y H'UJ JL'Vl XXJLJ, .V" VOL, VI.-NO. 27. NEW BEBNEH C.SUNDAY. MAY 1, 1887. PRICE 5 CENTS J," f PI i if i :.4 8 1 i VI- r LOCAL JfEWS. rrai sXlalatw IIwmm. -, Haw Bern, latitude, 85 6' North. " v tancitadd, 77 r West. Ss rises, 5 j0 I Leiictk of day. das wHk 8:48 113 boon, 89 minute. Mora at 1 3 p. a. " HBUSCTjSS8 L0CAL8. - TO LQYEE8 OF GOOD COFFEE 1 -A, yo want to drink Rood ooffee, go to Alex. J us tioes Broad street and p7 kiui 28 cents mad get one ponnd of bis tart Bid, Java and Maraoaibo coffee mixed,. For its flavor it i unexcelled . We are eellin beet Pianoa and Or Rakt at remarkably low prices. Old Piaaos taken in exobanne. a5tf . Mkasxs & Haktsfrld. FOb SALE Three Males. Will sell ebeep for cash. Apply to C. H. WALLACE. ap80-tf. Fieh Dock. A fall line of Plows, Barrows and Cultivators, at prices to suit the tiuies. 4 t i Qto, Auca & Co. REilf staie Mortrages and Deeds 4orale at this office. Fertilisers, Lime, Plaster, Clement, Glass, Paints, Varnish and Oil at low prioes, Geo. Allen & Co. t$ Ihe tcortt enemy is the tecret en emy. The enemies of ScliuoU are at work tiiently. lie on your guard, and by your ballots deeut thtm on ruhrlm higly tomorroir. May. Election tomorrow. The county commiseiouers w ill l in session tomorrow. The Irish potato crop Is mure iiromia ing tban a few weeks ago. Richard Patrick Will ianiB was right lag hh fences in the first ward yester day. Be is on guard for a secret attempt to defeat him. A false alarm of fire wan given last night, causing the fire department to rash out and return like the men in olden times who were fooled by the cry of "Wolf!" Notice is given that a meeting of the Grand Army Poet of this city will be held on the 5th of Msy, at 8 p. m., to prepare for Federal Decoration Day, which comes off on the 80th of May. At the Republican grand rally in the fourth ward on Friday night it is said there were eight voters. The movement was in opposition to Virgil Crawford, the candidate for councilman of that ward. There will be a meeting of the Ladies Memorial Association at the residence of Mra John rHaghes on Tuesday 8rd Inst a 18 o'clock. A full attendance is earnestly requested to deoide some matters of importance. The register Of deeds hag received ooptes of the revenue aot and have them ready for the tax listers and as sesjeori who are required to meet in each township on or before the second Monday in May and elect one of their number chairman. Oa tfeM street, just above the resi dence of Mr. William Marshall, there Is an elm tree that is fifteen feet in cir oumferenoe five feet from the ground. Tradition runneth that it was planted by Governor Speight. It k a monarch of iU kind. We fear that from the in judicious and oareleee trimming of its hag limbs, ere long it will decay. - "Knowledge cannot be stolen from you.1 It cannot be bouyht or sold." EUhu BurriU. Vote for Schools and gtvt your neighbor's children and your . otoa this jewel that cannot be taken away. : aXasjeeval. -. . ., Messrs. Gulon & Pelletler, attorneys a at law. moved to their new office, second door axratn or tne joubnax office, yester v j ' day. They are neatly and snugly ' .'fitted up and prepared to consult and j v advise those who contemplate going to law ; We welcome them as neighbors ' , ' " and rejoice that the law is convenient ' wlieneverW 'need Information in that .'' ," tteaanerMevenaesita, ;.V The Pamlico, of the O. D. line, will .