J : -. x -NO. , - - - A . J ' :i L. urs, 84 ttpoteii. LOCALS if' -1 freak lot M Ann i.keacf All limit Stall ajt bas soil out to Keeler A t.ar room and fixtures neat It. Jones on Middle street. -rr.CY TCn j nwnfjt,It tut. uLitynately J . t .! id iKo rkittnML" is Inn Old iiiam. The Diamonl Lens st.nl Kye-glaasee are ibe beet - v o reed artificial aidfor the y j ir bears the trade mark, t tale In Kew Berne oolyby A. mn bnv Fi rat-Class Pianos and fnra us for leea moaeytbaa i 1 t ewhere." We selk Decker ... t .., '? & Uuild Pianos; the Smith ricMi (ireans. Correepondenoe ao- 1. tlKAKES HaKTBHKLB, . ..3 d a "in , j V Kinstoa. N. C. A f u!l line of ' PloweK' Harrows and t blurs, at pricea to suit the times. '. t ';' il'-i: ', ft hay Reid, Bbipper GfsinrHsy, ft ... .edOate and UyepemaKy. is. JO 1' .noke Dock,lorflk. Va, ' . i.b3d2n. .."- , I I ini. m, time. Plasterlciement, i;:f.. i i. - w, VarnUh and Oil low a. v ; USO. ALLi ft CO. . r.'t;''! Cj' 1 rsla yesterday, I j'i has declined g little butotton 1 i-wmeih. .,f,'ft? xr. T. 1121 bas flour and'.pOTk i in wbiob b waat to sell It s r? ported In ths city iesierdsy ' thht a heavy snow' w ialHng , 1. Jvre Abbott Is collecting Wte f -r a new dwelling on tie Wrner 1 i rcut and King streets, pit.;', i i ; Our uornys have returned j from lit a court and era preparinl fof One ljwwti i convenes next)Ioudayj Ti e wnd bo&ts complain about not be i-: t'. le to paw the railroad bridged We 1 vet'.o draw has been repaired and U t ow in condition to be opened J '' : ' Tie sthletlo games" of khf AAletio . uibtlon of the Davis School t La ,r je 1 beheld on Thursday and . . . Utj af' rnoons, April 14th and 15th, Tie Iri: U poUto crop Is tboagbi to be . - I one-fourth by the recant cold i . T'e younger peasthoee (hat v . ; 1 13 bloom are not damaged to b y treat extent' .' x: re ir. farmed that the CofnmKtee (: 3 Lavs InTesUeateJ -mtter ' 0 imposed upon' I - jWIl '., for removing if" ' ...4 the . ht.l will report at. nextmest ' ;',.e board of eoonj':. J if well at the juact'oa of Mid I C rayes streets, b"re4 by V' '. , is said to be t ne of the beet L.y. It Is curbed v ! i ten inch ; , and is o.ers 1 y etifcine t f is.: 1 ar f ; klj t' L '9 at the c 1 g witboi ; . ; Isonce of t .'. . Oiirer, and t . "r. JonaLhas to decide t trock crop. ' V 't the cot : 1 -alette -' "SI ! w . : l e k feet deep, "sterdsy an inex. 1 change jorum, bident, cording 9, have . pros are of the en- a crop le at a arte ted . l t World, lawton The -y t&e ' 1 r ti ;1 Usury T. W. C A. a ladies of Ehleih kave orjiued , uur; m vi,e x ja. y A f , to assist in promoting evanjelie ,. ju among young men, and t-m&U f-e rooms of the taaocu : -m efc.t I nd attractive JJil ltn (be proceed fjian t.. -cJ ent, which thej hai re r, 44! floAjraisT ooming oast, ' causing sj serous uons from Individuals. Ahev hav fftted op a parlor and rtHnr roon; . - . '1 -' 1 narenow eotrtr T " He roome'of the a8ot,. 4 1 aUi-aetivo'andare jfcfidciii t aid which only ladies krW how U B j e The above facta we gather f a let ter addressed , to the Vfiecret-y of the we asre nosncnjqriii.un. We are glad, bowerer ti5 u.j ladka of oar oity are mono fa ti.ia tectka, ' Tnat thJ hsTesabet ob!y iwpooded to the appekliof th4ssoiL,Uca .Iter In the past, all will testify hs bavo Tieited Ibe reading room ami hr' eeen the beautifnl carpet and l c .!;iW bebke, the glfy of :ttj,k..5 Yet much remaiaa Jo be doie. vTLe room, in whioh tho devotional Vxerciee are 1 . ! held, Is farrom attract!.