, u,-r-.-: lKV.i.-YrV;l. .il I; II, ( f t ' I Y-f'-f: I t:-r l r '! II ii 1 ir ii ii i ii m i v i ii V" v '. "- v V.i'?,r VOL; .Vi:-NO. 29; NEW BERNISG WEDNESPAYa JVUY 4. 1887. 3 PRICE 5 CENTS' . 4 1 4 IwtMlimnw ain aa Raw Bern, latltad, M 6' Forth. J loafitad, 7T f Wat, Sua rfcU! 5:W 1 Leaith of day". v , I is boar. 8 minute. lonMat ;av-p.a. -v 3HTESS. LOCALS. YER8 OF GOOD COFFEE If . wut to drink gooa ooffM, ro tjuc. Juatioe' Broad street ud ptr M ests and get one pound of hi .fceK "Rio, Java and liocba coffee naxMi ' rpr ttsaavor it a unexoeuea. St. . We are selline best Pianos and Or irmni at remarkably tow prioee. Old Piano takeirtn exchange. 3 tf . iUUMM UA.BTSFIKLD, T'OR SALEi-Three Mnla.-Wi -Will sell ALLACE. FUb Dock. af- ina ar- Tori 'narrows aaa 4 Iiom ( etat the tines. Fertilicers, Lime. Plaster, Clemeot, GUaa, Painu, Varnish and Oil at low prigejj -i Gao. Alle & Co. The UHOncffeieter registered 7J ' at the Jocmil office jesterday. The,el tifcirch WorkiDg Society will hold regular meeting at the resi dence of Capt. K. R. Jones on Pollock street (his evening at 8:30 o'clock. the board of city council was in ses sion last ntght to canvass the returns of the election on Monday and wind up their year's work. The new board is required by the charter to meet and orgaaixe within five days. The songs indulged in on the streets Monday night after the election were not creditable to those engaged in them. People' ca a rejoice orer a victory with out weonding the feelings of those whosa they consider vanquished. Such conduct should fee condemned by all good ottizens. At the oourt house door will be found treasurer Patterson's monthly itemised statement of receipts and disburse ment. He post it promptly on the 1st Monday in each month as the law re quires and any oitizen can see what amount of money has been received during the month, and he can also see what etaber have been paid. Qi administration i bound to prove aattie faotory as long as he thus complies with the law. Meaaerlaa Daty. The choir for memorial service re preparing . for that n : JE T7T" ..." .. aa(Uahvmualp wilt be luiusbaRy cood thlnjrf4n Ike u.jee't, of tle ad dree by Major John Hughe I one of interest to all soldier and citizen who remember the gallant erfioetjOf Central Branch. That it will be an address wot thy of the pa triotic soldier we have not the least doubt. We hope to see a large crowd of our country friends and ex-Confederate present on that occasion. teaiswaf evaaaMBfe. The Verper of the K. C. D. line sailed yesterday afternoon with good cargo of lumber and truok, there being several hundred package of the latter. The Eagfttfo Hie tame line will arrive at about noon today and sail again at 5 oWotik thie afternoon making certain eoBAeetlon with train at Elizabeth City for aorta sen potato. The) Newberae Of the O. D. line will aU1 for Norfolk at 1p.m. promptly. Truck received up to the hour of ail inftV This line i making prompt con nection at Norfolk, and truok shipped by it arrive in due tine for tit market. The Margie of thv By4e' line leave ihia morning for Bayboro. m . ai '1- I 1V CrltJ, 4 v,( fa Aaaerteaat Bee; Tlea. "The most exciting election held in "'(;i,"v'. Trenton for many yean waa that of last Mondsy. There are mh-ty-one voter 4 " - the towa, ' ( Democrats but one. There- being no Eepublican to make lOsai,i ihe issue ' Iru made ' on A' ". " the quektion of preventing hog from t- 