Mir Journal. H jn VOL," VI.-NO. 5 NEW BERNE. N. C., WEDNESDAY. APRIL 0, 1887. PRICE 5 CENTS Ha local news; v : ' - Berne,Udtda, 80 f North. ..r r k ionitad, tt r wart. C" Suarl.5:47lLnrtb.f 4ay, - ' $un eU,:31 I IS hour, M mlantea. jJ --Motm vU at Ji:U a. m. 2 ' ' . ,1 ff i ri BUSINESS LOCALS. Mra. J.M. HiBM hM room for four " t a mora boarder. "T- Cll an 4 aee the Buckeye Lawn - .? Mower; at J. C. Whitty's. v ,; " ' Twenty -flfe pair of Celluloid Eye-- glee frame weigh only oee ouooe the ' lightest kaown and w ith ihe "diamond . v leneeeV ere lb best and meet comfort . able that can be worn. -"- i" Foe eel in New Berne only by B. A. s A . Bkll. - v . W r sellind beat Pianoa and Or- m - fren t remarkably low prioee. Old , ' Piano taken in eronna. I i '" v aBtf . Muiis ft HaktsfieLd. t X fnU lina of Plow, Harrow and Guwif atora. at prioee to suit uie ttmea. - i' '':' Geo. Allen & Co. " Fertilisers. Lime. Plaster, Clement, Glass, Paint. Varnish and Oil at low i prieea. - -f ueo. allkm uo. Berrings are becoming a little more . plentiful. Washington, N. C, is to vote upon prohibition the 1st Moo Jay in June. The provisions of the inter-State com meroe law went into operation yester day throughout (be United States. m Tb edges of our wharves are now fringed with old colored women who euooeiifally t'bob" foreelaandcat fisb. There, were two case before the Iye rastsrday for disorderly con .' 'iuot ' They were fined one penny and -' cost. J- . The county commlseionerg will be in essioo today to arrange a settlement , o the; debt due this county by Pamlico county. The vessels of the . C. D. Litre are -haTirig a number of windows placed in their freight rooms to aire plenty of - ventilation to track. Li H. Cutler gives notice of hard ware . and building, material. He keeps a full line of these good and i always . ready to receive hi enstomers. . Work; on the two new piers at the - fool of-Craven street will be com menced at onoe. They will be an addi tion tO our water front and will coat in 1 the neighborhood of a couple of thou - sand dollars. - At the regular quarterly conference of lliddU Street" Baptist Church, held r "on Monday evening last, Mr. A. M. "Baker was elected superintendent of ; tbe fionday school and Mr. J. B. Hol land astlrtant. ' The finishing work on Hotel Albert J rapidly progressing, and era long - Kew Berne will be possessed of a hotel that out eiiixenr tnay vrell feel proud Of.' It is the general remark of those i who bays gone through the building .that it Is as handsome and conveniently arranged at many of the beet hotels in ', largo ittesov: v-.-? ' B tt w He veasta ' The Eaglet Of the E.C. D. Line will sail this afternoon at A o'olock ,. Personal. W .J- '.. ;" ,1' I We note w ith pleasure th election of Mr. Jatres Thomal as a member of the "American Institute of Civic.",. This corporation is designed to promote and duTuse a knowledge of eivios. il. term which fnolndes 4 eiyll, polUy, law, ethics and economics. This is tha kind of knowledge which is necessary ' and c IcuUted and Intended to fit men for the discharge of the high and responsi b;e duties of American dtisenthip. We conrrsfulate Ms. Thomas .on his, oleo tk i ' .a recognition of proficiency in nn Jer-graduat ; studies relative -- to cirict,".-;.. ifC-sv.rya.:;-.;.