'Edtthd the Corner" THE JOURNAL NEW BERNE, N. C. MAY , 1887. paud and the end become green. Little leaves will appear, veins will branch and old scales fall oft, until A WKAOMXNT Has doubled itself. It is square in Bhape, and square in its dealings wit tt Oar old friends have loeg been oonrincd of this fact, and it will take only one call from new ones to positively assure them. Bear in mind we are always able to pat before the customer anything and everything we advertise and at the prices named. L4sten to the wonderful inducements we are offering this season, and remcaber we have not the slightest fear of competition ; onr prices can not be met by any house in the city. Why T do you ask T It is a sim ple story and easily told WE PAY CASH ! SPOT CASH ! Thus saving the time prices and the cash discount, which is a very large item. Our customers get the advantage of these in onr very low ! J ultur ist reinendoud thuuEht ' " ThU form so ocwtlr In Its workmanahiL, Au Aiatn- Li in - a 9 . . a m a . put u ooomea vo tnu ana rail 10 pieces made ii.ention ol a tram ALEX. JUSTICE, DEALER IN you have a perfect miniature of the Fin, r,nnr of . Rr I gitt kingsof th-loresr - - Awm ,i STEAMERS. THIS X And 1 must die 1 tre A its workmuiihiu An .Ulalli Li.i.t-. And atrange, ahall not hot alwaya; , A w.-.ek or two atfu the Aii. . uutttr and Chtesi . from the Selected Teas. Pure Coffees NEUSE L TRENT RIVER and Spites, ue.wmmon yn-e oi perianaDie ciay. : ...i,, t(14rerlr s ,..,,, .int.. , i eai test dairies. Hearen "a balmy light, and all the amil- i.i .. .. J Li Utt ! 8teamboat Company. :? foLuwiug S Lfcdiue on and M' .si. 1" the rooms ine acener of Earth : The Grand, the Bright, the Beautiful man, their 'l a Lour -Mr. 1'uK ' Her. e.ill '.hcUi " oU j I ul II u- a; .e.u t t h.i t ante abaJl penaa from tbeae eee: uuie ear. i bum Harv inn i iiAAn nnivniviniia nr at . ... t , . . -T-r - iur vim i'cuc''U iui .1 Killing IK it !tri i tk ."I f? V . t ,:or weekly eipre-s.eiv.ee b.teen u I rift t. at.tr t hmno'kon ika uJo r ia i . ; - ' j.-. 6 JvOiidon. Lillian And these limba to active now and full 'Japan 1 ue larret iL..l best : c d -'.ocii AMVUl Kttl 11S AM) 1 Kl I AUI. r er bc.'ure !! . ..gill '. r lie! : . A a (vi.t- i r : . . e ,fc Steamer Trept i i.r fur Trenton ever fi i.ni'.nji, will lent a t. u i-iutt.:inj m ull I'ki'liama, t. of atrenrth. The 1. Hball lie as withered branches by the tickets e iaiiea tnuk on which tbe; grew Idhtt. Am. A prices. Now see lor yourselves : j The blood rM ,Urv tleavy Unbleached iiomespun, j aril wide, ,c stream trough the whole man. Good Unbieaehed Home Bgun, 4c. I Will aUad still in its ooonee. Good Gingham, 5c. I'm )d Homespun, .rc. The very best v alii oe, 5c And with i all the play of life And then the grave will do ita work , Hamate from human eyea by dissolution foal Breaking the unsightly maw And turning ail back to lla owd in.r And I must die i h ' c&n that word be true '.' That the hour is ooming when U,c v u e t) i w ... . . of Death ahall oall for me 'r ueauuiui unam Drays, hatines, lc. I have stood, when othe rs d led a sor Embroidered Satine (Suits, the latest and prettiest novelty of the rowful specutor, season, elegant and very low. Aud watched as one by one iif s unn CaAhmATM and WnAlon !)