c i.THL.JOUBNAL. y.-'-'-'-rrf t TSEE w1 - kw'JL-l" i' a ' at ... ?f , SEW EBNE,, q..?Btt aO. 1837, nn r Mi 4 ;f-:,f t. )ip FIR S Yourwill find at the largest line of Dress Goods, Plain and Fancy, Dry Goods, Notions, Ladies, Gents, Hisses, Children's Shoes, Boots and Slippers, Cloths, Haitians, Oil Cloths, Carpets, Gents' Fur nishing' .-Goods, Straw Goods, and in fact everything you can think of, to be found in a Dry Goods Emporium. Our Store is packed to overflowing this season with Drives and Bargains. We can please you all. Money is not plentiful, so look well before spending it. '"'fOw (4-4) 1 yd. wide Homespun r' Our (44) 1 yd.4wide Bleaching. .V. Oar food Ginghams .'. 'J Our Fast (Jolor l'riiit . .V. Our Panta Goods Our elegant 1 me of orsteds fur Our elegant "White Lawn very i s' Our elegant Hanibiirir KdiDct Garter Vehh , Ottoman all silk H ill. wide Kibhun . NSoe largo ToweN Big line colored aud wl,ii.- Cap.- ;- frochet Needles Colored llsinLur Buttons! Buttons! Genu' A Uoe ' Ladiei' Iltxte Misses' Dose Children's llosi Straw Hats L&dios' Gloves Beautiful Handkerchief (Ladic Lare llandkerchictH Mnifi! Knitting Cotton (bet V Pocket Books Tooth Brushes Dress Buttons (2 dozen ) White Pearl Buttons (2 dozen). 'EawSilk" Handkerchiefs 1,000,000 Toothpick.s for Kiee Cuffs Men's Iiincn Collars (latest st;U.) , Men's Linen Cuffs (latest style)' Mop's Linen Collars ("J hide") Kloe Jersey for JTice Corset .Nice Gold Plated J'rea.--t Pin Large line beautilul shades "Clieese v. v v;. All linen Crash . . Ail iiocu vrasn Bice Buttons (cards) Ladies' Slippers. Kick Back Braid;. Toilet Soap (nice) fjS-SSlc Linen Doykys Elegant and Beautiful One Half New , Papor (elegant note) '' Knvclonea (to match) . Vi? tone Turkish Towels i Pl ' Biggest and Cheapest Seen in Novelty Braids Nioe Dress Silk Nice Satins Cream Crinkles r - Colored Crinkles (lovely) A Beautiful line Seersuckers 'j V Beautiful line Organdies . ..-.Ladies' Handkerchiefs (all linen). . Bee That Beautiful Fans! Fans! Fans. Ltifiad Pencils, rnbber tinned ?-JrseTa, all wool) "big job" 'V;! Chambrays (imported) I oateeus, uviuuiui iiuc iwmiu .uc. Muslins, lovely lino i . : r l i: . L m. V,t: flat Pins .;.;trlTeto -:Babr Shoes (nice) ' " Turkish Bath Soap XBen 1.25 Shoe in the city. V" lJet 61.00 Shoe in the city. v'(.niBert'75c. Shoe in the city, t V? Best 13.00 Shoe in the city. M I Patawls, nice jjargest line ot i'araeoi IRNEK'S HEALTH CORSETS. and WHOLESALE ' Mora tomplete than eter. ' We eater especial! for the wbolesale trade. Ws rasrantesasuinalto "DUPLICATE ANT BILL BOUGHT IN A NORtnERjr MAKKET IN LESS THAN HALE LOTS. TO' EVERYBODY; ' -roali ay, that any Goods jptircliaaed itom' at that .are NOT I rr.LT AS EEPHESENTED, can be retorned and the purchaser wifi 1 i ULLY SATISFIED .before learlng. We want tbe trade of erery rreat and Btnall, and it irill.be to erery person's adrantafe to see repurchasing anything in oor line. T"ery trnty,;v " . .- ,- Store of 0. MABK&the . . wide f (XX di - 1(K 'nl:ir - ml, 10. Buttons! Buttons! . Cloth . .10e. .l.Sc. 10c .4()c. ..2."c. . .r.e. . 5c. .c. :io. .4'.c. :U: fc. Line of Dress Buttons, York Cost. 5o. ......... 5c.. 1 ()c. Line of Goods Ever this City. . . .)C. . .75c . tOc . .. He. ..lliic ...10c. . . . Sc. . . . 5c. Line of Etamines. Novelties! Novelties! 2 for 5c. 00c. up 15c. itn- i j-ji-. 5c. lc. 40c. 40c. 5c. 50c. ever trougbt nnrc. Full line of Core U, all stj lee prices. DEPABTMENT. v 1 ; iuii closes. V For Wort. Wee and Bouta. ria L. ft If. O. E. E."atT:M a.m. . for Beaaiort -.ma.