' lengthy article was brought put by aa indigns- tKweaaetipm aeiaaa Ktonianat. ine answer of Mr. King makes it appear that oar BfcoUsdMendwere a little bU baaty; tUegl W have noThekec their tide of the question. From the peat Jntoraation, we iaf , Mr, Kin- aa made a very godd wirking sftembef bf the General Assembly;: and la hie article he claims that he endeavored to do pre cisely what hie Rich lands conaUtusnts are censuring him or pot detegw Mr. Kobert UUUille.a aaiire Site sBingbamngland. now resident of Bmltimorf JaM:!"I'm tubjeet to S Tsrs aitALira of nMraUria which- have eaosed me mjicb pahlv I have repeated ty triw4i9erAntrewiediet tmt reeetvea bo. beaeSk finally 1 tnea i ration Oil apd rsoaivod immediate relief, v I eoaaider it wotSkt weight; in gold, p 1mM mcuoovr 1C '1 Trr vis- La or HOMO - Third jgrade-Clara Borw, Tearl Fewell. Tera Hater, JCUs-Menwvrln, Vivla Ward. Lawra Qui4Jr.5 Cbarlei Lsnra Wui'Vy,. uosries 9. VW hitf ord, Agnes Foy, 3edifUe Bagh, Loaie Hchlasler, Joo Ellie Will lama Fourth Grad C6x. Each el Bohwctia. Lou lisew Buter, ylorX Bert Nettie Tolson, Vutoer layior, Thnmaa J il 11 ...... rtfth rtsdo Ti5a.DaiwSlMe Haad. Jama LiUL' tlaritav Clsrki (May lie- dren, Maui WeecUtGertrtde Abhoti, Buaie lill, .Carrie AintnrOM, G Oast 1 1 ' 'AA v '-'A'i'iX'i i i .it ' tf ..... j ' Tesp, F-utll. tiJX 8- Cotl. , A V luia, Lmma Henderson, Carrie Arwlll. ' Oeorire 1 WhitflsM, JohnSeymemr, Williaat MeaioL; ,nt 1 Eighth grade Settle Hall, at Oark, Ada Eurrus Willie Batker, j Ninth r rade LotUe HubbsOIa Far ebee. Katie Daniels, Sbepard'Brj ah,. ir c T-t... .- . J IT UHU : t, Jur 1, 3 "3. I I l a .; v . r. l.vd;a-ar , l fTected .... a ruonicg ore uiiJef h9r cfcin, wkirh 1 rrovenvery stubborn. t !!' ' , r M'W of Ft. B. B". - i li . ' t -t aU ulcer - 1 f tood ,i . . J --'! V - MO Tj . mrm' TQ TBI PEOfUB t Cfc BinkAfM AID Vi t Ewroa JouairAi4-C . to the benefit t f those t tbie eidaaia- eigaaUon me 4 ' t 1 Laadaaad bwreaoletion vuisa l od asked aetOfeeign nr aastJ-'w. Iwov! notpiHlr Jirtiait. hr rT an thatlahbde . y,aat dignatioa met. Lands aad lead wa tat .... id be strictly Democriuf AX v--t the only special bobby 111 m theW"iooTf 'a Elatof-u, wt'li u. '-r-. d . aourp: meij twe . Jltt oral duvas I avid ihf awot'o A uv man'i mill andH6rto& thattf they would aaaara dm M la. Lerialatate. I woulcfuse' all the fcfiaextce It oassaso i to ohtaia ahem a ehacSes fee a tall seed. Rrty i n?i a aadl xhtaitr thank anemi 1 talked wkh esvwral bottf "la , Jones, and: Onalow ' and' A Wayne, and they urged me to preet for rorwsraea to nse eooqe rOr, roy was the nexty waa bttaaam thcea r. and we went before she Jiwsar bv kd and I there protested agajnat t! a. Id fbing Ukea faov war fbe krer asked fqir the n. r4 t White Oak swamp andiuvy. . - . jreaty- ove thousand Collars in fijajroiaeeaonda of the oompswyskjaid swamp MaII the taaes from said yoai aad franchise should We paid into the sdnoaaonal foad, and thatwLejiihoeaidooTnBaByaboald ustrnct its road through ready for the oars to nnrbver, then the board of ' education waa te grve them Veed for said tead. T AsBr Atscuasing the merita oUM PCPJecW tha. raggesteoUanaevsAtaigAa ftf acuen: an crone cnarter wu ' day introdnoed by m anr become House bill No. 