-v,'- sail at 8 p. otni,: tomorrow (Monday). -." Track receired until three p. m. Whistle will blow half, our . before ' A ' sailing to notify passengsrs and ehip- fmiw ( Hmiuu iw ane wwimsrs this line Comfortable and the fare so cheep that walking ta discounted.1"; v , j : The, steamer Stout carried put On Fri ' " day evening-a full' cargo of lumber, 1 - aval aioresT wood pulp, etc , TbeNewbf ' tSeO. Dl line which Jet 1'9 r , 1.; y ait pi tn. arrived it 'i yf .erJay at 1p.m., making i ' ! r ' i f 3r T'Tthern market. ; l 4 a frugal, temperate if- becoming fcrocioui, a ticA n I ? e- 'j scKTual and - c-I-Ia. s 1 t j a. Voit for TleSuM. The Jouhkax offiee has plenty of ticket "For Schools." We hope some one la each ward will see that they are at the box. CdT When wisdom entereth into thine heart, and knowledge is pleasant unto thy soul, discretion shall preserve (he(, understanding shall hep thee. Prov. ii, 10-1 1 . I 'ote for Schools. AlUwuui MaSt 1T! Bar f CtaalHicam f Cnnm Caiiatty at th Rcaralar MoBihly Hecttac Held m the First Meadar IB Apftli 187 For the poor: John W. Austin for support of aelf, 83.00; Wm. Cleve for M. Harris 83.00, for 13. Kite $3.00; Wm. Moore for P. Moore, S3. SO; Sarah Heri tage for self and child $2 00, for M. E. Ball $5.00; Henry Wells for self, $8.00; Amanda Clark for self $3.00, A. Toler for self. $2.00; Mrs. Wesley Orsy for self, 552 00, Norman I pock for B. Lath inghouse, $4 00; Mary Gatlin. 81. DO; Washington Spivey for W. Bonner, $1.50; L. Austin for Major Austin, 81 50; Celia Heritage, 81.23; John H. Bell for J. W. Cox, $3.00; Flortnce IigRelt, 81 50;Hagar Blount for Caesar Conner, $1.50; Bettie Nelson, $1.00; A. A. Lloyd, $1.50; R. U. Mostly fox EUney Brown, SI .50: Beteey Westbrook, $1.00; W. B. Griffin for Simon Rhem, $1.00; Thomas Harris, $1.00; M. Hahn for Dave McCray , $1.50; Matilda Qunner- son, 81 00, J. Wiley, $5.00: Jefferson C. Davis for Jacob and Hanuah iurns, 82.00; Caesar Becton for E. Becton, 81.50; Kachael Ireland, keeper of Wil lis' bridge, 87.00; E. yuidley, janitor of court house, 810.00, John T. I in coin, keeper of Cleremorjt bridge, 8&.00. The followiug accounts wereallowed, the uiuouot being the same as claimed I in each: ('lark & Clark, professional services, 810 00; Margaret Oadmun cook at poor house, $3.00, A. Sears, keeper of poor house, $10 00; Dr. James F. Long, professional services, $150.84 E. II. Meadows & Co., medicines $10.66, Robt. O. Moeeley, house rent. 84.00; J.J. Tolson, agent, rations for poor, $3.62; J. J. Tolson, rations for poor, 891.76; M. T. Bryan, coffins and buriels, $13.00; Isaao Patterson, treasu rer, blank book, 810 25, Jonas Daniels, carting saw dust, 75 cents; Ne Berne JoiknaL, advertising and pub lishing proceedings $12.50; Alex. Miller water set for court bouse, $2 60; Geo. Allen A Co., nails for poor house, SI. 18 merchandise for court house, $1.65, for bridges, c. $4 91; D. Slimson Sheriff, feeding prisoners, $62.15, turnkey fees for March $4.20, serving notice on Hahn 60; David Barham services as baliff, $1.00; R. B. Blackledge carrying luna' tio to asylum, $8.80; O. Hubbffor voucher book $4 00, per diem, &c. $21.40, canceling vouchers, Ac, 850 .00; Geo. W. West jury ticket $7.60, Pamlico county jury in Geo. Washington case $26.00; W. M. Watson commissioner per diem, $11.00, J. P. fees ia casee of lunacy, $6.00; L. H. Cutler merchandise for poor Louse $0.05; Sitae Fu loner registering voters, $5.68; S. W. Ttham com. per diem and mileage, $4.80; W. G. Brinson com. per diem $6,00, atten tion to bridges $6.00; T. H. Mallison com. per diem and mileage $7.60; John a. Lane, work in vault of court bouse $35.00. Aggregate for the month: sup port of poor $228.76; Justioe, $152.50; Sheriff