f r- r-- f -fl - V- " : ' r '. VOL. VI.-NO. 30. NEW BERNE. N. C, THURSDAY. MAY 1887. PRICE r CENTS i " J " a OURNAL Hi JLJLJUJ - 4 1 A i I: i LOCAL NEWS. I iraa! tml&lmr A Ibuu, Kew Berne, latltnde, 86 6 North. " , lonfitade, 77 J West. BUSINESS LOCALS. FOR saLe-t wo Show Cues one three feet and one six feet. J. W. Bines' Furniture Store. It i i VUi ere telling best Pianos and Or ftanett remarkably low prices. Old I'laBos taken in exchange. 5t( Mbarbs & Habtskiiiuj. A foil lme of Plow, Barrows and Cultivators, at prices to suit the times Gbo. Allen & Co. Fertilisers, Lime. I'lasler, Clement, Glass, Paints, Varnish and Oil at low prices. Geo. Allen & Co. The .lection at Trenton on Monday was finally decided against the hog. Mr. J. Havens shipped a Hue lot of peas yesterday to Walter ts. Hill of New York. K. N. & C. DulTv offer a building on the corner of Middle and l'ullock streets. See "ad." E. B. Tlaokburn commands tlie alien Uon of housekeepers in today issue. Read what he says. We have a communication in regard to the ' public singing" on Monday night which will appear to morrow. The old board of cily council closed up last nigbt. The new board will meet today , at 10 o'clock, for organiza tion . We learn that tbe Davis Cadets of I. a Orange oonteir plate coining to cur me morial services on the 10th of Mav We trust the report is true Moore & Brady wound up oyster can ning for the season yesterday and will now begin on peas. Owing to the bad weather in the early of the season tbey hav. not done to large a business as heretofore. Tbe oystermen report that there are millions of young oysters on the rocks where they fished two and three years ago that will be line stock next season . Tbe New Berne Jocknu. of Satur day printed the name of that town three different ways. U'il. Star. We invariably write it, when speak ing of the city. New Berne This is our way of spelling it- We havj long sinoe oenoluded to let other people spell it as they see lit. There is a steamer of the Old Dominion line run ning to and from this port called "Tbe Newberne. ' When we write of it we write it as it was written by tbo.se who named her. Ntvaaas MoveBxata. Tbe steamer Eaglet of the K. C. D. line arrived about noon yesterday with large carico of merchandise, and sailed at 5 o'clock for Elizabeth City with truck. The steamer Vesper of this line will arrive today and leave tomorrow after noon at 5 o'clock . Tbe steamer Newbern of the O. D. line sailed on regular trip yesterday for Norfolk with 1,000 boxes of poas and other truck. A large number of pas sengers were aboard. Tba Ddfianoe of the Clyde line ar rived yesterday t rem Baltimore with a oarge of merchandise. ml BDKH IB CRAYKN. A Whit. Man Charged with Cbokloc his Wlfa arid Drtwalnf her In Nans Hlv.r. A white man named Cbas. Jones, about 26 years of age, was put in jail yesterday for the murder of his wife under the following circumstances: Jones was bom in Jonet county but baa been somewhat of rambler. Last year he appeared at Dover, in this coun ty, and married the daughter of Moses Westbrook. He and his wife lived with her father for a few months, and after a general free fight, in which all parties took a hand, he left wife and all the test and want to the north side of the Neoae titer near Maple Cypress and Hred there sinoe. In the meantime he got infatuated with another woman, so rumor says, and wanted to