-, tiaa East, avt For Washington . Swift Creek Hyde and Beaufort Oountiee Moedaye, Vedne dare, and Fridays 00 a. m. For Trenton, PoUokarilla and ' Hays ville. dailr at 1M a. For Granteboro, rBayboro an 1 Van- d em ere. daily at 6 a. m. t OFFICE HOTJK8: In Money Order and egieWed Let ter Department, from 9 a.m. to 4 p-.m. In Mailing Department from a. m. to 5 o. n. Offioe open constantly between these hours except when malla are being dis tributed or sent. GOOD BEADING. The greatest truths are the sim-1 pleat ; and so are the greatest men ; ' and womeu, too, for that matter. Loe is &ontaneou8 ; it will uot be driveo, no conipolsiou can either create or retain it. Vet it may be either fed and nourished into fuller and deeper life or starved into de cay or premature death. He who is traly, deeph, essenti ally honest, lores honesty so much Letter than any invisible reward that he chooses it every time apart from any considerations of its re sults, and neither hope nor fear, neither bribv nor threat, coold tempt him iiway from his loynl alio fiance. W e ought to be eiy tender with naturally shy children. The :igou ics these little eople hav e to go tliroagh they alone can understand. But those ot us who have passed through the same ordeal can rein j etnU'r what we suffered -in our da of small beginnings ;iinl unused experiences, and by ourselves we can judge (or them. What is the reading ot books but conversing with the wisest men j of all countries, who thereby com-; inunieate to us their most deliberate thoughts, choicest notions, and best inventions, couched in good ex pression, and digested in exact! 'method? It supplies the room of experience, nud furnishes us with! prudence at the expense of others. ; The way to make yourself pleas-1 ing to others is to show them those small courtesies in which there is j no parade, whose voice is too still to tease, and which manifest them selves by tender and affectionate j looks, and little acts of attention : and kindness, giving others the I preference in every little enjoyment, ; at the table, in the field, walking, i , ,, ,i; ;BlttlDg - a"d Btan(1ln It is chiefly by nourishing the . higher nature that tbe lower is j kept in controlled and orderly opera tion . The more fully men are en grossed in what is true and pure and worthy of all their powers and and intelligence, the more naturally and easily will appetite, passion and desire assume a proper subserv ience, and fulfil their assigned functions quietly and legitimately. When they are forced to the front, brought up for constant review, and made the theme of much con versation and discussion, of alterna five approval and censure, they occupy the place of other and weighter things and lose their har monious relations. First-Glass Buggies MADE AND KEPT CONSTANT LY OS HAND AT C T. RANDOLPH S CARRIAGE FACTORY. Broad St., New Bebkk, N. C. Those wishing to purchase will find it to their advantage to call and examine before parohasing eUewbera. , REPAIRING done at abort notice. Satisfaction guaranteed in work add prioee. ap19 dwtf NEW Spring and Slimmer MILLINERY! I I hare received my stock of Spring ! and Summer Mflliuerj,' cons let ing al the latest etylea of Hats and Itocaeta; alao a large aeeortme&t of KofAiea io iudoods, lAces, uauzee, etc., and fine assortment of French Flowers. My Pattern Hats are open and will be shown with pleasure. " : I oordially tatite nj riends and en tamers to call and ask air pretty brigut gdoagjshich.t 'witt taie flttmn in ahowing. ,- IIw.C;itV.F0LITT. . , EKA1H1CAETFR8 FOB - MULES, . BOBSES ad BCGGIF8. ' "' 1 ' ' ' -a-laW MOST BBILMAST, pijKEi&tEEFEot Lenses The? erviaawiiwiad enloriaaa aa light Itself, ad ttt eoftaae ot ,uduMM to the eye, eannot be xeelted. SdabUng tte wwnr Cbieaa aettooarawlUiWM feline.