?., rin.uU ,l .11 L in.lu bling props gave war. Pwcales. Dress Gingham, and Gingham Dress Suits. (iniai were gone, and the r. fabno cinii.. .md.lap.m r.riu .!.. oil l ; n rr.,..,..i.. in. -i . i .. i i-. leu. D..c .i i.ticu ioncin, vuiy i uc. u eiegau L auoLLOu iriuge i And oh ! it was fearful theu aud bli n k bleached Damask Towel, only 35c , aud the largest and finest Damask j theeoul. Towel in the city for 120c and -C. Only to see how Death did do thin w oil out there will be a tragedy like thin. In which the action of the dying scene Kruud M liawns, very handsome pal terns and good quality, 5c. India Linens, from 8c. per jd. up. 1 Maid Nainsooks, all grades and all price.-. Striped Nainsooks, all grades and all pne.es. Colored Stripped Nainsooks, only 10c. yard. Embroidered India Linen Suits, only $2.50. t l.i "lit; . ..ij.ku UC 11. e l.nlilt . .ii.e (.outiuui 'ii- ji.t-,ic, u.::i on v io ('hllne. Miat Irolll '. :.e .-.. .IX' 1 - Jersey 1'it. I" ihe v.:, .ii w Inch w HI tie .ii ,i.t.i)f; w i, yards ol the w hail, ,,m 1 1 1, . i.M.ri V 1 1 1 be 1 r .Hi the tra.u . the 1' ic tic .-'ca:. a . ,. . els at S.ui I i .me..-. w . r. '. !.e -tranMel will 't- j u . . invein. i.l It is believed that t:..- r..:. .ui" ,'.. t he A mei ic.ui ci ii,: .,. ii , . n .,-iu.cli- ' lii a humlieil In i m i -. ,iiji tl,. wl.r.lc .,.'..'; ,r', tllp completed w.fi.., Ii . i T .lav-. '1 he -el v ice w ... I .'. ,: !. -s . ' tahll.-lie.l witii. :i i m- .i or wo, UiJ doll ! '. i. -.- . j Tl 1. lice ,-tiali'e 1 " heli.sat loll - .i- In- hear- I he CM 1. . ( hauce A-. i' A!! a'..... i.I I"! " " ' f .' r !, v - .. -1: New Heme Steamer Klnston. A Great Bargain. W1 .l a (rai Nai rilue. t .'Mi ou Tuef- M. Heturil- J .ht isl, a i, tc made to : luo K Mi,,ny. K union - hAhn' f i . ..,kv:;.e. T W . :tr: Ui I reLloL. f ' . . - -.d F:e.d. h ( a r. .- hrr llrluff. J X. j j . r Ktt-i. Waviifcjt-r. ol':aw k:iiiUiti.(1 EASTERN CAROLINA DISPATCH. i in i 1 1 i .i i VIII II I I II ?1 I I II- Mil- WM.- W - e5 'iir... "- !.: I bIhiuIiI ulHn I..- um-.I I n ilul'lren teething. U tux.d.i h ih.- . Inld. RefteiiB the truriis. alla i all mm. i un-r wind ....I... il.- ...I ... ... Olt,At-a i.url..n. i, u ffun l.ur.l I,. C.u ' . - i. . . . . , ,. , , , i . lin n 1 entv Ilv e i cntK h I" u 1. Houle .Varls, Hplashers, Tidies, 1 able i spot, marnd'tuthnat i Endless variety of Napkins and Table Damask, j Will all be mine. Stamped Linens of all kinds rtcarfs, etc., with the best wawh working .Silks in all the new colors, only To 14)11 their ympathy m lo. k and 4c. skein, and the very best l rencli Working Cotton, turkey ml, blue aud white, at 10c. per dozen, worth 2.'c. Eick Rack Braid, full 18 yd. pieces, 5c. All linen Torchon Laces, 10c. do., yards. Full line imported Torchon words of woe That break forth from the truuhl. d .le. i ' within; Hut they w ill be but bpuctttlom onl . mine will be the actor's part -Thedarkened room, the oourb of um 1 the beggard outatreU bed f.irin .i. . i. ....ii . i . .ii i and Medici Laoes, very low. Onr