- Mr. C. H. Fowler and W. T, Caho, r-q.,t f Stonewall arrived last night. Cut m.igsioner Jno. T- Patrick took trip to the South side of Trent river ; !r lay to examine a location for a t resort;, He will ; visit , 0a - rouoty'. - soon to see .t - i s ootlook J ; is "in ' that m for establishing a winter resort. V"e il '. .X it he will go out about Cath r"na I.f.la be will find Hn very de- r'""5. r 1 when the fiastCaro I - I 1 f ul I ail way Company build r t 1 1 i'l he no difficulty in t r,i i .a r it ' - ':'': Ink (fat For Thena. ' !;ra will Y cratefatly iTBry and r to .1 . 'Iff . p- AGENCY FOR 1 " r" ' W. L. Palme. lreeeUaK f the caaty Ctnmli atvaars mf Craven Cvaaty Bfaaday a4 Taasaaf, Aartl 4 as S, 18S7 Board met at 10 a. m. Monday. Present, J a. A.Bryan, chairman; W. Q. Brineiyt, Samuel W. Latham, Thos. H. Mailison and W. M. Watson. 8. B. Waters, having furnished satis- faotory evidence of good character, was granted license to retail liquors upon paying the required tax to the Sheriff. The jurors summoned by the Sheriff in tha matter of the petition of F. II. Qaakins and others made a report which was approved upon conditions hereto fore made, and the clerk was ordered to notify the supervisors of No. 1 town ship of the laying out and establishment of said public road. The county treasurer was ordered to pay to J. H. Dixon fifty four dollars and sixty-six cents for new rails and timber for stock law fence in No. 1 township. A. II. llolton, having furnished oaiiu factory evidence of good moral charac ter was granted license to retail liquors for one rear upon nayini; the urouer tax to the Sheriff. Tbe petition of John F. Kirkman and others and John Oaekius and oiIutb were taken up and returned without action, the parties having settled the matter between themselves. I. B. Abbott, having furnished tiatis factory evidence of good moral charac ter, was granted license to retail Ikjuots for one year upon paying the proper tax to Sheriff. Commissioner Brinson submitted a report, as oommittee on bridges, for the month of March, which wan approved and ordered filed. The county tax of $56 50 ansesHed upon the property of C. K. Mallett in No. 7 township was reduced to 828.25 and a copy of the order served on the sheriff. Upon application of W. H Unltiu, it was ordered that the voucher hereto fore issued to him for the support of K. Becton be issued in future to Caesar Bee ton. D. Stimson, sheriff, submitted bn monthly report, which was approved and ordered to be entered on the min utes. Tbe fallowing list takers and asses sors were appointed for the year 1897: No. 1 township: J. B. Gardner, John A. Jackson and Christopher Brewer; No. ii township: J. A. Ernul, Alfred Oaskins and 8. E. Whltford; No. 3 township: E. A. Russell, J. W. Lane and W. B. Griffin; No. 5 township: W. P. Stanton, B. F. Bordes and John S. Morton ; No. 6 township: B. E. Williams, A. J. Ches nut nd7. H. Hunter; No. 7 township: Geo. D. Conner, H. H. Perry and W. H. Bray; No. 8 township: Enoch Wads worth, W. F. Bountreeand S. R Street, jr.; No. 9 township: M. W. Carman, W. B. Lane and Beaekiah Davis. The olerk was ordered to notify them of their appointment and to summons them to meet at the court house on the' first Monday in June for consultation with the board of commissioners for the purpose of taking such action will secure uniformity in the new assess ment of the real and personal property throughout the county. Commissioner Brinson was instructed to present the bill for repairs to Clere mont bridge to the Neuee and Trent River Steamboat Company and demand payment of the same. John W. Austin was placed upon the pauper list with an allowance of 18.00 per month until further orders. Commissioner Watson was author ised to dispose of a certain lot of brick at the poor house and apply proceeds of sale to the benefit of the poor. The order allowing 11.50 for the sup port of Benj. Whitfield was rescinded, he being dead. Board adjourned till Tuesday morn ing. ''-.'