.. i i., lKSJU.it a XI ealenia. u4. U: r, except Uunday. . .. c.r ss.wtorux woauia. tMirred i W&EKLY JOCK.5AX, a S eolaiaa . r. U riSUafced mn Taacadn at ft ' r utb . eB day fUt; Me. tor eeeji eebaeqiieBt ! . , :.jpe H nl ! i .," aa Mae lor ant, end easts !et:j-i lieeijaeallajeartten. . - twimiili wUhatnser.e3elwid ceeW ;AajrieeeorDetaa.Boloexeeed i wili to Ucrta tree. , AU addjfloaat i. ..-r wui MutiHitwiiiir na. be mniiMimi, l laiadTartisaaae wltt aeeatMttwMenaUjr at tbe ear of each win mittiiMMn or a die banes Of eeel watiera ere aeoclted. Be nmfflOWDnMK to exneeted to be nub-' ttahed ItH eocitalna WaetionabU pereonal- '.UaC Wlteaolos Uia aana of Ua author; or tlat will mate non thaa oae column or tble If lt agaievil at any anoar iawniwit oaa obtala tb nam taa aaUot.ajr ajHtaf r at tata offloa ayd ltVP(Va(alath BnaraaoxxMta. ' THK JOURNAL. . vwew. C f KW BXRM8. N. C. APRIL 10 IS7, iaMaat kt tka Pal aAct at H Bra. ' '' aaaaaaaMiaaa tm. (wiir ,, .. , , , i-VJv..:ALrKX J-Jt, liishop or ' . ba'ri(VAt rvf r4awar. and th i8ebpal Ohnreh in the United ; .States,1 ilVl at Wilminpton, Del., 5 ' oa Jneadaj. He was m tbe soil V? year bt his age. 7 V4 I f ,87PQOI.-TEACHKB OOELIBS, of a Vmm . T) mtr XT 1 i a nhapflpail ' with teaohiae hie noDiU poker and ;l reading dine novels of the blood-and-thnnder tjpe to tbem in school , - k .trot J.ne miaren anu so iaem lc . 'fllf oards. The troeteee of the -.echool ie looking for a new teach -' or, ' bat 00RU88 intends to hold "; 'the fart. Birch and black pum are v . scarce in that coon try. v a J.'--T 'it tlleaaee freai Our Kirliari(f. 1 "Ealelgh Vigitor: The Second ; Captiat Church of this city has ex . tended a4au-to the Uev. Thomas DixaaUh. aopalar and talented jrwnrj fatorof the Baptist Cbareh irOUdsboto-. . TyvlJ U wvtaa Ij.Im The mam la4;friend of St. Peter's T.j 'ti&iiaitwPM, in tnis oity, are : makiar aaSort to secure funds fot the erection of a new and hand- x. aaaia mtrrm ' nniininp nnn r arA -i, rim -1 1 rrr- .1 v h. w gud to know that they are meet- a w a al la " A f a KrVAalt " muAfaig1 held last Monday night ' v tbe sum 1 fftOQO was raised and v other libera contribntions have "tUete-h Kettt dud Ohterter: Tim- ' bers'for the new graded school ', ; hp5ilng onyoTth rereon street Are v fcfsrinrwtiaed and k otherwise ore- K . tured Bearltriggs taJrchlne shops. ; -j-lfj. K B.,WU has presented ma a ai. v. a., wiiu a 101 w nne f worn oa arohltectnre. The rooms . M U . . ' 1 , anu uiHMNiB ra uvououuk very rHrpalara"piaces'; of resort and '. am osement--A number of hands . are at work in tbe burned oil mills dlatrica" recovering the acid phos h&ttrroM,tlA tellars and putting U .iaaaca'i aiso xebagging the i. dzMjftoUoniee LaeaL Prep- arstteoai are ' Ming raade for the , rxUta6pri1ttnill. A joint t-t oempanyhriS been formed in J C.ofe, Mta a capital ot ten ' ; t---5nl "ideUars for ' the oiannfao ,V' iraeftiitara lt "will operate wBoer the "titc or me "uoiasooro : - Farnjtnre T Mannfactoring Com i pany.f A 'committee have gone North f tot the purpose -of buying machinery,J and propositfoni are v. open tor . bids on the building. , Tbeyare to oeiocaiea in ine rtonn- era part of tbe town, convenient to tha W.ft'W.BB. " "Oreeaaboro JTetri: While east . em ? iSTorth Carolina has long ; been aa exporter of cotton, tar and' tU p. avoffa. it is but re cenUythatl.ah has begun to export each articles as are named abor0."Tt la a good tWng to export o-f native prodadts, but much, bet t - r to Tt .tHrntrTttaterial . Into j :3factnred goods "and exportJ t a ia that shape. let mills be f ' t la the State for making oar r ;a!j ..into, Ilef, Land what r we do not want to use within ; 3 fate .let ar export. North i a is !moet exelaaively de $ t?oalheJforta for paper -1 1 '.1 ia prist the nera; If our 1 r -1 danjliteri would. Ingti : :.s r; :-baz and aave every r zi ttf cf the euttinrt of 'h rtdaH the Gnen and cot ' c". casUff clotbfDg, It V ands of dollars In "1 tf ITOrth Carolinians rrar. The' paper ,1 .1 CJ, cf kU l; tlaa that niald is maca Utter at " wuuu puip, uu tj ua i-tiifl awe ta anrv n 9 nnln n il l( n a paper U made-of such, material ,, jrjecause there are not enough rags im; to be bad. .