Oriental and Fgyptian Laces -m." cheaper than ever seen. And when the last coiivuimvo K&ii' in Iadiea' ('ape Collars, .r.c. and Hc. Child's linen Standing Collars, Sc. drawn, 1 Ladies, Cuffs, 10c. Lace Scr im, full width aud beautiful goods, only And the ebbing of life stream die in I I p.. ner vd.. wort h (.. theee veins, B j j Cambric embroiderel Edges and Insertions, embroidered Cambric 11 o : - 11 . . . .11 . v ... . ii nouuees, owiss riounces, i auionc All uvers anu inwiss All livers. And then where are the auiiiec tim Ladies' CorBet, gotd, 'J.kj. Ladies' solid colored Hose, 4c. dents' I atrifea, the sordid ambition of life h Hose, 5c. Gents' A Hose, Hritibh, no seams, !c. pair, dents' h io ask the aoughing winda, the nobbing Ilose, iniorted Uritish, L'Oc. " rln- atarleea night : Pants Linens and Cassiraeres ol all kinds. A good 1'autn .leaiiN, !lvic. i wi,0v IT Iv wu . en ni... "nl"'""" l',1,c '' ' U liptlior nMMI nm Piln.1 or li.nl appropriate or the opposite, W. P. BURRUS & CO., GRAIN & COTTON COMMISSION MERCHANTS, v i:v ni.icN i:, s me. Attention ! Il will be said that Death has come on H filial-If PPHPf I 11 1. SKI. I. Ol Better Goods Money Than Any II. i i i;nti i im:. Parl:r Ct:, Chamccr Set: Walnut Bodsteads. I ! 1 1 1 e a ii , V a i . I r 1 1. at t rrxx.-n, ( Ii a 1 1 - I 1 1 II II I , S, 1 1 .1 , .it! i i' I ..Ii 1 1 - I 1 . , I i; x k no i i tM i'i;ii i v JOHN SUTER. M'KTIi i '.Kill IV. MARBLE WORKS, IIIIIM. N.I. i ii . i i ii ; - ., .i.i ..I i.ii t. , 1 1 i i b . .1. y , lit Liue III I ..ulllll I1mIiIiii.iic.J k. II. 1.1. Ill, I i. I- 1 1 , i., i I, in, I M-I'U i.i. ,1 ' ' 1 .i I . . I . I . . W ' !i II.,. K ' !.'. : . t u H " i tv IC. K . nn, I i l H F flllll Mi H 1 1 .1 . ;m ! fi '1 I lm!ri:i . I I'-ni I A Hat at .r0c Gents' nice linen Cuffs, only 16 2-3c. per pair. dents' Collars in all the very best and latest styles, and very low. Gents' gaa.e Shirts and Drawers ol all grades. Ladies' ganze and ltalbrigan ests from 40c. to 50c, very line goods. Be sure to call for our Ladies Worked -Button-hole Shoe, only 90c. per pair. And remember we have a complete line of Ladies, Misses and Children's Shoes of the very best grades. Yc aro at least U5 to 50 per cent, lower on Gents' Hhoes than any house in town. Be sure and look for ns. Oar stand is the same old place, one door from Pollock on Middle street, and though the stare has been very moon enlarged and altered in appearance, It can be easily fonnd. T. JF. IVJE, NEW BERNE, N. C. N. 11. The finest. and very best Gents' Shirt ever sold in North Caro lina can be (bond with us, at only 75c. Remember it is made of New York Mills Muslin, 21 hundred. Linen ltosom, Collar Hand and Caffs, and hand made button holet. We guarantee them to be as good if not better than any shirt ever sold in New Berne forfl.OO. If not so we will refund the money to any customer who is not satisfied. Ask for Iv0' ladrSliirt. J. F..IYES. lift Ti r . a Awtnuil miiirAl M. m awawBSM MMMH. MrMu4 (will ilt iTtoui uM.Hnlll Tiin wmam n mm irimnakiMKiMlH '- , ., i n f ,,m i ...ill, mmi .hi i I nuxi w. mr m win E2itT f 5 JT 4 VtST ii?rp it. I" aoss .tataatMt.R.Louia. ara. wTwaaJ a-aaaona m be riu Trial x our Appnano. Asa for Temtal la Mr T. f oii4m1 t. till wIM n Amimy "TV. 1 1 r i a a ni mmi n SllHifll1Mtl H Illt.UMMliU TKATMrjfT. 