nn Journal )AI LV HE VOL. V.--NO. 299 LOCAL NEWS. NEW I;KRNK. N. (:., YLhNKShAY. .MAIU'H I r, 188 PRICK f, CLNTS v 1 f i. I umrmml iWlalm i re Almanac. New Berne, latitude. H 0 " locgilude. 77- M BUSINESS LOCV.J.s line, brilliant and i If if I '.an -nd l.euset" Hie UBed in making ibe O lluioul t a t jlaHSee. When you buy a pair uu mil ii 'i" lhl you are gelling tbe bsi None gf i.uiae v ilhuui diamond irade mark or sale in New Berne, only by B A Hid. I HaTS M-j-'' fcluiir fine Cigar W. 1. fAf MEH vSd.NK ur- H v r ' Know 11 an Florida wine, tjati ite found at the store of !.iiul;-lfii'ij't. I( i I'urc and una j luls' reiy audreiiiaksbh- for us do j lightftit flavor and eiquiMlc boquet ! Why buy a foreign article when a bet j ti r und purer w ine can be bud ..i a leas prion, , 10, Holland (iin and pnrel Frrncli Brandy i-tne by whuoin-r i Mel 1 In . mai 1 1 in j Y"l can buy 1 irsl-ClafB Pianos and 'iigans from us fur Iffi- money than you. ibu floe v hire. We sell lieiker j iiru;, Pl?ti 5Kuild Piano, the Smith merican rgaus. Correspondence e, . hcited, Mkauk1- A2 11ahtsifi p, (eblfl iw8m Kioiton N . i A full 1 1 He I 11 1 1 1 Vl' rr Ht "I Plow a. llnni'Hn ah.l i n t b I" mil tbi: Imi' o (4FO. A UN A I ' J . i ): A 1 Kl ID. Sbii'i'ir iiniii. II. IV. ih Serd Oata and I've a Sh- l.ilty. 4 ,V li; ICounohf I'.'ck Ni.ilolW V it. fob'.1 i ill I i rtilii rB. I. inn-. I Jiif-tt I U int nt (ilana. l'auilH, ttiiimli and ul m l" prices. ' ii;n- Al l i n 'V ( Major lienriiooii ia r .'.ini:, I late factory buildiun for tin of moving hia oil mill then- Th acbooner Mrlrin. apt fails today for the Weft ln.li.- Ibi- eld pn rp ,ft M.b.itl Mill) u cargo of lumber ami luiifli- Itllt few oyr-ttirt in inalkil 'bn t m-low railroad ill Hilpply the iiiurkt-l wilb ibe Nc river BliH-k before maiiv t'ul 8. There is a lull in ward politica uiilettf ihe anitaloramre wetkingvarv quietly. The next outl)Urat will lant until the eleK'tioD. A reuujar ixieetuijj of the M. i: ( bur qk'AVdi king Sooitity will be M held Duil at I ha residence of Mrs. ( (hia evening at H o'clock. Norris Green, col , an befon Mayor 'b oodY ymtorday upon charge of disorderly conduct. 11 found guilty and fined ?1 00 und the lb, V iin UBt . He appealed to the Superior court I'aptaln Albert Howell and ( apt Sam Howard acre laboring Blrcmn only i,, pui the rosd bed of the A. N. C. K. in cotidiaiqa-, fot tb aurnioer travel. The outloa-k ii good for a largo number of visitors to Morehead City, anil Captain 1'owell knows the advantage of hu nig a good, smooth ruQuioa; road. Many 'people went dow n to Diiven port's etor at tba foot of Middle tttroel to see liie fianLbar yesterday. He is a vicious looking Animal and grow N like he wialiea to -tear everything to pieies .that comes wbia reach. Ua i ro nuiinced by soma to be a large w il l cat .and not a pantbor. lie w id be on ci h&ition today at the foot of Middle atreett for tbe bene tit of the (irolud School. . Admietion live ccritn. I'rraaavaa. SlaUSeaaiar