marry her . bat could not. He returned Satur day to Dover after his lawful wife and crossed or tried to, to the north side, where be was living. He told the neigh bors Monday morning that she was drowned utref mentioned anything ; x Sunday night about ber. He was at . onoe suspected and arrested by deputy ' sheriff N. A. Cobb upon a warrant ' Issued Jfev J. W. Lane, J, P. Tuesday V the remains wyre found intbetfeuse . ' j Tirer V beloW-Maple T k Cypres, and showed sign of foul play. . Bpeoial Coroner David Tripp sum- ,V 'monad a jury tof Iwelv and with Dr, ' ' S. O. Qobb viewed the body, examined , . Vj witnesses and returned a verdict that ' the deceased came to her death at the hands of ht husband Charles Frank Jones, t7 choking and- drowning In '. V. Vena, rives4." JT' ' - vV " r "We are Informed thai the' crowd of people present at the trial before tice Lane, both colored and white, were very much incensed against the pris oner and open threats of violence were made, but cooler heads allayed their feelings and he was permitted to be brought to jail. Tbe people gave as justinoaxioo of their f eeUngethM people were not punished in Craven county tor violating the law. Srlioala Defeated. The committee appointed by the board of council on Tuesday night to examine tbe registration books and report as to whether a majority of the qualified voters had voted for schools in the slec- lion on Monday, upon examination found that there were 14 names regis tered while only Ml voles were cast for schools There are undoubtedly many names on the books that ought not to be there, but as there were 1064 volts polled in the city election and only Sill forscbools.it was at once apparent to the committee that purgiLg the regis tration books' of names that ought not to be there would not change the result. Seventy rive voles more would have savnd it, anH lhee could have been ob tained bad the matter been properly canvassed, (ioldsboro, we are glad to learn, carried the school question, al though ihe maximum tax liied in the bill was thirty cents on the hundred dollars, teuoenu more lhau Ne .v Berne. The people there took interest enough in the mailer lo ramaw it and bring out the vole for it. An anil school mass ni"t-tiEK on Friday night before the election was attended and captured by the friends of schools and turned into a strong rchool mebting Sjieerhee were made by such men as Capl. Swift (ial loway, W. H. O H. Robinson, C. IS Aycock and others in favor of schools. No one could doubt the success of the measure after such earnest work in its favor. In New Berne, ith two or three ex ceplions, our leading men were ab sorbed with other matters and tbe schools failed. But now the excitement of the city election is over we hope to see those who feel an interest in the city's welfare come together and devise meant for carrying on a good public school. We doubt if the people will longer submit to the public school funds being used while free tuition is conlinod lo the 1st and 2J grades. It is njt right: it is not la w and it is unjust to children who have passed these lower grades and are unable to pay tuition' in higher grades A large majority of our colored people have said by their nations last Monday that they do not want our assistance in providing schools for their children. The. Academy fund, the Griffin fund and tbe publio school funds together run up in tbe