HUE tfOUHNAL;: - L- ' " ' "M v 1 1 . 1 r 'oofclMitfok ! Look! Yea will find at the Store of 0. MARKS the largest Line' of Dress Goods, Plain and Fancy, . ry. Goods, Notions, Ladies, Gents, Misses, jU iron's Shoes, Boots and Slippers, Cloths, Hdtt&gs, Oil Cloths, Carpets, Gents' Fur ni:Mnff Goods, Straw Goods, and in fact everything you can think of, to be found in a Dry Goods Emporium. Our Store is packed to Qyirflowing this season with Drives and rorgains. We can please you all. Money is not plentiful, so look well before spending it. f 0H4) 1 yd. wide II , Our (4-4) 1 yd. wide Blearhiup .V v-Onr gosd Ginghams Oar Fast Color lriiits ".. . Oufuti floods .. .' k. Oar elegant line of Worsteds for UK ,?.' Oar elegant White Lawn verywidr V. , 'Our elegant Hamburg KJgiuRH (5 (Mn J.- . V' Garter Webb U- l i , Ottoman all silk H iu. wul- KiMm-hk .'..;.?, 3fioe large Towel. .... .. . jlMf line colored ami lnt- ( 'aj.e ( Vt-OroehetNef'dU-s v? Colored Hamburg. Buttons! Buttons! Miases' Hose ' -.;,'. OhJldren's Hom- .7..",. ocraw iiats . J' A Ladies' Gloves -:Vlleatiful Handkerchi. f. La Jn Large llandkercuifs ( Mens Kutting Cotton best , . pocket Books ', .Tooth Brashes V Dress Buttons dozen ) . . . Whita Pearl Buttons - d.n, v ' ' Kw Silk" Uandk. nL.rl 1,000(000 Toothpick for. V .ITice Cuffs Msa's Linen Collars (latest t 1 V .rVMea'a Linen Cuffs (latest etl. j ;;vMe Linen Collin ("Dude"' sj .'' Hiea Jersey for ( Alca Uorset 2Tle Gold Plated UrcnM I'm . . ' Large line beautilul shades " ! f All linen Crash ' Bice Buttons (cards) Ladies' Slippers Eick Back Braid Toilet Soap (nice) Nice Linen Doylej n ' Octant and Beautiful One Half New York Cost. J. Paper (elegant note) . f. Knrelopes (to match ) . Cirrest and Cheapest Seen in 2Telty Braids -. rtiv... n;tv .'SjjJIo Satins Jren Unnnes 'v.. Colored Crinkles (lovely) Beaotlful line Seersuckers ' v Beautiful line Organd ics t Tf j 111- ;v; .4ues' xianaaercnieis tn iiueii). . Bee That Beautiful "I Fc:.3l Fans! Fans! . Lead Pencils, rubber tipped . -TN '.,4Jrsey, all wool) "big job". . i : i j S ' 8alclB, btantiful line (worth :iOr. ) ; ; oiaauna, toreiy nne ; Jlatrias, : ; iVelrets ' 'VBafcy Shoes (nice ) - ! v Torfcsk. Bath Soap '.V BeA f 1.25 Shoe in the city. C;l iBeat tljOO Shoe in the city. y ,Beit 76. Shoe in the city. t X- Best $5J00 Shoe in thecitv. V Spool SCk (eab.) - Paraaots, nice "Vtfl H Lareest line of Parasols cTcr brought here. WATttnOl'S llKrLTII CORSETS. Full line of Corset tVity '' and prices. WHOLESALE ?.for eoaonlete lhan ever. Wt eater 7s rnsraateaaatuaalto 'DUPLICATM ANY BILL BOUGHT IX A I, f n ERN .PJVI AKKET IN LESS . ... s..t,auixmiuaijuiia cald 'aay,tliat any Goods pnroHaed from at that are Js'OT I LY AS BEPBESENTED,an be tetoraed and the parchajser will JLLY SATISFIED; before tearing. We wast the traae w every :t and ftxhaH, and ft will be to era? peraon'a advantage to tee srarcaatlnraaTtMflf in otiriine. ry tuny,-?; f . re? 4, . 1 - i f A p Q A lr' K 2 'ulUr- ,'tv. woitli 10i Buttons! Buttons! .10.-. is,-. llc . 10c. (loth Line of Dress Buttons, .(. 10r. Line of Goods Ever this City. I.M- I Or . .s-. Line of Etamines. Novelties! HovelliesI 'J for .V. . .. . .!Kk tip . . . . I'k. . .. .UJc. 5c. lc 4c. 4(e . lc. .50o. all styles DEPARTMENT. especially for tie wholesale trade, THAN BALK IXXTS. NEW BESXE. W.CL. APRIL 87, 188T. Arrival and Departure Halls KAIL CLOSES. For tforth, West a&4 Bouth, i A. K. O.E. R. at 7-80 a.m. For Beaufort and ths East, at 8:00 p. . For Waahia(toB,8wiftCmk, Brdaaad Beaafort Counties Mondays. Wedaea dara. and Fridays at 6,-00 a. m. For Trenton. PolloksrHle and Mars rille, aUyat730s.m. For Orantsboro, Bayboro an 1 Van demere. dailr at 8 a. aa. OmCK HOUES: In Money Order and Begielered Let ter Department, from 8 i.m. to 4 p..m. In Mailing