- Jlot with- standing there are many obstacles in their way, the young men ar doing a good work. It would be Wa wise for them to raise among theawiree alt the feaeans they need, at suot a Mam would 4rlre froni, them many yopag men whom they desire to bedefili. VTe ought not expect them to do aore Vian meet fheir' running ' expenses as it takes no nan sum wr rent, aire 01 janaor, ana fcoUentala'! ' ,' V''- I The members ''of BaS!. LC-A. are inxiooa to hafe the UdjBt eo-ceoVate with them aadUniost .cordially (invite them to do tOyOVe ei&cretyjhop tkat the ladles win t onoe perfect aa irgsn- ixatioa orihe purpose of making the tooms of. 4t ' 'tWfiatlost comiortable and , attrfcotiysv and . belWva; -"f wilL B oaA truly bewd of thelai.c of New.Perne.tEariii are alvays ready tf da'.erbai they -caa-loi, sery. good TOtt and that tier "suopeel In what tHejtoadeytaks.. .. ' ' 1 .... ,. 1 1 . . 1 ... UtiHtiaaTMiiota. 't. i The fcteamef -EAglelfof tha E.O. Line sailed promptly at 4 o'clock ysstef day afteraoom, . Jfld among pthef freights, v notwithstandibg the bad weather, had several packages of track. The KInston, of 4ba K. A ' T, R. Lie, sailed for Kinston at 1J m. yestert with M nirirn nt minAftkl maroliliii. I dine and-fertilizers. The-manclft, ! of the same line, left for Snow Hill With a similar cargo; ' ; , . U i Washington ktems. Mrs. O, H. Onion is visiting' relatir tn our city.1 ; i, v ,; -,., Mr. r. a. euckney bas oompietea tae compiliation of the Life of the lata Pt ner B. Satterthwaite. It is now going through the press and will be ready delivery in about tnlrty days" " i- Your correspondent haibwi f '" t ed in reading that truly abl a ' 1 arly work entitled "Gen ' , ...ol oey," from tha pen of A . li. (Jolli Uughee. It is a complex 3 1 : Jon oi the assumption that Moia 6- i UeolOity are contradictory. The book will have a large sale, as it deeerres ;,; Messrs. Erdmaa, Uiller andHabrfatf your city have been over, i Erd man bad a rush In cigars, judging from tin number of orders he received. ' Ik k conceded. that Erdman teanufaoturei the best cigars south of Baltimore:' Wonder if he advertises in the Joe HAXr, .,-.. ; :. s'--' ' A most scientific and skill ' ' operation wan performed V . t r h At Sunday by our you' t i 1 ti! nr jbysioian, Dr. D. T. lyiu i. 1. . r has been suffering a long tin e wi i a very painful and diseased ari, and every effort bad been made to sate it, but wben it was inevitable thataq T'.t .;,ion muBt take place be entrusted fci:ri' If to Dr. Tayloe, who made one if tue 1 fft surjrical operations. Mr. F-' ter is from Craven. . ; Is it the Herald pigeon? Tf' tina is bein; discussed onoui V "i,rn the Dauntless and Core, Nf-'T T,..-rk for un Of'n re acr. At'- tLeNew'York Herald ec-rr rji'Mijon board.' At the a rt t ' i- 1 d.-.v tlie first ripcon i, s i t fourth day tie c' i t tra pror'T jr.- ' '. , f j: rail c.. "O, .but t , r t vrr i- .--.rr.p-1. On the eig':. . t ft, r. a '-,:-n struck the r ' : . L. b. ITeyt cf tl is to -,,'.;.. .1. The t : a 1 r f t: ?e de"i'i .. 1 by t ; ; r r p'-n I' ewir i 1 ' 1 'r. Jioyt is a r ; 1 s-i.s t'.e Lcrcdd, ' n f s r n r r" ; J 3ls leasers, mixers tad JKltrs-ia all ths glass factories of the oonnt f Uw demanded a ten per osnt. ai..nce In wages, to take effect on April I, AtDrTden. Texas, a west-bound en- fine and oabooM smashed into freight wrack. : larUMM;. wvwi" ; T" . f. . , : . , kiUed. 