neighbor hood of 2,000. This ought to give free tuition to at least 500 children Ave months in the year. With 12,1)00 more it would giro nine months and pay all incidental expenses. We are cast down somewhat on the school question, but nol dismayed. Kinston Items. Solicitor O. H. Allen is attending court at Clinton, Sampson county. Miss Matlfi W. Roun tree's school at Bestoti, closed. She is now at home. Major W. J. Barret and Mr. J. W. Grainger left Tuesday for Washington, U. (J. W, K. Mewborne was in town Mon day. Will looks as though the good folks of fitt feed him well. On the first day of May Mr. J. D. May took charge of the reeti urant for merly run by Henry Arch bell. Quite a serious shooting affair took plaoe at Greenville last week. I have not been able to learn full particulars. , The U. S. jury at New Berne made a mistrial in the case against Grady Smith for counterfeiting silver dollars. Mrs. Jackson, mother of our towns- map W. H. Whitfield, and also of Jesse Jackson, died Monday night after long suffering. Fire at Falling creek last week de stroyed the barn and stables of Capt. A. v. rarrott, witn a urge amount of tsorn, fodder, eats. so. ; also one mule belonging to Ben Uzzell, a colored tenant of Mr. Parrott, and badly dam aged another. It is supposed to have been the work of an incendiary. The party suspected of stealing the horse and buggy from Mr. Sam Howard last week is a white man about 85 years old, weighs about 165 pounds, has gray eyes, reddish sandy hair and mustache. He is also wanted in. Bobeson county for the same offense. rrH was arrested in Pamlico county only a few days be fore be stole Mr. Howard's horse, but made his escape by knocking the deputy sheriff out in one round. The bone and buggy that was stolen ia Robeson coun ty was recovered. v Tbe town, election passed off quftQjr Monday, With the following rest It Far mayor A. T. Hill, De.l83; F, Bi Bee ton, Rep.. 45. For aldermen 1st ward, E. M. Hodges, Dem., 62; J.'K. Devi; Kep.,.63. , 2d ward, X B, Cttm mtngs. Dem., 41? G. B. Miller, Dem., 41; ftd ward, W. A. Coleman, Rep,, 83; S. H. Abbott, Dem., 88. 4th ward, W. A. Aldridge, DenM 44. There was ne fight, except In the fin ward, which h uncomfortably close. r Sheriff Davis, as will be seen, has again been defeated by a HBodrer." : Be next m tends tr ingtbe"old man," wearing to beat one ot t&i family before he stops. - r1 CI i j c saw ell yreeMsUao. Niw Bxm, May 3, 1687. Tbe regular monthly meeting of the board was held this evening. Mayor Meadows in chair and ail the members of the board present. The. following annual reports of the different offloan and eommitteee were read and adopted : MAYOR'S REPORT. New Bun, April 88th,, 1867. To tU Bon. Board of Ctty OourusQuen. Gentlemen In assembling today we close the administration ' of the fiscal year ending April 30, 1BS7, and transfer to our suooesaors the several trusts of administering tbe municipal affairs of the city of New Berne. Trusting that in their skillful guidance tbe city will increase in numbers, health, wealth, educational advantages, and in what ever else may promote the happiness of our people. You are deservedly due the highest commendations of your fellow -citizens for your persistent ; efforts to economi cally and prudently administer the af fairs of tbe city. SAM I Ah . We can well invite the health seeker to our beautiful city, for by reference to the health statistics we tind a less per cenlage of severe maladies, and the general health of our community better than any city on the Atlantic seaboard, being exempted from the dreaded dis eases concomitant with tbe rigors of a Northern climate, or the excessive heal of the South. 