and jail feee, $76.75; miscel laneous, $113.18. Total $565.15. (3" Friends of eduemtion, don't listen to the numerous suggestions and objec tions urged against our Schools, but be true to the duty we otce fo our children, and vote for Schools. Chore Services To-Dav. Methodist Church Services at 11 a. m. and 8 p. nu, conducted by the pastor, Rev. L. W. Crawford. ' Pews are alike free to all. Ushers always in the vesti bule to receive strangers. A oordial invitation is extended to all persons to worship with the congregation. Bun day School at 3 p. m. - : Christ Church V. W. Shields Rec tor. Third Sundsy after Easter.' S. 8. Philip and James. Services at 11 a. m. Holy Communion and at 5 pm. Sunday School at 4 p. m. The public is always invited to take part in the ser vices of this Church. Ushers at . the door to provide) saats. Baotiet Church Rev. Dr. Theodore Whitfield, pastor Services at 11 a. m. and 7:80 p. m.. Seats free and the pub lie cordUUy invited to attend. Sabbath school at &vi n. Presbyterian Churcb Bv. l. C Vase, feaetor.' Services at 11 a. m. and $ p. m." Sabbath school at 8:15 p. m. The publio are oordiallyLaTlfied to. a- tend these services and Join to the wee BOip oi WKt UU DH OU1J uay. . - Elder, uorene Booo. Advantist.wui preach at Meohaniee Hall today a 11 oVslock a.m. and 7 nun. The public "are invited to attend these services. j. i- AfcTlCKXwaiemitUU.'l Vf 4 1 WlKBLOWB BOOTHIKd BTECT aV---M always -be psed for children tPt tbP colic, r ho?. - ' r It sootboa the child, softens f ti a:; r -r, cures wind : eb t f-edy for diar- - " c a bou.9, ? i To the Colored taliAed Voters ef New Bent: It U oonoeded that'if the Graded School bill bo defeated, the colored voters will do ft. And should they de feat this important measure because there is not a colored man on the board of trustees U would be a grave mistake and serious consequences would follow. I take the more progressive view and so edviee'asyj oolored friends, with whom I am? identified, not to defeat an important, school bill, merely pander ing to a whimsical idea. We have and have had for several years two oolored representatives ia the board of city council, but how many colored police men dp we have on the streets.'' We have had oolored representatives in the Legislature, but how many oolored men in the State have been appointed to any office in ooneequenoe thereof? I simply mention these two instances to show that representation in the minority is representation in aero. My oolored friends, there is one lead ing sentence in the bill that should cause every colored voter in New Berne to vote for the ratification of it. It gives the colored children twice the number of months which they have been getting heretofore, or lu other words, where they have been permitted to attend only from four to four sod a half months, under this bill the oolored cniiaren can attend eignt or uuie months. Before you cast your votes tomorrow ask yourselves two questions, viz If we vote "For Schools" will we be vot ing in the interest of this community and the rising generation? Will we b keeping in the line and in the liKht and knowledge of the present progressive age r If you defeat this bill by your v ee tomorrow, you will do this conniiuuit) an in justioe anil your race an irrep arable wrong. I atu for bellf i hchooU, more money and belter wage." ISAA' II SMHII tf" Ia I our Hchowh t' f uttered. Let our ehudreii (i educatC'i. 1 he imbue uvui demands it. Oar lirorpentu de- ntands U; uur idjijitiifM demands it, uur religion demands it. Ijet every num ?vfe fur uur Schools. Clinton's Railroad. SPI-ENMD CEI.KHUATKlN OF IT-- I .