4fl L Mr. Davis, tho proprietor of. tbs Bat ne wsp4peri txwaoau naa neen senwooeu to three months in JaQ and to bay a fine of 50d for libeling p. Peek.;the well known turflite. , 4 y Considerable damage to "Mta potato crop is reported in Uutbern ' Louisiana from a disease wbick is dialled the blight, and which was unknown in that section until now. f ) Supervisor O. MiBates, o ths town of Gardiner, TJUtaf countf.jNe w York, has failed for (40.000 and fled to Can ada.' p. Is said toihave forced notes to the amount of 910,900. A collision occurred on the JSoutbern raeifto Bailroad, hree hundred miles wast of San Antonio, causing sevre breakage, Engineer M. C, Camleas was pinched and soaldsd to death. In Chicago on Wednesday the Nation al Association of Builders completed their organisation, and adopted1 as their name "Ths National Association of Builders of the United States." An explosion of gas occurred on Wed' nesday in Iher-Von Storch mine, at Soaton, Pa., kiUing Thomas Lewis and Edward Owen Eight men were slightly and two seriously injured. The will of Ulir a Good win, the wife of IT. C, Goodwin, jr., tho actor, be queaths to Mrs, Elixa Smith, of London, England, her mother. 18,000, and the rest of her estate to her husband. , It is stated nat James G. Blaine has eomptatd bp .1 arrangements for a Europoa f tohr that will keep him abroad until after the meeting of the next national Bepublican convention. The coal rolners and ooke laborers at tho Monastery; Works, Latrobs (Pa.) Coal Compsays mines, and the works of tho Bidgfway and St. Qlair Compf -niee have itrock for an advanoe in wages. ,' m i Ths trouble between the two labor organizations,) the Knights of Labor and the Amalgamated Association of S-llliaers and Mine Laborers, was settled Pitteburg on Wed seed ay by a oon- jferebeoef tiejeaders. ! The laborers employed in the erection of ths ejfubei additions to the Eqoit Vbla Bailding,-Xew.York, went on strike on Wednesday because of the en ploy meat of two nOatinion men to pat opeloctrjo wiree.- , James Lock hart, baggage-master and Adams' Express agent ooTthe Pan Han dle road between Wheeling, and Steu benvUUt and killed himself Wed nesday. ' ; Domostio diflfcultles ' and driak are assigned as the The Senate committee Fork Legislatnra on'Wedx arguments pn Senator M K've a portion of the Sew 1 York city school moiey to the Catholic Eroteo tory,, JTo action was taken. , ; i. George P. Parker, of NewfYoTk, the president of 7 tha ' Britiah-: Claim Agency, charged with s ladling, uashing and .whose trjal resulted in tha . indictment against ', him, Wednesday released on bail. , was on i - 'J man, ieieved ta bat: T, O'Brien; was run over Wod 1 - on the Philadelphia, WEming tou aLl Baltimore Eailroad. ai -Wilmington, Del.,' and sustained Injuries which caused bis death In a few hours. - Governor Hill on Wednesday loot a special message to the New York Lpgls-1-itnrthe subject of special legisla message is belieTed td be e high-license bill for flew . .1 1 Brooklyn, recently passed by the Assembly. I Y" William M. Howe, aged- twentytV I 'irs, shot himself through ths heal n 1 front parlor of Mrs. Hearaey's real "e, Fourth avenue, New .York city, ' -.y eight, and died instantly. He tern paying attentions to' Mwt 'y's daughter. His friends at? ; tLe r:: b act to despondency, v; 1 1 of ammonia, . poor fellow,' renowned, I'rs. 1'artington, on f a friend's death from pneu- I r '...