430. Con mean an Bimraooe alsoeesMNe Baleigh, and he Ulked wlaV nwaboat it, and some delay of "the pemmtteh "tl "rfr f. .TrrfffV-' to introduce another in the Senate" STi ' i?)7 , "- r,TTT "nU" FUnUrs BaUroad ahould be revived I then wentlhotne and toJackaoa ville, and there I saw a petitioa and a bill to revtreasMl daMAeea Plant ers ' tcaiiroad, ana talked with nr. Niche, swt and Mit!Md4d vived the subsoripuons, etc. I return to Baleiah on Wedaeadei. F. D. Koonoe, . Morrill. & B. Taylor and lr- Nicholson at Goldsboro, who went S Raleigh with me;8JBad thwchaxUr ain on the care, fotsstf thai same ob jection anA-tnadirtCMtfWwsak asked the titate to grab! aaia Co orakion two hundred thousand doUam 4 thh Bute' bonds, and the Core OreeJr ea Uoaker Bridge roads and the vr&nleat WbUe Oak swamp frew I Bugr td hat like Foy'aptojeot,tl)y IU,b t , y their iatrodaoed tbeaalo the-wt; 1 eUhers, aad'tW-4 -i em,' k yTJ n Ia4d hie tfoje f am r." aa to prioe or altrnati syiaa -'Itaan iatrodaoed the bill and it became House bill. 728. The committee oa Internal Of tboiVVlerae,t1 am eveBmg.v H. B. I80 Wae tfahabe-1 fora- them.- and bv the kindness and oonMsaoe-of Mr. Ballaf ha afusaid to a n iron kn,i. km. m. idefflnbt t a in n appeared and both iUe were atrodgly put by Mr. Koonoe aad Co, uampe U Hamphrey ,v . JT T - one about what l'waBWed matter; the committee took a rota oa the IttftJVftiejaale. lul UrV atboi out.' I then made 1 thie statement: That the .first proposition, H, B. 480, was the beet for the Bute, bnt the teo- ond propoaltioa WMtbo heaO Mf oounty. aad a my people were petition ing cor it t x aaaat aeotde in cavor or theta, and hoped that the oommittee woaid so decide. - W JL thealect the oommittee aadV to the surprise eC ajaJ all. the oommittee .reported the arat. II. B. 480, favorable aad H. BL.7S8.aa favorable. I returnsd to ffW iortrirT tee toon to ascertain th cause of their aotioa, and Morgaat tsok at aside aad told ate that if. Kooooewof Id jmahia proposition oa an. eqoapthaldgt with Hamphrey that they would reverse the report. I then told Col. Taylor about the matter M mf Eopbos, aad be eaid he could not do It; : that the Northern men whom he wa represent ing had not anilioriBed him to do II aad ha weald pi. - I the called the oom mttteW attantfonr W this fact: that if they would be pleased to report the bill to the House without prejudices 1 weald be glad, and they agreed to do aVf J thens with. KooBca. Mnrrill. TbtIox and NicbottoaJ k4 a tie Yarbora iloua that night and finally Koonoe and th 3thr agreed to let me amead the bill o as to put itPQ anoanal- footiir with the othex one, and I thought that the committee would - reverse too report. Koonoe met, me at, my boerdins; house and wrote but 1h amendment and I took charge of the bills, aad they then returned home. . r, Some few days .wxit pasaa'd before I bould gut a qoorum. of , the eonamittee together, act when tbey c 1 cooveae, Foy. Gray, Thomas anj oC-sra'iactni-ing Dr. Banders, war tre nt, an 1 t 9 onrnmu.te agreed oi"X)t to II.- L. ASM fnrMfl ihit If ' It. '. i it- " irr- able- ' A ' t. .WL.it, of 1 crqn ;), uirwit' to r. t 1 r : emendmentt to th bui, a..i,. - f and icy net him at the Yarbcor i t.UUB and tber poratnr f 1 te i of t.i Cv. ..