Tuliof Morgantou gave us a.pWaaant call yeaUrday. He and Mn. Tull bava bean visiting friends aod relativaa ia tha city since tbe Genera Assembly adjourned. New Berne is the Doctor's old home and he has many warm friends bere wbo were glad to see bim raiocad "With a seat ia the (eneral Assembly. Nuperlor Caarta. The Superior court of Pitt county will be beld at Greenville, beginning Mon day, March SI; of Qraeave county, at Snow HiUiattaftad. April 4, Jndee Merrimon presiding, of Carteret county, at LleMiierp Mfcrab. 21; of Jones, at Tren'tota, DrohS8; of Onslow, at Jack Ronville, April 4th, Judge Con ner preflil ', rsfresentativa. Mr. C. C? Ttiylor, will attend these courts and we hope our patrons will meeWip rrfad to sktls their bills. I'ftOiTfSair - r J 'fI It ia a pleasure to see so many tine teams on .pur streets. Some of them are4atflhwll a fine-looking. Wa need a air in order to show up whs Wa& .wafts amy of fine stock , farm and water prodrocts. Mr. James A' Bryan has a team that made tbe trip from bis farm, twenty-three miles distant, on Monday, sanfy fraM tnyf bwt (arcifrs are rvecih,froeeta fn farsirrt floe 8tcteadBab lallB8jioa ought to be encouraged. ' a iiil.. . i i . c: I , f I L'-'Ut: . ban and - , 1 1 oil hi i ! h't-iiti a. int i-o iLt.r.Lai.. N ti Ii M; ,1 V llilr. iilU-l I. .'1-1 II. I f I" I:le ull Uii.' A rail lur tl;a.- ) "Vlu k Tut- Am.' ". yi tt r ia carn cf I feruli Id.,- I I BUDlti 1 i lea f f Ion nab u ii fiu chano im' 'Mi- ...,., . tailed ! i It. ill,. i c u ,, d I u n, ' ,r rl'.M- I'l.' lliis linn mug for ! f t-r 1 1 1 1 i a bi d ! il.- ' lid. re ) -u-id.iv I'r.-i Ul' Ti ii 1. Mil I iik 'I br 1. I 1),,. M art itilorinid bi t Bll lppd nil I 1 1, at I pa In B ili- rt .1 I Ii, y n ii 'I ! m 1 1 I'-T tbal ,- Jl ft- I i - bt rf t ruck .'ik 1, (H ll . 'l 1 it ram line I , 1 1 1 1 it t ,- lb. I ire l li 1 1 l ' i plliel I Collin, lnel"U ll'l II I . U 1 ill,' I . v . ' e.l lb. b a pirlt-n ii' in I I" aUi-iili"ii i- ' ' . b' i-Iii j I 1 ' r. i, M I- r' tb lb. ' iin. I bal . f 1 1 . i.t b fin 1 'it-put' b w , r ii,, i! , I band letl I tb ,f 1 1 . w l. iin pi th. j COUBlneil I bel . I b" I H B - 11 I I 11 II 111 , I ' inn p-n ' 'Ubl'- I" lb, I .ll. II, lull, I II III, ll I II d I ,b p V llld. 1 1 , I I 1 I 1 i m pt. j I he same I i-bipperr. ' '. Clt Mllll" i notified ll I (hni il ll pi..,.,, i ,i , .nop u lli-b tune a N i l it li ..i k v 'In '. d' , 1. lb. i l I. i.d in 'I tee Ll. ! mem-- ibev i "ill V l,i V 1,1 II,, - I I I', li He ibif fol I "I 1 .11. e UllaMon liieli I-' O'irTiplallilii ha i t- been lie, if Now Heine thev would I .bl p. I- iv- like I fill 1 IB I In K.ii-lerii IliBpat, Ii one 11 in nece rn r 1 1 1 1 1 i e i . r 1. v. and tin f i u lion . I we ale kmhumiI ilmt an bilel llilmedl ." Bt. -pn lire taken I li-n t -i C lem n ml pr v c n i i let till vt'i) near fulu r v 1 1 1 1 1 e; will w i d tba :.d lb ik I he I'ii n i e St umui ( em i ii.; Kpl i . . I ; .1 i i. v i I, i!" i in a im p AdaillM ( reek 1 leained illlll llie l.ldlt-r e I; I I I id of tblH pla. ' have fixed U( 11 May ,o lbV. ttr- the tune to In annual Sundav fchool picnie They will meet at Ibe p, ,''il..i pbn . kno w n uh t be ( i r ay I .tie 1 'ai k . 