'v' running at' large on the etreet. So they had a hog tioket and anti-hog ticket, The oeafeat .ajted warm all - day'.' One of the .candidate made a peech In favor of the bog. declaring V that he waa bf re 4 tau&noe andbot : -y to much aa U Je -e.glle aop- posed to depririag the bog of hi liberty '. . ' while thev.dlrtr oew wa allowed to roam af Urge,----. ?v hTrS " - LaU in the evening it waa found that the TOW itOOd run " toTLtteen'.'Then v " there wu a uff to" t1 tie" 8lt Totet. Herf fad to'rvel"lu the - meantime, the registrar, having east hi ' vote, had ben exoosed and haa goa nshir" r TJ Tttarae then ap peali w to vote one way 'or the Other , and untie the hog. 'But he 'wa1 im movable, s-1 tjv to the hoar ur Jn1 forniant k... lle American hog wit ctlll t'i3 rJ the sew will be inly called to Llftnsirck, If keif not untied ar: .1 cat.; : ihin aef sMwdts. The Iteord etaitaaed on Tuesday . A U present. , , . . It was ordered that Mary A. WQlett be placed on the pauper list at a month ly allowance of $1.23. John Detriok, having jisessda good moral ohataeter, waa fcatdyioiett retail liquor at hi placaf of luaineas in the Kafer building, aa MidAle gtt& for the year 1887, upon yin4WjbeAn3 pie with aim toNortolk. proper tax. $g .f C. Erdmann, bavins prov a good moral character, was granted license to retail liquor at hi place et business, on Middle street, for the year 1887, upon payment of proper tax. Commissioner Brinson reported that, in obedience to an order passed at the April meeting, he preamted to Capt. J. M. White, general manager of the Neuse and Treat River Steamboat Com pany, the bill against said company for amount of damage to bridge 'aaros Trent river, '. :kapfen e- Clerenei4 bridge, and demanded naymenf said bill, which payment was refused by the said steamboat company, where upon it waa ordered that the chairman of the board be and is hereby instructed to bring suit against the atid Nease nd Trent River Steamboat Company for the amount of said kiU for damages, i A petition was presented from voters of township No. 1 praying an order from the board for an election to ae held on the first Monday in June to ascertain whether or not spirituous liquors msy be sold in said township. Upon examination of the petition and comparing it with the list of registered voter in said township, it was found that lees than one-fourth of the quali fied voters had signed said petition. U was therefore ordered thai the chair man of the board inform said petition era that the law had not been complied with and that therefore the petition can not be granted. Sheriff Klimaon presented hid report of moneys collected during the past month, which was approved and filed. A petition signed by L. J. Chapman, J. B. Gardner and other citizens of No. 1 township, for the laying out of a new public road, running from Neuee road near Riverside Church to Piney Neck road near Win. Kirkman, sr., a distance of about two miles, was submitted and was granted by the board upon oondi- tion that no expense be ineuared by the county in the laying out ot mid, road. The sheriff was ordered to ajnynon a jury lor the purpose, , . ) Commissioner Watson was instructed anil Amnowf,rAd hv thA hnaril tn an in Kinston in cofnpaay with t chairman r or the board I eotgmisajrjner qi, jra!