FT ..t -:t f I .- , .. : u ' V NEW BERBggp;.. TUESDAY. AFRIL 26. 1887. PRICE 5 CENTS-v I T v" ''l'-J1 if jLOGAicsNEWS.1 - :t;iTTiiiH.'i; : ' -j ITaJ 1aAtwf A tw.aaaVT " t -) Kv Br.latltud, MrHtt. So rise, 5:09 I Length! kf, p. , . 4un. itf USJdMi, wrmitee y , ; jfy wi at p. wu . 1 K SVslSiS LOCALS. 1 ..- .AHAi'l- Si 7 ' VUio fbotild tear Umind that t 4 ' fcys lla , which have maaiv tha belt in the mar boax th trade-anark, small d la id ataojp ea every pair. ijr.aiiiNew, Berne only by B. A. BT oar Sugar eured Hama. 11 eta. per vonnd. s sp2?dlw . Uobkets Bros. ?OR8ALE-ThreMalee.-WUl sell aifiUdlSld'" - Fuh.Dock,. We are selling beat Pianos and Or- fratfMhf"l eeuark ably low price. Old iarrowi and Caltiraton. at price to suit the times, i Geo. Ai.vkw & Co. TlEll H1M tfdliffagM and Daedk FertiRkert? t-lme, Plaatfe'is" Clement, Olaas, Paints, iVarnish mi Oil at low ,,6 flAifhlaK touches are being put on Hotel Albert. JP. Jtae fk liughee ha a UaeKthan la' H. Cutler offer Alabastine for priag andaummer use. See ad. 'The district oourt convened yeeterday and took a rooees until tbi morniog at lChaUok, Oettagv prayer meeting tonight at the realdenoe of Mr. Jacob Taylor on UriflHh lraaat8a'elock. Considerable truck, cabbage, turnips and p, Srar ihippal yatterday, not wiahatandrag the raia. baffratkn army atUcked Polloks rlUe last Sunday from the steamer TmsbI ."Tkctosrn surrendered. Hi friends of schools should be alWe to Ui tMstssts this week. Tbe enemy will Jbt work sowing the seeds of prejudice and discontent. Weara Indebted to C. R-fhomi, jr., tbe RfpnaMtaUTe f Cftarat- ewaty, (or aiisW-ai Sfee pl IWaoU fJUrtOBlVttQM " ortKe"UeneraT Aa- TU tm sU Jaded schools for thai oftrarft tile tax to twenty oaata on th oas bandrsd dollars Talua tlnaMsmaBWarae poU. ith tkJf eohrlUMj bvieft ea nia mAfiil ! til y4af, iitlffree tuflioif. The Indies of New Berne are re quested to .meet at the Y, M, C. A. rom)fteon afclOokto con idor tna question of forming an auxili ary assooiation. See tb address of the xeoUa,,oiniijlUe elsewhere io this steamboat t Hoe running r taaMe) a- Wltrctron In its aftH. w ' ' freight rate from JiaJpniArvnand Nor folk to .New Bern," was promptly foi- lovad by tb fc. a Dispatoh line, which ' adopted tti stWrk. 1 As announced inWl4SMhfti Ibi latter lib does not propose ta- out rata but is prepared to, 4, wilUonAarsa to thatowW rates Lr' BMta'lsf1!iaiBw'aa ClJaa of 'Mi'etaw. ' ' Ww wair HoelVftd in this ttf yester--. day of tl . dsavU of , Cyrus rBrowa of - CpreWor toWnshlp, ion county. which ooonrred at nia boms yesterday morning. : Kr. Brow Tyry, mos) ej mplary aitinan n4i isfiu pfadtV - mb. : H was a member of the board of eouptyjoommiaiioneia. Hia . death : will bo keenly felt by many friends and ' relatives, ; u v .fin ; uaaat tin. '. M' , Tha Varf sjrb. S. V ffc. Une ar r riredPny morning wtl( fall cargo of" meroLauabe. Tbd Eagletr of fee tame line, arrived yesterday and sailed la tbs af ternoon, baVing,' among other freights, about 100 boxes peas, 5 orates, a-Traria.f ad, prea 10ft (Orata,- turnips. The N wberne, of O. D. line, left bar - wbarf yeeterdsv promptly at. I,. !, - carrying ou" ' 4f fcgot.'pW.ttnip,' 1 Mparagua, Lcgejj asajail pastepgera. - --. ' ; Tts f -''owing geotleinen arrived last 6 At tbC l. l. r . . use, J. PJ Brctdsu, Aft tVaach, IXS. Cot. 1U 8. Tucker, "W. T. Meadows, K. r : - t.J. J. Erris, p. P. . . ; C .rat HiU4: Kl'ltr E. CTarry, . -r. r s, r. n. vick, O. fi. r - ' ., ciiT'ooa- t-',... , i'. C v. feeler and G. f " n. G.'Fori- Tka aatmail Oarga with Bapar- i.' ' :' ;" tats Tetta. A few dsya ago a gentleman of this eity; foT whom we have a high regard, eame into our office and while diaonas ing th financial condition of Craven bounty be said that tba'ae:aaUaaa the last year amoant)nglo about twent; tbonaaad dollara bad flot been tcioouased for, "and," aaid ha with' eatpVaii, "tbe people are terribly dawrf aa be Jocsmal for suppreasing tbe tact. " Weoonfess thattha charge of "sup preasing facte" la somewhat annoy ing, not withstand ing we know it to be utterly false and without foundation. We pub lish the proceedings of tbe county oom miasioners, reports of the finance com mittee, and all the facts about our county affairs that we can get, but we do not consider it our duty to institute an investigation of any particular mat ter; there are lawfully qualified per sons to 0 this, and when they bats made their fbTeetigationa it will fee time eaoaghoi charge us with a sup pression of facts if we refuse to pub lish. As to the report that tbe taxes col lected for the last year bave not been. accounted for, it may be true, bat the time has not yet expired for the collec tor to make his final settlement. The county treasurer, however, states that not a oent of this money ha been paid to him and no money can be obtained for a oounty voucher from tbe treas urer. They oan be sold for about fifty cents in the dollar, and it is talked about town that the money collected on the taxes of last year Is being held to buy these vouobers at this dieoount. So firmly some of our people believe this that tbey declare openly and bold ly that they will not pay another oent of taxes until this speculation is stopped. Tbe refusal of the former treasurer of tbe oounty to poet his receipts and dis bursements at the oourt house door on the first Monday in each mouth as the law require, bas given credence to this report and the people are becoming restless under what they deem a flag rant outrage. The tax payers of the county will not longer consent to such speculations at their expense. Tbe oounty commissioners ought to have enforced the law and oompelled the treasurer to show up onoe a month. By referenoe to tbe records we find that from, December 1st, 1813, to De cember let, 188G, a little leaf than ten thoaaand dollars of vouchers issued by the commissioners remain bneaa celled. A considerable amount of this, the vouchers held by Mr. Joseph Kelson, baa been pat fn judgment, so that the taxes eolleoted for ISSS-'ST ought to wipe out the balance. But when one of these vouchers Is presented the holder is told there is no fdooay. Then what has become of the money cob lected tbe past year ? Tbe tax payers have a right to know what bas become of it, and they demand it. County officers msy temporarily sucoeed in defying the law. but a day of reckoning will come. The taxes In this oounty are too burdensome, and it will not do to trifle with the people who pay them. Ward Polities. We deem It necessary to caation our Democratic friend that thaj do aot push their opposition to one another too far'. We understand the Benublioans have a candidate in tbe field In fha&Ilg ward, and that the Demccratt, not withstanding they, have a candidate who was