-or' ' t "i ' at. r i i , ft - Tbe bul pMei i . . rr't (day, and I p"i iltr- of tl; !'!!. . Uo"" was in l tht 1 1. -- j - -( i i ,.i . .. J -. ., .'.-v i. -,-.Hi.; that a woaid Aavw to piosi his tUn auci4 come again, aaa tne way ne aie n vni to enil aa ianatioameBsiag ta slieeH lands and explain the object of meeting himeelf and oa his ewe motion had a committee appointed ea reeota- i appointee ea reeota - ti one, which he had prepared hoforeJaenger line, and EUzaheth City, Jlsw ana eensarea ana aaaca ne id resign i nerne aaa waaningtoa wui roach pot myswt,aadhecBMtoRalesgabalMta and done m with the reaolatiooeto He told me tiiat he had them and if f did not retrace my, ooaxae, he would lav them before the House. I told him be had njarepeaented me and,., was trying! io oouaore me in oraer to get &u ii and AST man who would try that tri oa me would be mistaken in. hie mxa, and thai If he would stoop eoTow a to-l try aad kin me with my peioyla, to gala areata hia own pocket, be wa moaner than a dog I then, on request of pr, Bandera, made a motion to take fJom the U4 B, 755, ia order lhat Koonoe might get the bill to copy,, but Wata petapa toe taue too long ana I coald not raise iti.'fcul throiish the politeness Pd opRHoix of the CJetk he aliewed ae the prlvDeie of Uklng it out, wwek, leaaauseVeMveatto Koneef B. B.4a0h4paMduvveal reaeV inga in the House and waa ordered en grossed, bus had toweeo' seat e the senate, and I met the 8enate not ma st thatevearing with Seadara, Keooee aad Humphrey and told them that I had fpaasadji bMtte the iioosa 'asktog lev I k IWhk similar privileges, or nearly so, - tN ked-thesa axtt to eoaaide KjoeweaVe until my bill could get there, and to bbeeUs ssaod eathwav ntevtt. hich they kindly agreed to. The next evening we all met taMBat cemmit- tee and they considered the billa to gather, as rwewested. My-edU wad not changed Us oomplexion meterially, but Koonce'a had asked or the Quaker Bridge road.. Core Creek , toi. all of White Oak swamp a Onalow and Jones counties and of the State lands ia' Pender end proposed to pay nine thousand dollars in cash in nine months, but could not tell (ha com mi Use who were the mp. that babked him up, and did hot even aqmucl aa have a atngle iBCyrppra&r, from the North, and atill asked tW (he' with all of Its former subscription: etc Col. Humphrey plead f qt the U- B, aSQ. and Koonoe for hi Own, and Chairman Warren, asked him IKoonce) what hop nae paaauts: m fui in. we uous they reported; 1$ ,. favorably; and nee toia nun tnu ne a&a an Dopes as my peopje h t . J JTJT . . .- .faked b, tQ, resign, and that hi e an a lev the reeolutiona before tb Hi flea would U atrn A A y4 SksV1 Hoil Vast aArnawshM ava w?wVk eaej uav jry tj wsbas. evauo v ojm iaj words pd retired;. ati4 tho committee, repojtea.nvr jaiy uvprabiy ana it lu Kac kxt m4TtiQg,friea to tfet om xaeatperf to lhtrodacAthe reeold tion ef oenaar and" failed, add then hadjtfgbaroipdbtyq4tthe Bpeaket's tfcer every mad la the GMitraf Assembly wtirttaanr ai;mii my AT Ooatow-vrmnn heh-4..iata I wUl call an the he reeolation and test! the oaeo. :y--"- . I do not see bur i 1 ae pop- alar a I waa ' 'ethe onalaaght, iiwW. war called me .hair tonight att i . e- (sided ov deiiDeration oi ane Hoaet; In. 1 1 im more pcpnU J be- tHieif are r'-rwe tit eta. . wi too tea toib ashore an hn menrTo. tb collectl'f ef d hi Hopdoodle coure. jUward tt l7T loaa f orfclv well forgive EJyTecipra bcH"?ep J Jove them, bo 1 1 r- - st cmo j ar-vu-pritea atthewf-f: ng"va lead Ahem; and I' . 