- 1 fact, theyarf ,h tiit t i.w e.-.i PEKFBOT 8lT .P&SEBNEJlS, TeatUnonlaJa Jrana, the leading pbyalalaai In the -United tew, '0muot,-BMMlow, Legislators, stockman. nt o uou in all pro (easioDi, and in dlBereiu branches of trade, bankers, nieohaatoa ,-, eaM. ba vii who have had UtaU eight Improved hy Utr use. ALL EYES FiTIKD AND THE tir GUARANTEED Y F. S. DUFFY, DmggUt, mart MEW 3 KILN E, K, (X ly Kl T. TENT KTRAH.IIT I'uDclicnello, (luaranue Sujxrb. J'unch Junior TKN ' KNT. lifiiiu Yicloriu. Keiim hoquet. Iteiou I'erfector. lteina CoiicIik, Ueneral Cubter, Club IIdd-hc, He. Ami aim kii i ii il t-. Irom (.cinrul. I.ifni. (Enteral, Mttjor 4.-tn-ral, Hrtunrtlcr icimthI. (louul, Ltoul. Colon.-! mill IHnjor, 1111 J luuli) ou the retired lliii tall and ronKiatnlutr, aiul 1hvo t nuokt lliut will ple you. Middle Hlreet, New Heme. Kverybodj knowH whei-e hIJw W. J-. l'AUMKKSupeiiiiiiuil.iii. GEORGE ALLEN & GO. DEALERS IN General Hardware Agricultural Implements. Plows, Harrows, Cultivator, Hoes .nd Axes, Wood 8 Mowers and Krttpers, Steam Enjrines, Cotton Uins and Presses, Fertilisers. Land Plaster, Kainit Mechanics Toole and Hardware, Lime, Brick, Cement. Plaster Hair, Paint, Kalsomlne, Var nish, Oil, Glass, Putty and llnlr. Freetera, Refrigerators, Oil Cook Stoves, Eureka llurjrlar Proof Sash Locks, warranted to give security and, tatis&ctlon. PBICS VEBY LOW. UKO. ALLEN & CO. GrASTON house, NEW BEIIAE, N. C, B: B. STREET, Sk., Proprietor. The Only Flrat-elaaa Hons In th CltT. DOmntbn connects with all Tralna and Evaamera. Larg sample rooma for ooauner) Iha BAR and BILLIARD ROOM baa raoonUy bean refurnished and Btted up la (ooa iivi wiid ni i nam ana rooi i-apiaa Vr. IX. UEWEY THE nUOTIOAL TONSORIAL ARTIST, Parte naJlr in attendanac at hla Halrtfri Ira na nuaviiic smnmi at uia uhuib nonaa with tha beat workman and naw famltara. . BaUafaetlon la aaaorad to Ihoaa whe nalroa Dim J. B. BRQWJSI, Barber- and 'Hair Dresser. With twenM-av T"" aSrperlnnoa, and tba a mi rvniai Beat raralehad ealaon la siiy, wui aiTaaajrooa a aaave aaaanne aaood a al r TKN OKNTl anywnara ror i iui ujtivii (anilture.and aatlalaetton Haw ahpiw trmate4.f 1 aatlalaeaon aoara. Middle atrea nf xtdnarto DetrtcE a, aruai T i . v AGENOr FOR EST'D J3 1862. i ft - : Y JEN tfcsi ficrrhcr I KEEP ON IIAi'D A FULL I , - '. . IS MAEDfG And U therefore better prepared this ever to enU the noettastidieat' ath ' LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. . x ' . - ' or Suit are etyliah and well made, from tasteful fbrioa, and are eold St y; Rock Bottom Prieea. ' .t; Our liaeof FTJBNISHINO GOODS embracea every thing that Gentlemen nse. s : In NECB WEA and 6ILK HANDKEEUHIEFS we are exhibiting a line f , goods that are creations of tbe beautiful and captivating in their elegant iunt. . ,-OJ XLJSa UAib ueroiee, ugni, aiaca ana orown; rpr ara m u puop" qualities, and Cruah Pocket Hate in all colore, only 75c Big aaaortawni Of. 8traw Bate, latest ahapee. handsome and oheep. . .' '. Full stock of DBY GOODS and