unanimously nominated in a regularly called convention, are ' en deavoring to get out another candidate. These little scrambles in ward poli- tioe, although tbey bave a tendency to la jsjratparty- Organisation, are some times allowed whan there it no danger of a Republican slipping In., Bat if oar friends in th intra ward vnaertake to divide) tbey nay be deceived. Thar are , Kepublioans la ' Ibis ! city : sharp enough to take advantage of every mis take tnaqe py mi Democrat to once more set control of the city affairs, is their great desira, aad pecianyj ia It desirable uat sow wnea tne Democrat bave got tbe f aanoee in such a healthy condition. Do . aot foolishly throw away the results a yoor past good management. ' - 'V , , , At the request of many of my fellow attikana of the Second Ward, I announce myself ; a candidate lor - the otnoe of Geonoiltaea af aaid ward. Am assured of an elctkat and therefor shall be ia the fieldntnfl th contest it decided.- : : Katlea. OBaocoatit of -ik 'bajairprrfjudki rertew bvsoat of SBVao-ealrec? filewds durinK ward meeting, Moadsy tbal8th, nd of Bon-residente aad tolnors voting thereat, aad belie v in a I da that the vrill of the people of the fifth ward was aot expressed in this action, there befb; rt more than 90 or 100 legal voter. In accord wiUt the desire ati. wwhsa af nry, I announce myself as th Eepub 1 m can ; .date for Councilmaa Of the fifih vrnri. Knowir? that the will of tha r v '.J be f r ; -sd at tbp polls on tbe t llonday ia i y. I shall be ia the;C!i,ccr2ient cf si election, till that day. Hic'''t. . t - i - ' ii. u. ExiRoirl- - TO Paaia, April VAva arrest of the French Cchmlsaary, Snfaaaebelea, of Pagay Bov Maaalla, b the German poiKe, alter ae B4 aan aaooyed over the frontier. IsN regarded at a seriou mastar ia ocaciai atreM. h. r"vlet, mate uiaister, aa K. rioaraaa,; f or eiga Mini ft, wra in eonfeMm flbtil midairbt ldtiigbt fori tb aoreaa of determlaia: what action pa t Ha m tbe premise, ana imj asam xaet tnis morn ing to further oonatder the subject Tbe Pau says Jfcet tha marifort ha, dasnanded aa arplansi taa r f the arrest from Germany. : , .i -- The rraoab aewtpapers geateVally re gard the ooourrenoe aa a .direct provo cation as Germany part- aad; axbort tbe people to be calm and not to play Prince pismarcVs game. JU)KDON, April 23. The araest by tbs Garsaaae of M. Sohnable has oaueed a depreseion la the London stock .mar ket. Pakib, April 82, 3 f. m. If. Bcbnae beles' arreat la badly interpreted in the stock marks, aad ran tee have fattberi fallea. Tha qootatioa of. three par! cents ror account at tnis hour ia 7U francs 60 centimes, a fall of 1 franc aad 10 centimes from the closing price last evening. Paris, April 22. Tbe Government will not oomplaln to Germany of the arrest of kL nnhnaebeles, aatil fall in quiries bare bean made into taa oase. The Jntransigeant , of which Henry Roehefort is editor, is tbe only paper that is rabid in its oomments on tbe affair. The other Paris papers are mod erate in their reference to it. Pabm, April 23. The Fienou naner are unanimous in the statement that Schnaebelee was arrested on French soil by German officer. Tbe Tmitps publishes a dispatch from rMranaK stating that German officials suspected Schnaebelee of having relations with persons in Germany for the purpose of obtaining Information concerning mill tary measures being taken