'i .'i ih e an atlrut'livo pl.'u e. with n mwhii;h r UBt ic aealM ami Htulel t Id hp mt. im ei ed shatl e in i-b. f r.,11 1 which you gel a g rand view of tbe beuii 1 1 f u I river N ciimc Tie I'amlico. Sri in t'r"t'k, ami llHilowe' Crc S.iniT.- -hools Hrt inv - ,! t he ' pri'-ep -.Well aaullolbel- lo I11HV ( vv I.- i I to a 1 1 1 lid. v 1 1 h Well hi led I Mr keif , I inn III ,'! '.e bafki-lf ' Why i-oui, ; ., d the fpli lid idly OlguIP ied Sundiiv ht hoolB of the I it v of KlinB ' .nn ii- ' A better place c -:M not be fell -.-led for a good tune. lb. people of A iIhiiib I rei k :iud v iv in - it.. .......i...Qrt...l l...u,..f ui.i., ' iij ui , uh "i" ii. ai i.. o , ,i,.im,u people ami will welcome you in the old North CarohiPi i-tv le. 1 1 m d f Tget the ' Lia- l et" ' N i,i', Mr 1'. Iitor. the ludu r, extend n spec: :il invitation totlio lu-Mt look inj; ; il invitation tu the best looking J.iPltSAI. man. Those r on necie.l uh tbe J. il UN A I . who ii i e known to he homely will bo admitted frt an in i.i i" ll .V..... i are expected to hnnk baskets, rvow in trying to settle lln malt r uui.mg y our selves do not get up sny feeling or packed conventions. A free vote and fair count is demanded, and tbe ladies will manage tbe rest. Mr. Will Mason, tbe gentlemanly and efficient superintendent nf the Adams Creek Bandar school, is an earnest worker, and, with his enterprising offi cers and corps of teachers, it doing a go d work. We met F. S. Hecton, the popular Methodist minister of the l'amhco cir cuit, looking well and happy The Pamlico people are much pleased with Hro. Becton. Respectfully, etc. , Thomas TieKi.Krm iiKiP-' in. Another Horror. BOSTON, March It It is reported thMt a heavily loaded passenger team on the Boston & Proridence railroad met with a terrible accident at 7 o'clock this morning,' between Boslindale and Forestville. Four cars are said to have gone through tbe bridge and many per eons been killed. A wrecking train has left for the scene of the accident. Later. The latest advices from th scene of the accidnt on the Boston & Providence railroad Indicate thattbirtv- three persons were killed and forty in-; jured. among them man? wnmen. Conductor Tilden is among the killed. Fiarlda Spraka OXFORD, FLa.. Feb. 2. O. A iriena of mine nas oeen very low witn rneumatisai. ana noinmg seemeo O UO Dim IDT KOOU. V Pill) II WHO sent bim oae bottle of B relieved lum at ooce. T -T r prTRrui; Mrohairit ma Im NjLa. jijriui hi R N ri,s? I .npe Items m'o Monday : ! v ton a- arc loot L G: '. u J .cLUt. e Mr Sviri preach i ! Pie'1ai lay alid .SulJji L iU CU regular mm trill. i - a usee unknown to us, the Rev I did not till hia appointment' Mi Ul.tr It ( bi.rli laet Sunday evening. Wiley tort, a ery popular mantle man of Wayne county, wm in tcwu -i Monday He is the jfueai of O. S 1 ten Ksij. ' lUKbcll. v, bo bao Loci. n a -.! I, l'luU Ij h.:i reuirnel Sj-.p.