NOTIONS. Ladies' and Genta' Shoee at pe" , to enit the times and your pocketbook. A Ladies' Foxed Gaiter only 69c.' , ? '. We are etiil having a big run on our $3 50 genuine, fine French Calfskin Shoes ' in Bal. and Congress, which are acknowledged the nicest and best Shoe Jn the market. A foil guarantee tfiven wilh every pair. . DAVID M. JONES of Beaufort will customers at imWk NOUTI! rtP.OLIKA L1ARBLE WORKS, (H BKK.M.. . ' Monuments Tombs A Bd all kindi Uravr ami huildiuz won in ITALIAN&AMERICAN MARBLE Orders will receive prompt attcntior satisfaction guaranteed. JOE E. WILLIS. Proprietoi (Hueoeaaur to Ueorge W . (laypoolei Oor. BROAD AD VIIAVJCN Sti. NEW REliXE, TV. ( O. E. MiLLia ia n Kinston. my authorize.) agon ma80Ovd Flour ! Flour ' Flour ! Pork! Pork! Pork! Both of tbe above articles on band in largo quantities, and at prices guaran- teed to enit, at W. IT. Old Market Site, NEW UtiltNE N. C. lXMlflng al ten cents a night for thoaa who wtan to remain over nlghl In tue city. dwtT ALEX. JUSTICE, DEALER IN Fine 'Flour of all Grades, Selected Teas, Pure Coffees and Spices, Butter and Cheese, from the best dairies. Tbe LrgMt and Beat beleeted Btock CARRBD FRI ITS AND VEflETlBL var before brought to Itaw Barne. Alao, a fall variety of other goods, aaua! kept In a Flnt-Clasa Btort. Ooods delivered at any part of the clt free of enarge. TKRlid CASH. Broad 8t. lew Berne, S. C. marSTawtf US EEBMONB, NEWBERN. -MY C, WHOLESALE V AT ) Tni3 SEASON v v . be pleased to aneet hie old friends ana 1 GEORGE ASH'S, Middle street, next to L. IT. Cutler'. . . Over 9,000,000 worn during the past atx years. This marvelous suooess if due 1st. To the superiority of Corellne over bH other materials, as a stlfleoer (or Corsets. 2nd. To the superior quality, shape and workmanship ot oar Corsets, oombined. with their low prices. Avoid cheap Imitations madeof variout kinds of cord. Mono are genuine unleae "DR. WARNER'S CORALINE" la printed on inside of steel cover. FOR SALE BY ALL LEADING MERCHANTS. WARNER BROTHERS, 3B0 Broadway, New York City. FURNITURE. Parlor Stilts. fThaTYiTlPr SPTi Walnut Bedsteads, Itureuni, Wardrobes. !MnttroK!e8, Chairs, Lounges, Sofas, Centre Tables, Etc ;AT ItOCK BOTTOM PIIICES JOHN SUTEH, Middle Straat, haw Berne. N.O. ' . A Greaargain.' 82T ACRES ( -J Will be sold at a Great HacriOoo. A valuable Plantation situated on the luNiin aiae 01 itie neute river, three and a naif mllea from the City of Mawbern, . ft One hundred and twenty-five aerea cleared. Good land.eultable for trueklng. Tlia bal aoce, two hundred and two aeraa, beavlly Umbered with pine, oak, cvprees, and other klnda of timber. It la alao fine grastng land. Good dwelling, eutiralldlnga, and a floe orw chard. It haa a fine flehery fronting half a mile on the beach, where there are high banks of marl that can never ha nhumi from which vesaela can load with ease, it ' ffffAfltlEJI. w a very beautiful and healthy location, pre- ' . -sentlug a near view to the passing aapa - '" " and railroad. The el'ared land with build- ' Ings and orchard will ba sold separate If de 4 " ' -J aired. For terms apply to , .. P.TBKrrwrTH. . , al2 d w On the place, or Newbern, 5,0, LIQUOR OEALEn AND. KANTJFaCTTJEKB OF - n 1. Ginger Ale;'; -'.'V- "Samparilla;r Lemon Soda, r: " iBulTalo Head. V V". California -4 a w-jk vMia , wa. w 07 t r 3s ft- (j: vl j '' - I I b:.) Th" r"-t Vnpt itn the it r:'-'i' i.-rtiev. ' J 'S - i - 1 v, .., o mh..m!il m i !;. ma rala.