V . V. "A ' ' . . - V Li J td- ..'- !w m y f t I Jtoilc! iLoolt! Look! ! A You will find at the Store of 0. MARKS the Jlrtline of Dress Goods, Plain and Fancy, -Dry Goods, Notions, Ladies, Gents, Misses, ' Children's Shoes, Boots and Slippers, Cloths, ' listings, Oil Cloths, Carpets, Gents' Fur Irirhing Goods, Straw Goods, and in fact , ClijTthing you can think of, to be found in oJfcy Goods Emporium. Our Store is packed f to overflowing this season with Drives and Orgains. We can please you all. Money is not" plentiful, so look well before spending it. 'ttnr (4-4) 1 yd. wide Homespun 5i-. O Out (4-4) 1 yd. wide hle&chiiig fx-. fl,jOwgool (jioghaniB ? 0r IW Color Print 5o. Our Pants Goods lic. Our elegant line of Worxtdn fur 10c. Our elegant Whit Lawn very wide Cc Our elegant Hamburg KdgiDM (5, (MM) yd-) -e. . Garter Webb ' lc. Ottoman all silk H in. wide Kitbo II B fC. Nice large Towels fc. Big lme colored and white Cape (tilUr 5c. worth 10c, Crochet Needles .'(c. Colored Hamburg ".!. Buttons! Buttons! Buttons! Buttons! I Hose .V. Ladies' Ho fc. Misses' Hobe rc Children's Hose :'. Straw Hats .r-. Ladies' G totes .V. Beautiful Handkerchief, (LatluM V. Large Ilandkercbiefs (Meue) .rc. .KaiUing Cotton (ben) .'. Pack's Books .V. '&lk Brnsbeg I)reas Bnttons ("2 dozen ) .".e. ' ' 'Wliu Pearl Buttons ("J doien). .V. ! 'JUw Silk" Handkerchief- .V. lfimJm Toothpicks for .V. Ifioe Cufs .V. Mass Lines Collars (latest itlc) 10c. -lfoVLbMn Cuffs (latent Htyle) ISc. f Linen Collar ("Dude") 10c. Em tej for 40c. ..,liwOorwt -,c. 'Mle-00ld Plated Hreast Piu .V. unanu eeaaiuui ntiaien iieese i lot l ic. "VJUlEaw Crash v. !vV " HoBwttons (oards) Lamias' Rtinnnra JUokEao Braids , Ttkilef Soap (nice) JHw Liaea Doyleys rjant and Beautiful One Half New York Cost. r, Paper (alegaat note)... EaTelopes (to match). . . Ittf Turkish Towels. Elyeit and Cheapest Line of Goods Ever Seen in this City. Novelty Braids L'.rc. . ifioe Drea Silk 7.V f NiW Batin 10c ' Creaam Crinkles Sc. jOwlared Crinkles (lovely) l,-. Beantiful line Seersucker? Kle. Beautiful line Organdies sc. V Ladies' Handkerchiefs (all linen) .r,c. . , Bee That Beautiful Line of Etamines. Fps! Fans! Fans! Novelties! Novelties! Lead PcDciU, rubber tipped Jaflfea, 1! wool) "big job" ChambraVi ( imported ) Sateens, baaatifaj line (wdrth JlOc.) Muslins, lovely line i BM PiM lc. ,' i. VslTeta -10c. 's?abt Shoes (nice) 40c Trkish Bath Soap 5e. v'.Beat 11.25 Shoe in the city. V jh.Jttl.OO Shoe in the city. : , i -rBatt fio. Shoe ia the city. v vSeatta.OO Shoe in the city v V,a)dSiIkenib ) lc T,'.. -; Paniaois, nice 60o. 'C " TH', ' Largest line of Parasols ever brought here. VWABNER'S HEALTH CORSETS Full line of CorfeU, all styles 4.1 and prices. ; WHOLESALE DEPARTMENT. J ' llara aoanpiete than rrer. We cater especially for the wholesale trade. YW ftaraateea nsoal to "DUPLICATE ANY BILL BOUGHT IN A HGUHtRN MAKKET IN LESS TBAN BALE LOTS. .7 .i i i TO EVERYBODY Wa mrouli iir, that any Goods purchased from as that arc NOT FClXsS AS REPRESENTED, can be retarned and the purchaser will 1 1 1 ULLT SATISFIED before I earing. We want the trada of every - r"at aad mall, aad it win be to every person's advantage to see t ft puchatliiff Mythlng in onr line. Very trolj, ... , ' b. . r, J, n 0. XT ARKS. ,xoaock Street, UeifJBerne, C s.-. u oc v uuu . . .'Sc. 4'),. 5c. :5c. fc Line of Dress Buttons, 5c ,10c. ' for 5c. .t0c. up. 15c. lL'o 5c. IARKS THE JOUIUJAL KEW BE25E, JT. C MAT HV188T. Arrival and Departure Kaila MAIL CLOSES. For Worth, Wast s4 South, ria A. fc R.aB.B. at?:80a.m. For Basaiort and ths Kaat, at 8.-00 p.m. For Washington, Swift Creek, Hydeand Beauf ort Counties Mondays, Wednes days, and Friday at 6.