-r ' i y . ul. j is a i L .! p .ot in h.;.ij n, ' IKK'I I U lid IDg Hr . i . li.uaid hii.i lU In. H I' Llaiper nn berc .,-1 uiidi.y. i.i. I j liuuikr ' f KiiiBloLiont- all ul L I. ling ibe iltdi 'all m Ac bud a ' t-IU Up llll-l luepdav, ""Hi i nai , in lL.it- olifcp. ul a buinb of rn 1 1 c lit 8 f rorii ibe gal den of ourliiiiH inuii 11 I. Hill, ,ii, L-..1 llie ladisbeB i r l,iiKe fin'ujli fur sbipploa ai r m f itiui in. instil be auocoaeful i r ... 1 b.-Ii- w illi ll,e proper aiiuiios. li.c nt I ii-., ipb-B Cburcb in thir I bi . wur-il, I n aied l.uii Sunday . Kei, Mi ll,ip.i .,f -imilhael 1 , preached tbt i. i. ui, r ni rmuii lo a crowded lioui-t-M , v viMioiB attended the dedkaic ii 'It Harper ban been choaen palor and i- a .in p.pular preacher Tl.i- ri-(u ia- .pp.ui,' m nt i.. eci lid Sun lav in 11' b I be el gall I. at I 11 el tin .-. if 17. ,-d . li Sol ii i lav 1 1 t : - ' 'i-b ' i , n ' ' -1. , . n, . ,i v. . '. , . , k l i .ii. : -p.p. r i , i i . ,- i . I. 1. 1 . w . I 1 1 . . , e i au 1 .r. ; ei ! . ei . i 1 1, e x tf r :enre . f t ai mr i aci vt 8 . d W be I I.I b ' lb. I ll would be a lllyiuiu v -'ul l not noo a thing that v ll ' ' ll I "I.e V I,. , ll-., r- an be B.ll d '11 t paV ' W't k: e. ll,u'. Ulal,V of Hill bet-l fallutir r . -, tliul (el liii--lf d"li I pav . aud have a bal, b 'l.e.l ibell uae. alld we kin'W. 'i.i III, I 11, ul , -. Ibul tbe Ulot I nil c;eaf f li 1 t , I I lie I r III It, l.t M-eli.,li ai e lh"Bc who d e n t and lit vt i hale lined t i -in iner t ia 1 fell....'l - IV tpl IV VVaV .ftlptri no i '. 1 1. . 'Hi, r v. i ,b- U.i ) li.ot' iiul Ji 1 " I. .. d up. Hi ll.. .ii A faithful t dit"I , or i . aiioudfUl al a. iv a warnH the , .'b f an evil, jcivinn the eiiK-li I ititm, iiif'-imed . and the people t. j, s i. , lake i he ad v l.-e IB no evidence i , i: in in, i ,d i u i land abounda 'v.-.', h-. I failtiful ip.r.pt-1 preacheir- ..ll ' -illi l lie a el Id ll- I 111 I of Bll. I.t I e Htouewall Itemts. 1 '1 b l : if t , a t thf I et-ldt n f M i - b .. "t ii Illy the i,:,d Wil D of ' aiidemt-re 'wienmr .1 1 in i i w Miller n itig t be 1 .- I i MIlllT V,l A inatida vug I i b.r, I'f I .iimIi if. I', 1. 1 1 111 11 . ii iuii r i 11th k. by nd and m n n t lb nt In me I'll ml, el ii it Plilie hbci ' K Harris ul liiia lime i All m I m I, I. k,n and ltd a n 1 1 i I - Ml I 1 I V, 1 1 J. 11 we, h i I r. i . ll- M 'Id I.IM 1..-VV Illlll ! I bda.lt 1; li.u. Ibe Wh.leiinib repreHt-ntf. w ill be under bin c. n i v rn, i ; i i i . I : i i be in b I I ii k eip. ,'. i . 1. 1 in that 1 1 .-i:,d in the f in n i tlol I CUP r-.l'e bt tti 1 ll lli'l'- ' . rtl.lphell ibe ,,,r. VV rklllall III (o 't' ill the BPrlit'ii tif JuoaiI) anili, , w ur. painfully burn, id a ':n or so atne.