0 Matt, W. Tea lavtt Ibw, a HARRIS REMEDY CO., Urt Caown, '11 M' in the I .t 1' n ; -;,;.-'.,' REAL ESTATE AGENCY or W. B. B6yd. Mac in eorrespoDdene wiih icTaral fmi- i tiea NortS lAo deelr to make lnveatmenu JVM, ete, la Utia Ttelnlty, penona bay- m or wwa ma jor wmv3 wuuiu uu 1. Wl I ,11. u. w m unwipiivT, ' I - .. He cqkT anaae uja Mia I doi errwteo y . W. D BOYD, V V ' BeU rroat Street. . ' " H mn aaat of GaataB Bona. ti r . rvriri f fe ttTiffi CO . bnU U EWVUIlltnUa. W I HUbbw aava epafcel attha Oaaiea Hooaa 8taUaa pntineaMT anani Horace no. wnwiw a.iesebajicW t- -fvnooa and bacratrewlll be eoarerad to f pte im Ute aarreaadlBC eoantrr at -t oe able ret . ' UAii.lAll..hlfelAHM.n I am. Tin uwn mrm WW fmmn rm,. ii,rSI dir V NowT5crne, N, f- Wt-,,-ft 1 GEORGE ALLEN & GO. DIAUCBS IN General Hardware Agricultural Implements. Plows, Harrows, Cultivators, lloes and Axes, Wood's Mowers and Reapers, Steam Enjrines, Cotton Qins and Presses, Fertilizers. LaodPUster, ILain.it Mechanics Tools and Bardwarev Lime, Brick, Cement. Pfasfer Hair, Paint, Kalsomine, Tar nish, Oil, Glass; Putty aatd Hair. Free wars, BetYlirerators, Ofl Cook Stores. nreka' Burglar Proof Bash Locks, warranted to fflve security and: s4tlsfaction; PRICES VERY LOW. , GEO. ALIEN CO, ' ATL1ST1C 4 I01TI CiiCLLU'I. L CO. FB1QQHT DKPAjmiKNT. . , HOTICE To tShfc;:rs cf Trc:Su 0!f Ain AFTXR MOHDAT, MAT and aotU fnnber DOtloa, iralght train ui be run daily ewpt aatDiMay and Besday) m the enr?!lnne of hlrnm. 5 I Frwru f P.M., ajrrl' i 8.1 , r . , v . , Atuni f C"k1 .Una i axt l.un It&ib iur aU poiDieFona. . . '... tfeUICKTlME! VFT:Mti JCiMV frtr tfrnri!'fni f 't tn tn'nof would seem that when tbev once become at all current or familiar, there is no such thing as shaking them oil'. We suppose that the name "Canada Thistle" will be used to the end of time, in this country, although it is well kuown that this species of Vimuim is not indigenous to Canada, but to En rope, where it has been known for centuries nnder the common name of "Cursed Thistle," which is really an appropriate name. Jerusalem Artichoke is another inappropriate and misleading name given to a North American plant introduced into hnglish gardens about three hundred yeaas ago from Canada, and under the name of Canada Potato. This species of llelianthw is neither an artichoke nor native of Jerusalem; still these misleading names will prob ably cling to it lor centries to come. The misnamed Irish Potato is another valuable native plant, which may now be fouud growing wild on thousand i of acres in New Mexico and Arizona, and although Introduced into Great Kritian under the name of "Virginia Potato." The more modern one of Irish Po tato, given to it in derision, appears to have become the most popular. We have a common American bird generally called a Robin, but it does not belong to the samo genns as the true Robin of Europe. But this is not half so bad as to be obliged to honor the Turks by call ing a noble member