-00 a. m. For Trenton, PollokariUe and slayi Tille, daily at 7:80 a. m. For Orantaboro, Bayboro an 1 Van demere, dailr at 6 a. m. OFFICE HOUK8: In Money Order and Registered Let ter Department, from 8 a.m. to 4 p..m. In Mailing Department from V a. m. to 5 n. m. Offioe open constantly between theee hours except when mails are being dis tributed or sent. I The Use of Friends. j A Buge or a cynic who aougbt u Bubjeci for hd essay might do woj-se than to conaider the uses ol li tends, and the proper part which liiend 8hip ttuould play in a rightly human life. Every man hat. about hiiu people of w uoru bt is accustomed to think, more or lees exactly, as friends, but so weak is human ; invture, that it seldom occurs to us ! to reflect whether we do any thing to deserve from those persons a ie turn of that noble title. It is ol course merely saying over the of ten repeated charge that humanity is seilisb to declare that meu are lar more apt to regard then lrieuds a.--m mauy resources to be used to the best advantage, and fortunately lor the credit of the race there is no j lack of proof that real affection, I genuine liiendship, is by no means a lost art, or e en a rare one. There is something especially vicious and debasing in the idea of using friends in the sense ol gettting what we can out nf them. The man who had not rather serve those of whom he is loud Uian to be served by them, is i unworthy of friendship, because he , is incapable of it. When the clergy man on the witness stand in New Vort declared that he always ex peeled to make his friends useful, he unconsciously gave a more fatal picture of his ignoble nature than could have leen drawn in the most vivid word painting of the op losing side. No croa-iue8tioning. however adroit, couldihavejelicited a confession more damaging to his character. When the astute law- er arguing the case alluded to him as "the clerical gentlemen who makes his friends useful" he ap pealed strait to the truest instincts of the itiror8, and the stroke told most effectively. The Erench have a bitter proverb to the effect tjhat "in love there is one who loves and on who fconsentB to le loved, but certainly friendship, if it exists at all, must be mutual ; and even could one bo far lower his standard as to regard in merely a utilitarian light one of whom be is fond, he could not without absolute self de gradation take advantage of another's fondness for himself. If a man is known by the company he keeps, still more surely is he known by his attitude toward those nearest his affections, and it may )elaid down as an infallible rule that it is well utterly avoid com panionship or community of in terestwith that man whose boast or practice it is "to make use of his friends.'' Boiton Vovritr A Larpe City. If any one were to walk one way through all tha streets of London, he would be obliged to go a distance of two thousand six hundred miles, or as far as it is across the American oontinont from Now York to San Francisco. This will give an idea of what w ould have to be done in order to see oven the greater part of London. In approach to this city, as well as in our rambles through its streets, we shall not be struck J so much by its splendid and imposing ap perance as by its immensitv. Go where we may, there seems to be no end to the town. It is fourteen miles one way, and eight miles the other' contains a population of nearly four million people, w hich is greater, indeed, than that ol Switzerland or the kingdoms ol Denmark and Greece combined. We are told on good authority that there are more Scotchmen in Lon don than in Edinburgh more