-.$,? V ' i t v I - Female Bmffrare la luif' iue mnuicuwi wccuwus iu am- sa last week were made exoep- tionally in terestin g by the fact that women tor toe first tine took -part ia them. v About 12,600 registered in 2q towns, and a fair proportion joiaed in canvasainf for retea, Totiaf anawaooping up enuta siaam for favorite caadidatesr;ga ijeareawertu there waa - tenper- aooe lasae to be decided, and the Republican candidate for . mayor would , undoubtedly aave-: been elected baa not iLrs. Uoagar, a temDeranoe advocate from Indiana.! made a remark about eocietjy ladies" that brought tbe latter into, line as determined and industrious snDDorters of the Democratic can- didate. Mrs. Gougar was reported to have said that be upper htra-, turn of social life in Leavenworth was frightfully licentious, owing to tne presence oi me miiiiary post at Fort Leavenworth." The result was a sort of feminine cyclone. "The upper stratum," determined to punish the libel by defeating Mrs. uougar's canaiaate, at once went to work. Cooks, nurses and chambermaids were their first con.' verts to anti-Googar principles, the proepeci oi an extra naii nouaay and a ride to the polls in tbe fam ily carriage contributing greatly to the prevalence of the view that the lecturer imported from Indiana was women and seamstresses were next looked after, and ail day locg dur- ing the time that the polls were open the indignant fair sex were driving hither and thither pressing into service every registered voter of either Bex who was susceptible to their infloence. Old silk dresses are said to have deoided a good many doabtinl votes. Be that as it may, the Democratic candidate got a majority of 21, and Mrs. Goagar was rebuked. In Wichita, also, ludicrous aspects of female suffrage present ed themselves. Of the 600 women registered, 300 put down their 00- cuf ation as 'Reports," and the sports voiea soiiaiy ai ine opening too flat. A horse, walking in the of the polls for the labor candidate middle, can pull two harrows, so for mayor and elected him. Tbe that very little labor will be re rest of tbe female vote was about quired to go over the crop. One equally divided. In Topeka the hand and mule can prepare twelve women held the balance of power, to fifteen acres a day. This har Of a total registration of 4,494, as rowing removes clods, and gives a many as 1,400 were females, and of nice, dean surface for planting, the 1,200 who voted, about 000 Oren drill with small, short bnl'. used ltepublican tickets. Among the latter was a follower of Eliza beth Oady Stanton, fully 70 years old, who, after voting, declared herscli "now ready to die," having realized at length the hopes she had so manfully cherished ever since I860. Aa a role, the ladies, it was observed at Topeka, voted tbe straight ticket, though some were scratchers and insisted on voting for the pastors of the oh arches they attended. One who eame to the polls , with -a baby in her arms waa rather indifferent who ahe voted for, but having had the benefit of information from the representatives of either party, finally cast a straight Democratic ticket. Tbe subjects tbe women were most interested ia were, as a rule, the temperance question and the social evil. Saloons and dis reputable bouses were "vigorously denounced by them at' public meet ings. At Leavenworth a number of the latter were visited by a com mittee of ladies, who afterward at a meeting proposed and had adopt ed a resolution calling for prohibi tive fines upon vice. The practical effect of the enfran chisement of women in Kansas, as indicated by last Tuesday's eleo tion. has been to Increase the vote j of the party already predominant. I Its ultimate effect is uncertain. Pvham it will ha to render more I Btrineent the restraints now im . . F . , i l J v t iv. . . - v .It .r eminently desirable if the better half were as able to enforce as it is to frame laws calculated to make men ood.