. . .-. ? Tuesday's PBocsxsbros. Board convened at It a. ra. All pres ent except Commissioner Latham. Commissioner Brinson was authorised to contract with E. W, Minor for the, repair of Tanceboro bridge at a price not to ereeed 890.00. . ... . w i Commissioner Watson,', superinten- pent of the poor house, submitted a re port on tbe condition of tha poor bouse which was approved and ordered to be filed. wt.Vvi J" : The matter -of removing Amy Mor rison from the county was referred to Commissioner: Watson. ith power to act; - 'i :-:'y '. . Tbe matter of repairing Brice1 creek bridge In !?o. 1 township was laid over until the regular meeting in June, 18S7. Tbe following Jurors were drawn for the rprlng term of the Superior Court, which convenes the SDth of May r No. 1 tovEship: Ct'in hkman, Jpe Atl'r' i. Jo a J. vrn'.is snd W. D. B. Dunn. No. S township: John W. Freeman and John J. Sauls. No. 0 township: Joshua M. Bell, jr. No. 6 township: Mortimer Mitohell, col. No. 8 township: Joseph Green, col., J. B. Duffy, W. B. Bell, S. H. Lane, Nathan Styron, col., J. E. Avery, J. R. Parker, H. S. Johnson, col., Louis Ulrich, J. A. Thomas, Benj. Beasley, col., Samuel Holloway, ool., E. M. Duguid, Noah Powell, Wm. Lorch and Jno. C. Whitty. No. 9 township: Geo. Green, jr., F. O. Ipack and G. W. I pock. hEUOMJ WEEK. No. 1 township: Matthew Gaekine, Lewis Dixon, Lewis C. Heath, James 13. Harvey and Lafayette Kirkman. No. - township: Jacob Wiggins, col , and I James K. Hartley. No. 3 township: W. B. I'earce, L. U. Spear, A. Gordon. Kurney While. T. L. West and John L. liattkiue. No. 5 township: Joshua L. Taylor. No. S township: Geo. 8. Fisher, col., N F. Crocket. No. 9town niiip T. J. May, O. H. P. Wethsrington. The account of 8100 00 for building bridge over East creek in No. 0 town ship w as referred to Commissioner Mai nson wiin aulLority to examine same and report to next meeting of the board . Uurant Grern was allowtd his ac count of $20 00 for repairing stock law foiice in No. 1 township. Sylvester I'ugb was allowed 7 55 for repairs to stock law fence. The clerk was authorised to have a eumcienl number of the notices printed to serve on the list takers and assessors appointed by the board. iiie mommy allowances were made and the board adjourned. La Orange Items- shade trees have been white Our washed . Johnson's store is receiving coat of paint. Hov. Mr. Swain preached at Hickory Urove last ounday. Servioss at the M. K. Church lait Sunday night by Usv. Mr. Rose. Rev. Mr. Lancaster preached at the P. U. church last Saturday and Sunday. Tbe weather is beautiful and spring like, after several days of wintry cold. Neuse river is on another "bnst." Tbe shad have a good chance to go by. Mayor Dillon gives notice to delin quent town tax-payers to cash up and save costs. We near that Uempseyl Wood was quite sick last week, lie was reported better Sunday. Mis Lilian Dillon of Peace Institute, Raleigh, is visiting her father, II. E. Dillon of our town. We learn that Mr. Joaiah Sugg, of Ureen county, contemplates locating in our place at an early day. C. W. Joy uer left here Monday, it is rumored, for Washington City, and