of the feather ed tribe "a Turkey." It is true we have some consolation in know ing that the filthiest member is caned a Turkey Buzzard. There are persons who have a hankering after common or popular names ol things, and affect to dislike the true or scientific 'names, which are alwayi the same among all civilized natioas. A Fair? Oak TREi.yTo pro uoe one; Of these dainty little plants, tats jSn acoro and tie a string remnant' so the" biat end, where .the- cap was. is upward. Suspend It to a twttje or iyaointh glass," contahing a Bfnall quaatrny of wateV, bube carenl that the acorn does not reach within an Itfoh ol the' water. Wrap the bottle in flannel and put it is a warm, dark place.1. In a mouth, 'or .' less, the aoorn -will swell, burst its coat - and throw' out. , g tinj1. "white point, This is the root, and w hen half a inch long the water may be allow ed to rise higher, bat mast not touch it untll the neck of the root begins to turn "up war 3. As . soon as this stent commences ttf shooVthe baby oak will require small doeee of light erery day. and the root can now ex tend into the water. In . week or tilt win be r ; ad j ,to be moved to a window, where you eaa watch the GeTelopmeat.- At Urge, tbe tiny trunk that Is t be will i? "ruble a w ' "r:h Tread,' corf r: Tilh small ' T'th r - i W;'l (T- I iivo mi' it trial money relumled. Very reeicllul ly , E. B. HACKBURN. DETRICK'S SALOON, Oppunite the Custom lluiif-r n Mt.l Mr Hlrt . where jmi mm! fmi The Very Best and I'ure: t . BEER, -VINES, And Liquors cf All KincL; cic.aks ai ror. i . All ('heap for i anli. l ull an ! -it iik anil I w ill iron! you nlit j( 'UN in:i Kh K April yil, 1?. llf llv.ahr1n(tilrit . hnalih. 1 Ii l.ri 1.1 inr i. i - . thntiiK". Prorn cnw u ot ben 1 1 1 (It cn the Tile., II i . i . IK.r. Lni aiiM.tlto It n i toria. VUr raiullli'l I r ...1 1 tin IkhiI Keep TlHHANTS' SKI.TKU n, .nr . i 1 i i '.I i. : 1 -I MSawMlba AW " T 't aW, yi Monuments Tombs- Arn!a.Jk;iMli(ifavrbiiil H;,: ,.1 ; j, k wnii.n ITALIANi AMERICAN MARBLE i 'i 1 1 i - 1 1 . r ei im ! pri mi 1 ftl Iri.l ui K lif :i' I li M KM;hriil;trl-ii JOE li. WILl.lH, 'r i. pi u toi i- i.i, . I- - t . A ' . , . t .. i . i ; ..ii .' . ' y '.I ;it ;. n . I . - i N . I- 1 . I . . v. . 1 : . . . : :!o:;'N Atim company Ki:-ori:.KD. 1 1 ' I 1 I II I " ) It 111 1. I i l XI I ''"i - I .1 r. ...1 l t oillr mv I ... ii I , . i n I lr inn I r it III i 1 1 r n 1 1 it i ' I alli.1 TKl-U Kl'K LV L1NL ! II i li ii i , . .. i'i.ii. ' ' ' i 1 ' 1 1 .i . Il.i.i,, ,. I', ,, , 1.1, ,., , ! ; 1 : ' ' ' i , I aj-I mi I i iMt. ri. -.' . . . . 1 N ' I I I . . 1. ' ( . v '''''' I ' I .... . ml I V: n i . i I . i r i .' li . H ' 1 hK''l : l ila- N0TKK HI h i in..: 1 i.i K .Inn I , . I.U-H 111.' I h - I' I I'lilllt , - li... .i i a', r 1 1 ii a. ' . .r ih. iihmi . ,l,i I. ii i , i . i.: :,!.. I WANTED Kr-pi''v:" s,;,!:," nlnlinl. Ualutir out.. Aililrrm ( I1AKI.1-T'INTK1. l'i. i luu, is:, i l-l.l- A . piuii . U r i II n It- )Ht IWllM .' liH Ii. mIh I - t f I . B M W00LLEY n I 4 l la nl h. ' -t!ni 6i w Uteuuii suttt Ft! 4 WEAK. UNDEVELOPED PARTS rfthbod7nlarifdan1 ntrwn4rt.bnd. FBllpftrticw- -U i