- llco county and receive from and to re ceipt to the clerk of the Superior court oQLenoir county for all moneys which the chairman of the board tt, commis sioners of Famlicoc6unty may pay fnto hi office on account of Craven county for January, 1886. Tbe board adjourned. ImIi aaHialt as t A earl o sasep. t Ntw BERNU. If. O., May 8, IOT7.' Editob Joubnal: In your paper of the third 1 aetioed an arttcle in which you said that "Henry Dewey Bay he vote for nothing that is managed ex clusively by white people. " I would say to she editor that 1 am opposed to centralisation of power in one race over another. The bill say separate school, but one committee of white people. While 1 doubt not tne character of any gentleman upon the board of trustee of the Academy, after, twenty-four year of enfranchisement my heart beate a high as' the Anglo Saxon who condemned taxation with out representation. W. 1. DKWIY. Yes.'you are hanging on to a mere sentiment and Making notoriety at the expense of the children of vour race. The money provided in the bill to ens- tain the schools of this city was put under the oontroi of the ttustee of the New Berne Academy because it is al ready an organized body that control the ground and buUdiogot the white graded school, and a fund which be long to the tame. The colored matt who desire the Improvement of hi race and the eduoation of hi children would not vote against schools upon tach a pretext a la offered in thi com munication, unless indnoed to do so by detnagogue who do not care whether the child rea pf the doufty are educated of act. .r ttcf Now suppose the white people in this eommulit wr to draw the color line al rigidly a W. TT. Dewey and deolar that their would not ro to a bar her aha managed exclusively by reoT&TeaTiKaTtt V iatbOlgeal white nJMf wr tt'-Tl af doing idea a thlnrObfaJh'?- M ! m reasoaabie'a Dewey aseeruoa Ui be would rote for nothing f managed tH cluairely ay wbfte.aaen, aarran, the mattec la, Cenry DeWty-Ua ibeK barber than a politician. He ie not a great leader among hia people, and we are glad to know that there are colored men fa thi r nn " v -t khow hat he i hot, and w ul foUo him. v "t- ' 1 "'"I wH t It feu Vtsh a Ceed Article ; r 01 PLC 3 T baOoo a. S your dt-Tet-for T. E. Gilaan?lyi ad lady, and Mis M. F. pjridg ajkoksonvUle, arrived yesferday aad are stopping at the Gaston r.Jaa. jt JthraAgft,'Haq.,'ef Norfflis inteay Ha ha been on t 1 to Onaiyw U-kt, fk&ti:lri 1 jick to find son aiJnbfffVoj. He pronounoe tkatalrey ;4nVand take a EiohWd, Oaalo eouaty, are'u the Caps, J. M.tWhfte end Oaf. -D. L. Roberts have returnsd from a trip to Onslow Aunt j. They speak ia the higheet term of the land in that seo tioivaart ihe fine opportunity for devel oping (hem. Wlaa Grewlaic. F5y1f.TC,ier, 0B norialdYeiitette rivebi this oeun ty. produoe annually from the natiye scoppernong grape about four hundred gallons of excellent wane. Hehaa four teen arbor, which would cover, if ad joining, about ope acre of ,lan,dA He make this wiae wjth the grape juice and a judicious use of sugar and sella it atone dollar per gallon, making, in groat receipts, about $400.00 annually on one acre of land. Mr. Toler says he has never beea able VO keep any to be old as there is always a demand for it the first year it is made. He haa some ready forsake now and any one wish ing to purchase can leave their orders with Silas Fulcher, at Salter & Co a. store, and they will be supplied. ARCH BIS II 01' (OKKIUAV T1IK HLAlNE CHY DKKpBJH ED A A AI.I C1QUB bLAlTOKK; ' l)r. Mclilynn is approaching too near to be