-re I should hava died, ; -. ' ;(. h frup. it 1 1 ft nd drove it away." 1 i : jr'jp s'ue means, of F " 1 k nj too. ' Htii lr. cow lea F-lr. Tor : ' J ;HeTj8aaw fall!' - LYSTHBUxa, Va., March 8L A heavy snow storm bas prevailed hero since o'clock this morning. , .The aignal a vice observer report four Jnches fall up to 11 o'clock. The snow on tha ad jacent mountain is not less than tea inches In depth. . w Eeports from Taaa well county aaya terrifie thunder, hail and snow storm visited that seotioiu Hailstones aa inch in eirrumf erenca fell, and.the lightning was lernno. Jnany telegraph poles on tho lino of tha Norfolk and Western Bailroad were split to Dieces. and seve ral Instruments la telegraphlo and tele- pnoae offices along too route were de stroyed. . It was the most terrifie ever known in that section. . Stactjtoh, Va., March 81. Snow has fallen to the depth of three inches, and is stall falling rapidly. Wihchkstee. Va., March 81. A heavy snow storm has prevailed here all day. Snow bas fallen to a depth of several inohes, thus closing an unprece dented March for our valley. Not a bud nor a sign of a leaf is to be seen, Farmers are very backward with their work. Norfolk, Va., March 81. Snow fell for several hours today, followed by a northeastern gale and rain storm. The telephone lines of the life-saving service along the coast are broken down in mMy places by the storm. GHMOND, Va., March 81. snow fell hire today, but did not attain much pth, owing to the warmth of the th. Stonewall Items. Haywood Lewis has another fine boy lidded to his fireside. Schooner Laura Wolf , Houston mas ter, is now at our wharf loading lumber for Philadelphia. Mrs. Susan Linton, aged about 70 tears, died of pneumonia a few days inoe, at the residence of her son, Charles Swan. Thero la a widower in our town (who clerks for one of our most successful merchants) who has got so absent minded that be puts up a package of anuff and shoves it in the money drawer and hands the money to the customer before he discovers the mistake. Katner a bad condition to be in. Well, I pre sume there is a chance for bim to be Oared. I should like for the editors and cor respondents of those newspapers who are continually telling the farmers not to use commercial fertilizers and how to farm, to subscribe for the Consfifu- tion, Atlanta, Ga., and read the farm pace edited by Dr. W. L. Jones as good, if not the beet authority on farm ing in the Bouth and perhaps they 1 would be induced to hold their advice, or at least let up a little. Several of our correspondents are practical far mers, ana wnue tney may not be as learned as Dr. Jones they are generally pratioal and display good sense in their suggestions. Eb.l "When headache joins neuralgia, then comes tha tug of war." A wise general knows yery well how to mar shall his forces. His first, lost, and best charge ie mad a with a bottle of Salva tion Uii, ana tne doughty foe lies cringing in the dust. A Movement Against Secret Societies. Chicago, March 80. The Congress of Churches and Christians commenced its session here today, its object being the inauguration of a movoment to crush out secret societies. About 800 delegates, mostly men beyond mid dle age, were present from several States. Today the stage of tha theatre where the congress is in session ie set with a scene representing the interior of a lodge. Prof. H. H. George, of Geneva College, was elected president, after prayer ana the singing of hymns. Mr. Pritchard . and Prof. George, both made short speeches, and were followed by the Hon. Hallack Floyd, of Ohio. Mr. Floyd denounced secret societies as inimical to American Institutions. . He said it was time for tha press to take off tha muzzle and speak out against Ma sonry and all secret societies. -E. D. Bailey, of . Washington Heights, fol lowed with another address. . ,.V-- ' ' ' i-1 ' ' ' 4 ' -' ' ' ' Ei-0TnH 9fctr4 Kara , - At8TW,'TiXi.8, Maroh 8,1882. Jklr. A. K. Hawkes: Dear Sir I am muoh -pleased -with the rpantisoopic glasses you so perfectly adapted to my eyes; with them I am enabled to read, as In my youth, the finest print with the greatest ease." I cheerfully recommend them to the public. Respectfully, -7 "' K. D. HUBBARD, (Ex-Gov. of Texas) Minister to Japan.1 e All eyes fitted and the fit guaranteed at the drug store of F. 8. Duffy, Now Berne., ; ,' marS 1m... ' Little Hope of BeconciUation.