Department from V a. m. to 5 p. m. The First Steamer to Cross the At lantic. In 1M'. the Atlantic was first crossed by a ship using steam. This was the Savannah, of 380 tons, launched at ( orlear's Hook, New York, August li-J, 1818. She was built to ply between New York and Savannah as a Bailing packet. She was, however pur chased by Savaouah merchants and fitted with hteam machinery, the paddle-wheels being constructed to fold uji and be laid upon the deck when not in use, her shaft also having ;t ioint for that purpose. She lelt Savannah on the 2ith ol Mav, and reached Liverpool in ''5 days, usin' steam IS days. The logiKXik, still preserved, notes, several times taking the wheels in ou deck iu thirty miuutes. lu August she left Li vet pool tot ( tonstadt. An effort was made to sell bet to Knssia, which tailed Sb- sailed fur Savannah, touching at Copenhagen and Arendal, and .n iived iu 5-'tdas. fler machinery I. itei was taken out, and she re umeil her original charctei as a ailiug acket, aud end'd bei days l being wreaked- on the south coast of Long Island. lint steam Kiwer had 1 ls i0 grown larje enongli to strike more l)oldl . The Savannah's effort was an attempt iu which steam was only au auxiliary, and one, too. ot a not en owerful kind. Our coastwise steamers, as well -as those employed in (Jreat Britain, as also the vo.age d the Enterprise to Calcutta in 1 8-")( though slie took I I. ; days in doing it ). had settled the possibility ol the use of steam at nea, and the question had now become whether a ship could be built to cross the Atlantic depend mg entirely on her steam power. It had U'conie wholly a question of fuel consumption.. The Savannah, it may le said, used pitch pine on her outward voyage, and wood was foi a very long time the chief fuel tor steaming purjxises in America. -From "The Development of the Steamship," b 'ammander. ,Vr Hint r'tMagaz inc. Fsir Bird Destroyers. That tickle, changeable, fantas tic, and often nonsensical goddess, Fashion, end her fair votaries, are answerable in part for the destruc tion of the birds, and particularly of those adorned with brilliant plum age. Many a fair maiden, or w oman. tender-hearted, considerate and sympathetic, who wonld be shocked by the wanton cruelty of the thoughtless boy who wonld kill the beautiful little humming-bird as ii Hits from flower to flower, Is quite reconciled to the net if the the dead bird can be treated by the taxidermist and added to the aviary upon the curious structure which is now worn in the place of the bon net which ndomcd and protected the head of her fcotlier and grand mot hers, of different degrees, for generations. Questionable aa is the taste that places a yellow-eyed screech-owl, or vampiiish bat, upon a lady's head gear, it is a well known fact that thousands and tens of thousands of our much prized birds become a sacrifice to fashion in each year. It is gratifying to learn that the Audubon Society, whose members pledge themselves to do all in their jower to discourage, and, if poss ible, suppress the use of birds and birds' feathers as ornaments of dress, is rapidly extending its sphe re of usefulness and humanity. It would Ik well if in every city, town and shool-district in the United Stntcta the girls and boys wonhl organize a society or club having for Its object the protection of onr harmless, beautiful and musical birds. The girls, by re fraining from the use of birds, or the plumage of birds for ornament; and the boys, by ceasing to 6tone, ehoot, or trap snch birds or to rob their nests of eggs, or yonng, and by waging a war of extermination against the sparrows, can do much towards restoring to as the birds whose absence end loss is so much to be deplored. Amrtm ApriculluurUh eklsa's Aralea bit, Thk Bmst fiixva