-Mi l K TION AU ACCIDENT. CU.NTON, April 2V The railroad celebration yesterday was a grand success. Four thousand people were present, including the military from (ioldsboro and Wilming ton and visitors from all parts of the State. The weather was beautiful, ano delightful musio was rendered by the Cornet Concert olub band of Wilming ton. A fine address of welcome was made by D. B. Nicholson. Esq., and an eloquent response by lion. Thoe. S. Kenan. Eloquent speeches were also made by Capt. Swift Galloway, Bon. C. W. MoClammy and C. B. Ay cock, Esq. Rev. J. L. Stewart, president of the Clinton & Warsaw Railroad Com pany, was presented with a handsome easy chair, which he received with much feeling. Mr. A. F. JohnBon, one of the directors who had worked zeal ously for the road, was presented with a gold-headed cane, and accepted in a graceful speech. The military paraded in the after noon. One sad accident alone marred the pleasure of the hour and cast a gloom over many hearts. The pro cession was led by the marshals, mounted,.' followed by the military. On Fayetteville street the horse of Col. W. G. Jonee, 2d regiment, in oommand of the troops, became unoontrollable and made a dash. Col. Jones was thrown, and, in falling, his sword pierced the body of Mr. Henry A.' James, one of the marshals. Mr. James is in a critical condition, but his physicians are hopeful of bis recovery. Tbe crowd was good-humored and orderly. There was not an arrest, The people were entnuiiastic, At night a fancy dress ball was given and appropriately terminated the re Joicings of the eay. Henceforth Clinton may be retarded as one of the progressive towns of the State. Joined to the great world by bands of steel, she will become as vigorous in material growth as she has always been delightful as a place of reswenes. - A telegram received last night ssys very little hope of recovery is enter tained by tbe physicians for Mr. James. News and Observer. To Ike Voter ef New Berne. It bavins- been circulated that I am an aspirant for the office of City Tax Collector, I wish to publicly deny the report and hereby announce that I am not an aspirant for any position within the gift of the board of oity council. W. r. KOUNTKKE. Notice. At the reaneet of mini of mv fellow citizens of the Second Ward, I announce myself a candidate for the office of Councilman of said ward. Am assured of an elecuenand therefore seaJfcoe m the field set 11 toe contest is dec Wed C w - - . .j v. Williams. -...;.. Notice. On account of the unjust nreiudioe eksrtad bt some of arrso-oalled friends j daring ward meeting, Monday the 18th, anA'M Doeres Meats and minors voting thereat, and believing as I do that tbe will of tbe people of the fifth ward was not expressed in this eetiotr, there being aot mere than M or 100 legal voters. - In socord with the desire and wishes of many, 1 announce myself as the Repub lican oandidste for Councilman of the fifth ward. Knowing that the will of the people wr.l be erpreseed at the polls on the : ihe 1st Monday in May, I shall be in tbe feld.