ant wiaaHwl Trow B.fAi r. M r n .. ni f raiAi.n a. , . FOR BARGAINS IN Furniture, CALL AT THK New Berne Furniture Store, WEST SIDK M1DDLK STKKKT," Where it can be found in great variety. FORECLOSURE SALE X I i , . nil .,1 1 , i ii. ; sm.. , ii il'. I , iff U i , , in, I f.. i. , A I ...1. l II.. . I s. ! in. ..: Moiiij.iv, tin' vi I i .1 ',:h il.i .1 .in. f . : i u reriji in 1 r t ! in: - n lUlJi li- fi T ID t v I n i ; ,fc 1 ,K - Furniture not in -lock will be ordered ,':,p .'i,,',1,,.1;.': at a email per cent abova cost wre ami J ,,,- , n t . . . I Rivpr . f,n i. .i i , f : A liberal ehare 01 puDiir patronage i pr,,ni: si, i.i,,i.. ri.n -i solicited. Hie a. '.' hh i. ; i ...( , . ,! J. M. HINKS, S.I .pt'on f.lwl.lPh rlii-,p tl itil. V, ui m.Tpm-nt pnifrM m i.i '.piu.. n r.n i, Manager. im undi'.w. Mn imn, r(., ,,r i. i n , . , mar 14 dwlf c.nnty. Book M, I... .v.. .'I. . I T. I . rfi anil iT. i f- r n ir (if h , f t 'ii.Ji K W i A KI'K.NTHK ri.rk unil Tommies i The V ('. Freight Fim- 1 OH Ml W YOIli., Bl'SiON, I KCi VIKENUK, a:. . i :.: ."S ) 1' I I I Jl II 1 W l-Ht k ' s I 1 1 1 N . y I'll I ! 7. SOUTH U 1 I K, ' lorli and Jin.lini.ii rr,i7ij0r,ifion C,i. ' !, , : ,1 T TT ' V Li' I 1, ' I 1 " Tl. ol I . i .i .r: f v.w fc. ma kinj( I I. Oi l, l 'n -t-l ThrW lllri skmi -wkvk: v -: y a m ers Be'.Tes: Net tim Biltiiori James B. Allen & Co.. Wboleaalo PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHTS PITTSBTJBOH. PA. Reference Anchor Savings Pank, Pituburgh, Pa. Mr. Jonathan Harena of New Berne, N. C..wUl famish all who are deeiroas of sending ni their prod ace, with eten eili and poetal ear da. my8 dim r, a. nun, o.a pot. anrwoaa mawlt Green; Fpy & Co.. CcininrdciHsrcUnts, iotH nan Stkjext, -C-j & s itmi' I,l r. "S.ut Fi. -I . f r HMtlmor. Tl'ERDAY r KII'AV1- .i . i rr, I. put Bllttroor fo h-t. J.l'N K.-I'ATs dr.d SATL'RDA.'V $ r . i. MM.- 1CMIK.II.B I jr!H.T, K I.ijhi St., Bait.at- ' AS W Mc'RRICK, A I. Norfolk, V. u p w .i . a i , - Dh,i...i-.i. i. a . TorkaBalto Tmn- f.lnc.Plar JTanartvar Partoant to th Juiljmprt :n 11 r alr,v s.. Hmion, m Caatral waarf., r 1 med action. reDdrrwl t lii: Tm. I' , I H hnckt.l ProTid'nr R. I. . -. P O. Mrnk. Fall Mrr. Derrick wharf. B I 1 ill. I SALE OF LAND Slaieof North Carniina. j OaTpn Coxir,i y i Plmmoni A Manly inirnn 1 Nntir K.lnt laaa'' Fornmi, ft a In namd )W, of the paM (Ynrt . I wil at I'nblto Anction. at Hie Coon Houae in aio 'x.aDiy On MoDday, the 30tb daj of May, A.D. 1887, M TWELVE o'clock. Midday, the following landa aMaatcd In eatd Craren Ooanty, on the lTD Um AUHtK and Nortk Carolina Rail road and on Brtoef Creak, eontalnlng ebont las aoraa, tnt the aanie Mpmhawl by fkhl lanae Poraea worn M, Uaf kaown m the -Manly Baatattom. . . Tt) W BAb da of AprU. 1887. '",rcto .- ir. ustr, BTtymrmrt, ; ..- dWT "-' ". -r - ' OomUaalflaj, i '- -. !ii . " . r jr .i bp.la nt, TaeedayautA Satardaya " " Nw Tork daily. " Baltljiora. Waiaaadaya t Satwy " Tall Kiar, MgaAaya yradMadxya 1 ProTtdaaM, SataaMayW' S ,1 hn(h MU ladlnc gin. Ml rata faTa toallatdata.attta fiftrnt elm of paataa. ' " '. ;' - iuid Ilip i&.'t:! IV r ' - , ; N Ca ajlTtiC. i ,:IW iyS tt S'KX