around Metz for tbe use of French military- official. Authorities of the Foreign Uffloe believe tbe German Government will make ao explanation af me affair that will calm the present indignation felt by French men. Political and financial circle teka a gloomy view of tbe situation. Bkkun, April 23. U ia announced that the arrest of Schnacbles was or dered by a judge who had been con ducting inquiries into treaaooabte prac tices in Alsace-Lorraine. Behlin, April 24. The commission at Metz, investigating the French com missary, Schnaebelee, reports that the arrest was undoubtedly made apoa German sou. There are numerous charges of high treason against Schnae belee, and tbe evidence against him is ovarwbelming. The Montagablatt declare that Sohnaebeles had six subordinate agent who wra acting as spies for Gen. Boa laager, the French war minister. One of these agents, a man named Kueho, was dismissed by Sohnaebeles and mads revelation through wbiob asuoh evi dence was eolleoted agaiast -Sohnaebeles. . Schnsebeles was visited In prison, at Metz, yeeterday by bis wife and son. .- Paris, April 24. la the otnoe of Commissary Schnaebelee has been found a letter from Commissary Gautsch, addressed to Schnaebeles, written last Tueaday. It begins. "My Dear Oollegue," and says: I bave a communication to make to you wbiob conoerna neither the French nor the German government, bat to mske it we must be alone, and if you think fit we can profit by a blown-down frontlarvole to talk there. h'lakb Raises trance. Paris, April 24. At a banquet given by the Marmite Club in honor of United States Minister McLane, Uv neiaettt,tBe 4 ran on minister to uev rosary, "who Is now here, offered a toast to him. Mr. McLane in his response praised France for the civilizing role played in the world' progress by French genius, and propbeid a great future for France- LAKD8DOWNB AKD HIS TENANTS, AT PEACE Dublin, April 24. Tbe trouble be tween Lord Landadowne and his ten ante has bean eetHad. -i It is now probable tha Mr, Q'Brien will abandon bis visit to Canada. FIVE HUNDRED HOUSE BCRN1D. LorDOiT, April 94. A disastrous fire bas occurred at Arnautkiel, Asia Minor. Five bostdred house were burned and iriany parsons tost their lives. Rooms of the Yocaa Men's Chris- ) tian Association, j April 23. 1887. The ladle of New Barn who are in terested in the Young Men's Christian Association and itenerary are reqaeetad to meet at tbe library rooms Tuesday afternoon next for tha purpose of tak ing steps toward a public benefit for the, Association. The consent Of the exeo utJvwODsnmlttee of me trustees ot tne Aoadamy baa been obtained for the use of tbe Academy 't rrounds for an eater- J tainraent with" tha abet Object. Tne undersign ea venture to say that the citisena of NW Berne ardnady to assist in any organised effort to anpport tha Association's library, .wbiob. dona te mnebf for th rdeenVeiidr edi&V oaaionwCf-the yoQUtaf theaAtyXaaid sM Invitation from a Committee or laaiee w.ttl bp responded, to to-. thsx.f allest t ex tent. , l Bcitpuibedieat asawaatacta f om , ri , A. it. Baker, Pres't, l-v- & VtuA Lilvaa, Vloa-Prelt; ' v. J. K. Wilus, Treasurer, 1. n. Pt.iair Rmrotin' ??es - n ittee. 