1 would recommend that monthly health reports be furnished the N. ('. iltdkiit Journal. Ill SINKSH KNTKHI'HIMtb. The general business of the city has been fairly profitable and gradually in creasing iu volujie. Our lumber in duslry is assuming immense proportions and promises still greater increase. The benefits of our mills and canning lac tory, and the industries established at (iraywc od by our esteemed townsmen, t 'apt. S. 11 liray, are appreciated by our entire section. These industries should be encouraged, for in them lies our future prosperity. FINANCE AM) TAX. ll is one of the most difficult problems in political economy to adopt an equit able system of taxation for a country or community. The principal object m levying a tax should be to make it fall as lightly and equitably as possible on all alike. There are two forms of taxation, direct and indirect. Tbe latter, or in direct form, is that laid upon oommod itiee imported into a country for con sumption, and tbe principal objection to this is that the consumer is not aware of the exact amount which he pays when he buvs an article of foreign man ufacture. Vet the per centage of lax paid thereon often bears a dispropor tionate part to its whole cost. From the lack of general information of the peo ple in this regard, the general govern ment is not likely to be held to a just accountability in its appropriations, and wasteful expenditures may be tbe result. In municipal affairs the form of taxa tion isdirect. Every one is supposed lo pay in exact proportion lo tbe true value of his property. I'nder this system we are more likely to feel a direct interest in local government and to see that the money wo pay out of our earnings is judiciously applied It is a matter of great importance that the valuation of properly in Nsw Berne should bear an equal and just proportion to that put upon property in other cities and towns in this Slate, lo the end that our city should not bears disproportionate part of the Slate and county taxes. In this matter our as sessors should examine carefully . Your concurrence in the financial policy adopted by a former administration is highly commendable and should be continued by your succsesors. I'nder this wise policy the current expenses of all the departments and the interest on tbe debt has been promptly met. and 4,579.85 applied to the payment of tbe judgment and floating debt of the city, n my opinion the tax levy for 1887 should not exceed fifty cents on tbe 9100 valuation of personal property and real estate. The amount raised from ' this levy, with tbe license tax. poll, and fines and costs from mayor's oourt, will be adequate to meet the demands of an economical administration. 