-J?Ut'mnr Sun. FARMS A5D fA&KEBS. ftkerl Talks WUk Farascra - Teplea. b Faras rLASTIKO COTTON. cotton culture were, stated briefly. t -.1, t.:..:.. 4. : Kept witnin proper oonnas tneeot- ton crop is a Te,xood".one.Tll M the best cleanser of land from foul growth we have; The Jong eon. boned plowing andioeidg tbat the crop demands very effieetnally de stroy an, unwelcome lutruaers on the land-' Bub its - humus-destroy-ing'character: demands that, it Bheuld not ooettpry the same field moTtV'than,Tnca ia' turea Vears, loaffrerjiryBmaa grata (.wbeatjiyei manure bis land ia uf cheaper way than by resting It I Think of I be'.glrtitrertVaDsoiata jest. Onlr first class Companies represent Oottov, f nail itaiB,' 'mkef jwd t-u "yr -edin i .:l .t v-'.- thret ;ieSr' rotation, ' Can , One 1 lira. Life atl Isdlent Irreruea. iv. u jocrL.a .!i t .ite Uit 5t-r, don't Le voa will lose some is of it if a ciop is not taken from tLe liana tLia year. Weeds and grua f viU take np '.any that may tare i ocea e id ua sou ana give is I back to job ben they die, and tin II UnCa- wun interest IB me bkape rood supply of vegetable mattetv-H We - hare sometimes t&oaf hi whoa lead wee very devoid of hamna, as njoat of oar lands are, it might pv to manure it, j oat for the . purpose Of- raising a fine - crop of weeds : to increase the humns supply. JLs we Tjave said before, nomas is ine xoana&uon oi saccess fal ftronr!nr' and on a ran affhrd tn I per liberall r for it. t rt I .iBat, to returato eottont 'Weare I now in the midst of -rlantfnsr this Mn. d j a fnw fmrmtiAna ma aotl'beoatof xidnce. v First, as to securing a good atand of healthy plants; There are three difficulties i th Arnntint nf sh mi orer the seed, insofficieut moisture to . atart .. growth and too low temperature to excite germin&tiou. 1 To escape the first and secoadJ i there is no better method than the I old fashioned Dlan of coverlnar with a list, and when the seeds have well sprouted, cutting down the list with a harrow.' It is sometimes knocked off with a board, but the board is not as good as the harrow. Sbonld heavy rains fall jast after the knocking off, tbe ground is more apt to crust and bake after a board than after a harrow. The listing and catting down of the list, accomplishes three valuable results : it buries the seed deep of moisture; it removes the ill effecU of crustiug and baking, and it kills tbe first crop of grass that comes np it is, in fact, equivalent to a working a very rapid, easy and cheap working ; for a hand and mule can go over six to eight acres a day with a one-horse har- row. or a hand and two males can go over twenty-five or thirty acre with a smoothing harrow. Before planting, cot down the beds a little with harrow the ordi nary Y shaped one will answer, if the teeth are set successively longer and longer from point to rear, so as to hue- the rounded eur face oi the bed, and not cut it down tongue, and cover with double foot plow. In above suggestions refer ence has been had to economizing labor, rapidity of work, and good work points a farmer should nev er lose sight of. Tbe cotton will come up on a clean, well pulverized soil, with everything favorable to its rapid, healthy growth, and with land in best possible shape and condition to receive the next work ing. W;'Ii. J.: la Atlanta Consti tution. ' addu'i Aralaa SalTa. Taa Baer Balvb in tha world for Cuto, Braise, ' Sores Ulcers, Bait Kheum, Fevmr flares, 33etter, Chapped Bands, CtylbUlne, Cora, and ell Akia or no pay required. It is guaranteed to rire perfect eatiaf action, or mosey re fanded.i .prio. 25 oeota per... For ami b j Jfc, Duffy. ,.'