-. ' : - Losrpoif, March 80. Lord Hartlngtoa delivered a speech at tho inaugural d inner of the liberal union this evening. lis said that the effect of Mr. Glad stone's open eepousal of the action of the Parnellites during the present ses sion was to divorce still further the opposing elements of the liberal party. The Bound Table conference had broken down. - The unionists were determined to do nothing to turn out tha govern ment as long as they maintained the hw. ; .4 - - - "- .-;..' Mr. Morley, addressed the Liberal r iical Union on the Irish crimes .bill J -rght, said that the provision for c .rge rf venue of trials was a gro- t ue I-1! rnliptiant propoeal.'. He p i the libers!9 '-zz& tbpmeelveg to r ' every s 1 1 3 ur 1o the miochief a; ' i-j-if.tice t;.,it would reFuIt if the bi..r y:Mr-9. ATI.!' '- -. COmiERCIAli. Jocxxax. Orncx, April I. P. M. . Y. ' foonoK. Nw York. April 1 Noon. Fntuies April, , 10.58 October. . 10.01 May, 1058 November, 9.91 June, 10.87 December. 8.91 July, 10.76 January, 9.98 August, 10.83 February, . September, 10.41 March. . Spots firm; Middling 10 1-8, Low Middling, 10 1-16; Good Ordinary 9 1-J. New Berne Market steady. No sales. Good Middliar 10: Middling 918-16: Low Middling 9 8-8; Good Ordinary 8 18-16. OOISKSrlC B1BKIT. Skkd oottos 88.00. Oottox Sxxo $10. 00. Tokpkmtibb Hard, $1.00; dip, $1.90. Tab 75o.a81.85. Oatb 60o. in bulk. Oorm 45a52c. Rica 50a60. Bkxswax 15c. per lb. Brxr On foot, Sc.tofc. Oountbt HAMS 10al3Tc. per lb. " Lard 10c. per lb. Eoos 0a. per dozen. Frksh Pork tiaftc. per pound Pbanutb 75c. a8 1.00 per bushel. Foddkr 7&c.a$1.00 per hundred. OxiOHB ?2.00a2.25 per barrel. Field Peas 65a70c. Hroaa Dry, 10c.: gren 5c Tallow 6c. per lb. Ohiokihb Grown, 45a60c. , tprinit 80a85o. MXAL 70o. per bushel. Oats 50 cts. per bushel. Potatoes, Early Rose $2.75 pn Lbl Wool lOalfto. per pound. Potato as Bahamas. 80c. : y mi 4()c. West Indies, 50o. ; Harrison. 65c. Shingles West India, dull and n m inal; not wanted. Building. 5 inch heart. $3.00; saps, gl. 50 per M. wholesale pricks. New Mess Porx 815 00. Shoplder Meat 7c. O. K.'s, F. B's, B.'s and L C.-X. Flour fS.OOafl.OO. Lard 80. by the tierc. ' Nails Basis 10V82 75. SCOAR Granulated, 61c OoFFEB 16al7ic. Cheese 15. Salt 80a85c. per sack. MOLABBES AMD STBcrs 80a45o Powder $6.00. Shot Drop, $1.75; buck, 82.00. Kerosene 9o. Sale of Valuable Real and Personal Property. North cauoljha, 1 Craven County April 1st, lsic. By virtue of powers contained In n rUkin mortcuea execotd bvA. K. Iennlam and wlfB.lo Loon mutftra a cu. or Ibe rlty of Norfolk, and reentered in me HKuiter'a offioe of Craven county aforasalil, H00U K'l pages SMI. W4, svit. 4tK, m, Wi. and 4Wt. 1 will HKLL forCABU, at lb Court Houae door In the City of hew lierne, Stale and county aforesaid, on Wednesday, the 4th day of May, 187, at TWELVE. M., the following; dewrlbed nronertyln (he City of New Berne, to wit : The eastern half of water front of the lot known and described In the elan of aatdCltv as Lot No. 12; the lota upon which the said A. K. Dennlaon now resides, known and de scribed as lots Noa. 25 and SO ; the water front of lot No. US. and the water front of lot No. 34; one forty horse power engine (l'ool A Hunt builders), shafting, pulleys and hang ers connected with said engine. Also, one set of Cotton Heed Oil Machine ery. to wit: one triple set Of hydraulie