safe tbe methods of the notorious Bishea" McNamara. That apostle holds Sunday night meetings, aided by hia "wife," at which hymns are sung to Moore's melodies hymns invented by tbe poetical McNamara. The llarald iaaModynn organ. Its "interviews" itb tbe "apostle of tbe new crusade may be, therefore, looked on as udu aually authentic: "We intend to hold regular .Sunday evening meetings of the Anti-Poverty Society," said Dr. Mclilynn, in the Herald of April 26, "of which I am president, when the great social ques tions of the day will be discussed by clergymen and others. We intend to have singing also, in which the au dience will be asked to join, and in time I hope we will bave an Antl Pov erty hymn book. Mia A. Munler, for merly of St. Stephen's boW, wl lead the singing. Sunday, and we will have songs ready for the occasion-' ' Thi Sunday night hymn business is silly enough ; it is harmless coin pared with what it mav lead to .But in the IK me hsf April 27, is an apparently authentic interview, there is an evidenoe of Dr. McUlynn's unscrupulous malioe, which will shock even those that believed him so far to be bigh-minded to stoop to misrepresentation. We hope that Dr. MoGlynn will say that the reporter who took his words muanderstood them; and we hope that be will prove it if he can: "Did your advocacy of Mr Cleve land a election have anything to do with Arohbisbop Corrigan's hatred of you asked the reporter. 'It did, answered Dr. Mclilynn. "The Archibishop, Father Preston, and all the clique whioh surrounded him, including the leaders of Tammany Hall, were bitterly offended at my champion ship Of Mr. Cleveland. Tby were all in favor of the election of Mr. Blaine, and they knew that I kept many Irish- Amerioan from vounn tor bun, iney bave never forgotten that. Archbishop Corrigan admitted to me that he was opposed to the election of Mr. Cleveland. He ia today to favur ef the! lectfun of Mr. Blaine u lefts, aaa wm 'tnrewau hi Influence in that direction. I know of many incidents which occurred in the easapalgn of 1884, and which have occurred tinoe, which are of startling slgnlneaaoe, ae aowingstbe depth) afWifeinion as to their condition. In soma the feurardnsoal intrigue for Mr. mamerfplaoes ciiiw waa. planted and eoniing but their narration would take too long, MlabAlAA Ann and perhaps serve no good purpose. So Iwillttop." Tf Dr. lifcOlvnn neraista in this mali cious saeertiOB, ha destroy one con stantly urged argument of hi friends that the Archbishop permitted him to speak lor Cleveland, but objected to his peaking for George. Thi He ha been repeated over and over again.- It has been the object of Dr.-1 MoGlynn 's "friend" to give a neoeatery aet , of Archbishop Corrigan 's a political com plexion. Having so far failed to con nect the Archbisboa with political par tiality In hi official net, Dr. MoGlynn, itt desperation, raisar bo -listee try. Could anything be more disgraceful than thi r Whaarnwe to thin If hadidaoate- H lat him-deny it. And to thi man. either weak in faith evWWahinmindy aa-re-been addressed ...f'iff forever I t ... . -. . . i . Leek vat Fer Thens. Any iftwinMi)a;rfil o graUfully fVaelva leading ib thir 4livery abd rrawt of awrtiaa . inieseiiiillnn them twelve' a tay agents in order to sell cheas klaeaea an a&r reentatioo. All of my spectacle are stamped "Hawks" on the bow. and ae other are genuine. All eye fitted and the fit guaranteed "'' Vs i f t S