.; daotS ' lr For ent, ran of tha large brick building on the north oeroer oi Idle street and Federal ,aHey, Tbe Oral floor or tha balld lna la ossubImI aa stores br Meaara. atoa and Saltan. On tha aaaona boot ihera are tmrtaea i) eomfort. able, well TanUlated leomi. seven on the aetata, elxen he north side of the houae, wltb broad paaaacas between. The rooma aoaie of them extra alaa and common tcatlna a welt as the tipper and lower paaaagea, are fnrnlahad with gas fixture. There ia an excellent cistern of water on the lot. oHr "n?'. 'nf tta room ana ontbniii it lk so arreDBed tbat the two nets of rooma oomma- amilles. nc yard room and eutbuUdlnea for boardiSi pannee. eaehrr the whole wonld be eonrenlent for There la aeeesa tethe r00" Ir0,a ltl 'r00 and rear of the build .. Appiyao ap7iw JOHK nVQBXB, AXty. I hava opened at the Gaston Sonse fitaUes a Llrary and Exchange Stable, where I keep eonstantlyon hand Horses and Buggies To sen, escfcenee or let. 1 1-;, i .wi ; rereons and baggage w1U be oonvered.tn an nhuse in the aurronndlna- rotintrr nt teaaonable rates. ' jBLoplmg to be able to serve all, - I am, with thanki iorrt TaTOra, aMttUdi :;, , : WAXiTKB D. UBOWN. FURNITURE. U 1 'TC (PirlCT SuitS, Chamter, Sets, Walnut Bedsteads, Bureaus, fTardrobes. . ' ' "t, Mattreases,!. Chairs, ' ' liounjcea. 8oaa, AT ROCK BOTTOM PItlCKS 1 ' . U, Kiddle Street w Berne. B.C. r itsm IZZXZl 1 " . IrrrmBa. Total Capital orft rorty uniioni 0 l - I?oI-t. 'idly -I Absolutely Pure. m Mwdar iaayaf nine. i 'umt of Mora aooaomleal tuaa ' nnw. nranna. tha ordinary kindi, and ean- ao4 aa mnld im aoraiirli ! with taa Boitttoda t low taat, abort volbt.alaia or aaoanaaia rowoa Oo lua Wailu. ii. V . , aoriMvaw ra. BoiaoniTiB aaaa. Ratal Rhiii. For Mia in Newbera by Alaz. Miller. First Class Buggies MADE AND KEPT CONSTANTLY ON II AND AT C. T. RANDOLPH'S CARRIAGE FACTOR?, Broad St., New Bkknk, N. C. Those wishing to purchase will find it to their advantage to call and examine before purchasing elsewhere. REPAIRING dona at short notice. Satisfaction guaranteed in work and prioes. ial9 d8m wit Take Notice I Our store is filled with Provisions, Groceries, Cauned Goods, Dry Hoods, Crockery, Etc. We keep a full line of tbe Oelebrated'Prison Boots aD3 Shoes. Aieo G. S. Parsons & Sods Boots and Shoes. Every pair warranted to give satis faction. Country merohanta and the peopls generally are requested to call aud ex amine our large stock before purchas ing. We will give you low figures. We job Lorillard Snuff. ROBERTS L BRO., flout JVowf st.. AVu Berne, N. O Rock lime, Plaster, Cements. Goat Hair R. O. E. LODGE. CJttAVEN STKEET. Below Express Office, meyzidaewaw ' , JnVuOIIES, Wholesale and Betaif Dealer in CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES AND Qeneral Merchandise, AGGLKO A51 TIX8. IZtd. Gonaixnmenta' of Grain, potion and other Produce solicited. :: . - "-. t; lrempt Attention GuAiuteed. '"j-. 's - T - 1 N; W. Cor. South Front and Middle Sfe ' v We own4ha only Xinu Kiln ia Ibis cuy, and offer Pore Commercial Lime for tale, free of sand$5.00 to ,00 'per to', eacked. ; - ' Commii ilerchti and C-j.ia Dealer j vV-iil5-uLUtul .Lai'u. J J. ; to tha Stare lately occupied by Wm, UoIIuter, where ith more Boom to display -hit increMed Stoofc, he is, with the aalatanoe of ;:;;-iviIlSA:M "IMS IJ t J3 AXZtl :--'rr ". prepared to ehow tni eell at Hard PaaPrkee, .l i ' i ' - TheJFINEST, NOBBIEST. NEATEST, PEETTITST uxiZHZT ..-. Straw, Derby . . . ' r Boot ..