1 BaeaUaa'a irait atve. ' m Basr BAtVtn tie world1' rot Cuts, Bruises, Sore. Ulcers,. Salt Rheum Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Elands, Chilblsfne, Oorna, and all bkm Eruptions, aad roaitivetyl cure piles or ae py req- 1. It Is guaranteed oi five perfect 'acfcoa,of money T,a f jnded. ' Prl '. ' '-s.t' palix. Tot a!fbyR,N.l declS ly Johnaon's KilLi Itemji Many of our successful farmer have finished planting cotton. The milliner's shop, formerly occu pied by Miss Mat. Bland, is now under the management of Misses Willis and Braxton. This neighborhood was visited by a severe wind on Monday the 19tb, blow ing, down fences and obstructing tbe road in many places with large treea. Our talented J. D. Munhv. Eea... will deliver the address at the closing exer cises of Centreville Academy. A nka intellectual entertainment may be looked for. The school at Cuouavllle is doing finely under tha management of Miesos Maggie Smith and Lena Kiloa trick . whu have rendered themselves exceedingly popular with pupils and patrons. We hope that tbe stockholder may be wise and sagacious enough, to place the academy under the ownership and di rection of an able and enterprising ci ti tan, aa such an arrangement will make the school a complete success. Mias Ida Green, who bus been with friends and relatives in this neighbor hood for several year, returned to her home in Alabama last Monday. Aa music teacher at Centreville she Rave great satisfaction, and her departure leave a void in this vicinity. A Creditable Piece of Work Mr. W. P. Ormby, of Salem, has one ot the most wonderful curiosities in tbe way of a writing desk known in Ame rica. It is 10 inches long, Ui wide w hen closed, 19 when opened and 5 inchisn deep. It is comosed of H,WK) different pieces of wood, including 35 varieties, which came from the following coun tries: China, India, Africa, South America, Spanishmaine. Italy, France and America. It ha three secret drawers, none of which can possibly be gotten into without a knowledge of Mr. Ormby secret. To give an idea of what a delicate piece of Work it i we would state that it has in a space of 1 inch square 24 different little blocks of wood, which is inlaid and fitted up bo clonely that it looks like one unbroken whole. The different colors of the wood showing prominently the location ; it hag a tine finish as smooth as can be put upon wood. We challenge any one in America to produce a superior piece of cabinet work. This may appear very eitrava gant to those who have never seen it. but we have, and have aleo seen tine cabinet work In New York, Baltimore, St. Louis and Cincinnati. We would think the desk cheap at $500. Mr. Ortnsby was 10 years in selecting his material and putting it together. ll'inafon Daily. Resolutions of Kenpeot. At a meeting of Trent Ix)dge. K. of II. Bo. 2848, held April 21st, 1887, the following resolutions were adopted : Whebeas, The $upreoe Dictator of tbe universe ha removed from us by the hand of death our most high 1 v es teemed and worthy brother, J. L. Kin sey. Therefore, be it rewlved. That we hum bly submit to the decree of the All Wise, believing that Qe doeth all things well. Retolved, That in the death of Brother J. L. Kinsey our lodge is deprived of the association and counsel of a most active and zealous member, and the community of a most worthy and res pected citizen. Resolved, That we tender our heartfelt sympathies to his -bereaved family, and point them to Him who has promised to be a husband and father. Retolved, That as a further token of