a ti r,- i j"Tt-gea and Deeds) vif deceit TDaOKbrioTh the bountry by buf',e ? tfcpaanwJlKbte.. uttering what I a palpable .lander ? tnded tov visitor are invited to '' yjiws notes. The assistant district attorney ot New York says he expects tbe Sharp trial to go en May 11th. A Mr. Brown, of Racine, Wis., whose husband left her two weeks ago, was found dead at her home Friday, from the effecU of poison administered by eerpelf. Mrs. Helen (J. BUhop. ife of Wash ington Irvine Bishop the micd reader, on Saturday brought suit for divorce from her husband in the superior court at Boston. Edward E. banjuelo. the Si. Louis drummer, who leapt J fruixi tbu bridge at Naahyille Friday, died ou Saturday. The jump, of oyer euty feet, taken with suicidal intm'. The distillery of h i . Iterry at fowenshoro. Ky.. vU deu..yed by hie Friday, supposed to be incendiary This is the sixth distillery biirnxd in Davies county eince last August Miss Bartow, a wealthy la.lv com mitted suicide, by throwing herself into the Kast river near New Y,iL. She euffdred from nervous irouhV and was thought tu be uieniuliy Jt rneJ. The conductor of it train ou the Mil ford branch of Boston and Albuny road, reports that when near East li llmsioii. Massachusetts, inlay afternoon. In-. train ran tbrouRh n funnel shaped iter spout. The engine n dlu(r''d witli water and hail stone. It is said thai about onu louilhi f Ibe silver dollarn circulated in t'hiraKo have ben trimmed by i-htvin; l! a very thin strip around the t-dye n both aides. This does not pi event the en. u lation of the coin, though the Ininni' i derives a protlt from it On Friday night a ban I of r.-icul itora surrouniied a iirotiu i on i :,e . u:.-:. n . of West I n i'n , i 'Ii io ai: I ii.l i med thi iumatod that they inu:,: a vjiipan) thesu oift of town, ihe reply was a volley of shots from the v. Ind.uvs, an. I several of Ibu mulaluM aci, 1 .iu wounded- Noarri sU) have bmn maoe, but the feeling is very t-liiuit;. La Orange Item. r.euulifnl spring Woather. Iaat Thursday and 1'riday may be put down as windy days. The windy, cold days last tveel; were much against the ooming up cotton. Key. Mr. Harris, 1'. E. of this district M. E. Church, passed through our place last Monday. Services at the P. It. church last Sat urday and Sunday, tbe regular month ly appointment. Elder Jesse 8. Woodard. of Wilson, was visiting Mrs. Fan mo V. Field, at our hotel, last Monday. The wheat crop is naid to be doin; first-rate. Tbe last crop waa almost a failure in this section. Dr. Robey has been invited and will deliver the address at the commence ment of Kinsey'a school in June. Hev. Mr. Swaiu preached to a large congregation at Hickory Grovo last Sunday, hip regular apnoiotiuest. , We regret to learn of the serious ill ness of Mrs. Ava Capell, of Huckloe berry . She is a moat estimable lady. In our last we forgot to mention the shipment of peas from our plaoe. The first box, we believe, waa from w. K. Whitfield. Bishop. Watsou preached at L 1. last Thursday night. Tbo very un favorable weather prevented many of our people from hearing him. Tbe election for town commissioners last Monday passed olT quietly, aud the following were eteefed: Sun on weeteu, K. E. Bizzell, O.' Taylor, R. 1?. Kinsey and D. M. Stanton. The' drops as seen, fronrtpe roads an not far enotlgh advanced to give an 2 -it. . 