- bv open pig tin- do r to inspect the d rift ll Pre coveieil hi- fa- e and burned I on i i ele f bi - fa t ii 1 n i UBt it i be , n- veiv Ht iioulv and not as conifortaMy I at rn igh) have I , n lie is aboul P K . it lliif tune i 1 1 1 1 r e vv a i' ;t to; lavv day here on t' ig la vv i ng d a v hcl Satuidav la-t l-i'lmcj. o H .iter, Khj . i,,.. .. ....., T Midvelt wbow.-m rnnre- f on ted by W T ' "alio ami W . T. F..I wards represented by W. W. Clark of your . T The court was in sewtion for three h(1,.rH r n,or(, ended bv uncle H ,1, gaining all hi" pmnts i lliat court. luU ,( WPnt nn I when ,t will end r." i lie knows. I )ur wharf proxentsd rjuite a bu(.ineH peaianceon the nurniug of the 14lh n. dl . at H were four schooners and one steamer. The schooner Horatio Nkvol, V. H Koxwell master, with lumber for Bab imoro . the Bchooner John Hooker, John Thomas master, loading lumber for Philadelphia . tbe ecboooer Mary Hrvan, W. S Oibbs master, for New Heme; and the schooner D C. Willis, H 11 Dowdy master, for New Berne, and ihe steamer Beltie, Tom. llsrvey masier. for New Berne. Hhe iaaves bt re every Monday and Thuratiay ni "ruing for her regular trips to your city Commutation. Cuv Scales yeater lay granted a cont inuiaiion of sentence to Stsrk 8 Imps in, p. i who was sentenced to be haAged, M;iv Hi 18t7 Himpson is one of tbW negroeM implicated ia the murder of Al 'iizo D Owens, a merchant of Waah ingpiri county on the 22d of last Sep tember, and was loe only one of tbe three parlies tried for tbe murder that was sentenced to death. The other two w t re Mrs ( iweoe wife of the nrnrueret man. and Isaac Jones, a negro, both of h m were sentenced to the peniten tiary. Simpson s sentence is commuted to nTe Tearp jn tbe penitentiary, for the following reaaons: "It has been ahowu lo the GoTernor tHa, 8impHOI, was an I fiorwmnlii-MP. hprimp PTiilf.njrA frvr State, by which a foul murder was in- iearthe, and all the parties involved Th anHritnr nrl inrlo-a thought that tbe punishment of the ryrionnar tnc r n waa vr ara kwl tf ttttkimm U. B . and itl.hniiM ha rrlnfr1 ln't taabi In uKa penitentiary, and tbe Governor gives f . . . .... .... m ; , rvenent or irjis equity -it oeiae; i. i .1 y. lb. If !. in ll i. ! ell I jech, cr.r.r. I, 1.1 1. . I 1 1 M' s , -Mai , b . -i T I I ' el i d 11 I 1 plitjr ,1 1HJ a b.ld bua iii w hat ,- h-a) IDg I ian beel. I f i 1 1 ei 'Uuider b a trust wur l by "u i I U1 uuBuccenBiul ulleiiipl j ma.ie Ul anaanieiialf the ' i r la,,B tire g,u n ' M.IU.N I - PA!-. Ii 'Ml Mall b : A I tt B, I Pi. t , rn, . r i , lb" I p. ( m -1 ii, a If bi,' ii p 'ti ll,, I allf lelina and N a 1 r . i t Mt-t-lla id I rl, in an line "I I ei i ai ...MP j ', i 'Iit-IB I 'i,f t-r ' ' at i N undo I I, i-b ,p ! A I - 1 M I.I 1 II ri. e M..i- b 1 A I v - -1 r 1 1 u I - b a ' k II p ii M ' m ."til , eiiv 'ill. ir: 'III!- Mm, h J. I U IM i V f at , id I lo i in. li, ... i.i . I 1 .i I I I'amlico Items. i li.- l..i .i ,.,,pi. it, in i III full li' m -1 on f i e al Ibe Y 1 1. lay . ( ti. 