pre as with single pump (2nd U's) and 64 patent heaters complete; one set NumberTwo Hulls and one set of mats. LOUIS HJLLJAKD 1XJ. llKNHY R. BBTAit, Atty. ap'J Id hour! Flour! Flour! Pork! Pork! Pork! Both of the above articles on band in large quantities, and at prioes guaran teed to suit, at W. JT. Hill's Old Market Site, NEW BERNE N. C Lodging at tea sent a night for those who wuh to remain over Bight In the elty. dwtr SALE & EXCHANGE STABLES 1 bars opened attna Oaston Hones B tables a tirery and Exchange Stable, where I keep oonalantry on band Horses and Burgles to sell, exohange or let. Persons and bat-frag will be conveyed tn any plaee in the surrounding country at ressonaoie rales. , iloplng to be able to eerre all, . Ml W.MS Wl , , w.v. m, ataiuaijr ,,. . walmb o. bhuwh. V - ,k a . ii ai bsrr? became I br -Mt-rr -jpf'.s sod Axlt' f-'n J. t'.. .,.1, i ircn t i.,i"ew I V. C. I Cra iw.focrtTo. sun:. Sndh7c:d a !:vcr DEALERS IN - GENERAL HARDWARE, -J 4 TINWARE, 3LA8SWAREZ WOODENWARE, CROCXERT, , 8A83, DCKJRS,JtLiND8 0LA8S, PAiOTS, OILS AND 8T0VV; UNSURPASSED AS TO - " price and;quality: Middle Street, Next Door toi Hotel Allert, NEW BERNE, N. 0. ' i "v" Neuse & Trent River Steam boat Stock For Sale. Fl FTEEN SHARES of STOCK of the Neuse & Trent River Steamboat Co. will be sold in front of Watson & Street's office on South Front street, on WliUNESDAV, APRIL 6th, at 12 o'clock . Terms Cattb. WATSON & STREET, mhSl dtd Auctioneers. ALEX. JUSTICE, DEALER IN f ';- Fine Flour of all Gradea, Selected Teas. Pure Coffees j'1. and Spices, , '' Butter and Cheese, from the best dairies. I I. r l,mekt and llr.l heleoted block of 4 1KKU FKI ITS ASD V Kti KTAULKS t-vrr before brought to New Heme. Alb,,, e full variety of oilier yoodN, usually kept In a Klrst-ClHas Klore. (iiHKiii delivered ul any part of the city flee ol elmrpe. ll'.K.MH CArili. ' Itrottri SSt Iti'riio, N. V. nmr-JT dwtf NOTICE. : Niuti' ,,l Ni rtli Curollnu -Craven I'nuuly, itllce ,'k rk Huperlor Court. Take notice: That 1 have Hits day Issued lUer ilwlaring W. r. HurruB H U. Hioad mreet, John c. (Jallln and Kalph U ray of Craveii connlv. and II. C. Carter. John M. Mann, W. 1). Murray, M. M. Fialier and J. W. 11 weatonof Hyde rounty, and their auooes aora, to be a corporation, for the purpose and according to the u-rina preacrliied In articles of agreement filed and recorded In aald of fioe. The substance of aald aureenient that aaid ariles desire to lieiome lucwrporaled under the name of The Hye'e Line (Join paoy , for carrying freight and hire, goods wares uml merchandise, and all kinds of produce, and also passengers from and to all points on I'mnllio and Aiheiuarle Hounds and Neuse Hlver and their Irthularlea, with steamers and other boats, in aald BUvte, the nrlnci)ial place of business to he at Newbern, N.C. to oonlSnue thirty years-, the amount of capital stock to le five thouaand dollars l,lKi), and each share fifty dollars. This SHh day of March, 1HN7 K. W. CAllPKNTEK, naar8i ii.M Clerk hap. Court. FOE BARGAINS IK Furniture, CALL AT THE New Berne Furniture Store, WEST SIDE MIDDLE STREET, Where it can be found in great varietj. , p ; Furniture not in stock will be ordertd - v at a small per cent above cost. A liberal share of public patronaso - W solicited. 'ii' j. m. nrrfES, t'' marU dwtf .-t V? ;- , HAY I HAY I . . .' "'' ' U7 ?:.'' 100 Tons in store and to arrive.' Clean Sweet Crab Orasa kt small bales, 75c per 100 lbs, v " v No. 1 Timothj, $LO0 par 100 lbs. Also, Clovsr aiyl otber'radf. :' jl. 1Ead- RED - LIGHT NearHartctE:' IS WIURE T ot . qnaLt.. of - - I 4 V' I, i , ; ' V. ' ,v '-1; .