1 J. . -1 1. M. up; inoihera tbU4pp,-a eefctf put in. Id some sections plowing in the corn crop has commenced. We visited Kinston last Thursday and enjoyed tbe bantd-ehakina of many of our old friends and acquaintances. Kinston is a progressive town, and we noticed, among other improvements, the fine hotel being erected by Dr. Tull. We had tbe pleasure of an introduction to the Free Pre local editor, and spent a time pleasantly in his office. Major Barrett, postmaster, and Mob strong, assistant, are as clover gentlemen as we wish to meet, and the time spent with them was very agreeable. be present. Annie F. Scott, Pr'es't. The Veraic; Cnisimtm. " W. D. -Sottrfdragaislj BIppuR, IdJ. testiSes: J .can yecamtnend. Eleotrid Bitten a the very beat remedy. Every bottle sold haa ariven. relief in everv case.'; On ipa$itt)6k -ifx:'MttlM aaik wa cured of rhsnmatum of ten years sUndinj.'illlrahain.' Hare, amggist, BellviUe, Ohio, affirm ;,ufh9)ben, sell ing nediolna I have aver handled in my 20 year' xfrienc3 to Electrio Bit ten." Thoasajulf athara have added khsir tertimony aa that, tha -verdict ia (ohaalmoti that Electric Bitter do cur Jail iiamtm ot ttwLJlTtikidae-fa: or bloods uniT.analc.aQiiax, jafiottie at I Tl. n A ,1 .ri , nrmnr. ...A.l. . . TkgniAtv will niAnt at thAir hall Llar at Excitement In Teiai. Great excitement h&s been caused in the vbinity of Paris, Texas, by the re markable recovery of Mr. J. E. Cor ley, who was so helpless he could not turn in bed, or raise his bead; everybody said he was dying of Consumption. A trial bottle of Dr. Kind's New Discovery waa sent him. Finding relief, he bought a large bottle and a box of Dr. King's New Life Pilla: by the time he I had taken two boxes of pills and two bottles of the Discovery, he was well and bad j Kaiaed in flesh thirty six puuude. Trial Botllns of this (ireat Diseoer for Consumption free at It. N. Duffy o In Woodnon toWU'L,p. lm.r cxiunty, N. ( . Mtinday. May 1st. 1 .-:.! MAKUIKU. by Albert Miller. li.. Mr James Hill and Miss Suuau Cunningham, J.iu(;litci uf Hev. Henry ( 'iinniu?ham COMMER(MAL. JoualKAL Ulrica. Hay i i P. M. New Yon a, Mav L' N.kii, Fuiui lioaed steaJ Sales of l-o .0 hales May, !u. i. 4 No, ember, 'j.'j'. June ;n 7 .' 1 i,., ,iiiI.. i :i V.' July, lo ;? Jariuar) ill August, : o . 1 ehruai) . : 1 "4 September. ! 1 1 ! Man h October. Hi o," April Spots steady. Middling 1" 1 . It. Middling. 10 1 'J I iood Ordinary 'J Ki 1 ( :i;:,-!And New Berne Market .'uot N (iood Middling 10 ."i Hi Middling 10 Is; liw Middling 'j !'.'.' ( i .od i it'll miry '.I 1 s. I I IMMlkllll 'I-IKVKI i K I. iTT' .N--ir.i I 'i. : ')TTi i.N Bked S 1 0 00. Tntr kntink Hard . $'.." ,i, ''AK-7'ii'.a1.2j () :s-',;ic. in i.o.l. ' "US -4'ari. ' Kli'K - fiOnrtil H.b wax 1' t Mi:. ! r do, n. per l;j 1 l'.iTAim s. I! ,rly I: I'iiTatckp H.diainas Mh 1 1 arr laon. tiac. Wool lua I'll . per ootind. HllI.'.ol.K: West India, dull and inal.ml wanted. ) Unhung, i hearts. Si!. 00 , saps. 8 1 . T.O per M WHOI.KSAI.E PHK Kh Nkw Mkus HdHK 8l"i "iO. Siioi LPKB Meat 7c. C. li.'s, F. H'h. B.'s and I., i' .--'. FiA)UK-3.00a.00. Lahd 8Jc. bv the tierce Nails Basis'lO'a. 82 7,'i. Hugab Granulated , tc. OiPFKE KialTic. ClIKKSE l.V Halt 80a85c. per sack. MoLASeia and STHurs 80alo Powder 88 00. Bhot Drop. 1. 75; buck, $2 00. Kkhobkne Sc. Hyde Line Company. NKW IIKHNK, N. C. A1'JUI.2H. lv- tr imkk si'HKnr i.k Y in v. h'i i ww k T K Int" eirerl mi ami after May I hi . I , W othi. Htli.y-I.ciivi' New Ht-nif at Nl VKN A.M. for Hay hoi . slopping ul A (Ian is k ick, Mi) it hs i -ftli , Y auric i n -p rt ami si out- w 1 1 . Thun-hihy Leave HayUoroat hrKYK A. M . lVr N'w lifMic, sto( piiiK Ht Slont-wml 'aiiiii Dttcic, Hmlttm Crt-ck ami A1hiiib Oc.