from there to Garden City, Kansas. It is said that "Idleness is the parent of mischief." Never be idle; when you haye no business of your own, attend to some one else. Our town is about as near clear of coal as it is pleasant. If tbe severe weather had continued a few days lon ger, we would have froien out. The athletic games at Day is School on tbe 14th and 15th is x pec ted to be interesting and well attended. Can't tbe JoukhaL editor come up? We made a trip in the country a few days ago, and was pleased with tbe ap pearance of toe farms and tbe advanced condition of tbe work. The spring has been cold and backward and still many farmers are through planting corn and have considerable work done in the cot -ton lands. We noticed the improved condition of the old "fence rows," where once stood in many places old fences, briars, bushes, etc. These haye been removed and crop planted .where they were. This we think an improve ment; u certainly look better, we suppose, from our limited observation. that there will be but little if any change In the proportion of cotton planted this year from last year, in fact the section through which we passed (Buekleeberry) is one in which nearly every farmer makes it a rule to raise his "hog and hominy," and haye his surplus In cotton. They buy no fer tilisers, except a little lime, and at tbe fall of the year are an independent people. Sal ration Oil is ihe greatest cure on earth for pain. This invaluable lini ment routs ana banishes au boduy pain instantly, and costs only twenty-five cents a bottle. t v ..-- a . . i ii - - i T." Aetlai besaeerata. ' - Tbe Detnocratie roter of the Second Ward are requested . to meet at tbe Theatre -on Thursday evening, ' April 7th, 18S7, at i o'clock, for the purpose Of nominating n candidate for 'City Councilman to be roted for at too com ing election in May. ' - vt, ::.f .v--vV" ' Ct Baamatv TV '-W- ' Cflm'n M wr Conv i ' A CMft tmr AO "'t't ' In order to giro all a chance to test it, and thus be oonTinced ot it wonderfui eu rati re r power. Dr. King's New Dhv eorery for Consumption, Coughs and Cold will be, for a limited time, given awayt - This offer is not only liberal, but shows Unbounded faith in tbe mer its of this great remedy. All who suf fer from Con the, OolJi, Oorsnrrption, l f' "-,, rronthii"-. cr "y pf .'"1 rf !''.! " - ''y I From News and Observer.; Y. M. C. A. CONVENTION. SECOND DAY MUKM.MJ SESSION. Convention convened at 9:30 a. m. yesterday. After half an hour spent in devotional exercises the convention proceeded with its regular routine of business, Vice-President A. M. Baker in the chair. The chair announced tbe following standing committees: Business E. L. Harris, Raleigh . J. F. McCubbins, Salisbury. Ueorne 1! lianna. Charlotte. Devotional Exerciser A. B. lughuin. 1 from thegallows denj log iheir crime Charlotte; Ueorge U. Worth, liiughaiu ! dn J Bt tho same time they leav School; W. S. CTarv. Henderson. i private confession of their guilt. W On Eiecutive Committee's Report T. S. Franklin, Charlotte. A. M. liaker. New Berne: C. W. Carter. KaU-iyh 11. L Harris, Chapel Hill. A . li. Ingham Charlotte. On Credentials -('.(I ..r i i! . 1 .. ; 1 - son College. 1) J. ('unit, I '!,:,.. 1 II, :i J. F. Hendren. Hiiichiiiii S.-..nl. On Resolutions-A. .- ( 'aid w 1 1 . ( 'in, i - lotte; W. M ( unit, (. ha;.i 1 II. II t . Pool, .Smithtield. ' Reports of Slate e.,- -;it n . t , n.ti: .:! t- and of Stale treii-urt r v. , r- nal an 1 referred to the cuiiiiii ltd c on i xr.'ut i committee's report. The following gentlemen rni. I : t- from their respective ussociat i.'i.f 1 i . C li. II. lima, tiutn the I harlnl'.e nt.