8TREKTB AND PUMPS. The shell streets have proven bene ficial in many respects and may be kept in excellent condition at little expense. They are badly worn in several locali ties and should be repaired at an early day as possible. More ourbing should be laid in many of the sidewalks, as the cost of tempo rary work is in excess of permanent improvements. The adoption of the concrete tiling for pumps for drinking watet and hre purposes was much needed and will result beneficially in many respects. POLICE. The police officers have rendered effi cient service under the supervision of Marshal Hargst This officer is deserv ing the highest praise for his efforts in freeing the oity of crime and the en forcement of tbe ordinances. V. ; CKKBTSRIES, The oemetetias under the care of Councilman Miller, aided by his effi cient committee, are in excellent con dition. Their beautiful appearance attest Mr. Miller's skill and painstaking oare, as well as his knowledge in for estry and taste ae florist. mi DKPARTMKDT. The efficiency of this department is till sustained to the highest standard a excellence. It is well supplied with the modern applianoee used in tbe exctnguiahment of fires. We have been exempted from any large or destructive fires during the past year. It behooves the oity to continue its liberal aid to sustain this department - TnanitiHg you forth maay svideoces ot your,-eateeim and the al rendered me in the disoharre of my dvtteev , I am. with high regard, vwf. ocr ooeo tent servant. n- " jl. auw n Of urvii CITY MARSHAL'S REPORT. City M akal's Of'kb, May 3 17. 7o ttai Mnyur otuf BuarJ u Con. ''U 'men of the City uf Xtic Berne Gentlemen I herewith subont uiv annual report for the year 1 s7. I have made 200 arrests during the year, of which 184 were convicted. '4 discharged, 1 appeal, 11 worked upon the street and cemeteries A mount of fines collected ki- 6') " coal '-,'"" i " rent 46.'. Total 5M'J7 t:i Eor thai portion of ihe atxjve due li.! city I hold the treasurer o receils ai.e lejptC'.fully refer vou lo ihe !inan ex. in mltte e. Respectfully submitted, J . M. 11 Ah'.n . I il tax Collect ir x rei'oi:t I'a (Ae Umiural'l' Mm : an Hv t ( ty CuuiwJ Oeutlemeu 1 here w ith su!jiii it lo the following report of my colin ti for the year ending roay 4ih lv-7 Amount colleclel rttal estate personal and pjll lax f.oi A in t collected 1 iceuce lax do; I .31 1 I lent ol Id f;.i rnarkt and c, if-t 1 .ess . per cent i'i Cst t'lt dr Uents Leas Thomar. I iels, 'Tieas , ceiils Am t white si h,..l lai i Hi -i led !' VI Lens per ct. i-om . 1 " 1 W'UI WlllS"!! fi It" i' '-'i Am t colored whool ba. Less ' ! per i-t coin Less Isaac l'allerson s ( eipt i: I), il'.s k i uy T ax ( oll- lor May :!, 1--:. The citv tax collector's repm we have examined and fouml correct I'. W. Han.'o' k. R. I". WII.I.UM-, I'. M. IlltAMV. ( 'oininiltoi' RKl'ORT OK CLMLTLK Y COM SI ITT I .L 7" the Afajor oi.l Hoard (' noi. i Inn n of the ( "iftf ,.f .Ycic Heme. Y ' ' Gentlemen Your (kmmittlec on Cemeteries would Bubmitt the follow in report of their work for the yem elid ing May 4lh, 18H7: On May tbe 4th, lC, we hud a bal ance on hand from the Lli.abolh Hood ing trust fuud for the (traveling of walks and avenues of 8121 'lJ. Ah suitable gravel could not be obtained for the walks or avenues, by and with the con sent of Mr. A. K. Woodruff, irusten of said fund, vour committee expended said amount in the purchase of two jmir of wrought iron jjates for the eiiHt an 1 west entrance of Cedar drove Conic tery, which we desiro to bn designated as ihnOooding dates. They a id much to the appearance of our cemet, are highly appreciated CKIIAK UKOVK 1'fMKTI.IH Hy vouchers on hand Mi) I 1HSH ' Cash on hand May 4. IMMi Received from saleof 111 burial lots and t inarkrd Kri4N t'h. 1 . - .'