-eorf. -ot of . election tUl tt at cay.i. foreigL inns. KKKl'ISU AN EYE OH ME o'tRIE.N. Cobs:, April 28. The Hon. Capt. Plunkeu, resident magistrate at Cork, has been iaatruoted by tbe government to keep a close watch' over all circum stances attending the departure of Mr. William O'Brien on bis way to Canada to inaugurate a campaign against the governor-general, the Marquis of Lands downs, on account of his alleged unfair treatment of his Irish tenanu. Thirteen men who recently resigned from the Irish constabulary sailed today from Queenstown for New York on the steamer Adriatic. THE CHIMES BILL I N . UMMITTKK London, April 2H. Id the House of CommoBs, tonight, the motion offered on the Utith inat. by Mr. llobert T. Held, liberal member for Dumfries, that the House decline to proceed with any measure directed agamsi tenants com bining for relief until a full measure for their relief from excessive rente was presented in Parhumeiit. Mas re jected by a vole of Li-11 10 -4U. A mo tion that tbe House go into (omiuiltee on the crimes bill was then adopted. I'Iumi a m.h Eni.cn i tiii AMi'ni't Ik in M a 1.1. l 'a i.i i Tl a . April - Ii i- umiotli ciall) nialeil ihht if llit- Altitun iubii geiila tuct er ii iu ovcillirow Hj ih-Aiiit-i-r. llit- Inllti e downfall wmiM u 1 lend to colli I'll f HI ton tit-t M II i -tiK Irt ffl and kurteia tliHt. on tin- .inirnM projects ure uijilrr i oupttlri mnn it enable the two powern joimU I" u) range for the hiirt'M. on of it,,- tribal war and the (ubneiu nl ml in until atu ii of the whole i nuuli y un. In i r l I 1 ruler. KM ot M Hi 1.1 1 W lil N '. I . i,i Tl IN I.iiMm.n , Airil '."I - A il ir-jmii Ii fioiu C'mrO flUJH H tiklMlllt-h bllh lliktll larr at DarruHx )el t-i n a bil y i t A i J i-iiinl a force of Kgypliauf iimlur c imihhii.1 "I Majjr CherniHide. 'Ihe Arnl.- l .-t JM' killed and wounded, mul tin- I '. pi laiu 4U wounded. 1 A M1IK1D(JE AN I I I.INDON, April I.' A II A II A l.p I'lm ( 'ambri.l).'! I'mversity Boat Club has appointed a commilee to make arrHiigeinciilM with the Harvard I'mvurtmy lloat C lub f.n a race between the Cambridge und ll.u vard crews, to take place in America Bomelime during tbe montb i f Nep lember. t-i On, d,i: tor my matt , Ioil ci'i rote fo hi r i hi! I; i to it that yon si, .SW.o. ,'. ti, ' i.uut' itr.o- t to ; u oat ji i: lie to,' t 11". , il l.iht of l.ilK l. Remaining in the 1'oHtolli lierne. (laven countv. 1. 1KH7. May Margaret Arncl. Clara Hr.ui (J . Hudie Cualettt. Lydia Carter. A tin Maria Uooden Windell Jones. Caroline I. ink ham, l'hoebe Keddick. Mrh S. H Larkly, William Shaw, II J. TIioihiih. A. K. Webb, Benjamin C. Hum and Tibbet Hickman, care scIioouit Frank S. Hall. Persons calling for above lettem. w ill ay advertised, and give date i f list. M. Mania, 1'. M. MIkh Leah Jones h School. IIONOK ROLL IX )It Al'UI I Trys Miss Mary Good ing. Karnest WorkerB Mms Kttn ami Master Milton Hollowed. Willis typ Friends of education, are you awake to the secret icorkingn a atnst the future existence of our Schools. Be up and (foini, iiml sjiare no troulile to onward the car of , iiiiot ,,' i a . ' program. Vote for Scho,,h. A Battle in the Soudan. Cairo, April 20. Reports have beru received here from Massawah to the effect that the Italians advanced to cap ture Keren, and met a strong force of Abyssinians, who gave them battle. The result of the fight is in doubt. Romk, April 29. The government has received adiices from. Massowab. and has ordered three battalions to reinforce the garrison there. A Brstish Steamer Burned. A dispatch from Savannah, (in.. Unt night, says: ''Captain Patrick Doyle and eighteen men, part of the crew of the British steamer Ben Hope, were picked up this morning in Tybee roads by a pilot-boat and brought to this city. Their veeeel, which was bound from New York to Vera Cruz, was burned yesterday morning and the crew had to take tCL their boats. They were then fifty miles; southeast f tbe mouth of the Savannah river. The Ben Hope's cargo consisted of 115,000 