-u nation: Mr. A M. liakt r fi in N.-w Berne; Mr. J. !'. Met 'u bin iih . ftum S.J- ishury : Mr, S II Weeks. fio:n States ville; Mr. C. V. Carter, lr.nn K d. i-h Mr. Clifton S Tool, from Sin i ih ln-1,1. "The Needs cf Young Men's ( litis tian AB60Ciatioiis in North Carolina Causes of Success and Failure." tin cussed by Messrs. A S Caldwell, if 1 lav id son College; K. I Raleigh. 11. O Williams I tan n. of Slate beer, i tary, and K. T. ludmun, of Norfolk, Va. The (uestion next considered was "What can Associations do to Promote Personal Purity among Young Men, discussed by Mr. A. B. Ingham, general secretary of the Charlotte association. Mr. II. O. Williams made an enthusi astic speech with reference to the "Junior Department of the Young Men's Christian Association, or what can we do for the hoys. " Tbe convention took a recess until 2:80 p m. Al'TEK.NouN SESHM.V Ihe convention proceeded with its work at 8 o clock, Vice-President W. J. You ok presiding. Mr. K. T. Uadmun read a most inter estmg paper on "Evangelistic meetings for young men only; how arranged and how oonducted. " A lively discussion as to "What the ladies can do to aid tbe association'' was participated in by Messrs. K. I.. Harris, U. O. Williams and Dr. (i. B. Uanna. Mr. T. S. Franklin, chairman, sub mitted the report of the committee on the executive committee's report. The committee recommended among other things in its report that the convention raise the amount of S'jUO for tbe employ ment of a State secretary for a period of three months, and urged that it be done at once. Tho report of the com mittee was discussed at eomo length and unanimously adopted. Through the vigorous efforts of Mr. Dadmun 8459 of the amount was raised in the convention. The committee recommended further tbe election of the following Slate ex ecutive committee: Chairman, Rev. Thos. Hume, D. D., Chapel Hill; secretary. Prof. J W. Oore, Chapel Hill; treasurer, Mr. S. P. Weeks, Chapel liill. Local corresponding members Mai. Robt. Bingham. Bingham School: A. U. Brenizer, Charlotte; Dr. Ueo. B. Hanna, Charlotte; James II. Southgate, Dur ham; Prof. W. J. Bingham, Davidson College; A. M. Baker, New Berne; J. H. Foush, Salisbury; E. L. Harris, Raleigh. Convention adjourned till o o clock m. NIGHT 8K9SION. Convention met pursuant to adjourn ment at 7:80 p.m. f raise service, conducted by Mr. ii. . Williams. The first topic for discus sion on the evening's programme was 'Conversation What can Associations do among Railroad Men," Messrs. Dadmun and Williams discussed this branch of the work with much spirit and cited many instance where great good had been accomplished through the instrumentalities of these associa tions among the employees of railroad companies. One of tbe most interesting and in structive features connected with tbe seesion was "Questions Asked and An swered," conducted by Mr. H. O. Wil liams. Daring this exercise many questions were asked, and invariably answered satisfactorily. Dr. George B. Uanna, of Charlotte, read a carefully prepared piper on buildings for Young Men's Christian associations, their need, their arrange ment. Prof. Hanna insisted that the first great work of an association is to build a house of their own, and urged the associations represented in the con vention to exert every means to build houses of their own. The discussion was further participated in by Messrs. Williams and Dadmbn. Second AdyentUt Christian Woman's Association will meet at their Hall to day at S o'clock p. m. A- full attend ance is desired, ae business of impor tance will come before the meeting. . Asm A. SOOTT, President - ' ftetk. Band VTsu '. - NKWjraif, O., June 4, . ' For brer two years I hare been a suf ferer from rheumatism, affecting both sbouldsrs to such an extent that I could not put on my coat without help.