.3 1 0 I I n.M 1 1 1 111 As per receipts. Vouchers on hand . Note for two lots mild . Balance cash nn hand for Cedar drove, ??2?t T. Cedar Grove Cemetery ih in excellent oondition. Your committee cheerfully commend Mr. W. N. Rush, the sexton, for his past year's faithful work. We have completed the shell rock wall. During tbe year have set out JOs oak and maple trees, and paid all interest on outstanding notes. ORKKNWOOI) CKMKTKKV. By vouchers on hand May 4, 1886, -'--'i - Cash from the sale of 10 lots. 48 AM) KXI'KMHTl UK' As per receipts Vouchers on hand. Si 20.0.'! Balance on hand May 4. 7. :?15. 70 We have planted this year in Green wood Cemetery 112 oak and maple trees and 60 shrubs, and the fence around the cemetery repaired. This cemetery is kept in good condition at all ' times, and we can heartily recom mend Rob't Williams, tbe present sex ton, as the proper man for the rare of Greenwood Cemetery. RECAPITULATION. CKDAR GROVH CEMETERY. Balance on hand May 4, 1887, oesh $224 27 City Vouchers 178 55 Note for two lots due June 2S. 75.00 S477.82 OKEER WOOD CKMETEBV. Cash balance on hand May 4, 1887, 115.70 Vouchers on hand, 80.83 103.53 $580.35 Respectfully submitted, Ci A LEX. MlLLKB, 1 si 41 f TT ii in mr - -. j - - 1 VrBOii A CnAwfoTO, I The board prot-eeded to caovaaa iLc vole of the election, will, ILc followili I reruiu let arj K 1 V . .hauie u dcclaied clevlcd U-l .' Y W.I liauis J ward li 11 i.aLr 4t!. arJ V. A 1 raw ford 'at. war ' H f Kn, l ueJy. t Vhoii u wmj ; i f:iii:.et 11 ad ward for .' .' aaut '. j I war 1 f .r 1 : . a,;... : ; IL m: I i C ! agbiii-i :'.;. r 1 ! i ; ' . .. j i -: I. i:i' '. . i-j'-U !1, : '. , r vv Kite .:.t '.!., ali 1 r t r t at -I I' .-'.e : l .:. ' - :. . . ii. ! 1 J.rit.Lt I he 1 Wt J I.t-(. lu l-.fcl.l Ma) i i !. Mm. r M't" 1 ' ,,Liri .lu,( I, M . M 1 1 .t r ah 1 1 i -i ! r 1 h- .-in 1 u ! l . 1 1 j. t u . ai M. i. i mi : a; It 1 !1 - flir rilll I iimiiIUI,',m '. 1. ,.!t !r ..t.M I- el' It. : tcli.'u-? ' I .an i . in : i i. I l it-. : r . It.llt-lf hp lir iti v I,, r n!!,i- h J w r tx 'tt V rv .).! t.a- n . i i-l,, I in , o m ''Ur.t- ''if 111 t . h r . 1 , . ;ih 1 1 was uicl . f iln umal.M:. . ! li ri ) .-ars flanlni' A! n,t..i:i, ii,r- ,111.'.-: ii; . i .. a!!, I 11. r !!.-! .-! M . : 11 !!, j. II,,. I ha v ( I I I.. Oi '. 1 , .', 111 ) . .al K 1h (.. li, .- I i. t 1 I 1,1 I'll- I In.ui-ali.l!. . ,f .tl,.-r . a I I. 1 tin 1 I tl-M . in, I. N p.. I I... t II. . I '. : ;- iilmlilllii ur II. at l it ti. I'.,t.-i 1 .1 ' N .ill 1 1 I l,i,bt if ll.t- 1 i cr t , : lo - i ,' l l I i 'uiv a ball d. .ll.il n l.- t: . :r. K " I in l! y f 1 1 UK -t. ,i . I.ix.k K . i I In in A i. , i. f , rniat i. 1 1 vv i , i I i ., : ' . . Ifi'l i 1 I-. I I t'k il 1 11 ! t, 1 I,,- i ir. . . t : ,1. l arrcut . .( p.iriot. r e i i-M-i,t , n i i-ri Mrlor. tl III V Hi-'iIiIh ,-i I 1,1 ! r, . . heap hIii-.m-- ai io i, !.i.iti ii ., 1 lll f pel tin li-s lilc pt.ioipi I ll.iHkii ili the how alii in ,,11,1-in iile iiiio.. All nr htte.l III., I the 1:1 I'll ill ,1,1, , 1 at I lie il l ii k i-l. , i t- i ,( i .'- I in ll i Her lie li, ai i in COMMKKCIAL. Jot mm i. Or kii r. ". , ' V M ' n i Niw Yiikk, M.iv , I utiu. loned Mi luli Suli-s ef '. I.I -no PaleH May. :.'.- November. : June, July. A u'ui-t , September October. ' ' I 1 leeeni brr . ' . ' January, 1 . ' 1- et.ruai Mar. h. 