'I lie Su ml a v s h", c ret k lilt els al 1 J Sin, da) und im well Mr T 1 V..our li 'y sr.. I Hnb! r i i- It im fi ared h 1 lit lilt I e , I I V all, 1 i- I. i k VN , '.Il k. I 1 ip .1 n wr . at tb" lie lllgbl UllOlllt I plear run I fin of u,e I', u ni d anc w a-, y i d Mr .1 In ,n o 1 11 ft Call I W . b BUi li btmli Mr. I I,..- t lark Jr. 1 , i ll t Ir liri' ii ( ,1 .n m bear ef i itbern w I,, ha . a eimilar way Mr. li ll Ml i,(i, r i ' ,i pi lyale B'-hool at l'ainli im-l He ih a man vv I, petelll lo d i i ootl W el k ,e rable ' uIbo i i oil I he blthlv ( i d li, at (lb nm- M IBB M hiiM been Willi her wet I,. 1 Mi .. , v e ,1'ir -I I l-er.bee. li In i iii on i He1- li" f l'..P fl"' I. a i !. I I da pn i , new III a 1, 1 p I e. i li e vv a 1 1 . d.b.lb'.od ..i'l I iv I V 1 1-1 1 : : 'lal, 1 h at Ibi, if ittll ic rpi . n an pa I' Till ire heenif le b. li ii In-1 for a t el lain f vv le- In, n e W I. el ". Al! who ui e ill I,, two oi jup i.i oiling ui rims. can I a fi p. i f,i UP . " -a near ti ui J 1 belli. The tak.i we 1 1 any olh. r g i iuii the ui a I . uliiablc iii itlllll'. w I, I If I V I' i .iiii ,1 i ! n ail i i iner p. bill I I .oh. la 1 1 li i,i I pi .jp, op f i .ill 1 n,,r d let I t Imi di.ua w be have u i ineui ' k. n I, tf -i-kl. l v Salvation I'd, im fci. at. .-. eurlU for pain. n,..v I - le.o -feet a cu'o w hi u , t i cUi iJSt e ll can I e ll -,- I Pi Ave e'-iil- :i lotto.. C.p IP 0.;':,. :-i ;" -Kl . U l Pl la :.; .. . I ubau te.n law , ii: i , , ' y rnlay night by lia . i They were lnimediat. Iv ..u I v a 1 I- ooniuiiilee of i iti.'eiia hi. li. . leave the to iv n ul once, ii . ilal lhat thev .ire spitators , '. tfif lOU rsf kind, and that tbi v are pi I- . ia; bn com mimical ion with oihot I , , . ies hi ise ei in-' ; n i - to fr ment ft i . '. N in left ton n en n o n n.g nul ImtrN from the oiUkoiis' Ctininih : i .- i tin reniainin); two T" rn 1 1 1 , i tear ia - .in n dered hiinneif t.vlbe r-bwrilT I til ' ' , w as arroeted at the. u st m f th State's attorney and ! U l i , i j ,1 It is the old, old U)iy. I ivs'htr.ral sight.' A walk in the beau',. Jul n n light night. b, (h cad h a drcadf.il ivld and give i)' all hop" bin ti na .jj. tftjtd relief in a bottle of It I ipiVjCough Syrup, get married, and ttO at last ha p : .' JBr'()vBter;t;rwitt. c.entlemea wishing to astablieh an Oyster Property in the -4libtlul w atari of New River, aad not wi-hmg to at once give it their .whale atr-iiiim. . will find in the undersigned One lamp liar with the Science of Oystat Culture, and Well acquainted with the BBOMronal circumstanoes which combi to make I some localities of thiAffver superiot to" ' any found elsewhere. He will f, glad . j . , e "rr . j , . r , , I to rsrve such gentlemen ny mat . for tbem (according to the Lm a- , , judicious selection of such bntp :i - , would also pr, tci d if ti, ni, ,1 i such lands by arjj m lIau' old, iuJ a - I otherwiseviaiw r sej lfi"vf r ins lerm or one year For further parte u I , - i i r - ra,,aMqH El-Oavtnor llwhWartl Sa8 At sn.N. Texas. March n 1""2 Mr. A. K. ilawkes: Dear Sir-I ara much pleaded with the pactiscopic glasses yon so perfectly adapted to my eyes; with them I am enabled to read, as in my youth, tbe finest print with the greatest ease. I cheerfully recommend tbem to the public Rpectfwliy. U. B Mupbarp, (Ei-Oot. of Texas' Minister to Japan. All AVjjjta ftttaH D.