Irish' men than in Dublin, and more Jews than in Palestine, with foreigners from all parts of the world, inclad- a great number of Americans. Yet there are so many Englishmen in London, that one is not likely to notice the presence ol these people of other nations. Thin vast body of citizens, some so rich that they never can count their money, and some so poor that they never have any to count, eat every year fonr hundred thousand oxen, one and a half million sheep, eight million chickens and game birds, not to speak of calves, hogs, and different kinds of fish. They consume five hundred million oys ters, which, although it tsemi like a large number,- wooia only give, fin, al -the I d' flay 1 n equally divided urofit u people, one oyster every third' Ut-vi J i. 11 :e i tLit. htmdrtdttt. t,..v&i.La u.Lon do enough i .i ola to ta&U a large cttyj bAt iU garatieiily Jone ser vant to aci dosaja rrfliUiena. it is quite evident Xhfcfc gatxuany of ine people must wait on taemaeivea. Things are very mieqaally divided in London: and I have "&0 doubt that instead of there beihg one ser vant to twelve Deraona. some of the rich lords and ladies have twelve servants apiece, Si. Ifickolat. ZUvsiu la 'veT Caa. I. A. Bradford, wholhaels paper deal er of Chattanooga, Tetitin WiMa that b was seriously aifiioteq WJfth, a severe ooW thatwtuedhU thias:hafX tried many reBedies witholUe&sajiBsiiig Induced te try Dr.'Klag s JCbw Discot ery for Consumption, did "so" and was entirely cored yja- JtOT bpttl. Since which time lie has naed.H.in bis ftiniJy Sot all Coughs n$l,kill. with beet results. This is tbs eDSCienos of thoua&nss Kboss lives hayejbeejijaaf od by this Wonderful" "DieojBery Trial boitled tree u. ti. Duff j; dryf store. ESTT3 y i 1862. 1 E CKVT bTRA-ltJUT 'y Dl lieilt-Itd, (lUar&Dtt33. Kuperb, lunch Junior. TKN TKNT. lieiiia 'irUiria, iteiua Iio(jut l. lieiiiH I'erfwtor, Itina (V)iirha. (ifiieral CuBler, Olub Hon we, t-U' And aviao an grnilr. (nun tifiinral Lirut iir nt- rt i Mtijor t tetiti nl. Hr It Kllf r t .r nt r at. CoiOlil-i, 1.1 lit I .lit. Ill i tlll1 Ull.t 1UM11) on Itif rt-Di ed 1 ii ('ail himI roiiarttl(alf , ttiid Lave u ii ' ka thai will ulfaat on M Will If Klrt-ft. New Hei iif . K t-r ImhJ k n b I if if al'Uw W 1.. i Al.W KH. buKTliilt iMl. nl TIME TABLE, Atlantic & N. C. Railroad T1MK TAbl.F. A'o. 4. Id Effect 12 IKi I' M., Bundiiy, May In 17. EABT WKST i No W No I1 8T4TIONH Arr. Li r M r m A.M 6 IM Ouldboro..r f La (lrnuj 6 46 Kiaaton, t Uttw hrm IMoretaMrfOlt., 11 16 10 M n uu 6 411 Ill Xi V 68 H 16 -li. h in lu f 1 6 sn m. a. . Dfclly eireept Bondny. I WtST. So 1 lld Kf t S : I'M. Tnli. j : Ml 1AMI f t. a STATIONS j fin Train t. M. t 6 H '1 h in : bi T 7 II U en 6 4 Srr. A M. K 8 'M (J V -It 10 111 10 US 11 (h II H7 II M U HI P. H A M. I . r m. 7 !M Ooldboro U U7 It IN 06 K 64 10 16 10 40 11 1.1 II 42 11 N . B HI K II ; 46 : 1 05 (i M (I I 6 16 l.i 1J nnr , raWl(c3rw KlnsioB, t)MeU Dor OoraOrk Toftcwrora ........ OIrt'i . I HtwtMre, A H r. u ; r m l!ly exosjn Honflay and Monday. . 1 Dally except Hatarday and Bnnday. Train V eonnMts with Wflmln(Vn a Wal don Train b.'nnd North, leaTlni Uoklaboro 1185 a. m., ud with Richmond a rrurUla Train WMt, lesTlns Goldaboro ll MaJK, Train 61 eoaaacu with Ktchnana A ImbtIII Trua, arrlTln at OoMabera i:0 pJn ,nd with Wilmington and Wei ion Train fruin lb Nnrth at 4rW p.m. Train a makra clna connection with W s W. Through Truck Train north bound, leav lng Ooldaboro at KMW P.M., alao eonnert wlili w W. Morth bound Paaaencer. leav lng Ooldihoro at 116X p.m., and Willi fn mall North hound, leaving Goldaboro ai 1 4 a.m. W. Dunn, Superintoadect (IS) a JAMES REDMOND, JL-9 