in fhs world ' for Cats, Braises, Sorea -Cloers, - Bai Khswm, Fsrer Bores,. Tetter. Charred Bands, Chilblains, Corns, end all bkla ErwpUonc, end poitiTjt care piles or no pay required. It is cnarmnteed to B9 perfect ntSf action, or. Honey re nded. Price ss cents per box. For ale by JL N.Duffy. . , decl . Iri Eoct.fialt! Rock Salt! roa aau bt Ferdi::nd Ulrich, WHOLESALE GE0CEE MIDDLE STREET, -NEW BKKNE, 8. O T. A. Gajc&xs Ou Btakd. ALEX. JUSTICE,- DEALER IN Fine Flour of all Grades, Selected Teas, Pure Coffees and Spices, Butter and Cheese, from the best dairies. i The Largem ud Best Belecled block ; CANKKU F HI ITS AND VECETABL I ever before brought to New Berne. Also, a foil vnrleiy of other gooda. usua ' tepl In a First-Claim Hlor Ci odi dt'liveird at any imn of Die en f 1 1- 'ii chai tv TritMN ( ASH. Broad st New Bern N C. mar-.T dwtf 1 am happy because 1 bought my Can Wheels and Axles from J. C. WHITTY Craven St., New Berne, N. ( PEICB: Horse Cart Wheels and Iron Axle, $16.00 Horse Cart Wheels and T. S. Axle, 15 00 Ox Cart Wheels and Iron Axle, 25.00 Made by Tennessee Wagon Works and warranted. mh31 d w FOR BARGAINS IN Furniture, CALL AT THE New Berne Furniture Store, WEST SIDE MIDDLE STREET,' Where it can be found in great variety. Furniture not in stock will be ordered at a small per oent above cost. A liberal share of public patronage solicited. J. M. HINES, Manager. marl4 dwtf A Great Bargain. 327 ACRES. Will be sold at a Great yacr lilce. A valuable Plantation situated on the aoulb side of the Meue river, three and a half miles from the City of Newborn. N. C. One hundred and twenty-five acres cleared. Good land, aoi table for tracking. The bal ance, two hundred and two acres, heavily timbered with pine, oak. cypres, and other kinds of timber. Jt Is also fine grazing land. Good dwelling, outbnlldlngt, and a line or chard. Jt haa a nne fishery fronting hair a mile on the beach, where there are high banks of marl that can never be exhausted, from which vessels can load with ease. It is a very beautiful and healthy location, pre senting a near view to the passing vessels and railroad. The cleared land with bond ing and orchard will be sold separate If de sired . For terms apoly to - P. TREHWITH. al2 dw On the place, or Hewbern, N, C, JAMES REDMOND, f 1 awagirf?r'T-iiT.iifeii'i,-i r - w V . .. i'-'IN OOUITEOTION ,WITII THE AGENCY- FOB .VasilyX.EEP ON;llAND A TULti LIKE OT ,v.; . ;;i.f .UI...".j I...J LI j Li '.Si . ; 'ik?WchViIl be tzll bj tte Earrcl cr Ca'Jci at ClngttiM xqisi ti Tat Imported, t- i ;..ri:r to fjr . IS MAKEfO A Specialty - cf Fine - B UIIINUIUm And is therefore better prepared than LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. Oar Suits are stylish and well made, from tasteful fabrics, ana axe soio as Bock Bottom Prices. Our line of FUEN1SHING GOODS embraces every thing that GenUemen use. In NECK WEAR and SILK HANDKERCHIEFS we ere exhibiting; a line of goods that are oreations of the, beautiful and captivating; in (heir elegant sim plicity. . STYLISH HATS Derbies, light, black and brown; Fur Hate of all shapes sad qualities, end Crush Pocket Hats in all colore, only 75c. Big ' assortment of Straw Hats, latest shapes, handsome and cheap. .. . Full stock of DRY GOODS and NOTIONS. Ladies' and Gents' Shoe at prices to suit the times and yonr pocketbook. A Ladies' Foxed Gaiter only 59o We are still having a big run on our $3 60 genuine, fine French Calfskin Shoes in Bale, and Congress, wtych are acknowledged the nicest and beat Shoe In the market. A full guarantee iven with every pair. DAVID M. JONES of Beaufort will be pleased to meet his old friends and customers at KIKTEKfl MJKT1' a-iOLlJi- MARBLE WORKS, MiW Ur.K.M. .VI. Monuments Tombs x cinii ( ami Huiidiiii work in ITALlAfUAMERICAN MARBLE