-H (Via tat t. r ...cmA COMMERCIAL. 6 P. at ' ' K v ..el a Mar. I. A'i.1 ' May J une J l, y . A u ir uo i ' s, . u M ir . i -N .. n. eie o! " S.-pl. ml . i ' ', l L-cI. Nov em btpf I Wprn i er Jan ian . Y ebrui v iIiuk a : KuUii nt i e- .1 I Mid M e. . in.,.- .' '.- 1 . n . , Mild'me , . . I nxl I d ' i ! in ar ' I L ' t t a J v ! ; . , Mi i ' arv , .'I tionaniii; viaukht. Shtp C'TlllN U. J (.'ll. Cell-lull' SKKbJ -81' I'd i Tlki-KNTINB- Hur l '. Ui' dip, 1 .0. Tin -Vic at : '.' I I A 1 3 - Vic . 1 U l J ; k ' I 'uKJv- 4 ju'i .'. Hick iV'aCi liaKMWAX ! c. pt-l ItKEF On f Kii ;tc t.. fc t'"umr Haks-II'iiI'.'-i' nti,b I . v uii Inc. per I li. I KeeB i 1 per del. on. r'UKHU 1'uHK -4safk per pountl 1 I'aANl'TB- Vic per bufbel ' h ulineH 76c.a81 00 per bund red ' OHlOKb OtJo',' aft r barrel i KlKLP I'lib oiaV'Ic. HlPKB-Hry . lot green ic Tai.i IW - 'c per I b Cuiciihb -tiruwn, .' 1 -priiiir 1 I Bika'tic I WkaL -VOc per buahel w ilolBA 1J1 l-hK KB S i w Mnac l'oua 8l'' o. rH- il'LPKK M K T ?c. t K b , y H h H V aud 1 i I y Il'l'H t I IK'ai o(l. I I.akp by tbe ( icr. e Njll.s iiaj.18 10 b. V.i. s: o a ll 1 1 ran ti ale i e I I KKK 1 'Ih 1 7 ' I 'm I'.-K ' 'i. HaI.T ''ia'- . pi r Bai h . Mel.isMhiMiShifS Oa4C) I' Phi, l'(' hlb'T I'lop li ', but k. S'.' l-t KKK 'SKK Ue StO' lioltltr; Meeting. : ' i ii i f I. I III A n ii 1 1 1, 1 M - I iiid' of ibe 'd tin- New Heme and i i I al r poi lain ,n I ', iliipau) s( . ., I'm wil li.., Mai l ..I, Ir. , ii , -P all, be b. Id I I M IM (III ii -.i I : - it Ibe Hoard . f Trade eili, on Wednrfdav . al .. o clock 1 A. l.KKKN, Stt' . and Ti e.iB. A'.liL'.:c & I C. Railroad Co., ' 1 I . A 1 J ' i . ( 1 1 I i I 1 i,U'A Hi M k.S I ." i 'i m n I , Mm It l'Jt h I -HI CKNl.KAI. NOTICK. i '-:.. 1 r 1 ' ' ! I . M )i 'iik. m 1 " M i ' ':'.!'"'., h ih I he --tai- Ihwr rK li it ' ':',.! I,, lie 1 1 hi'. chht I ) f. ii I 1 1 .1 1 ' I ' 'Ml l'i, if ti Ot In I ' i H I 1 Ull 1 1'lwTrt Of fl 1 lH- . H .if 1 I i 1 1 m I I , K II 1 1 I'l C.'lllU'Cl ,OllH I hut IfcVI " i I hp. !;i'i's nou !m cf'.-cl c.'ii " ! i" r.r 1 1 1 f i . : will I f M Uh il i .t ii -mi i . f m r . r r I ; , u 1 i ,,,. r ,1 ' .. ' (j:m n ,i,! ii : ! exit' I'ii1 ' M 1 ''ft, I "IT hf 11 .iMJKiI'H, n of ii I c ii ' 8- f- ' ft ' . ' i. f' - i iii ins: u I ih iin- luu i.i.'. m my il. i- NH'iit will r. ;iB' Hrni Irrml .-V I'l l : i i i ' p v . i it- ii I I r'T f. IF YOU WANT j Cheap and Serviceable, Furniture, A I I AT Till. lie-; V. Bcrr.e Furniture Stcrc, 1 SI I 1 M II 1 ! .1 : STUbKT. ' Wl I c It I all be found 1U K"'at V a' i t V . 