our. respect we have a copy of these resolutions spread upon the minutes of our lodge; and a oopy furnished the family of our deceased brother, and that va sy ear tha usual badge of monrning fox thirty days. '"Brother, thou hast found relief, Sorrows pierce thy breast no more. thou art free from woe and grief, AH thy cares and toils are o'er. "FartjwW, brother, we with thee Leave the tokens of our love, Ti lulling if ell united be M$olv$ck That these reentvtiops b seat to tbe New Benie jODSKii. for Dabllcatioawltb reaueefc that tha Kin slon fVMfraandaol4sboro Messenger pUase5p J&.ji? ' - -if , w, rj. nam? E, M. FoScttk; . JV A. Sxtrra, .. '',' Committee. " -. Ifotfce. Tbe registrallonliejMof 'the fourth ward wilt be opened at John Lane's shop on April 28th. 29th and 30th, 1887. t . r : -l. ea mien, AeKietrurt ' - - J Netlfce: ' The registration books of the second ward will b ooen on the 28th. 99th and 80th of April, at Saulter A Co.'s Btore. SIUAA r uLCHBtt, Kegistrar. Notice. Tbe Registration Books of the First Ward will be opened at the office of W. B. Boyd, on south Front street, Thurs day, April 28ta Friday, 20th and Sat- nrday the BOth, 1887. , ; r I - n..fT J'ftWPBegistrar. . . Katice. The registration books of the 8d ward will be opened at tadkHeveBowden & Wrila4ta'wmt Side af Middle street. second door below South Front, on the 23th, M andTSOOt el Afril. . XA mt TtX. Bowflajr, lUghtrar: Tha renstrttlodk8nFlhe Fifth Ward .wU b opened? at Beckham1-. ( ZVta tna rota maUUAl HacKBcair Registrar. Mil afwr.win. ia t-a'aJ Vlali- - - as m, w m. ww asana sn w "wa tna Mvia r Ot TiM toBaOorr ask your dealer' for Oil !, - - - - - - oclldwem - COIVIMERCIAL. JocaoAL Or run. A prl 6 t P. M. OOTTOM Haw Yoax. April 2 Njou. -Futuie closed bhJoly steady. Sales of bales. April, 10 58 October Mav. 10 41 November BUOj a ?7 June, l(J.4t December. July, lU.ij Jaauary. k n , A L- V . . September. 10 29 March. . Spots quiet: Middling 1" V . Middling. 10 5-18: Good Ordinary y '. f New Borne Market quiet No sulee liool MMJlujg 1U3 10. Middluig 10 I.OW Middling K a-lt) Cioc.dOrJu.ary 'J iO.TlK8JlC tllUkKI 8kkd outton 8d Ou. OOTTOK SKKO ?10 00. Tuirnnwi-Hard ' Tab 75c aHl.aa Oats &0c. in Luil Corn 4a55c Rica 60a60. BaaSWAI 15c. per IL fiaxr On foot, c to f- Cl'NTHY UAMb lOfc l K 1 .1 l.AHD 10l'. In r : ! Eoas per doten. KttKSH PoaK (4bSc. i.rr i.oui ' PAUTS 75c. 1 tKj ot r Luslii-I FoDDKh 75c.a81 00 per t.un.lit. Onionb-'J 002 j.tr I urn : Field I'kab flOc. UuB Dry , luc . : V ror.li TAIXOW &c 11 Hi. Chick ins (irown i ' Meal 70c rx-r buHhfi Oats 50 rt. per but-hel I'uTATi.KS, Karly Hon- SJ 7 5 ;.. PoTATOBS HtthuiiiiiB. 'AK- yee.i Harrison. 65.-. Wooi l(al6c. per ixiund. Suinolks W.8t India, dull an i inal;not wanted. Huildin i hearts. $8. 00; sap 81.50 nor M WHOUS1U mi. KH New Mks8 Pukk S:,i .i) HllOl'LilKK MKAT-- 7r. O. K. a, F. B'h. B. V ud I. ( ' FLtil'H $a.00afl.00. LaKD Hbo. bv tlie Ihti i Nails ha is 10 ', 8 7ft. Buuah Oranulalod, t);c. CorFKE-16al7;c. Cheehh -15. Salt 80nH5c. per KR. k MOLAB8K8 and Hyui Pa 0s45o Powdkk 80.00. Hiiot Drop, 81.75, t.u. k, t2 W Kkroskni-Uc. I ' ll r t.M 1 .110 For Sale, im I h 1 MiM ml ni!)(1i !i:u!i. n 1.1 UHti A l.i-ii aUM'k. IA MIS i;. A 1 rli Ji' . ,i ; w .111 ATTENTION. 1 r-i ii r . our M .ukc.