1 1 f uk, gcTit'ernvH; I notr hVukaF" hisw. latare, 4 litigate ..rrur y oa the gloriuwi c. . uoantfof On law; I hare letters and documenU to bear me out In my assertion. T hope to bo with yoawStoo aa&kil khk jrouhla rlUll reoou on rxanx a aaouiserB, , TKeWHa JwetioleiD.I Will say b tie jfood people fn Blohland who held the mdisnatioa meeting,- if tlieybttld but aDoreciat the Importance ofc myote, a thratrttH kw asoaaiib oae h and Boventyv.ttat Itcouau, eoasiderlDg i we be vw 9 ospB"j(w"Bpty govern meti yet to acicw,ae j vo ' 1 ...... 1 . i . ; .! . know how msetr more pmi be spraai and also the Jolnf baflbt on Tin election of liisaHw of IhiitiTiT. -- Jose of ClarkwOad Lane aad tbe , aeatfog. of Green aad Hussey in their etead they would he atow-r to aak m fto realgW tnj espeouliy?yo? htraft' 'n'eatfj'lfl ve, that this is a wmta maupjena nt aad that the lagln ism neit lIb, Verr nspectfullTn The steamer tagltt aad - Fesper, of the Eastern DispaMB, teMVemaMnoed theit eehedale last wee atJniave made two tat ps atom KW Berhetiinto tawyi cotnawaeea luiiiage laopr are 'hwaai of large size, exclusivaly freight asom' aad we mndexstaad are not r sllavwod to carry f"rw, it 'watt he ia ooa- tampl. , 1 1 th eomsaay topa1pa eenr " ctUHo line.for it.,wonJd net.....-. , f rpfll. IdiaBtltx- The i, . mil 'ohpvd A'woerM of th OtJ Lvmi&k.a Lie JLaefbhilt u a petsoTier patrons ire from' New Berne and ashu toa- w hicih wa a Ahe In crease and it vras ' a favorite line attd gTat " la-t r si i I- r mi Cf ialroa 'to-'iiie puDiic : . beet eM.'aooeesity, rcftr.1:' Give r r ' ' -. . . , t-f U.9 ft f Jilii .Wi'Ultl 'tnCH7 V, I. ' Man, "u , twere ae&a vuen doo ' t&en 'twere wall it done quickly.-1' it ao lees true is kravel than In poetry ItJs moa tea1 indeed, for tneawnmof wvwlaieiiae the enr reasiof river' difflowlt todiaart from 1 eetaouanea oosraea, mve ae a last naa- travwleecaanaea Imwigav Giee ooro-aaa Xreea the aentsstaaa waaaera parte of. the AiUte, for it witi be the most pleasant for buaiaeaa and plaaaure teekere- through the Bate. Elizabeth , -l.f'HftrT-r !-r-. Ueettemeaoeed not wear alovea at dinner pertfe. hat is, if they do no have efeeA obea; but under a0 circam- ttnneeavahey- mast take Dr. Boll's Cough By rap when they get a eotd or a i Jol?rtWMarVhi it atT" Haw Toaa, aWreh gNooa.-kratutee veryetaady. Bala of Se.oOft bale. Maroh. fl ftl , Bentesniier. -.fio Aprtt, 9 W. October, fl.43 Kay, . -988' November. 9.8 June, 9.78 December. 9,40 July', " 0 84 January, i . Angaat, Vebruary, . SpbteaHaodw) MatkUaaa -; Low Meddiing HI: Goad Ordinary 8 0 16 New Bame Market quiet. Salt of bales, upon a basis of 9c. for mid dling. Good Ordinary 8. SXXD OOTfOH W 00. ' OoTToa Bkkd tl0.00, I tar EifTD Ora HaM. ti.flp; din, f tab 70o.el.8o. Oats 60o. in bulk. Ookji 45a53c. Bioa-r0a60. ' Bans wax 13c. per tb. Baar Oa foot, to. to 6c Oouhtxt Hams 10al3ic. osr lb. Lako 10c. per lb. Boae lltla peyAosea. Fnaa keJsso. per powad PAJItJaSr0l pat