'J ' 4 i April. Hoots stead v Middling ' 1 1 MiddhuK. io ; (iood i ir.iin.iM ,i ; i New llerne Sluiket ipin i No sales ' ' I aiiil.iJiiiK l'l ! I Middling I'M 1 P.. low Middliiu; 'J ' do. ,il i rdi nary 'J 1 1 ti imiti hsi n 71 ii a l; I Sl'.KI) IV iTTi N ( o. Cotton Skki ?lu oo. Tchi'Iintim-Hard JL1"1 i i j S '. '.' . Tab -7'ic aK ', '.'.'. I ATM "U.- IN I -.1 . k I'miN- 4s..'..', Hp 'I' .'.( i.itii i MSSHW A X : I, pi I 1 ' Hkkp - i In foot , M p. i, ( 'ol NTH Y 1 1 A M ', 0a i ' ; f I -e r it I Oil' '. 'c . i ,. r i h KiOH pi-r dozen. , H !'-h 1 ' ll s 4 iflr ....,. ''if AM Is 7.'m ll- ! I'H pel I U-I.ei I- 1'1'KH ' Hi'. 0(1 pel J, 111.. If- ' 'M'lMi ,-'-' 1 Pa.' J'i pi-I Parrel KiKl.P I'ka.h (in. 1 IOKM I ll V ill' K 1 1 . . . S TaI.I,"W ,Y ,,, Chii-rknh drown i'ii" i ii '.' , i a '.' Mm, 7 ii, pet in- (.-.. Mats '.(i i ts. per I u-l.. . 1. ,t AT' 'I'v 1. if I v li . : . j , i I i i I'oTATOKR -liiihaiiias : o, V l,, ., Ilarrmon. P.'i.-. Wool, H'alfir. per pi u; n,i RlllNdl.EK West India. dull nn 1 n mi inal.not wanted. Building r, uoh hearts, g.'l 00 . sajm.J 1 . "0 per M. wmil.KHAI.K PUP Th New Mkhb I'oiik - S '. ' ' HlMl LPKK MFAT-7c. C. R.'h, K. B's. B.'s and I. (' - . FljHK-$:i.0OaH.(i0. Lakh '"tc. by the tierce. N aii.8 Basis 10'h. 8'J 7."i. Hi oaR Granulated . 'ijc. I", 'PFKF lfi;17;c. ClIKKKK l.r. Salt 80ab,"c. per sack. MO LAB8RB AND S YBTJP8 30a45c Powder 86 00. 8HOT Drop. 81.75; buck, 82 00 Kkrosem 9c. For Rent, itno li;f of BiiHdtnir. cernnr I ' ... I, , .: i MUMli- ntrpts. former, y o", upl-.l l v P.t I IHTrirk rikI recrnlij- h- K lo oulM, i , n . .leu I hle lornt ion f. ,r l'l :i n I I I ,,,.) .. i Apply to ma'i illln It N a i ' I '1 I M . Attention ! Housekeepers. 1 WILL SELL VOC Better Goods fS Money Than Any Douse in the City. Give me a trial. If not oatif factory. money refunded. Very respectfully, E. B. HACKBURN. W. P. BURRUS & CO., GRAIN & COTTON COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 'EW BBRNE, N. C nTdrtf 1 p Smallwood & Slover ' ' !.H KEItr, j:l.I.DS,Z OIIJS ! AS TO price a:;d cuality. MhIiIi. si,, , xt i(M)r lo H.til A I nt, m w in km:, n. c. Hyde Line Company. 'II .' 111:1-. la'.'-! M tt 111 , o ' - ) .IN In MImI, i a , ! I I A M . n ' ai.Ut- ' . . K sl I N 1 , .li!. I T , 1 . ll . f I N A M ' Hlel ..i.i; 11. 1 r 1 1 1 All a. r qeTRIGK'S SALOON, t '. in. i H ,.ii Middle ,1 l.ml -cTlif V'.-M' ll.'t it.l Pnw.or ' ' ' ' i ; . . . ai , u i moil LEEK. .VINES, Ani Liri::z :: All Kinds, ( li , I: ; . 1 1 a i oi in :i : : 1 . n, I mo 1 1 I I ; i ,' i ! I'll I , , 1 t ; I l,'i.l i KICK, il w If My Friends. I Feel Bad! 1 i n: .u. 1 In m.-i t an Ire ( 'ream I ie .'it I i.f.'t- m e,i tl,o , "W'hito M.Miiitain I n .'i n ai ,! ( ' V hitty's, 1 1 1 I thi-v are ' 'inn Ii mii r i r to mine that 1 . u; i ai I'm a : . at n. 1 am a 1 a - 111,' in 1 1 on I 'lo A w i it 1 ! i t ., u l.-e. ilr.' ROCK SALT! Rock Salt! Rock Salt! i: - : r i v Ferdinand Ulrich, WHOLESALE GROCER M11U'! V. STitKKT. Ni; W BERNE, N. O . it- T A di l l ', i p St.n:. J. W. STEWART, ii: HKAltiUAHTKKH IfOtt.i ! Ml LKH, HOIttiKS lH'liiilKS. Thn best Rnepy on tbe i-e,; mar kel for the moBey.- 4 f.' 1 Hnrn ami vablclcx to (,,i hire nt reasonable rmtna . . aplililwy Broad St.. IVewbern, tt. ..'"P . ' r, A. CBBKN. C E. FOT. SIMMOXS A XJLTH.X3, j Green, Foy & Co.. slS BANKERS and , - Commioa-Herctots, 8octh Fbont Btsekt, - ; fe4 swly NEWBERNE, WC. x - V ft. -. -A ;; i

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