-. f 1 tli" ; inij; 1111 I .Siitnnii r hy umii Alabastine L. II. ( I TLKR S, 26 & 28 Middle Street, N I'AV ltKKNi:. N. C Ki'" Call and get Sample Tiut. A(iKNCY KOU EST D JT 1862. HVE CENT STRAIGHT: Punchinello, Ouarantpp. Superb, Punch Junior. TEN CENT.' Reina Victoria, Heina Boquet. Keina Perfector, Reina Conchas. Oeneral Custer, Club Hone, etc. Anil alto any grade, from Oenprnl, I. lent. UenertU, Major General. KrUfadler 1 leneral. (.Vtlonel. Llegt. folonel and Major, and many on the retired Hat. Call and congratulate, and bave aomoke that will please yon. Mvddle Street, New Berne, Everybody knows where. a21Jw W. L. I'ALMEK. superintendent. First-Glass Buggies MADE AND KEPT CONSTANT LY ON HAND AT T. RANDOLPHS CARRIAGE FACTORY, Broad St., New Beenb, N. C. Those wishing to purchase will find it to their advantage to call and examine before purchasing elsewhere. REPAIRING don at short notk-e. 1 Satisfaction guarafttoett in work and price. ' -. . , aalsdwtt For Rent, A Dwelling witfl shop aftached cm Broad street abxv' Queeib The lot ii targv, wnJaf rtuj trees tan weu k good wa .premise) (t r r no.mx! SmallitootT & SIoVcH DEALERS IN ' )' ' -j; Gt:.LHAL HARDWARE, T1.W.R, GLASSWAMM.i. H'OUDk.WVJLRE, CROCKJZRX SAH1I. D00R3, BIMtDS GLASS. fAlSTS, OWS AKD 8TOVt LN.M'UPAiibKb AS TO . - , PRICE AND QUALITY. Middle Mntt, 'eat Door te Hoi. : Albert, " s 'r'A rK M RTsTT ' 1 M .11' .N VrilV ; Hartford Life and Annuity !N: I i A N ( I. ( ( lill'ANY. ' u' ' ' 1 h I . si a - n !. 1 . . : . 1 1 . : 1 ' 1 il i ,c(i rr.e r. "n . v '.-kp ..I 11... i..l -f 1 ,., ,, . .l" . I. hi. 1 i.iw.ra.7T it. iJ. 1.: . 1, . , 1 , 11.1 -.!" .!, I f 1 IV..: r. I i. . .-r.ffi 1 i. .... -..,mn.. N I 1 s J N . J.I .. I 1-.' 1 I .1. m K. 1: foni,. - : V 1 1! I 1 1 A ' I V. Il. .1 Iff ET .i'i Lorn, ' I I ' I N. 'I.I II I'.Wl' ILINA, ' 1,1 : ' 1 1 -I '-1 . 1. 1 ; 1. 1 1 . c Si A I K, 1--' KAN.IC 1 1 K I' A KTM KUT, ' IUIi-.fli, .N . ('., April 1U, U7. , !'l 'nil!-.tir,. Hllll (1 ,f "An Al'tVl '"iiki..-.,laio II..' Ii.aiiraiu-o Laws ot NorUl 1 iirohnu, I 1 ..in rv 11. m ih ariove II a troe exliHcl frniu 1... hwuiii blalemut of .taa H XT II I.TKK (Ml ASM III lnJITHlIiTI ni, ..ti 1 emiier ItotJ, auwva r.l.- !! :.: I 'e j iiiI'iti;! W . 1 bAl NUJCKH, i '" 11 Se.'ietary of Atate. SPRING AND SUMMEB . . MILLINERY GOODS! Miss Harriette . Lane's , StiKk of Kino Millinery Goods is novr read; fur exhibition, consisting of tb Most Elegant Hats, Boxuets-'J Ribbons, Flowers, Etc., in the city. Having always l-ept Ihl finert and most beautiful Millinery ever brought tr thia market, fully sustains her repntutioa In thi r cp pert this season, or rather surpasses it. Thep handsome Goods will be sold at a small advance on New York cost. All are cordially invited to Bethera. aplTdlm ; i J. W. STEWARTP" HKAUQPARTEK8 FOB U'LK,. aOBSZS aad ' BUGG1EB. j..-, The besf Burarv oh Va6 market for the moini ii norxea ana venrciee to 11 ire at reaaoaabla vatssk 1 apl3.1-y Broad St.. Nswbera, f J, f if-tVl SDriiiff and " , j. t.. fr luILLINERY4 . I hav received tny stock 6&piib' s and Summer llfllineryi'ooiwistftiit'o the latest style ot BarasM Btitt3 also a Urga, asaortmemt ot Nbwalti tot Kbbons, Lacesti Guaee, fine assortment of French F1wr . , My Pattern Hats art Open and will be shbwBlthpfeasubr -' '4 t j I sort felly ihvUe fliy ttH&4 etw toman tf call wad sawtty.imtty bi1;Ll goods, wUcH .Tm tkWeet- I i ii:.i5?-H4Siifc'. tm11r I. i...'w!.i l.-i-..il; 1t

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