gallons of crudi' petroleum. Tbe fir was firt d if oovered at 1 o'clock Thursday morning. The cases containing the oil exploded rapidly, and . the heat was so Intense that the flames could hit be" extin guished. At 8 o'clock the crew took to the boats. Second mate Dundas. and seamen H. Morley, R. Cundle, Thos. Colquitt and Albert Oa'port are miss ing." Wonderfal Cnrti. W. B. Hoyt & Co., wholesale and re tail druggists of Rome, Oa say: We have been selling Dr. King's New Dis covery, Electric Bitters and Bucklen 's Arnica Salve for two years. Have never handled remedies that sell as well, or give such universal satisfac tion. ' Ther have been some wonderful cures effected' by theee medicineAHn this city. - Several cases of pronounced Consumption have been entirely cured by use of a fewbottlee of Dr.- King's New, Discovery; .teksn vln , eonnection etth.Lieetiwi..ttere. ws ituaraatee Backiea't Arnica BU. Tut Bbsi Salvk in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores. Ulcers, Sail, Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter. Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively' cures piles or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction . or money re funded. Price 25 ceLUs per box. Fur sale by R. N. Duff v. drclC lv In this city, at the reBidt-nce of ib hride, on Spring Kreel, April Xs al 8:iJ0 p. m., Mr. Bryce Anderson lo Mrr Susan Jooes. Kev. I. V Crawfuid was the officiating clergyman COMMERCIAL. Jochkal OmcE. April '."J fl P. W Nsw Y ok k. April '."j-Nimu -1 utui closed steady . So lee of 10-1 ! April. :n C'J (). lobci May. in V.i No rmU i June, !'.' ; liei ember 'J July. !" ' January. .' '.' Aunutt, hitruHrv .September. : ' 1, Uanli Spots firm. Middling 1 ' 1 : 1 Mnidling. lo ;; - ( ,oo i i imiuh ) : New Iterne Malk.t 'l i.il -,a Wood Mi. Mini,.- ;o ; :" M. i.lm I'w M nl,l lmK' '.i J : ( , , i i ir 1 i:.ar IH T lr. 4 I ! 'I 1 M H kkii o ,t ' I i i "'OTTON SKEI- J-1U I1 TtHfSNTINK 11 a l,i ii lii , Tab 7',, a: ( Ia ".o, ,r. . ; : t '('KN Kli'E .Vla'iii !HKsa5 ) . i . Hkkk i In ft.. . L , i i, I 'i ' 1' NTH Y MaM'- '.II.. ' . 1-, 1 ! . a K I ii i r t K'is- s per dozen. r UKhll I'nIlK -4aH.' l ei i i i I'llM'TS ".V a-1 (io j.e; Lu-I .-I r nium u 7'n- hi 1 On per nun 1 1 e ' ONIoNH J J I tl ; i J . pe. i.in I KlKI.I) 1'HAM 'il'i HlliKH - I ir v , : ill k' : ii Til.Iiw ' ., r II CliK'kKNH i .r r. I - r : M K a I. 70,' 1'i-r Imh. ! )aTm- Ml i tM. per but-ln '. 1'oTATuKI. Marlv Horn- .' 7'i I I I 1 I'oTATOEH llahainan IIOc yann it Harrihoii. (lor. Wool li'alftc. per p. .un.l . RlIIMII.KS Went India, .lull and i. .:n inal.not wanteil. Huilliii in.: heartB. S:i 0(1 . saps.S 1 .Ml per M. Notice. Ihe I ultl 111 ll t ei appointed ,y (,r.il,,l Arinvoti llei oration w ill meet 'rimrn day. May tin' lli. at d o . lo.'k. p. in . on o'ueeti rt.. in front of Went t-t 1 lie rili.eijH aie invite 1 to meet tlie loin ni nice. 1 '. I i . 1 .1 r, (i. V. H i. . w -.. A . 1 1 . i i'i:. DETRICK'S SALOON, Opposite tlie ( iiKtoni llnuw nn Middle street. here you ill Iiml The Very Best and Purest BEER, WINES, And Liquor: cf All Kindc, CK.AKS AM) TOHAi'O'. All Cheap for ('ash. Call an 1 i-ee me and 1 will treat you right. JOHN UKTKH K. April ill). lsv7. dtf SALE OF LAND ( "l H ell ( i -. i : i ynoiiB A Man I HH 1 ! iM I oaiic 1 or i 'h, it it , s i I'lHKUBIll l' Hlf .'U.ltllll'l ! 'tl u!nl' i: :t nifil net '.cm n-tuU-i el iti hi.l I tr in . A 1 lvti, cf nr.il i nun, I w;l, . ;! i ';,1.,m A U't i"t). h! the t 'mrt ilcUBC in SHld .'cm ni v . On Monditv, the 30th rt.iv of Mav, A.I). 