-, The use of seven bottles ot B. B. B. effected n entire cure. I refer to Rev. W. W. V, j ' jTcrrth snd all rpreVs'-'a cf New Public Eierutlous Agalu. Kkitob Jothnal: 1 have just read your editorial comment on Mr. J. V Williams' communication in the ChronuMe in replj to my views about public executions, Sc. My article w as chicfjy in opposition to ihe religious confessions of criminals. This Mr. Wil liams did not notice. The to cast-e he cited were both thieves, not mur derers. The old law of the biblu i that "no murderer has eternal life abiding in him. ' Manv criminals ac cording to their confession go to heavcii have an Idea that l.eavtn lb inhabited by u different curl i f people llams Ililgiil he a llltlei liit.Ii min t' he cites to the old curl lie executions and f. nl, in luw l.iinst II pin:.-'- !.e tries tloe.-. Vl'da'.t IL till) tl.iV Mr Nil consistent .11 ol pill) i to the old an 1 often II. ..:eclly e,l r ilH- icejA .uiniaV. lit ,, .1,' u , dealt r, m I I . .1 lllill to I.eVitlCUS "Hi ui.d '-ill , i - i Ml- u'- tit .;,ti li -;irs ajj. I,t t-: ""' 1 K nrl i. I s. 1 am sorr to see in iii.- tally 1 1 aiii ni(.' i 1 ie I I Leolou V under N M Ju.mi. i id i l--: - - ' '"' ' ' ; The ! t I ...n nil it-t J ;n vtiyclo-r. 1 . t ion . inn In r i Monday u li l gave the la bii, eaiitl i late over the Keput du al vision of the v ote u mai'Hity ot ten i.didatc. A re the lo J U Id K UIIS over tiOO iiihj 1 it y Cleveland . lno. w i t 1 over i(.(HKI majority . In Chicago tlio probahil Roche, Republican, is e overwhelming majority .in i ii, i iti.-s air that lected by an over Nt Ison . ihe 'united labor ' candidate The liter Democrats hail no candidate after Harrison positively decline, I. Mir la ol Ilratl. It has been reporte.l that I w a- dt a I hut 1 am not For four )ears 1 have been altlicled w ith a seer use of blood poison . rheumatism and neural gia. My Hash shrank away, my mus i les seemed to dry up ami form into little knots, joints were swollen and painful, and all coi t hltlei' I must die. 1 have used five bottles of H. H H , ami 1 have gained (i0 pounds of llesh. and am now as sound as any woman. Hki.i.k Di naww. Atlanta. ia. Sold in New lierne by R. N. Duffy and K. 11. Meadows ir tou v h m loiid Arlli 1 Of Pi.ro Tou.uvo 'Old Kip ask your dealer for COMMERCIAL. Jouhnai. Ornoc. April a I r. M. rTON. New Yiihk, Ajiril 4 NtKin. Futuies closed dull but steady. Hales of "J7.20(l bales. April, 10.4'J October. ) J3 May, 10.41! November, J H'J June, 10 .54 December, July, 10 d'J January, August, 10 C'J February, . September, 10.32 March. . Spots quiet; Middling 10 5 o. Ixiw MiddlinK, 10 3-16; Uood Ordinary u ." 8. New Berne Market quiet. No sales. Uood Middling 10 3 16; Middling 10, Low Middling 9 9 16; Good Ordinary I). DOITIKNfIC IQAHa RT. Seed cxjtton Jf3.00. Cotton Bkkd 810.00. Turpentinb Hard, $1.00. dip, 81.90. Tab 75c -1.25. Oats 50 -. m bulk. Corn 45a52c. Rick 50a60. BlKflWAX 15c. per lb. Bkep On foot, 8c.to 5c. Oountby IIams 10al2Jc. per lb. Laed 10c. per lb. Eoas 10.3. per dozen. Fbkbh Pohk 4va9c. oef pound. Peanuts 75o.a?1.00 per bushel. Fodder 75o.a81. 