- -i Aa n I AM'pOLB AOENT FOR .; i?: 5 A 1 BATTLES' MLS'S CAlf IWU $2.50 Wfk- TbaoBly Shoe aold ia tbla elty that era WARS AN T-,. U: br tfa9 HB ulHClaKr TUMK and BY UK TO MYT CUsroMfcHS, via: itvorypalr U WamaUai ahoold any of Uteai lu any way within anyaaaonahla time.; BJve out, I will onon return of damagad pall aud atala ' nnt aa to length or wear, liTHERnarciiD tne MOMi or givb Anomca dsw vaib i ixchahok. it la bo bofct. flotMit and ebaapeafr 8boa ia toe world for vaa mouey. J hey wma ic Button. V lain and BLarp Toed Omtucaa und Lra Cp Bhoea. - 1 hv taatiaiaaJala from rant of oar beat and laad-. lu eitieeua. bo hava bought Uta "B ATTUuj eHOK." , auiue nf which hava worn mwpalraa lone aa If montha.t and pror ounce 1 the Beat, j Jheapeat and H.aataat Wear- log buoe lu tbe world. .' a a-' . I reepectfally solicit an inapeetioo of tioa to ail purchaiirj froai ua. Middle Street, at '87 Spring Announcement 07. We wish to call the tomers and friends to ! Spring Clothing and On- Stock ia now nearly complete, and we are GOOD CLOTHING AT LOW FIGURES. It ia a Fell known fact that our Suite irive better you can uuu id uic cuy. ay i uecause we nuy irom me Dec i nonses, ana -v ti m T" when we guarantee an article you can not suit may be returned and money refunded. ' 'r .-;.- iiLUB SUITS. .1.00 to 10.00. Our tlOOO Rnit 0n.r.nUa color; if it fades we return your money. Our line of $10.00 Suits can not be matched in New Berne 0 tkey all Ifljf .. Be euro and see us ir you want a suit of anv kind: if we can't suit von'ent ! f sto,k we can order it for you. We bare as usual tbe finest line of BTRAW HATS in the city. Ho y ' 50c. Strsw Hats a specialty. Mackinaw Straw Hate 50c. np. ,r '" We wish to call attention to our line of MEN'S FINE 8HOES. Staev " Adams & Co.'s and James Means & Our stock of NECKWEAR ia added to. ijmgc nut ui ujjxo uivnioaiKuo, oonsisung oi unaerwear, pw v, penders, II. Ilose, Garters, Oollara and Cuffs, eto. " ; Trunks and Valises. Btraw Mattinirs. Pine Straw Mattinffa anrl r.rrifa Nice lot of Porpoise llide Shoe Laces. , "J- Do not hnv hfifnrA vnn rar us. ' War, War, Waf, AGAINST RAGKE-TSi Zioolc Out IIAVIVfi .iriHT mi'TliPVirn A Large Stock of Dry Shoes, Hats, Caps, Notions,;.; and tvcrjtLirjg you can call for usually kept in a first class Pry Goods gtore, . I am determined to open Avar against racket' anrl Mgli price. To prove the eame I quote some of my prices : i.tz ; r- Uats as low as 5c.; a nioe hat for 25c.; acd for 50c. I can give yoa a fine dress hat. ;y ;'''' And Shoes, I can astonish the natives. Why I can give yoa a Ladies' Button Shoe for U7e.j a nice Foxed Gaiter, only 05o. I alae tafe a nice line ' of Ladiee' Low Quarter Shoes, 98o.. In fact I have a large and well selected stock of Shoes, and guarantee prices tb suit the times. ,4" ' -1 ' - Three nice Handkerchiefs for 5c. Also a nice Linen Handkerchief for c. ' I also bar a well selected line of . . " - . ;- goou i Qiaunariea cnirt rrom ae. T A.'rgf . a.nd i" n'"' Jvookatthis! Why, I can rive Yoa A Nice All WodHiieiKiuiel Suit; wilj $7,00; V 'Also, a goo4 Tm ofCftrpetviaaUinf; OUCIoth; Tmnka and Vftutes, ; i-:i!'.s v. - Come one ! Come all 1 to the Headqaarrers of tie War 'Departmentan J 1 ? eonvmeed that I can P - ' -. ' , , . Pell Yon Goods Cheaper, TheVCity;: r" t ft JAS. A. TIIOMAS, 8AUES3LaJf. il7jioIeGae-;' v . H ate aiaibrr i TVb 5T0;I?,C3UTirT: And keep cf rLourt, rri ' , ( riOL.VFsLS. FALT. TO" "Z li t'ae GT ; T'j: 1 for and Fur Hatfi and Shoes, .J-h tv-. ' Dry,; Goods, Etc. Ktc. n 1 ( 1 our disc ana guanuiiaa anurw aauaiav , MAX SCHWEBIN, Wm. HolJUter'e Old StandVSiga of FUg, . - attention of our Cus our elegant stock of Gents' urnishings jJrepured.lo ou satisfaction thaa. any ; v .,1.1 i.i depend on it, and any artiole that dees i Oo.'s. We are sole agents here. ' -v'-' very complete, and is being constantly" 1 i HOWARD & JOKES?' Vx tlxo aj? I pnrtM trtv vnonn wren Goods," Clotiiiiau Boots. to co, . - . . ,s Sekf Wear; Scufj 2i. up to 60e. a : , a .. , -t ' Than Any, Other' House Ia 1 j '