-U. SHiuniay Lt'iivt New lienm tit. tsK i- A.M for Haytxii'o, Kto;pliiK ul AiIhiiih ( rc.-k . Siiiitlia (Yi-rk. Vati.h'inerc mik! stone -:) MtHuliiv -I,;avt- ltnyboro at isKVK.N A. M f ir Ntw ii-prnc. Mopj.lni: hI Mimh-u'mII. md -U inerp, uiilliB i'rerk ami Al:tins Treek. ; 11 this nrrnni:t'iii'iit wo nrt u';p to ma I iosi et Him-rl Hat Willi I he Ni-i Mill 11 atPitliif I h, tlllVUlU MH)l H'Tiiin ino.!nl MMiN tHitll iT p- SNfiiKern and frf luht at vpry low ratH. an') nak l f if iiu'i. hantH ami pioiluc-tMH along lit I llic to Ki vo It t heir rhfpi ful upp i t . h rolt: I , ! rt'i-el veri u mier coyer every tin ot Ihe we h l'""r inrUicv inforinalion ei-'iuiie at 11 ofllcc, fool of cYavpn street, 'ii b 1 1 v 1 f itM a-r1!! t h at tlie fi l lo vv 1 1. (iie A i?K LKK, Atlanis Creek, t '.. W. KI'iiLKK. Hint! ha ( re. k. I il. A HH IT. Yuinlcmeie. M. KitWIl i. Stonewall. h'ij it a iHWKLI.. Hayi. i uj JJ Jw V,'. I'. lil KKl . (f '. SPRING AND SUMMER MILLINERY GOODS! Miss Harriette Lane's Stock of Fino Millinery (roods in now ready for exhibition. conFisting of tho Mcst Elegant Hats, Bonnets. Riolons, Flowers, Etc., in the city. Having always kept the finest and most beautiful Millinery ever brought to this market, Bhe fully sustains her reputution in this respect this season, or rather surpasses it. Theso handsome Good will be sold at a amall advance on Nsw York cost. All are cordially invited to sea them J. W. STEWART, HKAlKiUARTKRS FOft MULES, aOR8H8 and BCGGIE8. J r- f The Bent Buggy on the r j 1 ll,v' II' umrrevTOr llie money. afair at reasonable rate. i E. W. SMALL" 00D. Smallwood & SloYpf DEALERS IN gk.kral hardware. ii.Aiit:. il,ASS'ARE r WOODZSW.'RE, CROCKE&X BL1XD8Z GLASS .4 Mi STOF L'.NM 'hl'Ah&ED A4 TO PRICE AIT D OUALIT " X v M!Mr Xtrr-.,, Sext tO0 oor to Hi Ur...! VlLert, M. .V hERNE. N. C e - CALL. DETRICK'S SALOON, p':lc ll. ' ustoui liouoe on Middle w,cre y u w 1 flfoi TlA V ; y and Purest LEER. VTINES, Liqu:r: :f All Kinds, AMI i i;acc), ' h. ap ! 1 .1 1 'all an I -,oe m . i i(iit. J 'UN IiETUlCK. dwtf My Friends, I Feel Bad! a i i.t ar 1 boujl.t an loo Cream Ini.cr I ,-f. 1 1 n-cii.i; thni-c "White Mountain lie.ein at .1 . ( '. Whitty's, and they aro mi much superior to mine that I could almost cry about it. I am always ettiii in trouble. ' A word to the wise, etc. " .1 ROCK SALT Rock Salt! Rock Salt! i ;: am: '. Ferdinand Ulrich, WHOLESALE GROCER SUIHH F. STItKKT, ni:w i'.kknk, .n. ; T I A i , i,i:i s i H. ii St Ml ATTKNTION- i I'r. I I. tvj. x ' ! m.w i i yo.ir Houm-s for the Spring 1 ' i:id Summer b tibine 0 ' Alabastine I.. !1. Cl'TLKirS.: 20 t 28 Middle Street, M V I1KKNK. N. C' I C.-ill .in 1 it Sample Tints. i ; vv Spring and Summerw MILLINERY ! I have received my stock of Spring and Summer Millinery, consisting of the latest styles of Bat anBofiaetf ; also a largo aesortSnent of Navettiea in Ribbon, Laces, Gauwis, et&t aal a ' ' fine assortment o Frencri FkrffaT.,-' " My Pattern Bat at open and Will be ( - shown with pleasure. ;,, :k - A, I cordially invito nay friends and ens-. tomert to calland see my Jrretty briV t goods,' which I will take plearore !;i aholng;; -..i?'?!"' . ( V 'rt'' it 4 : T v "J ' TC!f 1 apiidwr Harts,'. .- '.if r i i .ii titl Mt i r 1 -