00 per hundred. Onionb 82.00a2.25 per barrel. Field Peas 65a70c. Hides Dry, 10c. ; green 5c. Tallow 5c. per lb. Chtokxnb Orown, 4aa60c spring 20a25o. Meal 70o. per bushel. Oats 50 cte. per bushel. Potatoes, Early Rose 82.75 perbll Wool. lOalflc. per pound. Potatoes Bahamas. 80c. ; yams, 4Co. West India, 50c; Harrison. 65c. Shinoles West India, dull and nm inal;not wanted. Building. 5 inch hearts' 83.00;Baps,J1.50 per M. WHOLESALE pricks. New Mess Pork 813.; ro. Shoulder Meat 7c. C. R.'s, F. B. B.'e and L. C lc. Flotjh 88.00a6.00. Lard &ic. by the tierce. Nails Basis'lO's, 82 75. Suqak Granulated, 6 Jo. Cofteb 16al7Jc Chkesk 15. 8alt 80a85c. per sack. U0LA88EB AND STBTJFS 90a45o Powder 86 .00. Shot Drop, fl.7B; buck, $2.00. Kr.sOBKi.-B 9c HARDWARE, Sash, Blinds and Doors, Lime, Cement, Hair, PAINTS, OILS, LEAD, AND Building Material . . , "oll kinda, 'at . j . . ill U. CUTLER'S, E. W. BliUVOOD. CEO.aOTII. Smallwood & Stover DEALERS E GKSXRAL UAlilAVAhK, TI.WAhK, ;i.ASSi AR,', H'UOUESWA.KZ, CHUCKERY SASH. l'OORS, BLIXD8Z d LASS, FAINTS, OILS AND STOVf I Nl 'RI'assLD AS TO PRICE A1TDQUALITY. Mi.ldU- Mi..-, xt Duor to Hotel AlUert, NEW BERNF. If. C. Flour! Flour' Flour! Pork! Pork! Pork! I: -il llllge le, d t , of till riant, ah. u 11, ler at pi. n lo.nd in i-s e;uaran- V. I IKill's :.l M il I, i v 1 . I SiN hi i:m: N. C. M Willi I am happy bi-r.-uin- I bought my ( art Wheelo ami AxIi-h Iroin J. C. WitlTI 'i , t'laven St , New Hitih-, N. I'. I'lil. I Morse Cart Wheels and Iron Axle. 1 16.00 HorHet art Wheels anil T. S. A x le, 15 00 Ox t'art Wheels and Iron Axle, 'Jo.UO Made by TenneHree Wagon Works and warranted. mhlil dw SALE & EXCHANGE STABLES 1 lui i' upriii l nt tin (Jar-1 mi llotiHc NtaWes a I.lvirv u i nl l.xrh in-' vtuhi,- w In i I keep coiihtuntl) on hitti.l H .iscfi ftiij Hiwun-H to 611. i-n'iimim' .r in. IVrN"iiN Mini I :i i:i n 1 i- any (iIhcc In MirnaiiiillUK ronnlii til reWHontthli rut em. HitilIlK t le Hhlc In hitvp nil. 1 Hin. u itli liiunkK i-r hm f t v ott) "ii;tlllv WAIiI'KK 1. UK IWN. Notice. Tl lere will ho a Special Meeting of the Stockholders of tho Newborn and Pamlico Steam TrauHportation Com pany at tho R'xmiH of the Board of Traile. Friday, April Nth, 1SH7. at 11 o'clock, A. 51. J. J. WOI.FENDEN, at.!! td President. Neuse & Trent River Steam boat Stock For Sale. FIFTEEN SHARES of STOCK of the Neuse A Trent River Steamboat Co. will bo sold in front of Watson A Street's oflice on South Front street, cn WEDNESDAY, APRIL Cm, at 12 o'clock . Terms Cash. WATSON A STREET, mh31 did Auctioneers. ALEX. JUSTICE, DEALER IN Fine Flour of all Grades, Selected Teas, Pure Coffees and Spices, Butter and Checac, from the best dairies. Tlio l.arel and Best Selected Htork . ANVKD FRI m AUD VKCKTABt. ever before brought to New Kerne. AIbo, a full varteiy of oilier goods, naui kept In a KJret-Class Store. Ooods delivered at any part of the ell, free of change. TKRM8 CAS IT. Broad St. - ew Berne, N. C, mar a wi i FOR BARGAINS IH Furniture ff ' CALL AT THE V-' ; New Berne Furnitttxe Stcrep'. 1 vJ,iW, WEST SIDE MIDDLE STREET!'-; I ' When it o b fCo3n(l in great Tarietj, - ' TAontiture Bottaatock Will b ordered at a imall par cent abota cost. ; i'A liberal thtr of publio mtro! oliclted.. . : - ; J 7 I -0 ' - 23 t..ll. Vf

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