1HS7, it TVH, I. r lot k. MI(Ma , it.i- fci .owl im iJtlnlH NllllHl r ill KB Id ClftVPlI (iillll. , Oil Ihe .mi of 1 he Al lnt n' ami N'oi ih a roll n a ICaii ri.si). Hurt on Hrlre b ('rMk, oonlalniiiK alxuit 'J ' aotfS, hel mk t Ram in mi p;irrdaa t mi!i) IwtHc Kitri'r-s from M K. Kncwti 11 n 1 he ' Ma ily I'IhiiUI ton I ten VIM 1 1 .lay c( Ai Ml. I cmiB, i It A . Ki'h hA"N. ,1 1 1 ( 111 III , Htl !!' ! Hyde Line Company. NKW ItEKSK. N. C . Al'lil I. it" M Mh.lt Sl'HKIH'I.K i K TUf Ml I l M, ivr AROIE, To kci nlo eflecl on rind after May IM I--" Wednpwlhy Iyft e Now Herm-ftt sl-.VkN M for llftvtioro. sloppliiE l A.Iriiib I'ri eB. sm il bii I'reek . Vftmlemere anil si.mipu a I. Tiinrwlhy leave Knyiioro at IA K A. ,i . for New Berne. Rtopping al SlonewallA ande mere, Smiths OeeR anil A.lnmi Creeli. Hatunlay Ijpavfl New Heme t ShYhN A.M (or Bnyhorti. mnpplnn at Adams CreeK, smtlhB Creetc. Vandpiuere anil st.np wall. Monday leavp Havlmr.i at SKVK.N A M f,r New Kerne, snipping at Htonewall. Vsn- deniere, Hmiths Creek ami Adams ('reek. Tlv thla arranirement we are a hie to make doae ronnectlon wllji the Northern steamers. also having soort sjvommodatlons both lor Dusaensen and frf litht at very low rates and ask ihe merchants and producers along ita line to given their oneeriul aupnort. Freight received under oover very day of the week.. Kor fnrther Information enquire at the office, foot of Craven street, Or any of Its agents at the folio wing places: abe L,ki., aaams i Teen, a. W. KUtiLKK. Hmlth Creek. 1. H. A BBOTT, Vandemere, C. H. FOWIjKH, Stonewall, FOWLKB 4 CX) WELL, Fayboro. ap29dw W. P. BUKRl'S, O M, For Salg flye years oW r I pomndi; Bandix stock, . . A MARE. Dye rears old r weight about tms thousand pomndi; Bandsora aeUoo ; of than AUea stock, ; - . E. . SliLLflOOD. CEO. SLOTH, r. Smallwood & Slover - DEALERS IN Gt.t'HAL HMUAVARK, TLWAJL ill. ASS VA RB,l WOGVt..W.:RE, CROCKERY, '-UiH. !",UHS. HUXD3Z OI.AS.-i. J-AI.TS, OILS " A.D 8T0VI I'Nl HPAiSSED AS TO PRICE AND QUALITY. lilll Str. . t, N-xt Ioor to Hot.. VlUirt, NEW BERNE, N. C. My Friends, I Feel Bad! o ream 'Wliiie, Wlntty 'b, '. u pel ior to mine i aiinut it. 1 am .1 ROCK SALT! Rock Salt! Rock Salt! ! . ' I V Ferdinand Ulrich, WHOLESALE GROCER Mlldd.l. s I II KK r. m:v hkknk, n. o T.I A 1.1,11 . I I! ii I M. ATTENTION. 1 1 1 iii' 1 i . i 1 1, .ii-. f..r tl.e Spline :i : .1 Nun no r I, v ir-.ll; Alabastine L. II. (TTLKirS, 2C tt 28 Middlo Street, M'.w iu. km:, n. v. C-i' Call an I K'et Sample Tiuti. SPRING AND SUMMER MILLINERY GOODS! Miss Harriette Lane's 1 : 1 I n. I : .,11 I, Il'i 1 I I I I.- t-.i .1..; i,.,, ' M..III.I ..!. i I i i ... - i,i . i '. 11 1 1 I II ' ,1 ! -,11,111 ll.at I ..Im..-t l u . . -. . ; ; i : ! , ; , , , ; A . I I I l : e u If , Min k of I ini. Millinery Hoods is now rcaily for liihition, confiHtiDg of thft Most Elegant Hats, Eonnets. Eitbns. Flcwers, Etc., 1 m the city. Having alvrayi kept the iiii.-l unil most beautiful Millirjery . hi r brought t" th ia market, she. ' fully PUPtaii.a her roiuttition tn this respect thin aeafon. or rather fwrpataes it These hanilsomo fiociiis will bs Sold ! at a email advance on New York coet. "';: " All are cordially invited t see tbettt 'Vj ' apl7 dim . Flour! Flour! Flour 0 Pork! Pork! Porkt;tv r.. y; Both of the shore articles onttaad to' ; large quantities, and at prioee fuartt-' teed to suit, at . - viAW.f. TT JL1. Old Market Site iWinft at tea cents a tftht TM- thrtM b a Wtatt to rscaatD over aighl m ttaeciiy, r. h. FTTROjr." tbem aiwera. Boia by u. ft, wvt-

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