1 iirmture i.ot in slock w ill be i rde red , nt a an. II pti cent abov J n : .' bare of ul,: t 'bilge I B I .UN a. I LhNl I I iiK sluKK. mar 11 d wtf Private BoardingHouse ! TUKMON, n. v. liei-inm comfortable and well fur niMiied. Attentive servants. Table sup plied ith the bivbl the oountry affords. Terms reasonable. Apply to Mas. A. J. SCAKHi H(H Oil. . 1 renton, Jones county. N. C. dw For Rent, Two nice comfortable houses, one nine room bouse on Pollock street bet Middle and Hancock, and one seven room hoope on Hancock street, near I Pollock. Very convenient to tbe busi ness portion of the town. Houses in first class order. Terms moderate, Aptdv to Wm COHEN, Wfinstem Building, Or. Pollock and Middle sts. mv dim . . ALL Well Bignlated FAMII IKS WILL us ALABAST1NE thisPprtD-io ren ovating. Peanl ifv . tPg kdU sSorelng tce!r rtvrenings. For salt- by -I. C TFhltty, Iwvaler in erleal- tnrml ImpJemenU,) hi 5 l'i.. X' 1 'F " mmw..i.. lko.ih Smallwood & Slover HAL II ' hi i it a KK ' ' 'i i-luK.-k.tLW . '' M'fV If.. AM. 7' i.l'A-l.lJ AS lO 1 .' PRICE AND QUALITY. lor to new m.uti) N r, Pianos and Organs. f I IV M MP .1 I . J i ri Cassards Lard. Sugar Cured Hams. SHOULDERS, And Breakfast Strips, ii.. I I V i"., i ail. and l : .Hi :u E. B. HACKBURN'S. For Sale, ' ' '-'"i H, iibehold 1 uiiiiluru. in "'K ' '''' nt. !iand-.oiiju WaJiiul "III Set I ;l,p,.l Si , t,():ir,f A,(, bt nil 1'iaiio ana l( .,k taiie. Mi- .1 - II V LK . l1- It lw '.'tb'V he Rock Lime, Plaster, Cements Goat Hair R. U IJ. LODCfE. t lCA I.N STKELT, lt-low Kiprest Ofllce. nn i 'A' il'uw w Private Boarding House Mrs. '. Kr,.i J. M. MINES, Jr., At limine lore lob I. II Hi ... y t eroplttt 1.. .-I,. I- .I'- ,hs Moard i '. i , i .I i l ( n llei.Aoniil.lt' Termi RED LIGHT SALOON, Near Mnrkct Dock, Middle St-, NEW BERNE, IV. C, V U K Ul, ,,, PAN AI.WAPi ; PURE LIQUORS 'f every qur.iititn h tif variety, in large or small Al o the FiNKSTCKALiKS TOBACCO AND CIGAES. All of whi h will be sold CHEAP FOR CASH! Jons Ii IivrciNs SaTr-eman. K. WHITMAN, dec.JJdw Proprietor. SlWBLRN & EEALTQfiT- CAUL - CO Storkholders1 Central Xeetlnjf. Notice is lierfbv given thata.OeneraJ Mui Ingnf the Htcv-klSrvMrri of TTiS NrwhrvaaTiif p. aufoi t I'hiirI I omiiany is hereby rallM t,. ibe nntlernrnert Ki .irkhnKleni In theiiri i ,'iupany. ajid thai ilisino will ,wVr" and r lieM nt il,p A l.np-MARI.K BOTitStJ Kl 17 V 111 I II ill v v .... ,. ... VJ I I , North farollna o clock, r M ii i i r ha y the t MAIU H. 1KX7 fn. ru. fbtM ti day pose of fieri I n g h Prt sltlent and DlrJetortaf a d('omr.aii7; for Uie adopalojMX BUL for lei. rn avii.i.,...i . ., .. . . . .. RIIIIIieQI At hA Oorn-aaj. aud tor tbe tsatvatarCW JZ KHANKI.I WELD, Tro.tee U KI.Id()TT, I'. K. lUKWULc-i , ' - . ui ural BUILDING AND REPAIRING eo. iTH-Atjflgl golicitod by first-claas Carpenter anf' UMOTl. .lie M !a .u r n r w a r tid Machine rv. CRAVE tT,, KO ntcRir, i. c jarluit - - - - , . . .... ii, utAta.ua. ' , at tbsunJkwaf & Ixtfy; Hawt g Berne. mar 5 Iin L.VQ T 'ma tMrw. i

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