buahal. Foioaa-KMa1.00 perhuAdtad, OinOMB $2.003 t5 per barret FikLd Pea Mb70c. Una Dry, loo. ; green Be. ArTuaMatMasb9eet, BQa40a.; God fwye, fLlU i. FaAJ 7M S1.80 pr bushel. uonrr wo, perrai. TaiXctw 5c. per lb. . Ojiiuabw Grow. SOaSVs.' aprThg aoaseo. ' MaXr70. per bash si waoi-aaAAJa rasoaa. New Mca Poaxf 10.00. Bhocukb MtiT To; iCR., f. BV, B.1 and L C-flc. Futm-tl aoaflLoa. Lad 7tC by the Meroe. N Alia Baa ia ifiti.U. Buqab GraanJaled, 6io. Oolria l$al7io. CHEKBt 1 3. ' SAl.TU4089e. perwaok. stM iWaapBTawre 00a SBo araa-44.g. . OT Drop, fl.76: back. tlOO. aaoaaira So. For, Kent, jii.mi I- ", Two nice oemforiabte hoaeart nine rooaa hone oa Pollock street bae Middle: and Haaoeck, and one seven roonv house on Banoock street, near Pollock. Very convenient to the busi ness portion of the town. Houses In first-el order. ,; Term moderate. Apply t i Wa. COHEN, Weinsteia Building, atgdlw Cor. Pollock and Middle bU. .Forwent, . DW tlXPSQ, BOtjak OF SIX BOOilfl and X3XCH5. oii DebrKeatrecLnaarBtoad. tt Brl0mb oil Broad streeit, near Bhtibrk a Ai.ui 'Apply to marv. , W. HOLUBTEaV,' ' . ltAswim jiA Truckers, : lreiimiBV ., t enn fltnara . . i. ..: teci lyjjotej.- .u ' ou wtAAAo uairedlU. ( r 7d 41 Uteai 1 "LOF GENtJINE (JtiOOr TJUTT'TSAB) DoiA WvTcVUUeV atW; a 1i?kw.4' t?f Jh ' !.(. i lit' !Ttt Mill i oi. 4,,OfOfa CM gtawdt f , f, ,f $22r.fcfC05. t 'jiarTTOTTjil .aiuil J to t rea vr . iv mmmi snk Br aw wort a of sheet i VuK ssieotad Iron bwoeae nreaitw, aad pbhii - i aa 1 unml, ar)a wm 7er.MBeMarWOBle ry aatene . t A.3 Werikt i o lor L.i . J jobwjsa. at dudiwm r.tfcl end'eoHtelne irMtmetlVe arfleta fortbrtt6aeor tSMbera aaaaapllerwa tertalning Diutleal surtmi aa exVmTe reoonl ee aiie.I'VonU wont ill Vr me i r s Jt on J.i , hretlen ewn, M la a aeiHn i te oet l' 1 jf H -. . i 'v'S f o. lato in at bUiPhflMasa.Wlkwl r eamit BW13nM.ITMtTV J - i - - - 1 fffiCftHrff i - ? t .ii uwii 2" GENERAL HARDWARE, a: 't u i i h; .We" ii. a GLASS, rxJVTS, CUZSar UKSrRPABBED AB-TO'3'1' '' PRICE tittffitfg Middle 8tr t, Aext Door teN,N . .iw.83aiA,'a:a" ..WMrTOlMHT HOE KEPEJJg.. . TEA SET$fc 46 CHAMBKK 8TTS;T0 "i?rtowL" FINE IOILRT BET8, , w r 4N B 'A ': ' Fl'LL Of " 1 ' . . . 1 ill A M HOL'SK Fl ENlSIHNr, r.fXtfia. v . rvy j . AT L. H. CUTLER'S; nc on -viv rm. ' u o- moaiw6neet, Notice. SifsniKK'sDFPie. CaivKrCb.,'! Naw UakKf-Ferx i, ijojt,.; , .. Schedule "B" Tax la nsvtaa iti. persons owing the same will oiaaae .! aad e'ttle. T ' D. 8TIMSOir,' hi i 8heffw, f22 15d J. W. STEWaBP- -i!.!n'i4:Lv I f .11 M r i nonsEs 6 ol'::ied. i. Cf lmUil. I1 ai Ul I '4 " I f '.ix-ri i V U Ma' A. cargo of FINE "nORSft 'AND" ' ' A ' tii-e.! I.Mil MULES just received. The Beet Begr on taMarket lee th nvoney. ' " f' 'i l Horae and Vehicles to Jttire1jj . , reasonable rates. . 0l ul, janoawapj PrSttoBciirdcHllIC: mra.- J. Mi HIWEbJt.,' ",''fc0, Mt Proirt St.- At howjT)4atryielr6iedre Booms (ornlahed. , . , rtnaBoerUJrLX,fiha'a.'4' o - jatiia? i Bf ISf.ll " ,.. i"':',,Ttf't.'J -V JaiJJ-- AdM'l ;jjJot Old Market Blt W9",U51 )ftlfl laiTW VHwHerrt awVwtwIkOesBaVwtwawBa iaVeaaaawlaeJaee 3 ttfwl o7A .fc-tts?' Laa ! aoW - Malta . J i tfav wit , s IT ;i. 'X7AV.Jial.. .. I V .... I - 4ai . Ji,l it t:U , ..i icj;ti.. tout fjoofiii ri3:iJ vi.: i I l J : I '