4 ; OA, - - - The Bergner & vn: , mMk01$iA& bj' the Vitrei 'CW'ivVi4si LOW nQUETS for OASQVl t:z H s '4' j,irAiijij(.i'?i'i! .'i.5'v""fv-', 4 ,. .., , - - - ".Glnf er Ale to Beat Imported, and mperior to any frocwable InKorth Carolina. ' . v . " - , . ,, , IS MAKUfQ. ft i: Specialty of Fina r. 4- --T M i rurmsning And ia therefore better prepared than LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. - Oar Siiti are stylish and well made, from tasteful fabrics, and are I old at Bock Bottom Prices. dor line of FUBNIStHNQ GOODS embraces everything that OsAtlemea awe. In NECK WEAR and SILK HANDKERCHIEFS we are exhibiting a line of goods baf are caeations of the beautiful and cuptivatiog in their elegant sim plicity. STYLISH HATS Derbies, light. LUck and brown: Fur Hats of all shapes and qualities, and Crush Pocket U&ts in all colors, only 75c. Big aseortmeat ol Straw Hate, l&teot shapes, handsome and cheap. Full stock of DRY GOODS and NOTIONS. Ladies'and Gents ' Shoes at jft iee to suit the times and your pockeibock. A Ladies' Foxed Gaiter only 58c, ' ' We are still having u li run on our 83 50 genuine, tine French Calfskin Shoes in Bals. and Gongrea. v huh are acknowledged I he nicest and best Shoe 10 -the market A full tfunianiit- uiw with every poir. DAVID M J''NV 1 I'.hi.l. it w ill be pleased to meet his old friends And L'usloitit'ri- lit War, War, War, AGAINST RACKETS! T-Qolt Out for tlio War ! HAViMi ji st i:i.itii;nki) from the nokth with A Large Stock of Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots Shoes, Hats, Caps, Notions, and c rytliing jou can nil f.ir u-uu!lv kcj t in a (ir.-t clans l)rj Qoodn Store, 1 am determined to open M ar against rackets and high prlC. 1 o prove the same I 'Uutc some f my j riii- Hats hj low a .rc: a nice Lat for 'Jv.; :ilJ for .r0c. I can give yon a fine dress Lat. And Hliuoe, 1 can ustouisli the nativth. W'by I ckn give you a Ladios' Hut ton iShoe i jr '.i7c, a nice 1hJ (iuitcr, only G5c. 1 also have a nice lino of Ladies' Low (Quarter Mioew, le. In fact I have a large and well selected lock of Hhoch, and guarantee prices to suit the times. Three nice Ilandkercbiefs fur .lc. Also a nice Linen Handkerchief for 5c. :i!so have a well selected line of Gents1 Furnishing Goods. A giod L'nlaundried Shirt from &ro. to 60c. A large and well selected hue of Is'eck Wear; Scarfs LMc. up to f0c. Look at thin! VVhy, 1 can give you A Nice All Wool Blue Flannel Suit, onty $7.00. A Good Diagonal Suit, Black or Brown, for $9.00. AUo, a good line of Carpets, Matting, Oil Cloths, Trunks and Vails ea, (Jome one I Come all ' to the lie :idiiunrterti of the War Department. and be convinced that I can Sell You Goods Cheaper The Wm. SULTAN, Bishop Building, opp. Baptist Chirrch. JA8. A. THUMAS, .SALESMAN. wholesale .... i... " ' SBW 81 BteMBiai RWBI , uaVe removed to thejb' w ' TWO STORES, SOUTH OF THEIR FORMER STAND, Anil keep of FIOOUK. lEAT8, COFFEE. HCdAla 8YRti8 MOLAatS. HALT. TOBACCO, , 8NyFF AJiP CIQACS, Ui ' CTerythtB In the GROCERY LINE, a WtH. iBTOCst. ansl ftt' low ritioei fr OAHH; a24r. ' NEWBEBN, N. C, WHOLESALE AND t- J v A w THBQEKOI FOli rt i - l n j . . n:. uwt . ' ' ?tiWii$i&''k'X LINE OP frl s&&ztik? v ES.::3 ;U:3nSvAT VIIOLESLE,v?, :f .! v III1S SJ5AS0N Cloifimg and GcnU ij aft J ' ucsas, 1 . - ever to suit the moat fastidious a the GEORGE ASH'S, Middle street, next to L. H. Cutler's. Than City. Any Other House In mar26 dwtf Qrocerbti - i. f f LIQUOR DEALER MANTTFaCTUEEE OF Ginger Ale, ; Sarsaparilla Lemon Soda,. Buffalo Head Poor ilinsaV. .i a - - a ca waaaw rr r ' 'in 4. ,'-ia.- iw t.' v..-r. H'Shi jl74Va T,4Vr 'O -.(.: BOTTLING J .i .V;---.v