Orders will receive prompt attention satisfaction guaranteed. JOE K. WILLIS, Proprietor ! uccosaiir lo ueor;e W . CluypooiQ ) 1 Oor. BROAD AtD CRAVEN SU. i SEW BERSK. N. ( U. E. is my aulhcrired aget DKinston. ma80-lrtiw FORECLOSURE SALE. Pursuant to a decree rendereii In 'In- Su perior I'ourt of Oraven oonuty at the Fall Term. )KW, In an action v.heiflu J. A. Itrynu and wife were plalnlltlaand C. W. M-.Clean nnd wife defendauU, 1 will sell at Public Auction at the Court House door In the City of Me bern, at TWKIA'E o'clock, M.,ou Monday, the 23d day of May, 1887, the following described real fulatc. to w it: A certain tract of land being a portion of the lands formerly belonging to the heirs of K D. ripalKht and John It. Donneil, IvIiik and being situate In the CouDllee of drum. Car teret and Jones on the south side of Neuse River, on both sides of the east anil est prongs of Hlocumbs Creek, on both Hides of the A. S N. 0 Railroad, and upon the laaea In Kald oounlles. for a more particular de scription of which reference U made to an agreement enters 1 Into between the plain tiffs and C. W. McClean, recorded In Graven County. Book 81, folios 3al, 20. 271, 272.273, 274. '275 and'i7B. Terms of sale Cash. K. W. CAIll'ENTRK, aplSdld Clerk and Commissioner. FURNITURE. Parlor Suits, Chamber Sets Walnut Bedsteads, Bureaus, Wardrobes. MattxeHseg, Chairs, Lonnfres, Sofas, Centre Tables. Etc,, AT ItOCK BOTTOM PIIICES JOHITSUTER, Middle Street, Isew Berne. N.O. HEWBEBK, N. C, WHOLESALE THIS BEAS0JT ' Cloihlns and iGcnls UWWUI. .;, . .. , i.f aver to su to aaost f astidioss a t ... - ' . ; V GEORGE ASH'S, Middle street, next to L. H- Cutler's. Over 9,000,000 worn daring the past six years. This marvelous sueoees Is due 1st. To the superiority of CoraUne oyer aH other materials, as a stiff ener for Corsets. 2nd. To the superior quality, shape and workmanship of oar Corsets, oomblned with their low prioee. Avoid cheap Imitations madeof varlout kinds of cord. None are genuine nolest "DR. WARNER'S CORAUNE" Is printed on Inside of steel cover. FOR SALE BY ALL LEADING MERCHANTS. WARNER BROTHERS, 3Bf Broadway, New York City. NOTICE. North Carolina. Craven County. ( Kuperior Court. Mary Maud Chadwk-k. an Infant, by bar (Guardian Jahios J. Harrison, and Krsdrtrb ll'easir. vs. N. M. Chsihvlck. The above cntilli.l action la brought for tlieaalaof a hoime and lot on the ea tslde Of Craven Mlrt-t'l In 1hi 1I nf Njhrn 1 lately il. residence of Mrs. Mary Chad wick, (deed., and now oncupled by fredriok Boeaser, 'for partition. The defendant, N. M. Chad Jwlck. being a non-resident, is hereby re- w appear oeiore tue uiera oi toe wn perlor Court of Craven County, at bis offlre la the City of Newbern. on Monday the Ulh day of June, A.D. 18ST, and answer or demar to the oomplalnt. Tills 21si day ot April, 188". E W. CARPKNTKK. IV Ow . Clerk Hup. Court. MORTGAGE SALE. Pursuant lo powers of sale contained in two at-veral mortgages executed to me by Clara T. Justice, executrix of Bldner E Jna. tics, deceased, and dated respectively De- f inner i.iiu, inni.ana January xvin, "ill sell at Pnbllc Auction at the Court Hoaae door in the City o Newbern. on ' Monday, the 23d day of May, 1887, at TWELVE o'clock. M.. the following da scribed real estate situate In the Olty of Nsw bern on ast trout street: A lot nr pa reel of land known and desorlbed In the plan of said city as the water front of lot 108, and being further known as the realdenos of Alexaoder ' juaiice, oemaseo. 1 erms of sale Cash. ANNiE JTTT1CB, spl6dth Jtfortcsgte. LIQUOR. DEALER ... -j . f AND MANTJlTACTCTtatE OF J f (lirifrar A1a . ., Lemon Soda I Vawaai AJa, A AM rt 1 1 ii m in i .l.iu. SjM.11 hi i uij..-.. . y jl wa viuu ' BOTTLING -;.--f

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